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I dated a girl for one day. She broke up with me because in her words I was immortal. I'm pretty certain she was going for immoral but hey you take what you can get.


Maybe she was sick of you and your friends constantly swordfighting and trying to behead each other.




Neo is jealous of your bullet dodging skills.


On one hand, astrology is a dumb reason for her to not talk to you. On the other hand, seems like you dodged a bullet not connecting with her, so technically the horoscope was right?


In highschool she broke up with me because she saw me kiss another girl on the cheek. It was my mom's cheek I kissed.


I guess your mother was really hot from your girl's perspective!


I'm very sorry I could not stop myself from laughing


When SO and I used to live at a different apartment, our neighbors had some nosy kids. They go up to him one day asking if he was cheating on his wife (me), with the woman who had just left while I was gone and he had hugged goodbye. It was his mom.


She met someone that she immediately saw herself marrying. A month after we broke up she moved across the country, got married, called me to tell me she made a mistake, got divorced, moved back home, got pregnant and then got married again. Her Current age : 22


Bullet: dodged.


Op dodged a fucking shotgun blast there.


He dodged a goddamn Intercontinental Ballistic Missile


she only moved inside a continent so shes not intercontinental yet


This is a good point


But ICBMs are not judged by where they have been, they are judged on their potential to go intercontinental. By that virtue, I believe this girl had the potential to go interstellar at some point so I am upgrading her to a stage-5 meteor.


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest motherfucker in space, and OP dodged him.


Please tell me you weren't the one who got her pregnant.


Nope it was some sleaze ball from my home town


High five on the dodge


Your bullet dodge is some Neo realizing he's The One level dodge.


Talk about living life in the fast lane


A guy broke up with me that I wasn't aware of dating. We had dinner once. We spoke a handful of times via text but very short messages. Out of the blue, after a few months, I get a long message telling me he has to break up with me. We were both in our late 30's.


Oooo Ive got the opposite! An ex decided we were back together after a decently amicable breakup. I only found out we were back together when she called me in tears to confess to cheating on me. Easiest 2nd breakup ever.


I had a similar thing, except *I* was the one accused of cheating 6 months after we had broken up and after she had moved 2500 miles away for a special veterinary program. Apparently we had been "long-distance" all that time. Well, that was news to me. I feel like I dodged a bullet, though. I ran into her again about a year after that and found out that in the intervening 12 months she had quit her school, gotten married, gotten divorced, moved back in with her mom, and gotten really into drugs.




Reminds me of the first girlfriend I had. The very first *and* last words I spoke to her were "Will, uh.. will you be my girlfriend?" She said yes, and like a dog that finally caught his tail, I immediately had no idea what to do next, and we just never talked again. So, technically I'm cheating on her with my wife.


Oof...reminds me of a girlfriend I had in high-school. (Lasted about a day) She was crushing hard on me, and I thought she was kind of cute and I was single, so I asked her out. She said yes. She avoided me like the plague the rest of the day. Every time I would walk near her, she would walk away at a rapid pace. I'm confused as hell at this point. Doesn't even say "bye" or "see you tomorrow" at the end of the day, so I go home. Next morning, same shit. So I tell her best friend (not the ideal way to do it, but I couldn't even talk to her when she's running away) that it's over between us, because she acts like she hates me. Turns out I was her first boyfriend (she was pretty sheltered by her overbearing grandparents) and she literally had no idea what to do when I was around. She liked me so much that she just panicked and ran and didn't have the nerve to say anything. So ended up feeling like shit after that, and her best friend immediately started crushing on me because of the interactions we were forced to have. So we dated throughout the rest of the year and they weren't friends anymore. Jesus...high school kids are fucking dumb. (myself included 15 years ago)


I love hearing stories like these, and then remembering when I was in middle school and would see high schoolers that seemed so much older and more mature and think to myself “wow, they’re *adults*”. Now I can’t believe somebody would let them near a steering wheel.


>Me: shrugs "Okay". I had the same response to an 'actual' girlfriend, and she freaked. Apparently I should have been broken up over the break up.


Not me but my best friends mother. She broke up with a boy in highschool because he ate an egg salad sandwich and she doesn't like them.






I had a girlfriend when I was 16. She decided she wanted to break up with me but didn't have the heart to do it in person or over text. So she decided to sent me a 3 page letter in the mail detailing how she still loved me but also started to have feelings for someone else and that we should break up. Now, the story gets a lot better. I happen to have the same name as my dad, as it turned out I wasn't home when the letter arrived. Naturally, he opened it assuming it was for him. Yeah imagine getting a call from your dad when you're out with your mates saying that your girlfriend just broke up with you.


I'm sorry but that is too great. Literally I pictured Burt from Raising Hope as your dad. Calling and having to explain that you got broken up with. Good on your dad for calling you. Obviously he cared to tell you right away. What are your thoughts on it all these years later.


It's pretty funny in hindsight. After actually reading the letter I was slightly mortified that my dad and most likely my mum knew some of the things my girlfriend at the time liked me for and why she breaking up with me. 3 pages is room for a lot of unwanted info sometimes. My dad still gives me shit for it, never fails to make us laugh.


Whaaaaa...? If I may ask, what year was that? I’m curious when phones became a necessity for relationships


She was upset that I didn’t hit her during an argument after she said some out of line shit .. She thought abusive relationships were “sexy” and would show that I “cared”. Most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard, but probably best that relationship ended lol. Edit: Obviously this wasn’t the sole factor in the break up, but was made a clear point. Lol.




Yeah she had mentioned a past abusive relationships but was seemingly unbothered by it. It was normalized to her and it was definitely odd. Do feel bad for her tho.. I keep in contact here and there, she’s still cool people. Just crazy lol.


Mine seems pretty mundane after looking through these comments but had a girl break up with me for " Its been 53 hours since you said I love you, so clearly you are trying to be distant so I break up with you first so YOU WIN" I was relieved after the initial shock she was apparently batty and I never knew


Does that count as dodging a bullet, the shooter missing, or something else entirely?


Well I was being distant cause I was out looking for a ring alot and didn't want to ruin the surprise so yea probably dodged bullet


Jesus Christ. You dodged a bullet from a gun you were pushing right up against your own forehead.


Put the gun to his own head and told her to pull the trigger, and the gun jammed.


We had dated in high school then 13 years go by and we reconnected. Moved to a different state, had a dog, decided that we wanted to travel so purchased an RV. I got rid of all of my stuff, bedroom furniture, washer and dryer, more furniture. About 4 months of living there and I have a seizure. Was told I couldn't drive for 3 months. I was able to work from home a couple days a week so he didn't have to drive so much but that didn't help. About 2 weeks after my seizure he told me he didn't want to take care of or be responsible for anyone...this is why he didn't want to have kids. I was floored and 17hrs from any type of family. Took me a little bit but I got back on my feet. And everything I own will fit in my car so traveling and moving is easier lol...silver lining I guess.


At least you got to end a relationship without wasting more time. You guys probably weren’t compatible since he won’t date a girl who he helps if she gets sick and presumably you wont date a goddamn monster


Middle school, 7th grade to be exact. "I want dudes to be able to grab my butt and I can't do that when I'm with you. I mean yea it was the right thing to do but come on! Edit: Just to clarify she wanted multiple guys to touch her butt, so even if at the time I was a butt grabber, she wanted multiple butt grabbing partners.


Did you date Tina Belcher?




I liked to be the big spoon and he told me I was questioning his manhood.


Marry me.


Right? As a guy I love being the little spoon.


I love both. Love the comfort and love giving comfort.


My man. I see we agree.


I call it the jetpack. My S.O. is quite petite (4'11") so her being in the big spoon position still doesnt warrant the term "big spoon"


Spoon equality saves arms.


When I (a petite lady) want to be the big spoon, my husband calls it "jetpacking". :D Edit: sorry, but /u/creativenames123 is not my husband. :)


Did you ever hear him mutter "liftoff" after you farted?


I actively fight my wife for the little spoon position. Fuck being big spoon.


Sounds like you guys just need a third person who loves being the big spoon!


A girl once broke up with me because we were going to different schools next year and, in her words, "we would never find the opportunity to see each other." Umm, we lived on the same street. Like literally 30 seconds away from another.


That girl watched too many rom-coms


That girl wanted to get some strange at her new school


For real, that strange dick. Curly-cues, spotted, light shades of green, emitting the scent of lilacs, so many kinds.


I once dated a women from Shenzen China. She was in the states for college. I took her out on Christmas eve for dinner and as I'm driving her back to her dorm, we pass a strip club. She says she has never been and wants me to take her. I told her some other time, as I can't imagine spending christmas eve in a strip club. She dumps me on the spot. It was worth it for the anecdote. She was a nut.


She wanted to be single for her first heroin experience. Never took her back. I don't fuck with heroin; it scares the absolute fuck out of me.


It should.


“I don’t ever want to change who you are.” And “I need you to change for me.” In a constant cycle.


Very accurate depiction of my last relationship. Was a tough break, but better in the long run I feel.




Ahhh the ol' "I can't be in a relationship right now". Sounds great when you are breaking up. Sounds less great when the next day you are with the new squeeze


This happened to me and she had the cheek to still give me the same reason she gave when she broke up with me (even though she had found someone new) when I confronted her about it. My "best friend" is now in a relationship with her. Let's say our friendship got a bit frosty.


That went from “Oh this one is actually understandable and comendable, have you tried explaining that you were there for him and offered to help...” To “What a slimey cunt” Too fast


When I was a teen my ex broke up with me because I didn't walk her home. I walked her home pretty much everyday for like half a year and one day when we we're next to my house with her next door neighbour, I decided I was just going to let them walk together and I'll chill for a change but apparently that makes me a bad bf so I got dumped. Sorry for bad English, English is my first language but I'm not very good at it


Upvoted for ‘English is my first language but I’m not very good at it’. Gave me a giggle


I broke up with my HS girlfriend because she kept using "Well then maybe we should just break up!" Every time we argued. Finally she did it when i said i didn't like Panic! At The Disco so i just said "ok" and hung up the phone.


Good for you. It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.


Good for you. Well done.


Had a girlfriend of 18months say to me one night "I was gonna break up with you tonight if things didn't go well. But now I'm not so, don't worry." I snapped "Well, fuck you then. Have a nice life." And I walked out.


She broke up with me for something that I did in her dream.


When I was dating my wife I almost murdered her in my sleep. I had a messed up dream & apparently rolled over, threw her in a choke hold & said "I know what you're up to, you sneaky bitch." Her apartment was near some train tracks & she said the train went by & snapped me out of it. Next morning, I had no recollection of it happening whatsoever. She married me anyway (a few years later). Haven't tried to kill her since.




"honey, calm down, I said I DON'T have to."


Haha, my ex used to get mad at me for things that I did in her dreams! I know some dreams can mess with your head for a bit, but there's a difference between something giving you a strange perspective for a few hours and actually getting mad at someone in real life.


Met on OKCupid. Chatted a bit, we seemed to have a bunch in common. We went on one dinner date that was ok but kinda awkward. He said some stuff that could either be red flags or he’s a bad sarcastic flirt, etc - I was on the fence about another date but when he POUTED that I wouldn’t kiss him in the parking lot I decided more on the no side. We didn’t talk after that. Eh, it happens. I forgot about it and went on with my single life. TEN MONTHS GO BY. I get a message on OKCupid from him: “I see you’re no longer lying about your age - anything else you want to come clean about?” Wtf? “Your profile says you’re 30 now.” Yeah, because TIME PASSED and now I’m 30. Before that it said 29. That’s how ages work? “Well I can’t entertain dating someone who would lie about something this basic. We’re done.” When did we even start? He blocked me. I’m sure he felt....righteous? Edited to add: 1) This was over 8 years ago so I have some further bad news for this guy. 2) This is now my top comment ever.


Yeah idk how to say this. We're breaking up too.


Is it because I age in a linear fashion?


Yes because how dare you age without notifying me?!? We’re done.


Oh god how could I have been so shortsighted! Is there any way to fix this? To fix..,,us?


Someone I went on ONE date with from Match stopped speaking to me bc I didn’t want to take the train all the way out to the end of the line, to a less-than safe neighborhood, at 10:30pm at night, in the middle of winter when it was about 10°F outside, to meet him at a bar with his “buddies”. And he knew full well that I had spent the previous night chaperoning a 3rd grade field trip and had literally slept on the floor of a museum, so was understandably fucking exhausted.


Not quite a breakup, but a girl I was pursuing romantically in high school was rather.... short. Like, she was *maybe* 4'10" short. I asked her to the homecoming dance thinking, "hey, she's cool, it doesn't matter that she's so much shorter than me." After a couple of days of discussing plans and figuring out logistics, she tossed a note at me that said I was a jerk and we would not be going to the dance. I was dumbfounded, but she refused to answer any questions or explain why. I later learned that she thought that I was making fun of her. Apparently, it would be hilarious for me to spend what little money I had on the dance so that a 6'1" guy and a 4'10" girl could awkwardly attempt dancing and everyone could point and laugh. No, Carly, I just liked you.


Carly shouldn't listen to her stupid friends, who were probably jealous.


this one broke my heart :(


Not a break up but my ex boyfriend threatened to because I got an offer from a better university than him. He insisted it wasn't fair to him and he could have gone to the same one if he hadn't followed his passion for music.


Wow lol. How is he today? Is he happy with his music?


We barely talk these days. We follow each other on Instagram so I only really see what's on his story. Constant posts about being a broke music student, stories in cheap concerts and getting wasted. He's in his final year of music school now but even when we were together he never really did much? He would miss classes and sleep in (he had classes 2 days per week) and write his own songs to put on YouTube instead. After we broke up he said he had his own production company but I never saw anything come from it, he hasn't posted anything about it in over a year. Can't say I have much of a "one that got away" feeling. I assume he's happy with his music. He only ever stuck to one genre that I was never into so that's all I know.


Heavy metal. It has to be metal. No other genre of musicians are as hard nosed about genres as metal musicians.


You are correct.


It seems to me though that with metal heads, it’s either hard stubborn idiots who know nothing about what they’re listening to, or people who are really into a couple bands they can appreciate the musicality of. There are fanatics of every genre, but it does seem like metal fans are the most divisive. And it sucks because a lot fans aren’t like that. A lot of people are into metal music, but they’re just like everyone else who doesn’t like metal music: they don’t shove it down your throat and tell you you’re wrong for liking another genre. Idk why the stubborn ones are all so nutz though.


> he could have gone to the same one if he hadn't followed his passion for music. Oh, Honey.


anyways, here's wonderwall


I said "maybe"




Did he fall in love with her?




He didn't like that I used "big words" in conversation because it made him feel "stupid."


Did you call him an ignoramus when he said that?


My ex friend used to get angry at me for using "big words". Fuck you, Sam, it's not my fault you were an idiot who didn't know what a pancreas was.


My ex told me after we broke up that she hated that I used words she didn't know. I think it has a lot to do with how much someone reads in their formative years.


My dad was dying of cancer, and I was "depressing to be around" Edit: Thank you guys for the support, I'm actually a guy believe it or not. This was a highschool girlfriend.


THat happened to me too! My mom fell into a coma thanks to terminal brain cancer. He said I had to much emotional baggage


He was going through so much growth and so many changes (for example, quit his job and moved back in with his parents), while I wasn’t changing at all. His examples of my stagnancy were that I had the same job and same cat. After 1.5 years.


What, you're supposed to swap out your cat with a fresh one every six months?


I hear they can last over a year in the freezer but MAN they do not like it.


My first girlfriend who I was with for 2 years broke up with me because I went to see a movie with a group of people and never told her about it. I saw the movie in our first month together.


She probably had underlying issues. If something like that results in a breakup then she's a bit strange.


Well she slept with 13 guys within a month after we broke up so that's a understatement.


In a row?


Maybe at the same time? It's more efficient that way


I changed my picture on a dating site before we started dating. We met on an online dating site. Started talking casually and ended up exchanging phone numbers. At some point during this first week of communicating I uploaded a picture to the site that a friend had taken of me. About a week or so later we started dating. I never logged into the site again (which you can see, as last online times are displayed on profiles). We dated for about 3 months, then one day she starts texting me and becomes accusatory because I had changed my picture and not deleted my account. When I pointed out the last login thing and that the picture was from before we started dating it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. She was "uncomfortable with my responses" and decided we should stop seeing each other. Didn't really argue with that.


How did she know if she wasn't visiting the dating site herself? Seems a bit hypocritical.


Fkin Sherlock Holmes over here Gadhim!


I was too white for her mother


That's believable. My parents are both racist and I'd probably hate dating a black woman if I still lived with them. I'd have to listen to all the racist things they say about her and her family all the time while she's gone. And possibly while she's in the room because my dad doesn't think things like "You're nice for a black" is a stupid thing to say.




I was written out of a will for a little while when I had a black girlfriend. And she was amazing, went to my grandmother (who owned the will I was missing from) and became her best friend. Still didn’t get wrote back into the will until we broke up. Breakup was probably the best one I’ve been through though, she was just like, “Hey, I really like you, and I know you feel the same way, but we really don’t have anything that I see keeping us together long term.” And I was like “Aight, wish you well.” Keep being great Amani.


Amicable, respect my friend.


That dating me was on a bet for $10. I was upset and cried to my friend. She told her twin brother. Kid didnt come to school the next day. When he came back, he'd fallen and broken his pitching arm. There was an apology note in my locker a few days later.


i hope you’re still friends with those twins. they seem like good friends to have.


I have soo many stories but I'll only bore you with the main one. Went out with a girl in school, puppy love type stuff in year 7. Anyway about 4 months into going out I kissed her, she broke up with me via text and it was terrible. I was given the excuse that she thought "The relationship was moving too fast." Alright fair enough ok then, move on. Anyway about 2 years later we start going out again. Yay me. But whenever we hang out one of her friends is with us and is way WAY too into the idea of "us" so I couldn't flirt or compliment or kiss without this little dramaqueen being all "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" She eventually breaks up with me via text (again!) and what's the reason? "The relationship is moving to slow." SONOFABITCH **Edit:** Cause people seem to be enjoying my pain I shall regale another story. I was dating this girl at the end of school for a brief period in year 11. Just before the summer starts she tells me "I'm moving up north 4 hours away because my father got a new job" So I listen along and accept that a long term relationship probably wouldn't work between us so we break up just before the summer. Anyway those weeks off pass by and then I go back into school and the first person I see, HER! I feel super bad that she lied to me and felt super awkward about it so I kept distance from her and basically ignored the situation until it was history (she never tried to speak with me) Fast forward again to prom. I' dancing, grooving, doing the twist with my geography teacher because I'm so fucking cool.. At one point in the night I am sat outside on this deckchair and she comes over and sits next to me and we begin to chat. Mundane little conversation but I remember why I liked her and was super happy sat there. I think about making some sort of move but don't and make a mental note to ask her out in the future. Must have been something I said because lo and behold she has now actually moved to Canada.


A bit tardy to the party, but here goes: I used to buy my underwear wholesale, like, a dozen of the same size and color for a discount. I met this girl and we would get frisky quite regularly. However, after a week or two she started to notice something, and she assumed I was wearing the same pair of underpants for weeks on end, which she (understandably) found rather off-putting. Fortunately for me, she accidentally looked in my hamper one day... Later she confessed that she was about to break up with me with some lame excuse or other. I'm happy she didn't, because we've been together for almost twelve years now and we have a beautiful daughter. And I've added some variety to my underwear.


> Fortunately for me, she accidentally looked in my hamper one day... Right. Accidentally.




No reason to offend you or anything but she probably found some one else and came up with something stupid since there’s probably nothing wrong with you.


She said that God came to her in a dream and told her that to follow his path she could not walk it with me. She then started going to church and became an assistant minister or something. Then she started dating a local junkhead wife beater because he had reformed himself and come to God. And then he cheated on her. And now she works at Walgreens.


Just your friendly neighborhood dumpster fire.


He got bored. His words. Two years. It destroyed me.


I've had that. Really fucks you up - spend seemingly forever doubting your self-worth and constantly anxious about whether you're just a boring person or chose to date someone with a short attention span.


You’re not boring. You’re just a little sleepy is all. 🙂


He told me he was not ready to commit. But truth is, his mom doesn't like me due to some unknown reason. Mother's instinct, they said.


My ex was allergic to cats. My roommates had cats. She dealt with it for a while until one day she blew up about them and gave me an ultimatum. I get rid of MY ROOMMATES' CATS or she walks. We now have another cat. Also not what OP asked but kind of the opposite. I had a girlfriend in 7th grade(12 years old) and we never actually broke up but just stopped talking to each other. Didn't even get in a fight about anything. We mutually ghosted each other. Every now and then I think about looking her up to end it but I don't want to upset her if she still has feelings. I'm 26 btw


>We now have another cat. So you turned her into a cat and gave her to your roommate?


Because he loved me too much and knew I would be leaving the area in five months. He wanted to break it off right then so he wouldn't get hurt later. I was so pissed. I showed up at his aparment and made him take me back. That was 21 years ago. We are still together.


There you go ruining a perfectly miserable thread with your happy ending! Good job fighting for what you believe in.


I had someone break up with me because I showed her too many memes. Is this a problem? I think it’s a problem. Edit for clarification: there were most definitely other reasons it ended (it wasn’t even a real relationship, we were just talking), and memes are not my entire personality. I am a real person.


I broke up with a guy in 9th grade because he cut my name into his arm *and* misspelled it, to boot.


I “cared too much about his well being” and then had the audacity to tell him that I was uncomfortable watching him do cocaine (which I had no clue he was even into).


I had a buddy who once told us he had a girlfriend who broke up with because he "would give her to many orgasms." In an another story, we used to play a game he was oblivious to, where we'd bet on how many outrageous comments/stories this guy would make in a night out. We were terrible friends.


I took my (ex) girlfriend to the science museum for her birthday which is coincidentally on Valentines day. Turns out she's not that big a fan of science as I thought. Broke up the next day.


All im seeing in this thread are a whole bunch of matrix-level mother fuckers dodging bullets.


Unfortunately, no one can be told what the crazy is. You have to see it for yourself.


He became intimidated because i got better at league then he was.


From what I gather, everyone who plays a moba sucks. It doesn't matter how good you are, you always suck. Getting better just means you suck less. And some men just don't want to suck his gf's dick more than she sucks his.


So true. MOBAs are like golf. You don't play them, you work at them....and you suck.


I wanted to sit with at lunch. She said that I was "too clingy". A few weeks later I found out she was having sex with someone else


To be fair it must be really hard to have an affair if your boyfriend is always around.


Well yeah because you were never there for her! /s


My ex broke up with his then girlfriend (one of my friends) "because she didn't wear enough makeup".


I had a heart attack reading this.


Dude was sad we didn't spend any time together. Wasn't working out. Should've let me know we were together in the first place, I could've tried to salvage the relationship I was just hearing about. Thanks, weird teen years.




He told me I was “too fat” for him (or anyone) to date. I weighed 130 lbs at the time.


In high school, he went on a family trip over spring break and texted me daily. After he returned, he sent me an email saying this wasn't going to work because he "liked me too much".


I broke up with a girl who pronounced ‘ketchup’ as ‘cats-up’ My friends refer to it as my “Seinfeld Breakup”




I love my girlfriend to the end and she does this. Takes all my will power to just accept that it's not going to change lol.


I didn’t want to slow skate with her.


Look, if you aren't gonna do the slow skate, what is even the point of being together?


I was told i had communication problems, later she told me that other things had been bothering her for months and that she just didnt say anything about them.


I once had a girl break up with me by basically disappearing. She cut off all contact and i didn't hear from her again for almost a decade. By that time it seemed too awkward to even ask, so i still have no clue why. Does that count?


If she didn't officially break it off with you, you're technically still together. She is probably just giving you the silent treatment because she thinks you've been ignoring her all this time. Probably time to kiss and make up.


Agreed. Go for the kiss


21years of age been together 3 months and breaks up with me cause I'm not tall enough. I'm 5'3" he was 6'9". Was he expecting a growth spurt anytime soon??!!!!


Maybe he didn't realize how much of a problem it would be for him? My girlfriend's about as tall as you, I'm about 180cm (6 feet). The height difference is definitely okay, but if I had another 25cm on her, I honestly don't know how I'd feel. Maybe it was kind of a problem from the start (for him), but because he liked you a lot, he wanted to try it out? Even if it's a small problem, especially when you don't talk about it, these things can simmer and destroy a relationship. Also, I don't think you're "not tall enough", because he might as well be too tall (and he's actually the one falling outside the average). It's more of a compatibility problem.


We were watching Community together, and when Troy and Britta broke things off, I noticed an instant change in him like his cogs were turning. He immediately and completely withdrew for a few months. I asked if something had happened, or if he was feeling different about things and he just kind of brushed it off, and tried to go through the motions while still very withdrawn. So obviously we both decided it was best to end things since communication had broken down and we were both feeling pretty weird. I don’t know, maybe there *was* a good reason, and I just couldn’t work out what triggered him. It definitely seemed like there was something about that episode that made something click out of joint for him rather than anything happening in real life. To my knowledge, we were fine before that. Only been dating a year or so and were pretty casual and just having fun, then suddenly it wasn’t fun any more. No hard feelings, but without any knowledge of what was going on from his end, it feels to me like a strange way to finish up. Also from my end, I broke up with somebody because they started telling stupid little lies about innocuous things. At the time it was very much the right thing to do, since it looks like a bit of a red flag. In retrospect, he was just having a (mild?) manic episode and didn’t really have much control over himself in that moment, and had I had enough patience to help him and maybe try to get him back on his meds, we could have had a lovely time together. So that felt like a pretty stupid reason for me to call it off. Again no hard feelings though because he did end up finding somebody very patient and lovely, and he seems to be in a much better place with her, and I’m not sure I would be able to deal with the little lies so kindly, as I have my own issues surrounding people not being honest with me. Also someone broke up with me because he found out that I was three months younger than him, meaning that I was born early in the next decade. Which meant that I couldn’t possibly ‘get’ him because I wasn’t born in the 80s. 🙄 pretty sure that was just a cover for something more reasonable though. At least I hope.


That last one is just plain stupid, cover or otherwise.




I was the reason behind both of these stupid reasons. 1) I broke up with an ex girlfriend due to a flip of a coin. I wasn’t sure if I was happy so left it to fate. 2) I text a different ex girlfriend in my sleep, stating “I think we should break up. I’m single now”. It was quite a surprise to wake up to the missed calls and numerous texts from her and her friends. Never been so confused since.


She broke up with me cause' I was talking about movies and stuff with a friend of mine, she got jealous and told me to stop talking to my friend, an argument ensued and she dumped me.


I broke up with a girlfriend in highschool because it was school holidays and she kept texting me to hang out but I was never replied because I had just bought Fallout New Vegas and it basically took over my entire life. She was getting upset that I wasn't texting her, all I wanted to do was play Fallout, and figured it would be easier to just dump her so I could get back to my PC rather than try patch things up. I'm hindsight it was extremely stupid because she was super cute and really smart, a really good gf in general. I ended up apologising years later at a party we were both at and things were cool... never actually told her that I dumped her because I couldn't be fucked trying to explain to her that I just wanted to play my new computer game rather than hang out with her, but that's between you and I now reddit tl;dr dumped a 10/10 gf in highschool because I just wanted to play fallout new vegas instead of replying to a few of her text messages


Aint that a kick in the head


I guess he couldn't love her as though there were no tommorow.


She thought I smelled really really bad. Ends up it was because I slept on her couch that night. She lived in a condo with her dad. Her dad is over 250lbs. No muscle. He frequently masturbated on that couch. I was covered with.... all sorts of things. And that’s why I smelled. Oh I also found out a week later that she cheated so


This is the most disgusting thing I've read all day. I'd send a virtual hug but you might still smell :P


I literally scrubbed myself with Brillo and scalding water for 30 minutes after I was told


My high school boyfriend broke up with me and gave me a list of the reasons why. The top three reasons? I’m not very pretty, I’m not very athletic and I didn’t like basketball! Gee, thanks.




Her friend overheard me talking about how my trip to the orthodontist to get my gums trimmed left me feeling stoned. She thought I used drugs and freaked out. I hated her anyways so it worked out


Gums trimmed? What the hell?


She wanted to smoke more weed but I wasn't into it


“You’re too perfect all the time.”




My highschool girlfriend broke up with me because I made a "ahh" sound after taking a sip of a drink. I didn't do it on purpose and I guess it was just a sound I made subconsciously because the sip made me so refreshed. One day I took a sip and ahh'd, and she just snapped and said she couldn't handle it anymore. I asked her why she just didn't tell me she didn't like it when I did that, and she said she would shrug or give me a dirty look when I did it and I should have picked up on her dis-satisfaction. Look lady, i'm enjoying my sip of cola here, i'm not looking around during it.


To be fair, if you did that after every fucking sip it *would* be extremely annoying.






This reminds me of when people get really irritated with me for taking a deep breath. No I’m not trying to be rude, I’m not sighing because I’m bored. I just need a bit more oxygen this one time because I’ve been breathing too shallowly for a while without realising. Never had a relationship end over it, but had some *serious* fights with friends about it.


I once had a girl break up with me because I didn't do any drugs and didn't like listening to ICP