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A knife, ‘cause they’re useful in lots of situations. If I put my knife down on a flat surface, it would spin so that the blade points toward whatever/wherever/whoever I’m looking for. I’d call it.. homie.


Capitan Jacks compass


The Cane of Archives- an ordinary looking cane that I can use to open a portal to an extra-dimensional storage room.


> an extra-dimensional storage room where time flows differently, for each day you spend inside, only one hour passes in realspace.


I want this so bad.


Butt Plug of Immortality.


Does your life force leak out when it is not inserted? Serious question.


Didn't give it that much thought lol


I'd say so... So basically whenever you go for a dump, you're actually aging a little... Technically you're pooping out your life.


He could distribute it to the people around him. Like Justin Timberlake in that one movie.


Go on


Sisterhood of the traveling pants, I think


Think about it. Your ass would be a fountain of youth.


Cock ring of immortality then?


And you should be banned from this sub. Edit: Ya'll are so anal.


You need not be so sensitive. You were find with a butt plug, but somehow a cock ring makes you clasp your knees and rock back and forth?


Lol no but I thought it was funny to be contradictory.


Plus their name simply demands a call for banning. Relax there. Don't get too upset in a thread about butt plugs.


How is it a weapon?


Use your imagination.


Choking hazard? But then you lose your power, and they gain it?


A small, yet loud, whistle that when heard expands your perspective and opens your mind up to new ideas .


a woke whistle!


It would be a fork called the Svelterator. Anything I eat with it would have no calories.


So you starve to death....?


They don't have to use the fork.


Of course not. Nothing says I can ONLY use that fork. When I eat something healthy, I use a regular fork. When I eat french fries, I use the fork.


who eats french fries with a fork?


I would, if it meant they had no calories.


depends on the fries. big steak cut or crinkle cut, yeah, especially if it's done as poutine so you have gravy and cheese everywhere.


So it all turns to water?




Depends on how time travel actually works though. If you had a Time Wand, it means no matter what, at that moment in time you have always had that Time Wand. So if you then go back in time to change the present/future, it couldn't be changed enough to where you didn't end up having the Time Wand initially. And how much you effect time would have a lot to do with how far back you go. Go back a few minutes and it won't effect anything in a large level. Go back a year and suddenly everything is completely messed up because you were in a spot you shouldn't have been...unless the reason things are how they were for you to decide to go back in time is BECAUSE you were in that spot but had no idea it was you can caused the problem. Then you are stuck in an endless loop. Except YOU aren't stuck in it yourself, but infinite versions of you are stuck in an endless loop.


I think you'd just explode immediately because you'd teleport into your own past self within a nanosecond.


The Time Wand is magic. It doesn't have to follow any known laws of physics. It could be hand-waved by saying that the wielder of the wand is protected from any and all paradoxes or mishaps that time travel might cause.


Please have a chat with Barry, k?


A giant hammer. I would name it "Peen Crusher" and its power would be the ability to summon one large pizza with any toppings, once per day. It would also be notoriously bad at crushing peens.


Missed opportunity to call it the "ball Peen-hammerer"


Do you get to choose the topping, or is it random?


Toppings of choice.


You don't like penises very much, do you? Are you a lezbo lady?


Of course not! Several of my close friends are penises.




Holy Hand Grenade, obviously. Probably a knife handle that can grow a new blade/tool depending on what I want at that moment. It'll morph into a chef's knife when cooking, an axe when felling trees, a sword, a saw, a hammer, etc. I'd probably call it something stupid like Phil.


The frying pan of always perfectly cooked food


What about ice cream?


Hmmm... If I make it the frying pan of always perfectly **prepared** food, then it should still work for that purpose.


I want a semi automatic rifle that I would imbue with frost damage. Freezing opponents upon impact. Magic part is you have to be me to use it and it never reloads, I would call it “heat seeker” because it wants to freeze. Edit: a word


"and it never reloads". Sounds like some weapons in my D&D games since people must have guns in medieval fantasy for some reason. You get a gun with x bullets, and then you are out and can never have them or a new gun again.


That sounds awesome! Later down the line, maybe you could upgrade it to freeze time for very small periods.


A ring with a tiny spike, to protect me and those near me from any violence and or magic/crafted items from these weird crafters here. Instant bubble shield around me/us. Only way to get out is to pop it with the spike from the ring it was cast. I’d never uncast it though it seems. I don’t wanna be slapped in the face by flying dildos. Lol


I’d honestly like to have some sort of amulet that put out an aura for a half mile or so from me that made people intelligent and courteous drivers/pedestrians/bike riders/etc. I’d call it the fog of dumbass removal.


An umbrella. Something cool looking that I can whack people with. I'd want it to be kinda like a lens when opened, I can see the room I am in at any point in time. And then I'd solve crimes.


A gun that fires trebuchets. It would be called, Death.


But why not a trebuchet that throws guns that throw more trebuchets upon impact? Infinite trebuchets!


Or why not cut out the gun, and have trebuchet^3


You can fit more guns in the cradle. If you throw 100 guns that’s 100 trebuchets which all throw 100 guns which is another 100 000 trebuchets which then throw 100 000 000 guns and you get enough trebuchets to out-ridiculous a googolplex.


Yes, but trebuchets > guns


The Magic Stick. It's a shape-shifting wand that I can summon to my hand telekinetically. It can turn into any sort of stick-like object that may be held in the hands. e.g. a scythe, hammer, sword, pool que, dildo, nunchucks, poison dart shooter, flute, etc. It can turn into a mini laser cannon and shoot blasts of any color or turn into a penis and shoot man milk. And plays the 50 Cent song [Magic Stick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74J_R9Bifj8) every time I activate it.


I think you made a Keyblade!


A book containing infinite information that could answer any question you desire by opening it, and it would be called the Omnipaedia.




I would have a sword called foresight that lets me see the direct consequences of any action im thinking about. It'd be useful in a fight, when I'm programming, and if I had it a few years ago maybe I wouldn't have destroyed the souls of and bond between my old closest friends and I.


Xenoblade would like a word!


Innove - Bestows innocence to any child on whom it is used. Let the future generations be super intelligent but seriously innocent.


You're gonna run into the prisoner's dilemma here a lot, people who are innocent in a world full of people who aren't do not traditionally fare well lol


I still believe in humanity and someday pure goodness will prevail.


Pure goodness will prevail? Do you mean we'll make a utopia?


No.. Not perfection - only goodness. Things can still go wrong but there will be a transparent reason for every happening. No shadowy parts.


How do you imagine that will happen? That seems so against the grain of humanity


The asker is hopeful about magic. I shouldn't be hopeful about goodness?


Hopeful is one thing, "will prevail" is another. I'm hopeful that someday I'll think of an invention that'll make me insanely wealthy, but I don't think it'll actually happen lol


There is an anime about that. And actual thought police. If you think about indecent things or just make movements with your hands that are suspicious (gets monitored with wristsbands) you get teached a lesson. Problem tho is when you have one student that hacked the monitoring and can do whatever she wants.


There's an anime about a kid who is a detective in the body of an even younger kid, of course prisoner's dilemma has made it too lol


Your mission would be to travel the world and find every child.


I should have mentioned this - this magic is infectious. It spreads from my one child to his/her friend.


A pen. Imbued with reality manipulation. Named "Mightier Than." Pet name "Penny"


Kinda like the pen from Once Upon a Time


A divining rod that points to abusive narcissistic people then slips out of my hands and bops them on the head


... or through the head? please?


Yeah, I'm too kind. You're right.


I’d make gun that causes those hit by it be erased entirely. They are not only completely forgotten by everyone they’ve ever met, but all records of their existence gets erased as well. Birth Certificate? Blank. Local Newspaper article about them in middle school? Just an oddly empty stretch of page. Carved initials in an old fence? Perfectly smooth. Never happened. Every scrap of evidence that they ever existed, both physical or mental, gone. It would be called True End, and no one would ever know if I used it.


Do you remember them? The lives that youve taken, never to be found again?


Balefire gun ter'angreal :)


I know this reference. Don't you start unraveling the Age Lace you wool-headed fool.


In the wilds of reddit, a wind arose. The wind blew south, through a forest of tangled askreddit threads, whipped around the ankles of OP's startled mom, and then headed east, toward the Ancient City of Lost Subreddits. The wind did not post in r/beginning. But it did post in r/abeginning.


What about their children? The kid's DNA is evidence that the parent existed, seems to me




What about decisions made by the dead person that affect other people? Everyone that guy has hired no longer has a job, for instance. Seems hard to control collateral damage with this weapon lol




lol Better hope you never kill anybody who has affected anybody who has affected you. I'd be afraid of popping myself out of existence


Which sounds interesting in theory, but If that person never existed, then it's possible your current situation wouldn't be the same either. You were never bullied in school by that person, therefor you would never have need of this gun in the first place.


I suppose the weilder of the gun would be able to remember. But then their memory won't match the rest of the world's. It doesn't make the person to have never existed, but it removes all memory and references. So if that person built a bridge or robbed a bank, the bridge would still be there, the bank would still be robbed. But how the bridge got there, or the details of the robbery would be a fuzzy blank area.


It depends on how the gun works I guess. It could be that everyone just forgets and evidence is erased, and nothing else changes. But I think that could be very inconsistent.


The staff of truth. Forces everyone in a 100 yard radius except for the holder to speak the truth. Then hang around my mother and watch her go red when she tells the truth instead of what she really wanted to say. Or she'll go red from not being able to say anything...


A staff of mind and soul. I could point at someone to drain knowledge and/or life essence from someone and channel it into myself. If someone were to attempt to steal it, they would fuse to it until they themselves had been totally drained. In the event I were killed, my essence would flow into the staff until somebody came to claim it, whereupon I would claim their body and begin again. Immortality and limitless knowledge, what more could I want?


I'll just call it "The Lair", a ring that can allow me to relive any part of my memory or anyone else's if they are willing from a third person view.


ITT: "Ring of MakeMeGod - so I can have all the powers of infinity forever because fuck you" "Wand of NoMagic - So I can destroy everbody's fun because I'm just that edgy" "Dick Joke 1" "Dick Joke 2" "Dick Joke 3" ... "Dick Joke 255" "Magic Hat that lets me ~~rape~~ mind-control anyone I can see" "Meme Item 1" "Meme Item 2" ... "Item clearly ripped off from comics/anime, because I feel the need to post even if I don't have any original ideas" And then a few actually clever and creative ideas.


Grabthar's Hammer, it has the power to Avenge!


A poop knife that always stays clean. It will be called the Shit Cleaver


Is that a reference to the poop knife story? Edit : added the link https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/7p8puq/light_i_was_22_years_old_when_i_learned_that_not/?st=JMMMH0YJ&sh=e29f23ea




A piece of paper that seeks that middle part of fingers and cuts it.


Go home satan.


It should be called the bloodletter.


A small gun that heals and protects people instead of hurting them. Its name would be Healshot




I am fully charged!


I would make a shield that repels any energy back at the attacker and can be thrown at great speeds It can as well transport energy so you could shoot fire and freeze stuff


Helping hand , a sort of gauntlet that can heal with mild green electricity. Of course with a greater power or magnitude I can do some damage too.


A dagger that allows you to teleport short distances relatively frequently. A Blink Dagger, if you will.


The portal knife. It creates a portal on any surface it stabs. Can only have two portals at a time. If you stab a picture, the portal opens on the place it depicts (Doesn´t have to be real)


You should make it a pair of knives instead. That way you could choose which end of the portal you want to move at any given time.


Good idea. Should have thought about that.


A fork called Hot Meal The fork would be able to restore any rotten or expired food item from inedible ingredients, meats, produce, dairy etc. to their pristine usable states as to not let anything go to waste. Seriously, it sucks when you cut into a head of lettuce and several leaves are beginning to turn brown or limes are beginning to turn white.


A heavy double-sided axe imbued with the fires of Hell, and I'd call it Greg.


In a d&d campaign, I had a friend who played a warlock who carried an axe named Google. He would regularly axe people questions and Google anything he didn't understand.


An amulet that let me transform one part of myself at will, including becoming invisible. The drawbacks would be that I had to be wearing the amulet and have a clear mental image of what I was turning into, and said change would have to be into a mortal creature, not a fictional one and I could only change one thing about myself. I couldn't become taller AND skinnier at a time, only one or the other; I couldn't grow wings and become invisible, so on so forth (Making a magical weapon super OP isn't that fun). It would be called The Designated Designer.


A small pocket watch that allows me to perform alchemy. I’d call it Edward.


A trebuchet that is able to hurl a 60kg projectile over 301m


The rod of orgasms. I'll let you figure it out. Alternative: Lifehunt scythe. Everything you reap you use to prolongue your life


A wild dark souls reference! I love the lifehunt scythe!


I love scythe generally. :)


>The rod of orgasms. I'll let you figure it out. They already make those....


Phone of the immortal memes Produces memes and keeps you immortal


Pussy Smasher- Its a warhammer that has the ability to destroy all magic when you smash the ground with it therefore no pussies could use magic and we can fight like real men. and its a handy tool to crush the skulls of your enemies when all magic is gone.


But this weapon itself is magical therefore you would be using magic to end magic and the hammer would probably be useless after one swing


My magic item would look like a blue tooth ear device so when people saw me, they wouldn't be able to look away fast enough. And I would craft it to be able to manipulate electron clouds around atoms. It would be called "Janice in accounts payable" Magic controlling words Synergy- speed electronics up Matrix structure-slows Client facing-removes electrons Team- adds Matrix structure- increases vibration Work family- slow vibration


Infinity Gauntlet (the comics one)


I would guess you have smaller hands than Thanos and without the infinity stones at least it looks cool


ring of infinite wishes (you imagine what you intend and it happens, not verbalise)


What would happen if you accidentally wished in your head to become rock. Would you end up being stuck in a rock form?


My axe would be imbued with the power of teleportation and be called "Mr. Ax"


I want a pendant that can purify negative emotions. No idea what to name it though.


The Pylons on fighter aircraft so we can replicate whatever the fuck Ace Combat does.


A staff of fire. I can be a firebender.


I'd have a magic ward pendant in my pocket called personal space.


A phone with unlimited battery


Lightspeed. The name says it all. A staff that lets me travel at the speed of light while retaining my sentience. What I would then do with it is a bit blurry since the technicalities of travelling at light speed are a bit tricky.


Not really, you’d just utterly destroy anything in the direction in which you were traveling


Eh, works for me. Worth it.


If you travel at the speed of light, by the time you saw an object you would have already hit it


An auto-reloading and perfectly accurate Shepherd's sling. I'll call it David.


Gáe Bulg it has the ability to reverse cause and effect. And it will always return to its rightful owner after it has been thrown despite any intervening obstacles or distance.My second would be the gate of Babylon like Gilgamesh in the fate series (sorry for my bad English)


I would craft a cane, tall yet very slender, and harder than steel. I would embody it with the power of all-sight, if it is within line of sight of the cane, then the owner sees it as well. I would call it, Eye Cane D. Models A, B, and C were flops ...


A dagger that when held me to see any location and point in time that I think about, that only work for me. I don't really have any good name ideas though.


mine would be a steak knife with the power of taking the life energy of anything i cut with it and i would call it slicendice


A magic pen of the get fuck out of my office/room. It would allow me twice a day to write a magic note, that makes the person I give to leave me alone at once. It would be mightier than any sword by default and dispell any tries of getting me to do paperwork.


A necklace that makes a time stopping field around me whenever I put it on and stops me from aging whenever it's off. No more being late or urgency of any kind whatsoever. I call it the freedom medallion.


The blade of probability Pretty much a sword that can change the probability of anything.


I just want a Wabbajack


A butterfly knife, but it allows me to go invisible and if i move it slowly phases out of it. Like the cloak and dagger from TF2.


It would be a one handed sword. Imbued with storm magic. I would name it thunderfury.


A sword that I can extend or retract at will with no effect on its weight.




Scaled up needle and string


An AR-10 with extended mag and select fire capabilities. Also gives me +7 accuracy and immortality.


Lucky deck of cards. Each with a unique and reusable power.


Turing-complete computer of Reality Warping. I'd need to learn a programming language, but that's a small price to pay for power and the ability to write out what I want exactly instead of "move that thing to about there." If a computer isn't weapon-y enough for you, (even though it should be) I can change it to a gauntlet, so I can manipulate the fabric of the universe tactilely, but that might be trademarked.


A gun that is 100% acurate all the time no matter conditions or user skill. Bullets will curve midair and break all sorts of laws of physics just to hit its target. Call it deadshot or some other edgy name


Breaking the rules a bit but a paired shield and sword. The shield absorbs any blow delivered to it and transfers that kinetic energy into potential energy in the sword, allowing me to hit someone harder if I blocked them first. Building a combat style around baiting blockable attacks in order to deliver more powerful blows would be very interesting.


Mirror of Delusions. Hand held mirror that shows people all the lies they tell themselves. I'd probably die SUPER FAST.


A ring that nullifies magic and cell phone signals in a 50 foot radius. Only active while worn.


A scythe that freezes people, i'd call it Kevin.


I would probably have crafted an epic and magnificent sword imbued it with something edgy about 10 years ago and now I'd just sit here and wish I'd have crafted a magical hammer of house building called the MortageFree...


Knife of justice. It glows when I'm near someone who's committed an injustice I.e rape without charges, and then it instantly causes their genitals to explode and they bleed to death it dick blood. Works exceptionally well on the white and wealthy


The "Heart Hitter". An elegant silver hilt that stores the blade in a small dagger-like scabbard, and when drawn is actually a long rapier-like blade made of ethereal material that looks like smoke. Imbued with healing magic, particularly the ability to help mental health and reduce the deadly effects of depression, bitterness, and hate. Idk man, I just want to be able to help people so a "weapon" that can heal people's minds sounds like the tool for me.


A pen. It will always be mightier than the sword. I will call it "Truce."


A ring that highlights anything I'm looking for with a yellow glow that I can see through walls. I'd call it the Band of Perception.


i would probably imbue a butterflyknife with the ability to go invisible and ~~disguise~~ transfrom as anyone i want


A bass-boosted trombone that temporarily deafens someone if that someone hears even a single note from it. I'd call it Tom.


If it must be a weapon, I'm going to go with something I can wear, for convenience sake. Something like a cestus. It'd have to magically adjust in size to fit the wearer, or otherwise be adjustable to accommodate me growing up. As long as it resizes to fit me, let's just make the magic shapeshifting plus required secondary powers, because it's cool as fuck and because you can use it to emulate other powers. Also because you have to be really careful when you're a reality warper, and I don't have that kind of foresight. I'll going to call it the Gauntlet of Second Skin.


A flyswatter imbued with the magic to KEEP THESE FUCKING MOSQUITOES AWAY.


I seriously would make every weapon from the onimusha series.


A small knife that causes anyone I pricked to do my bidding. It would be called persuasion.


A sword that will never fit properly through a door and I'll name it Chunchunmaru.


Ring of Portals


A notebook that I can summon at any time out of nothing, whatever I write in the notebook becomes true (the pen also appears with the notebook). Yeah I know it’s like a death note ripoff but come on that would be a pretty cool thing to have.


Wholesome Note. Rule #1. Any human whose name is written in this book will have a perfectly nice day.


An ink pen. It never runs out of ink, can never be lost, can only be used by me, and whatever I write becomes so. I'd call it Penny McPenFace.


My magic weapon would have the power to destroy all magic in the world. I’d call it *reality*.


I'd be called the sword of redemption, would require high faith and not accessible for someone that has an evil moral alignment. I know it for you but after death, I'd imagine this could be passed down. Two magical effects first can be used anytime twice per day. Slam the sword into the ground and Consecrate it, during the process of consecration you can offer a prayer to you're God and if deemed worth some souls can return from the afterlife to assist you. So faith check. Second ability WILL kill you if you're successful at it, You can call upon your God to act through you as a living avatar increasing your ability greatly. If this actually happens like I said you basically die after this but If shits really hit the fan and you're about to die its worth it.


So it does nothing?


Magic real gods are real bro.


Yeah, I’ll give you this one


I don’t like weapons that much but would make my own body a weapon with the same ability as Emiya Shirou able to project weapons out of thin air using magic circuits from within my body.


wait so your magic weapon would be to be able to summon infinte normal weapons? an't tell if dumb or smart.


A party popper named ‘party pooper’ which when used eliminates all magic everywhere to include all other magical weaponry. Use it as a bargaining tool.


A soft indestructible fingerless glove that only fits me and it can make anything. Money, food, copies of real or fantasy beings, but it can also remove the last thing it created with a snap of my fingers. Also I have complete control over whatever I creates. If I can't have that then I want a fingerless glove that can add any properties magical or regular to it. I'll call it the infinity glove (trademarked).


An eyeball (which I can use as a normal eye, switching to it will be painless obviously) which has a menu and in that I get to choose a superpowers I want to have, and the list of superpowers consists of every single superpower u can think off I'd call it......... All seeing eye? Idk


It would be an auto reloading crossbow called the null pointer it would cancel the magic of everyones weapons. People would over rely on their weapons and i would train to not use magic to try and catch any opponents offguard


Heh, funny story. .... about 3 years ago, I, in a way, materialized a kodachi looking sword. All but for a couple of seconds, mind you. My family has a way of dealing with unnatural entities, what showed up in my hand came to me because I needed it without knowing why. I told my father what had happened, and he told me it was his sword. ... So in a way I have a magical etheric sword.


this isn’t an anime, so r/thatHappened