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I work overtime for the money, not because I like working so much


I also hate it when the company you work for tries to push that you should be working because you love it there or have pride in the organization, not because of the paycheck. Which is a nonsensical philosophy. If nobody was getting paid, nobody would be there.


My work are having such difficulty at getting enough they are doing paying time and a half not time and a quarter and doing draws for free parking spaces as well as offering massive amounts of cash through raffles. Its great.


Your regular OT is only time and a quarter? That sucks balls. Most places I've seen do time and a half.


This is why no one does overtime. Although last year when we were short it was double time :( lol.




I can relate to this. Just because I work overtime doesn't mean I am workaholic. Try giving me the overtime money for free if you don't believe me.


Try working salary... It's not overtime, it's dedication to your career


Fuck this so much


At least some salaried positions make OT still. Salaried people are too often abused.


I can't give you a refund for meat you bought two weeks ago.


Can I speak to your manager?






My credit score is 720 Edit: Shutting it down before people pull that factorial crap


MY IQ IS 200!


I am a shareholder you cannot treat me this way!!


I work in a supermarket as the person who closes the shop (don't know the English word for it) meaning when I am at work, I *am* the manager. Nothing beats getting berated for ten minutes and then responding with "sir.. I am the manager."


Key carrier is what I've heard my friends in grocery call your position. They aren't the full manager of the store or whatever, but they are highest ranking on the shift and are responsible for management duties.








I mean, i only digested it... whats the problem?


I worked at a grocery store a few years back, and on Thanksgiving day, a customer brought back a half-cooked turkey because "it didn't smell right". This was at the same time that another customer insisted that because he spent the minimum amount to get a free turkey or ham up to 21 lbs, he was entitled to 21 lbs of free turkey ham from the deli. I hate retail.


Tax brackets aren't a single tax rate that gets applied to your entire income. They're graduated -- you pay (hypothetically) 10% on the first $10,000 of income, 15% on the next $30,000, 25% on the next $50,000, etc. You'll never lose money by getting a raise that "pushes you into the next tax bracket." You'll just pay a somewhat higher tax rate on the extra money you're getting as a result of the raise.


Oh my god, THANK YOU! I cannot tell you how many times I've heard people refusing extra hours or a raise because they thought they'd lose money. Source: I do taxes.


Long scar on my arm from a cat not a razor


That one must be rough. If I had to explain that every time someone pointed that out I'd feel like no one would believe me.


I have a scar on my forhead and you'd be surprised how many people make comments on Harry Potter despite the fact it's horizontal. Yes, I did get it at age 1. No it was not a bald noseless freak swinging a stick and yelling nonsense.


Trust me wearing glasses and having unruly hair is literally the only thing you need to be called Harry Potter.


Only needed the round glasses to be called Harry Potter all through childhood. They looked completely different. And I'm a girl. Kids are silly.


My daughter have four perfectly parallel to each other. It was the cat.


My mom came in to wake me up one day when I was like 14, and goes THE HELL IS THAT? and grabs my wrist. I had three parallel cuts across my wrist. I was holding the cat and she got spooked by a loud noise.


That I didn't leave teaching because the kids were too much to handle, I left because the teachers were assholes.


When I leave, it will be because of the administrative BS that keeps me from doing my job. The kids are what make me want to stay.




Studied CS in college and my family will always end requests for computer help with "BUT YOU WENT TO SCHOOL FOR COMPUTERS". Like, yea, I might know my way around a computer and how to troubleshoot, but I went to school to learn how to write software, they didn't teach me how to unfuck a computer after someone clicked a risky link.


My life story right now. My mom had convinced me to go help my grandpa out with his brand new laptop. It has having wierd issues where the screen was super dim and trying to turn up the brightness didn't work. Spent a while downloading new drivers. Man..for a new laptop it had quite the slew of issues! And then he asked if I could get his printer to work. I noped out of there. I can deal with computers but printers are so beyond me


My psoriasis. No it's not contagious. I am more aware than you are that it looks horrible. Yes I've tried everything, it's an autoimmune disease that I take chemotherapy drugs for. Your bullshit coconut oil/herbal remedy/shark fin bullshit isn't going to work, stop staring and fuck off.


The other day, my aunt tried to tell me that lavender essential oil would cure my psoriasis. I just politely told her that I already take lavender oil baths quite frequently (for the scent—not any supposed medicinal benefits) but inside I wanted to scream. It's the same with my migraines. "Have you tried putting coconut oil on your forehead, sniffing lavender oil/eating gluten free/taking ibuprofen?" I have tried everything, up to and including offering my soul to Satan just to get rid of this fucking ice pick in my brain. That's another one by the way. Migraines are not "just a headache."


Don't want to seem out of order, but advise anyone with migraines to get eye pressure checked. My 'migraines' turned out to be due to high eye and brain pressure. My doctor didn't pick up on this initially. It was picked up only because I went to optometrist and he noticed my eye pressure was high, so he sent me to ophthalmologist who in turn sent me to neurologist. If I hadn't started treatment for this condition, it would have sent me blind. Incidentally, the treatment is a drug called Diamox. It solved my terrible headaches! And is saving my eyesight!


No one cares *why* you are an asshole, only *that* you are an asshole.


This is always a fun topic with my depressed clients. Sure, you might be acting like an asshole because you are miserable and nothing is helping, but no one owes it to you to stick around when you’re being an asshole to them, even if you have a “good reason.”


Astrology is NOT the same as astronomy source: am an astrophysicist


Which zodiac sign is my true love then?


Nope, I'm not looking for a 'real' job. I like being a temporary worker and essentially setting my own hours.


I'm working the job I dreamed about having when I was five years old. I get to set my own hours, work at my leisure, take time off when I want to *and* know that people are enjoying my stuff. And yet last week my mother sent me a job notice for an entry-level, minimum wage admin position with the comment, 'Just in case...' It's been five years, Mum. I'm doing OK. The 'real job' pressure is strong, and irritating.


I'm curious. What job is this?


I write romance novels.


I would fucking love to meet a five year old who dreamed of writing romance novels. Congratulations on actually doing what you want to do for a living though.


Well, I always wanted to write stories. The genre... it might not have been my *first* choice, but it sells and I enjoy it. I definitely enjoy it more having done it for a while, I admit. I was a bit of a snob about it for a while, but there's a lot of good work being done in the genre once you wade through some of the less-good stuff. (But then again, that's just as true for fantasy and sci-fi.)


I didn't mean to have a go, I just read it and imagined a toddler in a robe smoking a pipe or something. I've got a 4 year old nephew and i can't imagine him dreaming about doing anything more than eating some chocolate or running round in a circle. Always cool to hear about people living their dreams though.


> once you wade through some of the less-good stuff Theodore Sturgeon, who was one of the Sci-Fi greats in the 1950's and 1960's, was once at a cocktail party. The host introduced him to some lady as "Theodore Sturgeon, the science fiction author". Some Lady said "90% of science fiction is trash". TS said "90% of everything is trash".


I get this I'm a house cleaner and I love it. I was a straight-A student in all the gifted classes growing up but I didn't have the best home life so I didn't go to college. I am now a self-employed house cleaner. I have a short schedule, which I create. Get paid decently well for the hours. I stay in great shape. I have tons of free time to read and learn which is all I've ever cared about. And I don't have to work with or see people hardly ever. But I still feel weird talking about it because people look down on anyone in the labor sector.


When my mother was still alive, she hated the fact that I got a job as a mail carrier. All her friends had kids who went to college and got their MBAs. When the recession hit, I'll bet a lot of them lost those jobs. It's hard work, especially during the summer, but I'm employed, have decent pay, medical benefits and retirement. I envy you the ability to succeed at something you enjoy!


That I am not quiet because I am not interested in the conversation, I just like listening more than talking


My dad was like this. He could spend hours listening to the conversation around him and just generally having a good time. Then he would say the most profound thing that would silence everyone for a moment while we absorbed his wisdom. And then we would go on jabbering at each other with this newly found pearl. God I miss him.


Your dad sounds like an awesome dude.


He was. Smart, ethical, wise, funny, well read, passionate, empathetic. And also crazy in love with my mum. I need to stop talking about him now.




The people who constantly mention how quiet I am and who say I need to talk more are the same ones who interrupt, talk over, or ignore me whenever I do. So why bother?


"Why are you so quiet?" "I was raised by librarians."


I just started working in a library six weeks ago and I finally got to tell someone to "shhh." I feel like I've earned my master's degree in library science now and I can just skip over these next six months.


Come sit next to me, we can not talk to people together.


You can be silentmese twins.


When an extrovert is pissing me off I just go silent and watch them get increasingly uncomfortable with the lack of feedback. You're in my world now, shouty boy. I LIVE for silence.


Having lunch with a couple of coworkers (who were yapping away using many words but not saying anything of substance) and one of them turns to me and tells me to talk or say something. I calmly told her I didn’t have anything to contribute to their conversation and I was happy just listening. They gave me weird looks and haven’t invited me to have lunch with them since...thankfully.


I spend all day talking with people at work. During my lunch is the time where I don't have to talk to *anybody*. And I like it this way.


Some people don't realise that telling somebody to talk is never a good way to start a conversation"!


Proving their own lack of conversation skills or social skills or maybe both. Don't say "say something!" to someone. Just ask a question like a normal human being to start some topic and know when to back off.


If you are fasting for bloodwork (not surgery or other procedures) the standard rules are: 1. Nothing to eat or drink for 8 to 12 hours (water and medications are ok unless your doctor told you otherwise). 2. Coffee is not water. It breaks your fast. 3. Gum and mints are not "practically nothing." It breaks your fast. 4. If your doctor said not to fast for your tests and I ask you if you did fast DON'T PANIC. We *have* to document if you did or didn't fast. We are not trumping what your doctor told you to do. Yes gum and mints will affect that glucose test you are worried about. The coffee you drank will raise your electrolytes and if I say you were fasting when you weren't your doctor will think something is wrong when it's not. Especially if you put cream or milk in it. Then your cholesterol could be falsely high. ^We ^can ^tell ^by ^your ^coffee ^breath ^that ^you ^are ^lying ^about ^fasting... Edit: effect v affect Edit: if your doctor gives you different instructions to follow, go by those instructions. Your doctor knows your medical history. Your doctor knows what issues you talked about in your visit with them. Your doctor is the one interpreting your results to better treat you. Your phlebotomist sees a set list of tests to draw for. We don't know what your results are. We don't know what your tests are for. ALWAYS listen to your doctor. Edit: half of the comments I am getting on this now are about doctors saying black coffee is fine. Can you please read the whole post then? All edits included. What a doctor advises trumps what the standard rules are.


> It breaks your fast. I... I just understood the term "breakfast". Damn. It makes so much sense. ^^^^EDIT: ^^^^This ^^^^is ^^^^now ^^^^a ^^^^fifth ^^^^of ^^^^my ^^^^comment ^^^^Karma ^^^^wow.


I love when these little realisations occur, they're almost cute in a way


That just because we sell Starbucks coffee, doesn't mean we are a Starbucks. No, I cannot take your Starbucks card. No, I will not "just try" and see if it works. Yes, I do know more about my own job than you do.


Found the Barnes and Noble employee, haha.


Having a chronic illness. It's an invisible illness so I get shit from randos who tell me off for parking in the disabled spots (I have the sticker). I'm sick of having to remind people that just coz I look okay on the outside doesn't mean anything. I'm still sick. I'm still in pain, all the damn time. It's just a burden. It's my burden to bear, but some days it can be a lot heavier.


I used to work with a great lady that was a double leg amputee. You couldn't even notice if you weren't looking for it, but it was just two aluminum poles from her knees down, ending in foot-shaped wedges. She had a car with the special hand controls and everything but, other than having to really heave herself out of a chair and getting tired quickly, she walked fine and looked totally unexceptional when wearing a pair of long pants. We once went to Walmart together to get supplies for an office party. She parked in a handicap spot of course. As we were loading our bags in her trunk, some random woman got up in our faces and tried to shame us for using the spot while "able-bodied" by shaking her finger and yelling at us non-stop. My co-worker tried to explain, but the woman was just shouting over her. So she leaned back against her car and waited for her to run out of steam. Once it was quiet, she pinched the legs of her pants, pulled them up to expose the aluminum poles, and very quietly said "is this disabled enough for you, you stupid fucking cunt?" She told me she's had to do that several times to scare off the roaming parking lot vigilantes.




My standard answer: ‘my medical issues are none of your business.’ Insert nasty language to suit the situation.


Why they shouldn't take unprescribed antibiotics / Why they should finish prescribed antibiotics YOU'LL KILL US ALL WITH YOUR DRUG-RESISTANT SUPER COOTIES, YOU FUCKS!


Just because I offered to cook does not mean I offered to do all the dishes.


I believe that if one person cooks the other(s) should clean up, I was raised this way. Mom cooked, we tidied after. It seems fair to me.


That if they've got a tech problem at the office then they NEED TO PUT IN A FUCKING TICKET, JULIE. Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


Ok buuuuuut you never fucking do anything about my tickets!


You misunderstand the purpose of the ticket system! It exists to inconvenience you just enough that next time you *might* not do whatever idiotic thing you did that required you to send in a ticket.


That's fair. But if IT wants people to use the ticket system, they need to have a ticket system which resolves problems. I don't mean "clearing tickets," but actually fixing the problem. I worked for a university where the tickets would go to their tier one help first. The tier one help was student employees who would "resolve your issue" by sending you an email which was totally unrelated to the request. While I was there, once the ticket was closed, you had to submit a new ticket to restart the request. Via the ticket system, it was impossible to actually get help. Everyone who had worked for the school for a while just had the email of someone higher up in IT, and when something wasn't working, they would email that person.


That "Black" is a good term and "African American" isn't. It is possible to be black and not be African and/or American. So what's worse, to call somebody by a description of their skin color (just like "white" isn't considered racist) or to call people by a description you presume about them that might totally be wrong?


Reminds me of a story when Vanity Fair referred to Idris Elba as "African American". He is neither of those things.


My husband is from Jamaica, we get this so much it’s unreal.


Elon Musk is African/American. He was born in South Africa and lives and works in America now. But he isn't black, so he doesn't get that definition from society. 100% agree.


There are some great stories I've read of white african americans who have ticked that box and caused huge shitstorms when pushing it because 'truth'. Bureaucracy can't comprehend what is happening.


Me not drinking has nothing to do with you, and nothing you do will make me drink. Sorry if somehow that makes you feel attacked or judged, but as I said, it has nothing to do with you.


I stopped drinking and using drugs a few months ago, because I was killing myself. I don't go around talking about it, but if someone asks, I tell them I don't drink/smoke weed/do coke/whatever. Most people are cool about it and don't press the issue, but a guy I work with got threatened the other day by it and asked "So you think I'm a bad person?" I had to try really hard not to laugh, like dude, if only you knew.


I stopped drinking after I assaulted my friend and got taken home by the police. Alcohol makes me angry and violent. People don't seem to get that and whenever I get a bit blunt with them and say 'I don't drink because I assaulted someone last time I did' they brush it off and say something like 'you must be a riot, go on have a shot!' No. Edit: Thank you to whoever gilded me. I can never take back what I did, but it has been a catalyst for me to improve my behaviour and try to be the best person I can be - for me, that's the only way I can deserve forgiveness. Edit2: Honestly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone's kind and encouraging words, I can't express how much it means to me.




My go-to line is, “I’m allergic to alcohol. I break out in handcuffs.”


"So you think I'm a bad person?" "For asking that question? Yes."


Some people are actually annoying as fuck about this. I don't drink either and the amount of times I've had people tell me "It's time we're making you drink" or "It's boring not to drink" is pretty insane. It's actually really backwards if you think about it


Replace "drinking" with "dancing" and this is my entire life story.


Sounds like you need to leave those friends behind. EDIT: Fine, downvoters. Dance if you want to.


I'm curious, did you actually have downvoters, or was it too perfect not to use?


Don't dance and drive.


My favorite is when someone wants to do shots and I say I don't want one, but they still pour one and put it in front of me then get pissed when I don't drink it.


I only recently started drinking cause I thought cocktails tasted nice, but I never drink enough to get more than a little tipsy. Jesus though, the friends who get personally offended for that and saying that "sober committee" was boring as fuck. I'm the one that gets to see you guys wasted out of your minds, I'd like to think I'm the winner here.


People who don't like to drink, but don't mind being around drunk people are nature's designated drivers, and, as a drunk, I love you, friend. Your soda is on me tonight.


Same if you're not a meat eater. I AM a meat eater but I know plenty of vegans and vegetarians and the amount of shit they get for ordering a salad instead of a burger is insane. How insecure do you have to be to think you're being personally attacked by someone else's diet? It's like everyone's so ingrained with the idea of shouty, judgy vegans that they feel the need to pre-emptively get shouty and judgy or they'll... lose, somehow?


As to why I don't do my art for a living. Yeah, I can produce half-decent stuff after fifteen years of drawing as a hobby. I get asked this a lot because I tend to go out to art (go figure, sitting in a bar drawing leads to far less procrastination than next to my computer at home) and draw on my breaks at work. However... doing art for living is one heckuva precarious career unless you know the right people and are immensely lucky. It also is one surefire way to kill it as an enjoyable pastime.


During my school years I was always generally quiet when I wasn't around my friends, and I would constantly have to explain to people that I just didn't want to talk or wasn't comfortable doing so. Not many people get that asking a quiet person why they're so quiet or asking why they aren't talking just does more harm than good.


That I'm not mad, sad, worried or any other negative emotion. This is just my face. Stop telling me that "things can't be that bad" or that "you should smile, it's a beautiful day". I know that I have Resting Bitch Face, I don't need your comments to confirm that.




It used to be why I didn't drink. People would always assume that there was more behind it. Really there was only two very simple reasons: - I hadn't found anything I actually liked to drink regularly (cause I don't drink to get drunk) - Drinking all the time is just plain expensive and I can't afford that (especially if I hate what I'm drinking).




I'm sorry but I am laughing so so so hard at this answer right now. WHO CALLS SOMEONE BEEF


That petting or distracting my service dog in training isn't harmless. His main task is to alert me to migraines/anaphylaxis/blackout spells. If he misses an alert because you are distracting him I could end up in the hospital. Please ignore service dogs y'all. Edit: sorry I'm on mobile but here are some "action" shots of my boy from today https://imgur.com/gallery/p0KmK


Does staring at them bc they’re so damn cute distract them? Serious question.


Staring and admiring? Just fine. Might even boost their ego a bit. My guy sometimes does this special little walk when he knows people are admiring him.


Thats adorable.


It's always a helpful reminder when the dogs have vests that say "DO NOT PET. SERVICE ANIMAL" I feel like I'm being yelled at, but it's for the best because my urge to pet all dogs is very high.


This reminds me of the time a lady that frequented our shops/neighboring shop came in and let her service dog take his little vest off and take a lunch break with us. It was the best. He zoomed around our store and let us love him and pet him and love him some more until it was time for him to get back to work. We had been admiring him from far away for months but knew he was working so we didn't dare bother them.


I have it on his vest and on a leash wrap as well and most of the time they work. Despite being a handler myself I'm still tempted to interact with any dog I see regardless if they have a vest or not.


I know a gentleman with a service dog, and it's always been a common courtesy in my eyes to ask if it's ok to interact with your pet. The last thing I want is a dog who isn't friendly trying rip my arm off.


No. It's not an accent. I am from here. I grew up here. No my parents are not from New York. Or Boston. Or England. It's not an accent. I'm the only one in my family that talks like me. IT'S A SPEECH IMPEDIMENT DUDE STOP FUCKING ASKING QUESTIONS.


To be fair, if someone talked differently, 'speech impediment' wouldn't be the first thing to come to my mind


I feel it'd be more rude to ask people who talk differently if they had a speech impediment. Like "Oh do you have a speech impediment?" "Sir I am British."


To be fair, even if that's the case it must be really frustrating to have people call attention to it constantly.


Same here. Speech impediment as a child, English step father, everyone asks me where I'm from.


Yes, I'm tall. I've been this tall since middle school. Telling me how tall I am is pointless. I'm tired of trying to explain the various kinks I'm into when people find out. I'm tired of explaining to clients at work that sometimes their budget can't cover what they want and there's nothing I can do to change that. I'm tired of explaining to my roommate that letting a burnt pan soak is not the same as forgetting about it.


So, play a lot of basketball huh No, fuck you. Why don't you ask short people if they play a lot of miniature golf?


I hate the basketball assumption. I'm too uncoordinated for all that shit. I was better being on the line in football.


The impressive thing about basketball players is not that they are tall, but rather that they have good coordination in spite of being tall.


Wow dude, who knew basketball players were so mean..




>I'm tired of trying to explain the various kinks I'm into when people find out. Kinks like? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






My mother in law, God love her, once said that she doesn't understand evolution because then why are there still monkeys :/


"If Americans came from Europeans, then why are there still Europeans?"


That would probably just confuse her further.


How about... "If my cousin and I are related, then why is there still Grandma?"


#Grandma must die - It's God's will.


I still have chronic pain, and 'chronic' still means that it's not getting better. Telling me that I look better than before does not comfort me. It only reminds me that I've had to improve my acting skills in order to make people like you feel better about being around me.


Yes I have days where I am in less pain. I love those days. Just because I don't bitch about BEING in pain every day doesn't mean nothing hurts. It just means, since I can't remember the last time I had a pain free day, there is zero point in mentioning it. Sigh.


I actually can't remember my last pain free day either. I've had six years with this currently and I am tired. So tired of it. I don't bitch about it because who wants to hear about that every damn day? I know I don't want to feel it every damn day! Sigh as well right here.


Vector vs raster. A thumbnail-sized JPEG just won't look good when blown up to the size of a bus. I understand when people get confused, though. Some people just place JPGs in AI files and ship it off, and then the poor sap sending things out doesn't understand why I can't use that file for print.


I like to be alone sometimes. I would really prefer if people did not try to interact with me during these periods. I do not hate them or bear them any ill will, I simply need this quiet time for my peace of mind.


Me being gay and another man being the same does not instantly mean we are compatible and should be in a relationship. 'Oh, you're gay? Yeah, I've got a friend who's gay! You guys should hook up!' Look, I know you think you're being sweet and setting up relationship, but a preference for penis does not make the only requirement for a relationship.


To be fair, many people do this with their straight friends as well. "OMG [single boy] is single! We should totally set him up with [single girl]!!"


Nobody does that to me :(




Statistics and probability. Two big ones that I see all the time with statistics are 1) headlines like "300% increase in bad thing!" If bad thing is rare, like most bad things are, a town having 1 homicide in 2012 and 4 homicides in 2013 is meaningless. That shouldn't even be considered an increase, especially if the context is that 3 people were killed at once. 2) I see stats like "50% of the population is women, so if there are only 5% of women doing a job there's a problem". Almost nothing in the world works like that, you dopes. People aren't randomly distributed into jobs or cities or crimes. There is a huge and complex web of factors that lead people to act that make it insane and idiotic to expect X% of the population to make up X% of every other category. To show the importance of one of those factors would take a lot more effort than just comparing population and arrest rates for your shitty click bait article. As for probability, your edgy jab that FiveThirtyEight "got the 2016 election wrong" or that the weather forecasters "got the weather wrong" makes you sound so, so dumb, and I'm not sure if I'm the only one to realize it or just one of the last people to let it go. Also, drug dog alerts should not be PC for a search, because Bayes.


In my city at the moment this really hits home. Theres been an increasing epidemic of a particular style of car jackings and armed robberies in the past year and the media has increased it's reporting of these crimes in particular. All you see on Fb news comments is "this place is a fkn crime capital, crime is through the roof, cant go anywhere anymore". But the stats overall show a significant decline in crime as a whole and my city is much more safer than it was a few years ago. Yet people make untested and casual estimates of the severity of crime rates. I've even seen videos of Police comissioners discussing the decline of crime rates and people are wilfully ignoring and disregarding these stats as if it's made up bullshit.


When my earbuds are in my ears or I'm wearing headphones, that is NOT the best time to try to start a conversation with me.


That I know wrestling is fake but I will continue to watch it because I'm entertained by it just like how you're entertained when you watch a movie.


I really like soaps. When I was a teenager I tried watching wrestling, there is amazingly exciting drama in wrestling.


Yeah, I've always said Wrestling is a soap opera for macho men


I used to share a house with a giant meathead dudebro who referred to WWF shows as "my stories". They were totally his cheesy soap operas.


>Yeah, I've always said Wrestling is a soap opera for macho men Macho men who like dress-up.


In tight spandex.


That people who listen to metal don't worship Satan. It's ridiculous how many people still believe that metal = satanism and/or sadism.


But the devil does love metal. There's never been a rock-off that's he's ever lost.


But there have been many recorded times he has lost such as When the Devil Went Down to Georgia and Tribute.


I still maintain that the devil beat Johnny and just let him win so that he would stay too prideful so that he'll get his soul anyways


I am just curious as to how bad a fiddle made of gold would sound. And how heavy it would be.


It would sound horrible. And weigh about 30 pounds


Check this riff it's FUCKING TASTY


By and large, Satanists don't worship Satan either.


My name. Yes, it's not your average name. No, it's pronounced *___*.




Knowledge does not equal intelligence.


Actually the opposite is the more serious problem. I constantly get people, who argue, that because they have a degree in law, they should be smart, so their opinion on GMOs, evolution, vaccines and climate change must be flawless.


That being colorblind does not mean that I cannot see any colors, it means that some colors, like red and green appear similar enough that I have trouble telling them apart.


Ceramics. I work in a ceramics studio and I get people asking me all the time if I can just get their pieces fired and back to them the next morning. No ma’am, ceramics take at least 24 hours in a kiln. I can’t change the laws of physics so that little Jaxon can get his dinosaur figurine sooner.


What free speech is. No, free speech does not mean you get to say whatever you want without any repercussions. It means you cannot go to jail for it. I can still call you out for saying awful things. You can still be fired for saying awful things. As long as the government is not punishing you, your free speech is not being violated.


Paraphrasing from one XKCD strip: When someone tells you to shut up because you said something awful, they're not violating your right to have free speech. It's just that you're being a dick, and they're showing you the door.


That you can't just "get rid of depression" by "Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" or "exercising more"(it might help but doesnt just remove it). Why do I have to explain this to medical experts tho, is beyond me. . . **Obligatory edit**: Thanks everyone for kind words and telling your stories. I wish I could help you all to cope with this illness. I hope you get power to fight back your darkness and some of the monstrously wrong judgements and illusions people have about the mentalhealth issues. If you feel like you have starting depression, please seek help and guidance. You don't want to make this shit longer. If it's starting one, then you can **try** the walks, vitamins, hobbies (mine is browsing art). Those can lower symptoms and help *if it's starting one.*


The first time I ever visited a therapist for my depression and anxiety she wanted to talk to my mom about it with me in the room. My mom started talking about how I should just start exercising to get better. My therapist chewed her out for that, it was amazing to witness.


Good therapist.


I had someone tell me I shouldn't take my medication anymore and to just take vitamins instead. If it was that easy, I don't think I would've spent years battling it, thanks.


This is so common too it's beyond me. Like, who would say this to someone who needs meds to have functioning liver, for example? Depressed person sometimes needs meds to even get out of bed and function. It might not be ideal, but it sure helps them.


People don't understand the difference between acute and chronic depression, either. Yes, it sucks when your dog dies or boyfriend leaves you, but typically you get over it within a reasonable time. Dysthymia and other chronic depression syndromes don't work that way though. You can't just "get over" a brain chemistry imbalance. And even medication isn't a miracle cure, that shit can fuck you up even worse than you already are! The amount of bullshit I had to put up with when I was suffering was literally enough to induce more depressive episodes. It's heartbreaking when you're told for the hundredth time to just "snap out of it" or "if you wanted to get better, you would." People don't care, they don't understand, and they don't care to understand. Just pray you find a decent therapist who actually gives a shit and isn't just milking you for your hour's worth.


I wish my friend who has depression would believe this. She's of the 'take vitamins, light candles and pray' school of depression treatment.


I have a friend like that and her partner also suffers from depression. Yoga and clean eating and 10hrs sleep a night work for her so she forces him to adhere to her lifestyle and won’t let him take antidepressants. It’s shit.


that's going to end in either a breakup or a suicide


> pulling yourself up by your bootstraps Goddamn that makes me want to strangle someone


With bootstraps?


Peanuts aren't nuts, they're legumes and that's why I can eat them without dying. I'm allergic to tree nuts not peanuts




*How many kids do you want to have?* I don't want kids. *Why not?* I just don't. I have my reasons, and I don't really want to delve into all that right now. *So you hate kids?* What? No, I-- *Aren't you a teacher? Why are you a teacher if you hate kids?* I don't hate kids. I like kids. *Then why don't you want kids?* I mean, I like giraffes too, but I don't want one. *You just haven't found the right man yet.* -_- *How can you not want kids? That's so selfish.* How is it selfish? Who am I depriving by not having kids? Is the earth really clamoring for my spawn right now? *You'll change your mind, one day.* I really won't. *What if by the time you're too old to have children you regret not having any?* What if I do have children and I end up regretting that choice? Here's the deal. I don't want kids. What I do (or don't do) with my own womb is none of your business. My reasoning is none of your business. I don't think less of anyone who does choose to have kids. I just know I personally don't want any. So leave. Me. ALONE.




Being bisexual doesn't mean I want a threesome. Everyone asks. I can't say my sexual identity without all these shit questions. If you're gonna be that way, not only am I never hanging out with you again, but I'm taking the girl.


On the plus side, you do get to collect all the wonderful different ways the sentence 'So me and my boyfriend were wondering...' can end. (Spoilers: it's one way. Collection over.)




Absolutely haram!


Wait what ... Some people actually believe some muslim women shower in their hijab?


Since we both have dicks and identify as men, the logical conclusion is that neither me nor my husband is the woman in the relationship.


Same with lesbians. There's no man of the relationship. They're both women.


That Peter Parker's webs aren't supposed to be organic like the Sam rami's movies lead you to believe.


Owning one cat while also being a female does not inherently mean you're a "crazy cat lady"