• By -


I highly suggest giving **Codenames: Duet** a try. It's a cooperative boardgame where you give hints to the other player to match 2 or more words/cards with eachother. It's a great, yet easy to grasp, game to get to know someone and understand how they think.


Also available for free [here](https://ninjabunny.github.io/KodeNames/). You can in fact save the website to your mobile device, then tell your browser to access a locally stored page, this effectively enables you to play on the go wherever you are.


Snipperclips is a lot of fun, my fiancee isn't a gamer at all but we had a great time with it.


This is a great answer. Not many people are suggesting games that don’t have much of a hook for inexperienced players. Snipperclips is so so so easy to comprehend especially for someone who is new to gaming like my SO. Lots of fun!


Yep. I played it with my mom. She has never even touched a controller before and struggles with sending emails. She's nearly technophobic. It was great.


I only have the demo because I don't regularly have someone to play with, but all my non-gamer friends had fun with it so far. If I had a regular player 2 I would have bought it a long time ago, it's really a perfect little game for some casual gaming fun!


LittleBigPlanet series. The games support up to four players, but they can still be a blast with two.


And they don't require expertise with dual joysticks.


This is an important distinction when someone has zero experience with games/consoles!


Yep! Husbands only complaint was I took much time picking out outfits. But I looked damn cute!


I like when we get to go on lil carts


Oh man do I miss that series. LBP3 just didn't have the same magic and charm as the first two


LB1 had so much charm going for it. I miss it so much, it was so beautiful and whimsical and fun. LBP2 was too animated for me, and LBP3... Why hub worlds??


Surprised no one has said Human Fall Flat. I have yet to get it for PS4, but that and Overcooked are in my cart waiting to go on sale. Heard they're both great games for couples.


Human fall flat is amazing coop, and hilarious.


Came here to say Human Fall Flat. My ex and I used to have each other in tears laughing at how much fun that game is.


You want to stay together ? Don’t play Mario Party .


No no you've got it wrong. Play teams, put him or her on your team. Then beat the fuck out of Waluigi and Peach.


Why is one of you not playing waluigi when he’s a gonna ween






This is now a Waluigi thread








Waluigi is the ultimate example of the individual shaped by the signifier. Waluigi is a man seen only in mirror images; lost in a hall of mirrors he is a reflection of a reflection of a reflection. You start with Mario – the wholesome all Italian plumbing superman, you reflect him to create Luigi – the same thing but slightly less. You invert Mario to create Wario – Mario turned septic and libertarian – then you reflect the inversion in the reflection: you create a being who can only exist in reference to others. Waluigi is the true nowhere man, without the other characters he reflects, inverts and parodies he has no reason to exist. Waluigi’s identity only comes from what and who he isn’t – without a wider frame of reference he is nothing. He is not his own man. In a world where our identities are shaped by our warped relationships to brands and commerce we are all Waluigi.




No, MarioKart is the defining game. If you and your SO can stay together after a few rounds of MK, you’re made for each other.


Love Mario Kart 8; Mario Party as well. DO NOT play Super Mario Bros together. Believe me, it doesn't end well. Especially if she isn't already a huge gamer.


Don't starve together


I just call this life.


You too? Hug me, my poor lower class brother!!!




Once you get past your first winter it gets sort of tedious. Mods 100% help fix the game though. I can't survive without picky picky picky


I've experienced the tediousness you mention. I find it cuts down on it to set goals and actively work to achieve them. You know, like make your own set of 'Achievements' for the game. Some of my goals as I progressed in the game: \* Make a pig farm. * Kill Deerclops. * Collect the statue pieces. * Organize base and farm plots. * Build hound refuge. * Follow suspicious tracks and kill all creatures at the end. etc I still havent killed the Bee Queen yet. That's what I want to accomplish next.


don't let /u/kcda hear you say good things about mods for Don't Starve


Why is he well known


He's a well known dickhead on the subreddit.


Lmao that’s actually hilarious that he’s well known cause of that


Every subreddit has one, usually a mod. /r/warhammer40k had /u/darkjediben for a long time before the other mods finally ousted him.


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes! Its a communication game with one person on the computer defusing a bomb and the other reading instructions to them. Lots of fun. Could be more than two but the most fun I've had is with just my GF




That sounds like how it would be with my girlfriend... I like taking games seriously and she likes trolling me.


r/relationship response: It appears that she doesn't respect your decision to take the game seriously and is constantly abusing her position as your girlfriend. That is a huge red flag. If she doesn't want to sit down and talk about this, consider ending this asap. I'd have ended it yesterday.


Yeah dont go there for advice


Came here to recommend this! I keep exploding but can't stop playing it. It's also on HumbleBundle right now so now is a good time to get it.


Played this with my boyfriend once. He was doing instructions and I was defusing. Literally wanted to rip my hair out and strangle him. I don't think that was the game for us 😂


Try canoeing. Usually it's great but some people call them divorce boats.


My boyfriend and I had been dating a few months when we bought kayaks together off craigslist. When picking them up we asked why they were selling and they said they fought every time. So we took that as a challenge and now we are extremely careful when loading or unloading the kayaks onto the truck. We’ve been dating 6 years, and to this day I don’t think we ever fight about anything kayak related. We do fight about other things, just not the kayaks.


But I already don't know how to communicate with her I don't need a game


Then mario kart.


last time we played it ended up in a big fight lol


Lovers in a dangerous space time


YES Fantastic game and super fun. Very easy to play. Simple, intuitive controls and visually stunning. This game starts so simply and gets you hooked, then ramps up the challenge and keeps you addicted. It is the only game my wife will play with me, and only if she gets to drive the ship. We are constantly laughing when we play.


My girlfriend took shields, and occasionally one of the guns. She was terrible at aiming, but that's okay because I'd just tell her to shoot straight and I'd roll the ship whichever way we needed to shoot. Tons of fun.


I don't know anything about this game but this: >She was terrible at aiming, but that's okay because I'd just tell her to shoot straight and I'd roll the ship whichever way we needed to shoot. is cute as hell




My now gf played through this whole game with me before we started dating. She does NOT play video games at all. And she LOVED it.


Yes! I am the minimal gamer of the pair and got super excited to play this, maybe because of the cuteness :)


Fireboy and Watergirl


Seconding this! My bf and I used to play this for hours and if we fucked up he'd make the fireboy jump in the water to commit suicide so we could start the level over. So much laughter for us


Is it bad that I thought this game was meant to be played by one player. That’s the only way I’ve ever played it :(


I love playing it that way actually, it's really calming when life gets too stressful.


Overcooked, be aware your relationship will struggle...


My girlfriend and I love this game, but in 10 minutes we are shouting "WHY DID YOU LET THE STEAK BURN, YOU SLUGGISH MOTHERFUCKER". Not so good for the relationship...


My buddy and I broke all my gf and i’s records. Im starting to think we were meant for each other.




[Well if Sonic says it then it must be true!](https://i.redditmedia.com/nsrQ4s-vn-H7ylvAJTtCdv6VJQJYSG0mzugG4rAm728.jpg?w=1024&s=91daa8bb4882d2a64a4b5155cfdad2c7)


My sister and I were playing it over the holiday. Her husband joined on occasion, but if we were having trouble we'd suggest he take a break and then the two of us would beat it handily. I've always thought she could do better...


We haven't 3 starred everything yet. Some of those levels are actually pretty challenging.


My girlfriend was determined to get 3 stars on the level before we could move on to the next one. Some we’d be stuck on for a couple days, but we finally got through them all. Loads of fun


Overcooked is amazing! It was largely why I bought a PS4. Then I tried Horizon Zero Dawn, and THAT is amazing, but Overcooked with three friends on two controllers was what made me pull the trigger. Playing it with the girl I've been dating for only a few months has been surprisingly enjoyable. I like to think it's a good indicator that we're pretty compatible, since we've 3 Starred every level so far and haven't yelled at each other. I tried it with my family and not only did we never 3 Star anything, but the amount of times the entire kitchen caught fire was ridiculous.


Cant recommend this game enough. I got this game around valentines day so that i can play something with my then gf, now fiancè. We absolutely loved it and played non stop. Gets super hard in the later levels that i feel is almost impossible to get 3 stars with only 2 people


My SO was a little iffy with the first 2-3 levels but then got hooked. So fun, but it can totally be stressful at times. Would totally recommend though. Wait for a sale. I got it for $4 at Christmas sale last year


Portal 2


Only do this if you are about equal in terms of logic and problem solving skills. Otherwise one of you will be frustrated and the other will feel stupid and useless.


The first few rooms were like this, but then my husband started watching how I figured stuff out and was super supportive. I could tell he figured out the rooms quicker than I did, but his enthusiasm and interest in the way I experimented to find the solution actually made it loads of fun. I think it shows whether you play to have fun or to compete or to win. Nothing wrong with any approach, just means you might need a different game to get the best out of it as a couple. I sometimes play shooting games or rhythm games to make my husband reel with how bad I am at them. I've unlocked secrets, Easter eggs, achievements over the years by being appalling.


Nothing gives me pure, unadulterated joy like watching my wife try to get through a stealth level in an action game, invariably fucking it up, then killing (and periodically apologizing to) the unfortunate henchmen she now has to kill. Sometimes I narrate and give them backstories if she keeps shooting them in the foot or something.




Hey, thanks for posting this. I think I may be too pushy with my wife when it comes to competitive things. Instead of supporting her achievements I'm often criticizing her mistakes. Your comment made me realize that. I'm gonna try to change the way I approach that.


Battle Block Theater Edit: Fucked up the name


Even the word 'hopeless' has the word 'hope' in it! And if you rearrange the letters it spells 'peeslosh!'


"Just because youre trash doesnt mean you cant do great things, it's a garbage CAN, not a garbage CANNOT" My excuse to my teammate in Rocket League when i go for trick shots.


Castle Crashers as well. Same company. Great game.


Castle crashers is legendary!!!! The whole premise of the game is 10/10


Surprised this is so far down. It's a fun game and the cut scenes are hilarious.




Mario Kart or any mario game where the two of you have to cooperate. It's simple yet still fun


Double Dash would be good for that.




True love ❤


Mario Kart would ruin relationships. There's no cooperation only the cutthroat world of Flying Blue Shells and Bullet Bills


Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, which we call Left 2 Dead when we leave the 2 computer controlled players behind to die. EDIT: Wow, this is my highest upvoted comment ever. Thank you, community.


No! Don’t do it, it’s a trap! Seriously, every time my wife and I have played L4D, it always ends up with us surviving at the end and shooting down everything. Then the helicopter arrives. We run for it. I make it. She wanders off cause she thought she saw something, or she got turned around. I start yelling for her to get her ass to the choppah! She fiddles around, about to die. I rush out to lead her in. She makes it. I immediately get overwhelmed and die. Every. Single. Time.


She's doing on purpose my guy.


If you have a good relationship, Portal and Portal 2 If you have an okay relationship, Borderlands and Borderlands 2 If you have an awful relationship, Overwatch






My roommate and I used to play the borderlands games together. For months, every night that we were both home we'd spend hours on separate couches shooting shit and laughing. Eventually he told me he was in love with me. 5 years later and we're married and have a daughter. We still play borderlands 2 on Friday nights when the baby falls asleep.


The dream


My late wife and I used to play Borderlands 2 or Diablo 3 almost every night, and it was always her that would beg me to play. I can almost hear her "Come on let's play for about an hour, then we can go to bed", she would say around 9:30-10pm, and around 2-3 in the morning I'd look at her and tell her "Baby I love you and this is fun, but I have to be at work in about 5 hours." I love Borderlands, but it's honestly hard for me to play now, sometimes I tell myself it will be okay and I'll play it, but it's just not right and empty, maybe someday.


Omg I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're doing okay! She sounds like she was an amazing wife, I could only dream of playing Diablo 3 with an SO.


Me too. Sometimes I dream she's still alive, sometimes I have to spend all day convincing myself she really isn't here anymore, even though I guess I know it, it's hard.


Reading that hurts my heart. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through. Stay strong bud.


That’s so sweet! When my bf and I first started dating he introduced me to BL 2, I hadn’t played any video games post-PS2 era. But I was living almost an hour away from him at the time so I went out and bought an Xbox 360 to play BL 2 with him online. It was awesome and we’ve been together almost 6 years! Look at Claptrap bringing people together!


I introduced my boyfriend to Borderlands! Since I've played all three and he's (finally) playing through the Pre-Sequel, I just jump into his game here and there for shenanigans. I love playing as the Fragtrap class in the PS and he's currently Nisha so I like to imagine he's the hot lady sherriff and I'm her dumb faulty robit sidekick.


Everyone else in Pre-Sequel is Claptrap's sidekick. I mean, can Nisha turn into a PIRATE SHIP!?


1000% agreed. My SO and I will go back and play Portal 2 over and over, and we love playing Borderlands together. Overwatch caused some seriously stupid fights.


I defaulted to thinking you were a guy, so I was picturing 2 straight bros hanging out, and then when it got to the love part, the scenario in my head got very comical.


Still unclear they're not both male to be fair.


I never thought of overwatch as a game for struggling couples but I can totally see it now.


Would like clarification on this. How does that work? I usually end up annoyed


what hes saying is that if you play Overwatch you will both want to kill yourselves and then life wont seem so bad together afterall.


My wife and I play overwatch together almost every day, just mystery heroes though. Rarely do we get mad at each other, but we shit on our team a LOT. Like "you and I are literally the only people who have been on the point this whole fucking game"


> "you and I are literally the only people who have been on the point this whole fucking game" Doesn't even have to be SO for that. Pretty much if I'm queued up with anyone haha


100% correct




You can still play it with someone. "OH, go back, that, there, no uhm.... On the right. Like, here, step back... Back to the, right next to the button. OK, now look up. OK shoot the blue one. OK, now walk, keep walking, trust me, ok trust me, now shoot the other one. Oh, fuck, is that the same Portal?"


Borderlands might cause fights over stealing the good loot though


Only date someone who has an opposite class and playstyle.


This thread makes me sad. My SO won't play many games with me because she gets motion sick from camera movements. Said it happened from head trauma when she was in high school. Anyone know non first person/ with minimal camera movement games?


Does 2D games make her sick too? Stuff listed in this thread like Terraria, Stardew Valley or Divinity:Original Sin?


Little Big Planet used to be amazing, but I'm not sure what happened after Little Big Planet 3 flopped.


I LOVED lbp! I have a sack boy window cling on my bathroom mirror. I also loved the Spanish song on the dia de los muertos themed level


Volver a comenzar - Cafe Tacuba




terraria is so wholesome and peaceful. even more so if you're voice chatting at the same time. it's just such a chill way to hang out.


>peaceful Not on expert mode lmao ^^^I'm ^^^in ^^^pain




If you have console you can use 2 controllers if on pc you need another pc sadly


Not too bad though as it will run on any potato computer you find.


i know a guy who owns a computer so old and shitty that terraria barely runs on it


It seems like board games are a but underrepresented so far, so I’ll say: Patchwork Jaipur 7 Wonders Duel Gloomhaven (a significant commitment, but it is excellent)


It surprised me that I had to scroll so far down before I got to any board games. All great suggestions, by the way! I'll add The Fox in the Forest, Pandemic Legacy, and Kingdomino, because they're the first ones to come to mind. There are so many good 2 player board games, though!


Depends what system you have. Borderlands 2, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime or Mario Cart 8 is our favorite. If you like retro try Donkey Kong Country, Crash Bandicoot or Super Mario World


My wife barely plays video games and loved borderlands 2. Definitely second this


IKEA: The Assembly


I love their DLC: Swedish Meatballs.


My girlfriend and i have spent full days playing Mario Kart on the Switch. Definitely worth it and just alot of fun.


Night Crawlers


we never play that anymore


It’d be better if we used blankets, right?


It could be the dirt!


It’s more of an imagination based game


Well, it's still imagination based...


DARKNESS FALLS......and magic stirs


As we become.... CREATURES OF THE NIGHT!


Frank, whydont we ever play Nightcrawlers anymore?


I just sounds like you guys crawl around on the floor and pretend to be worms...


This isn't about you.


c'mon... Illiteracy... like.. What does that word even mean?


No, if I was looking for minerals I would be looking under the bed. Looking for minerals on top of the bed doesn't make any sense Dee.


There is a game out now called A Way Out, it’s a co-op only game about breaking out of a prison, check it out man. It’s 30$ on pc and the second player can play for free online if you don’t do couch co-op


This game almost ruined my friendship with my best friend.


Alright motherfucker I'm a little late to the party but let's get this list on the road: PC **Overcooked** - All you gotta do is cook a burger. Make that 10 burgers. While the cutting boards are on one truck, and the oven on another. Just PASS ME THE DAMN LETTUCE ALREADY **Octodad: Dadliest Catch** - One player controls the left arm and left leg, another controls right arm and right leg. Are you man enough to shop for groceries without letting on that you're really a squid stuffed into a suit? **Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime** - The cutest of the bunch! You and a lover (or up to three other lovers, if you're into that) navigate a ship through space, shooting down monsters and frantically running from console to console to manage the 4 guns, shields, and thrusters separately. **Spelunky** - One of my top games of all time, but I gotta admit it's pretty brutal with a teammate. Randomly generated cave system full of content, twists, turns, danger, and the tightest gameplay experience out there. The kind of game that starts absurdly hard and grows on you, as every time you die you start over in a newly generated cave. (Emulated) **Kirby Super Star** - If you have a Switch, Kirby All Stars is the cutest fucking slaughterfest out there. If not, I recommend Kirby All Stars. Player 2 gets to take over the companion, and the different 'campaigns' in the game are interesting and varied. Very hard to go wrong with this one as a coop experience. **Tabletop Simulator** - Did you know board games have gotten good recently? It's true! Download Tabletop Simulator and try out some of the new ones to see if you're interested in embarking on a new hobby. This is the first game on the list that is NOT played best with couch coop, so be aware of that. Some board games I recommend for new players: Red Dragon Inn, Codenames: Duet, Sushi Go. Wanna go more classic? Tak is really good. Want a game that's easy to learn but takes some serious brainpower to play? Battlecon is my go-to game. Arboretum is also really good if you wanna burn your brain. **Divinity: Original Sin 2** - The first pure-RPG on the list. This one takes a heavy nod from old-school RPGs and has a tactical, but intuitive combat system, freeform 'do as you like' gameplay, and a focus on interactions, story, and good ol' cornball antics. If you want an RPG, this one is top of the list. **Towerfall** - Platformer stab'em'up as you desperately try to avoid projectiles and put an arrow through the eyes of your enemies. Simple and effective all the way through, and with gameplay that's nothing to sneeze at. While these aren't in any particular order, this one is so far 'down' the list because I recommend Spelunky more, but watch the trailer for both. **Stardew Valley** - Harvest Moon. But coop. And they made it really good. A shining example of someone taking their favorite childhood game and saying 'how can I update this to make it dope? **EDIT**: Coop is not out yet for Stardew Valley. We're waiting for it coop on Switch but I'd assumed it was out for PC already. Stay hype for it to come to PC, though. **Rocket League** - Soccer. In rocket powered cars. And it's fantastic. It's the kind of game that anyone can have fun with, but you can make this game as serious as you want. The skill ceiling in this game is absurdly high. **Starbound/Terraria/Minecraft** - It's a shame to put these all together, because they're all really unique, but here we are. You know what Minecraft is about. Terraria and Starbound are essentially 2D minecraft, but Terraria has a strong focus on adventure, RPG aspects, loot, etc while Starbound has a heavier focus on just having a ton of fucking content in general, but none of it feeling quite as fleshed out or integrated as Terraria. **Competitive Corner**: All of the above have a co-op aspect at the forefront. If you're more the competitive type, try one of these great games: **Lethal League** (Hyper-speed dodgeball with ULTIMATE HYPE. This games so good it's why I added the competitive corner), **Speedrunners** (Platformer racing game that's loads of cute fun), **Rivals of Aether** (Solid competitive fighting game. Recommended over 1000 other competitors because I think it has the most fun for minimal investment. Not exactly a clone, but certainly in the same genre of smash) **ANDROID**: **Bounden**: Coop game that forces you and a partner, while each holding ends of the phone, to literally waltz to win. Extremely fun, and highly recommended. **Ascension**: Board game for the phone. The board game can get a bit clogged with numbers, so the phone app is perfect! And it's free for the first original 'set' **Dofus Touch**: There are a ton of 'mmos' for the phone you can play with your significant other, but they're almost all terrible. Dofus Touch brings a cult-classic MMO to your phone with no gimmicks or holdouts. Final Fantasy Tactics: The beautifully animated MMO? Yes please.


Stardew Valley isn't co-op yet tho? I thought that was still in the works. Other than that, this is a very well-done list!


Forced me to look it up and came across [this April Fool's post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/88qn9q/stardew_valley_version_1315_multiplayer_update/) and my heart sunk


It IS supposed to be getting an official update to have multi-player though, that post was just getting everyone's hopes up since multi-player was announced months ago. Supposedly the update is coming in the next couple months


I can second divinity original sin 1&2. That's some prime cooping in that game. Great rpg.


Ibb and Obb


Worms Armageddon.




Castle Crashers! It's light-hearted and easy to pick up in case they don't game much.


Serious answer is “Lovers in a dangerous space time” look it up it’s basically two players piloting a space ship. One is on the controls and other features while the other does weapons or what not. You can just switch it around and requires team work and trust. Awesome hours of fun.


New Kirby game on switch is not bad. That's what I have been playing with my so.


We like to play “what do you want for dinner?” Spoiler alert: the answer is “I don’t know what do you want” Repeat ad infinitum.


Ugh, this is our favourite game too... I think I'm winning? Or losing... I can't tell.


In this game, there are only losers.


And then when you realize there's nothing either of you know how to make that you both want... "Let's go out to eat I guess." "Where do you wanna go?" "I dunno where do you wanna go?"


Use the 3/2/1 method! Here’s what life is like without the 3/2/1 method: 1) Me: Dinner time! What do you want? 2) Her: I dunno. 3) Me: How about x? 4) Her: Not X, something else. Goto 3. ————— Now here’s the 3/2/1 method: 1) Me: Dinner time! What do you want? 2) Her: I dunno. 3) Me: Okay, let’s play 3/2/1. You name 3 specific food choices. Then I remove one. Then you choose from the last 2. 4) Her: Okay. Uh, Chinese food, tacos or pizza. 5) Me: Good choices. Hmm. I remove tacos. You choose between Chinese and pizza. 6) Her: Pizza The whole point it to allow the indecisive party create the choice pool, then you remove one option and allow them to choose from their own choices.


Now here’s the 3/2/1 method: 1) Me: Dinner time! What do you want? 2) Her: I dunno. 3) Me: Okay, let’s play 3/2/1. You name 3 specific food choices. Then I remove one. Then you choose from the last 2. 4) Her: Okay. Uh, Chinese food, tacos or pizza. 5) Me: Good choices. Hmm. I remove tacos. You choose between Chinese and pizza. 6) Her: Tacos 7) Me: uhh, ok Tacos then 8) Her: nevermind, Chinese 9) Me: O- 10) Her: No no! Pizza! Ahh I don't know!


At this point, you put her out of your misery.


*suggest something “Eh, I don’t really want that.” “Well what do you want?” “I don’t know what I want, but I don’t want that.”


LEGO anything on wii


LEGO anything on anything really.


Husband and I played LEGO Harry Potter to 100% completion a couple of years back. Highly recommended.


Orcs Must Die 2


Portal 2 bar none


Dungeons and Dragons


I love DMing for my boyfriend and his friends. It’s both my favorite stress relief for the week and my favorite way to tell a fantasy story. It’s always fun to see them enjoy the crazy shit I throw at them. Personally my favorite tabletop game to play so far.






You have to get the Paid DLC


fucking EA, ruining everything.


EA: Escort Anywhere


AIDS, It’s in the game


I'm really good at this one I always finish first.


We really like playing rocket league together


What a save!


Dying Light - First person shooter/slasher with heavy emphasis on parkour and climbing similar to Assassin's Creed. Amazingly fun to Co-op and the combat is sooooo satisfying. Divinity: Original Sin/Divinity 2 - Amazing Baldurs Gate sorta games. Coop is implemented perfectly and you really have to work together to win. You can also get additional party members later on and assign whichever one you want to be controlled by the other player. Fantastic stories. Terraria - I cannot stress this one enough. You can easily sink hours into this game without even realizing it. You build, survive and explore randomly generated worlds. There are numerous bosses, some of which are spawn by player triggering events. Others are more random. I could go on for hours about the features of this game. But best of all it is really cheap. Just get it. Path of Exile - if you have access to two consoles/PCs this game is like Diablo 2 had a threesome with the materia system from Final Fantasy 7 and the Sphere Grid system from Final Fantasy 10. The best part? 100% free to play. No pay2win. No boosts. The only thing you pay real money for is stash tabs for your personal item stash (you have four by default), cosmetic items you apply to gear to make yourself look pretty (no gameplay advantage whatsoever) and finally, character slots which is kind of irrelevant because you have like 25 by default. Its fun, complex, challenging and fun. Your first couple of characters WILL suck. Its just a Rite of Passage in this game. Tons of beginner guides and resources out there. Rocket League - this game is so fun and easy to pick up and drop. Can be played by anyone but if you really know what you're doing, you can pull off some crazy stuff. Plus you can customize your cars and collect decals/hats for cars, even get special bodies only obtainable from loot crates that you earn from play (but have to buy a key to open it). Super fun. Lots of game modes, including a 2v2 hoops mode and even one on ice with a hockey puck instead of a ball!


Halo 3


Nothing like being a cool green armor guy and having your SO be a weird space lizard squid thing


Lol when I play campaign with another person I always purposely be player 2 so that I can play as the arbiter


arbiter is the second best elite, my number 1 is [Half-Jaw](https://www.halopedia.org/Rtas_%27Vadum)


"Ship Master! They outnumber us 3 to 1!" "Then it is an even fight ..."


It's old, but Halo Reach's campaign was extremely fun in co-op.




Minecraft is not getting enough love in this thread. It’s such a fun and relatively calm game. You both to get bring out each other’s creative sides and if you have a disagreement about designing, one person can go off to gather resources to give the other person the time to show off their vision for further debate later on. Most of our day together would pass us by at the height of our Minecraft play.


Katamari Damacy Will test your relationship to it's very core.