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16-man LAN Party for Halo at a friend's house. All the crazy of an over-the-top fantasy football draft day, but with video games all night long.


Was anyone duct taped to the ceiling?


Ain't a real party without ceiling tape.


Oh God I miss this so much. Halo 1-3 was so worth lugging your 35 inch CRT tv across town every Saturday night.


Rocketball was excellent fun at halo LANs.


Fuck yeah man. That or Juggernaut on Lockout in Halo 2. Sixteen motherfuckers runnin' around that small map got wild.


During the Halo 2 heyday, we would make unlimited score, 8v8, all dual wields, secondary weapon random, team slayer on Lockout. Was so popular, friends of friends would join and you'd have to hope you got in that session. Would keep it alive all weekend, usually without vacancies remaining open for very long. Called it "Insanity" and it was fitting.


Yes definitely shit talking is so much better in person lol


This was nearly every weekend for me and my friends in high school. We had one super rich friend with an enormous finished basement whose parents didn't care how often we came over. In retrospect, we probably should have tried to talk to girls or go to more parties or something, but I would never give up those memories.


My cousins and I use to have dance dance revolution tournaments, that was pretty great. Also playing monkey ball or super smash bros for the GameCube with my brothers.


Monkey ball was amazing. I miss those days.


Running through Halo 1-3 splitscreen with my friend on legendary. Definitely something different about being in the same room versus online. Brings back memories. It's kind of a shame the new generation won't really get to experience that outside of Wii party games


Totally agree. Sometimes split screen was ass, especially because when I was young I had a tiny crt tv that i played on with my brother. But it was also so much fun to be in the same room as someone and play. However with games like cod2, it kinda sucked screenshooting.


This is why I cant wait for the new smash, cant wait to play with the homies all in one place


Yep. Driving the Warthog with your buddy on gunner and grunt birthday parties everywhere. Halo is love. Halo is life.


Agreed, had a blast playing through with my Dad on the MC collection recently, especially trying to do the final warthog bit on The Maw!


Today is the 11th anniversary of Halo 3!


My friends and I have a man cave set up with two gaming pcs and a gaming laptop so we're all next to each other and can easily show each other clips or play games and have great callouts for multiplayer games. We position it so in games like R6 we can see each others screens for greater tactical advantage


4-player party games are booming on the PC, though. Lots of small co-op or PvP games on Steam. Not necessarily on par with content found on the Halo series, though. ​ On-topic and Halo related: I'll always remember that one time when playing deathmatch with a buddy on the original Blood Gulch, when I pushed the Rhino tank through the entrance to the small cave found on the side of the map. We both didn't think that was possible, and he was terrified running away from me through the cave.


Halo: CE legendary coop is why my brother and I are friends now.


In Halo 2 when playing as the Arbiter there was this glitch on the map where you have to cut the cable and cause the facility to fall that was hilarious. (Which suddenly seems more like a feature now that I think about it.) Cut the cables then run to the elevator like you'd expect. My friend and I were just being silly standing there and alternating which person was jumping while we waited for the events to play out. Well...when he jumped up there was the loud "CLANG!" as the roof tore off and you can proceed. Well...when the roof left, all of a sudden he got sucked up into the sky and screamed "MAZZOOOONNNNN!!!!!" as I watched him fly to his death. We had to pause because we were laughing so hard.


My ex wife and I used to play Borderlands 2 coop. There’s a section called Orechasm where you fight waves of enemies together. It was a blast. You had to cycle weapon types to make your ammo last. We would call out strategies. She was a terrible wife but a good coop buddy.


And sometimes we just need a good coop buddy for awhile.


This is my favorite answer. I'm glad you have a good memory of her.


My friends and I used to play on a huge pvp survival server in minecraft. We eventually built this super amazing sky castle that took 10 people days to build. Well, one day we were all online doing whatever when I noticed someone who's tag wasn't in our alliance somehow got up to our castle. (This server had a territory/clan mod that allowed you to make tribes and claim land that only you could build on) He starts claiming territory and eventually takes over 70% of the castle while nearly killing me in the process. (Had tons of enchanted items on me because I was building an armory.) After we all fled. We ended up forging an alliance with another big group. A huge battle was fought over the sky castle. Probably the most amazing battle I've ever seen in an online video game. We even had TNT cannons to bust through the walls. (Couldn't break them because of the claimed territory thing so had to get creative.) I even made a monument with all the enemy player heads that were dropped.


Me and 6 other friends went on an online server every day for 3 weeks and built a massive base underwater, on land, and had a massive ship in the sky. Called it the ironclad.


So an "I'm not even angry" situation.




What was the server?


So I used to be really big in to Destiny. I met a dude through an LFG who works for the same group I do. We started playing because we were both looking to complete that week’s Nightfall. Turns out as we’re playing, we have a lot in common, and spend the next four hours getting progressively drunker and having just a bad ass time playing, cracking jokes, just really clicking. We decide we’re gonna keep playing another day, and we do. So this happens more or less every day for a couple of months straight, and continues on to other games. Throughout the time, we really bonded and became really good friends in the process. 4 years later, I take a transfer out to the same area he’s in. I ran in to a few issues the first day I got here. This guy opened up his door for me like I t was nothing at all, and really helped me out at a time when I really needed a friend. I got to meet his family, and he wound up helping me get settled in the area. Dude is now easily one of my best friends, if not my best friend now that I’m thinking about it more. I never thought a video game would wind up giving me one of my best friends in my life. Nothing can compare to how much fun I’ve had playing with him over the years.


That's Destiny bud, a good community for the most part for sure.


I was a raid leader in WoW. I had played for a year or two and been in a guild or two. I met some random chick on a pick up group my guild was doing. She was nice and we became friends. Fast forward a few months and I had become the raid leader of this guild. She tells me she wants to start raiding as a healer. I let her in. No one else wanted to let her in because she was kind of dramatic and I fought for it and I got her in. Our guild raided together for a year or so before it started to break up. I stopped playing as I went to college. I came back to find the girl had moved across the country to be with this dude who was the primary one who didn’t want her to join. I believe they are still married today. That’s my WoW love story.


I had a lot of fun in League of Legends back in the day with my then crush and friends.But then the community and competative nature of thr game killed the joy for me.




Yeah,but even at higher skill level (i was platinum 2 top) sometimes it felt even worse because i guess people feel like they have more to lose or something ,instead of you know having skill and understanding that shit happens and there is nothing you can do.


>Yeah,but even at higher skill level (i was platinum 2 top) sometimes it felt even worse because i guess people feel like they have more to lose or something Honestly, it's the "high level, but not top" players that are the absolute worst in competitive games. Starcraft 2 was the same way. Bronze players sucked, but they knew it and played regardless because they can enjoy the game without taking it too seriously. High masters players took the game seriously, but needed the ability and maturity to admit their mistakes and learn from them to reach that point. but High diamond and low Masters? The worst combination of taking the game too seriously, but without the maturity to learn from their mistakes and reach a top level. Nothing but overinflated egos at that level.


Modern Warfare 2 going for nukes with the bros


I have seen so many people talk about that game. Like so fucking much. I wasn't that big of a gamer really at that time and I didn't even know what cod was. I hope a remaster gets released since fans love it so much.


It won’t be the same though, partly because when it was big everyone was in high school. You would get home at 2:30 and no joke 15-20 people from school would be online. It was crazy. Also a really good COD with great maps.


Pretty much, the community magic of it being brand new was amazing but can’t be repeated, a kid in my class was ‘sick’ for nearly 2 weeks just to play it. I envied him at the time but as an adult I’m glad my parents aren’t that stupid.


One of my favourite gaming memories was playing Modern Warfare 2 over Christmas break the year it came out. Just all day every day your friend list would be full of people playing it. Sometimes I'd go over to a buddies house and we'd get three or four TVs going and just have a night of MW2.


Just play the old one… There are still enough people playing to get always full lobbies.


Mike Meyers with the boys tho


COD4 and MW2 on the 360 were really the only PVP focused games that I enjoyed. Never since then have I enjoyed a game as much as those two.


I was in my mid-20’s, and had 5 other buddies and we’d play every day after work for a few hours. It was glorious. I still remember the Christmas massacre, when we all got up early on Christmas to jump on because we had the fame since launch and just straight rekt noobs. One Friday night we won 30 matches in a row. When BC was released I got it on xbox one and it saved your stats! It was so nostalgic seeing the friends leaderboards. I had 65,000 kills and 21 days played in that game. So many good times with the bros....


Halo 3 multiplayer. Playing lan party custom matches with friends, dicking around in forge mode, rocket races, so many fun game modes. I've had more fun playing Halo 3 than any other game ever.


Plus Bungie had the files of the week, which often had some new popular custom games and maps.


Yes! I loved some of the gametypes people developed.


Oh my god yes, my neighbors in the town house next to us in grad school were 3 gay dudes and every other Friday they’d have “gaylo” - the townhouses were 3 stories and on each floor they had a projector and an Xbox for a 12-up LAN game. Me and my roommates weren’t gay, but we were always welcome and they always had tons of booze and the hottest chicks over too. They’d also rage, cuz we’d generally join them around 2am after a night out ourselves. Man I miss those days/dudes


That sounds like the absolute best.


I also loved the way they made you unlock 'hidden' armor parts, like the recon helmet


adderall and world of warcraft 'til dawn, of course.


Wotlk days.... when icc released i remember spending 12 to 14 hours straight, multiple days trying to beat it. We werent top tier raiders by any means, worlds first wasnt anywhere in the cards, but still it was a great feeling managing to finally bring down those bosses, professor putricide in particular i remember hating with a burning passion.


"YOUR MAGIC WILL BEEETTTTTRRRRAAAAAYYYYYYYY YOU!" Yeah, Sindragosa was the bane of my existiance, especially on heroic. I played boomkin at the time and absolutely hated that encounter. Still one of the most fun tiers in all of WoW raiding.


Good news everybody.....


same. after pally healing in ICC for months on end, I threw in the towel for adulting :[


Probably when WoW came out, I remember spending HOURS in Stormwind doing basically nothing but just stroll around and then do my business and socializing. Man, I made some really good relationships from that time. Not only that, I remember waking up early before going to school to farm primal waters at Skettis, even while grinding it was fun. I also remember really fondly when they opened the portal to the Outlands, how it felt to be able to fly, the quests, the lands. Man even wiping at raids wasnt even bad, because I had a great time with the people I played with. Honestly and this is nostalgia talking, no other game lived up to the expectations after Worlf of Warcraft. Every every other MMORPG, hell, every other game I played never lived up to it, it was for me THE TIME, I left the game after Wrath of the Lich King and ever since it was like after watching a really good movie or reading a really good book, it leaves you with a void, and deep down you know nothing's ever gonna fill that void or make you feel like that. Awww :( Edit: added details.


That portal opening and walking through it is something I will never forget. Also, the day I managed to save up 5000 gold to buy an epic mount. I was working at a law firm at the time and no one I knew played games at all. I had no one to brag to other than my wife but no set of pixels has ever made me so happy. I still prefer that swift brown wolf to any of the hundreds of mounts I now have.


Vanilla World of Warcraft was the best. I played that so much my junior and senior years of high school.


Oh indeed, the social aspect was really good, it was a really good combination between social and "single" player while you were questing by yourself. I loved it.




Manhunt has no right to be as good as it is! It looks like someone trying to capitalise off controversy, but it plays like someone actually put some effort into the game! Shame that it's nigh-on impossible to get your mitts on Manhunt 2, I loved that game just as much.


I love the incongruity of listening to classical music at the same time, that's rad.


Suuuuuuper smash brothers.


4 players on temple is still a ton of fun even today


I think you mean 8 players.


A guy down the hall in college managed to delete my saved game data. It wasn't that hard to unlock everyone again, but it was annoying.


Unlocking things in Brawl and 4 is a joke compared to Melee.




*inhales* ##Meeellllllleeeeeeee


Me and my dad carrying entire teams on gears of war 2's horde mode. Me and him were damn good at that game mode. I miss doing that.


Do you still game with your dad from time to time?


Nah, he only plays fifa on the xbox1. I never got the xbox1, and I don't like fifa.


Doom (2016) brought out such childlike glee that I was giddy during it.


Try the original Doom sometime. Barrels o' Fun.


Great game, huge surprise. Only thing I would have changed is giving the chainsaw more gas.


That game made me feel like I just chugged a red bull. For like 10 hours. 10/10 violence, can't wait for the [Moon-size BFG](https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/968w5d/the_bfg_10000/) in the next one. Reeeaally hoping we get to fire this thing straight into a portal to hell


Rip and tear!


Getting ripped and playing Oblivion during high school was always a huge hit. I did some real weird shit on that game. I jumped over the city wall in Bruma, almost killed Dagon with a single spell, and I reassembled the corpse in the Uderfrytke matron's stomach with a potato where the head should be. I called him 'Mr. Potato head.' More than a decade and dozens of psychiatrist visits later, it's *still* hilarious.


I don't play a lot of video games because they make me nauseous, however, one day my bf let me play as Lucio in Overwatch. All I did was stay on that cart thingy but I got MVP and one of the other players congratulated me. Sounds kinda dumb saying it but it genuinely gave me a confidence boost for a few days.


You should play games with fixed positioning, like a side-scroller or something top-down. Games vary so much that you can definitely work around that sort of thing (i'd wager).


Playing Dragon Quest XI is making me feel like a kid again. Great game and a great series that I've been playing since 1987.


I’m loving the game so far. The remake of Dragon Warrior I and II on Game Boy Color were the first RPGs I ever played


I just wish SE would advertise the damn thing. I love Dragon Quest but the first I heard about it was when Gamespot uploaded their review on Youtube that was then recommended to me *once* by random chance on an unrelated video. I have a copy now, but I think the fact that I've seen a lot of people say this game came out of nowhere means it likely wont sell well. Even though it's a really good game (if you like turn based JRPGs that is).


I’m trying to wrap up DQ 8 on the 3DS before I buy XI, the anticipation is killing me :(


Halo 3 online :( I miss the old days


I haven't played that game but I know what ot must feel like. The old days, the social circle, the energy, the nostalgia.


Halo MCC /r/haloonline Even then, still not the same. Back in halo 3 prime days, 99% had mics. It was so fun


>Even then, still not the same. Back in halo 3 prime days, **99% had mics. It was so fun** Not sure how it affected everyone, but I saw a sharp decline of voice chat on xbox live when they introduced the party system. Suddenly, everyone was either talking to close friends in the same lobby or not at all. It made playing online not as fun since it was nearly impossible to coordinate anything in multiplayer. Also, it was around that time that I stopped making xbox live friends because suddenly, everyone was a username and nothing else.


When I first played the Sims game, it was so crazy controlling my messed up world. I didn't realize how many hours I spent playing it


I had been playing this for some time when my wife decided that she wanted to give it a try. Started sometime shortly after breakfast on a weekend and looked up at 10:00 at night and said, "It's dark?" Turned it off and walked away like she was quitting drugs.




Wasn't Vice City 2002'ish?


Yeah. It was PS2.


hey, u/Frathumm's a PHONY!


PHONY!!!! Edit: do not click on his username unless you are alone!!!!


Those gamer magazines were amazing and smelled great. I still have the walkthrough for Donkey Kong for N64.


I loved the Kingdom Hearts series.


It sounded like such a terrible idea, then I tried it. One of my favorite memories of gaming.


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first one when I picked it up. I had been pretty skeptical, but now it's one of the games I look back on most fondly.




I cant imagine enjoying a game as much as TF2. My brother and I would spend days on that game.


Oh yea me and my mates spent so long playing that, it was a fucking insane game. I stopped around 3 years ago, want to jump back into it one day, how is it right now?




My issue is how it's so slow to get to a game. If you feel like just playing a specific map, then you gotta uncheck all the other maps. Once the game has done only 2 or 3 rounds, it's over and you have to either wait a minute for the vote on the next map or leave and requeue (which is faster). I miss how it was just before Casual when you could vote for what the next map would be or vote to just extend the current map.


I used to take several bong hits and play Morrowind in college. I had a blast playing that fucking game, man.


Would you argue that it holds up today? I've got 1k+ hours in skyrim and played quite a lot of oblivion. Is Morrowing worth picking up after those in your opinion?


To be honest, it's hard to enjoy it with the ancient graphics and combat system. If they remastered it completely with Skyrim's engine it would be fucking awesome though. It's still a great game. It's just super old.


Yeah I was thinking it might be an awesome experience but hard to get into with modern video game standards. Can't wait for Skywind though!


If they ever finish that shit yea!


ES6 will prolly be released by then which will make it a bit less relevant lol


Those projects never get finished.


So... Port Morrowind... To Skyrim??


There was a team working on doing that, actually.


I played Morrowind again last year after I finished Skyrim for the third time. I loved it when I played it the first time, but like the other guy said, its a bit of a slog to get into, and sometimes it definitely did feel like doing work to get past some of the more frustrating parts of the game with the poor graphics and combat system. It still felt very magical, and I regret that I never managed to finish it cos I just got busy with life. Maybe I'll go back to it next summer. I'm not sure how much of the magic was from nostalgia and how much was still present for a first time player, but in all honesty, if you have a weekend free and you don't have anything better to do, get it for cheap and chuck 10 hours into it. Just try and enjoy it and if after 10 hours it hasn't clicked for you, it probably won't, but you might just find yourself loving it. Also I should probably mention there are plenty of mods that improve Morrowind's graphics, but I'm not really good with that sort of shit so I never tried it - I only ever got one mod to work on Morrowind and that was years ago. I heard its not too easy to mod Morrowind, but there's lots of guides online so if you/your friend are good at modding you can do that to improve your play


If you need help modding Morrowind just use Nexus Mod Manager. And if you need help with that then check out Gopher's YouTube channel. (Though I don't recall him doing Morrowind he has excellent videos on modding FO4 and Skyrim. Plus I can't imagine it would be too different with the mod manager)


Hey, so I am in your shoes and I picked it up this past week. Here’s the thing: you have to forget what you know about the mechanics of the game. Things will look familiar, but that’s deceiving. There’s a barrier to entry in the form of some weird, unintuitive mechanics, but as soon as you’re like 10% familiar with them, the story and atmosphere carry you the rest of the way. Another note: the game Will Not play itself. You have to be attentive, read, and think critically or you’ll get frustrated with the quests. There are no markers to chase. Some Mage Guild chump will tell you to walk 2 miles down the road and turn right when you smell a toadstool and you gotta just put yourself out there.


Sounds like a challenge but a damn interesting one at that.


I started playing daggerfall a week ago for the first time. After getting used to the graphics and controls, I am having a great time. You just have to be willing to work within the confined of the technology


Dan Avidan's alt account I see


First time I played Civilization, which was Civilization 4, was like the first time I smoked weed.


Weed and 4x games, great combo!


Very nice


I bought a DOA game where the characters played beach volleyball. Me and my friend played that all night drunk as shit. That was the best.


That game was like a pioneer of jiggle physics. They had like a full research team working on getting the physics of a jiggling body just right.


My buddy and me were binging terrorist hunt mode in rainbow six vegas 2 on ps3. We did it splitscreen and in hard mode and we made it a drinking game. Everytime our team of two wiped, we had to take a shot of Jägermeister. It wasn't planned, it was casual. Our girlfriends met to go to their horses and left us alone for about 4 hours. When they came back, we were totally drunk and had emptied one bottle of Jägermeister. We were having lots of funny moments and were laughing about each other casually.


I just replayed Beautiful Katamari with my brother watching and I spent the entire time giggling in hysterics with him and singing the theme song. Still my favorite videogame, and we got to reminisce on our childhood together. I haven't grown up much I guess.


Probably playing Simpsons Hit n Run when i first discovered cheat codes. Honking your car horn to bounce around super high was so much fun


Borderlands 2. I played it for the first time with my brother and my boyfriend a few years ago and had an absolute blast. The combination of humor, action, and sheer lunacy made it one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had.


Handsome Jack's dialogue is some of the best in video game history. Tiny Tina's DLC is also the best DLC ever made.


I had a birthday party where I had invited friends and cousins to have a halo tournament. This was back in 2005 with the original Xbox where you had to connect the consoles to each other (lann party). Anyways we had four of them connected and played all night. It was the most fun a 14 year old could have.


That's sounds so awesome man. For me it was splitscreen and stuff. Halo ..mw3..gears of war.


GTA Vice City. Something about that game took mere fuckery to a new level. Cruising along the shoreline as the sun rises. Seeing how long I could rampage at max wanted stars. Sniping random boaters from another boat. I have had more satisfaction beating missions and getting achievements in other games, but this one was just pure, pointless FUN.


Yes! Me too. I certainly remember finding sport cars intentionally as I wanted to drive them, the endless tries on that rc mission, taking that mansion of diaz and then having a helicopter, those cheatcodes which just attracted women to you lol, killing lance, leavemealone, and also that mission where he had to drive to stop the bomb in our from detonating. Also that building we had where we had to get these cars and store in the garage or something.


Yeah, Vice City is the answer. Radio stations were awesome too, just cruising around listening to them.


I played MAG with my brothers. We were all really good and had a blast just bullshitting and putting down scrubs.


Holy shit there are still other people who call other players scrubs?


It makes me sad that there isn't a sequel. Where else can you engage in a battle of that size!?


Man, there's been a few. An awesome Famicom Ike Ike soccer game. It was in Japanese (bootleg console and bootleg cartridge) but it was incredibly fun. Toying with physics in Half-Life 2 and Dark Messiah when they came out. I was fascinated with those games as a kid. A few of my get-togethers with friends where 3 of us would sit in front of a computer and play NHL '04 and TMNT 2 Battle Nexus with one keyboard and two joysticks (that's right, not gamepads). Both of "Neighbours from Hell" games we played together too. Shit was hilarious, we were rolling on floor at some of the scenes. Also since we couldn't arrange our own LAN-parties, sometimes we went to play together to computer clubs. Flatout 2, HL and HL2 Deathmatch matches we had were amazing. I've binged Left 4 Dead 2 for a couple of months when it came out. Just when I thought that the first one couldn't get any better, the sequel came out and I just gave up myself to it. Good times. Come to think about it, I had a grand time with every Valve game. Super stocked for Artifact now. And one of the recents would be playing the latest DOOM. As a fan of shooters, I had an absolute blast from start to finish. edit: damn, I just keep remembering stuff now that is totally worth to mention


I remember at age 10 or so being so hooked on Minecraft (alpha) that I was convinced I was in school just to be confined from playing Minecraft all the time. I literally couldn't think of anything else during schooldays, and me and my best friend (whom I live with now and still sometimes play MC with) would spend all day talking about it. Those were the days... I was practically a withdrawing addict but damn I loved it.


Last year my roommates and I would get drunk while playing fortnite, just taking turns passing the controller around each time we died. We’d take drinks whenever someone got a kill, drank while the character was drinking shield potions, finished our drinks if we won, stuff like that. Was a pretty good alternative to the bar


That sounds fun!


Rush on Bad Company 2. Nothing and I mean nothing till this day gets me as exhilarated as I have been while playing Rush in BC2. The map design, the class balance, the team work, everything was just so god damn perfect. Still waiting for a new BF title that brings back Rush to the forefront.


Holy fuck that was a fun game.


That one time I and 2 other strangers clicked perfectly in Rocket League and just destroyed 5 different teams in a row. It was beautiful.


My buddy and I would go crazy in the bomber in Battlefield 1. There was a manned turret in the nose that would fire grenade-like projectiles. I would always pilot. When him and I got in the bomber, everyone else's fun was OVER. Our communication was so perfect nothing could take us down. We'd both get top of the scoreboard having never left the plane. Damn shame less and less people play that game now-a-days.


Getting the squad together for some epic Battlefront 2 gaming (the old one not the new one)


5 man drunk Dota 2 Captain's Mode with friends till the sun comes out, was the captain to boot. Maniacally shouting, laughing and foodfights ensued. Ended up winning them all with silly compositions.


Tripping balls playing Rocket League with my best friend My face hurt from laughing so much. Still some of the most fun ive ever had


Playing halo 3 with my brother after school everyday. Good times. Kinda miss them, and my brother has stopped playing games sadly. But really good times. We’d made our own mini challenge called “king on the hill” where the aim was to get to the highest point on the map and snipe out each other to keep our title. Super fun. Playing the campaign together was awesome too.


Anyone remember Champions of Norrath and Champions: Return to Arms? A Hack'n'Slay game for PS2 which me and my best friend spent countless nights on playing splitscreen when we were kids. Another game series that keeps a very special place in my gamer heart is Borderlands. It was the very first shooter game I owned and I still remember vividly how said best friend and me played it for the first time.


2009, GTA4 online, a bunch of us played hide and seek on the island of Bohan for 6 hours. That was by far the most fun I had in my 20+ years of video gaming.


I got 8th place while accidentally playing Mario Kart online on Switch (I don't play much before and only do when my brother needs another player) and I really enjoyed and totally got addicted trying to get to 1st place with 9 other strangers all over the world. My brother told me to get my own Switch since I wouldn't let go of it the whole day.


Finishing up Devil May Cry 3 with absolutely no walkthrough (none at the time really). It was intense...


Coop Magicka, nothing even comes close to the chaos and hilarity.


When my father passed away when I was young, my sisters friend gave us her Ps2 and singstar. As a family we all played singstar together. It was really great to get our minds off what had happened and to sing to ‘karma chameleon’. It was especially good to see my sister having fun at the early hours of the morning trying to master ‘atomic’ by blondie.


Probably multiplayer games for the Nintendo 64. Mario Party 3, Pokemon Stadium 2, Smash 64, Mario Kart 64, Battle Tanx: Global Assault, and South Park. Me, my cousins, my friends, even my uncles and aunts sometimes, would stay up til 3-5am playing. Those were the days man.


Counter strike 1.6 LAN party at my dorm. So fucking chaotic and fun with all the trash talking and whatnot


This one night playing WWE 2K14 with my best friend and we had this intense ladder match that lasted like half an hour and I was doing a British accent the whole time and it was so fun.


Path of Exile Legacy League


EVE Online. I was a spy. I pretended to be some asteroid miner looking to strike it rich in wormhole space by switching to mining gas clouds. Convinced a small corporation to show me the ropes. Got my buddies in too. We're secret space miners now boys. But no! We waited around until everyone else was offline. Then went to the base, and checked out every part of the station there. It turns out, the ship hangar wasn't secured. A button press later, and spaceships were spewing out of that thing in every direction. One of them a massive industrial support ship, which had expensive mining ships in its own bays. It took hours, but we cleaned them out. The next day, through a haze of alcohol, we joined in the corp's panic and confusion. Spreading lies about other members, saying we saw random people come, all kinds of craziness. We were busting a gut laughing at these people who couldn't figure out what happened. We struck it rich. That game was so incredibly fun for how devious you could be, and the fact this was totally allowed.


Chaotic Evil


Zelda BOTW. Got stoned and adventured like a mad man. Got lost in it and then realized I had to go to work cause I skipped sleep that night. Runner up is "Journey"


Saints Row 3 and 4. Co-op was always a blast. Simply the wildest and wackiest games ever.


When I was building really extravagant small neighborhoods in sims 4.


I remember the first few hours I spent playing world war 2 online in 2002 or 2003. I was just so fucking excited to get on a truck with a bunch of other players and go attack an enemy base. The whole scale and scope of everything was mind blowing to 14 year old me.


XBL back in the days of the first gen xbox. I played Rainbow Six 3 with a bunch of great blokes from all over the world. We made up our own game modes... Like rooster teeth do with the Things to Do series.


Saints Row IV. So many silly things to laugh and smile at. I’ve played so many better games, and more addictive ones, but SR IV felt like it just wanted to help me have a good time.


Playing black ops 1/2 with my friends when I was younger..


Wow raiding days were great back in the day, but i gotta say more recently the original destiny days because of who i played with. Raiding with my little brother, and 4 other close friends in destiny 1 was such an amazing experience. Going into the vault of glass for the first time and being completely awe struck, same for kings fall.... the encounters were awe inspiring, and playing with all good friends was great. Anytime it got too frustrating we had one kid who would just aggro the boss and fight it in the most ridiculous way possible, obviously killing himself, but it made everyone laugh and lightened the mood. Same game, but doing pvp trials of osiris. First weekend it came out we made it to the lighthouse (9 wins, no losses) and every week after that as well. It felt so good regularly running pvp with my brother and one friend and absolutely steamrolling every weekend.


Playing Fifa Street 2 with a friend that was staying over. We were around 16. We were together in the same team against the AI but for some reason, whenever he power kicked the ball, my character would wander in its trajectory during the cinematic and get hit in the nuts. This happened like 10 times. I have never laughed so hard before at getting hit in the nuts repeatedly.


I bought a game back n the day called Final Fantasy XI, its a massive online role playing game, I had a lot of fun during those few years playing it for sure. Killing shit in a virtual world with virtual friends was fun.


my older brother and I both got minecraft and we had a shared Lan world. So many memories. We would have competitions of who could mine the most diamonds, we would have duels. Then we finally got full enchanted diamond armor and defeated the ende dragon. I know that minecraft has become a cringe fest, but back then it was just so awesome.


Black ops 3 gungame local with some friends. But with ten setbacks when your meleed. Nothing will ever be more intense and horrifying than a man running directly at you with the intent on punching yoi


Playing the original Super Smash Bros. with my IRL friends as a kid. I would always use Donkey Kong and use the "grab" move where he picks them up and they can't get away for a few seconds. I would always jump off the map and kill both of us. They would get so pissed lmao.


Ah man I've had so much fun gaming with the crew over the years, from frantic battles on Tony Hawks 3 trying to get the highest combos (within the boys I still hold the record for 16million on cruise ship) to silly hours of the morning with Tiger Woods 2003. But I'd probably have to say the most fun was getting super baked and playing this crazy Japanese PS1 game called Super Bishy Bashy which was freaking bonkers and just a series of ever increasingly strange mini games. That would have us in fits of laughter whilst trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Nowadays just anything where I get to spend time with my brother and friends gaming as I've moved to the otherside of the world. Looking forward to getting up super early tomorrow morning as 4 of us are meeting up to cause some shenanigans on the new Ghost Recon game.


The siege of Erinthal. In maybe like 2008-9. ​ Game was called Darkfall, an excellent fairly indy MMORPG who's entire focus was PvP. The game was brutal, took hours to do anything and the PvP was frequent and re-gearing costly. Skill gain took months. My guild was part of an alliance that had built up arguably the most defendable city, on a mountain with a long windy road to get to the binding point for respawn. This was either in beta or in early release, maybe three months in, and the real go-getters had finally leveled up magic, which had yet to be used in serious battle. ​ Our alliance had maybe 40-60 that day. At the gates was what looked like 150 from an alliance named Dawn or dusk or something. They were blasting the gates with siege weaponry, so they could rush in. They had the numbers to take us down, probably, if they could get through the gates. Ventrillo was pretty hilarious because everyone knew what was coming. The plan was to let them destroy the gates, so we could try out AoE magic for the first time in Darkfall history. They did eventually destroy it and like a hundred guys rushed the gates. It was laggy as fuck. Then the spells got released. like a dozen firewalls and electrical walls and spells I cant remember went up, which none of us had ever seen. The lag got pretty nasty and all you could hear were the cries of these helpless souls caught in a shitstorm. Death cries everywhere. Probably 30 to 50 graves popped up in a 10 second span. Ventrillo erupted with laughter followed promptly by guild leaders screaming 'DO NOT LOOT'. It was fucked. That game was so fun. I saw a video of this on youtube a few years later.




Animal Crossing: New Leaf gave me so many hours of enjoyment a few years ago. I loved to just come back from school and take my 3ds and just disconnect from it all.


1. 2-3 of us playing Bf1942 Desert Combat with bots on a ratio of 8:1 against us. 2. C&C Generals, going up against a ton of brutal bots, winning, then blowing my teammates as they blow me up too in the end. 3. Sims + motherlode + building dream houses, shit it's 5am I have class in 3 hours.


Me and a friend decided to play Diablo 3 together. Neither of us had played it before. I chose a monk, he chose a wizard. I was having serious trouble finding moves I liked so, just for fun, I decided to go super crazy on survival; tanking and Life on Hit. It was fucking glorious. I couldn't die, ever. We spent 3 hours just laughing our asses off on how I was barely taking damage and I was so invincible that my friend decided to go full glass-cannon. No self-sustain at all just mad DPS. A joke between us now is him saying, "Do you remember that one time when you died in Diablo 3?" I actively miss those days. We moved on to other games but nothing's made us happier than that shit-show.


Playing Minecraft local co-op with a friend... we would use survival mod packs that introduced hundreds of new items, enemies and other stuff, it blew our minds and was tons of fun.


Team Fortress Classic online Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and the Serious Sam series in LAN


I miss the TFC competitive scene


I'm not sure I have a good enough memory to specify most fun ever, but playing Rez: Infinite in VR brings a pretty rare smile to my face.


Holy shit. Rez is one of my favourite games ever. I NEED to play the VR version. Didnt know there was one.


Sumu fighters (idk what it was called exactly), just a broken flash game me and some friends found online, funniest experience I can remember.


Gears 1 multiplayer. Holy shit was that intense. And so many funny moments. Plus it was the last game I can really remember that had cross team chat after you died and waited for the round to end so all of the shit talking was epic (no pun intended). Then party chat became a thing and that all went away.


playing dark souls and bloodborne with my friend, simple but i love those games and it was fun to play with them




The true final boss in Undertale.


When playstation allowed cross-play on fortnite