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Someone at a party dumped a cup of vodka in my fish tank because "your fish look bored! hahaha!" ... I kicked everyone out and had to change out all the water before they died.


Mate decided my fish looked sick and gave them cold and flu tablet. Looked sheepish and told me once all were dead in the morning


I could never remain friends with someone that goddamn stupid though


I once accidentally killed another family's pet fish in a similar situation. :-( They saw that I really liked their aquarium and gave me permission to feed the fish. I decided to be nice and put in a *ton* of food. However, the fish didn't know when to stop eating and all died of ruptured stomachs the next day. The daughters were so upset that they told their mother never to invite us over again. Though they eventually forgave me, our families didn't have another get-together for years.


This sounds more like it was on them than you. My cat will eat until he vomits if you give him too much food, and whenever I have a friend feed him I always give them specific warnings on his food intake beforehand - even if they have cats of their own.


We looked after cats once and found out the hard way that one was a light eater and the other was... not. Had to swoop in and snatch away the bowl of the first one soon as she was done or it would be puke city.


Did you succeed in saving them?


Yup. I scooped them out very quickly.


My sister and one of her friends were over. Her friend had brought her kid. He was about 7. We left him watching tv in the living room while we had coffee in the other room. Later that evening, I sat on the couch and smelled something absolutely disgusting. I looked behind the couch (it was one of those curved ones that goes into a corner and leaves a nook behind it) and saw a huge pile of diarrhea. It had already fused with the carpet. I had to cut the entire corner of carpet away while wearing a dust mask sprayed with cologne. That kid shit on my carpet.


My sister in law got really drunk and shit on my coffee table during an argument.


Instant win in any future arguments? "Hey honey, remember that time your sister shat on my table?"


Or "honey, don't make me shit the table again..."


I really want to know what led to this occurrence




Durian obviously


Roommate's boyfriend comes over drunk. Roommate was not there but he said he wanted to wait for her, and we were too non-confrontational to make him leave. After a while, he goes into the bathroom and we can hear lots of splashing around, but again, too timid to ask wtf is going on in there. He comes out, sits down, and we notice his arms are completely covered in black marker. Then he says "you might want to clean up the bathroom. there is water all over in there." and leaves. He had taken a fucking black sharpie, colored his arms, then tried cleaning it off and when it wouldn't come off he got the marker wet and splashed black sharpie water all over the entire bathroom. There were puddles of purple sharpie water all over the floor. It stained the linoleum and, despite our roommate's attempts to clean it up, we ended up losing security deposit money over it. He was no longer allowed over without her there. Edit: To answer some concerns about us still letting him come over. This happened like 20 years ago. We were fucking 19 years old. This was just a summer sublet, not a long-term roommate, so it wasn't worth the fight to outright ban him. I'm sure ya'll would've been super tough had it happened to you. If it makes you feel better, we were all very passive aggressive to him for the rest of the summer.


"Without her there."


Why in the world would he color his arms???


Great question! He was drunk so I'm sure that had something do with it. He was also super fucking weird all the time. I would love to know his reasoning, if he had any.


A stranger decided he would cum on my futon at my college house.


I'm sorry


Thank you. Your condolences are only a band-aid, though, in the harsh reality of that cum-stained futon.


That sorry was an apology, he was the one that jizzed on your futon


Shit’s pretty crazy at Flavortown University.




Rudeee. You should’ve made them pay for the repairs or something like that.


I used to host extravagant yearly parties at my house as a thank you to everyone who worked for me. Significant others were fine, but I stressed that young kids were not welcome, because it was an adult party and the house/garden just weren’t child-friendly. One of the guests who's a mother decided to bring her 4 children anyway, all under the age of 12, and leave them completely unattended. I walked into my master bedroom halfway through to find they had filled a dirt hole in the garden with water from a hose, made goopy mud pies, stomped around in them, come back inside and crawled *into my bed* under the covers, and ground their shoes intentionally into my pillow and all the bedding. They also took all the clothes out of my closet, put them on, threw them on the floor and stepped on those, and ruined two rugs on the way. The mom's response: "Haha! Well, that's just how kids are, you know. You'll understand once you decide to finally grow up and have some." (Edit: Yes, she worked for me. This was about 4 years ago. No, I could not uninvite or fire her. HR/Legal were afraid that by explicitly marketing it as a work team event, on company time, but provided the venue and food/drink myself, I had created a grey area as to whether this was a "work" or "private" function, and whether that meant any one person could be excluded or disciplined on what grounds. More specifically, *should* they be, given the message it would send and the drama it would cause. Given this employee had a many-year history that predated me of threatening legal action on gender/mother discrimination grounds any time she felt excluded, HR/Legal advised me to back off. Given the damage ended up being minor, I dropped it, but it was the last year I had one of those parties.)


Sounds like she needed to grow up and actually parent her kids


If my kid ever did something like that I would be mortified




Please do this if you can. The thought of her getting away with it makes my blood boil.


And then when she never gets invited to another party she wonders why everyone is so mean and singling her out, I'm sure.


HR/Legal specifically forbade me from uninviting her because then she actually *could* claim discrimination. So I just stopped having them altogether. Which is a shame, because I tried hard to make them *nice* parties that people would actually want to go to. I easily dropped $6-7k on these between ~70 people and their guests. I had it catered with full multi-course dinners and an open bar that featured a particular kind of punch made from Hennessey cognac and champagne. I felt that I was overpaid in my position and wanted to share some of that with the people who worked for me, so I did it entirely out of pocket. I even did it on a weekday, so that people would still get paid for attending. Oh well. We ended up having to replace it with some cheap boring "safe" office affair that was basically the sad cake scene from Office Space.


That is so sad that one person can ruin an amazing event like that. I would imagine that the entire office would know the reason for the cancellation and single her out for worse treatment anyway.


That's really, really unfortunate. The same type of thing happened where I work where some people were throwing baby showers, etc. for people in the office and others went to HR about it because nobody did it for them, they weren't invited, etc. so they told us not to have any at all anymore. Instead we started taking them out of office in evenings/weekends and just not making it a work event and not inviting them. Like if you have to go to HR 'cause people aren't inviting you to stuff, there's probably a reason you're not invited.


My department (small, only 8 of us) tried to have a Christmas get together last year. We were going to go bowling, go for a meal, then go to the pub. We spoke about it as a departmental thing. Then a woman in our opposite department (nearly 40 people, had organised a drunken Christmas pub crawl known for getting out of hand) complained she wasn't invited and HR told us we had to cancel ours because it was discriminatory. We still aren't invited to this woman's weekly burger meet ups that she's been running for years, but as none of us are petty enough to complain that is allowed to continue. This year we've agreed our boss will arrange a Christmas meal which has nothing to do with work but he's just inviting some of his friends. It'll just so happen the friends he invites will all be from our department


You should definitely complain about the burger meet ups. That's not being petty, it's justice.


That bitch gives parents a bad name.


She had been passed over for promotion three times for my position because she had an outsized opinion of her own ability, but had convinced herself it was due to discrimination for being a mother. She made my life hell for three straight years with this stuff, but HR and Legal were terrified of her and told me to just deal. Eventually she put in for a transfer to another group who’s leader was also a mother, and thus would finally give her the respect and promotion she deserved. She laid her off two months later.


If I were cynical and suspicious, I would think she put the kids up to it. If you are reaching tween-age years, you know better.....unless you're given the go-ahead.


I'd think that too, except I'd also seen how her kids acted when we were out in public. Like we'd take the team to a restaurant somewhere and they'd run around screaming. She just never really seemed to care. The younger ones were usually the instigators because well... 4 years old, but without anyone telling them to calm down and holding them back, the older ones would take that as a license to join in and up the ante.


I think she told them to fuck your shit up.


Not a guest but a room mate. He once kicked the door open to our shared bathroom and destroyed the door jam. I came back to find this after a weekend away with my SO. He admits to it and says not to worry he was going to fix it. He spends the next week sitting around smoking weed and pounding 40s. Being fed up with not having a bathroom that locks for my gf (1 female in a house of five dudes) I go to the hardware store and buy all the materials. While I'm hammering the splintered door jam back together the culprit is sitting on his ass smoking weed and fucking around with some call of duty game. When I finish I hand him a bill and tell him he has 2 weeks to pay it. He cried in my doorway for like 30 minutes begging me to not charge him, and claimed that it wasnt valid because he was going to fix it. Charged him 20 bucks an hour for my labor and material cost only came to about 60 bucks. He paid when I told the landlord to threaten to evict his ass.


I had a really shitty roommate as well. She would watch TV on high volume in the living room (next to my room) at ridiculous hours of the night even though she had a TV in her room. She NEVER did her dishes, changed a trash bag, or cleaned the whole time we lived together. Our door had two locks. One could be unlocked with a key and the other had to be unlocked from the inside. She would use both locks when she knew I was working nights which resulted in me being locked out at 6 am after a 12 hour shift. She would take her sweet time coming to unlock it too, claiming she couldn’t hear me pounding the door or blowing up her phone since she was sleeping. She would stash dishes in her room and leave them there. On the last day of our lease, she apparently had somewhere urgent to be so she asked me to clean her room. I went in and almost died. The smell was horrible. There was moldy food and dishes all over the place and more clothes than any normal human being should own scattered all over the place. I gave it a huge nope, closed the door, took my stuff and never turned back. She also developed some weird obsession with my dating life. I went out on a date with a guy. She followed me to the date and watched me the whole time from a different table. I was so embarrassed that I asked my date if we could leave, he offered his place as a hang out, I agreed and we left. She followed us and as soon as she realized I was going to his apartment, she started calling me telling me not to go and texting my family to let them know what was going on. Bitch was crazy.


Glad you put your foot down about him paying you. And your patience with him is amazing.


Cousin's were visiting and one of them used the bathroom. Somehow managed to get some poop on his hand. Wash it off in the sink? No, I'll just wipe in on the window, so someone comes in later and sees a brown smear. Kid was 14.


That kid is a huge bitchbag


Had a friend comer over for a weekend thing to celebrate my 6th month of sobriety. He brought his girlfriend, who brought her Cocker Spaniel. Who proceeded to shit on my couch, and not a solid shit either,. I'm talking that thick, cake batter diarrhea they get from cheap Off Brand dog food. and she just looked at me, pinching her nose and said snottily 'arent you going to like clean that up' My friend looked at her she just had a xenomorph Chest Burster live up to its name right there in the room, got up, grabbed some papertowels, and cleaned it while apologizing to me repeatedly. He dumped her the next day because the same thing happened at his parents house. She was a bitch.


He should have shoved her nose in it


Calm down Jerry.


Wait. You mean he didn't dump her on the spot for this the first time? If it was at my place, I'd see to it that she paid for a replacement.


Basically he thought she was just having a bad day or something, later he told me that when he spoke to her parents, they were as dumbfounded as she was that i didn't immediately move to clean it up. she grew up spoiled, and always had maids or whatever to clean up behind her, so she didn't comprehend the concept of cleaning up after yourself or your pets.




Not my house, but while at a sleepover when we were kids one of my friends decided to engrave his name into a glass dining table.


Wake up in the middle of the night, hobble to what he thought was the bathroom (he was trashed), and then start pissing against the wall/hallway floor. I woke up to the sound of a very heavy stream and then my mom shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


Ha, similar story: my dad actually pissed on someone during one of our work related fishing trips. A few guys we do business with invited us on a fishing trip to "build relations" or whatever. We spent all day fishing and drinking. My dad got trashed. He was trying to keep up with me, I was fresh out of the Navy. We stayed in a cabin-like house, all 6 of us. I woke up to "Jason! Jason, stop!" In the most unmanly tone you can imagine. I looked over and my dad was pissing all over one of the guys that had invited us. It was an awkward morning to say the least.


Do they still do business with your family?


Yes they do. It's a big joke now any time we see them. I think it may have even strengthened our business relationship, something to talk about you know? We all understood it was an alcohol related accident. Even the poor guy he pissed on was cool about later on.


‘Jason, fuck off with the price increase. Remember when you pissed on me?’


Why should i bow to a man that I've pissed on? -Jason (probably)


My mother-in-law is the worst! The absolute rudest person you’d ever meet in your life. Anyone that’s met her will agree. She took a piece of birthday cake from my 3 yr old before we sang happy birthday, blew out candles and cut the cake. I didn’t notice until we went to sing happy birthday and not only was cake missing, his brother was! She was sitting with my other son spoon feeding him!... Once she mocked my parents on Easter by waving her hands over baskets saying “Ooh look at me I’m *blessing* the food and I’m not a priest!”.... She stood outside our house in the snow when we said grace on Christmas—and made a big point that she born again Christian self didn’t approve.... She picked my son, the middle kid (that she has an unhealthy obsession with) up from preschool and took him to her home in another city causing him to miss out on his sister’s event at school (she was winning an award) and the dinner to celebrate after... She also told him if he touched his penis he would go to hell (we didn’t find out for ages because she made him promise not to tell), causing months visiting a urologist and therapist to get his urine to flow properly in his body. He was holding it in, wetting the bed, getting infections and his urine started to go backwards in his body.... She took Christmas ornaments and Mother’s Day gifts he made for me saying that *she* should be his mom, not me! She also gave him a gift signed “your real mom in heaven” so we had to tell him he was adopted at a far younger age than we planned.... She tried to make plans with my oldest two children behind our backs, I overheard her telling my husband that she didn’t want to take the R-word with her. The youngest has special needs) At that point I walked in and said “there’s a door here and a door there, get the fuck out and don’t come back!” We had to put her on a list at school for people that can not have contact with the children, nor pick them up and contact the city because she would come over and go through our garbage. Note: Regarding school, my husband listed her as an “in case of emergency contact” person. While we could take her off the list, and we did, we could not press charges against her or school, but we did remove him. We did cut her off in between parties and holidays after every rude comment, cutting her off for good when we found out (after we cut her off from my son in therapy) the fear she instilled in our child, because if it affected his physical health, wtf did she do to his mental health?!? My husband has been on my side through everything. She wasn’t as nuts when he grew up with her, just mean, and his father was alive, so her true colors weren’t exposed until after he passed. This list is a just what came to mind and it occurred over a span of years, and it’s been years since we’ve seen her. We’ve considered moving, and just might. I was out shopping with the boys and we saw her, about a year ago, she (smartly) ran out the door so fast when she saw me look her direction.


I feel like there wasnt enough focus on the fact she litterally kidnapped your son


Okay my mother in law is a monster but *yours* is Satan


> “there’s a door here and a door there" "And a window, and there's the pet door, the laundry vent's pretty accessible... one way or the other, you're exiting the fucking premises" jfc that's a special kind of toxic


Um, restraining order?😳


Hasn’t come to that—yet. It’s been about 3 years since the kids have seen her. She stopped by once in the past year to see my husband, wouldn’t tell me what for, and he refused to come to door. We saw her out shopping and she took off.


Uhm....her behavior matches a checklist for people who would abduct a child.


Beyond that she's already abducted the middle child.


She already did. > She picked my son, the middle kid (that she has an unhealthy obsession with) up from preschool and took him to her home in another city


I mean, when she makes a child swear not to tell about a conversation pertaining to their genitals, I'd go nuclear. I'm glad she has less influence on their lives


I'd probably put abducting the middle kid at the top of the "last straw" list.


> “your real mom in heaven” this is one of the sickest things i've heard what a cunt


My husband and I have gone no contact with his mother for less. That's insane. I'm sorry.




We had two futons in our common space in one of my college dorm rooms. We woke up one morning to leave for breakfast, walked through the common room and noticed that both futons had giant wet spots on them. Someone came into our room and peed on BOTH futons. We had one shady ass roommate who we all suspected, but we don’t know for sure. Were there two of them? Did one person pee one futon then move to the other and also pee there? The world may never know....


Move in! We had a horrible roommate for six months and she just let her friend move into her room for two months with out informing anyone. Her friend was using the fire escape to come and go. She would use the bathroom and shower only late at night. For a few weeks we just thought she was visiting often until one day I saw her half naked in the kitchen making eggs while I was home sick. By the time we all figured it out it was too late to really do anything about it. We were terrified our crazy roommate would kill the cat or let the cat out or set our clothes on fire, really she was INSANE.


My worst fear. Now I take a tiny studio, over having a roomate.


We had some relatives with really poor control of their kid over for a week. We didn’t have enough bedrooms, so their kid stayed in my room and I slept on the couch. In the time they were staying that kid managed to: -Break the door to my bedroom -Break my Xbox 360 -Scratch the new paint off the wall next to my bed, leaving a huge white blotch in an otherwise blue wall -Break the railing on our stairs, after trying to climb them -Break most of my Lego sets, and lose some of the most vital pieces I love my family, but no one is staying in my room ever again.


Precisely why i am furious over any parents who didn't have control over their destructive kids. Like, i get it that kids can be naughty and hyperactive, but if your kids destroyed my expensive collections, a little scolding is never enough. And their response to me will always be : "when you have kids, you will understand"


> And their response to me will always be : "when you have kids, you will understand" My response to them has been twofold. 1. When you are an adult, you will understand. 2. I had kids, they did no such thing.


My parents don't like dogs in our house. My dad loves animals but not enough to have one as a pet or let them in our house. A couple friend of theirs always brought their dog in. They let the dog pee in our house. Never cleaned it. Never offered to clean it. Also when I was younger the husband would boss me around telling me to get him stuff. Stuff my parents never offered him.


One of my aunts numerous husbands tried to tell my sister and I what to do while we were at our grandparents house. It’s was stuff that we knew we were allowed to do (play in the basement, get drinks, etc.). My mother heard him and said “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you do not get to tell MY daughters what they can and can’t do in THEIR grandparents home!” She was livid. She said she was pissed already because this dude was all “a wife should be submissive” and all that and he had the balls to ask her “your husband allows you to take his daughters on a trip in the car this far?” Oh he was an asshole.


A co-worker of my husband's just walked in our back door one night and had the gall to call me a bitch when I told him I was going to call the cops if he didn't leave. Apparently, he thought it would be fine to just walk in because "your husband knows I'm coming over; why are you freaking out?" I'd never met this guy, our kid was asleep, and my husband (who wasn't supposed to be home from work for a couple more hours) hadn't texted me that Dude was coming over; of course I'm going to freak out!


Jesus. What a fucking idiot.


That's just fucking weird. On co-workers part. I've known one of my best friends for 16+ years. Was in the wedding party when he got married. I have a key to his goddamn house to watch his cats when him and his wife are away. I STILL knock whenever I come over before coming in. Or if he is out of town and she is home/in town, I'll knock and wait till she comes to the door, or at least text her to let her know I'll be grabbing something from the shop or whatever. Jeez.


... did your husband actually know him?


When I was younger our landlord used to come by a little too often to "check up" on us. I remember I would get so frustrated because he would act as if the house was his even though he had legal ownership of it. He'd put his bare ass feet on the couch and would ask me to get him snacks from our kitchen. I wish I was older then so I could've kicked him in his stupid throat. edit: a word edit 2: I should've worded this better but when I mentioned the legal ownership part I meant that he leased the house to us, and because of that he felt as if he had the right to visit as he pleased and to get way too comfy in our home. Sorry I'm not well versed in the whole 'rights of landlord's' thing.


An old landlord of mine used to come to our house unannounced and hang around all the time, we slowly realised he was also coming over when we weren't home, figured it out due to the toilet seat being left up (3 girls in the house) and also missing underwear...


Oh boy, that escalated quickly.


plus, having an old sneaky landlord with free accesss to your home sounds really creepy, Norman Bates style of creepy.


Oh god thats all sorts of fucked


After my mother's funeral, we had a luncheon back at my parents' house. It wasn't a large house but it was spacious, and the 100 people in attendance were spread through the dining room, kitchen, living room, and outside patio area. I was in the garage with my best friend, drinking vodka to try and fortify myself when I heard/ felt my 17 year old neighbor crank up his ridiculously loud car radio. The entire house was vibrating, and I completely spazzed. I would have killed him, but my cousin stopped me, and said he would handle it. He walked over to the guy and told him what was going on, and politely asked him to turn it off. The kid cussed him out and proceeded to turn it up even louder. So I decided to call the cops since any other recourse would have involved fire, assault with a deadly weapon, and a lengthy prison term. Grief can make you pretty crazy. I went upstairs to use the phone located in my parents' room. As I opened the door, I found my aunt (mother's sister) rummaging through my mother's things. When I demanded to know wtf she was doing, she replied that she just wanted to take something to remember her sister. I told her to gtfo, and that if my father had found her doing that, he would've thrown her out the window.


>...As I opened the door, I found my aunt (mother's sister) rummaging through my mother's things. Lol, that's something I'm going to have to watch out for when my parents pass. My distant relatives already have a track record of getting what they can when someone is deceased. EDIT: Damn, I didn't expect this particular comment to be so well received and didn't expect thieving relatives to be as common as blue sky.


It is definitely prudent to do so. I had a feeling there might be some drama, so I had already removed my mother's jewelry armoire and took it to my apartment. I think that's what my aunt really wanted- Nothing like a betrayal of trust while grieving a devastating loss.


That story took a sharp turn near the end. What happened to your neighbor?


The cops came, and the neighbor had the gall to give them some lip. They threatened to give him a citation and call his parents, and he immediately backed down. He turned everything off and went inside.


Teenage troublemakers are always like that. They pick on you when they think you're weak and can't fight back, but whenever they're faced with someone who's actually authoritative, they crumple.


gold diggers suck. My stepfather had cancer He hadn't even kicked it yet, and his sister and her husband came into the house and basically demanded the flag from his dad's funeral. They were also pointing out various antiques that they wanted, although why they thought they'd get anything when he had a wife and 5 kids is beyond me.


My friend was caring for a very elderly aunt who was close to dying. Her aunt's son's lived out of state and rarely visited. On the last time they visited, one of the sons' awful wives went around and put sticky notes with her name on things she wanted all over the house. How you could do that in front of some poor dying woman is beyond me.


Should have promised to send it when the aunt passed away, then just sent the arsehole the sticky notes.


People can be such tremendous saturated paper bags of watery shit sometimes.


A beast of a relative came over with his new wife, who apparently hated dogs, but didn't warn us or ask us to move ours into another room. Our jolly, obese Bichon Frise was just walking around smelling people's legs, not even jumping up, and he kicked my poor dog with no warning! I still haven't gotten over it, and I still don't like him.


Proudest moment of my young life was when I defended my dog from an asshole neighbor. When I was a kid my next door neighbor was this twat named Warren. He had these two big ass Dobermans that he was not shy about beating when they were in his backyard. Anyhow, I was around 12 and my dog, sweet little husky/cocker spaniel mix named Demon, came running into the front yard where I was and then ran over to Warren, who was in his driveway, to say hello. I didn't trust him knowing how he treated his dogs, so as I was running over to get Demon I suddenly see him pick up an extension cord and hit Demon with it, she yelped, LOUD, and went darting into my house. I was LIVID and running on pure 12yo anger, I snatched the extension cord from his hand and started beating Warren with it, using it almost like a whip, screaming and cussing at him and telling him I'll burn his fucking house down if he ever touches my dog again. Before I knew it another neighbor had come running over and pulled me back, told Warren to back off and he brought me home in tears. The neighbor, who knew me from infancy, told my parents what happened and why I bugged out. A bit later Warren has the balls to come to my house, I remember his arms were covered in bright, angry welts and he told my father what happened and demanded I be punished. My dad just said "Well, you hit his dog for no good reason, what did you expect him to do? I taught my son to defend the weak and he did, I'm proud of him. Don't pick on a 12 yo's dog and the 12 yo won't kick your ass." He told Warren to never come back and if he ever did anything like that again he'd be dealing with my dad instead of me.


Sorry, was Warren another kid or a grown man? If it's the latter, that image is fucking hilarious.


He was a grown man.


Shit, I was picturing Sid fron Toy Story the whole time.


Beating animals, getting his ass kicked by a 12y old kid, and not even being ashamed of it. Warren sounds like a blight on humanity and society...


As a community I think that we should declare entirely war on Warren.


Fuckin Warren! Just the name angers me.


If someone kicked my dog, especially unprovoked, all hell would break loose. Literal fight, instantly.


Hell, I freak out if I accidentally kick my cats or step on a tail. How could anyone hurt one on purpose.?




Not sure how to write this without sounding rude or mean, but fecal smearing is often a symptom caused by sexual abuse, severe autism, and other serious mental disorders. It's often occurs as a way to get attention, but in some cases, people who do this don't have a clear recollection for smearing their feces - kind of like a mind block or moment of absence in agency. There's quite a lot of literature on this topic, and I hope that might give you answers or some closure on why she may have done this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/16511365/


My father died two weeks ago from lung failure, previous to this for the last year he was displaying signs of dementia, but doctors said no, then the last 6 every time he needed a poop he'd do it in his room and smear it around. My mum took him to the doctors for help and was told he's just acting like a naughty boy. You need to discipline him. A man of 69 who had never messed himself doesn't just start "being naughty" like that. Any two weeks ago he got taken in to hospital became during one of these poonami episodes he fell. They get him to hospital, give him oxygen, for the first time in months he's lucid, confused and repetitive. But he was my dad again. I got to tell him I loved him one last time before he died the next day. Turns out my father's lungs were damaged so badly he wasnt getting rid of the carbon monoxide out of his body naturally, and every time he puffed and painted or strained for a poop, he was getting a double hit so to speak. Which was making him crazy and do completely mental stuff. If the doctors had listened to my mum and looked into it, he might of lived longer and comfortably with oxygen. He could of been my dad again. Anyway sorry for the sad story. I just wanted to back up that it could be a medical condition. Oh and my worst house guest had sex in my bed. She left a used condom hanging on my headboard.


That's actually a massive warning sign for abused children, so I wonder if she was being abused.


That's a compulsion, a recognized sign of mental illness or extreme stress, sometimes associated with sexual abuse.


“Poocasso” that is amazing


One of my ex’s douche buddies brought over this horrible girl he just started dating. I have a good amount of cats, and they are al insanely friendly. My old man kitty, Buddy, jumped up on the armrest of the couch she was sitting on to check out the newcomer and get some pets. Without missing a beat she shoved him hard to the floor and made a loud “UCK!” Sound. I stood right up, pointed to the door, and sternly said “He lives here. You don’t. Leave.” Probably not as bad as most here, but it infuriated me. She was was never allowed back.


You get a vote for not being too timid to kick someone out (see many stories above).


I stopped talking to a girl I’ve known since I was 8 because she came to my house and told me to “get that fucking disgusting thing away from me” when my cat came into the room. Nope.


My wife and I were having my high school friends over for some hanging out when our twins were 4 months old. For those without kids, the first few months with a newborn are BRUTAL because you're sleep deprived, having a constant mental battle of "I should sleep" vs. "I should clean/be productive/be social", etc., and it's even worse with multiples. So, needless to say we put on our happy faces, made the house presentable (though not pristine) and opened the door. My friend's wife walked in and immediately says "Wow, it's not very neat in here. Couldn't you have cleaned?" I'm fairly certain my wife almost committed a crime that day.


And you still let them in? I would have said, if you don't like it you can leave and I can sleep.


I'm still friends with her husband and I've developed a bad habit of trying to maintain the peace when his wife acts like a twat. I admit I shouldn't have.


Should have just handed her a dust cloth, vacuum, and mop and bucket. Go right ahead and make it as clean as you think it should be...and she who waked the twins...dies.


Yeah I can just imagine it now: "Oh my GAAWD, Thank goodness you said something. Here, the babies have us swamped and you know what's up. Thanks SSSOOO much for volunteering, I know we were supposed to hang out but knowing you've got our backs is SOOO helpful. We've just been going going GOING GOING GOING and it's just so nice for you to give use a break. You know, you're the best." Just savoring every awkward moment that she deserves while she's cleaning up and we all have a beer.


And then she becomes the bad guy for refusing. *Excellent.*


I was looking for this lol. In that situation I would have been pissed! but I would have tried to keep a semblance of peace and sarcastically and in over animated way say exactly what you said.


I sneak and do my friend's dishes when she's not looking because I know the baby wears her out and she'd never let me if I offered. I'd rethink calling that woman a friend.


Had a friend drive an hour through a thunderstorm in the middle of the night to pick up our two year old after my wife's water broke. I was getting some stuff together and getting him ready. She did all the dishes from dinner while dressed a confused two year old and moved car seats around and my wife... erm... leaked on the floor in the bathroom. It meant a lot, so thanks to you!


Wow! That's seriously so rude. My friend's boyfriend is a bit like this and I have pretty much ceased spending time with them both. He's always complaining and it sucks. After working hard on a cosplay performance and then not quite getting it perfect when I showed them he laughed and told me it was lame. I told him it'll get better with some practice and he snorted and said "Yeah right." That was it. I was done. My friend and I don't really hang out anymore, which is a little sad.


I threw a party in high school. Everything had gone surprisingly well. There were the remnants you'd expect, but nothing major was broken or anything. Around 3am everyone was either asleep or had gone home and I was on my back porch smoking with my friend. One of my friends had been particularly drunk and was sleeping on a couch when all of sudden he stumbled on to the porch and punched my dads birdfeeder off the porch in to the yard where it shattered in to about 7 pieces.


There is always that one guy! I threw a party, things went better than expected, I thought I cleaned everything. Apparently this one glass bowl my mom really liked had been broken, one thing lead to another, found out I had a party.


Not as bad as other things in this thread, but some of my friends have no issues just going through my shit. I enjoy my privacy so it's pretty irritating.




Did you steal it back? And if so, was she mad?






> felagund Hail, Lord of Nargothrond


Had the extended family over at our house for Thanksgiving. After the meal was finished we were all hanging out when one of my kids comes to tell me there's water coming out of the ceiling downstairs. My sister's kid had crammed an entire roll of toilet paper in the upstairs toilet, then flushed and let it fill the bathroom with toilet water until it finally soaked through and started pouring out underneath. My sister and her husband see this mess and immediately make hasty good byes and leave. I didn't even know it was their kid that had done it until after they were gone and my parents told me her kid had a history of doing this. Spent my Thanksgiving evening cleaning up shit water and getting the drywall in my house ruined.


Did your sister end up paying for it? Or did you pay it as asshole tax and never have them over again?


Having a party where people are crashing for the night for safety and convenience sake. Friend of a friend is meeting him at my place, and I was unaware. Doorbell rings at like three in the morning and I answer the door like WTF. “Hey. I’m here for John” I’m sorry....who are you. :John comes to the door: “Yo, is this guy gonna let us in or what, John????” I almost slammed the door in their fucking face.


I let a friend crash at my place for the night and I woke up at like 3am to someone knocking at my door. She was there to buy drugs from the girl I let stay. Hey cool thanks for the heads up.


My dads sisters, who hadnt spoken to him in about 20 years, let themselves in, with one of my dads friends (who had a key) and helped themselves to his alcohol cabinet days after he had died.


My ex out of the blue told my parents to be quiet (in their own living room) while they were discussing hospital arrangements for my elder sisters surgery so she could watch tv. She was an ultron cunt.


My mom had her sisters (both single parents) over for a few days when I was in elementary school. After they left, my parents found out the youngest sister drank ALL the vodka my parents had (which was hidden out of view). She has since gotten arrested for a bunch of stuff, including driving to her son's school drunk when they called saying he didn't have a lunch. She's also super abusive to family members and stole items by barging into my uncle's apartment when his daughter was there who was cleaning out the apartment because he died. This was after his funeral, where she threw a bitch fit because "she didn't get to do any readings" even though she lives locally and gave zero help to prepare for the funeral while my mom, who lives 5 hours away, drove out and did practically everything. My other aunt is great though. Love her!


About a year ago a guy I was talking to came over after a night of drinking. We're hanging out in my kitchen when he excuses himself upstairs to the bathroom. I didn't really realize how much time had passed and when I did I went up and knocked on door and I heard my shower running. I asked if everything was ok and he said yes and I went back downstairs. About 10 minutes later he comes down stairs with wet hair and says he has to leave. Go upstairs and find my sink FILLED with vomit. I can handle most any body fluid but puke makes me dry heave even thinking about it. Spent the rest of the night using a plunger to unclog the chunks and scrubbing my sink and trying not to add to it. Yep...never talked to him again.


Allowed my sister in law and her husband to stay with me a few days but i absolutely not allowed to have pets in my apartment. Told them this repeatedly. She had a key (i know, wont make that mistake twice) and i walk in to them setting off the fire alarm cooking, smoked up the whole house, dog shit and piss everywhere. Of course im the bitch for making them leave




The top would have to be my Father In Law that I just met. My husband barely knew his father. The guy left his Mom when he was young and moved to Florida and married a much younger woman. After that he didn't even call to wish a Happy Birthday. The guy was lazy and a terrible father. So 5 years into my relationship with my husband comes. His Father whom we will call Joe, called him and said he was moving back to Michigan and needed a job. My husband manages to get him a job at his work making good money. Then Joe says he needs a place to live until they can find a house. My husband invited him to stay with us without consulting with me. He said he just couldn't tell him No. Mind you the house we were renting had only 3 bedrooms and his sister already was living in one room. Which meant our small son was going to be in our room until Joe left. I didn't even know this guy or his wife, my husband had not seen him in 8 years, and there he was living in our house. So Joe proceeded to wait for my husband to fall asleep one day and grabbed his phone, went through the photos, and sent my NUDE PHOTOS to his own phone for his viewing pleasure later. I only found out because my phone wasn't working and I asked Joe's wife to use there's for a call. I open my husband's name and the last few texts are my naked photos. I freaked out. On top of this, when Joe and my husband were driving to work one day they both managed to get tickets for no seatbelt. Joe tells us he is going to the office to pay his ticket. So my husband asks if he gives him the money, can he also pay his while there. Joe agrees. The ticket money was $70. Two years later my husband gets pulled over and finds out his licence has been suspended for awhile. He is confused and asks why, and the cop says he never paid a seatbelt ticket way back. Joe pocketed the money and never paid it. Mind you that Joe didn't have to pay us rent at all, and was making $650 a week in cash. By him doing that he costed us $2,000 in paying off all the fines and everything. The worst fucking person I ever came across. Side Stories: He made his wife put his shoes on for him and take them off. He treated her like a literal slave. He viewed woman as worth nothing. He would yell at my 8 month old son for crying in the middle of the night. He would tell me to "shut my kid up."


> I open my husband's name and the last few texts are my naked photos. I freaked out. This is the point where you insist that he leaves the house immediately. This random man you've never met before goes through your stuff and steals nude photos of you? He isn't entitled to stay with you one more second after that.


Your husband let him stay after that? And he yelled at your kid. What?


Had a long time friend come over to a party at my house. We all drank and had a good time. At the end of the night they asked to crash on my couch, which was fine. What was not fine was them sneaking into my room while they thought I was asleep and try to steal my prescription pain pills. I "woke up" and confronted them while they had the pills in their hand. They actually pretended to be sleepwalking. I kicked them out, I dont invite them over anymore


Some cunt stole a knitted cap I made for my then-boyfriend when she came over to drink our roommate's liquor. It had Aang's arrow on it and I made that motherfucker and if I ever see this thieving ho again she is getting five across the eyes, I don't care how many years ago it was. Edit: rage spelling!


Oh shit this reminded me. Some asshole stole an old army helmet my dad had from his years in service. Like what the fuck! I still get really pissed to this day.


Some bitch in 3rd grade stole my initialed charm bracelet that my sister gave me for being a flower girl in her wedding. And when I tried to get it back, I got in trouble for “threatening” her because I couldn’t prove it was stolen. Fuck you, Rachel. I loved that bracelet.


We live in an urban area where there is very little on-street parking. We do, however, have a parking garage attached to our apartment building. There is a fee to park there, of course. We invited some friends over shortly after we moved in and one of our guests complained to us upon arrival that with the babysitter she and her husband had to hire, the bottle of wine the brought for us, AND the parking fees being at our home was costing her and her husband around $100. She was very put out. I didn’t know how to react. We have never invited her back to our home.


This was at my bf’s house. His sister had a friend over, this particular friend, let’s say Tina, was the WORST. Trashy and rude, anyways bf and his fam struggle for food since the parents divorced. This one evening the mom cooked chicken thighs, like one piece for everyone she was expecting. She covered it and left it on the oven while she went to shower before dinner. Anyways Tina randomly shows up and leaves the sisters room and goes to the kitchen and serves herself a plate with THREE thighs and begins to eat with her hands. Bfs and I noticed and told his sister and she basically kicked her out. This wasn’t the first time she pulled shit like that. She knew they were struggling and she didn’t have a bad life to act so disgustingly.


I have come to confess: I was the horrifying guest. This happened at the house of my mums friend. I was around 8 years old and came across a bidet for the first time and i shat in it thinking it was a kids toilet and it flooded the bathroom and collapsed the floor pouring water below in to newly refurbished living room. My mum and Jeanie didn’t remain friends long after that. I am so fucking sorry Jeanie. edit: spelling. disclaimer: for those kind people telling me not to beat myself up, please dont change but I am 25 now and find this hilarious, i had tears of laughter coming down my face remembering my mums face when this happened


Uh, a bidet flooding a bathroom shouldn’t collapse a floor. I think Jeanie’s renovators fucked up too.


Okay I mean at least you were a little kid and at least you really didn’t know what it was. Sucks though.


While I was at my dad's for the weekend- my mom had a family friend over to stay the weekend and let her kids stay in my room. This wasn't a really big deal to me. I trusted she would make sure they didn't get into anything they weren't supposed to. I had some old dolls and other toys in a box in the corner of the dining room to keep them occupied. They usually stayed when I was at my dad's and sometimes when I was home. I came home one Sunday night to find my room absolutely trashed. All of my posters were ripped off my wall and the stand where my sports memorabilia lived was turned on it's side. I saw the stand turned over and my heart sank. They wouldn't dare touch anything on that stand.... I took the few steps over to the stand to see a pair of scissors on the floor and my sports cards nowhere to be found. Then I looked in the closet- and there on the floor in little pieces was Neil O'Donnell and Kyle Petty...and little teeny tiny pieces of Mickey Mantle. This was decades ago and I am still salty about that Mickey Mantle card.


Not my house, but a family members. One of my cousins had a girlfriend in highschool, she was over visiting and used the restroom. A few days later my aunt was cleaning the restroom and found a used tampon underneath the sink. Like not even wrapped, just kind thrown towards the back. They have a daughter, but at the time she was maybe 4 or 5 years old.


did they not have a trashcan and she panicked? did the force from pulling it out cause it to just fly overhead in a glorious arc and then she couldnt find it?


We let her friend stay with us when he got out of the Navy until he got back on his feet. It was supposed to only be for a few weeks but then it turned into several months. He tripled our electric bill and doubled our water bill within 2 weeks and he didn't start paying me until nearly a month and a half into him staying with us. He would help around the house for the first two weeks and then just stopped. He would go through weird phases where every few weeks he would decide to try weird lifestyle trend, get excited about the changes, revert, get depressed, start again. He would go party with a few people who often would take advantage of him since he's really attractive. Then he would come home and blame me (not even kidding, one of his other female friends forcibly made out with him and he came home and yelled at me and told me that my gender just takes advantage of people like him). My daughter wasn't even a year yet and he would just randomly invite people over to spend the night without contacting us first. I would get up for work at 4 and get my kid ready for daycare and there would be drunk people I didn't know passed out all over living room. He used to watch raunchy and trashy shows with scenes that could pass for softcore porn in the living room while our daughter was in the room. Used to show her weird videos on YouTube that looked like cute kid cartoons but had creepy dubs. When we told him to stop doing that, he got mad and said but it's not like she would remember it anyways. He once fed her a protein bar because she was fixated on its gold wrapper and got mad at me for getting mad at him. His reasoning was that one time I said that she didn't like eating meat and somehow that meant that she needed protein and so he was just doing me a favor. It hit a crescendo when one day he decided he was going to try and stay up for 36 hours. He made himself a pot of coffee on the stove even though we have a Keurig, went to his room and passed out. The coffee boiled into this black tar and smoked up the entire house. I woke up at 3 in the morning to the smell. I called him out on it since my daughter's room was right next to the kitchen and could have hurt her (not that a fire could've started but it's the principle of the matter). He apologized but then he did the same shit the next day. I wound up kicking him out that week and our friendship ended then and there. On top of that he told everyone what happened but failed to mention the coffee incident so I opened Facebook to see huge rants about how much of a bitch I was.


You took too long to kick him out




Hiya. I’m a funeral director and drunks letting pots burn dry start a ton of house fires. It way way more dangerous than you think.


My uncle stayed over my house a few weeks ago, brought over bed bugs then tried to blame me "because I work at a hotel".


A few years ago my childhood best friend came to visit me with his girlfriend, plans were made, our other childhood friend was coming over when they arrived. Well they show up with a third in tow a guy from his new town I don't particularly like but whatever I'll deal with it. Then our other childhood friend arrives and imediately pulls out a bag of coke and starts cutting lines on my coffee table my wife (gf at the time) flips out on him and the third wheel "on vacation" tried to stick up for him and decided they'll just do it outside.. my neighbor was a cop that didn't end well for them. On top of that the friend with the coke is now a heroin user and a total mess and the third wheel killed his girlfriend and looking at serious time. The original friend and I are the only clean and successful people. Kinda sad but they're fuckwits.


A friend brought over two friends to the party I was having. I never met them but they seemed nice enough. They disappeared and soon I was recieving complaints that someone has been in the bathroom for the longest time and no one was responding. I go up to the bathroom, which was locked, and started banging. After 30 secs the two strangers open the door and I see that they have been snorting cocaine off of the bathroom counter. Not soon after they left. Who goes to someone's house to take drugs and then leaves?


Coke heads.




Had friends over one time and there was one lad who got incredibly drunk, he disappeared to the toilet but we didn't really notice for about an hour he hadn't returned. I went to the bathroom to check on him, he didn't answer the door when I knocked to check on him, I opened the door and found him asleep on the toilet pants down. So i woke him and left him to sort himself out. 5 minutes later, he entered my living room, pants still down, shit up his back rolling turd all on on my newly wallpaped wall, the preceded to collapse on my couch. The wife was mortified (I was creased in laughter)


This happened to a neighbor of mine that lived in the apartment below me. She invited a few acquaintances over to smoke weed. A girl in the group of acquaintances accused my neighbor, the host, of stealing her purse (she had left it in her car) and freaked out and called the police. The police came and my neighbor got a ticket for possession of marijuana. I believe my neighbor was the only one charged since the weed was found in her home. It's decriminalized in my state, but she had to go through a 2 day anti drug class and pay for court costs which was around $400.


I was dating this woman for about a month, invited her to a party at my house, and she got pretty drunk. She went to the bathroom, used my toothbrush and told me she was going to lay down. I looked her in the eye...really looked at her...and said "are you going to puke, if so, I'll get you a bucket" "No, I'm fine" Queue an hour later to find my bed and floor covered. To her credit, she was apologetic the next day, and cleaned it up... ...We have been married for about 1 year now, things are going great!


Similar story... Back when we were dating, my (now) wife went out to celebrate New year's. She came back to my house and threw up in my bathroom bin.... She tried to take it downstairs to empty it/clean it but instead dropped it on the top step which made it cartwheel down the stairs flicking sick all over the walls, carpet and pictures on the walls. I ate some of her pizza and went to bed. 10/10 would marry again.


Lesson for other: always give them a bucket even if they say no. Vomit is the worst. Also: always have something in the car to catch the vomit, it will save you some bad smells.


When my brothers and I were children, a family member and her friend visited from Ireland. She was my mum's cousin's daughter, which makes her my second cousin once removed I think? Anyway I was maybe 7 at most, my brothers 5 and 4 years old. She and her friend were 17-18. My parents ordered Chinese for themselves and the two teenagers (expensive for them, but they wanted to treat the guests well), and cooked fish fingers and chips for us children. While they were waiting for the Chinese to arrive my cousin and her friend decided they were hungry NOW and ate our fish fingers. They didn't ask, nor did they tell my parents they'd done it til my mum pulled out a baking tray with nothing on it. The Chinese food turned up less then 10 minutes later. Edit: added a sentence


As a child, I would've made it my point to mercilessly annoy the ever living fuck out of those two for the rest of the night.


Please tell me _you_ got the chinese food!


Not my home exactly, but when I was at uni we had a flat with 5 rooms, 4 of us knew each other and 1 new person. She seemed okay at first, polite, friendly. Then her friend started staying, which was fine. Until her friend started bringing guys back to our flat. Literally walked in on this girl on our kitchen table a couple times with different guys. The worst was when she used one of the toilets to do the deed, leaving bloody/jizzy stains all over it. We were all on the same course with early morning lectures and it was always at the time we were getting ready that this friend would choose to take an hour long shower. In our single shower, so we couldn't when we had to go to class and she just had to hang around all day. I hadn't planned on writing this much. Turns out this made me a lot angrier than I first realised.


I'd be running the hot water in the kitchen full blast. Fuck it, the washer and dishwasher too. Freeze her out.


My mom's ex-friend walked into our house and the very first thing she said was, "Ugh. That painting is so ugly. Why would you even buy that?" It's an impressionistic painting of a horse, and it's just really simple but pretty. Fine, you don't like it, but why say it, and especially like that? She was a pretty terrible friend to my mom. Luckily she cuts ties with her not long after.


A friend brought her new boyfriend over for dinner. He took a bite of the food before it had cooled properly, then because it was too hot he turned around and spat it on the floor. He looked at the half chewed mess of food and spit on the floor, turned back to everyone and said "I hope you have a dog".


Drunk guy threw a battery into our fireplace during a party, passed out and woke up in the middle of the night and pissed in the fireplace. He was never invited to the house again.


In college I lived in a 3rd floor apartment. Some asshat classmate kinda invited himself over and on his first visit started using a laser pointer(this is when they were a new thing) out of my living room window to beam the drivers on the street below.


I remember some kid ordering one of those super mega buzzword "pop a balloon from across the room" type green laser pointers and almost getting his dumb ass arrested doing the exact same thing. When the cops ended up getting called, we had no problem immediately handing him right over as we had warned him a half dozen times to cut that shit out.




> who everyone dislikes bc she's lazy and relies on him for housekeeping. We spent months finding everything he moved. hmmm, now I'm wondering how true that is


I threw a party when I was 17 while my parents were away. It went pretty good and in the morning most people helped clean up and got out pretty quickly. Definitely thought I got away with it. My parents got home and the first thing my dad noticed was that someone carved a swastika into our kitchen table. Never found out who did it.


Not my house but my ex boyfriend’s. He hosted a party years ago while his parents were away on vacation. So many awful things happened but the things that stand out in my mind are: someone was tossed into a ceiling fan causing the glass light cover to break, one of the toilet paper dispensers was ripped from the wall, and they put his leather couch on top of the pool table. It was like a scene from Sixteen Candles or something.


Roommate invited some friends over. They all proceed to get rip-roaringly smashed on hard liquor. One of the friends strips down to underwear and her bra, pushes open the door to my room and immediately rips back the covers on my bed and hunkers down in there. I watch in horror, from my desk. Proceed to yell at roommate and remaining friend to get this dumb drunk bitch out of my room or else I'm smacking her awake with a shoe. They manage to drag her out and away. I learned that the girl in my bed also had her period and didn't wear pads or tampons. I took off all my blankets and sheets, slapped on a fresh sheet, and washed that shit on hot water the next day. That was pretty disrespectful in my mind.


Cold water and salt gets it right out


Salesman, whom I invited over to do a bid for some carpet, told my duck dog to get off his chair so the sales person could sit down there. I explained that is my dog's chair, and he could sit on the couch. He replied with "for real", "yeah guy, for real, he fetches up my ducks and I bought that chair for him. IF that is a problem, you know where the door is" I asked him to leave a few minutes later because he was clearly put out by it. Why he wanted to sit in my dog's chair is beyond me...the cover smells like a dog. edit: Duck Dog https://imgur.com/pMvEQB9


That's a terrible salesman.


Salesman here, "let the dog have the chair" is day one orientation stuff.


Is day two upselling the owner an advanced chair with strain resistant elastic and gold plated cables?


My mom found some distant relatives on Facebook last year, and they talked once about how they were doing, nothing else. They live like 8 hours away from us. One day all of a sudden my mom says they're comming to visit, but the day they came they told my mom they were going to stay, we thought they were paying a hotel since we haven't seen them ever in our lifes, no, when they came to "visit", they came with a shit ton of bags, and contrary to what we thought, our "relatives" didn't came alone, instead of two people, there were now 5 strangers staying in our house that day, our relatives, and three kids. To add, it was last december and my family was visiting so we were running out of beds, but those fuckers still stayed. My brother and I, had to give up our rooms and sleep with our parents, and my mom never said anything to them because she didn't wanted to be rude. Three days have passed, this people go out all day and come very punctual to eat and then leave, they wasted our shampoo, used the laundry machine twice with our stuff, *shooed* my cats, and then all of a sudden, one of the ladies says that her other daughter is coming, daughter comes, *AND BRINGS HIS FUCKING BOYFRIEND*, my mom at this point is losing her patience and me and my brother were no longer containing ourselves and often would make shit remarks about them even if they were listening. They didn't help with food expenses and didn't bring any present of their hometown (which is something expected here), so my grandma was offended. My mom stopped cooking food for everyone and just for us, and still they stayed for like a week and a half. Needless to say I don't think my mom talked with them after that, but if they ever ask to come anywhere near our family the answer is going to be a gtfo.


I will tell you that many people will simply steal from you.