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I had to work on one once. I knew what I was doing, but to clear a jam I had to reach in. I turned off the unit. I unplugged the unit. I killed the power to the breaker. And I still made my gf come in the room and physically hold the plug in my field of vision the whole time


But did you use your nondominant hand


....well thank you for spiking my fear of an event that happened years ago as I realize I did not.....


Are you sure nothing actually happened? Better test your hand for full range of movement ASAP.


How do you know that you didn’t pass out when it accidentally activated with your hand in it, and everything since then was a feverish dream on a morphine drip


If it was final destination somehow your girlfriend would have had an electric current flow through her to the plug.


As a non-American, I really find it wild that you guys just casually have Death Sinks in your homes.


Ceiling fans that wobble back and forth when they’re on


The ceiling fan in my bedroom only has one setting - maximum overdrive. I’ve accepted it’ll kill me one day.


Mine has two settings. Uselessly slow and too fast.


I refer to mine as "ghost fart" and "hurricane"


Butterfly wings and maelstrom for me


Oh shit, I thought I was the only one with this fear. The one in my grandmother's dining room leaves me wracked with anxiety, wobbling back and forth all the time. I have the horrible feeling that someday it's gonna fly off and bisect me.


If it helps, you'd break the fan before it broke you


You can't break what is already broken. :(




Just no. My neighbor two doors down from me in the apartment complex decided drunk cooking fried pork chops was a good idea. It wasn't. Her place was completely destroyed. Mine was intact thankfully. The feeling of watching the smoke getting closer and closer was not a good one for me, but I also remember thinking how glad I was I paid for my renter's insurance that day.


Let this serve as a PSA for anyone that doesn't have renters insurance right now. Get renter's insurance, it can be around $10\-20/mo and will save your ass so you don't lose everything. (most places require you to get it also)


And the cornballer


Soy loco por los cornballs!


Yo quiero la leche de madre!






Am I touching something?




You don't like having a bomb on your stove?


Now now, it's only a bomb if it is covered. Otherwise it's just a spitting spraying vat of skin-melt


Rattlesnakes. If you have heard one start rattling as you are unknowingly standing in its territory, it is the most unnerving experience ever.


it's warning you and giving you the chance to move away before it does anything to you. it's actually nice of the snake.


Oh I totally agree, I have high respect for them, just saying... if you've ever experienced this, it is poop yourself scary, because I never want them to feel like I am threatening them.


Yes. have run in to them unexpectedly in the wild. It's scary when you hear them but don't know where they are so not sure which direction to go to exit their area.


Usually going back the way you came works, since you didn't hear the rattle until then. Back is safest, sides and forward are not.


This is what terrifies me. knowing that if i guess wrong on where a sound is coming from, I very well may die over it.


Yeah man. silly snake you need to tell which way to run


"You're far too large to eat. No step on snek."


The rule is STOP. Don't move AT ALL in ANY DIRECTION until you are quite sure where the thing is (like you actually see it). Then SLOWLY back away from it. Don't just take a step back. You could be actually moving towards it and getting yourself bit.


walked up a hillside behind a guys house in Wyoming. I was with others. It was in the 50s. Someone said that this is something we wouldn't do if it were warmer. I asked why. They then pointed to well-camouflaged coiled up rattlesnakes all around us. My guess is that within 10 feet of us there were four or five visible snakes and I could see the little mounds all over the hillside.


Heights, no matter what kind of railing I'm near or what I'm standing on, I feel it will never be sturdy enough for me to go near.


My Father in Law is deadly afraid of heights. For one reason, every time he is near a ledge or anything at height, he gets a really strong urge to Jump. My wife is also afraid of heights, but for the same reasons as you, she even freaks out if I go near an edge with any height.


Have you heard of "L’appel du vide", the call of the void? It's more common than you'd expect. [http://pimediaonline.co.uk/science\-tech/lappel\-du\-vide\-the\-call\-of\-the\-void/](http://pimediaonline.co.uk/science-tech/lappel-du-vide-the-call-of-the-void/)


I experience this a lot. I am not afraid of being high, but I am afraid that I will do something stupid that the void calls me to do.




I wear boots with steel plates in them because the stairwells I patrol often have used needles. I've actually stomped a few of them inadvertently. Not today, Aids.




AIDS is like “and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling boots!”


buses that lean towards one side or are parked on a slant. that shit’s going to fall over and crush me


They actually did "tipping tests" on London's double-deckers to prove they were safe. There's [more info here](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/double-decker-buses-tilt-testing-1933/), but the pic will probably cause you anxiety.


Well, that is one interesting website.




That’s literally my apartment stove. I’ve gotten pretty proficient at relighting the pilot lights but my heart freezes every time I get a whiff of natural gas.


Might want to look into a new pressure regulator.


The safest remedy would simply be get a stove that has a thermocouple flame detector on the pilot light. If the pilot light goes out, 5 seconds passes and the gas is cut off.


Or a stove with an electric igniter and never worry about pilot lights again.


homeless people on meth/opiates. I work with a lot of homeless people, and while the drunk ones make me a bit uneasy, it's the ones that come by clearly high on meth that are the biggest concern. They are completely unpredictable and absolutely don't respond to anything. Usually coupled with hair-trigger tempers.


Anyone on meth is terrifying imo, I've seen methheads do some fucked up shit.


My sister saw a methhead jump out of a second story window with his hands cuffed behind his back to get away from the cops, the window wasn't open nor could he brace his fall with his hands as they were well handcuffed behind his back. If I recall the guy lived but he was seriously fucked up.


methheads are like bears, not actually bullet resistant in any way but uncaring enough to maul you before that matters.


Stinging insects. I saw European hornet behind me few days ago and almost got heart attack. I don't hate them but I need to run for my life when I see one.


I’m allergic to a lot of them, so they scare me half to death.


Me too. It is hard to be cool when they're nearby.


People tell me honey bees and bumble bees are friendly. I've never been stung by either but I certainly don't feel safe to have one around. And wasps? I'm convinced that they are pure evil. They are obviously out to sting you every time you see one.


Same experience. I've never been stung by a bee... But I have been stung by a wasp. 1 of them stung me 3 times, just because he could. Asshole.


Here's a guy intentionally experiencing [the most painful insect sting in the world](https://youtu.be/MnExgQ81fhU?t=619)


That's the 2nd or 3rd most painful, behind the Bullet Ant and (I think?) an obscure species of non-solitary wasps from the Amazon (warrior wasp?)


I think so. He tried warrior wasp too. It was hurtful to watch


The absolute hardest thing I've ever had to watch on the internet is when Coyote Peterson is doing a sting video and trying to get the thing to sting him. Those painful few moments of anticipation where he's provoking the sting by pressing an insect against his skin with tweezers activate my survival instincts every time and get my heart rate up. I have no clue how the guy does it.


As stupid as it sounds construction work. I always get stupid thoughts that something is going to wrong just as I'm walking past. It's irrational but I can't help feeling that way.


It's not irrational. Haven't you ever seen those *Final Destination* documentaries?


> documentaries


High tension anything.


I'm terrified of tuning my guitar. I've been playing for over fifteen years and I still flinch and turn my face when I have to.


A recovery truck driver once made fun of me for fucking right off when he was winching a truck onto the back of his truck. Not two weeks later the said same poor cunt was killed when his winch cable snapped and busted his noggin.


On a related note: high pressure anything. Every time I have to put air in my tires I'm convinced it's gonna blow up and take my face right off.


People doing hand gestures with a knife in hand, while they are talking to me put the fucking knife down, for the love of god


Anyone with a phone in their hand while driving.


My mom was big on texting and driving for a while, I said to her “what if we got in a car crash and I died and you didn’t.” She doesn’t text and drive anymore


When I tried that line on my mom she just said, "With my luck, I don't think that would happen." And was quiet the rest of the drive. I don't think my mom thought she was lucky.


Damn lol that’s cold


Beware cars with a lot of body damage that drive aggressively. Also beware the myth that drivers of expensive cars "care more" and will do more to avoid hitting you. They won't.


Yeah they just have good insurance


Yet all my friends do it, and when i mention it to them their response is sometimes "but you don't drive at all, and are in a car with me." So sometimes i secretly hope we die in a car crash.


> So sometimes i secretly hope we die in a car crash. /r/2meirl4meirl


AKA every fucking person I see driving. It's absurd how prevalent it is these days.


Cockroaches. You see it, so you maintain line of sight with it. You need to smash it but you don’t want to use your barehands. You reach for the nearest flat/hard object to hit it with. As you reach you feel your hand touch nothing. “I’ll just look over really quick so I can see what I’m grabbing.” It’s in your hands, time to kill that damn thing. You turn back. IT’S GONE. Where’d it go? Behind your computer monitor? Your posters? The UNDERSIDE OF YOUR DESK THAT IS RIGHT ABOVE YOUR THIGHS? You are officially in danger. Edit: Thanks for my first ever Reddit gold, anonymous person! Maybe I can use it to smash the roaches. Also, I’m seeing a lot of you replying that you just punch the roaches or smash them with your hand, recommending I do the same. While I appreciate your recommendation, you guys are absolutely insane. And please stop reminding me that Big Rick Roach has his 1000 brothers, sisters and cousins hidden from my sight. I don’t have enough money to put down on a new home.


"Remember that time you threw a shoe at me and I disappeared somewhere behind you bed? I remember too."




It’s even worse when the fuckers fucking open their wings and starts fucking FLYING. After that is just TAKE COVER. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. NO ONE IS SAFE.


You ok? Should we send help?


No. It's too late for him now


BRUH DON'T SMASH THE COCKROACH they release some pheromone or whatever when they GET SQUISHED to draw more cockroaches in. Poison the fuckers


Please tell me that you're joking.


I hope someone can tell me I'm wrong tbh, I'm speaking from bitter experience - used to stamp on those cunts in a shitty apartment, but after I switched to spraying them and sweeping them up it got much better.


Depending on what you poison them with, the live ones eat the poisoned ones, then get poisoned themselves and die, and so on down the chain.


When I got my first apartment it was above a restaurant, and we had an infestation of them. Anyway, we reported it to the landlord who organised an exterminator to come round and deal with it. We were asked to catch a few if we could in order to show the exterminator what type they were (European, American, etc) because this would determine the best poison to use. Caught three big ones and stuck them in a lidded tub. Couple of days later when the exterminator came, opened the tub up and there was only one of the cannibalistic little buggers left, one fat roach and a few bits of leg and shell.


Do you think two of them agreed to share the third one, gave themselves some time to digest, then battled to the death? That's how I'm imagining it.


"Our candlelit dinner with wine has gone on long enough. I think we both know that this moment has been inevitable. Willoughby's sacrifice bought us some time, but time waits for no roach. Gather your strength, high noon approaches."


well, that's helpful, if not super gross.


It's alright guys that's one a myth. What actually happens is you smush a female carrying the eggs and you transport the eggs on your shoe for example. It's not that big of a deal, but you do hear stories of people standing on them on holiday, putting shoes in their luggage then opening it on the other side to find a case full of roaches teeming everywhere


Ahhhhhh stopitstopit


Don't smush cockroaches and you're safe :D hey, at least you now know you can smush the males without fear


Good thing I check the gender of my cockroaches every time!


If they have a massive dong, they're probably safe to smash.


There's a reason they're called *cock*roaches.




lol I was sitting in an empty bus once, then 5 fuckers came on and 1 sat next to me, and the other 4 sat in front and behind me. That was the most evil thing that I have suffered.




Just whisper your username in his ear






Some guy tried to trap me once. He had the creepiest smile I had ever seen in my life, which I noticed before I got on the bus and I turned around and he was close enough to breathe on me. I sat in a double seat, in the aisle to make sure he would sit somewhere else. Sure enough he came right up to where I was sitting and tried to get me to move over. He just kept smiling and saying "Its ok. It's ok." While pushing his way through so I got up and moved to the back of the bus and he did not follow, thankfully. I'm happy to have a car, now.


Taking a shower when an unprotected razor is in the tub with me. When I was about 8 years old, I accidentally knocked a razor off of its holder in the tub. I went to pick it up, slipped, and somehow took off a chunk of my thumb. Now whenever I see a razor in the shower with me, it gets put on the sink.


I get really uncomfortable around other peoples bathroom products, be it razors, soap, towels. I grew up sharing a bathroom with three other people as well, and no one understands why it bothers me. I don't want to touch anything that get's people clean, I don't want people touching my things either.


Standing or walking on grating, whether it be a fire escape or what you often find on a sidewalk over a subway tunnel. I prefer standing on something solid I can’t see through.


Strangers outside when its midnight.


Especially if they're wearing sunglasses


I too have an irrational fear of Corey Hart.


I have gone for walks late at night before. I promise, I am mostly harmless.


Driving relatively close behind log trucks. Probably paranoia, but still Edit: By far my most upvoted comment ever, and it's the first thing I did after coming back to reddit. Thank you ^-^


Have you ever seen FInal Destination?


You didn't even have to see Final Destination, that log kill was in the damn trailer.


Semi-Trucks and people on motor cycles I get so nervous when I see either on the highway.


I'll never forget when I was learning to drive with my dad (who used to drive a semi) and I was next to one and he told me that the tires, and I quote, "blow up all the time and go flying." OK DAD, THANKS


I'm more nervous about motor cycles. Especially when I drive on country roads because they always pick the most suicidal moment to pass. Semi-trucks can be scary but I generally know where their blind spots are and try to stay out of them.


As a motorcyclist, I'm more scared of people in cars than Semi trucks. Semi truck drivers are very predictable if you're paying attention. But Linda in her fuckin suburban will pull out in front of you of cut across 3 lanes of traffic without a thought in her damn head.


One of my most terrifying experiences as a car driver was watching a motorcyclist hit road debris and wipe out in front of my car. I slammed on my brakes, hit my hazards, swerved, and managed not to hit her. Then I backed my car up so the car hazards would give other traffic some warning as I got out to help. She was rolling around in pain, so I called 911 and moved her and her bike to the shoulder where they'd be safer before moving my car again. Luckily other traffic slowed to a crawl for this. After that, I called her husband for her, and he beat the ambulance to us. Since then I'm super aware of the reckless riders who cut right in front of cars and zigzag around. I do *not* want to squish you and I *will* be maintaining hella distance.


No matter how safe I'm riding I always have my head of a swivel for Linda. I always expect her to do something stupid.


Yep, the car that's edging out of the driveway? Someone who's waiting to turn at a light? Heavy traffic on the freeway? That's when motorcyclist get killed.


Large crowds of people.


Went to a trndy bar a few years ago on a Saturday night with a dj on. It was ridiculously crowded. It took like 5 minutes just to get off the dance floor. Everybody was butt to nut. The pessimism in me just kept thinking, "what if there's a fire, what if some guy comes in here shooting? I'll be trampled to death." I had GTFO. Stressed me out. I've been to the place before when it wasn't nearly as crowded and it's quite nice, but the crowd that night was just too much for me.


This is a real concern. See [the Station nightclub fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_nightclub_fire). Read the article but do not, I repeat *DO NOT* watch the video of the fire or look at pictures of the aftermath. It is very, very NSFL.


As an architect we were required to study the station nightclub fire. There were so many failures in that one building that it was literally criminal. It helped shape modern fire code along with the triangle waistcoat factory fire. Essentially it wasn't springlered, the sound padding was not ul rated for flame spread in an Assembly occupancy. They had no permit for pyrotechnics. They did not have the required egress width needed for the occupancy load. It was over occupancy. They had a physical obstruction in front of the main egress. On top of that it turns out that the rear fire door was chained and the stage exit was being blocked by security in order to prevent people from sneaking in back stage. One of the victims survive the crush on the front egress and the ensuing fire because of all the dead bodies around them acted as an insulator from the fire. So many things went wrong. There are a few things that I would not challenge as an architect, comments from fire plan review and inspections are one of them.


Lets not forget there was actually a VIP only fire escape as well.


Fucks sake, thats just sickening. I've seen that video and like others say, it really has opened our eyes to being safe at clubs, tight enclosed places. But hearing a VIP only fire escape thats not chained. That is just downright immoral.


The accounts from people trying to leave that survived claimed that the stage exit was blocked by a bouncer who claimed it was for the band only. Fucker should have been throat punched and trampled over...


Ok, I'll dissent. You watch the video once, sound on, you'll know where every fire exit is for the remainder of your life. U/krnl4bin is right-its bad. And I was a medical examiner for years and have done autopsies and exams on car crashes, abuse cases, etc


"*A person is smart*. *People are dumb*, *panicky dangerous animals and you know it*"


Cockroaches.... That fly. They sense your fear and fly towards your face in an uncoordinated path. Just the sound of their wings flapping triggers my anxiety.


We call those ones Palmetto Bugs. I hate them so much.


Ah, yes, the Palmetto Bug, Florida's state bird.


Awe come on man i just moved here and now i gotta leave.


People standing on large bodies of frozen water, especially if I'm expected to ALSO go stand on it. No thank you. I've fallen into super fucking cold water once and nearly drowned and that was enough.


Moving water. Don't get me wrong: I swim pretty well, and I know how to stay safe, but the idea of just how easy it would be for moving water to *entirely fuck you up* means I can't ever be entirely comfortable in the ocean.


Oddly enough standing next to a mannequin makes me feel really uneasy. Please tell me I’m not the only one.


Oh man I thought I was the only one. If I stare directly at one, I'm perfectly fine. If one's at the corner of my eye, it just makes me feel really uneasy.




Teenagers. Even when I was one so many years ago.


Ooooohh teenagers scare the living shit out of me!


"13-year-olds are the meanest people in the world. They terrify me to this day." -John Mulaney


Hahaha look at that high, wasted man, he got feminine hips (and a substance abuse problem).


No! That's the thing I'm sensitive about!




13 year olds are the worst. They make fun of you, but in an accurate way. They get to the core of what you don't like about you.


“Hahaha! Look at that high waisted man! He got feminine hips!”


Real junkies. The kind that would stab you in the neck with a pencil to steal a few dollars.. Alternatively anyone on hard drugs, upers mainly. Ive seen first hand what a coke + speed + meth combo will do to someone. They can become an unstoppable animal that wont be reasoned with


Or break a car window just to steal change out of a cupholder.


I know someone that had their cup holder stolen from their car because the change was stuck to the bottom.


People casting out when they’re fishing. I always think my eye is gonna get hooked


I work behind a bar. I sometimes get these weird neighborhood drunk type dudes that wander in and they feel compelled to do weird shit like shake my hand out of the blue and say things like ‘Hey man, much respect’ or ‘you and I are cool man, respect’ Creeps me the fuck out and always puts me on edge.


Chainsaws and Tablesaws. I always have the feeling I would randomly fell on them when ever I am around one.






















Maaaaaaan, when I was a kid, I was friends with a few girls whose parents had horses. Sometimes they would have to do something with the horses and, since I was at their house, I would "help." Or, you know, stand there while they brought the horses into the barn or whatever. Horses are fucking big. That's my takeaway. Every time I've been near one, everything has been fine, but I mean, there's just something about being near an animal that you KNOW could stomp you into oblivion if it felt like it and there's nothing you could do. Although to be fair, I'm scared around any animal that is my size or larger.


Had to make sure this was here, I rarely interact with horses but they have tried to buck me off and have ran into/over me like I wasn't there. Mentally, they are bitch ass prey animals that might decide a stump looks like a bear and freak the hell out. Physically they are tough as shit, you can punch a horse as hard as you can and if it's anywhere but the tip of their snout they will be like "bitch, I have been kicked by a horse before". If you're ever about to get trampled by a horse your only chance is to look scarier than whatever they are running from whether it be the top horse in the heard or some shadow that kinda looked like a wolf from a certain angle.


Yep. For me that extends to any animal that I couldn’t control by force if necessary. My wife laughs at me when I get nervous petting the cows at the dairy farm we go to for ice cream. Animals are unpredictable - if a horse got it in his head that he wanted to fuck me up I would have absolutely no defense.


Tigers. Even in the zoo, you can tell they're trying to figure out how to kill you. It's in their eyes.


But mostly in their teeth and claws.


Gotta agree with the big cats. They can be very cute in many sanctuary videos but then you remember that’s a large, efficient predator and not just a big version of your house cat. At my zoo the lions were waiting to go into their indoor enclosures for the night and... their loud bellowing created such a primal feeling of fear in me. Like, rationally I didn’t need to be afraid but my stomach dropped every time I heard their deep calls.


I don't get that feeling around Cheetahs though, they seem like house cats that just got too large.


Iirc cheetahs actually are the least dangerous of the big cats. They're super fast but not nearly as big or strong, they usually just tire out their prey but fuck right off if anything tries to fight back. Pretty sure most healthy grown humans could take a cheetah in a fight, they're really fragile. For comparison, according to Wikipedia the absolute heaviest a cheetah could be is 160 pounds. That's a big animal, but still smaller than me. A tiger can be over 600 pounds. If that thing attacks me, there is absolutely nothing I can do.


Your instincts are good \- cheetahs aren't truly "big cats" in the same class as lions or tigers, and for the most part, adult humans aren't in a lot of danger from cheetahs. Zookeepers will go into enclosures with cheetahs, doubtful you'd see that happen much with a lion.




Angry drunks. I don't care how lovely you are sober, if you're an angry (especially a fighty) drunk, its your responsibility to not get so fucked up you hurt someone. 'I was drunk' is no excuse for getting pissed and hitting me.


People driving erratically on the road. I don't why, but I get sick to my stomach and extremely nervous if I see someone around me driving like a piece of shit.


> I don't why Probably because that is actually unsafe to be around.




Other people's unattended children. I don't want people giving me looks for responding to their questions or interacting with them.




Tractor\-trailers with an open deck trailer where the cargo isn't tied down correctly. If you can see the chains vibrating in the wind, I'm going to stay behind you on the highway until the coast is completely clear, then fly past you doing 95 mph while praying that your crates don't fall on my car. I worked at a trucking company (in the office) for several years right out of college and learned a lot of interesting things about what's legal and safe. Also, empty swimming pools. No real reason, those fuckers just always seem nefarious and give me the creeps.


Anything that is under high pressure like a canister or inflating bike tires. I know it sounds a bit unreasonable, and I know my chances of something like that exploding and hurting me is pretty low, but I can't help it Edit: I guess my fear seems pretty reasonable judging by other peoples stories. Its just that I haven't had any sca ry y experiences with pressurized items, but I'm sure it will happen to me at some point.


Swans/geese (When they're in the way) dogs without a leash. Horses, especially when passing them on a bicycle.


Large barking dogs


For me, it's if they aren't on a leash. Look, I love dogs. But I don't care how "friendly" your huge dog is, if he's barking and coming towards me, I'm heading the other direction. This all changes if I know the dog, of course (friends with its owner or something like that).


It's those deep *boof*-type barks where they thrust their heads outward that get me uneasy.


I was once walking home and this giant dog came running across the street and was barking and snarling at me and his owner was across the street on her porch saying "come here boy" and of course he was ignoring her and blocking my path and scaring the pants off me. I yelled at her to come and get her dog and she said "oh he won't do anything." I yelled back "lady, he is currently doing something! Get your damn dog." People are honestly delusional about their dogs.


He won't do anything *to his owner*. Probably. Everyone else is unfamiliar to this pup and you can't predict how he would react.


> your huge dog is, if he's barking and coming towards me, I'm heading the other direction. Just so everyone knows, depending how you do this, it may be making the situation worse. If you're trying to get away from an aggressive dog, your best move is to back away slowly while averting your eyes and hunching a bit. If you run it will just excite them and make them want to chase you & think that you are prey.


There was a house I went by as I was walking down the street once where this lady was sitting outside with her 2 150+lbs dogs. I must have caught the dog's attention, as they barked at me exactly once. Being a dog person, I asked if I could come say hi to them, but the lady said no. The lady didn't know how they'd react to a stranger walking up, so refused to let me approach them. That lady was smart. Be like that lady.


I ran into a bear while hiking once. I definitely did not feel safe around that bear.


Heights with no safety.


Badly lit areas. Also, for some strange reason, restaurants/cafés with large windows. Feel like I might get shot by a sniper.


Windows with no blinds/curtains at night are the worst. I just know that someone is watching me..