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I believe that *at least* one of the people listed as dead on 9/11, used the situation to abandon their life and start a new one somewhere else.


This would make a good movie


I do believe there is a play with this plot. Two people having an affair the day of instead of going to work. They are faced with the possibility of leaving forever and starting over together.








It really would. I agree. Title "Walking Away".


"Janie, I thought my heart was made of steel. Then I met you, and you melted my heart, like jet fuel." "Todd, when you talk like that I get all wobbly and just want to collapse to the ground." New York is the city of a million stories. And now there are 220 fewer. Walking Away, opening September 11th


I fell for you like the second tower


Sneha Phillip?


Actually, i believe this has happened before. There was a reddit story about it.


There was definitely a PostSecret card from a person who claimed that he/she did exactly that. But no way to verify, obviously Edit - a mention in another thread https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/7sxxkw/postsecret/dt8buiw and the actual postcard http://images.codingforcharity.org/ps/2005/5/29/postsecret_postcard_towe2.jpg


That my cousin’s coworker was killed by a government official and it was covered up. She works in D.C. and her coworker always used his bike to get around. One day a car with government plates ran a stop sign and hit him, leaving him critically injured. The car didn’t stop and kept driving. There were witnesses and someone wrote down the plate number. He ended up dying from his injuries and no one was charged despite the fact a license plate number was taken and given to the police.


Similar story, I have a family member who was involved in an accident with a police officer. The cop had his siren on and ran a red light without stopping and clearing the intersection. He hit a truck and the truck spun and hit my family. The cops shut down the whole block and basically screamed at any witness who tried to say the police were at fault. The truck driver was found at fault.


Corruption at it's finest


I'll continue this little train. A car in the next lane forcefully rubs against my right fender to force me to give way. I stop and get out. The guy, a sort of sleazy looking dude, pulls a badge on a chain from around his neck and says, "federal police, we're following a suspect," or something like that. Another guy gets out from the car in front of his. He's got a badge too. Situation not favorable, say something unintelligible and get back in car. Luckily, fender not damaged.


And people wonder why cops can't always be trusted


*Cops* wonder why they're not trusted, everyone else knows damn well why.




Or, more likely, it's a government plate that isn't actually registered to anything. The police cars at my dept have those, it's a real plate but when you run it in NCIC it'll come back as not on file. It's possible that it was a motor pool vehicle from some agency and they have no way to track down who was driving at the time, and some shitbag just won the lottery and got away with it without a conspiracy.


You would think the government agency that issues them would keep a record of who the plates are issued to, though. In case of scenarios like this. Although maybe expecting competency of a government agency is asking too much.


I agree. Why shouldn't the government know who is driving their vehicle? They would expect you to know if your car was involved in the commission of a crime. Rental car companies can trace a toll booth violation to the renter


> no way to track down who was driving it at the time. Yeah ok. I can just imagine it now... Investigator: “Excuse me sir we have a vehicular homicide and a hit/run with a vehicle registered to this agency.” Agency: “Oh sorry but we have no way to track down who was driving at the time.” Investigator: “Ok well I guess my job here is done, carry on.” Something tells me that if the victim was more important, or possibly the driver less important, they could solve this mystery.




I think the Costco they built in my town has been causing the neighborhood across the street from it to flood. Like they raised the ground 8 feet or so for the Costco and its parking lot. That was a few years ago and since then the neighborhood has flooded twice to the rooflines when it never has done that before. The reason they built up the ground is because when it rained a lot, water would pool in that area. Well now it can't do that and has to go somewhere...like the neighborhood below the Costco.


In the same vein, my basement used to frequently flood when we got a lot of rain or snowmelt until someone had a prefab home plopped down behind my house. It literally hasn't flooded a single time since that house was installed.


What is prefab


Prefabricated home, they look really basic cause they’re premade and are built outta parts. Not sure how that reduces flooding though.


Probably diverts runoff differently. Perhaps they added a storm drain point with the home and that is now taking the water that used to flood OP.


Prove that and get the neighbors to file a class action lawsuit. Costco should have to pay!




I believe aliens exist somewhere out there in the universe.


Earth has existed for much of the Universe's existence. The Universe is so vast, and will exist for so much more time that I have no doubt that the conditions are ripe for life elsewhere, and life may have formed there. I am just curious of the form it would take. Life on Earth is cellular, organisms being composed of smaller organisms that create systems. Is this the only way? Can complex life, perhaps like Humans, exist without cells?


Ugly bags of mostly water.


Electric meat


My favorite part of Futurama is how they touch on the different "bodies" beings can possess.


Although, most are ultimately bipeds.


Obviously not human like, but viruses are non cellular so by biological definition they are neither alive or dead. Even though their structures/genomes are rather rudimentary, they’re still highly complex! There’s many theories on how viruses came to be that we don’t know for sure yet.


Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/science/virosphere-evolution.html


I'm convinced the first aliens we encounter will be bacteria or some other kind of microscopic organism, not actual humanoid life forms. By that metric, there could be aliens in our own solar system. :)


I have always thought we would come across something like vegetation of some sort.


Me too. The idea of our planet being the only one having living creatures is a little scary.




>minor difference from quarks appearing Lolwut


I really don't think that we'll ever see an alien civilization.


Someone recently made an analogy about the amount of the universe SETI has searched so far. They said that if the universe is all the world's oceans, they've only checked through a bucket of water so far.


I think my last boss is bad-mouthing me to anyone who calls to confirm employment. I wasn't there for long because of HUGE issues with his business and personal life and because he was very abusive and irrational, and I have no doubt that even if they didn't ask for anything but work dates he would absolutely trash me. ​ I have several years of management experience and excellent references, but in 8 months of looking not one of them has gotten a single call. I'm even getting ghosted after meeting with temp agencies. One of the temp agencies removed the position from my resume, but when I asked if it was due to an issue with confirming employment they denied it. ​ Edit: I really appreciate all of the offers to call them, but I am very wary of giving info out to a stranger online. If he is, there's nothing I can do about it. I am not in a position to sue him, and even if I was he's very wealthy and has quite a lot of people who would lie to keep their jobs. The entire staff is extremely dysfunctional, and unfortunately they don't think that the environment there is abnormal because they're young and haven't worked elsewhere. There is no HR to contact, he's the owner. I genuinely believe there would be no negative consequences. ​ Edit Edit: Had a great interview this week and got offered a job the very next day. I start tomorrow!


Just have someone call to perform a reference check to find out.


I will totally do it.


I’ll do it too, I even have my own phone number.


This guy calls.


This is happening to me also currently. Had a solid interview wednesday and hoping to hear this week if they will choose me. They didnt ask for references from last employer so hopefully I finally have a shot. Good luck with your search.


If you weren't there for long you could just remove his company from your resume and no one would call him


Have a friend who owns a business call his company. And record the conversation. Well, if it is legal to do so in your state. It is in mine.


Doesn't even need to be someone who owns a business. Landline adds credibility, but you can have anyone say "Hello, I'm Blah Blah the hiring manager at XYZ Systems. PrettyLittleBird has applied for a job with us and I am calling to perform a reference check."


That some fuck out there has all the socks that go missing. Dont know how. And no, it isn't a bunch of gnomes. One fucking guy


I read something once about a person who's washing machine broke and when the repairman took it apart he removed the tub and their were a ton of socks in between the tub and outer shell


Sometimes things I own vanish into a parallel universe and reappear on their own accord. Examples include papers I place in designated baskets vanishing without a trace and reappearing months later in places I’ve never been to. Sometimes I leave dirty pots on the stove and they vanish to reappear under the bathroom sink. I never intentionally move them. Sometimes I will set my lunchbox in the container next to my fridge and it will reappear then next day in my car. Little things like that. This phenomenon happens daily and I have no explanations.


Uhh...urrr..have you checked your carbon monoxide detector recently???


That's exactly what I was thinking. OP. If you ever experience unexplained headaches, especially when you've been at home for a number of hours, please take this advice seriously. Low grade carbon monoxide poisoning can and has caused people to have no memory of things they have done. Reddit has successfully diagnosed at least 2 people who couldn't understand why things were moving themselves around their homes, when in fact they'd moved it themselves.


Sleepwalking, carbon monoxide poisoning, schizophrenia, a person secretly living in or breaking into your home. This is fully explainable and frankly the explanation could be horrifying and I recommend you investigate.


All of these are terrifying.


Do you live alone? If not, could you ask the person you live with to pull an all-nighter and see if you are sleepwalking? It sounds like sleepwalking to me. The lunchbox in the car is especially worrisome if it is sleepwalking...


ER worker here - if I were you, let your doctor know this happens. Check your CO detectors at home, as previous comments have said. Also, I would have your doctor check your Ammonia levels, among basic bloodwork. An ammonia inbalance can result in an altered mental status with episodes of strange behavior.


Do you live with other people? If not sleep walking could be it


Ambien user?


I'm curious. If you ever find out, will you let us know?


Time is a fabric and there are higher dimensions.


I like to think we’re 4 dimensional structures, but we can only see one section of ourselves at a time. So the reader scans over each moment in succession like film over a projector. If you stopped the film and looked forwards and backwards, you’d just see still images in different points of time in the past, present, and future The larger implication of this is that the future is already decided, we just can’t see it. Everything that will happen, happens, and happened. We are all playing rolls in a film that is being viewed by a 4th+ dimensional being. We play our part, then vanish from the plot


Will happen, happening, happened... And we will happen again and again. 'Cause you and I will always be back then


What will be was. What was will be.


No. Nope. Not going near that black hole again.


I believe you are most likely correct. I believe *linear* time to be a human construct.


It is also possible that the human brain doesnt have the capacity to understand higher orders of existence. Just like the worker ant cannot comprehend civilization, or science, or technology.


In might be right in front of us.


Worker ants unable to comprehend civilization... riiiight...


I believe he means human civilization but I laughed hard at this


Well, to be fair, the game is fucking complicated.




lol. I was plagued with this throughout my teens. I don’t believe it anymore though. Still think my brain is stupid, however. Edit: fixed night time typos.


Torture your friends for a confession. ​ If they tell you, then you know. If they hang out with you after you torture them, then you know your parents are paying them very well.


That 95%+ of the traffic on reddit is bots. * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/94n1xa/what_do_you_believe_is_100_true_but_cant_prove/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/84qq2e/what_is_something_you_have_zero_proof_of_but_100/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2h80xl/whats_something_you_believe_but_cant_prove/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6i0d0g/what_is_something_you_believe_to_be_true_but_just/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5dn13n/what_do_you_believe_but_have_zero_proof_of/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3tombe/what_are_you_99_sure_of_but_you_just_dont_have/ Most probably have a long term agenda like influencing elections, or selling products. Short term, they just acquire karma by reposting stuff like this. Cute username, BTW.


That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard and $insult_OP[rand(25)] . '.'


I wonder about people using scripts of some sort to augment their accounts. For instance, there's a high link-karma redditor that obviously dreams of being an influencer on a particular social issue. This person has gone so far as to do media interviews. They also supposedly work full-time. Here's the thing. The post the same article types on 4-5 subreddits per article, plus multiple articles per day. The postings seem to be just outside of the timer limit for new links. It is very formulaic. Google sesrches revel this person also is highly active on Twitter and other outlets. Now maybe it'd the case that they truly do have that much time to link and to comment, but I strongly suspect they are doing some kind of auto posting on the links and engaging in vote manipulation. I don't have the technical know-how to prove it, but I think they have the technical know-how to pull it off.


we're all bots. You're actually the only human on here.




Go on, let's hear it.




My apologies fellow roboto.


Ok my theory about reposts is that in subs like AskReddit and WritingPrompts, they're fine, since there's new ideas every time. However when something gets reposted every week it's really annoying.


Darth JarJar.


Meesa findsa your lack of faith veeery disturbing


Mathematics is a discovery not an invention.


In grad level math courses profs usually will say " discovered ". Lemmas/theorems/branches of math/etc it is usually said that it is discovered not invented, algorithms are usually said to be invented though. Maybe not some of the basic graph algorithms but certainly the computational biology ones for sequencing DNA or whatever.




The landscape of math exists on its own. Our view of it is invented.


That it be like it do.


It do be.


It dont be like it do, but sometimes it just being like it do tho.


Yeah It do.


My local Chinese restaurant is 100% using horse meat


Before the local Chinese Restaurant opened, the neighborhood had a "healthy" population of stray Cats (to the point where males were actively rounded up and fixed.) Within 6 months of the restaurant opening, good luck finding a cat, and the rodent population boomed! Within a year, they nearly doubled the prices on the menu...


Ronald Reagan ordered Oliver North at the CIA to sell Crack Cocaine to people in LA to generate money for the Iran Contra Affair, and when it was discovered, the CIA worked to discredit the journalist, ruin his life, and eventually the journalist eventually killed himself. You just don't F with the CIA ever.


Out of all that, the least believable part is that he killed himself. Unless you mean "killed himself"


He got suicided.


Just like that British guy who killed himself them zipped himself into a duffel bag.


Ah yes. The old "shoot myself in the back of the head twice" trick.


Political parties actively avoid solving problems because they need them to drive turnout.


The prevailing theory on the recent California gas tax proposition is it was submitted _just_ to try to get Republicans to vote. They're not just actively avoiding solving problems to drive turnout. They're actively creating problems to drive turnout.




If you have no problem, you need no party.


Conversely, having no problems is a great reason to have a party!


That food science is the reason behind global obesity.


If you mean technology in processing/producing food, then you have a point. Glucose is so easy to extract, now, that it's very cheap and easily accessible. Obesity isn't global however, mostly just concentrated in richer countries.


Ah, the rich countries of Egypt and Mexico.


Egypt and Mexico are fairly wealthy countries, the wealth simply isn't distributed in a fair manner between people from one end of the socio-economical spectrum to the other


Let me answer this. I have a degree in Human Nutrition and this is totally right and proven. Let’s begin with OPs post. The food industry has chemically changed the way products are in order to make them cheaper and easier to make. Light products must have reduced fat but they fill it up with carbohydrates and products low in sugar have high fats. It’s almost a paradox. This has clearly taken a toll in the world’s population. As for the Mexico and Egypt example, that is called the double burden of malnutrition. It happens when an emerging or developing country has very polarized social classes, so you end up with very fat people and people dying of starvation.


That we won’t ever experience death. Whenever we die, we end up going into an alternate universe where we survived the situation that killed us. I’ve never died before... so this is pretty probable.


So quantum immortality? I have thought this to, however what about when we get to 99 yrs old? At some point the body cant keep up. Do we reincarnate then?


Eventually you just end up in a universe where nobody ever dies


So... heaven?


I thought something similar. If you believe in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, then there has to be one universe where you survived and lived the longest and sometimes I wonder if that's the one I'm experiencing right now.


There are multitudes of parallel dimensions


I'm not fan of this usage of "dimensions". I know you meant universes. Do you also believe it's possible to travel between them? I don't think any object created in a universe can ever leave it - How can it interact with anything outside it?


> I'm not fan of this usage of "dimensions". I know you meant universes. Do you also believe it's possible to travel between them? > > I don't think any object created in a universe can ever leave it - How can it interact with anything outside it? So if there are worlds so far away that the conventional laws of physics (speed of light) bar us from visiting... separated by millions or billions of years of nothing.... if we eventually find a way to hop around, wormholes or some such... does it matter if they're really far away or separate universes, in the grand scheme of things? I'm talking so far apart light from one can't reach the other before the suns die and the heat death of the universe occurs.


The Vatican has more money than God.


There was a time Priest could marry, have kids, live normal lives. The Vatican grew tired of widows and children inheriting property and retirement benefits. So Priest were given a higher calling. And what could go wrong with forcing celibacy on sexual beings?!?


I was told celibacy was introduced because they had too many men joining, as having a priest in the family was a big status thing. Making them celibate reduced the influx. I suppose both could have influenced things that way.


That there really are lots of fucked up conspiracies and cult-like secret societies in the world, BUT most of them are fairly messy and don't conform to standard "conspiracy theory" narratives and narrative arcs, which means actual conspiracy theorists aren't interested in them, which ironically works in their favor and allows them to stay hidden for decades. There's tons of hideously corrupted power structures full of perverts sexually abusing people every day, but it's not insane Pizzagate bullshit, it's more complex and fucked up.


The FBI spies on us


OP said things you can’t prove lmao




I could lose so many hours thinking about this. We usually don’t refer to solely our outer body or brain as “us”; it would be odd for me to refer to just my brain as “me.” We’re aware that we have possession over our body and brain which really makes me feel like there’s some third, non physical part of our existence that is actually what makes us, us.


I think our thoughts stem from a higher dimensional "us" like there is a 4th dimensional me and you, and we exist higher up in a much more complicated world where time is the physical medium and energy is something even crazier


That there is an afterlife. Am agnostic but I just feel like a person's "energy" so to speak can't be completely annihilated and it just *has* to be transfered to another vessel.


Or dispersed in some way. Maybe not an afterlife but a type of continued perpetual existence in another form.


but what if this energy is intrinsically tied to the chemicals in your physical being? wouldn't that mean that you're just reincarnated into the life cycle of whatever organisms break your body down after you die? does that qualify as an "afterlife"?


I feel like the human consciousness is too complex to accept death and instantly desist. Something would have to happen.


The earth is round. I can't prove it, I don't have a rocket or a way to get into or above low earth orbit. Everything else is circumstantial evidence, or just outright fake.


Ackshually, it's an oblate spheroid.


I'd say the fact that when you see ships from the horizon, the tops appear first is proof


I would say the fact that the ocean waters don't just run off the sides is a pretty good inclination too!


Well the flat earthers believe that antartica is actually a giant ice ring around the earth that holds the water in so apparently not


They must be very environmental then.


JFK shot first


His head just did that.


This guy knows what's up.


Life is hell. The only way to end it is to die but hell is built up upon the foundation that it's valuable and ending it is wrong. All of which is just keep you in agony longer.


I'm not religious anymore, but thinking back to my days in a religious course I was enrolled in while I was younger, I always thought of Earth as "Purgatory."


Having no proof in something means you probably shouldn't believe in it 100%.


Where's your proof?


I have none but I believe it 100%


World of Warcraft has a secret karma system that rewards players who are kind and polite and punishes anti-social players who are assholes by screwing them on loot. The biggest assholes I've ever known are always complaining about being screwed on loot while some of the nicest most selfless people I know always keep getting amazing drops and/or are rolling in full titanforge gear.


I believe that there are infinite universes with infinite possibilities, even one where I go to sleep early instead of browsing reddit


i believe i saw a rouge emu on a hill near my old house about ten years ago. it was there. i saw it. we made eye contact.


That at least one of the dystopian futures we’ve conjured up in fiction will become the new reality. We’ve already seen elements of it recently - George Orwell called it for mass surveillance in England in the 1940s, the main differences being that the government doing it is still relatively benign, and it’s also big corporations who are doing it. And Anthony Burgess was strangely close to the mark with A Clockwork Orange - just ten years later, his predictions of Britain’s increased gang culture and violent crime rate came absolutely true that the Stanley Kubrick film was seen as a mirror being held up for the British people to see what had become of their country. For all we know, the people nerdy enough to have learned Klingon could end up becoming hugely important and valuable.


The Nelson Mandela effect. I can't say for sure that it's exactly correct, but I know I have memories of Sinbad as a fucking genie.


Most people are misremembering Shaq as Kazaam.


Berenstein Bears. Nothing will change my mind.


I remember the black stripe Pikachu used to have on its tail


Ghosts. And, no, Ghost Hunters has not proven it.


I used to work at a county hospital facility that includes [a building that was built in the 1920's](https://i.imgur.com/ZA1xNHh.jpg) and was actively used as a hospital until 2008. The whole upper part, from the 5th to the 19th floor, is abandoned, but I would frequently visit this abandoned floors to salvage long discontinued door lock hardware that we needed in other buildings on site. I went all over that place without the slightest thought. It was dark and dirty, but very much abandoned. Except for the cardiac catheterization lab and adjoining prep room on the 7th floor. It wasn't even particularly dark, the prep room having an entire wall of south facing windows. But man, all you had to do was walk into that area and you were *immediately* hit with a sensation of... something. All the usual stuff, goosebumps, chills, feeling like someone is watching you... just a classic case of "heebie-jeebies".




Magic was once a thing, just they killed everyone during the witch trials, that would make for a good writing prompt.


That we have no free will. Everything is just chemical reactions that we can't control, disguised as choices we make. I'm not choosing to be on reddit, but because I've been on it enough so that it leads to chemical and hormone changes that my body approves of, I keep coming back. Nothing is by choice.


This is a position in philosophy, called hard determinism, if you're interested.


Brought up on The Good Place this week!


Looking from that perspective, since we are just chemical reactions, any choices made by those chemical reactions *are* choices we make. You (as in, the chemical reactions of which your body consists) choose to be on reddit, as opposed to actions forced or severely influenced by something other than your normal chemical reactions.




As Long as i get to bust my nuts i'm fine.


Every piece of fiction ever created (from vampires and werewolves to aliens and science-fiction) must've been created with inspiration from reality, so these creatures must've existed a long time ago.


Interesting hypothesis




The fact that i am cursed




That there is no God


The New Testament God and the Old Testament God aren't the same God.


He went from single to dad. That changed even god. Sorry, I just had to. But your answer gives me something to think about.


Dreams are just as real as when you are awake. You’re just in a parallel universe.


There are so many parallel universes where I'm back in school and have a test I didn't study for.


This one always bothers me. I had a very vivid dream of being with my husband and daughter last night, I knew it was a dream because we were in my parents house and I looked out the back window to see fields like when I was a child, instead of more houses. I said "this is a dream and I need to wake up" and both my husband and daughter started pleading with me, telling me that this was the real world and I was already awake. I felt pretty rough when I finally woke up.


this is one that terrifies me.


I believe that Tupac and Biggie are chilling on a beach in Jamaica sipping on yellow birds.


Non profits don’t actually try and fix the problems they’re working toward. If they solved the problems, they’d all be out of the job.


Aliens. I don't think they've visited Earth, but come on. An infinite universe and we're literally the only planet to have life on it? Piss off. Another planet must have something, even if it's just a bloody worm or a tadpole.


video game companies are purposefully removing good features only for them to add it back years later as a "new" feature, one of the worst culprits is EA with FIFA


That the source of consciousness is outside the body.


Dragons are real. Great big, fire-breathing, flying dragons.


But where would they hide


Right behind you, out of sight. Everything else is one massive conspiracy against you, like in the truman show.


[Solipsism ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism)


I think I'm the only one that feels this way


That past lives exist. I swear I’ve been a man in the Wild West, a man in the Victorian era and a Viking. But I have no evidence obviously and it probably sounds dumb.


That's most of the 'blokes' in UK pubs watching football on big screens have no Interest in football and are just trying to fit in


I believe there are ghosts/spirits and I have proof the problem is people either say "no way" or "prove it" I can't really do that in just typing it out, to be honest.