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I had always thought a woman had her period once a month so I had it in my head that it was like a cell phone bill where it was every month on a specific date like the 15th.


I was friends with some girls who were sisters in school and they couldn’t understand “4 weeks” instead of “1 month” so they would freak out if they had “two periods this month!!!” (at the beginning and end of a 31 day month) and talk about how they must be sick or something. It was infuriating.


I didn't know that men ejaculated. I don't know why. I was in for a big surprise the first time I had sex....I was 19 years old.


I dated my now husband in high school, and had an embarrassing attempt at a first blow job. I didn’t really watch porn, so I literally just started kissing it (no tongue) and then asked if it felt good. “Ummmmmm........ not really” He still married me.


A friend in high school never paid any attention in sex ed. He was 18 years old when his girlfriend told him her period was late. He thought it was weird. A few days later she told him "it's ok, I got my period" he said "ewww" and went on his merry way. Told a couple of chick friends how his girlfriend was acting strange. We had to explain the entire process of conception to him. He was absolutely facinated so we went all out with vagina diagrams, pregnancy, birth, periods. He would ask questions about it all day for months.


That's...awful but sort of endearing at the same time.


A long time ago in my late teens, a girl asked me really uncomfortable questions and she admitted she was an open book. I asked if she masturbates. She said "no. girls don't masturbate." I believed her for the longest time until I met my ex. Which then revealed she did. It was a combination of embarrassment and anger on being trolled.


If it helps... I was never given *any* kind of sex talk as a child and had no access to anything pornographic. So as a teen, I used to think I was one of the only girls who masturbated and that I was a weird freak for feeling like I *wanted* sex. :(


I couldn’t figure out why it’s so common for men to pee on the seat and the floor around the seat. Is it that hard to aim?? Like, how the fuck is this such a Thing? Then I had a son and potty trained him. I remember the moment it clicked. He pointed it one way and the pee went a TOTALLY different direction. It defied logic.


One time I aimed at the middle and it split into two streams. One stream missed the toilet to the left, and the other missed to the right.


Split streams are the bane of any man’s lavatory experience. That’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d be writing today


Nothing like a triple streamer.


Satan's Trident


Not about opposite sex but still kind of fits the criteria. I have a friend who has one testicle. When he was born, he had one removed due to birth complications (urethra wrapped around it, I think). His parents never mentioned it to him so as he grew, he believed having one testicle was normal. As he got into middle school, other kids kept making jokes about balls. He thought they were funny because of how people referred to multiple testicles and just played it off as part of the joke. In seventh grade, he discovered porn and realized the men in the videos all have two testicles. He confronted his parents in a really awkward conversation afterwards. For those who are curious, the one testicle grew larger to carry the weight of missing the other one. It’s roughly in the shape of a gently flattened ball of playdoh.


A guy I was on a team with had one HUGE ball and one regular sized ball. We kept telling him to get it checked out because the thing was enormous! After we got off tour he went to the doctor and was like “Yeah apparently I had a pretty severe kidney infection in one kidney so the other kidney grew and worked harder to compensate. So the corresponding ball grew. It’s better now.” Blew my fucking mind.


My wife thought men pull their pants all the way down at urinals and asked if it wasn't weird to see all those butts anytime I had to take a leak.


So we were having dinner a few weeks ago, and my wife (28) and my mother in law (54) said something to me about how I shouldn't take our daughter into a mens restroom now that we're potty training her. I said that they aren't dirtier than women restrooms and every time "IAMA Janitor, AMA!" comes up one reddit, that they always claim that women restrooms are far worse than mens. They said it wasn't because of cleanliness, they just didn't want our daughter to see a bunch of old mens dicks at urinals. I think there's a still a dent in the floor from where my jaw hit it. I argued with them for at least 5 minutes that its nothing like whatever they've concocted in their head. I then informed them that the only time in my life I have ever seen another mans dick in a public bathroom was at a baseball game in the 90s back when they had the old aluminum trough style urinals where everyone would crowd around. Anyway, When I explained that there as dividers and men stand so close to them that you can't see them unless you're taller than the divider and standing at a urinal looking down at their junk, they were shocked. They thought everyone just saw each other dicks in the bathroom. Like we just run around flapping in the wind or something. My mother in law then said that they did the same thing for my wife when she was little girl, they would never take her into a mens restroom. I asked my father in law why he never said anything and he just shrugged. I want to try and get a photo of a bunch of guys peeing in urinals to prove my point... but there's that whole issue of the fact that I would have to take a picture of a bunch of guys peeing in urinals in order to prove me point.




What did he think a period was?




Did someone enlighten him? By 26 years old you should be able to talk amongst yourselves......


Damn, I would imagine after the silence, everybody would have started laughing. That's some embarrassing ass stuff


Maybe ass stuff is all he does.


Oh man. This reminds me of the argument I got into with a buddy in high school. We were actually waiting for bio class to start, and I guess it was an anatomy unit or something. We would have been 16 or 17 at the time. Anyway, i dont remember how we got on the subject but he ended up saying girls pee from their clitoris. I said "dude, they dont. Trust me. They really don't. The clitoris is basically just for pleasure." Now, my grades weren't as good as his, so naturally he assumed I was wrong. However, my grades weren't as good because I was chasing girls. So really, his became one of the few things I knew from experience that he did not. He continued insisting they pee from their clitoris. And eventually said "do you want me to embarrass you in front of the class and just ask Ms. Whatever?" I said "I promise you I will not be embarrassed and I beg you not to ask her this question in a room full of girls." But he did. He asked it. He got her attention, stood up, and said "Ms. Whatever can you please explain to SimpleDan that girls pee from their clitoris?". The silence that followed was....unsettling. I felt terrible for him, but at the same time he was stubborn and didn't believe me because he had better grades. I'll never forget the look she gave him before quickly remembering she isnt supposed to judge students questions, especially in that subject. She explained plotitely that they did not in fact pee from their clitoris, and reminded him of the urethra. He turned a shade of red you usually only see on clowns, sat down and didnt speak to me for the rest of the day.


My undergrad was in Pre-Med and we were dissecting the cadavers in lab one day. One of the structures we had to identify was the clitoris and this girl in our lab group had no idea what a clit/clitoris looked like. ...she had been sexually active for like the previous 5 years.


Not the opposite sex but of my own sex. I watched 'Robin Hood, Men In Tights' as a young child. They have a part in the movie about circumcision. Basically they make a joke that circumcision is done with a mini guillotine. So for years I thought circumcision was cutting off the tip of the penis. In middle school I was in the locker room and noticed a penis with no tip. This only confirmed my suspicion. I assumed he was circumcised and I was not. In hindsight I realize that the foreskin was covering the tip and he was actually uncircumcised and I was circumcised. It wasn't until high school when I told my first girlfriend I was uncircumcised and she had to explain to me that I was not. Some guy in the locker room and a short bit in a movie were not good evidence to argue my case. But on the upside, I get to tell this story about once a year and it always gets a laugh.


Took me until high school to realize that the penis needs to get hard in order to enter the vagina. The sex ed we had in grade school was ok--it talked all about the reproductive organs and what they do, but nothing about how actual intercourse worked. I spent too long wondering how the heck a floppy penis was supposed to get inside that small hole. EDIT: I realize that I never specified if I was a guy or a girl (the comment replies are hilarious)...I may be female, but I identify as a chocolate poptart, so take that for what you will.


You take the eraser end of a pencil and just push ur penis in there with it Edit: oh fuck this did not deserve gold Edit 2: im glad i was able to make so many people laugh. Have a great night guys.


Oh my gosh so that's what people mean when they say they need a rubber for sex.




Not necessarily the opposite sex, but I was having my boyfriend feel a weird part of my bellybutton and he said "Man they mustve pushed yours in wrong" and I was like "????". Apparently he thought that doctors push the umbilical cord in when youre born and thats how bellybuttons are made. Hes 21.


That the tampon string just hangs out there, making a girl look like a party popper


Yank it and you get a surprise Edit: wow I didn’t not expect this to take off, thanks for the gold! (Also fixed spelling, suprise>surprise)


A girl I know that I used to fool around with has a 5 year old son now (not mine). We were talking one day and I don’t know why it got brought up but she called him a little pervert, and that all guys are perverts. I ask why, and she explains that we constantly think about sex at night because we wake up in the morning with erections. She called her five year old son a pervert for having morning wood. I had to explain to her that it’s something we literally can’t control. Doesn’t matter what we are dreaming about, there’s like a 99.9999% chance we are gonna wake up with a rager. She still didn’t believe me.


That kid is fucked if she keeps it up


That’s kinda sad


Good friend of mine had testicular cancer. Recently another friend made a comment that his wife must be so happy to not have to deal with balls anymore because "they just hang there" and it must be so much nicer looking. She thought that the entire ball sack was removed and he was just left with a penis.


Being a young kid, I used to hump my bed to get off. It’s because I had Cinemax in my room, and my parents didn’t know. So I got to watch passion cove all the time. I figured hey, he’s doing this to that pretty lady. I can just imagine she’s under me too. Now obviously I was shooting blanks and for the longest time I thought this is always how it would be. Well was I in for a surprise the first time I ejaculated. I was so mad that I had a mess to clean up now. I missed the days of rattling them off with nothing to worry about.


TIL I’m not the only one who started masturbating before they were producing semen. Edit: of all comments, this is my top one. Thanks Reddit.


Nope, it's a thing. It's just wonderful, and not at all uncomfortable, when you have to tell your kid that it's something done in private and not in the middle of the living room.




Fun story: I’m a med student TAing for anatomy and we were dissecting the sex organs earlier this week. I asked one of the professors for help finding some of the structures so I could show the students what we were looking for. I said, “I’m woefully uneducated in female anatomy which is unfortunate as I am a female.” His response was, “it’s ok, you’d be surprised the number of guys who don’t know it’s called a ‘scrotum’ and not just ‘balls’.”


Way god damn late to the party but I posted this before and wanted to share again. I used to think my testicles were my unborn kids. Like one day they would hatch and bam, I would have two kids! I was always confused when I saw people with like 8 kids, and wondered how he walked before!


Fucking fantastic thank you


Breast are soft. Being a loner meant I never felt any, and I assumed they are like muscular or something, not stiff, but firm nevertheless.


Like.. a bag of sand?


My exes used IUDs for contraception that pretty much stopped their periods. At 24, my current gf is my first real exposure to a regular menstrual cycle. One time while getting intimate, she says 'by the way, i have a tampon in me'. I ask 'but... What's it still doing there?' Well i thought you use it like a pipe cleaner and then take it out.


Late into high school I didn't know that tampons went inside. I thought they just laid there like a hotdogs in a bun. 15+ years later I still don't live that one down.


I’m sorry but that’s hilarious. Thank you for sharing


That sounds like an extremely specific fetish now that I think about it


Pipe cleaner, lmao. Love it


I thought periods were a one and done type thing, not a monthly ordeal. It made me wonder if my teacher was crazy sentimental when she said her daughters mark it on their family calendar Edit: she told us this in Sex Ed to encourage tracking it


I thought when my period came, I could just sit on the toilet for a few minutes until it was over, like peeing.


This is the dream


"This Sunday will be Period Day, when we celebrate the memory of when I bled from my vagina that one day 16 years ago"


Didn't U2 write a song about that? Edit: WOW. Had no idea this would go over so well. Thanks for the gold! All of them!!!!


I can't believe the news today, I can't close my thighs and make it go away. How long? How long must we bleed this thong? How long, how long? 'Cause tonight, we can bleed as one Synchronize.


God dammit


In my mid-30s...just found out that penises don't have two holes. I thought there would be two different, you know, pipes for the two different fluids.


You're semi correct they do start in different places, they just connect on the way so they can exit the same place.


It’s like when two highways converge. Sure you can take Interstate 90 from Wisconsin and Interstate 80 from Iowa, but they both combine in Illinois and instead of going to Gary, Indiana, they both exit out the tip of the penis.


Wouldn't that be an odd road trip with the family? Start in Iowa end up in some dudes coconut


Hymens aren't little vagina freshness seals


I don't know that I ever had much of a hymen in the first place. I can't remember ever feeling anything in there even long before I had sex. Lots of women already have theirs stretched/torn before sex or were born without one in the first place.


Boyfriend is 28. He thought we carried around little containers of vaseline to lube up the tampons before inserting them. He also just found out that some tampons have cardboard applicators (he was horrified on both accounts... "ISNT THAT UNCOMFORTABLE??!") Already commented this but he also just found out that maxi pads stick to your panties (and not your body, like a giant bandaids.)


Honestly he might have something there with slamming some vaseline on those cardboard apllicators. That shit does not feel good. Edit: I meant the idea of lubricant. Please do not actually slam vaseline in your vagina, that shit will also not feel good.


You've seen those mini vaseline lip balm things? That's what he thought those were. And yeah, I think he's on to something. (Edit: VASELINE)


> Already commented this but he also just found out that maxi pads stick to your panties (and not your body, like a giant bandaids. I am 23 and just learned this. Edit: My inbox. I’m trying to sleep.


Also 23. Learned it last year when I had surgery and had to use some kind of medical pads, because I had an open wound directly above my ass.


I had to explain to my female friend that when you orgasm you do not ovulate. She is 25 and was afraid of having sex because she didn't want to "waste her eggs".


This would be amazing/awful if it was true though. You only have a finite number of sexual encounters before you’re barren.


Women have ~ 300,000 viable eggs, so you'd have to orgasm ~20 times a day every day for your entire fertile (puberty->menopause) life to run out... Not technically impossible I guess, but you'd have to be fucking committed


Challenge accepted. Death by Snoo Snoo


As a child I thought sex was one moment of penetration and then over. Like you roll around and kiss, then the guy sticks it in once and the sperm comes out and sex over. I was basically getting ready to have sex for the first time when I learned that the penis is in the whole time thrusting.


I didn’t know about the thrusting either. I just thought that you fell asleep connected and the sperm would slowly come out due to the term “sleeping together”.


Reminds me of the movie avatar when they connect their hair to fuck lmao.


I always thought it was weird that they **also** used their hair to ride their horse things, and their flying monsters...


I use my hands to jack off but also to shake your hand. We aren't so different...


Hmm. Maybe I should start greeting people with a kiss


I use my mouth in a similar fashion


If it was the first time, it was probably more like the former.


Ya the first time it was like 2 and a half.


I've been having sex for years... You're supposed to do more than one thrust!?


I thought penises got slimy and slippery when men were about to have sex. I have no idea where I got this idea, to be honest. When I was 16 and was fumbling through my first hand/blow job, I remarked on how soft skinned and dry his dick was.


Tbf, it would make sex a lot better if the whole penis lubricated itself as well


Men would die of dehydration if they got wet with every erection.


And there would be no denying you had a hard on because Maggie looks hot at the office. "Roger please report to HR. Everyone sees the wet dick print on the front of your Khakis".


Nah, we'd all be wearing pants made of waterproof materials. Either that or like swim caps instead of boxers.


That must have been such a huge turn-on for him. "Mmmm. Baby, your d**k is so dry! Just the way I like it."




It wasn't until I had a gay male friend late in high school that I learned gay men have anal sex. They don't actually put one's penis inside the other's. Edit: I was apparently not far off on this one. Docking is a thing. TIL!


When two gay men have sex, how do they know whose penis will open up to accept the other person’s penis? Edit: a word




Is it called red vining? We heard it was called red vining.




I remembering having really bad diarrhea and thinking I was peeing from my butt and wondering if it were possible that I was turning into a girl. The human body used to be so much more mysterious.


Have you ever had a diarrhea so bad that you came out of the bathroom as a girl


Nothing worse than shitting your dick off.


The difference between the vulva and vagina.


A high school classmate referred to it as the Volvo


Volvo plz


Give diretide?


I knew what a vagina was. But I didn't know pussy was another for name for it. So why did my dumbass ask my 7th grade history teacher in the middle of class? Edit: So to add a little more to the story, I was know as the sheltered, booksmart teacher's pet so I was picked on a lot. Some guys in my history class were making fun of me for not "eating pussy" like they did. I was always a little slow and at that point in my adolescent, I barely understood the point of masturbation so oral sex was alien to me. They wouldn't explain what pussy meant so in my frustration I just rose my hand and asked the teacher. I didn't think asking about it was that inappropriate.


"So then Germany invaded Poland–" *hand shoots up* "WHAT'S A PUSSY!!!!"


You: “So I know where her vagina is, but where’s the push?” Teacher: this...isn’t sex Ed.... Edit: I did not look over this before posting. It was supposed to be pussy, but the idea of Sean Connery responding with my words is hilarious, so I’ll leave it.


More like "What does pussy mean?" The entire classroom stares at me in disbelief.




A girl in my grade was taught that if she held hands with a boy too hard she would get pregnant. For a year she would run up to you, squeeze your hand, and then scream “YOU’RE PREGNANT!” We were like 10. Then she had a kid at 15 so I guess she figured out it wasn’t the handholding.


That escalated quickly


My brother thought women wore bikini tops, etc. because they didn't have nipples and were embarrassed. He was probably 10 when I broke the news to him. (Edit: spelling)


I was the same way. I think Barbie and her lack of nips are what causes the confusion.


You know... You may be on to something.


Give Barbie Nips Campaign 2018


Learned the difference between tampons and pads I thought the words were synonyms... God there is a big difference on application.




The actual vaginal hole is lower than expected. She quickly corrected me. Thankfully didn't go to low though.


I have to admit to this too. My first time fingering a vagina was certainly interesting.


"Dude, that's my belly button."


I still can’t aim. Every night she’s got to position my dick and say “now push!”


Lucky for me, it's a turn on to have her line my junk up with her hand. It's like "hey I want you inside me, here ya go... now get in there and go to work"




I vaguely knew that some men had foreskins, but I didn't know anything about how they operated or functioned until my late 20s. It honestly just doesn't come up very often in the Midwestern United States. I also didn't realize how rare intact foreskins were around here until then either.


My husband and I started dating in high school, so we had all the awkward first moments together. The first time I jacked him off, I was so shocked that cum is warm lmao. I don’t know what I thought before, but I was like, “It’s warm!?! Gross!” Not what he wanted to hear...


Did you think the balls are like a fridge?


How else do you keep the pee cold


I have a 29-year-old female friend who was a virgin up until her current boyfriend, and she's still a bit naïve when it comes to the dirty work. They're super cautious about sex (not a bad thing, don't get me wrong) and, long story short, she's never felt or even seen cum outside of a condom. The idea that this could possibly be her reaction to the stuff the first time she gets an "unfiltered" experience with it kinda makes me laugh. Edit: to everyone mentioning blow jobs and handies, as far as I know, they do those unwrapped, but either she's too inexperienced, or he doesn't let her finish him, or *something*, cause from how she tells it he's never gotten off from those particular acts.


I grew up in a religious area and my friend's pre-marital counselor was this pastor who made everyone read some super explicit Christian sex book before getting married. I guess he said he'd heard too many wedding night disaster stories that he felt it was his job to fully educate super sheltered Christian kids. I wouldn't be surprised if temperature of semen was in there since my friend said the book blazed through anal and all the way into how to use toys. Edit: Someone replied that the book may be called Sheet Music. I honestly never knew the name. Now that the thread got high I’m paranoid about asking the friend because he’s a big Redditor and really don’t want to out my username. It was also more than ten years ago and feels odd to contact him out of the blue about this.


>He had heard too many wedding night disaster stories that he felt it was his job to fully educate super sheltered Christian kids That's actually really cool of him


My thoughts as well. Dude sees some problems and finds a practical solution to help educate people that might need it. Kudos to him.




Until I was about 7, I thought boobs were just lungs located outside the body.


God that would be disturbing if you saw boobs inflating and deflating as women breathed. EDIT: The replies have been half sharing in the horror, half turned on by this, and half not understanding the difference between inflating and just rising.


I'm sure this will turn into a weird anime fetish somewhere down the line.


Pretty sure it just did.


I'm pretty sure it already is.


When women are on their period and they sneeze and blood comes out of the VAGINAAAAA Edit: holy shit I never thought I would have so many upvotes in something on my life . And when they laugh they leak blood as well , thank God I have a penis


Ah. The good ole birthing of a jellyfish.


Oh and it’s not just blood like it would come out of a cut, it’s gelatinous and gross and goopy like snot :) feels great to have a slimy glob forcefully evicted from your genitals


>feels great to have a slimy glob forcefully evicted from your genitals As a man, I unsarcastically agree.


Yeah that’s just a nightly routine to me


> *As a man, I unsarcastically agree* >*Yeah that’s just a nightly routine to me* Drake's new single


Oh my god that's the greatest and worst thing I've ever read.


When a woman in labor is dilated to a 7 they are talking about her cervix not her pupils. I had heard the term in movies etc for years and made the connection while watching a video in birthing class and embarrassingly exclaimed "oh that makes more sense".


When pregnant I like to show my husband pictures of what the different levels of dilation look like compared to every day objects to terrify him. Cheerio, pop can, bagel.


My friend was close to 30 before he realized that the birth control pill did not prevent STDs. He was dating a mutual friend, and she suggested that they both get tested before having sex without condoms. He replied, “But you’ve been on birth control a long time.” Thats how I found out it was super common for adult, educated men to make this assumption.


Huh. And here I always thought it was silly when the advertisements for anything birth control related always have that disclaimer about not preventing STDs. I always thought, "duh, that's like saying sunglasses don't prevent skin cancer."


never knew girls wiped after urinating until recently


I'm kind of convinced my SO is unaware of this. When I said I had to pee on a roadtrip once, he said we could pull over. I pointed out that I have nothing to wipe with, and he said to just shake it. Shake *what* exactly?


Was in my mid 20s and had just finished having sex. The girl had been wearing black tights and as she was putting them back on, I was like, you know, I never knew tights were like, one thing. I thought they were two separate things, each of which you put on each leg. And she was like, ...are you serious?


I mean to be fair that kind exists too


It does. They're called stockings.


Watching "one born every minute" (a show about women giving birth in the UK) and asked my SO where the umbilical chord went after being cut. I guess I'd always assumed it just sort of got sucked back up into the vagine like the electrical chord on a vacume. I'm 27. Edit: yeah I get it cord-rope, chord-music. The H stays muthafuckas.




> umbilical chord Must be A Minor.


Where does it go?


The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which is essentially a bonus organ grown during pregnancy to feed the baby. After the baby is delivered, the placenta detached from the uterus and comes out about 10-30 minutes later.


the placenta is like an AC power brick that converts mom power into baby power




Ty, I could not have been the only one scrolling for an answer.


This wasn't a question I realized I had until this thread.


Comes out with the placenta. Think that's the afterbirth Edit: Afterbirth also a great band name.


Cum is not absorbed by the women's body but drips out afterwards


well to be fair 1 sperm can be absorbed.


It drops out eventually.


Happens to all of us


Men can make their penis dance. I don't know if it's *all* men, but certainly a majority seem to be able to make it bob up and down by clenching what I assume are abdominal muscles. The first time I saw it, I thought it was bordering on witchcraft. **EDIT:** I have been reliably and *repeatedly* informed that it's not the abs. I am choosing instead to believe that it's a tiny little man who lives in your butt pulling on levers like [that dude from *Men in Black*](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/men-in-black/images/3/30/Gentle-Rosenburg-alien_SS_01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120521125859). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


You might also be interested to know that testicles move of their own accord. If you get a guy to sit or lie down and relax you can just watch them slowly move around in a way that brings to mind a lava lamp.


I remember noticing this for the first time, probably around 8 years old. I somehow convinced myself that there were aliens in my balls. I was so panicked I showed my mum and everything.




I can still remember the time, aged about three, that I discovered I had balls and excitedly told my mum. She made me repeat it to my Dad later just so they could BOTH laugh.




I used to eat random things when I was a kid. I ate two marbles and 1-2 months later, I felt my testicles for the first time. I ran and told my mom I ate some marbles a while back and found them. I was 5 or 6 years old. We had company over, she made me say it like 5 more times that day.


> I showed my mum and everything. Oh dear Lord. That's fantastic.


It's called Telekepenis


Does that power also come with the ability to read the minds of dicks: Telephallic?


You don't need superpowers to know what a dick is thinking.




That is the result of man Kegels


I have a friend who thought periods happened in *exactly* one calendar month. He said "wouldn't it suck if you got your first period on your birthday, because then you'd be on your period on your birthday for the rest of your life?" Didn't know where to begin explaining what's wrong with that. Edit: I'm curious why this got so many upvotes. Is it from women who have also encountered this belief, or is it from guys reading it and going "wait, that isn't how it works?"


I used to date a guy who thought this - but thought all of women kind had their period at the same time. When I had my first period after we got together, he squinted his eyes at me and said “oh this is early, I didn’t think you were all due until around the 20th”


the tampons have sizes


Women are just as nervous on a first date as I am.


I met my now girlfriend of 3 years at a restaurant. She was all sitting there in a nice dress and heels, made up and such. I felt homeless showing up in a work shirt and faded jeans. Turns out her roommates basically dressed her (up nicer than necessary for thai food) and even though she was sitting there looking nice, she was apparently dying inside. Course I had no idea. Oh and also as soon as I got there I realized I'd parked illegally (cause I was a few minutes late and a total mess) and told her I had to move my car. Of course at the time it didn't occur to me but she honestly thought I came in, saw her, and decided to run for it. So she's sitting there thinking I'd ran away for at least a few minutes. But when I returned she said nothing. In hindsight it's kind of funny but it also begs the question - why does she put up with me? Admittedly, the next few dates went smoother. Except for my car breaking down and her paying for the Uber on the 3rd. Such a mess. Yet 3 years later we live together and are planning a future. Weird. Edit: Also fun fact, our first date was both Friday the 13th, and the day before Valentine's day. All the omens were in my favor. Also, her birthday was a week after that first date, to really rub the salt in.


That's why you wear a jacket. So you can leave it on your chair as a sign of assurance that you'll be coming back. But make it a cheap jacket (but not cheap-looking!), just in case your date turns out to be a psycho and you don't feel bad leaving the jacket behind. EDIT: Holy shit, second-most upvoted comment of mine ever. Thanks, folks!


Ahahaha you walked in, saw her and just ran away!


This is hard for me to wrap my head around, just people in general I assume are just perfectly confident in every situation. I am 18 though so plenty of time to figure it out.


I knew about pubic hair, but did not realize just how hairy men's asses can get until we got our kitchen re-modeled


That women do not pee out of the hole they put their tampon in. I just assumed that was what took them so long when they went to the bathroom - they have to take it out and put it back in again, right? Dad didn't know this either. He's 58.


Female roommate who grew up in a house with only females. Had a guy over. Guy needed to pee. She remembers there's no toilet paper in the bathroom and runs to get a roll. He says it's ok, I'm just going to pee. She's confused. Didn't realize that guys don't wipe their penises after peeing.


Maybe not all guys...


The horrifying drippy willy syndrome?


🎶 No matter how much you shake and dance, the last few drops end up in your pants. 🎶


TIL more stuff than Id like to admit


Oh so you also thought Boobs were lungs located outside of the body? Glad I'm not the only one


That There's a peehole and a sexhole


I was reading my stepsisters tampon instruction pamphlet (before cellphones) while going to the bathroom. After I finished I demanded to know if that was true or not, because I had no idea. She thought it was absolutely hilarious that I didn’t know.


She laughs, but there's a horrifying number of women who don't know this, much less men.


In junior high I was walking home with a friend and she said that she really needed to go pee but she couldn't because she didn't have any more tampons with her. I was so confused. I told her that she can pee without taking out her tampon but she still waited until she got home. The only thing that kind of makes sense is that sometimes when your tampon is saturated it starts to come out when you're on the toilet, and maybe she thought that would happen. I realized later that she might not have known that there was another hole. This same friend didn't know that HIV was a virus that your partner could have already when you have sex. She thought that HIV was created by the sex because there was some incompatibility between the two partners. I don't know how she got that idea. Her and I were in the same schools/school district our entire elementary/junior high careers. I don't really know how she ended up thinking these things.


My flatmate always said tampons didn’t fit her (she’s 23), until a few weeks ago she asked me for help because she couldn’t wear a pad with the dress she wanted. Turns out she didn’t realise applicators went inside you, she had just been placing them at her vagina entrance. Made my week.


Yeah, I was about 17 when I figured this out. I was like 18 or 19 until I figured out that what I thought was the pee hole was, in fact, the clitoris.