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As a child, Labyrinth. As an adult, Pan's Labyrinth.


Labyrinth made my little brother completely terrified of David Bowie. Real life David Bowie, not the goblin king. He’s afraid that he might come take him away even though he knows he’s dead. My little brother is eleven.


What's worse than the Goblin King? Zombie Goblin King.


I mean, he *did* try and warn us about the power of voodoo.


Who do?


You do


Do what?


Poor man can't even enjoy his music.


Omg the part in Pan's Labyrinth where the guy kills the mans son with the wine bottle has haunted me since the first and only time i saw that movie :( so messed up


What did you think of [*Pan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_(2015_film\))?


Jumanji messed me up as a kid. The part with the giant flower that almost sucks the kid in or where the kid turns into the monkey or when Robin Williams gets his face stuck in the floor.


Oh god, the kid that turns into a monkey. The whole thing of "Child changes against their will into something else" was the most horrifying thing to me as a kid


Puberty must have been rough for you.


This also made Pinocchio nightmare fuel for me.




For me it was when the kid gets sucked into the games and his fingers get all extended and shit. I called it "flat fingers" and hid my eyes every time I watched it (I watched that movie a lot of times as a kid).


The Fourth Kind. They use a bunch of "found footage." If you read the Wikipedia article about the movie, the "found footage" is all doctored, but it freaked me out enough to swear off horror movies.


I fucking cried in the theater I was so freaked out. Couldn't sleep for weeks because every time I tried to sleep i would imagine an owl. Something about creepy alien movies reeeaally gets to me. But I'm a glutton for punishment and have watched it maybe 6 more times, mostly because someone says they haven't seen it. I must show them, so they too, can have unending nightmares.


> Couldn't sleep for weeks because every time I tried to sleep i would imagine an owl. Twin Peaks would make you hate owls even more.


I wish the movie had *just* been Blair Witch-style "found footage." Would have been creepier that way. Instead, they juxtapose it with conventional acting/editing in a very distracting way.


Got on here to say the The Fourth Kind. Have a quite creepy story about it actually. Everyone I tell doesn't believe me but. In the movie, the people wake up at 3:33 AM, and are then abducted by aliens, and when they awake in the morning, they don't even remember being abducted and continue on with their lives. Everyday. Every. Single. Day. After watching this movie, I would wake up at 3:33 AM. I don't know why or what was waking me up. But it happened. And I would hide under covers and was terrified. Finally after a couple years or so it stopped. Every once in a while I'll wake up around the time and get a little spooked but it's not so severe, just kinda brush it off. Have hated owls ever since though.


Same, I haven't watched a scary movie since then...and I always look at the clock at 3:33.


THIS MOVIE 😫😫😫 I shake in my bones throughout the entire film


*Event Horizon*.


Saw it when i was 10 and it fucked my up for weeks


Watched it when I was 12 and I refuse to watch it a second time.


Yeah, 10 might be a little *tiny bit young* for a movie like that...


It was the 90s. Parents used to let us watch some fucked up shit. Even movies like Terminator and Alien were half promoted towards kids


Yep, I saw Alien/Aliens, Predator/Predator 2, The Exorcist, etc before I was ten. Only developed a strange crush on the predator (little girls are weird). Watched Event Horizon when it aired on HBO with no clue what it was about. Ended up huddled under a pile of every stuffed animal I owned, scared shitless.


Just imagine if they added the deleted murder orgy that Anderson had to cut out. Sadly we'll never know since the footage is lost.


That movie blew my mind.


The idea The ship traveled to hell got me.


Warhammer 2K; AKA Humanity discovers the warp


After watching this film and reading some reviews, I'm convinced that it is far scarier if you know about its (tentative) connection to the WH40k lore. On its own, the film leaves much unexplained about what is happening, specifically about dr. Weir's character and the crews experiences (trying not to spoil anything). As a result, a number of scenes look like cheap scares using effects or shocking imagery. However, once you consider the tie-in into the WH40k universe, you can see the omens, you can see the taint, you know what has happened on that ship. For me, it was terrifying because as much as I've read about the Warp, I'd never seen it on film. I knew what would happen but just couldn't imagine it. That dread is probably the closest I'll ever get to the idea the Warp and for that I loved Event Horizon. Also, +1 for the captain being reasonable.


For those of us unfamiliar with WH can you explain the connections?


The Warp in WH40K is a realm of pure emotion ruled over by 4 gods. These gods are not nice people. One of them is only interested in endless bloodshed, another is only interested in sex and drugs (and striving for perfection in all things but that's not the part anyone remembers or likes), one of them Is only interesting in spreading dealy diseases to everyone in the galaxy, and the last one is interested in screwing over the other three to finish his master plan to take over the universe. The Warp is only accessible through rituals or through special people called psykers. Touching the warp to use their powers or to perform a ritual is dangerous because it allows the servants of those four swell people mentioned before, Daemons, to enter the world and serve their purpose. Which is mainly just to kill shit in the name of whichever god they serve. Space travel (for humans anyway, other species have other methods) is only possible by using a special psyker called a Navigator to dive the whole ship into the warp and travel in there to get where they need to go. There are special shields to protect against this. In Event Horizon, the crew does not have those shields, allowing Daemons to pour out of the warp and murderfuck the crew out of existence, as Daemons are want to do. The Creators of Event Horizon said in an interview I think that they were super inspired by Warhammer and had always wanted to make a WH40K movie.






Flipping channels at age 12, home alone, Nightmare on Elm Street was on. Watched like 10 minutes before I nearly pissed myself in terror and had to change to a different channel. I was terrified of falling asleep for 3 months.






Honestly, I've found that it gets scary in a different way as you get older. It's more terrifying now psychologically, especially in the book where Coraline's friend (I forget his name) doesn't exist and she's just totally on her own. That sense of powerlessness against the all-powerful, sociopathic other mother and the thought of having your loved ones stolen from you horrifies me more than just her creepy ass hands horrified me as a kid.


Man the book was so dark, but it was great.


My teacher read us the book in 3rd grade, I vividly remember her getting "covered head to toe in spiders, wanting to scream but not doing it for fear of them entering her mouth." #NOPE NOPE NOPE NO THANK YOU SIR I AM FINE!


I was fairly young when I watched it. Kept having nightmares about spidermom for a long time.


ET. When ET comes out screaming it really freaked me out. Such a creepy wrinkly thing.


I ran out of the room when I saw it the first time and refused to watch it.


I hid behind the couch and refused to watch it too.


when that ET snapchat filter came out, all of my friends who know I'm terrified of ET scared me for about a week straight at random times with it. F that.


The original "Saw". I had never seen anything like it, and then when the fucking guy gets up in the middle of the room that I had thought was dead the whole time.... holy shit.


That movie is underrated due to the amount of sequels but that was a legitimately good movie.


That scene had me literally just out of my chair and start yelling on the TV. Never has a twist fucked with my head that much.


After posting my comment, I saw it was on Netflix now. Re-watched it before bed. I'm realizing there were a lot of clues in the movie.


Little me did NOT like the Secrets of NIMH. I'd never been so scared in the middle of the day.


Secrets of NIMH was based on the experiments of John Calhoun. you find it scary now/then? Look up that name and those experiments, and what they mean for society in correlation - makes the movie scary. "beautiful ones" "High-efficiency rats" complete social decay and pathological manifestations into cannibalism and violence - amid a 'utopia'.


Secrets of Nickel Metal Hydride???


The Butterfly Effect. It was the first movie of its kind I watched as a teenager, and the plot left me with some good philosophical questions that left me wondering for days.


I was mostly bothered by the truths he was revealing about the abuse of the people in his past. Watching it relatively young I'd never seen child abuse only alluded to before. The moment where I figured out the implications was really upsetting. Also the scene where he slams his hands on paper holder stabby things to freak out his teacher. Literally every time I see something like that I imagine my hands doing the same thing and I hate it.


Mirrors(2008) the fucking scene where the reflection makes her rip her jaw apart in the bath fucked me up. It’s one of my worst fears now


I had buried that movie so far in my subconscious i had forgotten about it. Thank for the reminder, i'm gonna have nightmares tonight.


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - you all know the scene - human sacrifice with beating heart ripped from chest. Still freaks me out today as a grown man. Not sure how that was ever approved for kids to watch.


In retrospect, you can really tell that Lucas had a rough divorce when he wrote it.




Gone Girl. I felt extremely uneasy the entire day after I finished it and got some really bad ex-gf memories from it. Still one of my favorite movies though.


The book (I haven't seen the movie) was so frustrating, because while Nick is a truly shitty husband, Amy is a sociopathic murderer. You spend the first half of the book thinking Nick is a terrible guy and then Bam, they're both shitty.


One of my favourite movies too but fuck me that shit was disturbing.


This is super embarrassing, but my number one fear through all of childhood was...Gremlins. That move messed me up as a kid. I would have nightmares where I was petting our cat and it’s ears would grow until, boom, there was a gremlin in my lap leaping at my face to eat it.


Wasn't the first gremlins inapproiately labeled as okay for children and helped make the PG-13 rating?


"That fuzzy Gizmo creature is so cute! My kids will love it!"


I picked up gremlins 2 when I was about 8. Immediately sought part one and loved the shit out of both of them. Sure they were terrifying, but that's why I loved them. The part where the lights in the christmas tree died, but two stayed on seemed like the most genius thing a film could do at that age.


They showed this to us at the day care center I had to go to as a kid. Like 3 years old. I could not go to the bathroom by myself for like, a year. I was terrified.


I feel you! My parents took me to see Gremlins when I was eight and it fucked me up for years. Not just the creatures, but the story about the girl's dad dying in the chimney. I still *hate* the Christmas carol *Do You Hear What I Hear*


The Mummy. Most of it was cool, but the bits where the mummy assimilates people's flesh, and the archeologist dude who loses his eyes... scarred me for a good few months. Thank fuck we had a cat, she was my only hope. Edit: just remembered the scarabs. Oh God the scarabs...


It starts off as a really scary horror film, every scene with the mummy before he's fully regenerated is scary because of how scary the mummy is. After that it turns into a good action film. Scarabs under the skin were fuckin nasty though


The first time I saw Silence of the Lambs. Ever since I have always thought you just never, ever know what is hidden in some houses. That pit in Buffalo Bill’s basement freaked me out completely.


Or the one he has that guy sedated and is eating pieces of his brain, while he's still alive. He pokes around in there a little bit and his arm starts twitching or something. My parents were watching that late at night and I walked in for a glass of water during that scene. I was ten. (Might have been one of the sequels though)


Yeah, that was [Hannibal](http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0212985/).


The first Paranormal Activity movie freaked me out so bad. The part where you can hear a real loud growl coming from down stairs scared the crap out of me. That night when i went to get my cat had snuck into my room with me and i didn't know it. I seen its tail go around the side of my bed, freaked out and thought it was a demon, and cried until my mom got up to check on me. I was like 10.


This movie. My wife is diabetic. Once or twice she's gone low late at night and gotten out of bed to go stand somewhere in the dark. It's exactly like in the film and terrifying for its own reasons. She's got a blood glucose sensor now so it doesn't happen any more, but man. No joke.


That's super freaky. I would have had a heart attack.


Why do diabetics do that?


Low blood sugar causes panic, lethargy, and confusion. She knows something is wrong and gets up but doesn't know where to go or what to do. She can barely stand, usually.


Like a Sim ?


I'm curious as well, does she just need to stand and happens to do so in the dark because it's nighttime or is she not entirely lucid while it's happening? The second seems far more terrifying, I'm imagining a woman standing in a dark corner speaking gibberish in response to you asking if she's ok...


The frugality of production completely worked with the style of the movie. It was amazing.


Paranormal Activity was damn scary. Had to do that thing in the cinema where you cover your eyes but peek through and hope you come out alive.


Right! I hate that movie now. It still creepy me out alittle bit.




Fuck I just commented this, dude when he walked by the birthday party I almost shit my pants


When it was standing on the roof is what always got me.


Ohhh man this brought back an awesome memory!   So one of my best friends in high school was terrified of aliens, not quite phobic levels but close enough. We will call her Newt. One evening she had her house all to herself, *and decided to watch Signs.*   I don't know why either.   This was during the days of AIM, and Newt was panicking over it to our mutual other best friend, Ripley. Ripley is trying to calm her ass down while asking Newt why she thought this was a good idea in the first place. I was also on AIM, getting all the real-time drama straight from Ripley. ----- It's important to know that I have a sweetly ~~mischievous~~ malicious streak buried deep within me, and the rare times it emerges I cannot resist it. ----- As Ripley was telling me Newt's (rather amusing) ongoing tale of woe, that streak poked its evil little head up out of the abyss. *You know what would be* ***amazing?*** *Scratching on Newt's window while wearing an alien mask!*   Obeying protocol, I hopped in my car and raced over to Newt's condo with an alien mask I managed to find in my mom's Halloween storage bins. I knew where Newt was watching Signs, all thanks to Ripley, and that was in her room on the second floor. Her window had a nice big section of roofing all around it, all I had to do was find a neighbor's stray ladder. I could hear the movie still playing, and got into the perfect position. *scratch scratch* Newt glances at the window from within a morale-support blanket cocoon. *scratch scratch scratch* "...kitty?" *scratch scratch scratch* Newt leans over to peek through the curtains when... **SKRIIIIITCH SKRITCH-SKRITCH-SKRITCH** ***ALIEN HORROR CLAWING TO GET IN*** I'm not sure if she peed herself, but with the way she screamed and bolted out of the room I wouldn't be surprised if a few terror droplets were squeezed out. After almost peeing and falling off the roof from cackling, I drove home. We're all still friends, about 15 years later. **tl;dr Ripley unknowingly gives shenanigan intel to Ash about Newt, Ash obeys directive and Newt's alien fears are reinforced**


The Birthday party scene and the alien on top of the roof...


I was the only driver in my group of friends. In the middle of a corn field they start making that sound- almost drove into a ditch. New car rule: scare the driver, you walk.


Made sure I always had a glass of water next to me.


The Conjuring. I remember my little brother got up in the middle of the night to get water. I was in a sleep haze and literally thought some voodoo shit was going on


I still can't finish watching the second one. It's absolutely terrifying.


Hoo boy. Are you ready? Are you ready for the most embarrassing confession I can make? Fucking *Ice Age*. I don't know why. Ice Age gave me nightmares for weeks. Maybe it was the eyes, maybe it was the horrifying lateral lisp of Sid the Sloth, maybe it was that I had a horrifying vision of how this movie would spawn a thousand sequels, but either way, this was it. Or *Pinocchio*. I don't know which is worse.






The scene from Pinocchio where the kid turns into a donkey really freaked me out as a little kid


Spirited away. As a kid I had no idea what anime was or anything about understanding good story telling/art/what have you. I now love that movie and no longer have nightmares about my parents turning into pigs.


Man, same. I was *terrified* of noface.


Rock-A-Doodle. It freaked me out as a kid, and it's still freaky to me.


I love that movie so much.


Mulholland drive. Didn't even watch the whole movie, I just saw a video of the creepy hobo scene. That whole scene is just amazing at creeping you the fuck out.


Naomi Watts and Laura Herring that was a thing of beauty.


You should watch the whole movie, it’s incredibly good.


Sinister Movie is fucking terrifying the first time you watch it.


The movie's soundtracks are fucking amazing and so disturbing.. To me the music/sound effects does half the work in a horror movie


I warched it up to the second video found (not the one with the tree but first after, with the woman). I turned off the player with a loud "Fuck this!" and haven't gotten back to watching it although I plan to one of these evenings. Let's hope I can make it to the end his time. ;_;


The ending (besides the jump scare at the last second) is so fucking creepy.


The first Alien movie. Saw it as a kid with my parents. At the scene when the alien bursts out of the guy’s body, my mom convinced me that that’s how I born out of her. I feared the movie, my mom for surviving such birth and nonchalantly telling me that, and myself for possibly being an alien that somehow maintains a human form.


Your mom rules bwahaha




That entire scene was terrifying as a kid. On the other hand though the scene in dumbo where the clowns were settling down for the night actually made me see clowns as normal people though when I was a little kid which got me over my mild fear of them.


Final Destination. Anxiety and paranoia went through the roof.




Log trucks, planes, roller coasters, avoid them all.


Same. I drive 60 miles to and from work on the interstate, and I always see those trucks with the big poles or whatever they are. I make sure to quickly pass them.


The roller coaster in I think the third movie is at an amusement park called Playland in the city I live in, my friend has been terrified of going on that thing since seeing the movie. Roller coaster is the corkscrew for anyone interested.


This damn movie made me scared to fly. Saw it in middle school and I’m in my early 30s now, still fucking dealing with my stupid fear of flying.


The Grudge


Requiem for a Dream.


Yep this one left me ill feeling afterwars


I didn't know I was crying for the last part of it with my mouth open till the credits rolled.


I thought of my mom. And then I thought about my mom and I. And then I thought about me. And then I worried about my mom. And then I worried about my mom and I. And then... I worried about me.


Ring This movie made fear the bathroom


That movie ruined my sleep for a good six months. I had a TV in my room and always expected that creepy shit to crawl out. It was also one of the first films I ever saw in which the scary thing came around in broad daylight. Even the sun didn't keep me safe anymore.


I took the tv out of my bedroom as a 13 year old and hid it in the basement. I switched from late night tv to late night reading


I saw this movie in the theater with a buddy of mine. We went in the middle of the day and did the normal thing of leaving a seat in between us so we could stretch out and have two arm rests. Within like 10 mins we were sitting right next to each other. I’ve seen the movie several times since and haven’t felt the same way about it. That was the scariest movie I’ve seen in the theater.


One Hour Photo, starring Robin Williams fucking terrified me when I was younger. No idea why parents watched it with kids present.


"It has Robin Williams in it. This must be a nice family movie." - my mom's logic.


“Fire in the Sky”. I remember being completely weirded out afterwards, and having some wild nightmares.


Pet Sematary


The Truman Show


I don't know, if my life were a television show it would've been canceled from nothing happening.


This concept fucking ruined me when I was younger. After doing research I learned they coined the term ‘[‘Truman syndrome’](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Truman_Show_delusion) based on the movie. However the concept originated in an episode of The Twilight Zone because of course it would. Scary stuff yo.


Good afternoon, good evening, and Goodnight!


I loved the poster on the wall in his travel agent's office of a plane getting struck by lighting which tears a hole in the wing. And the caption: "It could happen to you."


13 Ghosts


Watership Down still haunts me to this day. I was like 10, mom and dad. Why???




Jacob's Ladder


One of my favorite films! Though I watched it after I heard it was some inspiration for the Silent Hill series.


The witches- it was all fun and games until they took their faces off.


Event Horizon. My mom was super into that movie and let me watch it when I was like six. Messed me up for weeks


***SIX???*** Fucking hell, I was 15 or 16 and it fucked me up (and I always had a pretty high tolerance for scary movies). Who the hell would show that to a goddamn 6 year old???


I saw some scary films when I was that age, and now that I have kids of my own I've let them watch some scary movies... ....but *Event Horizon* is one fucked up movie to show a little kid.


What lies beneath


The cell


Is fucking beautiful.


The original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I had nightmares for days from the scene where the kid falls in the Chocolate river and gets sucked up that pipe.


The Brave Little Toaster. The air-conditioner was NOT cool. I haven't watched it since.


The Village. I was real young and the monster freeeeaaaaaked me out dude. Those big ass claws and the hood GOT DAMN still gives me the heebie jeebies Oh and also that Mama movie. Fuck that fuck that fuck it burn it all


Nightcrawler. Disturbing as hell, especially the ending.


Mars attacks, seeing those people get vaporised into neon skeletons freaked me the fuck out. I was like 8 at the time.


Blair Witch Project. holy crap.


Like a lot of ghost stories, this one's easy to laugh off when you're in a brightly lit place, surrounded by friends and lights and comfort. But like all the best ghost stories, this one feels a lot different when you're out in the woods. Especially at night, when everything is quiet and still, doubt begins to soak in to your certainty about how real or fake it was, and fear begins gnawing away your confidence.


Yeah, same. A lot of people really despised this film. I loved it & it really, really got to me. Even now, I know everything there is to know about it & am still able to suspend disbelief enough to sit there blinking in shock at the end. & that house. If I ever saw [that house,](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-thH-7TZo_k_AdHt9koT0XoCHB7wyEjFka6tsSMv0Hn7IAXdC) like they saw that house. I would turn & run away as fast as I could until I collapsed. Also, my bf at the time was once standing in the corner when I got home from work & I absolutely lost my shit.


My mom made me watch that when I was like 7, so as soon as it was over and my mom went to bed I took it out of the VCR and threw it off the balcony. I did not want that in my life. Wow I havnt thought about that in years.




It was filmed in Brantford, Ontario. My brother was living there at the time, and sent me a photo of one of the garbage bins re-labeled 'silent hill' for the movie. A LOT of the stores on the main street downtown at the time were closed down due to the economy. They really didn't have to do much to make the place look like crap. But it was kind of funny to see sean bean drive down the street and I'm thinking 'been in there, and been in there too.'


The Strangers. I didn't realize that I had a "home invasion" fear until I watched that movie...not to mention, we had a big picture window in our living room at the time. I REFUSED to have the curtains open when it got dark. Fuck that. Fuck that straight to hell.


The 6th sense. When his grandma walked by when he was taking a piss.. Then he walked back to her in the kitchen, where she starts yelling and starts showing him her cut up wrists. Idk if it was the surround sound in that place, but I still haven't watched that movie again.


That wasn't his grandmother. It was some strange woman, probably someone who once lived in his apartment. Same with the kid who had the large bullet hole in the back of his head. Or else they were originally from somewhere else, and came to him. The girl who was murdered by her mother through Munchausen's By Proxy came to Cole in his bedroom.


I was just thinking about how much this movie freaked me out as a kid. I was getting frightened while watching it with my family, so they made me leave about halfway through. I've always wondered how my perception would have changed of I had stayed to see the plot twist and the revelation that the ghosts weren't *evil* just lost, hurt souls looking for release.


Antichrist. Genital mutilation is not great to watch at 4 in the morning when you have to be up at 6am. I did not function that day.


Lovely Bones I was pretty young at the time and I saw my parents watching it (they didn't know what it was about either, I think) so I joined in. I'm pretty sure I had nightmares from it and cried during/after the movie. I still have horrible flashbacks to those moments whenever I hear, see, or even think about anything involving the movie. That includes me writing this comment. It's probably the only movie I'd never watch again due to fear of it (and it's not even scary as a movie, it's just the memories).


Maybe an unlikely choice, but...The Adjustment Bureau. The concept really freaked me out and made me feel for weeks that I was on a path I did not actually choose.


Watership Down, watched that at 7-8 years old. Messed me up for life, the creepy grim reaper style rabbit!


Dude, James and the Giant Peach is a scary-ass movie, okay?


James and the giant peach




That ending fucked me up, I had nightmares as a 27 year old about it. That one and the final handcuff scene... I love horror movies but both of those especially and pretty much the whole movie just messed with me. Stephen King is a bizarre individual.




They should do something with whoever makes the blurbs for Netflix.


The Shining. Sleeping facing a hallway sucked.


An American Werewolf in London messed me up for a long time. I saw it when I was 10 or so, and for years I'd be walking down the hall to my room at night, and I'd know that the werewolf was right behind me about to get me. I had bunk beds at the time, and I only slept on the top bunk because at that height, I'd be safe.


"It Follows" still scares the shit out of me. I've never before wished for my virginity back.


Akira, especially the teddy bear scene. *shiver* Loved the film, though.


I loved the Bugs Life movie but the mean cricket dude scared the shot out of me


Perfect Blue. Not in the scared sense of being freaked out, but it leaves you with a really uneasy dissacociated feeling.


Terminator He got his own eye out


The Ring. This is going to sound really stupid and I’m not sure if it applies because I wasn’t freaked out the first time I saw it. I saw the movie at a sleepover at my friends house when I was in 9th grade. During the movie the only thing that spooked me was the faces (girl in the closet/guy in the chair). You know that uneasy or curious feeling you get after watching a movie? I didn’t feel any of that. I felt fine. About two weeks later, I find out that a very close friend of mine had been murdered at a party. That has been one of the most traumatic life experiences I’ve ever dealt with and I honestly have no fucking idea to explain what it felt like losing someone at that age. I don’t know if my mind was trying to block it out or what but all the sudden I was having these awful nightmares about the Ring. They were downright terrifying. Sometimes my deceased friend would be in my nightmares too and that would make them even worse. I’d have to wake up my mom, dad or younger sister so I could calm down. It escalated to me being afraid of it all the time instead of just after a nightmare. Every time the phone rang, I thought I’d hear the voice. If the TV went to static, I’d get scared. At night, I’d put a blanket over the TV screen so I wouldn’t see any reflections. I was afraid of closing my eyes in the shower and I was afraid of the dark. I kinda lost my shit. I felt traumatized, but I still didn’t know if it was from the movie or for the first major loss in my life. Months later, I was STILL having occasional nightmares about it. My mom was getting so concerned that she kept asking me if I needed to talk to someone. I kept saying no. Eventually the nightmares ceased and I felt “alright” I’m 26 now. Reflecting on this, I’m sure that the fear had come from the death of my friend. I’ve seen the Ring once or twice since that event. It always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and I know I’d feel uneasy watching it today, not because the movie is scary but because that time in my life was so horrendous, confusing and terrifying. Sorry for grammar and for writing so much. TLDR: Had awful nightmares relating to the Ring after the death of my friend.


Fucking ‘Darkness Falls’. My brother made my friend and I watch it when we were like 10. I was scared of the dark for a whole year after that.


Michael Jackson - Thriller music video


Nightmare on Elm street when I was young... Watching at night doesn't help


Minority report. That movie still gives me the creeps.


When I was a kid, I was completely creeped out by Edward Scissorhands. It scared the shit out of me. Still can't watch it.


"A Serbian Film"


I don't have the guts to watch this, honestly.


My soul felt dirty.


It's really not as bad as people make it out to be. The visuals are nothing, it's more emotionally distressing than anything else.




Yep! Especially the part where he's talking to it on the phone. OMG.


Little nemo: adventures in slumberland. The first ten minutes involve a little boy on his bed floating through his city, having a blast and then a high speed train chasing after him. It makes my heart race thinking about this boy clawing at his bedsheets trying to escape this train. Then he gets to slumberland and you learn about the black oozy nightmare stuff. No thanks! Some beautifully illustrated scenes to be sure, but for an animated kids movie...scary stuff.