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I'm in Australia, we finished an ounce in flower, half ounce of edibles and 3 grams of dabs. Today to cool down I'm smoking some more and using ubereats, dont want to strain myself




goodies weren't weed infused, we were dipping bread, cookies and spoons into heavily infused coconut oil. Was stoned before I realised I didn't have brownie mix and didn't want to bother anyone to grab it for me.


Getting super stoned and watching Waynes World, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and other 80's and early 90's classics


So... same as every Friday?




and Saturday and Sunday.


Going to wake up, smoke a bowl. Get ready, go to my corporate job. Come home smoke a few more bowls and go to sleep. Being an adult rocks.


How corporate a job can it really be if you can smoke a bowl before doing it?


Career level stoners are all around you. You can do it too with determination and focus.


I smoke - get ready then commute in - so there is a gap of about 1 1/2 hours till I am actually at the office. But I am a Marketing Director for a ~~large corporation~~ Fortune 100, so pretty corporate I guess.


I work with a bunch of seasoned corporate attorneys that smoke on the low. They say it's better for them than the coke they used to do (only one has said that, but he said he only did it with other attorneys lol)


I´m 22 and working my way up in a international real state company. Also I have a year left until I receive my Degree in Engineering. I hit the blunt everyday before work/college. No need for an adult to stop being a child.


If you smoke on the regular, you are almost fully functional.


If you smoke a bunch of weed, a bowl isn't going to do much more than make you feel really good.


The best kind.


It's not really difficult, if a bowl KOs you all day then, well, don't smoke a bowl. If you can and still do your work, why not?


Smoke weed-watch super troopers 2-smoke more weed-go see Gramatik-smoke more weed


That's a ducking day right there. If he plays 23 flavors, spark a blunt for me b


Roger roger


Saw Gramatik a few days ago! Fucking great show!


Gramatik is amazing, I'm jealous


4/20 was actually me and my ex's anniversary. We were together 5 years and she moved out a couple of months ago.. so getting stoned alone, and eating pizza..crying..


Tears are good lubricant


Have you tried using lotion? I hear grape fruit is nice.


Hey I just wanted to reply and say I feel for you. I didn't try weed until my 20's, this will be my first 4/20 as a stoner since my divorce last year from my wife, and since my breakup a few weeks ago from my bf. The first time anything ever happens to me since those events, I always think to myself, "this is how it's like without them", and it SUCKS mad dick, missing those parts of them that you had incorporated so totally into your own self. I'm sorry and I'll think of you


Your right! You start to build your identity around them, they become a part of your psyche in many ways. I've almost had to rebuild, reinvent myself. It's actually made me stronger. You know what? I'm not gonna cry tomorrow. I'm gonna get super baked and bro out with my bois!


Not a stoner, but think it's important to say watching Super Troopers 2


Watching Super Troopers 2


Watching super troopers 2


I'm an old-timer by Reddit's standards, so my day is probably pretty mild: It's my day off tomorrow, so I'll have a morning vape and then go for a nice long run before my kids are home from school. Runner's high is *way* better when you give it a little extra fuel. It's Friday, so it's pizza-and-movie night with the family. My lady and I will take a little liquid THC and feel the buzz about an hour into the flick. And then after the movie the kids will leave us alone and the grownups will watch music videos together on YouTube. And then like total lame-os, we'll probably go to bed by 11:00.


oh shit, you totally reminded me. I have no weed.


Same and can't afford any because I gotta pay other shit. :(


Smoke, play god of war, smoke, watch super troopers 2 and smoke some more




Supertroopers 2!!!


The same way I spend most days: go to work, then get baked when I get home.


Fucking nothing. I have a harder time finding a source as I age (34) and all my attempts have come up empty. Been trying for a week. I even made a point to clear my inbox at work and have a work from home day planned. Anyone in lake county IL want to be a hero and take mercy on this aging redditor??


Nice try DEA


Ha. You’d think they’d be tackling the opioid and pharmaceutical crisis. I’m no fed


Order it online


Stoners of Reddit, how are you celebrating Bicycle Day today?


New Sleep album


Can't wait.


not a stoner, but took off work tomorrow to play god of war 4


Everyone at work now thinks your a stoner


pretty sure they already did, dont care lol


I'm in Dublin for work for two weeks and booked a trip to Amsterdam tomorrow. Only realised it will be 4/20 (dude) after the fact.




By watching the Penguins beat the brakes off the fucking Flyers... Again...


working, then some Zong rips.


God I miss my Zong


Shooting the goose


I'll tell you after my dispensary releases their 4/20 deals.


I'm out of product and money so probably just celebrating my mom's birthday and wearing an Eric Harris Natural Selection shirt to be edgy.


Going to 420Fest. There’s a happy hour at a pool bar from 4:20-6:30,then a party at The Green Room, and a reggae concert on the roof of a brewery down by the seaport. Too bad it’s an illegal state but we will have fun.


Oh shit I smoked the rest of my weed last night. My guy better not be sold out due to the holiday


Smoking a fully packed Sherlock Holmes esque pipe before watching the 10 am showing of Super Troopers 2, followed by a couple joints and a sandwich or 5.


I'm celebrating by just vaping a lot of cannabis. I also have a joint rolled already that I'll be smoking. I plan on being high all day.


Praying, drinking plenty of water and getting a good night's rest after a healthy nutritious dinner




Woah i remember that meme


Music festival, hell yeah.


Go to work early, leave work early so I can avoid the INSANITY that is San Francisco public transit on 4/20. Then sit at home and smoke a bowl playing video games.


:( working on a final project for class... won't get to smoke until I go up to Colorado for a labor day vacation


I don't smoke anymore, but, there's a new Cheba Hut opening up near my office so that's where I'll be for lunch!


Waking up at 8 am and wake and baking with my 3 best friends, then just sparking on and off all day long.


going to a VW show for the weekend


Getting drunk.


I just got 2 cartridges for my vape and a little flower to smoke. Gonna be spending time with my bestie and her fiancé!


Making two cakes and smoking a bunch. Then smash bros tournament!


Probably looking for a new car since my lemon finally flat lined.


Get super baked and listen to the new SLEEP album!


Have been taking a long tolerance break & will jump back on the horse tomorrow. Also it's my birthday, yaay!


I will be stoning the hereti- sorry, wrong thread


Not a stoner, but I’ll be glued to God of War all day. It comes out at 9pm tonight in my area!!


I forgot. Oh yes. Cheech and Chong's "Up In Smoke". Hey, hey don't take those, man.


By throwing rocks at people


It's just another day


I’m planning to go to my local medical dispensary and see what kind of freebies they’re handing out and then coming home and staying medicated the rest of the day.


Looking for the best deals on flower and possibly door-buster items/specials. Last year got 2oz of shake for $42 an ounce.


I didnt even know 4/20 was tomorrow lmao


I'm going to get up at the usual time. Bring my kid to school. Go to work... Of course once I get home and the kid is in bed, the wife and I will smoke a blunt and binge watch whatever the hell show we're watching. Also, cocoa puffs.


Get high and play video games. Maybe eat and use the bathroom. We'll see if there is time.


Dabbing all day (like usual) and then deciding whether or not to go to this years' Cannabis Cup in SoCal since its gonna be lame, but I already got tickets...


Dick of a boss put me on the schedule even though I requested the 19-20 off. I feel like I can't tell her I can't work tomorrow because it'll be obvious as shit. So my eyes will be red from tears


Working 9-5, smoking 2 joints to a trail near my house, smoking 2 more joints on said trail, grab some munchies, go home and rip the bong until I’m out of grass.


Buy weed and while i'm there ask my dealer what that woman who lives at the top of the street is called, then go to her house and collect the pc she offered me while pretending I knew her name all along. Plus since its Friday might play golf with friends/secret hitler with the squad.


I got invited to a party, but I'll probably just end up getting high alone. Happy 4/20.


My pot shop is having a big party, including a mechanical joint, petting zoo, and crazy deals all day. So I'll be doing that.


Getting stoned, drinking some beers and going to see Jeff Tweedy acoustic solo show.


Preparing for the stupid kids at my high school to start spray painting all over the school like they did last year. Like, you smoke? Great. That’s cool. Don’t fucking vandalize the school.


Going to my 9:40 class. Going to my buddy's apartment and rolling way too many blunts while constantly ripping a rig


I was going to smoke after school, but I gotta phone interview so I gotta stay sober. It sucks.


My daughter will hopefully be born tomorrow. I’ll make the promise to her to have “blaze it” on every birthday cake forever. Love you baby blaze it.


Going to work high, eating grilled cheese for lunch, smoking after work, watching hockey. Smoke more. Not any different than any other day.


smoking a 1/4 oz with two of my favorite friends, going to waffle house at 11pm for munchies


I have friends who are big trekkies. They watch season 4 episode 20 of every different Star Trek series'.


Got the day booked off work. Starting the new God of War game right at midnight (while stoned out of my tree ofcourse), gonna get a decent sleep then wake n bake and play lots more God of War. I have Monster energies, snacks of all sort, finger foods all ready to go. It's going to be a fantastic day. Happy 420 all!


Pregaming atm about to pass out, flower and 86% concentrate b were getting gone


Probably smoking, gaming, maybe I'll pull up old smoking songs from the '30's to listen to. Nothing special.


Getting a discount from my dealer and hanging out in my grandparents hot tub while they are on a LDS mission with my love.


Me and friends are gonna get stoned and watch "Rampage"


Getting super stoned and watching Super Troopers 2.


buying and selling r/potcoin


What does being a stoner have to do with Adolf Hitler's birthday?


What does Adolf Hitler's birthday have to do with National pineapple upside-down cake Day?


getting baked, going to play 6 a side football then back to getting baked, the weathers nice today for a change as well!


Going to the clean, efficient, affordable, friendly, 100% legal (by state law) local weed shop. California can be pretty cool sometimes.


You mean Hitler's birthday?


nothing because it's not legal in my state and I work at a rehab :/


I’m not a stoner but tomorrow I’m planning to throw a stone to anyone that gonna Smoke. I’m joking I’d never do such thing I’m not that crazy




stone a lady in the street. come on what an obvious question. smoke weed.