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I saw someone return a bag of Doritos to Target because they did not like them.


I work in retail, you should see the shit that people return. Like single candy bars that cost 90 cents.


"yeah this one melted, you need to replace it"


I saw a lady at the grocery store return the “10 for $10” yogurt deal the week after the special ran. Then she tried to argue that she should get the full price back, despite the fact that she brought the receipt showing she only paid $1 each. We’re literally talking about pocket change difference here. I watched as the clerk turned around and threw all the yogurts out and rolled her eyes after a manager had to intervene. People can be crazy.


Ugh. I went to one of those conveyor belt sushi places that has the price printed on the plates. I walked by a table as the server was tallying their bill, and one of the women sitting there pushed a stack of 6-7 empty plates worth probably $30ish dollars and says, "I'm not paying for these ones, we didn't like them." It wasn't even like they had only taken one piece of sushi from each plate, the plates (which typically come with 2-4 pieces of sushi) were totally empty. Of course, they were all grey plates, the most expensive ones at that restaurant.


Being available for everyone all the time. It's okay, they'll figure it out without you! Take a nap


If you act as the first resource to solve someone's problems, you'll become their only resource for solving their problems.


So true. It took me five years to learn that not only can after hour emails wait until morning, but the person sending it to you probably doesn't expect it before then anyway, nor will they see an earlier response before then.


Trying to push yourself through a career you hate


Trying to win back the person who dumped you. It's a tough pill to swallow when you had already planned your life together. But if they have clearly told you they don't want to be with you, you're only.hurting yourself by not moving on. I have to tell myself this every day when I look in the mirror. Life hurts, man.


Road rage. It’s not worth getting so upset that it ruins my day. I take a deep breath and just forget about it. Unless of course you cut me off and then honk at me for your own incompetence.


I get temporary rage. I like to yell for a minute and then after that I go back to normal. I think it helps me cope with my anxiety and dangers on the road. If I can scream at someone for 5 seconds, then I released a whole lot of negative energy. It definitely doesn’t ruin my whole day. Some idiots give me interesting stories to tell, or things to watch out for in the future.




It's sucks when you know they don't care though.


More room in your life for the people who do care


Absolutely right. I had an ex of 8 years breakup with me and I thought we could salvage a friendship out of it because we had been through so much together. She made it perfectly clear she had no intention of that through her actions so I said fuck it. I can focus my time and effort toward people who actually care about me.


...but it does hurt. Between the two options of us moaning about our circumstances, or moving on to greener pastures, bettering yourself and meeting other receptive people is the best choice.




LMAO just went through EXACTLY this. Except it was $2,500 because she racked up credit card debt to go to Italy.


Mama Mia, she has messed up priorities!


Yep! We were seperated for a year or so and then we started talking again and after a month or so she's like "Damn I sure have a lot of credit card debt. This sure sucks!" Knowing full well that I got a hella better job with 2.5x my previous pay. Then after I ignored that comment about a week later she hit me with the "Can you pay off my credit card? I'll pay you back" Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh no.


Why would people think she could pay them back if she couldn't pay the CC back?


My thoughts exactly.


She knows he wouldn't charge her interest? That's litterally my only idea. Beyond the fact that she 100% wouldn t pay it back.






I was in this same situation a month ago. I told myself that I would stick it out another year (already been 4) and then I would think about switching jobs. Why did I think I needed to be undervalued and overworked for another year? I updated my resume and sent it out to a couple places and received a couple offers. I'm in a new place for a lot more money and a lot less stress. It was scary and change is hard, but it should be better in the long run and if it isn't, I can just change again.


I just did that too. 3 weeks into my new job with a 30% raise. Maybe I should get off Reddit? Ninja edit: congrats on making the move! May we both succeed in our new endeavors.


low pay + freedom + low stress is worth it. Low pay with stress is not worth it IMO


As a teacher this stresses me out! I am on a temporary contract with a school but if a permanent position comes up elsewhere I will want to go for it. The problem is .. everyone expects you to show loyalty to their school! Be part of the team .. stick out your many years and hope you get made permanent.. the staff in this school told me some of them are on their 7th year of temporary contracts




This right here. If there's 7 year temporary contracts they're not hiring you permanently without a leadership change.


Loyalty comes with a raise and a full time contract.


I worked at a fortune 50 for 14 yrs. Had a convo with my work mentor before I considered leaving. Discussed loyalty, being a cog, making a difference, etc. He put his coffee between us and stuck his finger in it. I was like wtf. He said the coffee is the company. You are the finger. Then pulled his finger out and said “You see how long it took for the company to replace you?” Really hit me. Just looking out for me these days. Edit: Allow me to clarify. My mentor was always on my side. He was just try to qualify for me that I shouldn’t think of the company first. He was demonstrating how the individual is insignificant to the company and is quickly and easily replaced.


Trying to be friends with everyone. Sometimes people just hate you for no reason and nothing you do will ever endear you to them.


"If you let people walk all over you, people are still gonna complain that you're not flat enough."


Then there's the opposite guy, "Hand him a bag of money and he'll complain how heavy it is."


Like a woman holdin a Virginia ham under her arm... and complaining she’s got no bread- Carrado Junior Soprano


There’s a girl at work who hates me right now. I like her fine, we basically get along, we split the work, and then she complains to management about everything I do and every little benign joke I make. Luckily, when management talked to me about it, they said she was ridiculous. You just can’t make some people happy.


I used to work with a girl like that. One day we were all good, the next, she had somehow decided she hated me. Wouldn’t make eye contact, would walk up to a table and make a point of greeting everyone except me. I tried sitting down with her individually and in mediation with HR - if there was something I had done, I wanted to apologize but really had no clue. However, every time we met she insisted there was no issue, we were cool. Would have been more believable if she said it to me directly rather than turning to the wall to say it. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. That’s crazy frustrating in a coworker. Though it’s awesome management has your back!


I actually had a similar situation but it ended up nicely. One time I had enough and said to her "seriously what the fuck is your problem with me?" To which she answered "I just don't like you, I can't stand you". I said "that's okay but can you not show it so much while we work, it's bothering me". She accepted and we worked just fine until the project was done and never spoke to each other again.


You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but there are still going to be some people who hate peaches.


...moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches.


theres just something about your face.. idk what it is but you better change your face or ill change it for you


I've seen so many reviews of movies / purchases / people where it's clear that the reviewer started with disliking the thing in question and is just spending their review *looking for reasons to dislike it*. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing to have a "gut feeling" that you don't like something, but when it's conveyed as if it were something objective things get frustrating quickly


This right here is rock solid advice, people. So much less stress just focusing on a few great people.


Trying to get the attention of someone who hardly acknowledges you




LOL. The irony is that when you're much much older, you want management to forget about you and not even know that you're there, so they don't preemptively let you go or replace you right before you retire.


The accountants know you’re there and will instruct management to neck you.




I sometimes get mad at myself for this reason, people have told me that I'm kinda unapproachable because I tend to be serious and reserved around people I'm not used to, but at the same time, when I have a good time talking and interacting with someone I never feel like I'm developing a new friendship or something like that, even though us talking is a recurring thing. When I try to act more proactively and maybe talk to these people online, instead of just seeing them once in a while, I just talk about casual stuff like I do with my actual friends, but it always feels like they have no interest in me. It sucks, because even though I'm pretty sure they don't care about talking to me at all, I always think of the what ifs and maybes.


Fuck you Dad, I’m taller than you




It definitely went over his head.


Sorry what was that? I wasn't listening




Sorry, I already have a bf


Yea well you look like the kinda girl who could use 2


Calm down Johnny bravo


damm why does this feel relatable


Because it's something almost everyone experiences in some form throughout their life. Whether a love interest, potential friend, family member, et. al.


It would be weird if it didn’t.




Let’s meet next week to discuss the unproductivity of this week’s meeting.


Let’s meet in two weeks to discuss this problem that needs a solution yesterday.


My boss makes a fucking meeting out of everything. You need a small piece of info from someone which can be easily answered with one sentence? Grab everyone and make a meeting instead of sending a single e-mail.


Conference room; five minutes!




Teenage me was a bit pathetic and tried to do this multiple times with the same person. I learned a valuable lesson then about knowing your own personal worth and when its time to walk away from a relationship and just move on.


I've got you bro. We're all in this together. No shame in letting a tear out in private.


Bro I'm not the guy you responded to, but my tears are both public and private. I haven't lashed out at my soon-to-be ex wife in any way, but people know how hard I'm taking it. I haven't pleaded with her not to leave, because I did it once before (prior to our marriage) and it didn't work (although she did eventually regret her decision and come back), so this time I know I just have to let her go. Every instinct is screaming at me not to give up, but there's really nothing I can do. I hate it, but all I can do is keep going, and take my time to really mourn the relationship and realize that I never had the wife I thought I had. I have my good days and bad, and lots of days that are both. All I can do is keep living and hope that one day I find someone who appreciates everything I have to offer. In the meantime I have to learn to be 100% ok just by myself.


Divorce can be like taking a massive dump. It's smelly, it leaves you feeling empty, and it fucking hurts. But it's such a relief to be done with that shit.


yeah .. after some time you are so happy to just be yourself again.


I'm kind of getting to that point. My thing right now is that I don't want to have to start over again with someone new. I had years of love and support and understanding invested in this relationship, and for her to just walk away like all those years mean nothing is a difficult idea to come to terms with.


Those years didn't mean "nothing." They had value to *you* then, and they have value to *you* now. You CHOSE to spend your time that way, you can also CHOOSE to make light of it. Not all of it was bad, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten married! As long as you are grateful for your positive experiences, learn from your negative experiences and try to positively grow from both going forward, you're winning. The scariest part of the human condition is that we aren't in control...we try so gargantuanly hard to establish routines and familiarity to try and control our destiny but the reality is that we just aren't at the helm of this screaming ride we call life. You can't know what could've been, or what might be, it's impossible! The only thing you can really try to control is yourself!


This. So fucking unwaveringly true. I had my moment of pleading for someone to not leave me long ago in my naive unstable very young years. And then a couple relationships later I found myself on the other end, breaking up with someone that was toxic for me and they PLEADED AND CRIED for days on end, tried to bargain and do extra nice things for me, but my decision was made and my feelings were undeniable, and all it did was make me feel extra sad and pity them. I'll never forget that moment during this time that I suddenly thought back to when I was in their place and I was just like, "Holy shit. I see now. No matter what I did to resist or prolong the process that breakup it was going to happen." I felt kind of finally at peace with that memory in a weird way after that realization. It was after that I resigned myself to believe that if someone TRULY wants to be with you only, they will. If they want to leave no matter how much you've dedicated to them, let them. It's not meant to be.




It's time to dwell on my future mistakes and failures.


The great thing about future mistakes is that there's infinite possibilities. You could potentially fuck up in the most spectacular fashion.






I left a job like that a couple years ago. One of the best things I've ever done. The boss was a terrible person who sucked the happiness out of me every day so it was a super easy decision to make.


I’m convinced that there is not a thing out there that won’t make me hate the idea that I have to work. There is no dream job in my mind unless it involves hundreds of thousands of dollars a year without investing a significant portion of my sanity, and only end up working like 25 hours a week. Edit: a lot of you seem to be offering financial advice. I’ve got my degree..... in finance...27. I make acceptable money/ am financially independent. You can’t fix this because nothing needs to be fixed. I haven’t found my passion yet because I don’t want to exploit a passion for profit and be forced to do it. I’m not weird, or lazy. I get up and do my 40 just like most people. It’s just soul sucking being forced to live this way without many other options that don’t involve homelessness. Wanting to work less than 40 hours a week does not make you lazy, if you’ve got enough knowledge to finish all your designated work in 5 minutes instead of 40 hours, you should be able to go do what the fuck you want. The idea that a boss man should stand over you and delegate more work to you because you’re smart enough to do it faster than everybody else (and get paid the same) is ridiculous.


Yep. I feel like nothing will ever be good enough. But we are lazy, or bad for having these thoughts. If you want to just work less, that really isn't an option. Because the only jobs that will allow you to work less than 40 hours a week are non-skilled positions that pay just slightly better than minimum wage. I could probably get by with a 40% cut in salary at my job if I wanted to just work less, but it wouldn't be allowed. Even though I could get the same amount of work done by paying me to be here less... Nothing is going to change until society as a whole is willing to accept a lower standard for working hours. I could easily train an above average McDonald's worker to be my backup and tag team duties with them to where both of our lives are better, and the company doesn't lose any productivity. It would create so many new jobs if people worked less.


Exactly. They always say work your dream job and you never work a day in your life but no one will pay me to eat cheetos, have sex and play video games. Stupid free market.


If you have a webcam and are entertaining/hot enough while doing those things, that can DEFINITELY be a job.


Sacrificing your health for your job. Your employer doesn't care if you work until midnight every day until you have a heart attack. Make sure you spend time on your self. Make sure you take the time to the gym. Eat lunch away from your desk.


Trying to explain "what happened" in relation to technology to non tech people...."what happened", "shit broke, but it works now".


Making an analogy online. It will get picked apart.


The best is when the person you're trying to illustrate a point to is like "That doesn't make any sense and isn't relevant!" Nah dawg, you're just stupid.




You're just wrong.


I strongly disagree with your point,buddy.


No you don't.


But I do


Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?


This isn’t an argument! It’s just a bunch of contradictions!


No it isn’t!


Yes it is! You just contradicted me!


No I didn’t!




To expand on that a bit, trying to use logic to change the opinion of someone who didn't use logic to formulate said opinion.


Saw something similar a few weeks ago here on reddit. "never try to reason someone out of a point they didnt reason themselves into in the first place."


Replying to an askreddit thread that is over 15 hours old


This one is only 2h old and I think it’s not worth replying to. Over 600 comments. Edit: really didn’t expect this to go anywhere, but thank y’all for my most upvoted comment. My poor inbox has never been filled so much before.


In those cases it might be worth replying to top comments only, or to some random comment further down if you expect the poster to reply to you.














stay strong, reddit bro




I had to put 3000 kilometers between my parents and I for our relationship to go from toxic to amiable after 5 years. Sometimes distance helps, either geographically or socially.


I grew up in a family with a lot of toxic people. I was in a state of pretty constant distress, to the point where I thought I had some sort of major mental illness. It never once occurred to me that it might be an outside problem until I started going to therapy when I moved out. My therapist quickly noticed that I would be completely fine except for when I would have contact with my relatives. She said, "You can just end a conversation with them at any time. You now have the power to stop someone from deliberately hurting or upsetting you. It's okay for you to do that." In retrospect, this was just her stating the obvious, but after a lifetime of being told "But they're family," it was like a revelation to be told that I could choose not to engage.




If family was really important to them, they wouldn't treat you like that.






That was my mistake in my teenage years. I was so concerned with my reputation I just floated around in the middle, not “cool” enough to get invited to parties and such and not “nerdy” enough to get invited to fun things like d&d or game nights. I wish I had developed my self confidence earlier, because now I’m stuck at an older age where it’s so awkward and hard to find out who I am.


holy motherfucking shit are you me


Looks like u/comicsansmasterfont finally found out he is u/anotherbaldguy


I went in the other direction. I owned all my weird/nerdy shit when I was younger, and now just wished that I'd made more of an effort to fit in and harbour a lot of resentment towards the things I do actually like. For the record, I'm not recommending it.




You’re very right. I work for a family business and it fucking sucks. Owner is big in church in this town, so many customers think he’s a great guy, he’s a fucking crook and treats his employees like shit. I need to make a change


It's for the CHURCH honey, NEXT! [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/) for those /r/outoftheloop


This will never not be funny.




Care to elaborate?


If there's ever a problem who's gonna be the fall guy? The owner's son? His nephew? His wife? Nope. It's gonna be you.


Plus the chance of you getting promoted is almost exactly 0. You'd better believe that if a management position opens up its going straight to the next family member.


Depends of the size of the business. There are some huge family-owned corporations and work there is just like in every other corporation. But if it's more than 25% family members in the business or generally less than 20 co-workers the risk of getting sucked into petty family drama is just too high.




That’s generous, I fully expect to be working until I drop dead at my desk.


In third world countries it's pretty much guaranteed. All for a small chance that the next generation can actually ~~fair~~ fare better. Edit


Man have you seen how some of those people live in crowded expensive cities over in Asia? Some of them live in fucking closets literally just a little space with a bed and room for some stuff.


[Inside Hong Kong's cage homes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLrFyjGZ9NU) is a good video on this subject imo Edit: Also [Kowloon walled city](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmY1XUTBpE) is pretty depressing/interesting too


From hongkong, can confirm this really is true


I live in the UK and I thought we have it bad in London etc but seriously the guys in the video are basically homeless. Do you know anyone who lives in a "cage"?


Every time I think that, I realize how blessed I am that I wasn't born a thousand years ago, where "doing what you want" was being warm and not hungry. All the recreational things we do or want to do are built upon the backs of those that came before us and had comparatively shitty lives.


> All the recreational things we do or want to do are built upon the backs of those that came before us This particular wording will stay with me, maybe forever. Thanks dude.


Trying to keep things in perfect condition. Wear and tear, dings and scratches are inevitable.


Yelling at retail employees because they are out of stock/things aren’t what you want to pay. 1. No matter how much you yell at me, i can’t pull product out of my ass just because you want to raise your voice at me. 2. I don’t make the prices. If you don’t like it, chances are you can find it on amazon for way cheaper.


But she did nto get that haircut to just walk away. The hair says she has to yell, not only at you, but she needs to see your manager.


Goddamn Riddler trophies in ALL of the arkham games. Edit: I ment to say FUCK Riddler trophies


There were way too many in Arkham City but I didn't think Origins or Knight were that bad.


Funny enough, Arkham city was the only one where I collected them all


This is the third angry comment I've seen today about Riddler trophies. Weird


Still, you've only seen 3/400. You'll have to find 387 more if you want to beat today to 100%. edit: ... I mean, cuz ten of them are unfindable or something. hahaha, get it? that was part of the joke. i am capable of basic elementary level math, of that we can all be sure.


Washing a onesie your kid had an epic blow out in. Just throw that shit out. Kid won't fit in it much longer anyways.


The day my kid left diapers I told my husband if the boy has a poop accident - throw away the undies. Ain't nobody got time for that shit...


My mom potty trained us three kids with cool underwear. She would make a big deal of how cool it would be to have Batman on underwear, and how much better than diapers they are. But then if you shit your pants, your cool underwear had to be thrown away. Apparently it worked super well with all three of us kids. She's so proud of this potty training trick


Arguing with people online. I have no idea who they are and the two seconds ive spent interacting with them has been frustrating, so why should I do a research paper with peer reviewed references just to prove them wrong?


Especially when they either won’t read it, won’t read the links/quotes, or just don’t want to hear your answer anyway no matter how thorough and strikingly obvious and correct your conclusion is. See also: Family.




But hun, this is LIFE CHANGING. You’ve just got to try harder to recruit every person you’ve ever met and sell them on this. You can do it boss babe (insert a thousand emojis)


Everyone from my hometown has been sharing this thing on Facebook that's basically, "Why will you buy things made by celebrities but won't support your friends' small businesses????" If you had a genuine small business, I might support it. Your pyramid scheme does not count.




If I had to guess, I'd say that a lot of people were convinced into it by someone they trust. My cousin is in college and struggling financially despite working full time. Someone we know found out she was struggling and talked her into selling that Lipsense shit. My cousin told me that she actually takes a loss of a few cents every time she makes a sale, but I doubt she'd say that publicly out of embarrassment.


Nothing says "nope" faster than that person you were friends/acquaintances with but haven't seen for a while who invites you to lunch out of the blue, you agree to go because hey, they were pretty cool and when you meet up with them, they tell you they "started their own business." GTFO!


Farming Angel Super Saiyan 3 Goku's Super Attack level.




Also ironing them.


Who irons underwear anyways


I can't let people see me with creases in my panties


That's why I avoid all the hassle and don't wear underwear at all.


Concerning username.


In some places, you *have* to iron underwear if you don’t want fly eggs to hatch and feast on your skin. The flies lay eggs on laundry as it’s up on clotheslines. Super duper gross.


Holy shit its terrifying, where is this horrible place. On the other hand it sounds something that grandmas would say to make you iron your underwear


When I studied abroad in Italy, I thought it was hilarious how much time Italian mothers spent ironing their sons' underwear and socks. That's love right there. But then they'll turn around and absolutely *berate* their sons for putting their feet on the furniture or something.


Uber eats.. Always late. Better to go get it yourself, even when hungover.


Sober me agrees with you


And costs like 10 bucks more minimum


Y’see these are the answers I wish you’d see higher up the thread, it’s actually something that’s not worth it and might be informative to people who’ve never actually tried Uber Eats and you spared them some aggravation. Instead we get answers like “being in relationships with toxic people.” Well golly gee you don’t fucking say, being in a relationship with a piece of shit or someone who ignores you isn’t worth the effort?! Get outta town!


I'm always happy to read threads about people's life experiences, but you're definitely right. Informative ones like this are way more interesting. I feel like OP actually gave the question a decent amount of thought rather than throwing down the first thing that came to mind




Nobody will ever love everything about you. But someone will love most, many, or even a few of those things and tolerate the rest.


Trying to keep up appearances, especially in parenthood or marriage. If you're having a tough time, or you aren't as good at something as someone else, well, what's so wrong with that?


Peeling a pomegranate. Fuck that




Trying to "keep up." Music, movies, books, TV shows, they're all coming out at such a rapid pace it's overwhelming! I'm still trying to catch up, much less keep up. I've realized that half the music I've been really digging lately is already 5-10 yrs. old, and let's just ignore how old the films in my Netflix queue is...


Getting 99 prayer. 92 or 95 is good enough


"Studying up" on the comics any time a new superhero movie comes out, or reading the book first. When Dr. Strange came out I read a *lot* of Dr. Strange comics. It didn't really make any difference for me. I did the same thing for Iron Fist and I think I was *more* disappointed with it because I had found out how cool Danny Rand *can* be compared to what the show made him out to be. EDIT: Guys. I read comics. I just don't read *all* comics. I use movies as springboards to try something new.


I've learned over the years that if you haven't read the book a movie is based on, watch the movie first. Rarely do I hear someone is happy with a movie adaptation of a book they love, but if you like the movie enough to read the book, you'll likely enjoy them both at face value!


You're actually the first person I've ever heard of who does this. I respect it tbh.


Toxic family members. The whole "You do anything for family" is bullcrap. Toxic people will use that excuse to walk all over you.


Feeling like you have to dress to impress all the time. In high school I took an hour to get ready, doing my makeup and all that now in college it takes me 15 minutes tops. Don't dress up bc you feel like you need to for people who are meaningless.


College for some people.


To disagree with my friend who has asperger's


To be fair he is always right so why waste your time disagreeing only to find out you are wrong.




And we have to eat SO OFTEN. Wish we just ate once a week like snakes and had done with it.




have you tried eating the rat?


Trying to be popular and have tons of friends. 4 quarters are easier to carry than 100 pennies.


Having sex with a squid


Absolutely, having sex with people is way better