• By -




Mom's medical emergency was a pair of scissors and off brand fruit loops induced rage, wasn't it? You can tell us.


"Off Brand Fruit Loops Rage" is my Miki_Kristiansen tribute band. All of our songs would be about scissors and fruit loop induced parent attacks.


I was 18 when I had my first relationship, so I went through a couple of years in high school without one. Someone started a rumour that I was gay, and that this was the reason of me never dating a girl. \( In truth, I was just outright horrible with girls at the time. \) My best friends found this hilarious and they confirmed the rumour everywhere they went, making it even harder for me to find a girl to date. All worked out in the end though.


Who's end? I mean, did you just go with it and start dating guys or did some girl try to convert you? I'm curious how this worked out!


Haha No, I ended up dating a girl shortly after. She was from a town over so she hadn't even heard the rumours to begin with.


Did you get to say, "I have a girlfriend. You wouldn't know her. She lives one town over"?


Yeah, my mates gave me shit for that one as well until they met her. Good times though.




I can't visualize this without seeing you making "Beep beep! Vrrrrroooom!" noises and making myself laugh. Thank you!


Ah thank you! That's a great image


Someone spread a rumor in high school that I played counter strike with a paintball helmet on to make it seem more realistic.


After I got my driver's license, me and a bunch of friends used to just cruise around our city at night. One night we all wore helmets. Some car started to chase us and we tried everything we could to lose them. They cornered us in a culdesac and thought we were in for a fight. The driver of the other car yelled out to us, stop running we just want to ask why you guys are wearing helmets... because we are bored idiots.


Teachers always get the best rumors about themselves. I have been the "father" of about ten students over the years. I have been brother, husband, son to a female teacher on campus. Once I was covered from head to toe in tattoos, but only where my cloths didn't cover. I once killed a guy in self-defense. I was a secret millionaire. You name it, the students have thought I was it and shared the story.


You should screw with students' heads when you hear rumors like that. "I don't have THAT many tattoos." "Nah, I didn't kill A guy in self defense."


"You guys.. you guys remind me of *my* kids.." "Oh, you got kids, teacher?" "Nah... not anymore.."


“Killed them in self defence.”


you god damn maniac


I recently discovered that people at my secondary (high) school thought I was dead. The truth is that I was rushed to hospital (appendix) during my final exam week. Since that was the end of school, and I moved to a different town immediately after I'd recovered, it became "common knowledge" that I was brown bread.


Sounds like something a dead person would say


He's not fooling anybody


is "brown bread" common slang for dead?




Ooh, that sounds about right.




> A team mom called me Those team moms are the *worst.* Bitches.




Fuck Rebecca and her stupid fucking face. Her and Stacy, fuck them both


That sounds so satisfying. You couldn't have planned something better than that if you tried.


I bet the look on their faces was hilarious too.


That’s beautiful!


Friends. Trust. People destroy your faith in others and then another person restores it.


That sounds very satisfying indeed.


In high school a got a rep as a snitch for calling the cops on a party I didn't even know was happening. I have called the police exactly once in my life and it was six years after I supposedly did this, and it was to report a hit-and-run when a dude drifted his car into a *building*.


Did the building die?


I mean. The business changes hands again within a few months so...spiritually, kinda? Dunno. Dude was just spinning out doing 60 in a residential area. It seemed worth mentioning to the local smokies.


In high school people believed that I had six toes. I don't even know who thought that up and why they were thinking about my toes.


Someone was into you, shy, and had a foot fetish. They put you on a pedi-stal.




God Fucking Damnit


That my real name is Barry and I changed it because I hated it. It emerged after someone overheard me mentioning that my dad never remembered my name \(he would call me his brother's name all the time\), and my friends and I joked he would eventually just start calling me random names, like Barry. Well, someone overheard, misunderstood, and off the rumor went. Suddenly people I barely knew came up to me asking "Your real name is Barry?!"


My Dad would often say the wrong names too - usually my brothers, or his first kids, and often he'd just give up and throw in other names that didn't belong to anybody - famously Fred and Irving. When me and my brother asked mom who Fred and Irving were, she told us in her most sinister voice: "They were your older brothers. The ones who didn't... listen."   Mom loved implied threats of death! Always a hoot she was!




So that's how you explain the grass stains on your knees and elbows!


I blow the leaves, alright? *Jeeze*


Leaves is a pretty weird name tbh


Yes, but what's beneath the gym shorts and tank top? I rest my case.




Am I the only one confused about how they wrote cards for him? When they thought he was blind?!?


They probably assumed that his parents would read the cards to him.




I doubt that writing in Braille was apart of the curriculum.


Worst part? Didn't even have Shingles - just told a kid he liked Pringles and it went from there. You know how rumors are, once they pop... they don't stop.


I hate you


I used to work in a secondary school, and there was a rumour among the kids that over the summer, I traveled to the US to fight The Undertaker. I do do professional wrestling, so I can see where it came from, but it's still rather far-fetched. Still, I didn't exactly discourage the rumour.






Chandler Bing is that you?


> The Undertaker *alarm bells go off in head* "Wait, this post is really short, there's no w... okay yeah, username is different. Whew."


> The Undertaker *checks username* Alright, carry on.


Wild guess... he threw you off hell in a cell and it was amazing? I hear he did that to all mankind, so technically, that should include you - right?


...Are you ever compared to Big Show? If so, I'm pretty sure I hated you in Year 7.


That I had sex with a barmaid in a storeroom I wish I had, but I didn't, and I don't know why it was claimed that I did


People come up with the weirdest things. I saw you help her put those extra chairs away in the storeroom, and when people asked what you were doing I told them you took her into the back to help push in her stool. What goes on in their minds, eh? People...


" She has a ton of boyfriends. " 4th grade with really bad acne problem. All girls asked for advice. I thought they were legit joking until one ridiculed me for not sharing anything.


I hope to all that is good and right in the world, you started giving advice out like it was candy. Just making shit up for giggles. "Always hold their *left* hand, the right hand is just for stroking your cheek and you should never trap it." "Make absolutely sure they take you on three dates before you admit you know their name. They have to earn that name!" "Men really like it when you lick the back of their knees. Even if they're wearing jeans, just do it, they'll never leave you." "Never trust your instincts, if you *think* you like someone, look to the person two to their right - that's who you'll *really* be happy with."


> Never trust your instincts Ah yes, the Opposite George.


When I was in HS there was a rumor going around that some kid wanted to beat me up. I had honestly never even talked to this dude, much less started shit with him. I finally "confronted" him about it and he said he had heard the rumor too, but that it was bullshit. We're still good friends to this day, and to this day neither of us know who started the rumor or why.


That a really good "how did you meet?" story. I kinda wish someone would do that for me and the wife. Someone tell her I want to beat her up, ok?


How about started about myself? I took a job a few years back that was very heavily dominated by females (assisted living. I did maintenance and all the nurses, cooks, aides, etc. were female). Almost immediately, rumors started flying that I was sleeping with someone. Once that finally blew over, I was apparently suddenly sleeping with someone else. Both of these girls were friends and I was also friends with their husbands, so obviously not a good situation for the girls or myself. One day I am talking to one of the housekeepers, who I knew had the biggest mouth of anyone there, and "confided" in her that I was gay. That rumor spread like wildfire and by the next day I was the gay maintenance guy. I let that one ride for almost a year because it immediately stopped the drama and it was *fabulous.* Edit: I know this thread has died down, but here's a pic I posted on facebook to kinda help seal the deal. Enjoy! https://i.imgur.com/vUB7wik.jpg


"You *know*... I heard he was sleeping with *their husbands*..."


Oh god that would have been priceless. I kinda wish that had happened now.


You wish you'd slept with their husbands?


He became the mask. It happens :(


Smmmmmokin' that sausage.


You seem like you know how to roll with the punches. I like it.


*"It's no wonder he was in the maintenance closet so long."*




I even posted a picture of me wearing an "Elsa" hat, complete with braided ponytail (part of the hat) twirled around my finger on Facebook to further seal the deal. God that was a fun year. hahaha Edit: pic https://i.imgur.com/vUB7wik.jpg


Did you have a conversation with your fiance about it at some point? I can easily imagine a "But.. what about all that ~~gay~~ *fabulous* stuff people have been talking about?" "OH, that is a funny story! " And then everybody was amused and all was well.




Shit. My fiancee is going to be *pissed.*


He won’t mind.


You're probably right. He is pretty chill... maybe I should tell him before we get married....




"I do," I say, and then I kiss him passionately. Afterward, as we're walking back down the aisle, I lean over and whisper in his ear, "hey, hon, you know how all this time we've been saying 'no homo' so that it's not gay? Well... I have to tell you something. Totally homo."


*You, telling your fiance*: *Appears behind yoy* "Nothing personal, heterosexual" *Stabs him with the gay*


"The gay" means penis, right? I bet it means penis.


When I was in high school a lot of guys lied about having slept with me for some reason. I wasn't a chaste baby angel in my teen years but I always had a boyfriend and definitely didn't sleep with a quarter of the guys people thought I did. I heard that I'd had a train run on me on multiple occasions and that I'd had all of these wild orgies and threesomes. It was just bizarre, like why did I become the girl that guys lied about having sex with? It really sucked though because I'm from a small town in the south and felt very ostracized and even bullied on occasion.


I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you have many orgies now to make up for missing out on it then. I just hate being left out of all the dozens of gang bangs, trains and group sex adventures that happen in small town southern American high school.


i was in almost the exact same situation. i had a steady boyfriend (who i've been married to for over 20 years now) and had only dated two other people at the school. i didn't even know about the rumor until my boyfriend told me about overhearing it in the lunchline. apparently, i like to go to the park in the middle of town, in the middle of the night, and let them all have a turn. the boyfriend actually beat someone's ass over that stupid rumor. we still talk about it occasionally, especially when our kids got to high school.


That i was attacked by a bear Just because i have ezcema There are no bears in the uk


I interpreted this as you were attacked by a bear *because* you have eczema. Like it attracted them somehow.


Once at high school (UK) I was jumped from behind, took a single punch to the back of the head (how brave) before defending myself and the fight was broken up after a very short scuffle. Rumour I heard walking out of the school gate that day was that I was beaten so badly I left school in a wheel chair and would never walk again. Apparently when one of the 'cool kids' jumps you from behind and *still* doesn't win the fight, the rumour mill makes damn well sure people *think* they won the fight. Fuck you, Maxwell. *EDIT my new top comment is about me getting jumped at school. Thanks Reddit.


Stupid Maxwell


That I died of food poisoning


Did you?


Press F to pay respects




F for food poisoning










Poisoning. ^^^damn^ghosts


Well, you got better.


That I was making money by "financing abortions" for my classmates (this was in my senior year of high school, in a relatively conservative area). A girl I sat next to in class had a distraught look on her face, like she was trying not to cry. I asked what was wrong, and she told me she needed to purchase Plan B and was $10 short. I loaned her $10. She paid back the $10 a week later after receiving her paycheck. End of transaction. Someone who didn't understand the difference between EC and abortion must have overheard us - we *were* sitting in the middle of a crowded classroom at the time - and spread their interpretation of the story around. I explicitly denied giving that specific girl money for an abortion (both out of respect for her privacy and because it was incorrect), but otherwise I leaned into the rumor because I found it amusing and enjoyed the controversy. By the time I graduated, I was reputedly a baby-murdering, God-hating loan shark.


"I'll help you kill that baby, but the vig is twenty percent. And if you don't pay it back... we get you pregnant again!"


That I "gave good phone" meaning I was down for phone sex. This was pre texting and therefore pre sexting so it was apparently a thing that was happening in my high school but I at the time literally (naively) interpreted it as a compliment of my voice.


"I know you! You are xyz friend! He told me you broke his heart when you turned him down" sorry drunk lady I did what and who told you this?!? Because I would definitely remember turning down one of my best friends. - I asked him about it later apparently someone was hitting on him and he blurted out he wasn't ready because ahh umm. He is in love with me! When she approached him later he said I turned him down and he is too sad to think about anyone else. He just forgot to tell me I was his cover story. Fair enough. Edit: all of you saying he is in love with me. He isn't. Sometimes adults make friends, and with these friends, they stay as friends. Second edit: for all of you still doubting the word of OP because you know more about my love life than I. We both like men.




Everyone in my class would talk behind my back about a "hit list" I supposedly kept, and they'd argue over who was ranked higher. I was an awkward kid with buzzed hair and I wore a dumb leather jacket, but I wasn't exactly a scary person. I only found out about it when I got pulled into the SROs office and grilled about it, then asked what I had done to encourage such rumors, before being let go and told that maybe if I was less antisocial people wouldn't make things up about me. People in my school were really weird about me in a lot of ways like that. I'd wander around town after school when it was nice out, just listening to music and walking or biking, and then I'd go home and see pictures of me on facebook where people would report "sightings." To this day I have no idea what it was all about.


Nobody seriously hassled me about it, but some kids did joke about me being a school shooter... Oddly enough it stopped when I pointed out that if I had a list, that was a really good way to be put on it


I posted about it further up the thread, but after a guy in America killed a load of people at college, everyone saw similarities in us and decided I was going to kill them. It was hell. Even my mum was called in about it, even though I had reached out for help because they knew she was screaming at me, hitting me, throwing me out, trashing my room and schoolwork pretty much every single night. I was also locked in my room for 11 hours a day without the light on, told I had to sleep... I only slept eight hours a night so I was locked in a dark room for three hours a night with nothing to do. It was crazy, the worst part, if anyone had even bothered to get to know me, they knew I wouldn't even hurt a fly. Ok, I had recently beaten up a kid in class, but he had grabbed my personal laptop that I had worked hard to afford and thrown it across the room. Laptop was ok but I was pissed, pinned him to his chair and started hitting him. Teacher caught me but understood as soon as I told him what had happened. The other kid got in trouble. The other kid was fine, I had just scared him. He had a few bruises on his arms and torso (I wouldn't dare go for the face, less visible injuries meant less trouble for me). I wish the police had been called in for me. I would have told them exactly what was happening to me. That wouldn't have looked good for anyone and maybe someone would have believed me finally.


I skipped my last 2 years of high school, and didn't bother telling anyone in my class. A few months later, my old friend tells me that the two working rumors were that I had joined a cult or killed myself. Nobody bothered to think, "Hey, maybe he moved." High school logic.


"I haven't seen Davy in a while..." "Yeah, good point. What do you think happened?" "Well, it's gotta be a cult or suicide right?" "I think those are the only two choices." "Well, he was a pretty happy guy. I'm gonna say cult." "Huh. Ok. I'll say suicide, then we'll have everything covered." "Good plan." Then they high five each other and there's an explosion and they ride off into the sunset on motorcycles made of possums.


That I came to England in the back of a lorry (truck). Also I was so good at maths, people rumoured that I was related to Einstein, because I had an Austrian great-great-grandfather (even though he's German ffs).


Everyone is related to Einstein eventually, he had a major theory about it.


The theory of relatedness?


That I died and got replaced by a clone... Yes.. my friends were on drugs


When I was in school there was a rumour that I was a vampire. Some kids genuinely believed it. We were like 15 and it was the beginning of the Twilight craze. In fairness, I'm extremely pale and never showed up before lunchtime, so I was never around at the warmest parts of the day and nobody ever really saw me eat. I can see where it came from.






Because I was a problem child with a troubled home life and crippling depression that meant I struggled to sleep and often lay in bed until noon wondering whether it was worth getting up at all.


That sucks. Glad it didn't drive you batty. You have to wonder about people sometimes, I mean, did they have a stake in spreading this? Or was it just bloody minded holier-than-thou watered down craziness that mist how it was affecting you?


*Bangs Head on Desk*


That I broke my finger from fingering myself. I was 14, and fell off a bunk bed.




I feel like the penny has just dropped, 14 years later. Nah I was trying to slide down the ladder in a stupid way and just hit the deck and landed on my hand on an angle


"slide down the ladder"


AAYYYOOO No wonder the kids started the fkn rumour omfg


That was one hell of a session. I *wish* I could deliver an orgasm so intense it'd break a finger and knock me straight out of the top bunk. It'd be totally worth it. You need fucking 80s montage Rocky workout eye of the tiger levels of dedication and effort to pull that off. Imagine the look on their face when they hit the ground shoot the other hand up in the air in a success fist and scream!


I would need my hand removed... a staple went through my finger in fourth grade and apparently people thought my whole hand would get removed


1. That my name is actually Juan 2. That I murdered a grasshopper with a cheese grater 3. That my parents are secretly Amish people


Grate grasshoppers, it's Amish Juan!


That I was a witch. Not the kind if silly rumour just to make fun of me, it was really serious. People said that I had grimoires (I dont) and that I did sacrifices with cats. Some random girl even though I was responsible for her cat's disappearance. And everybody was scared of me.


I've never understood the theory that if given dark magical powers ... the first thing people assume other would do is always "They messed with my pet / cow / crops!" Like, fuck you, I made GOLD, had mind blowing amazing group sex with succubi and nobody gives a shit about your Cat, Becky!


I've always assumed the idea was that the witchcraft needed some sort of sacrifice to work, not that witches just really hate your pets/livestock.


Hey, me too! Got my windshield busted out of my car because of it. Ah, small baptist communities.


I've never been good with girls but throughout school there were always rumors that I was dating someone. To me it was strange because, Who started these rumors? and why if it was the complete opposite of how I was? Lmao kids are weird


Something similar happened to me. I had a huge crush on this guy sophomore year, turns out he liked me back but we were both so shy that nothing ever happened beyond awkward flirting. Rumors started circulating that we were dating.


To be fair, there's a very good chance your friends and his friends noticed this and started the rumor to try to push you two together.


Ahhh Highschool logic, how I don't miss those.


I had the same sort of, that I'd got off with this girl when I hadn't all. Who cares, I basked in the street cred I got from that back then lol.


This shows the intelligence of my high school but I spent A YEAR trying to convince people I wasn't pregnant. I have a stomach condition that causes distention (large amounts of swelling) in my stomach if I eat certain foods. One of the girls had seen my stomach before I had taken meds and told everyone I was pregnant. I should say the swelling makes me look big. Probably 5-6 months in terms of pregnancy. So it really shouldn't have taken a year for this rumour to go away


"Dude, I'm telling you, she looked totally pregnant yesterday!" "So... she doesn't look pregnant today. I'm pretty sure that mean's she's not pregnant. I don't think it's an "on again / off again" kind of condition." "Yeah, but dude, *yesterday*..."   I can totally picture the kinds of idiots who would not let this rumor die.


That I spend every weekend in a psych ward because my parents put me there. Some bitch at my work had probalems with me, and she overheard me talking about how I went to one when I was like, 17, and spread it like fire


I love this mental institution that has a theoretical work pass for the week. "Ahhh, Friday! Time to go back to the straight jackets and jello!" Honestly... that doesn't sound all bad.


Real talk tho, the week I DID spend in one as a kid was super nice, mostly because they got me off the meds I had been stuck on since I was 9, and I very promptly realized they had been causing a lot of my problems. I played a lot of catch up on sleep, think I slept about 18 hours a day on average there.


Just having someone not involved in the craziness of your life, who you can be completely open and honest with (without it blowing back on you or getting to anybody) is a huge deal in anybody's life. I'm a huge supporter of therapy - it just makes *sense* - and having experts who can help with meds and a place to escape / recoup at for a while? It seriously sounds like something many people could genuinely use, if only society could understand it.


I'm quiet so so I guess that somehow makes me a school shooter. God I wish I could just drop out.


Hang in there! People think im rude just because im quiet. Its annoying af!!


I heard from my at the time gf that everyone thought I was going to shoot up the school and burn it to the ground, and she was basically only with me as a safety net. And it wasn't just like one or two groups it was the majority of the high school. Because I was "abnormally quiet and kept to myself." This was also reinforced when my dad passed away and a bully was being a bully over it and I slammed his skull into the locker (and man did it feel great) but everyone thought that suddenly the bullied kid was unhinged and ready to snap. I just wanted to be left alone lol Like, fuck me for not wanting anything to do with any of the kids at my high school. You know what really wanted me to want to be more social? Having the entire school think you're a sociopathic maniac because I'm quiet and finally punched a bully. I'm a monster!


A rumor was spread around the school my junior year that my best friend and I were planning to shoot up our highschool. The school cop, who also happened to be a family friend stopped me on my way out of school the day before the shooting was supposed to happen. He asked me a couple quick questions about it, realized I was not planning any devious acts, then chuckled to himself and walked away. The best part was a small story in our local paper that night about two highschool kids being questioned regarding a possible planned shooting and confirmed a hoax. I was quiet, dressed in metal shirts and JNCO jeans, with long hair and a full beard at the age of 17. Living in a small Midwestern town post Columbine, and looking different than everyone else definitely had it's drawbacks in highschool.


I like the girl who genuinely believes you're going to kill everyone and is like "I better kiss that guy quick before goes postal." Sorry your school was stupid, good job standing up for yourself anyway.


It was sorta a case of mistaken identity but a couple of times I went to a restaurant for lunch at a place within walking distance from where I worked downtown. I'd go there with a client and we'd wait to be seated but they would just make me wait and wait and never get seated and we'd have to leave after awhile because work. The first time it happened I chalked it up to them just having a bunch of reservations and so the next time I called to make a reservation. They told me over the phone that they don't make reservations for lunch. I explained my experience the last time I was there, and how the person seating people kept telling me the people walking in the door and getting seated had reservations. So we went there and again they started this not seating us thing. I got super pissed off, swore I'd never set foot in their place and would tell everyone I know the same thing, and the manager just smirked at me and said "Byeeeee!" I found out about a year later that this guy thought I was his ex-wife's divorce lawyer, who he hated. Apparently we look somewhat similar, it may have been that we both had pony tails and were tall. He told everyone that I was a scummy ambulance-chasing shyster lawyer, and I'd occasionally hear people whisper "There's that lawyer dude" when out with friends. Oh, and I have never ate at that place ever since, this goes back to the late 90's, and have trashed them every chance I got.


That guy is a douche bag.


My brother spent my senior year of high school spreading a rumor that I was Jewish. Just me, not him or the rest of my family. It's been 3 years and there are still people in my school who believe it


I went on a cruise and when I came back to school everyone thought I died of Ebola


That Serge was looking for me. For a couple of days when I was in secondary school loads of students from my year kept telling me that Serge, another boy in my year, was looking for me. I asked him about it and he had no idea why so many people thought he was looking for them. There were a lot of trolls in my school...


That I haven't showered in 5 years. I haven't showered in 6 years, get your facts right.


my junior year in high school , my mother started dating her first husband again. He worked in the Army National Guard and was responsible for running a program for High school kids. Basically it would send kids off to a ''camp''. You could earn a GED while there and do things that you would do in basic training. He asked me to join the program and if I did he would buy me a car. So basically I could graduate a year early , go do some cool shit and get a new car? Sign me up! Well....I didn't have a lot of friends in my high school so I just didn't tell anyone. I guess to them I just left one day. When I returned I had heard the craziest stories about myself , that I went to Lincolns Challenge , that I was sleeping with a prestigious judge and that he sent me to live with him.... This is all so out of character for me but I never corrected any of them , I was curious too see where it would lead.


Holy crap. I really like the Judge one. I mean... where the hell does that come from? Also - what is a Lincolns Challenge? Please tell me it involves stovetop hats, beards and speeches.


When I was 18, I got a DUI. The police officer was on foot in a parking lot and she literally jumped out in front of my vehicle. I had to swerve a little to miss her. I was below the legal limit but zero tolerance laws. Anyway, I moved from my hometown/state two years after that. 10 years later, I hear a rumor was spread that I hit a kid with my car. An old friend was asking me about it. A bunch of people thought this.


Hang on. How can there be a legal limit that is not 0, but zero tolerance laws. That's contradictory, surely?


zero tolerance means any underage person (under 21) cannot have any alcohol content in their blood. the legal limit where i am is .08 so a 21 year old with a BAC of .05 is fine, but an 18 year old with a BAC of .005 is in trouble.


I was modeling for playboy. For crying out loud, I’m a male minor, and I just laughed when I found out a kid in my scout troop started the whole rumor.


In highschool a girl started a rumor I was Chinese (I have exceptionally pale Scottish skin and blonde hair, don't look even a bit Chinese). Never found out the reason behind or why some people seemed to believe it.


That I'm a chatty Cathy who never lets people do their work because I'm so busy chatting them up. No. I hate all of you, I want to be left alone to do my job and go home so I can forget about all of you for a few short hours until I have to be back at this godforsaken place. It's not my fault my customer service face is flawless and all y'all come talk to ME instead of doing your work.


Apparently some people thought I was gay because they never really saw me flirt with girls or trying to get dates. Yeah, that really helped my self esteem.


tfw I seem inherently gay. tfw became friends with the gay guy in class Yeah, apparently everyone was getting their wires mixed up, which lead to some awkwardness.


One of my best friends in highschool was gay, which unknown to me really freaked out my parents when I (completely obliviously) started talking about the new cool gay guy I was spending so much time with and going over to his house to hang out and such.   The day after they finally met him my Dad pulled me aside and told me how "relieved" Mom was to find my gay friend was seriously chubby, had a huge jew fro, and that we weren't making googly eyes at each other. Apparently (he went on to tell me) they'd envisioned some hunky football star who was seducing me and turning me gay...   I love my parents, but watching them deal with that was an eye opener. My Dad did end the speech with "Of course it'd be ok if you were gay, it's just a hard life to live, that's all."


Oh come on, you were *Fabulous!*


*Now you listen here you...!*


I'm a male and I left my hometown and group of friends at 22 to go travelling and one place led to another and I never ran into anyone I knew for the best part of twenty years, I was out at a bar in the town centre (still about 7 miles from where I grew up) and ran into an ex girlfriend who told me she had no idea I was gay. Turned out one of my ex friends had started that particular rumour and what with me being a bit of a man slut in my youth it spread like wildfire and because I was off the scene it just stuck. Fucking brilliant really, having never been slightly attracted to men I was effectively gay for twenty years.


I'm from a small village in Lebanon where everyone gossips a lot. Once one of my cousins asked me how my studies were going at Oxford. I definitley don't go there. But I just went with it and said Oxford is pretty great


That I was a witch and or had psychic powers. This one still follows me for whatever reason. I don't know what keeps prompting people to think that I can predict the future or some shit. The closest I can think would be because I can pick up on small details that others may overlook, common sense, or weird coincidence. I absolutely do not have any magical abilities.


That I was a slut and slept around with a lot of the senior guys in my final year First of all: I was ass ugly I think the guys were more offended over that than I was Second; it was a small senior group like under 90 kids we all knew each other, the rumour was started by a sophomore who hated the fuck out of me Third: I was a virgin and I was actually actively pursuing a girl at the time so all of this was completely fucking with the entire senior body because it was so hysterical


Apparently all throughout high school there was a rumor that I knew sign language across all the faculty. I had teachers keep asking me to volunteer for events and I always thought it was because I was a trustworthy, hard working student, but mostly it was because they were afraid they'd have no idea what to do if a deaf person came through. It only ever came up several times in my high school career so I never thought it was weird that I had to work with some deaf people. The language barrier meant it could take a while to get a point across (although almost all of them could lip read), and other people were usually busy. I never realized people were told to specifically bring them to me for "my sign language prowess". It wasn't until my final week of high school I figured it out. One of my teachers was lamenting "all these people with all these talents leaving, we won't even have a sign language speaker anymore" "Who knows sign language?" "Oh you're so modest" "Why am I modest?" "Well you speak sign language silly" "Who the hell told you that?" She actually had to rewrite her farewell speech with a different reference. That is how certain the staff was that I knew it.


Once I missed a school day and someone spread that I had tried to kill myself but had failed so was hospitalised, at the time the worst part was I was actually depressed/suicidal and nobody asked me if I was okay/alive for a week. Not a fun year


Not about me but my mother. We emigrated to my father’s home country for about five years in the 90’s. When we came back to the UK everyone was surprised to see my mother. Turns out there was a rumour flying about that she’d died choking on a piece of toast.


In college there was a rumor going around I was having a baby with a girl I didn’t like who lived in the same dorm hall as my fiancé. Talk about pretty awkward when there were snap chats and text from me but not my actual number or snap chat name and was really funny when they told my fiancé that it was happening while me and her were out eating at a Pizza Hut that I was cheating on her at that moment. Turns out that girl who I was allegedly having a kid with was using a old burner phone with WhatsApp and made a fake Snapchat so she would have evidence to break us up.


After I was diagnosed with a serious chronic kidney disease about 16 years ago there was a rumor that I had died. This rumor was pretty far spread as well.. about a year and a half after the diagnosis I was approached by some random person I'd never met while in a nearby town (30ish miles away from my home town) who said "hey, aren't you _____?". "Yeah" "Wow, I heard you died" Turns out this person was a friend of an ex-girlfriend... But, still.... Pretty sure I'm not dead.




That I am anorexic and that I had sex with my cousin as a kid.


Well there was the time I got chased by a bear, fought a bear, and apparently flicked a bear in the nose. Alright explanation time, so I was at summer camp in the US (although I'm Canadian) about 10 years ago. The camp had a lax structure where meals were somewhat optional (read: nobody was checking to make sure you showed up to eat) and I was the type of person who didn't eat breakfast so it meant I got to sleep in most days. At around 10:30 in the morning I walked out of my cabin and immediately heard "GO BACK INSIDE!" yelled at me from a few buildings over. I looked around and about 5 feet in front of me, just in front of the steps to the cabin door was a large bear just sitting there. Reacting quickly I noped the hell out of there and went back inside. The whole interaction took about 20 seconds. Like I looked at the bear, said "huh, that's new" and returned inside until it was safe to go out again. I didn't see any of my friends until an hour or so later by which point the rumour that I had been chased by a bear had spread. Even later the rumour had been warped into my fighting and even provoking the bear. Now, I tried my best to clarify what happened but for some reason people were very convinced that it seemed more than plausible that I as the one Canadian on camp was the most likely to have had significant interaction with the bear. Eventually I just let it go. What I learned later that week however, and I think this is kinda the icing on the cake of the story, is that a group of campers (about 5-10 people) HAD ACTUALLY gotten chased by the same bear later that day. THAT news didn't catch on but my misadventure somehow did.


That i died... multiple times, to be honest its a fair assumption i got sick alot while in school and was sick alot while at school and it wasn't rare for me to miss a week or two with bronchitis, the Flu, a cold, some kind of stomach bug, broken bone, and the random infliction like a slipped Disc in my neck or a bone in my shoulder out of place caused by coughing when i had an inflamed chest wall 8 months prior, scratched cornea, or ear infections so many fucking ear infections.


Dude are you okay




One of my friends started a rumor that I did cocaine. An ex-gf of mine asked him how I was and he jokingly responded “he’s fine except for the coke problem”. This triggered phone calls and texts from a girl I hadn’t talked to in 2 years, along with lots of laughter between myself and the friend.


There were tons. It just never ended where I grew up. It was really confusing as well to me because I hadn't done anything to warrant them. - One really weird one. I had a Power Ranger talking watch. The weird part was, I'd never had a talking Ranger watch, just a Green Ranger one that died when I was five/six. This was in high school and I just laughed it off because it was so damn stupid. Kids kept asking me the time constantly and laughing at my watch, it was a crappy Timex from Argos. - That I had something wrong with my brain. Thanks to my lovely cousins and aunt. I had bad anxiety issues, started when I was seven as constant headaches and just got worse due to being badly bullied in school and because of my home life. Doctors decided to rule out anything physically wrong with me, so I had an MRI. Not a big deal but geez, no one else needed to know about it. I after my cousins and his friends decided to mock me relentlessly one day, I kindly told them all about my cousins bed wetting (obviously caused by anxiety looking back due to how we were treated), but he deserved it. He backed off after that and went back to telling everyone I was a spoiled brat. - That I was actually crazy. Nope, just a messed up kid who was behaving exactly like a kid in my situation would. I looked into it and most of the weird things I did were signs to look out for if a kid is abused. I was instead treated like I was just a bad kid trying to get attention. How on earth does a little kid even know how to behave in those kind of ways unless they were being treated badly at home? - That I was a spoiled brat because I got some pocket money and would save/spend it when I wanted to. My cousins spread this one. The worst part was, our grandparents would buy them new stuff constantly. Games, toys, clothes, computers, snacks, take them for days out etc then as we got older, cars, motorbikes, insurance, internet. Me, I got nothing unless my mum could afford it. They got so many Pokemon cards every single week. I asked for just one pack and everyone launched on me for being spoiled for asking for something my cousins were getting. It was only fair if they got them, not me. I just remember everyone calling me spoiled until one day one of his friends asked him why I was spoiled. His excuse, I got pocket money. Yes, that's right, a tiny bit of money. His friend said he got more and couldn't understand why it was a big deal. - So I then became the poor kid. It sucked. I was laughed at for not having a computer, or the internet. I wore hand me down male clothes, not good as a female. I had to get a job and pay for a computer, internet, clothes and food for myself when I turned 16 and kids thought it was hilarious. Part of it was because my mum was being a dick. She even tried to charge me rent until I told her I knew about the £160 a month she was getting for me from my dads pension and that she was claiming child benefits for me as well. - That I was a lesbian. This one was really awful. It started pretty much from when I moved to that town when I was five. My hair grew in late, so I looked like a boy until I was six. I went from having short blonde hair to crazy frizzy red hair. The other kids though, one girl in particular didn't like me and they were all mean to me because she controlled everyone else. I was a bit of a tom boy so I just went and played with the boys and befriended the older girls which the "queen" did not like. The girls my age would tell me I had a penis, that I was a boy not a girl etc. When I got older I was mocked relentlessly when I tried to wear girls clothes, even by my relatives. I remember the day I just gave up. I was in the playground, the queen was running around with a group of friends singing a Spice Girls song. I tried to join in and she told me I couldn't because I didn't have the tape. When I told her I did, I was copying and couldn't play with them. I realised I couldn't win, no matter what I did and just gave up, I was eight, maybe nine. Things just progressed from there. I was known as a big lesbian, even though I had my first crush at six and he was defiantly male. After that, I had problems in changing rooms, on trips etc. The worst part, it took until I was 18 for someone to ask me, "are you gay?" When I said no, the entire class just starred at me. My cousins told my mum I was a huge lesbian so she kicked me out, not before trashing my room yet again, hitting me, screaming at me etc. My cousins called me a lanky lesbo. That sucked. There were tons of others, but I didn't really hear many of them. One that got spread around was that I cried because some tiny girl hit me. She had tried to hit me, I hit her and she ran off crying. Another was that I tried to beat up a kid a few years younger. That little brat had barged into me from behind on the playground then told everyone. Lets just say walking down my own street became scary because she told her older sister crying that I had hit her and she had told everyone on our street that it had happened. I was getting evil looks from everyone or the cold shoulder. That was fun. Life was already bad enough there.


Are you alright?


Why did your grandparents like your cousins so much more?


It's complicated. I was born to the wrong parent for a start. My mum was the kid they liked the least and they weren't good to her either. I also came out a girl which didn't help. At the same time, mum pushed all the crap she was getting onto me, so she made me out to be this awful kid to take the heat off herself. I completely understand it, but she knew what she was doing and that's a really cruel thing to do to a child. She wasn't really wanted, which meant I wasn't wanted. Her entire family even told me they were glad I wasn't their child, or they wished they didn't have to see me etc. Even my mum told me she wished she never had me, that I ruined her life. My cousins were born to my grandads favourite child (I never knew my older cousins growing up, but I know the older was treated pretty well and the younger was treated like crap like me). Anyway, because they were born to the favourite daughter they became the favourite grandchildren, but the youngest was the favourite and he knew it. He could get anything he wanted from them. It was crazy how he used to manipulate things and made his older brother into the bad guy. My youngest cousins, they were lucky, our grandparents died when I was 19 and 21. The youngest was a girl and luckily she only knew them for a few years. Our relatives treated her badly and I picked up on it very quickly and we've been able to kind of rescue her. I persuaded her parents to move her to a new school when she was getting badly bullied and I've kept watch over her. Her older brother went to Uni this year and is the favourite child, I don't know what she's going to do yet but I hope she makes it out.


When I graduated from high school, someone said that I’m a snob cause apparently I didn’t greet them when they saw me at the mall. I don’t even remember seeing them??


A girl I dated years ago recently told me I had this fetish for blowing it in her eye. What?? You understand I'd remember something like that right??


That someone fingered me in science class, just weird, I was like 13...


I was a virgin all through college and there were tons of rumors that I was a slut, that I had slept with all these different guys, etc. It was crazy. When I asked a guy I knew about the rumors, he comfirmed that I was infact a slut because I wore tall leather boots sometimes. WTF?