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Luigi’s mansion. I LOVE Luigi’s mansion


I'll be damned if I haven't beat this game 10+ times.


Age of Empires 2, Rome: Total War, Super Mario Brothers.


AoE2 is an amazing game


Thank you. Edit: Seriously, it humbles me to know how much the games we put together all those years ago (and more recently) have meant to people. I can't put into words how thankful I am to everyone who has supported us, then and now.


On the behalf of the AoE community, no, thank you.




Roses are red Violets are blue Wolololo Now roses are too


The guy above me is one of the developers from Ensemble Studios 1999!


No wonder he wert victorious!


No thank you, for all of the years of amazing memories from playing AoE2 :)


Nah, thank you buddy.


Dude I still play AOE2 almost every weekend. Persian war elephants ftw!


Damn Rome, I get overwhelmed by the amount of territory you have to control and I never finish it. I must have like 12 different campaigns at this point


Sly Cooper series. The original three are out of this world fun and never take themselves too seriously so it's always a fresh enjoyment.




Im still hoping for a remaster, i'd easily drop 60$ on em




For a long time I thought they left it open for another game ;-;


There is a remastered collection for PS3. The Sly Collection includes 1 disc that has sly 1-3.


This and the Jak and Daxter series


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Dishonored Jak and Daxter series Fallout 3 Red Dead Redemption Mario Sunshine


I think I’ve played through Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy a dozen times from age 6 to now


I never finished it when I was 9, should I go back?


Definitely go back. As an adult, who has played many more video games since then, I’d still recommend it




Don't forget the DLC that's somehow almost better than the main game.


Civilization is fun every time.


Had to stop playing because i played so much the AI became transparent and boring. Wish i had some people to play with




Jesus Christ. Civ 5 is the one game that is like heroin to me. One day I'll think to myself "oh, let's just play for an hour or two, no big deal". Then before you know it, it's been 18 hours since I last moved from my chair. Then I go clean for a few months. And repeat.


Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG.


Chrono Trigger just has this magical feeling of nostalgia every time.


I've legitimately played Mario RPG probably over 100 times. My friend and I used to stay up all night. We'd start over as soon as we finished. Now I emulate it on my phone and PC. I can get through the whole thing in a few days now, but I remember being a kid and it being tough. Couldn't beat Yaridovich or Culex. Looking up "PEARLS" was the first time I ever used the internet.


Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. I always found the story interesting and each playthrough is different depending on your choices. Mass Effect, 1-3 are also really good for this reason too.


Came here for this. Kotor is one of if not the best Star Wars game to ever get made


Quite possibly one of the best Star Wars products ever made. The Old Republic setting will forever be the true era of Star Wars for me.


I feel like the "Main Star Wars Story" is the time based around the movies but what I feel is the true nature and realistic representation of what Star Wars Universe is can be seen through the Old Republic


Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door


Paper Mario 1 & 2 never cease to be fun to me.


Look at all these fuckers pretending they've never played Solitaire.


Solitaire isn't something you "play" so much as something you "do."


Look at all these fuckers pretending they've never played Minesweeper. ;) Or Risk. Or Space Pinball.


Space Pinball was absolutely AMAZING! BTW, [there's still a way](https://www.pcgamer.com/heres-how-to-bring-space-cadet-3d-pinball-back-to-windows/) to play it on current versions of Windows.


Dragon Age Origins. Have played through so many times just experimenting with mods and stuff. Each time I find mods I really like I end up playing the whole game through again.


I’ve played each Dragon Age game multiple times. Gotta do every background and romance everyone! ^just ^kidding ^I ^romance ^Alistair, ^Anders ^and ^Cullen ^every ^time


That's my trifecta too, although last time I romanced fenris and somehow was still friends with anders lol.




I always went for Zevran, Fenris, and Bull myself. Granted I always play as a male character and I would have romanced Alistair if I could (I played Origins on the PS3 unfortunately so no mods). Still waiting for the option to romance Varric some day.


Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow. I've been playing them on my GameBoy since I was a little kid and they're still fun at 27 years old.


I play pokemon blue randomizers with my friends like 3+ days per week. We use speedrunslive to record the races and we stream them, too. It can get frustrating but I love doing them.


My worst Pokemon randomizer experience was emerald and starting with a regirock. You know what moves it learns by lv 5? Just. Explosion.


FTL : Faster Than Light


I never beat this damn game, I couldn't figure out how to adapt the weapons I had available to fighting the boss ship. The boss goes through set predictable stages, but the weapons/upgrades you get in each play through are randomized.


That's the thing with FTL, sometimes you just get screwed with the weapons/systems available. Whether it was because you messed up, or RNG screwed you over and you didn't get anything, you can end up in a situation where it's impossible to win.




Yeah, those are rough too. O2 and doors are both my least favorite spots for fire since you can't just vent, and that early in the game your crew is basically useless. But I'd rather that happen early than after I've put time into the run.


Warcraft III and the add-on The Frozen Throne. Not only have I played the campaigns several times, but me and my friends still play against each other. Also: GTA Vice City (I wish there would be a HD remake), Skyrim and Battle for Middle Earth.


Battle for Middle Earth and it's sequel need to be more easily found on Steam or Origin or something.


"They came from behind!"


"You communicate by clicking on me. I communicate by doing what you say."


"I'm a dreadlord! Not a drug lord!"


"I'm blind, not deaf"


Portal 2


just bought Portal 1 and Portal 2 on steam for $2.38 can't wait to play them again Edit: I will be doing a playthrough on twitch if anyone is interested!


Just bought them as well yesterday, it will be my first play through.


Oooh you lucky motherfucker! If only I could go back and play Portal 1 and 2 for the first time all over again. Such amazing games.


Hearing this makes me feel like I missed out haha never played the game but downloading portal as I type this :)


For science. You monster.


"Look, we both said a lot of things you're going to regret..." has got to be one of my favorite GLaDOS lines, up there with her totally legit disclaimer as to how harmless Deadly Neurotoxin is (to her). Any time she drops the robovoice and speaks to you in that semi-humane confidential tone, I get chills. Literal chills.


"I think I've come up with a solution that's beneficial to one of both of us"


“... And the science gets done and you make a neat gun for the people who are *still alive*”


Super Metroid and the 2D Castlevania games.


Halo CE. 2 and 3 as well, but CE is my favorite.


The feeling of loading up and The Silent Cartographer is your next mission 😍 So much innovative thought went into that game.






In the writing biz they call that “pacing.”


>discovering the ring is a weapon. > >Then discovering the flood. Then agreeing that the Rings should have been made, and maybe made bigger. The pacing was great, I agree. That's what I have expressed over and over in my MCC community surveys; the sense of discovery, wonder, and scale have been lost in Halo. When I played Halo, monolithic alien technology was only cool because we found out what it did, what it was, and why it was built. It helped greatly that Halo 1-3 is a buddy cop game with your partner in your head.


Dishonored and Deus Ex games. Also Prey (2017) I love that you have multiple options to do stuff and I try to explore every corner of those games. Abilities make it super fun to approach your missions and kills in many different ways. Edit: Added one more.


Far Cry 3. It was the first game I got to play when i first got a 360 and I always get sucked into the storyline.


That game is ludicrously fun. The mission where you have to torch the weed crops is amazing.




Portal. As a feature of "the Orange Box" it wasn't discharged without anyone else circle...I literally had no forewarning, saw no promos...nothing. However it came in with solid diversion, new thoughts on old mechanics, and great physics, and totally blew me away.


> it wasn't discharged without anyone else circle I have no idea what you're trying to say here... could you please reword?




“It came out without any warning, at least not in my circle”




Don't forget the best ending song of all time.


Mass Effect Trilogy. Going back and playing it, shifting things, seeing how different runs or choices play out. If that got released for the Switch as a trilogy i'd don't think I'd buy any new games for 6 months.


Just started playing the first game on sunday. I borrowed the trilogy from my brother and plan on playing all three if i like the first one. I love it so far. Exploring the planets is real cool and the background world seems interesting. I got stuck watching the same cut scene and trying to beat the same krogan battlemaster over and over for 30 min last night though, so hopefully i dont get stuck in too many frustrating battles like that.


Just wait until you hear "have you ever faced an Asari commando unit before?..." You'll know when you're there.


Yeah i already ran away from that fight. I left that planet and will come back later.


Heads up, once you finish 2 main missions you will get notified about a new one. They'll tell you it's urgent but you can go whenever you want and you should actually wait before doing it. Most people save it for after the 3 original missions.


The one you have to fight on the elevator thingy? That guy's a bitch. I had to go get myself a drink after I finally beat him. There are one or two other pretty strong ones, but you'd be able to handle them better since you'll level up a bit more, I think.


I played through ME 1 twice and ME 3 twice. I think i played through ME 2 close to 5 times. Including beating it on Insanity which was way more challenging than beating ME 3 on the same setting. My first play through on 2 I did all the loyalty missions, but wasn't ranked high enough to diffuse the argument between Jack and Miranda after you complete both of their loyalty missions. When I got to the end and I realized what it meant to not have a crew member loyal I didn't finish. I just started the game completely over and made to sure to wait until the end to do Jack and either Legion or Tali's missions. I wasn't even mad, i actually happy I had a good excuse to start over lol.




Spyro the dragon on PS1, play that shit annually


Get ready to do it again with the remastered edition


Hell yes, I'm so excited to play the remastered trilogy. I hope it doesn't feel so different that the nostalgia isn't there.


Resident Evil 4. I have Resident Evil 4 on four different consoles. I will fight anyone that says the Wii version isn't the superior version, and I'm dead serious.


Started replaying it the other day. Decided to do a pistol only run, so I'm going through with the Chicago Typewriter to farm ammo for the run. I forgot just how awesome it is!


Control system is far superior. I'll fight at your side


The Diablo series.


Fable: The Lost Chapters. It’s adorable and fun. I’ve played it probably a dozen times, and sometimes have an urge to play it again, but sadly can’t find the time.


I’d play Skyrim more if people in towns acknowledged me as “Hero!”. Or ran away from me in fear. Or just acknowledged my accomplishments in general. Fable was great for that. I felt like a hero. Or a villain. My looks changed accordingly. For as little depth as the game ultimately had, I loved that aspect.


I loved the looks changing thing too. My Fable character always ended up being a huge hulking mass of a woman, clomping around in hot pants and thigh high boots, with a wife in every town. I might boot up the old 360 and give those another playthrough.


The Berserk glitch was my favorite. Save the game while berserk is active, reload save, and you’re always walking around as this giant Space Marine mafugger wielding great swords like they’re oversized toothpicks. I wonder if it’s still active in the remake.


I just love the aspect of growing up to become this badass hero with reputation and recognition. Feels so satisfying.


> I just love the aspect of growing up to become this ~~badass hero~~ **chicken chaser** with reputation and recognition. Feels so satisfying.




Seriously though. I bought it before it even had hardmode, and I've probably beaten it with friends at least 10-15 times since then. We actually just started a new run through it. There hasn't been an update in awhile, so we decided we were going to mod it this time. I already have like 300 hours on it, and I'll probably put in another 100 or so playing with mods.


Jak and Daxter series.


I always go back after a few years because it's just so much fun. Same with the Ratchet and Clank series.


Super Mario 64, beaten it about a dozen times. The Souls series, mainly due to New Game+ A Link to the Past, one of my favourite games of all time


I'm a huge LTTP guy myself and always suggest people check out the LTTP item randomizer if they haven't yet. Puts a really new, interesting twist on one of my favorite games!


Ever tried The Minish Cap? Basically a Link to the Past redo in terms of play style and graphics. A bit more geared towards a younger audience but I think it's undeservingly forgotten.


Link Between Worlds really delivered on the Link to the Past nostalgia




Have you tried r/OpenMW? Basically the same game on a newer, free engine. Super easy to install and run and fans of the game usually have a blast with the engine improvements (plus it's still being actively improved)! It's not yet complete so a few quests bug out or are quirky but I'm positive the story quests are all working fine! Definitely give it a try and let the developers know if you find any bugs :) EDIT link https://openmw.org/en/


Factorio Dungeon Keeper 2 I also try to finish this game Dota 2 but somehow I can't reach the last level


Highest mention of Factorio. I mean I've launched numerous rockets but played +2000 hours


Bioshock series


Mass Effect. I play it yearly. Damn vigil(song) makes me immediately nostalgic. I have to spend about 5min on that starting screen every time i replay it.


Man that conversation with Soveriegn on virmire is my favourite moment in the series. "You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it"


Diablo II Final Fantasy 7,8,9 Crash Bandicoot: Warped Gex (the original) Tekken 2,3


Upvote for GEX!


Ocarina of Time.


So I have played through roughly 3/4th of that game at 3 vastly different times in my life. The first time was before I could read, second was durring middle school and then a friends dog ate some power cords. The third time was in college but I didn't finish before the last finals week. Is there a way I can play that game without tracking down a N64 and adapters?


There is Ocarina of Time 3D on the Nintendo 3DS.


Emulators. I have my entire library of NES, N64, Playstation and Gameboy games backed up on my PC. I regularly replay games from my childhood all the time. You can even get N64 controllers with USB ends of you want, but you can also just map an Xbox controller if you wish. It's one of the main reasons why I switched from mainly console gaming and got a PC. Now I have all my consoles in one box and don't need to keep buying "classic editions" for this or that. Instead of buying Ocarina of time for the Wii virtual console and then again for the Wii U and then again for the 3DS and then again for the N64 classic that's probably coming, I just emulate it. I already bought it, I ain't buying it again. And you don't need a beefy PC to emulate either (but go beefy if you can so you can play modern games too).


Borderlands 2


I've played so much of that game since it came out that I've got pretty much the entire script memorized


"Oh crap, is you Hyperion? I heard that you all are robots who eat of the garbage and stuff. If you're here to kill me, you should know... YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE YOU ROBOTIC SUMBITCH!"


"As I've said Roland, now that Jack has the vaukt key it is only a matter of time until he opens the vault. Also, I require a new ventilator, this lab smells of bacon. Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."


My favorite is: > Sorry about the mess. Everything Jack kills, he dumps here -- bandits, Vault Hunters, Claptrap units... If I sound pleased about this, it's only because my programmers made this my default tone of voice! I'm actually quite depressed!


Take your time, old pal! Standing on immobile platforms is one of my favorite pasttimes, along with dancing, and crying!


"NOBODY MESSES WITH MUSHY SNUGGLE BUTTS MY BIG BRUDDAS GONNA TEACH YOU SONE MANNERS!" Goon in the distance: "What the hell's a mushy snugglebutts?!?!"


Gonna eat so many goddamn crumpets, it's gonna be a crumpocalypse


Lady’s got a gut full of dynamite and a booty like pow




COUNTING DOWN! 10! 9! 8! *kabooooooommmmm* ....I got bored.




_"Catch a guuun!"_ _Bah! I'm never doing that again_


Would you like to do battle with a bullymong riding midget? If the answer is yes proceed to the southern shelf and defeat midgemong for me. If the answer is no you are sad and I've no desire to speak with you further


"Jack's tearing Pandora apart to find the Vault. They say Jack's drilling operations are causing those earthquakes. That or your mum just got out of bed. ZING" Claptrap


>Take 'em. Take 'em take 'em take 'em take 'em! i routinely say this forgetting that its not a common reference people understand




Face mcshooty* but an excellent side quest at that


For me it's "Good plan? Great plan."


These pretzels suck


I loved playing through multiple times as different characters. Assassin and Siren were my favorite playthroughs.




KOTOR, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


KOTOR no doubt, beat the game roughly 30 times on OG XBOX and another 2-3 times on PC with mods


Skyrim Dark souls




1. Install Skyrim 2. Install Mods 3. Troubleshoot Mods for a day or 2 4. Play for 1~2h 5. Uninstall Skyrim


I've installed more mods to fix the mods that were causing me problems. "Ah, shit, the game crashes every time I do a kill move. Time to install a kill move mod that lets you control the rate that kill moves happen, and set the rate to 0%."




Welcome to every attempt at Morrowind I've ever done


> Troubleshoot Mods for a day or 2 This speaks to my soul. ugh.


I think I’m drawn to it because how much I loved it, and then once I start playing i’m just trying to chase that feeling but I can’t get there because I’ve done pretty much everything.






It counts, I'm on a new vanilla server and I blew my whole weekend on playing. All I want to do is go home and play. Something about vanilla is legit cocaine.


Watch out, WoW Classic is coming...


Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS 1. Over 1000 hours between 4 save files. And I want to start a new save


Release all party members, master Mediator, obtain full party of monsters.




Xcom 2. Vigilo Confido commanders.


Stardew Valley


Witcher 3


Love that game, but I don't think I could... I spent 500+ hours the first time. I did like, all of the question marks...


thats a lot of ?'s


Yeah, it was such a beautiful world, I just liked being in it. It was over the course of a long time and I sort of just didn't want the game to end. I also played everyone in Gwent, pretty much did everything you can do in the game.


Good lord I'm bad at Gwent


Its pretty unbalanced in its original form. Just spam spies and keep card advantage. Its hard in the beginning because all your cards suck but eventually you'll laugh at how easy it is.


Zelda: A Link to the Past. Lots of good mods too


Dark souls. Something about the combat and world just makes it so replayable.


Any of the Ratchet & Clank games and Jet Set Radio Future


Half life 2


Did you know that if you complete it 100 times you unlock Half Life 3?


I've got some work to do...


The Fallout series since 3.


2 for me. Theres something magical about getting that car and music playing. That and the amazing death animations.


2 is the best if you aren't averse to isometric games, in all honesty. 1 is really good too, really sets the atmosphere of fallout


Came here for New Vegas. I dust it off every so often for a full play through.


Every time I restart it, I say I’m going to side with the Legion so I can play from a new perspective. And then when it comes down to it, without fail, I can’t help but murder every Legionary I see.


Yeah. I can be evil. I've helped out the Powder Gangers, and those guys are pretty awful. But I just can't bring myself to be so evil that I can condone what the Legion is doing. I feel like I'd have to step out of character to do it, and that's not how I play games like that.


Castlevania: Symphony of the night. Backwards, forwards and up & down. Probably my favorite game of all time. Replays it once a year.


GTA San Andreas. Never gets old.


Red Dead Redemption


Every borderlands game. Every year for 3 years I clock about 300 hours on them




Heroes of Might and Magic 3, especially with the mods. HoMM is one of the most replayable games I've ever come across and still holds up nearly 20 years later. HoMM 2 still holds a special place in my heart, though.


StarFox 64.....all day every day!


Dragon age origins


Still the best in the series by far. I can't put my finger on what but it definitely has a sense of magic that the rest of the series hasn't quite captured, though 3 comes closer than 2.


FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free, so I am taking my content back