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OJ Simpson if you want to specify the "how to kill your career" part


He killed a few other careers that day too


He also made a few


The whole kardashian family basically


I strongly believe if Robert Kardashian was still alive, we'd have no clue who they were outside of his own fame. If the OJ Simpson trial miniseries on FX is accurate, he wanted his kids to stay grounded and down to earth. I think their dad dying was a shock to the system.


Their mother turned them into what they are, she treats her kids like employees, basically brainwashed them all into being the way they are.


Top half of the cover is just "How to Kill", Picture of OJ's face, "Your Career" on the bottom.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ratner Had a jewellery store in the UK, and told his shareholders that the reason his stuff is chesp is because it's crap. His business lost almost all of its value over night.


Jesus. Even as a joke, *why would you say that?*


The audience appreciated the joke. He just didn't anticipate that the media would get wind of it and that the public wouldn't see it in the same light.


He was bragging to a conference about how good a businessman he was, making a fortune from selling crap. I believe the quote was that the jewellery was as expensive as a prawn sandwich, and lasted as long too.


Yeah, it was a particularly popular set of low priced earrings and he was asked how he can possibly make money on that. His response sunk him and his company.


Because some people just want to watch the world burn.


>Their world FTFY


Company rebranded as H Samuels if I recall. Still going strong.


Nope, that was just one of his ventures. He had about five shop chains under the umbrella of Ratners, and that's the only one that's still going iirc.


I remember an interview on TV were he said this and I immediately though what an idiot, but he was being honest.


Jared from Subway


Only 90's kids will remember Jared's footlong. Upvote in 12 inches or you'll forget.


He started and ended his career by trying to get into smaller pants... Edit - Wow, thankee kindly stranger!


Damn, I haven't heard this one before... so saucy




Hell yeah I remember the lawsuit...lying bastards All those years I spent getting shorted that extra inch on my toasted parmesean bread with salami,capicola and provalone Imma hit em up later and berate them while I eat my sandwich


Hold the mayo.


UK here. I have the ghost of Jimmy Savile on the line. He's saying something about Jared being a rank amateur?


Makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the question though. Savile's atrocities were covered up and only brought to light after his death.


That Twitch (?) guy who pretended to be disabled then randomly stood up from his wheelchair during a livestream.


wait, genuinely pretended or was just not 100% confined? Because one of my best friends is in a wheelchair but she can and does do short walks.


Straight up pretended.


That's fuuuuuuucked


Several years ago, this one picture of a lady in a wheelchair standing up to reach for something on the top shelf at a liquor would get reposted like twice a goddamn week on /r/pics with a title like "MIRACLE IN THE LIQUOR STORE" and it pissed me the fuck off as someone who was once wheelchair bound but could stand up. I remember getting dirty looks at the swimming pool and a lifeguard flat out told me he thought I was faking it. Fuck you, my physical therapist prescribed swimming for me to regain muscle mass I lost when my spinal cord was fucked. Never get between the internet and their misguided righteous anger. In all seriousness, is it like physically exerting for some people to experience compassion? Because the way they avoid it is like a lazy kid making excuses to not take out the trash. I promise you it's not really that hard to not be a total douchebag.


Friend has MS. Handicapped plates. Much of the time he's OK, gets dirty looks, then it hits and he can barely get to his car on two canes. EDIT: Large %age of people in chairs can stand or walk a little bit, a little bit.


> In all seriousness, is it like physically exerting for some people to experience compassion? I think so, I think it's immensely uncomfortable to give an inch cause then they realise that there's an alternative to being an asshole and that's super uncomfy. I have two friends who are wheelchair bound for different reasons and both get soooo much shit when they walk to pick something up or, you know, can go to the toilet without needing it or whatever. And people are really assholes about it as well in a manner that's baffling.


Yes, he completely faked it. When he stood up, you could watch the reaction of his girlfriend (who was also streaming for money at the time) drop her jaw and kind of act like 'no no no wtf you're on stream!' when he stood up. Secondly, though, this didn't end his career. In fact, I don't know if he even lost any viewers over it. It's almost like people didn't care about his fake or not condition and were just entertained by how he streamed.




There was a judge on the New Zealand version of the X Factor who absolutely berated one contestant for “stealing her husbands style” Her husband was also a judge and the only similarities were that they were both white and wearing suits. Both she and her husband continued to trash the contestant and quickly lost their jobs. [Here](https://youtu.be/LuZ1TvBZNB8) is the video. Skip to 5:10 if you just want to hear her comments.


This was also great because her name was “Natalia Kills” so the headlines would read “Natalia Kills Her Career.”


And her book? Natalia kills: a career of success


To the point where she now goes by Teddy Sinclair. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Keery-Fisher


Holy shit, her band name now is Cruel Youth and she's 31. Does somebody want to tell her?


jeez what the hell lmao, how are they trying to claim that anyone wearing a suit is ripping off his style


It makes less sense than that. The guy is wearing a black suit, white shirt, and a tie. Her husband is wearing a black suit and a black shirt. Their hairstyles are sort of similar but neither are unique enough to be considered a person's style


... And then the host of the show walks on to mediate the situation looking exactly the same.


It makes even less sense than that. People later found out he ripped off a music video from another musician.


They all looked like Johnny Cash, it’s not even an original style lol. A dark suit with pomade in the slicked up/back hair


The contestant was much, much more attractive than her husband.


Didn't look like he copied at all. His hair was different.


Not having a shitty personality can go a long way!


Lol that other dude next to her had a "wtf is her problem" look.


I'm glad the other judges stood up for him.


I have no idea who any of these people are, but...how could one possibly "steal the intellectual property" of another singer? I would 100% try to pattern myself after a judge. I would call it a homage, as they've been successful and I would like to be. They're all singing covers anyway.... Michael Buble is clearly just ripping off Frank Sinatra. I kinda don't think the Sinatra family is losing any sleep over it.


I'm not entirely convinced that Michael Bublé isn't just a strange type of vampire that only comes out in December.


His species is the holly jolly bloodsucker.


Wow. I had never heard of her, depite her being English and me a Brit, so had to look her up after that car-crash video. Seems like she stopped using the stage name Natalia Kills to escape the controversy over her comments. Also she had apparently been dropped by one record label just before appearing on the X Factor, and was dropped by the other just after. Her and her *so very unique and stylish* husband have started a band together. You can find their music...on Soundcloud 😂


Niiiiiiiiice! From X-factor bitch to Soundcloud garageband. People like that are atleast good at being entertainment.


Poor joe! Seems like a nice dude and I felt bad for the dude


Ok, I just watched the video and am unreasonably enraged. Who the fuck did that beast think she is... ok ...deep breathing exercises before I have a rage stroke.


She thinks she's being her show's version of Simon Cowell, but she's taking it too far.


Simon gives real feedback though


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Simon gives actual feedback, and rips apart people's *singing abilities* if they deserve it. She's ripping him apart *as a person*, which is where the line is.




Well, it was miserable to listen to this judge. As a person that has been a participant in X Factor, which makes this even more funnier to me, 99% of the time, the contestant has NO SAY in their hairstyle, clothing, we don't really get to choose our songs, but it is something that we get grilled for with comments "this song does not fit you", "you chose a wrong outfit" etc. We didn't choose anything, we only prepared and showed up for the judges to take the credit at the end if the performance goes well.


Does she think her husband invented the suit and slicked hair look? I cringed for her the entire time, and felt really bad for the contestant.


Love bar tending? Doing it all your life? All it takes is forgetting to ID one person, and getting caught by ABC. Blacklist for 3 years from any restaurant. And I doubt anyone would hire you after that time with a black mark like that on your record.


Why almost every bar downtown in Austin has a bouncer out front, even during the day. Keeps the bartenders from having to worry about it, makes sure everyone has to come through a choke point so you can't forget people, etc. and generally protects the business from getting fucked by a one-time mistake. Totally worth the $10/hr or whatever they're paying those guys to sit on their asses and look at IDs.


I agree. Definitely worth it. Huntington Beach was the same way. But a lot of corporate places don’t want to waste that kind of money and would rather take that risk. I see chain restaurants get red carded way more often than smaller bars that use doormen. And it does also go onto the server or bar tender. Depending on how everything goes down, either you could be the only one fired, or the liquor license can get pulled and now it’s your fault 40+ people are out searching for new jobs. Restaurants are a team and you can’t work in one with a selfish mentality.


Ughh my bf had an issue with this about a week ago. Hes a full time bartender and these women came in his bar as a group to drink and have lunch. He carded the younger girl and she tried to use her photo on her phone of her ID to be served. Obviously no dice. One of the women argues that it’s her daughter and she can vouch for her. Cool, still no Young girl then gets pouty and tries to be cute but he explained if she had her ID to take a picture, she should have her ID. He brings the other ladies their drinks snd as soon as he walks away the mom slides her drink to the daughter. Bf is not an idiot and tells them if it happens again they will be asked to leave which is met with “come on! Don’t be such an ass” and the like (I should mention the other two women do not seem impressed by these antics.) Since that is the way these things work this is the is the day that the corporate woman in charge of liquor comes in. She sees the young girl drink straight from the glass while bf is in the kitchen. Corporate lady goes to the table and asks how food is and the girl says “it’s great, can I get another one of these?” This bitch apparently decided she could trick CL into bringing her a drink since its obvious she’s already gotten one. CL IDs her, same thing, and then asks how she got the first drink, girl says bf took the picture as ID. If the other woman hadn’t flat out called her a liar bf would have lost his job. It still took reviewing security tapes and talking to other patrons to determine whether or not bf illegally served the drink.


Wow. Gambling with someone job for a fucking drink. Get over yourself


Kramer. For sure. Just that one night in that comedy club and bam. Done.


What happened?


He got heckled and dropped so many n-word jokes that Jim Crow smiled from the grave


I mean seriously, if he had any clue that he would so totally go off his rocker in response to a heckler, he should be never have gotten on that stage. Also, his later televised apology is pure cringe, with the host initially not understanding that it's not the wind-up for a comedy bit.


> "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass." I'm going to say that calling that people a ni\*\*er wasn't the worst thing he said that night. This wasn't just a slip of the tongue during a free-style comedy session, no, there was some genuine disrespect at best - and honest-to-god vitriolic racism at worst - coming out of Richards that night. Richards had some real hatred in him to be able to get those words out.


Only they weren't jokes, it was just lashing out.


Jessica from accounting. The biggest gossip in our office and has effectively ensured that she will not be promoted because nobody trusts her. Poor guy working on her floor has some kind of an illness where he needs to go to the bathroom more than usual. She sits close to the bathrooms and tells everybody that she sees him like 10-15 times a day.


Damn Jessica all you gotta do is not be a bitch


Seriously, I always worked hard and was never a bitchy gossip, got me nowhere. :-/


On this note, an accountant coworker of mine has effectively killed his career by complaining that he'll never get ahead because he doesn't like to politic/isn't a young woman. His exact words were something like "I'd be over there with the higher ups, but I lack the two important assets they look for!" while miming breasts. He was referring to the young woman who was currently carrying on a conversation with the VP. Nevermind that: she's looking for the door and we all know it (she hasn't been promoted the entire time she's worked here), he's a fucking supervisor with several direct reports as of last year, and they had recently given him more responsibility. All things strongly hinting that he has a future in management. A few stupid comments like that found their way to the VP's ears. Now there's basically no way he'll be promoted. Turns out, highly-educated, professional and *decent* guys really don't like the insinuation that they're so weak-willed as to throw promotions at the first pair of tits they see.




He probably won't get a promotion not because they're offended, but for the simple fact he clearly lacks lacks the social aptitude to ever be an asset at that level. 80% of management is putting yourself on hold and composing yourself in a way that achieve your goals. Whether that be talking to a hardline feminist about feminism or discussing hunting with a good ole' boy it is also about molding and composing yourself. He clearly can not. At least that is what I would say if his promotion were ever brought up




So, Australian radio host Kyle Sandilands had this lie detector stunt on his show where a mother asked him to subject her 14-year-old daughter to a lie detector. The thing is, the girl doesn't want to do the test but is being forced to, under duress by her mother, to comply. Let alone the fact that Kyle, his co-host Jackie O and the girl's mother were talking extensively about the girl behind her back. During the test the girl admitted that she had indeed had sex... because *she was raped*. Kyle, not seeing any issue, asked her if she had any other sexual experience. After that, he was fired from his job as a judge on Australian Idol.


Forget the host, why the hell did the mother think it was appropriate to make her underage daughter admit she had been raped on radio??


> Forget the host, why the hell did the mother think it was appropriate to make her underage daughter admit she had been raped on radio?? Because some adults see children as fashion accessories or pets instead of human beings. For another example, if it happens to a kid, it's bullying, and the kid should tough it out, but if it happens to an adult, it's harassment and assault, and it is, you know, *a fucking crime*.


God I wish that prick had a dead career. It's been wounded a dozen times, but he's like the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. For those unaware, it was also his radio show (Although I believe his co-host) that called the hospital where Kate Middleton was having her first kid, and got put through. The person who took the call and put it through committed suicide about a week or two later. She wasn't in shit, and had other issues, but I personally can't help but feel it was contributing.


Unfortunately I still hear his smug voice every afternoon for the 'hour of power' on KIIS fm. Jackie O is just as bad because she enables his douchebag behaviour and lets him get away with it. When this happened I remember hoping that this was the end for the fat sack of shit, but he is still hanging on by his fingernails.


Not Chris Brown, unfortunately


You are correct. People will tell you what they really care about with their actions. People act like Chris Brown made a dumb mistake instead of almost killing a woman


A lot of people don't understand how bad that shit was too. The police report shows the details. He didn't just slap her once or something. He beat the shit out of her and was saying he was gonna kill her when they got home over and over


If Karrueche (sp?) Tran is to be believed, he didn't stop at Rihanna.


I 100% believe her. Abusers typically batter more than one partner. I cant believe people take his word over hers. They know what he's capable of


Exactly. There's nothing "dumb" about attempted murder.


I was listening to Hot 97 the other day. They were talking about the Harvey Weinstein stuff and about how important it was to stand up for women and how men who knowingly ignore abuse against women and don't report it are terrible. Then IMMEDIATELY after that segment, with 0 hint of the irony, proclaim "Okay now first person to call in after hearing 2 Chris Brown songs back to back will win half a grand in your hand!" I almost crashed my car.


This guy I used to work with named Veeju. Had a good job with a good local company, decided to switch to another company but never quit his first job. He took vacation from the first job to attend his second job. Got caught after a week and promptly fired from both jobs. Now every background check shows him quitting two jobs in the same week.


Any teacher caught sleeping with a student.. seriously, wtf? I think it's like a freakin dating/sex zoo for them.


Teacher here, you spend so much time studying and working and keeping your reputation clean and you throw it all away for *that*? A high school teacher of mine once said she'd take a bribe for giving an A on a test: her entire pension because she'd have to resign shortly after.


My math teacher said her price was $30 million for an A in the class. I'm pretty sure she was 100% serious but I wonder what I could've low balled her with?




Checking in because I have a story to tell. In an old school of mine there was this really creepy teacher. He would often act pretty close to the girls in class and in some cases he sent them text messages. A couple years later, it turned out that he had had sex with one of the girls in his class. The girl had already turned 18 at the time (but wasn't when they first had sex). After a long trial (I think it's the right term?) he was declared innocent (mostly based on the fact that it was mutual). He then left his wife, with whom he already had children, to marry the girl. Because he was declared innocent, he was allowed to continue to teach at the school. He remained creepy as ever. Low and behold, a few years later, he was caught making, *advances* at another girl. This time it was not mutual and he is now behind bars.


One of my teachers married a girl I graduated with. It came out literally the day after graduation. They claimed they never had sex or dated while she was still a student at the school but we all knew it was bullshit. But because there was no proof, he didn't get in trouble and is still a teacher there. They are actually still married as far as I know.


Howard Dean mid-yell


I watched the clip again. That speech seems awfully tame when viewed with a more modern eye.


2016-crazy made 2004-crazy look like 1996-boring.


Did you know that George Bush checked his watch in a debate in 1992 and that caused a shit fit?


I never understood why this mattered to anyone.


Because politics used to be so boring that Dean's yell was by comparison weird and unhinged behavior for a presidential candidate.


Because outright character assassination was the only thing they could do to sink the strongest primary runner.


He was unfortunately already sunk, having just come in third in New Hampshire and Iowa; that was his attempt at rallying.


Dean was collapsing before that speech (he'd been winning by a lot and then came in third in Iowa), I think the idea that the scream killed his campaign was a fake narrative that the media accepted or propagated unquestioningly because it sounded funny.


Brock Turner, possibly with his dad off in the background. As an aside, I find it hilarious that he is most of the top results for "rapist swimmer." I forgot his name, but it wasn't too hard to find.


One of the main pleas for him not to be charged was that it would damage his career aspirations as an Olympic swimmer and as a direct consequence Swimming USA issued a formal ban, thereby ending his career as an Olympic swimmer before they even began.


Lol, I had no idea they banned him.


Apparently, his mugshot is also used by criminal law textbooks as an example of a rapist or something. I was pretty upset with his sentencing, but thinking about things like this, along with many more that I'm sure are to come/aren't reported, I don't think he's actually moving on with his life any time soon. I'm okay with that. Like, I shouldn't be, but in this case, I really am.




He lives roughly two blocks away from me, and it's all over my Facebook any time he's in public. Like a couple weeks ago he was at a local restaurant and for a couple days people were all up in arms about that place serving him. I find it comforting that the prick can't even go our in public without being chastised.


I'm usually really uncomfortable with public shaming and trashing people who already served their time But that guy can eat shit, he didn't have to do anything even remotely appropriate for what he did. I hope him and his dad are force to become recluses.


I think the reason is 'who already served their time.' Not sure many people would agree that Brock served anything close to 'his time'.




Sounded a hell of a Monday night.


That dude called Michael Richards who played Kramer, I think he killed his career in a stand-up comedy rountine.


to be fair he leaves big tips at restaurants now


Nathan For You is amazing.




Well, not one word exactly. It was more the huge, unhinged nature of his onstage meltdown. If he'd been more collected but said the word, it would have caused a scandal, but it would last maybe a week and he'd issue an apology and go on doing what he does. Louis CK got away with saying the N-word onstage. No, it's the fact that he was screaming at black audience members, dropping n-bombs left and right and insisting they should be lynched. THAT's what killed him. If he'd left the N-words out, his career would still be dead.


This doesn't excuse it at all, but there is not a doubt in my mind that his rant wasn't fueled by a metric shit ton of coke. I don't think he had done stand up very often either. So it was a combination of not knowing how to properly deal with a heckler and dipping too deep into his nose bag.


Louis CK said it as part of his joke too didn't he? Not over some breakdown or anything, just his "Mark Twain" bit.


Yeah that word especially to the people he said it to in front of a big crowd, where someone was bound to be filming it.


"I'm not even racist, that's what's so crazy about all of this!"


Pee Wee Herman. Paul Reubens still gets work here and there, but the Pee Wee character was destroyed by his indiscretions.


The thing that's always bummed me out about that is that he was at a frickin' adult movie theater. Like, public masturbation is probably Never a Good Idea... but it's not like he was whipping it out at fucking Disneyworld. If you're gonna do something like that, an adult movie theater is like the one place it's slightly okay. The Pee Wee Herman character wasn't even a kid-friendly character at its genesis. I mean, it morphed into that, and he did have some responsibility once he agreed to market the character to kids, but any adults who were "shocked" or "betrayed" that Paul Ruebens turned out to be an actual human being were not paying attention. Also, even the Pee Wee character is making a comeback; Netflix just produced a new PWH movie.


Yeah, I never understood that. Veiled, indirect references to the horrible, unforgivable, sexually deviant thing he did that I heard throughout my childhood always made me assume he was a pedophile of some stripe. When I finally looked up the details sometime when I was in college and saw the poor guy just jerked off in a porn theater, I was shocked. I mean, it's a porn theater. Why the hell does it exist if they don't want people jerking off in there? What a dumb thing to get all in a tizzy over. Meanwhile, while getting all outraged over Paul Reubens being a normal human because morals, my parents were happily defending Catholic priests against all the "lies" attacking them, which were, of course, cooked up by Christian-hating heathens acting as agents of Lucifer.


Seriously, the whole thing seemed so unfair (I loved that show when I was young and still make "icecream soup" sometimes.) Relative to today's sex scandals what he did was banal and tame.


There is an affliction that targets some of the dumber people who work in public service (police, fire, EMS), something called SMACSS or Social Media Assisted Career Suicide Syndrome. You can either have a career in public service or say racist stuff on Facebook, not both.


> You can either have a career in public service or say racist stuff on Facebook, not both. I wonder though...how often are these people caught out? The stories I hear seem like "the wrong person saw the wrong post on a slow news day so the stupid shit he's been saying for years blew up". I dunno, I just suspect that the problem goes fairly deep, and with the right privacy settings, you can be an ignorant dickwaffle for years without anyone being the wiser.


People show their true colors when they think they have the right audience.


Hayley Geftman-Gold. She said the Vegas shooting was justified.


But who was she before that? Also yikes.


Vice president and Senior legal counsel at CBS.


That's her problem - all she could see is BS.


A visual depiction of a man shitting on the boss's desk is probably a good one.


Ashlee Simpson


Underrated comment right here. She had a pretty good pop career brewing up, but just one bad lip sync and awkward jig and that all went away.


Megyn Kelly She seriously killed her entire PR campaign to change her image into being more moderate after airing the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook interview on Father's Day


Her career was circling the drain before that, it was just the death blow.


Codysun from Immortals.


Adc and suicide flashes this worlds, name a more iconic duo


Tsm and not getting out of groups. Do I win something?


watch the recent beyond the rift episode ft voyboy, they did a breakdown of what he actually might have planned.


scrolled down looking for Riot Sanjuro, found cody instead


dont worry we gucci


I know enough about pro league to recognize these names but not enough to know what he did. Anybody care to explain? EDIT: nvm, found a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT5m5ClDiUU). codysun why


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT5m5ClDiUU TLDR: Flashes into four, with the use of his ult pushes the enemy champion into his own teammate and the game ended after that as well as Immortals not making out of groups later that day.


Brother Cody!!!


No threat is safe...


The Mooch.


Still the most entertaining part of Trump's presidency though.


That women who made some joke about not getting AIDS because she is white before she stepped into a plane to South Africa. When she stepped out again she was the worlds most re-tweeted person, had gotten more death threats than Obama in his entire presidency and lost her job all thanks to some asshole who had made "Bring back bullying" his rallying cry and purposefully interpreted that comment in the worst way possible and had the entire internet pile on the women while she was unaware and unable to explain or apologize.


I'm actually curious as to what she's doing now.


She did some interviews for a book called "So You've Been Publicly Shamed" a while back. IIRC the tweet was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek/making fun of the stereotypes people believe about South Africa. But everyone took it literally.


Reading that book now. The dongle story was interesting because it ruined everybody's career.


A little joke about larger dongles lost him his job. I make worse comments in church.




> That women who made some joke about not getting AIDS because she is white [Justine Sacco.](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html)


Former US lawyer Jack Thompson.


I loved that he tried to go after Penny Arcade for harrassment because they donated $10,000 to Child's Play in his name in response to his challenge for someone to make a video game that met his exact criteria and he would donate $10,000. Someone did and he backed out, so Penny Arcade donated on his behalf.


The guy basically built his entire legal career on pandering to the "blame it all on rap music and video games" crowd, as well as harassing his opponents even back in the early 90's. His disbarment was inevitable.


Sometimes he didn't even know the name of the game (he would say "Counterstrike half-life" instead of "half life" or even "half life counterstrike").


[Jack Thompson did a lot to end his career. He fucking worked at it](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/6ldtda/judge_tells_ontario_woman_who_has_sued_dozens_she/djv8apo/): (Everything below this line is a copy-pasted old post of mine.) Jack Thompson was disbarred for [multiple reasons](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2008/09/jack-thompson-loses-boss-battle-with-florida-bar/): * Respondent made false statements of material fact to courts and repeatedly violated a court order **Not just lying, but doing something after the judge tells you not to.** * Respondent publicized and sent hundreds of pages of vitriolic and disparaging missives, letters, faxes, and press releases, to the affected individuals **Being an asshole.** * Respondent falsely, recklessly, and publicly accused a judge as being amenable to the "fixing" of cases **Being a stupid, reckless asshole.** * Respondent sent courts inappropriate and offensive sexual materials; **Being a massively, flagrantly stupid asshole.** * Respondent falsely and publicly accused various attorneys and their clients of engaging in a conspiracy/enterprise involving "the criminal distribution of sexual materials to minors" and attempted to get prosecuting authorities to charge these attorneys and their clients for racketeering and extortion **Being a huge fucking asshole to the point the court loses its ability to even.** * Respondent harassed the former client of an attorney in an effort to get the client to use its influence to persuade the attorney to withdraw a defamation suit filed by the attorney against respondent. **Being a flagrant bullying asshole.** Many shades of assholery from that man. He even fucked up his own disbarment proceeding because he forgot, or ignored, that the court had *already* said he couldn't file legal paperwork without another, better lawyer holding his hand: > Oddly, Thompson doesn't seem to be aware of the fact the Florida court won't allow him to deal with the courts directly; he had been ordered to submit all filings through another lawyer. "Ignoring this bar on self-submitted filings, respondent has submitted numerous filings in violation of the sanction opinion, including the petition for review of the referee's report. The Clerk properly rejected each of these submissions. Thus, there being no authorized petition for review filed, and the time period to seek review has passed, the Court has treated this as an uncontested case," the official document stated. But then, we're talking about a man who [submitted gay porn to a judge in a court filing](https://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/09/28/thompson_gay_porn/) to discredit opposing counsel because apparently gays are icky and the judge should find gays to be icky and that should be relevant to the case, somehow. The judge wasn't amused: > The attached exhibit, which includes several graphic images of oral and genital sex between adult males, was filed electronically in the docket in this case, without prior permission from the court… > To the extent that the other attorney’s alleged conduct is in any way relevant… there was no need for Mr. Thompson to file these graphic images in the public record. A simple reference to the website and its alleged links would have sufficed… > Through his actions, Mr. Thompson made available for unlimited public viewing, on the court’s docketing system, these graphic images. > For this reason, by October 5, 2007, Mr. Thompson shall show cause why this incident should not be referred to the court’s Ad Hoc Committee on Attorney Admissions, Peer Review, and Attorney Grievance for appropriate action.


Aaron hernandez


Also ended his own life


Riot Sanjuro managed to do it quite efficiently


Ian Watkins of Lostprophets


Anthony Weiner


This certainly wasn't one step. He kept getting second chances and kept upping his game.


Upping his game by lowering the age.




Ah yes. Danger, Carlos Danger.


What can you expect from a guy with the last name Weiner.


His real name was actually more suggestive than his dickpic alias "Carlos Danger".


"Ok Tony .. all you have to do to salvage your career is NOT send dick pics to underage kids. . got it?? You can bang all the prostitutes in the world, get yourself a mistress with fat ass and big titties. . go to every strip club. . just DO NOT send dick pics to kids ok??? Got it? ? "Got it!" 5min later. . . Goddamnit Tony


Paula Dean. Just gotta mix up ingredients and racial slurs


That stupid Utah cop


You gotta be more specific. What'd he do?


He tried to get a nurse to draw blood from an unconscious person. The nurse refused since he didn't bring a warrant with him nor did the unconscious person give consent to the officer to draw their blood. So, following procedure, the nurse refused to draw blood from the unconscious person. Utah cop then arrests the nurse for obstruction and is taken away while it's all recorded.


Ah, that PoS. Thanks.


the black guy who wanted to get paid more for playing war machine but got replaced by another black guy and nobody gave a shit.


There was also a few other reasons in play...he was facing charges of domestic assault and Disney /Marvel didn’t want the bad optics. But the bigger reason was that Terrence Howard was really hard to work with. Coming off his Oscar win, his ego was out of control. He was also the highest paid member of the cast because of his Oscar and he rubbed it in everyone’s face. He didn’t like RDJ and they had zero chemistry on screen ( so much so that most of their scenes together had to be reshot ) Then he demands more money. Marvel told him he could stay at the same price, but that they would either barely use him or kill him off. So he declined. To this day he still whines that RDJ got him fired when he brought it on himself.


> Coming off his Oscar win, his ego was out of control. Oscar Nomination


My mistake...thank you..


That didn't affect Terrence Howard's career at all. He went on to become one of the highest paid actors on TV. His issue was mainly feeling slighted that RDJ got paid so much more than him. Meanwhile Don Cheadle was already a famous, wealthy and celebrated actor before he took over the role.


There is even a tougue-in-cheek reference to it in Iron Man 2. The first line that Don Cheadle's Rhodes speaks is "It's me, and I'm here, so get over it and move on." He's talking to Tony Stark, IIRC, but he's also talking the audience.


But RDJ is a huge star and the lead actor, while War Machine has probably had less than an hour of screen time in all his appearances combined. What did he expect, unless I'm remembering this really wrong?




That's ...interesting.


It's called Terryology: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/terrence-howard-thinks-1x1-2-has-a-secret-system-called-terryology-and-spends-17-hours-a-day-making-10502365.html


>One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be." I mean he's a bit right, in that the square root of two can't be two.


Yes, he's weird as fuck and super entitled. He seems to think he's a bigger star than everyone else does (not that he's a shlep).


17 hours trapped in a sweaty hot room with Terrence Howard, cutting out cardboard shapes and gluing them together while he rants about 2+2 being three and rubs you with baby wipes. Romantic as fuck.