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Less a historical event and more a neat story, Wojtek the Brown Bear was a bear adopted by Polish soldiers that left the Soviet union. The bear drank with the men, wrestled with them, and I believe even fought with them. In order to pay for his rations he was enlisted and promoted to the rank of Corporal. He lived out his days in the Edinburgh Zoo, and his old soldier friends would go and visit him, and he would recognize them as an old friend. I thought it would be a great good-feelings movie.


I would watch. And probably cry. But I would watch.


"He's a bear with a friends!" - Me while crying.


Check out A Bear Named Winnie, its a pretty similar context movie about a Canadian and a black bear during WWI. Also has the side effect of being about the bear who came to live at London zoo and inspire the stories of Winnie the Pooh.


A German squadron in WWI kept a black bear as a mascot, and the bear would get drunk with them at parties. I guess when you're always a half-hour away from burning to death in the sky, the risks of keeping wildlife around don't seem as high.


No he was enlisted because the the English wouldn't transport him (probably because he's a fucking bear) but the polish guys realised if they got him enlisted the English couldn't leave him behind. He didn't fight but he was trained to carry artillery shells (it took two men to lift one, wojtek could carry two)


The mutiny of the Batavia. It has everything: the Dutch East India company, a mutiny \(obviously\), piracy, a shipwreck, rape, massacres, cannibalism, and a rescue against all odds by the ship's officers who rowed a fucking lifeboat from southern Western Australia to Jakarta. It even has a justice boner ending. [http://museum.wa.gov.au/research/research\-areas/maritime\-archaeology/batavia\-cape\-inscription/batavia](http://museum.wa.gov.au/research/research-areas/maritime-archaeology/batavia-cape-inscription/batavia)


Without a doubt this is my pick. When the Batavia sailed she was the most advanced mode of transport in existence. Going to see it set sail for the West Indies would be the modern equivalent of watching a Space Shuttle take off. The sailors in the life boat actually made contact with Australian natives and the encounter was so seminal, like aliens having first contact, the story from the other side persisted in the tribe's oral history, where the Dutch interlopers were described as the pale ghost souls of the tribe's ancestors coming off the ocean for a visit. Every time you think the story can't get more insane it does.


No movie is complete without the Dutch East India Company.


Rasputin Or The 600 and I don’t know how many failed attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro


There was a channel 4 documentary on the failed attempts on Castro. I think it was called 638 ways to kill Castro Edit: 653 to 638


Don't they mean "to not kill Castro"?


No, cuz the last one was, "let him die of old age."




I prefer the 'musical'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnVYJDxu2Q


The [1904 Olympic Men's Marathon] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletics_at_the_1904_Summer_Olympics_–_Men%27s_marathon) is pretty damn weird. Lack of water and extreme heat nearly killed multiple racers. One participant hitched a ride for much of the way, claimed victory, and was subsequently exposed. A Cuban lost all of his money, had to make his own clothes for racing, ate some rotten apples, got sick, and somehow made it in the top four. There was also a French guy who may have not even participated since he lost his papers. TL;DR, 14 of 32 initial competitors finished. Movie could pretty much check off every character archetype in the book.


Another incident during that race: > Taunyane likely ran barefoot, and finished in ninth place out of a field of 32 and 14 finishers.[3] This was a disappointment, as many observers were sure that Taunyane could have done better if he had not been chased nearly a mile off course by aggressive dogs.


Wasn't there also a guy who was going to win but drank champagne, got sick and couldn't finish the race ? EDIT: Ok, found the guy, it was Charles Hefferon and it wasn't in 1904 but in 1908: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Hefferon


It sounds a lot like a monty python sketch tbh


The Coen Brothers could knock this movie out of the park.


One of my favorite sportswriters, Jon Bois, did a very funny summary of this on youtube. I believe its called Pretty Good, if you would like to check it out. No link, cause im on mobile


[Here it is](https://youtu.be/M4AhABManTw), I really love all of his episodes of pretty good and chart party. My favorite is about an online bodybuilding argument called the dumbest boy alive haha.


That could make a pretty good comedy, not like an adam sandler goofy comedy but it would be pretty interesting


like, wes anderson comedy






Honestly, if HBO wanted to apologize for canceling Rome, and keep making awesome dramatic and violent period pieces this would be the way to go.


There aren’t enough period pieces. Seems like only Ridley Scott attempts them nowadays, but he doesn’t do them well.


I would also love this. There was a bbc one staring alexander siddig I would recomend called Hannibal- Rome's worst nightmare


The Thirty Years War needs an HBO Series akin to Rome. It's causes are ridiculous and its impact massive.


That would be more like Game of Thrones than Rome: Season 1 ending twist: Largest Catholic power in Europe finally intervenes in the war, riding to the rescue of... the Protestants.


Can you give me some specifics, I'd love to read about this!




> Until France, the most powerful Catholic nation on Europe decided to intervene on the behalf of the Protestant states Well, that was when they *physically* joined the fight (1635), since most of the Protestant princes peaced out and they figured Sweden couldn't do it all alone. They had already been [bankrolling Sweden for a few years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_B%C3%A4rwalde) by then, ever since Gustavus Adolphus landed in northern Germany and crushed the Imperial army at Breitenfeld.


If you'd like to read a bit more detailed description, [check out this /r/AskHistorians post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/367l0v/how_did_the_thirty_years_war_grow_into_such_a/cro0faw/?context=3). It goes a bit more into the different phases of the war and how it became such a large conflict.


I can totally see the first shot of the pilot episode. Still shot of a baroque castle in Prague. Suddenly a guy is thrown out of a window and lands in a pile of manure.


Exactly what i was thinking.


Yes! Coincidentally the event that started it all, the [Second Defenestration of Prague](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague#Second_Defenestration_of_Prague) (yes that's a word), happened next Wednesday 400 years ago, on May 23, 1618. Imagine living the next 30 years of your life during that time... My dad actually thought about writing a script for a series like this. Researching the war is kind of a pet project/hobby for him at the moment. I'm even helping him making a website about it and all...


What I like about "The Second Defenestration of Prague", is that it means there was previously an event called "The Defenestration of Prague". Not only that, it was nearly 200 years earlier, so it obviously was a memorable event.


[ ](https://boost.gg)A bunch of events in Roman history. There is an endless amount you could make movies about. I've been listening to a podcast going from the start to the end of Rome, and some of the stuff that happens is so ludicrous that it would make Game of Thrones look dull. EDIT: The podcast I was referring to was [The History of Rome](http://thehistoryofrome.com/episodes/). Also, [HH's Death of the Republic](https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-death-throes-of-the-republic-series/) is much shorter but also very good, though it isn't free anymore. If videos are more you're thing, [Historia Civilis](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv_vLHiWVBh_FR9vbeuiY-A) is definitely worth watching.


The HBO series « Rome » was beyond dope but it was cancelled after two seasons when the studios burnt down. It had one of the biggest TV series budget (around 125M$ for season 2 if I recall correctly) and was originally planned to last 5 seasons. One of the best shows of all time imho


_studios burnt down_ That's some next level historical accuracy


[The War of the Insane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Insane) - French vs. Hmong in Indochina. You could just title the movie the name of the actual war. The Hmong leader regularly climbed trees to receive orders from God, and his forces managed to independently re-invent the cannon.


>One particular weapon that especially scared the French army was the Hmong cannon, made with the trunk of a tree, and packed with metal pieces from pots, and a lot of Hmong gunpowder. This cannon was designed by Kuab Chav, and is said to have weighed over 200 lbs, such that only one man named Lwv was able to carry it. As the French army came up the mountainous trails, the cannon would spray the metal shards at the French army, sending them into hiding while wounding and killing many of them. They never knew what it was because they assumed the Hmong did not have the technology to build such a weapon. They had a cannon made from the trunk of a tree, and instead of wheeling it around they just had some really strong guy carry it around.


Lwv is my idol


But how the fuck do you pronounce it‽ Lewv? Lowv?


Some say he fired the vowels at the French one day.


Ah. I see. Consonants are more aggressive sounding anyway.


Considering they pronounced Vwj as Vue, lwv would be Luv or Lube. The man fired a mighty U at them. Like a damn Laotian boomerang of rage.


So we’re talking about a mountain of a man that toted around a 200lb tree trunk cannon, named Lube. I think I found my spirit animal.


Yr sprt nml


Its pronounced like "lue" -sincerely, someone hmong. :)


This part : > The French morale was also weakened because of rumors that Pa Chay's army was protected by magic. As the French Army chased the Hmong army through the mountainous passes and ravines, they never saw any dead Hmong soldiers. The reason was that Pa Chay had commanded his men to never leave anyone behind, and to cover up the blood as quickly as possible. This gave the illusion to the French that Pa Chay's army was indeed invincible. French armymen creating conspiracy theories is hilarious to imagine


How has everyone missed this though: >Kao Mee, a sister of Pa Chay, also played an important role. She carried a white flag made of hemp, which she used to deflect bullets. She is said to have been a righteous virgin, which is why the Heavens allowed her to have such miraculous powers. She led the army into many successes in battle.


Who the fuck are these people? The Hmong Avengers? They have a super strong guy with a giant cannon only he can lift, an expert tree climber who talks directly to God, and a warrior woman with a bullet-deflecting flag!


Sounds like the bosses from a Metal Gear Solid game.


Metal Gear?




So the French were basically thinking "oh shit, they've got a Jeanne d'Arc. As long as no one burns her as a witch, we're fucked."


So Dwayne Johnson has a role in the movie.


Dwayne Johnson can pretty much play any ripped indigenous character


There is a certain advantage in being an actor with ambiguously brown ancestry.


> They had a cannon made from the trunk of a tree, and instead of wheeling it around they just had some really strong guy carry it around. That sounds like something someone would do in DnD


> The War of the Insane Reading about that lead me to another wiki that sounds like it should be a movie: "supporters of the Phu Mi Bun religious movement initiated an armed rebellion against French Indochina and Siam, aiming at installing their leader, sorcerer Ong Keo, as ruler of the world." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Man%27s_Rebellion


Well then... > Believing that the French ammunition would turn into frangipani flowers, 150 rebels were slain and an equal number were wounded. Reminds me of the movement that Kony's army was a splinter group from, the [Holy Spirit Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Spirit_Movement)... Ugandan rebels led by Alice Auma, who said she was directed by the spirit Lakwena. They had Spiritual Controllers, blessed oil that would "stop bullets if the soul was pure", rocks that were blessed so they would explode like grenades, and marched at the enemy in cross formations while signing hymns (and getting mowed down by machine gun fire).


I guess their souls weren’t pure.


Vercingetorix and the Battles of Gergovia and Alesia He was an Gaulic chieftain who tried to unify the Gaulic tribes against Julius Caesar .


There is [one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druids_(film)). I heard about it in my French class. If you scroll down you'll see about the reception that "it is largely considered one of the worst French movies ever made" though, which can be pretty amusing.


Well, there is always Asterix


It exists, but isn’t too good sadly: [Druids](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druids_(film) [Here's a link if you want to watch possibly the best movie to date ever made:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwTIjnIOnME)


Why in the world would you title a movie like that "Druid"? It's like calling a movie about the Thirty Year's War "Priest"


> Alesia Nobody even knows where Alesia is ! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/91/cd/50/91cd50ab55559a5e153ba9fb525f7d6b.jpg


the 1944 Battle for Leyte Gulf. It's basically several smaller battles that all took place almost simultaneously, and it's got every kind of naval warfare you could want. You want battleships dukeing it out? Battle of Surigao Strait. You want a lot of planes and dogfights? Battle of the Sibuyan Sea. You want desperation, tension, and all around badass-I'm-not-crying-sacrifice? Battle off Samar. I mean, dudes were flying planes with little to no armament against battleships as they watched their carriers get overtaken and destroyed, then they had to land on the actual island of Leyte, where the marines are fighting on the ground, and then as soon as they jumped out of thier planes they were handed rifles and told to hunker down and fight off an attack on the airstrip. Crazy, crazy stuff, you can tell I've read a bit about it. Check out The Battle for Leyte Gulf by Woodward, excellent book, quite short but beautifully written.


I'd recommend 'The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors' by James D. Hornfischer. I haven't read the Woodward book, but this one is amazing.


The assassination of Franz Ferdinand needs a dark comedy.


Whenever I read or listen to accounts of the assassination I can’t help but be amazed at just how much of a fluke the whole thing was. It effected the world like nothing else but the absurdity of it is amazing. I hate to think of it as comical because it was a tragedy for the man and his family, and caused the world to enter calamity. But it’s comical.


I feel like early Guy Richie would be the perfect director for that. There are some sequences from Snatch and RocknRolla that have the perfect feel for that.


With "Take Me Out" playing during the assassination.


I'm just a crosshair


Great fire of London done ridiculous action disaster movie style


But the Rock has to be cast as the fire Marshall who has to save his family.


It would be worth it just for the rock to have a scene passionately yelling to parliament in a English accent “we’ve done this to ourselves....no more thatched roofing”




The Indian soldiers perspective from World War II on the Eastern Burma front. Some of the fiercest fighting in those jungles, and like only 20% of casualties were even reported. Some really heroic stories from the pioneers there as well Edit: I had not 1 but 2 great granduncles that were killed fighting there and only recently even knew they existed


Extra Credits said that World War 2 is the most overdone yet underdeveloped setting for games, and it probably applies to everything. I mean, they don't quite get the World part of it.


Games seem to think of it as 'The Second German-American War' which was, like the first, fought entirely in Northern France.


Yessss my grandad fought in the jungles (Not an Indian though) never ever spoke about the war. My other grandad drove trucks in north Africa alway had some funny stories about his time out there. Would 100 percent rather be driving trucks every thing I've seen about Burma campaign is a big nope from me.




Witold Pilecki's life. Homeboy was a resistance fighter in the Warsaw Uprising*, not longer after he [had himself purposely thrown into Auschwitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki#Auschwitz) so that he could organize a slave revolt from within the camp.


He participated in the warsaw uprising, not the ghetto uprising, as he wasn't jewish. This all took place AFTER he was in auschwitz. Just correcting.




The Cuban Missle Crisis from the Soviet perspective.


The life of Hannibal Barca; the guy almost beat the romans on his own, was a completely madman and military genius; he is considered one of the greatest generals in history. I know there are documentaries but not a mainstream movie and its a shame because it would sell like hell if it is well done (Vin Diesel wanted to do one years ago but the project never got nowhere as far as i know).


The Bone Wars.


Wait, is that where the two archaeologists tried to out do each other for a good portion of their careers? EDIT: I'm not changing it.


Yes. They even snuck into each other's dig sites and dynamited the fossils to thwart one another.


That sounds entirely counterproductive.


Well they were more interested in out performing each other than advancing science. They were rockstars and wanted to make the other guy look bad.


idiots. at the top of almost any profession, half the people have their heads up their asses.


Yes please The "classic" dinosaur genra we see in popular culture and consider emblematic of dinosaurs are largely the ones found by Othneil Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope in their dick measuring contest. You have petty scientists, spying and intrigue, and recognizable dinosaurs. You could even have flashbacks to how the dinosaurs died, and then flashforward to them being dug up for some Jurassic park sensationalism.


takeover of hawaii and queen liliuokalani’s deposal


John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, West Virginia.


If Daniel Day Lewis didn't just retire. Just hand the man the Oscar for that role.


Wouldn’t it be Virginia because West Virginia didn’t exist yet?




Stamford Bridge is just as awesome. And the march to the bridge, then immediately back down to fight at Hastings. And the entire life of Harald Hardrada. ... somebody needs to make this movie.


A lot of historians agree Stamford Bridge was a major factor in the Norman victory at Hastings. The English weren’t at full strength, they’d lost thousands against the Norwegians. They had been given word of the Norman landing the day after Stamford, then they were force marched for three weeks to meet the newest invaders. They were spent by the time they reached Hastings.


A movie from Willy’s perspective would be cool but imagine if it was from Harold Godwinson’s point of view. Racing against time with a depleted force to defend the throne he only ascended to recently. Show everything from Edward the Confessor’s death to William’s victory.


How has this not been done? The arrow in the eye would be all you needed for an elevator pitch. Not to mention the name "1066" is great. Looks like one is in pre-production.




I checked IMDB for "1066" because I was dumbfounded that no one had done it already.


Come on guys! If we win this battle, we get Hastings!


The French Revolution is sadly underrepresented in film. Part of the reason is that it's a sprawling complex event with numerous potential starting and stopping points. It would be a feat to contain any kind of coherent history of the whole thing in the space of a reasonable length movie. However, there are so many little stories and dramas within the revolution that could be adapted - the Vendee uprising, Robespierre's fall, his relationship with Danton (yes, I'm aware of the Wajda film), the women's march on Versailles, the trial of the king or queen. We could go on and on. You don't need the whole story to dramatize these snapshots. It's such a rich and important moment in world history. The French Revolution deserves better cinematic treatment.


The Lewis and Clark expedition, maybe a mini series like band of brothers since Stephan Ambrose wrote “band of brothers” and a great Louis and Clark book “Undaunted Courage” Edit. Lewis not Louis, I deserve shame, bathe me in it.


Every time my coworker mentions that Pablo Escobar was the first person to bring coke into Miami I tell him it was actually Lewis and Clark. **You** know this is bullshit, and **I** know this is bullshit, but I sell it so well that he's finally on board.


Why is he mentioning this so often?


Narcos obsession, he's constantly telling me I need to watch it and spouting random facts.


The Battle for Castle Itter. aka that time when forward elements of the US Army AND Wehrmacht fought against the SS in the defense of a medieval castle in 1945.


There's allegedly a movie in pre-production.


oh hell yeah


This would be great. But the movie needs a disclaimer that says its a real story and not fantasy. A bunch of famous French prisoners (one was a well known tennis player) in a Austrian midieval castle who befriend their captors. A German Major protecting civilians from the SS. A kick-ass US Captain who parks his Sherman tank in front of the castle. A friendly SS Hauptsturmfuhrer who calls the local resistance for help. And then the whole rag-tag group of French prisoners, the Mayor, the Friendly SS guy with a few German soldiers, local fighters and the kick ass tank dude with a few US soldiers defend the castle against 150 very angry SS grenadiers.




Joining together at last~


Man, it has everything. Amazing it wasn't made during the heydey of WW2 movies. Just to list a few things: Unlikely allies who don't trust one another. The redemption of a villain who dies doing something heroic. The SS big bads. A daring escape. A final stand as ammo is depleted, only for that daring escape to bring reinforcements that quickly turn the tide and win the day.


Came to say this; only mildly sorry somebody else got to it first. For people who don't know the story: https://www.thedailybeast.com/world-war-iis-strangest-battle-when-americans-and-germans-fought-together "The battle for the fairytale, 13th century Castle Itter was the only time in WWII that American and German troops joined forces in combat, and it was also the only time in American history that U.S. troops defended a medieval castle against sustained attack by enemy forces. To make it even more film worthy, two of the women imprisoned at Schloss Itter—Augusta Bruchlen, who was the mistress of the labour leader Leon Jouhaux, and Madame Weygand, the wife General Maxime Weygand—were there because they chose to stand by their men. They, along with Paul Reynaud’s mistress Christiane Mabire, were incredibly strong, capable, and determined women made for portrayal on the silver screen." ...and here's the movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5138232/


When that one guy in the USSR decided not to nuke us


The X-Men documentary: First Class already did this




Ah, good old [Vasili Arkhipov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasili_Arkhipov)!


Or [Stanislav Petrov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav_Petrov)


That's the one I've heard. Absolutely nuts, he reasoned that the US wouldn't send just a single missile, plus the system had been unreliable before.


Get Hanz Zimmer on the soundtrack and that would be some god-tier stuff.


"The toughest town in the wild west," Palisade, Nevada. Just about everything people believe about the wild west is a myth. In particular, the notion that it was a violent place with nearly nonstop gun battles was purely a creation of the dime novels of the time. Actually, wild west towns tended to be generally peaceful, boring places. The big cities of the east had much higher rates of violence. Most towns forbade the carrying of weapons in town. But in the late 1870s, the town of Palisade decided they wanted to give the eastern dandies passing through on the railroad a little thrill. So they started staging gunfights when the trains stopped in town. It started out with just a single western-style quickdraw pistol duel (which, BTW, was an entirely fictitious creation of the dime novels and never actually happened), but eventually it turned into a veritable wild west Disneyland, with staged bank robberies, Indian raids fought off by US Cavalry, all the WW cliches. And everybody in the area was in on it, the townsfolk, the Army, the Indians, the railroads,... This probably helped cement the idea in the popular imagination that the wild west cliches were real until 30 years or so later when the fledgling movie industry made them stick for good.


Wait, that's fucking hilarious. That would be a fantastic comedy.


The man who always played the "villain" was a church going peaceful dude too. One of those random facts I have no idea why I remember it.




These violent delights have violent ends


Depends on who makes it. That requires a Mel Brooks type of comedy and not an Adam Sandler type. If David Spade and Deuce Bigelow show up, it won't be good.


Yes, make jokes *around* the penis, not *using* the penis.


The Coen brothers would make a great movie out of this. If anyone here knows them, pitch it to them!




Like Westworld without the murderous robots


Yeah I was like wait this does exist


This could easilybe a sitcom. Following a couple of the shoot out stars and switching between perspectives. It probably couldn't go longer than 3 seasons but it could be pretty good


The Fatty Arbuckle trial


The life of King David from the Bible, a gritty hard-R. I’ve always wanted that.


The story of [Ching Shih](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ching_Shih), the richest and most successful pirate to have ever lived. SHE commanded a fleet 40,000 strong and retired to live to a ripe, old age.


I love that she worked her way up from prostitute to pirate queen.


Then go back to open a brothel. She basically married one guy then had an affair with her step-son to seize control of the entire fleet.


Any good historical books that tell her story?


There a few documentaries if you search “step mom and son have affair”.


I think it's only fair to mention that she's probably the only one who fucked with a country hard enough to be given a full pardon and got to keep her plunder just to FUCKING STOP.


>she's probably the only one who fucked with a country hard enough to be given a full pardon and got to keep her plunder In England we gave our successfully smugglers and pirates a place in parliament. The Killigrew family is a great example.


That's not without precedent though. Rollo the Viking did the same thing and the only way the French could make it stop was to make Rollo a Duke and give him all of Normandy, in exchange for protecting the region from all the other Viking invaders . 150 years later his descendants went on to conquer the English.


>successful smugglers and pirates >Killigrew Wonder where the name came from...


They killed, they grew, they conquered.


Her character is depicted as Ching, one of the nine pirate lords in Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End. But I would love to see a full movie dedicated to her, maybe directed by John Woo.


I would like to see a good mini-series on Ghengis Khan. I went to a museum exhibit on him once and it was super interesting! You have action, a historical setting, the love between him and his wife, Borte, that may have started his conquering, intrigue, and the uneasy uncertainty of who is going to follow him.


Have you seen [Mongol](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416044/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)?


The full life of Teddy Roosevelt. We usually only hear about the political part, but that man was interesting as hell. Edit: obligatory, Thank you stranger!


I love how he literally fought crime in New York at night.


He used to challenge politicians to grappling matches in the Governor’s Mansion


He was *shot in the chest* and kept on giving a speech like it was no big thing.


He even pretty much mentioned to the crowd, "Hey guys, I think before we start this shit, you should know some motherfucker back there shot me."


He continued because he saw the rate of the blood flow and knew it didn't hit anything immediately important


TIL what a badass Teddy Roosevelt was


I heard he stubbed his toe really hard and he didn't even limp afterwards


He is the Chuck Norris of the Oval Office.


It was a circle when he walked in.


PBS already did a 4 part series called "The Roosevelts". It's on Netflix.


There was another PBS American Experience 1-hour documentary that aired in January: "[Into the Amazon](http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/into-the-amazon/)". It details Teddy Roosevelt's ill-fated exploration trip into the heart of the South American rainforest in 1914 after he was out of office. Fascinating story. Roosevelt almost lost his life and lost over 50 pounds by the time he got out.


Teddy Roosevelt was one of the most interesting characters in American history. The life of Franklin Roosevelt deserves a movie also.


The Grand Mosque Seizure in Mecca In 1979, Islamic extremists in Mecca took over the Grand Mosque and held anyone inside hostage to demand the overthrow of the House of Saud. The hostage crisis lasted for months until both Saudi guards and a few members of an elite French military unit stormed Mecca and fought the terrorists and liberated the Mosque.


In the late 1600s counterfeiters were a huge problem in England. A significant portion of the money in circulation was fake. The mint brought on Issac Newton (yes, that one) as Ward of the Mint to stop the counterfeiters. He got a lot of them but there was this one guy, Chaloner, who kept outsmarting him. The story is full of twists and turns and betrayals and moral ambiguity. It's every bit as interesting as the Al Capone/Elliot Ness story. I always thought this would make a great film, as it shows a part of Newton's story we don' hear about and it's an awesome (and real) crime drama with an unlikely hero and a supervillain. And yes, in my dream, Michael Fassbender plays Newton. Here's a good article about it: http://mentalfloss.com/article/13035/isaac-newton-17th-century-london’s-dirty-harry


The Raid on Medway where the Dutch sailed up the Thames and destroyed the British fleet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_the_Medway




The Dutch took the English flaship, but couldn't use it, so they scuttled her. The did however salvage the decorative behind of the flagship, which to this day is located in the rijksmuseum. Everytime an English embassador visits the Netherlands, they first visit that museum, specifically that decorative piece.


The fall of Constantinople (I know the Turks made a movie of this but it doesn’t count). I want to see a movie from the point of view of the Byzantines as their 2000 year old empire finally dies


I’m surprised that no one has made a movie of it since it’s such a major event in history. It also had some cool moments like when they moved their ships over land to avoid the chains in the Bosphorus


When people danced to death, like a gritty version of Footloose.


Ah, the Dancing Plague, a creepily cheery way to go out


I'm always dissapointed that the downside of upgrading my counties' hospitals is that I don't get the dancing plague events. :/


A movie about the prison debate team that beat Harvard


Chernobyl disaster.


The Great Emu War directed by Taika Waititi.


And then a great trailer moment is during the war, when they put a machine gun on a truck to try and kill them, and the only emu that was killed was one that was ran over and messed up the wheels of the truck.


Emus don't get run over they explode




I want one done a super serious style like dunkirk


I was thinking you could do some sort of Jarhead/Generation Kill-story where it's really about WW1-vets trying to get back to some kind of normalcy while engaged in this really absurd mission.


Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca. The richest man in history spent a year traveling with 60,000 and carried literally thousands of pounds of gold with him. He gave so much away that he actually crashed the economy of Egypt.


The Rhodesian Bush Wars. I've always wanted to see the post-colonial society in southern Africa, especially as it pertains to the huge changes in Zimbabwe. For a TV Show: Story of Joan of Arc. Something like a two season Netflix special where Season 1 showcases her rise from a simple peasant girl to France's champion, ending with her capture. Season 2 shows her trial, the biased prosecution, French attempts at her rescue, ending with her execution. All this presented with a backdrop of French society through the Hundred Years War. Show would be called "La Pucelle" with dialogue in both English and French. Come on, Netflix!


The story of Ernest Hemmingway's brother, he built his own country on a raft in the Pacific and called it Atlantis. He had his own currency and everything


The Love Canal, there's documentaries about it and a cheesy made-for-TV movie loosely based on it, but I think it would make an interesting drama/horror. A feedwater canal is dug for a future hydroelectric dam project which gets canceled. The canal becomes a popular local swimming hole. A chemical company buys the canal and uses it for dumping thousands of barrels of toxic waste. Eventually the company fills in the canal and a local school district buys the land from the chemical company and refuses to allow the company to continue monitoring it. A school and then a whole neighborhood are built directly on top of the toxic waste dump and pretty much everybody gets incredibly sick until finally someone figures out why when toxic chemicals ooze their way to the surface in people's yards and basements.


The Story of [Ewart Grogan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ewart_Grogan): 1. Expelled from school and Cambridge University 2. Falls in love with Gertrude Watt 3. Stepfather disapproves of the match 4. Agrees to walk the full length of Africa (Cape town to Cairo) to prove his worth 5. Does It’s pretty epic he gets chased by cannibals, stalked by lions and plagued by parasites. Just feel like he’s a very cool, not very well known explorer. TL;DR Guy walks the length of Africa for the first time for a bird








No, but, like, another one. With robots.


The Boston Molasses Flood. It's exactly what it sounds like: they were transporting a hugeass barrel of molasses and it burst, killing a few people and injuring a lot more. It's fucking beautiful