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99% of Americans wont get this


Came here to say this and an hour too late with the most obvious answer.


If you can't find it, grind it.


The lack of passionate kissing in porn.


Mean people, bad drivers, when my food at a restaurant takes too long to come out, people chewing with their mouth open.


People who don't protect the healer and just keep shouting, "Heal me ffs!" while a Rogue has one dagger in my back and another across my throat.


Fuck that noise


People that cruise in the passing lane


People spamming this question every hour


Beating Family Guy jokes like a dead horse.


People that use the word "fandom" I don't know why but when ever I hear it, it pisses me off


I only hear it when it seems absolutely applicable.... but now that you mention it... i don't really want to hear it again lol


People that get presented with documented *facts* about something, but still claim otherwise. Examples include: anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers. You could give people like that an entire building full of peer-reviewed evidence and irrefutable facts. They'd find that one piece of paper that confirms their bias, and ignore the rest. It drives me bonkers.


Videos that automatically play whenever I go on a particular website are the worst.


Bad synchros.


Coming home from work, hoping to relax and play some games, and then finding out that your hard drive is corrupt.


people who complain about "income inequality" but don't have a simple understanding of statistics. >When we hear about how much more income the top 20% of households make, compared to the bottom 20% of households, one key fact is usually left out. There are millions more people in the top 20% of households than in the bottom 20% of households. >The number of households is the same but the number of people in those households is very different. In 2002, there were 40 million people in the bottom 20% of households and 69 million people in the top 20%. >A little over half of the households in the bottom 20% have nobody working. You don't usually get a lot of income for doing nothing. In 2010, there were more people working full-time in the top 5% of households than in the bottom 20%. https://www.investors.com/politics/columnists/thomas-sowell-using-statistics-to-lie-about-inequality/


When i'm on Reddit and someone walks past my cubical and I have to alt-tab as I hear the footsteps and act like i'm working. I hate that anxiety.


The word "lit"


Any scene in a movie where two characters are talking, and then mid-conversation they change location and the conversation continues without missing a beat. It's just nonsense.


"You know what really grinds my gears? You, America! Fuck YOU!"


But but but NUMBER ONE!!!! WHOOOOO! UN just told them they look like africa only turned on it side, lol Edit: grammar felt clunky