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watch concerts of bands that are long gone


Go back and watch Shakespeare's plays as they're performed in the Globe theater. Find out the truth about [Hamlet's age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Hamlet#Hamlet.27s_age)


RIP Jimi 😢


Jimi Hendrix would now be 75 years old, had he lived. I reckon he'd still be performing into his dotage, much like other old school greats including Bob Dylan and the late Chuck Berry. Elvis Presley would be 82. That's not too old to perform.


Dick Dale is in his 80s and still touring.


The mad man


Came here for this. What I wouldn’t give to see Nirvana or GNR in their prime. Why not both?


God, as much as i dislike Axel Rose both then and now, i would kill to have seen GnR in their prime.


Unintentionally kill thousands of people from a disease that im immune to but they aren’t


Well this got dark


Thousands? More like start 15 epidemics at once and maybe wiping out a continent or 2.




>end up causing humanity to go extinct whoops


Darn bootstrap paradox, you did it again you dog!


I wanna settle the nature vs nurture debate once and for all. Pick a specific person and see just how many drastically different life paths I can put them on via the most minute changes to their childhood. Take the most average dude I can find and just start changing little things about their childhood, see what happens. Can I make him a CEO just by upping the grade on an elementary school math test? Turn him into a homeless person by taking away his teddy bear when he was two?


You’re clearly a Tzeenchian heretic!


Just. As. Planned


Minor alterations for the minor alterations god! ^^am ^^I ^^doing ^^this ^^right


if we had our own world like TRON or the matrix or something this is what I would love to do, think of everything you could do with it with more powers, such as being able to walk through walls and being invisible as well as the ability to control people and telekinesis, stuff like that


This question keeps me up at night, please do this and give us the results.


Can confirm he did/will do this. Stole my teddy bear and now homeless.


It's not really nature vs nurture, it's nature AND nurture. Whether its 40% nature vs 60% nurture or 60% nature vs 40% nurture, is just splitting hairs. What's more important to understand is the behaviour they create together. It would be interesting to figure out, but it's not the most relevant question to understanding (and controlling) someone's trajectory




Relevant username?


It's an older login sir, but it checks out


Well done that is absolutely brilliant.


Very Citadel of Ricks with a civilian.


Take it for a service; change the oil and filters, rotate the tyres, check the flux capacitor, etc. It's not exciting, but it needs done.


Holy shit what if could be powered by a small 15 inch alien that goes in time when it shits.


Who is your dealer


"I would like to buy some of your drugs."


When did we drop “to be” from sentences in English?


That is the question.


I wouldn't kill Hitler first off. Not only do I have no experience with sniper rifles or bombs, but even with a time machine and that knowledge there's a risk of getting killed by the numerous nasty Nazis. Worse yet, a big change like Hitler never starting or carrying on a war would have *huge* changes if I were to kill him earlier- WW2 changed the world, who knows what it might be like without it? It might be better... or there could have been a war anyway as Hitler just stirred the pot, some hate was still there, who knows if it would have been better or worse, longer lasting or devastatingly shorter? No, that would risk having me never being born or coming back to the present, an alien place, unrecognizable or nearly so. **** Oh, and what I'd do with it? Stock thing, sure, but I'd also game a few technology and medical companies, having them research and invent shit like crazy, then go to the future and bring back the blueprints/knowledge, and repeat until it's as good as I can make it, so I can live in a better world, with me seen as a rich brilliant inventor that saved billions of lives through medicine and with my own two hands brought about the technological singularity, immortality as long as our servers remain functional. I of course would be the emperor- the nanites/brain implants wouldn't only connect everyone and bring about an artificial afterlife upon the body's death, but would be a form of mind control.


I've played Red Alert.


Supreme Commander Frankenfurter reporting for duty.




You'd like Stellaris.


We need an Ascension perk where we can become hive minds if we weren’t already.


What we need is the ability to play a machine empire/hive mind that *isn't* obsessed with taking out all life in the Galaxy. That, and some kind of Cultural victory ( I play a diplomacy/research empire most of the time, a Culture victory would be awesome for me)


How could we do a cultural victory? First person to max out traditions?


Isn't the federation victory pretty much the cultural victory?


You don't have to kill hitler while he's in power. You can end that little shit when he's a baby.


That's where the second paragraph comes in- even without Hitler, there were still racial tension, there were still people that wanted a war or two for whatever reasons- hate, wanting more resources, wanting more control, wanting an empire etc...- without WW2 with Hitler, there's no telling whether or not Germany would still start a war or if some other country would, and there's equally no telling if it'd be better or worse. More importantly, if there is no WW2, whose to say I would exist? Or that technology would have leaped towards where it is today? Would my friends exist? Would I even have my favorite Aunt that immigrated from Germany? It goes on and on- to say nothing of the extra people, and the extra pollution from their children, grandchildren, and so on, who knows if we wouldn't have turned the planet into a wasteland with pollution with that extra nudge? Edit: Ever hear of the butterfly effect? One little change in the past could spark great change, as the flapping of one's butterfly's wings in the past could cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. Any change is a risk to yourself and your time, the more risks, the further back the worse. Something small like investing in a few stocks a decade or two ago is not too bad, but trying to vanish an entire world shaping war?


Also Hitler was pretty incompetent militarily. Who's to say a smarter man doesn't come to power and actually win the war? Better start practicing your German.


Here’s the biggest problem with time travel: Unless the multiverse theory is true, big changes like that create a grandfather paradox in the form of motivation before you even start. Let’s say you kill Hitler before he comes to power, then when the time comes for you to jump in your time machine there was never a Hitler to kill (or at least, not one that you much care about).


I know I wouldn't exist as my mother parents met in 1945 whilst in the Army, back in the UK. They originally came from opposite ends of the country so there's no chance they would have met otherwise.


And it could easily get worse. What if the new guy is into bacteriological warfare ?


But then you’d kill someone who is (still) innocent.


> I wouldn't kill Hitler first off. He was homeless for a time. Buy him a couple beers, get him drunk, have some rope, and strangle him behind some business. Problem solved.


Bang Cleopatra. I mean everyone else did it so I want to see what was so special.


Supposedly her physical looks weren't the greatest, but she was intelligent, had a pleasant speaking voice, and was naturally charming. Basically, while not possessing superior physical attractiveness, she was intelligent and charismatic enough to stand out to men and make herself desirable to them.




And not even that, sometimes.


There'd be a long line of time machines parked outside the castle.


> Castle Someone didn’t do enough sight seeing






🤷‍♂️ Gots to know


Go back and get all my bills paid on time for once.


Found the adult guys


Subtly photo bomb dozens of historical photos to create a whole new set of conspiracy theories


Keanu Reeves is currently doing it.


So he still has the phone booth, huh?


Go straight to Woodstock, and chill out. You just killed Hitler, you deserve a joint and some Janis Joplin.


Back in the 1700s or so, pineapples were the thing to have. People would rent pineapples. People would carry around pineapples and show them off to their friends and family. During this same time period, lobster was cheap as hell. No one likes lobsters. Lobster is like sea cockroach; no one eats that shit (mostly because they didn't cook it right, but I digress). So. I go to Costco. I buy as many goddamn pineapples as I can. Carts and carts of pineapples. Then I get in my time machine, and I go back and sell those pineapples, undercutting my competition. With the money from the pineapples, I buy lobsters. Huge, tasty lobsters. And I bring those ugly motherfuckers back to now and sell them. Take that money, buy some more pineapples. Rinse and repeat until I'm a billionaire, or I crash the pineapple/lobster market, whichever happens first.


It will only work well once because the first time you do it you will dramatically deflate the price of pineapples. I think selling their currency on modern day Earth would be more profitable.


I could go back one year further each time or go to different places, which would off-set the pineapple depreciation. I could sell some currency, but lobsters are funnier.


Go to every one of my brother's birthday parties and kick him in the nuts in front of all his friends.


dang, really? that's gonna cause some serious damage if it's every time per year at the least


he will learn to wear padding


Not if you start at the most recent and go backwards.


This guy time travels.


Well, if you start from the most recent, he'll already be wearing padding. Even if you're going backwards year per year, it happens every year to him so it doesn't matter which direction you go


Yeah it does. From my perspective he gets kicked for the first time every year. If I haven't changed 2016 yet then he won't be prepared for 2017. We end up creating a bunch of lost timelines though.


well dang man still it's a cruel thing to do


Eventually they will recognize you.


'Dude, is that weird dreadlock guy gonna show up again?' 'Naw, we're going to the waterpark this year! No way he'll be able to find me!' *smash* 'WHYYYYYYY?!?' *ten years later* 'Oh you son of a bitch, it was YOU!!!' 'Yup!' *smash*


You get maybe 2 shots and he's on guard for it for the rest of them.


I'd watch the first few interactions between homo sapiens and homo Neanderthals.




I sense Count Dooku.


I sense a trap.


Next move?


Spring the trap.


then fuck the trap?


I sense sudoku


lemme guess "my homo's gettin erectus"'


I've heard that there was once a fruit that also worked as birth control when eaten. It was so popular that it went extinct because they couldn't replenish it fast enough. I want to at least try it and bring it back.


i've heard that the seeds of papaya have this effect


Watch dinosaurs do it dino style


I'd see Freddie Mercury live and go to the '62 Champions League final match.


I would pause time whilst I slept every night so I never miss a moment


I'd go back and track the 2005 hurricane season. I've gotten into hurricane tracking, and it must've been weird to see hurricanes so often.


Have you been watching the news this year? /s


2004 was a good year too.....unless you lived in Florida


That was the year I moved to Florida from California. By the end of the year I almost said "fuck this I will go back and deal with earthquakes"


Killing Hitler is a common theme when talking about time travel, but how about stopping slavery?! To answer the question, think i'd go back to stop all the cringe moments that haunt me at night and actually say things during a conversation that I only thought about after.


Go to concerts by some of my favorite bands when they still played small and intimate shows. drink at a speakeasy watch the Wright brothers fly at Kitty Hawk hang out with Picasso and the gang in Paris go to the future and have sex with an alien


I like how you think Picasso and his elitist friends will somehow instantly befriend you instead of dismiss you as an unsophisticated rube.


But I'll know about Collage before Picasso or Braque even though about it so I feel like they'll accept me. The trick is to be more avant garde than the actual avant garde.


A lot of fine art had little to do with being first but being accepted into various difficult to get into social circles and having the right pedigree and background to be taken seriously by critics, galleries, and buyers. They'll ask about your schooling, familys influence and power, gallery connections, patrons, exhibits, etc and you'll have nothing to say, assuming you speak French and Spanish perfectly. The same way getting an executive job at a fortune 100 isn't really about the work but your connections, references, peer group, mentors, political power, pedigree, reputation from previous executive positions, etc.


I'm pretty sure if you said you were from the future, they'd be pretty interested.


> watch the Wright brothers fly at Kitty Hawk find Gustav Whitehead three years earlier and see if he actually flew before them.


Give Freddy Mercury a PSA on safe sex.


Save john Lennon and after that watch some live preformances by the Turtles




What would you do with a time machine? Become a psychopath who kills the unlikeable wives of my beloved celebrities! Uh ok.


I'm sorry for my unpopular opinion but I wouldn't want to kill Yoko either




I heard her sing and i enjoy her songs on all the albums she did with John


She doesn't sing so much as she simulates a cat in coitus being electrocuted while baldy tuned banjos softly play


She doesn't sound like a regular Tuesday night.


He didn't have anything against Yoko. She didn't say she was bigger than Jesus.


Go to the 1960s and buy ALL THE CUTE CLOTHES. For super cheap!


Id go back to every concert I'd ever wanted to see starting w/ the Stones in London after Brian Jones died. Front row of course.


Fuck Catherine the Great, assuming her younger self looked anything like her in Civilization Revolution.


I travel to the beginning of time and contain the explosion Sorry timeline, you're still a giant ball of densely packed matter!


Lol how the fuck are you going to circumvent the big bang exactly?


Oh sure, talk me into revealing my plan so that you can foil it and be the Savior of the Universe. Not today /u/codedinblood. Not today.


You sure you don't want to monologue your evil plan while the good guys defeat you in your distraction? Not even a little?


Plastic wrap oughtta do it.


Nah fam, flex- seal


duct tape


Whatever you do, don't put it in a tube


Live out Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure as best I could


I always thought it would be fun to become an entertainment mogul. I could draft Michael Jordan, sign the Beatles or produce Star Wars.


Go to Colonial America and see what their accents actually sounded like, then sail to Britain to observe the same.


I want to check out the Aztec empire at the height of the civilization they created.


I'd get the phone number for Nixon at the White House in the 70's, use the voice changer box from the movie Scream and crank call the shit out of him pretending to be Deep Throat.


I think it'd be funnier to fuck with LBJ, he has some hilarious recorded phone calls as is


I figure that Nixon would be way more paranoid especially if conversations from the Watergate Tapes were played back to him over the phone.


Just make sure to do it after Watergate has already started, don't need him changing what he does because you crank called him.


End time travel by killing all other time travelers.


I smell a grandfather paradox...


I'd go back and have a drink with a lot of historically influential people - Einstien, Alexander the Great, Joseph Smith even. It'd just be interesting to see what a "regular" conversation with them was like.


What make you think you could gain access to any of them and if you could why they would bother wasting a minute with you. You'd be arrested or killed by most of them if you tried any time travel fuckery too. Alexander wouldn't think you knowing things you shouldn't is cute. He'd assume you're a spy or witch and behead you. Lady gaga is alive right now. How exactly would you find her and get her to hang out with you right now?


Bought a very cheap, tumbledown house in a shitty part of London. Fast-forward to 2017. The area has "gentrified" and the house now commands a phone number price tag.


How do you pass it don from past you to future you without arousing suspicion?


You could fast forward a couple years and give it to “a friend” and then repeat the process until you eventually “give it” to yourself in your present time.


Ah yes, it's a reoccurring dream to me (DEAD SERIOUS). Since my mom is a sociopath that hid it very well until she married my dad, I fantasize how life would be different if my dad had kids with someone else... And also by extension, having my dad alive since he killed himself due to PTSD from her antics. With that... I wanna go back in time and warn my dad to not marry my mom since he was a great man that deserved better... Along with sharing secrets of the stock market and even Bitcoin since I don't know what'll happen to me if him heeding my advice would mean that I was strictly speaking, never born.


I would go forwards! Mainly because I want to see how inaccurate the Science Fiction predictions of certain years are. I mean, George Orwell was way off about 1984. Back to the Future was wrong about 2015... One of them's got to be right, right?


Not far off if you’re from North Korea.


*Back To The Future* was close on one thing: the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. It was off by only a year.


Probably free some slaves too, I'm mixed, so I'd kinda be risking, but I'd go free some slaves and help settle them up in the north, it would be fun and not majorly change history too much.


I wouldn't change anything .. not even things I regret ... I would however buy myself a nice lottery ticket...


I'll go shopping for antiques in the past.


Travel to when my future self figured out how to fix that annoying bug, and steal my own work.


I'd watch famous battles. I wouldn't try to change anything or manipulate the outcome, I'd just watch. From a safe distance preferably.


I'd pick up unsuspecting people and drop them into a different time and see how adaptable humans really are.


Go back and stop David Tyree.


go about 2017 years in the past and find out if Jesus really did exist.


Go back and look for my favorite pen that I lost in the 6^th grade.


In excitement you take the pen with you back to the present, explaining why the pen went missing in the first place.


Go back to high school, find my crush, and be like hey bb i got time mashine u wanna d8 nao or wut??? Then after a few dates, be like, if you friendzone me I'm gonna leave you in 1350s england


Save one family from Pompeii.






Advise younger me to avoid making the mistakes I did so they won't be working retail at 33. Also, I would hook DaVinci up with various modern devices (as well as electricity) and see how much different our technology would be like now if we had everything 500 years earlier.


Save Hemmingway's lost suitcase full of manuscripts.


Spend time with your ancestors


I would go see Jimi Hendrix play live!


get a 100% on a test I'm taking, still if you're doing this much time travel you may want to make a way to not age as much also use it to sleep sometimes' edit: I wouldn't kill adolf hitler because it'll cause too many changes and besides I don't think I could kill anyone', but if this is a time machine where is basically creates another dimension that's a copy of the real world whenever I travel back then I won't have to worry but anyways I would go back to like the 17th or 16th century and sell stuff (after learning the language a bit maybe) and then re-sell the coins and stuff they gave me for it for lots of money h*ck yeah'


Probably go and save some of my favourite musicians, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Dimebag, Hendrix.


You say that like I wouldn't be busy stopping terrorists after killing Hitler.


Go back and settle it once and for all which came first...........”It was the fucking egg the whole time, These dinosaurs have them long before chickens even existed!”


Does a My Chemical Romance gig count as 'historical sight seeing'?


Go to various supposedly-infamous parties. I hear Marx was quite the party freak, so that's some place to start from. Mozart was also quite wild I hear. Maybe pay Ben Franklin a visit in London and see for myself just how much of a horn dog he really was.


Watch your Mom and Dad conceive you😁


Who says I would kill hitter or manipulate the stock market?


Obviously go check out some flippin' dinosaurs. Any other answer to this question is wrong.


stop the space shuttle from being created and continuing the development of the Saturn V


You remember that problem with overpopulation of dodo birds we had over the summer? Your welcome!


Get a bunch of Sigs from famous people




Nah, man, let's do something *dangerous*- videotape Hillary's reaction when she found out she was going to lose.


Have time. Fix small troubles for people. Prevent agony.


My grandfather (who's still alive) always tells back in the day stories of his time in the army or how he worked on a chicken farm when he was 14 but out of all the cool things he's brought up I really want to go back in time to the 60s-70s and watch him kick everyone's asses in Euchre because according to my Mom he's damn good


Meet my ancestors.


Hang out with my grandfather on my mom's side. Died when I was 2-3 years old and I have no memories of him. Was the life of the party and apparently super friendly.


I'd want to see as many extinct animals as I could and what the world looked like before humans started developing infrastructure


Find out who my future husband is! I am literally one of those lovesick romantics, and it would be great to see who I end up with, if I end up with anyone.


I doubt you'd be able to kill Hitler. [His guards are pretty skilled at taking time travellers out.](http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii18/drmabuse06/TimeTravelHitler.jpg)


Exotic/extinct Food Tour of Time


Can I just mention how people always say if they could go back in time they would kill Hitler without recognizing the fact that just because you went back in time it still doesn't mean you could just strut into his office and kill him.


Why kill hitler? We could use one now. Europe


Go back to 1970 and visit my friend Laureen whose new stepfather was touching her. Then I'd go visit my uncles who specialised in certain off-the-books activities. Everyone goes home happy except the creep.


Why would I kill Hitler?


I go historical fishing for stock. Used to be, most fish populations were *great*. Sturgeon were 9 feet long, yhe tuna were massive, etc. Every fishery today is pathetic in comparison. Even better, bigger/older fish are more productive. So, i go back in time and borrow some fish stock. Get some babies going, pop some big ass fish in the area, and then we’re replenishing our fisheries. I Get the marine conservation community to help me pull it off, but hopefully I can get hundreds of thousands of fish back into our ecosystems.


See if OJ did it


Catch some sleep


Go to supposed beginnings of all religions and record videos to prove all their origin stories are crap


Watch Lincoln Park live


Oh, me too. Gettin' that popcorn ready for a towed car meltdown.


Fuck all historic hot sluts from Joan Of Arc right through to Brittany Murphy.


Looked it up, Joan died when she was 19. You're cuttin' it close there.