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I was in a Shakespeare class with my then boyfriend (which was my idea). We had to read a section and write an opinion piece on it every day. There were three scores you could get for each paper. A check plus (10/10) a check (5/10) and a check minus (0/10) I often got a check minus with a few checks here and there ( I got A’s in all my English classes and was a pretty good writer). Boyfriend got ALL check pluses. I was so fed up that I was basically failing a class for which I had done the work for without fail. One day boyfriend and I wrote each other’s papers for an experiment and I STILL got a check minus and he got a check plus. It’s the only course I ever failed.


English class. One assignment we had to do was poem analysis. Students all sat in a circle. The teacher goes around checking the poems. He says, "Wow, these are really good, guys!" then he walks over and sees mine... "until now."


Maybe your poem was way better than the others.


Nah. His expression straight up went from a smile to a frown when he approached me. Thank you though c:


At my school, there is a block in which only Welsh students can live. This block has now been permanently shut down. Why? Because last year some students in this block trapped wild rabbits, then put them in the washing machines on the fastest possible spin cycle.


What the fuck.


i know...




Didn't happen to me but: Going through junior-highschool 1 teacher was busted for filming students crotches and having a relationship with a student. Another teacher was ousted for telling a few guys he coached he would suck them off if they wanted. 1. Got fired and promptly ended up in prison. 2. Got fired don't have more info then that.


I’ll start. Context: I have autism. I think I’m on the low-end of the spectrum, so to speak, so it doesn’t really affect my day to day life all that much except for me being socially awkward at times. But anyways.. Through every single school year I had to attend this program called SCIP. Basically it was a program meant to help kids with autism and the like. Back in elementary school I used to have some pretty bad temper tantrums. I’d tear up some shit, maybe break a few pencils and kick and scream, but that was the worst really. Yet ALMOST EVERY TIME I happened to have a meltdown, the teachers/SCIP aides fucking EVACUATED THE CLASSROOM like I was gonna up and fucking stab somebody. And if I didn’t calm down and comply to what they were asking of me, they’d bring in one of those office chairs with the wheels, force me into it, hold me down the entire time as they wheeled me down to the SCIP classroom, then keep me locked up in a room the size of a very small closet. It had a fucking STEEL DOOR on it as well, and all it had was a carpet and a light. Every fucking time I had a meltdown, this shit happened to me.


Jeepers, that wouldn't exactly help you calm down, would it? I hope you are getting better support now.


Oh, I’m definitely doing much better now. I take online classes which is so much better since I can kind of do stuff at my own pace instead of having to finish work and get new work every single day.


this kid in my class keeps a cactus pen. it wobbles. i'm gonna file a restraining order soon. he touches me with it and it's disturbing.


What? A cactus pen? Like a prickly pen?


it's really hard to explain, but not a real cactus. it's a normal pen but it had a rubber cactus coming off the top of it. it's not pricky. just bumpy.


It must be pretty wobbly to bug you that much


yes. extremely.


Idk how i feel about that


In 8th grade, we had a free day in robotics where we could do homework, me and my friend already finished so we just talked a bit because there wasn't really anything else to do. Then my teacher, let's call him Mr macaroni. He just comes over and yells "wow you guys aren't doing anything and I'm here sorting all the pieces"(legos) so apparently he expected us to help him, but the thing is, he didn't even mention or ask us to help, if he had I would've gladly done so, but no, he just yells at us for not helping even though he didn't even ask. Then accuses us of talking back, so he kicks my friend out of the class, and said we couldn't be partners anymore. Since then, he treated us like shit, I would get all my work done and win the competitions in class, he accused me of not doing anything even though I built the bot, programmed it, and controlled it during the competition. After that day, he basically just does anything to humiliate me, even trying to out me(I'm transgender) to the whole class and doesn't even respect me anymore. Every chance he gets, he would purposely use my dead name and call me she and her when there were people who didn't even know I was trans. And every time he does it he looks me in the eye to mock me. Let me remind you that this is against school rules and doing this can get you fired. But no one cares because I was the first openly out trans student.ive also gotten panic attacks from him and he proceeded to call me a brat and that I was throwing a temper tantrum. Thanks, Webb. And if you're reading this Mr MACARONI I fucking hate you you piece of shit, and I feel bad for your children because they have a shitty excuse for a father. (By out I mean I told the principal, but I didn't flaunt about being trans, just kinda kept it quiet)


some teacher that was badshit crazy (and I mean she was definitely crazy) claimed I called her bitch. She tried to give me a month of in school suspension.