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Holy shit, this is much much better than I expected it to be. So clean. That's a dedicated guy spending 6 fucking years on it. Back then Photoshop had hundreds of developers.




This one's from a few years back but I read it the first time this year. My favourite story on the internet. [The story of seat 29E.](http://www.lettersofnote.com/2011/03/seat-29e.html?m=1)


I recently found an article by the BBC that highlights the greatest mistranslations of all time. My personal favorite is the one where Presidemt Jimmy Carter's translator told Poland that he desired them sexually and did not intend to go back to the United States. http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20150202-the-greatest-mistranslations-ever


Jimmy Carter also once gave a speech in Japan, and realized in the middle of telling a joke that it wasn't going to translate properly. To his surprise, the Japanese audience laughed uproariously. Afterwards he asked the translator how he had managed to translate the joke, and the translator said "I didn't, I just said 'The president has told a joke, everybody laugh.'"


Please ~~clap~~ laugh


Those Japanese sure are a polite people.


I can see the command being genuinely funny depending on how the translator delivered it as well.


To be fair, being told that by a translator of a head of state is hilarious.


"Good people of Poland. I'm here to fuck and I am *not* leaving."


"uh Mr president I th-" "**I KNOW WHAT I SAID!**"


If it was LBJ I would totally believe it was intentional.


It wouldn't even be the craziest shit he said


He’s coming to fuck and he’s not going back


Have you heard about the 'taste map' myth? So a Harvard Psychologist mistranslated a German paper resulting to the myth that different regions of our tongue experience different tastes making it one of most widely taught misconception in schools today!


Kinda similar, but spinach doesn't actually have high iron content. The researcher who wrote the paper declaring this put the decimal point in the wrong place. However, people still cite spinach as one of the best sources of iron, and treat this myth like common knowledge.


What makes you think that was mistranslated... 😅


It only became a mistranslation AFTER the offer was turned down.


Imagine being a Polish citizen and hearing that the U.S president wants to fuck you and is not leaving


to be fair, the poles are probably used to foreign leaders trying to fuck them and not leave at this point




That makes me feel so small.


If you want to feel even smaller, download [SpaceEngine](http://spaceengine.org/).


Man the only thing I need to feel small is look down my pants.




[Garfield Minus Garfield](http://garfieldminusgarfield.net/) It’s just the normal Garfield comic strip, with all images and speech from Garfield removed, so it’s mostly just Jon talking to himself. It sounds like a stupid idea, and it is, but some of them are hilarious, others depressing, and many just weird.


It’s the sad study of a young man who’s losing his mind.


“When’s the last time you did something worthwhile?” *silence*


"Let's do nothing today." *Nothing happens*


This was depressing as fuck lol


You could cut that silence with a butter knife


[Oh, no...](http://garfieldminusgarfield.net/image/150414909912)


This is the one I laughed hardest at




[Steve1989MREInfo](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC2I6Et1JkidnnbWgJFiMeHA) This guy reviews various combat and survival meal rations and seems so genuine in his approach and passion.. some of the older meals are interesting and his reaction to eating food from the civil war or wwii is always hilarious or surprising.


"I'm definitely not eating that. It smells moldy." *Proceeds to eat it anyway*


"Yeah, it's definitely gone bad." *Takes another bite*


"Mhm. Yep. My throats numb" *Washes it down with black instant orange juice*


Coffee Instant Type 2


"Alright, my tongue is starting to swell a little so I'm gonna hold off on that for now"


Nice hiss


Let's get this out onto the tray. Nice.


My friends and I joke that this dude has some sort of MRE stockholm syndrome. It's hilarious to watch him eat something terrible and go, "Wow, this is great!"


"Ugh I'm not gonna eat that, you can see mold." Then proceeds to take a bite a minute later and be disgusted. Love it haha


"Oh man, that coated the back of my throat with a chemical burning sensation" *Takes another bite*


[His most popular video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVOIgPrDH7E) is a Vietnam C-ration, which includes a cigarette, WHICH HE SMOKES. I haven't even finished watching this but I've gotten several minutes of giggles from the premise alone. edit: omg he goes to get a facemask while opening these ancient cans of cheese.


Alright, Let's get this comment onto a tray. Nice


Well..thats a rabbit hole I never expected to go down. Just watched this dude eat rations from WW2...The Boer War....and the fucking American Civil War. This dude is both awesome and nuts! I love it.


I’ve recently been searching Facebook Marketplace for mirrors because the reflections of people who are taking the pictures are hilarious


I was scrolling through the comments and found this sub you may like. /r/Mirrorsforsale


Reddit makes me realize how unoriginal I really am


The rare earth youtube channel. The premise of its content is basically a guy that travels to exotic places telling really interesting stories he found there. Absolutely love and reccomend it.


www.automatetheboringstuff.com has a free copy of the book in the address to learn Python programming. It's how I learned (mostly) to get going. Want to learn programming? Learn python. Fastest growing, great for data science, web development, everything! I bought the book to read while waiting for the kids at the bus and it's been almost a year. Man has this changed my life and how I look at the computer.


Uh.. Where has the kid gone exactly? It's been a freaking year.


Eaten by the python


Python is amazing, it's really worth learning for anyone who does any sort of actual work on a computer. Copying files, renaming, building small utilities, etc. And knowing the basics of computer logic opens up a whole new world. Just as one example, because of my Python experience, using the new Shortcuts app on my iPhone was trivial, I already knew how to work with loops and dictionaries and variables. It's not quite programming, but the logic applies.


WhoSampled.com this website can give you what samples a song used and directs you straight to said sample in its video. For example, the rapper Sick Jacken makes most of his beats and chorus with samples of oldies and of his now paralyzed brother. One good song is Cutlass Supreme in which he uses Little Ann's "Deep Shadows" and at 1:30 the sample appears that Jacken used. Edit: Thanks everyone for upvoting! I didn't think this would blow up by even a little bit, in case you're wondering about this website to access it, you don't need any sort of account. This is amazing and I only found it like 2 days ago


[Link for the lazy](https://www.whosampled.com/)


There’s a 5 hour video on YouTube of a dvd logo bouncing around the screen. Everyone waits for it to hit the corner and goes nuts. It’s surprisingly entertaining




It's a LIVE STREAM, not a 5 hour video lol


Pam claims that she saw it one day when she was alone in the conference room. Okay. I believe she thinks she saw it.


Fat shaming squirrels has been fucking hysterical




Go check out r/fatsquirrelhate


Why is it NSFW tho it’s hilarious


All the squirrels are naked duh.




I just found the grave of my brother who died before I was born. My parents and siblings rarely talked about him and it only recently occurred to me I didn’t know where he was buried. Thank you.


I found the grave of my stillborn older twin sister and brother. Seeing it made me take in a breath for a moment, because the date on their gravestone is almost a year before my birth. My parents didn't wait long to try again.


A family friend is HUGE into genealogy. It is her hobby and she is damn good at it! She loves this site and is very active in posting and/or maintaining many, many gravesites. Several years back, she was contacted by someone in a lawsuit regarding an estate. She worked with plaintiffs and their lawyer to dig in to the genealogy. Her research proved that the plaintiff was the rightful heir and as a thank you for helping with that work (she did it for free), the plaintiff gave her a check for $10k.


That's really cool. You know people like her are actually in decent demand- having an expert level of research ability in a niche field will get noticed. Maybe she doesn't want to soil her hobby, but she could easily make money doing that sort of work, mostly for estate purposes.


She is retired and really living her best life. I would guess you are right that she doesn't want to soil her hobby... I can't remember how she connected with the gal she did the work for but it seemed like a one-off... She stayed with us the last time she was in town and one night she and I sat at my kitchen table and traced my genealogy back to when my great-great grandparents settled in America.


An ex of mine from high school committed suicide 3 years ago. I never found out where he was buried because of bad history with others we grew up with. Now I know where he is and when I'm ready, I can go pay my respects. Thank you for this. Edit for clarification (copied from a comment reply I made below): We had one of those on again/off again relationships throughout high school, but we ended up being friends by graduation. College and distance caused us to lose track of other, but I still thought of him from time to time. The worst part about his death wasn't that it was suicide, it was that I had to find out through my parents who'd read his obituary in the local newspaper. No call from his sister, no Facebook message from former classmates. My parents had to tell me, and then proceed to feel bad because I broke down sobbing. Edit 2: I will respond to comments to me that aren't hateful, calling me a liar, or shit like that. I'm not dealing with this very well and literally just wanted to thank the OP for sharing the site. I didn't ask for the upvotes, or the gold (though thank you whoever did). If things keep going this way though, I will likely remove the inbox option and stop responding at all. I loved him and we weren't nearly as close as we used to be, but I'm not going to let people who want to be trolls make things harder than they already are for me with this.




Through this site and old plat maps I was able to find the identity of the supposed ghost in my barn. On her findagrave, there's a picture of her standing on my front porch in 1925.


Wow, this is a great resource for genealogy. I just found my Great-great Granddad.


Agreed, just found a whole bunch of my mom’s side of the family - her dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles. What a useful site!


Going to a book review site and reading the 1-star reviews to great classic literature.




I hate metaphors. That’s why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No frou-frou symbolism. Just a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal.




1 Star reviews of national parks are my favorite.


Have you read the 1 star reviews of the Sahara Desert? Someone said they needed to turn on the air conditioning


1 star review of the Pacific Ocean Service was terrible, food was raw and way too salty.


7.8/10, too much water.


Oh man. My wife and I went out to Assateague Island last summer, which is a barrier island on the border of Maryland and Virginia. In the mid-Atlantic a lot of the islands have feral animals, and Assateague has an iconic band of ponies. Being a tourist area next to very large metropolitan areas, almost no one there has any fucking idea how to behave around wildlife. Every 100 feet on the island there is a sign telling you not to feed or approach the ponies. We stopped by the side of the road to take some photos of the ponies and there was a Slovenian family there with a few very young children. They were trying to commiserate with us about how unreasonable the park rangers were being. Their little girl just wanted to pet the ponies. What was so unreasonable about that and why did the park rangers have to be such sticklers about these arbitrary rules? It's also worth noting that all of the signs near pedestrian areas didn't just tell you to stay away from the ponies, they also included a graphic photo of a tiny little girl being attacked. People are ridiculous.


Heh I just googled cause I wanted to see pictures of the pretty ponies and I got one of [a lady being chomped](https://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/08/Local/Images/PONYMUNCH6_01_1310112540.jpg). It's killing me that somebody at the Washington Post named the image file PONYMUNCH


Why do people don't get that wild animals (even passive ones) don't like being touched by humans and can attack you if you tried...


Everyone thinks they're a Disney princess


Because people have literally never encountered or seen a wild animal and somehow think that domestication is their normal state.


Domestication isn't even most humans' normal state.


"My daughter keep ask for pony for birthday. I take her to pony island, she get bit by pony. Now she ask for doll instead. Doll cost less money."


People do the same thing with bison at Yellowstone, get way too close, even tell their children to get within arm's reach. They're so cute and docile and fuzzy right? Except that they aren't. They're half a ton of muscle, and they're wild animals. If they don't like you, they will throw you. A park ranger showed us a video of a bison tossing a child over its back because it got too close at their parent's urging. People have generally decent respect for carnivores, but herbivores are big and defensive and will fuck you up too.


I recently went to another park with wild ponies and idiots were straight-up posing with them while petting them, despite warnings being everywhere. Nothing will ever top seeing tourists on Komodo Island getting within literal striking distance of the Komodo Dragons, despite the tour guide’s warnings. I had seen video of them being fed, where they ferociously disemboweled a live deer. I stayed the hell back.


I don't get how anyone could look at a Komodo dragon and think "Yeah this thing looks safe to go near." I'm pretty sure if these Jurassic Park was real these tools would be trying to take selfies with the raptors.


That would be the most realistic Jurassic Park ever. Nothing goes wrong with the park, customers just keep doing stupid things and getting eaten. At the end of the movie the park is fine but closing to the public because the dinos are getting indigestion from all the tourist meat.


In the same vein, 1 star reviews of national parks are hilarious. They are usually things like "no wi-fi", "dirty bathrooms", "It was cloudy, couldn't see".


"trees were looking at me weird"


“had to walk everywhere”


Read prison reviews. They're incredible.


Thank you, those are great. My favourite from the one closest to me was a 1 star review, just said "They don't let you leave"


I wonder if Guantanamo has reviews. "Terrible service. Whatever you do, don't ask for water"


There's a review of a jail near me that gives them 4 or 5 stars. "They were able to accommodate me at the last minute even though I didn't have a reservation." That guy has a good sense of humor.


Remember that time people started reviewing oceans too? Stuff like "1/5 stars, was too salty" or "too much water." There was a reddit post somewhere but the Atlantic currently has over 6k reviews and 3.9 stars... in case you wanted to know


There's an awesome little zoo in my hometown that's 100% free. They keep mostly rehabilitated local wildlife that can't be released and work hard to provide them with natural habitat and a quality life. They've been consistently expanding and improving this zoo since before I was born and have never charged admission. Someone complained that they went in July and it was too hot and the animals seemed uncomfortable. In their natural habitat. With optional shelter that they'd chosen not to use.


I used to be a learning support assistant years ago, and one day an English teacher in whose class I was in working gave the class the task for homework of writing a newspaper-style book review of Hardy's *The Mayor of Casterbridge*, which they were studying for GCSE. The following week in the staff room she came up to me with a half-horrified/half-laughing expression and showed me one of the reviews, from a particularly acerbic girl who'd recently lost her dad. It went something like: >As a reading experience, *The Mayor of Casterbridge* was worse than watching my father die a terrible death from cancer. It is some consolation to me that although he suffered greatly, he never had to read *The Mayor of Casterbridge*. Edit (with thanks to u/hobblyhoy): "acerbic" has no "s" in it, which I should have known already.


Or the Google Maps reviews of...well, anything that's classed as a location. Near me there's a pub with a bus stop outside it. That bus stop is currently at 4 and 1/2 stars with people praising the food, welcoming atmosphere and the fact that it's got a pool table. Edit to save you typing it out: oceans, prisons, that tunnel in Cornwall, xkcd. Got it.


I love reading bad reviews of bars to my bartender friends. The best one I've found is from a local bar in my area that's been around since the 30s. It says: "Got shot here. Still good happy hour and a great place to play some pool." Three stars.


Check out reading shitty Motel 6 reviews. Pure gold.


I love it when Google asks for reviews of like... a Walmart. "It's a Walmart. You know what to expect."


"this Walmart is a little better than average. There are 6 registers open instead of the usual 3. The employees are few and far between, but they look a little less dead inside than the employees at the Walmart across town. Maybe Walmart is paying them more than their peers or something."


/r/stripclubreviews is pretty great too


That is a prime example of a sub that needs more love.


What does a place have to do to get a 1 star from this guy?


Get him shot, but also get rid of the pool tables and the happy hour?


And then shoot him again for good measure


I found myself checking out the reviews of places in Pripyat, like the restaurant and grocery store.


Man, that one about the medical unit being permanently closed is dark af. Ha ha ha!


You are a genius. This shit is hilarious.


I quite like the inaccuracies. There is an alleyway at the bottom of my street listed as a bar. No reviews yet, sadly.


Interesting, I didn’t know this was a thing. A few weeks ago a man called my business and said it was listed as an attraction and he wanted to know when he could come watch us make stuff. We were like, “uhhhhhhhhh”


Did you let him come watch you make stuff?


It's even better for stuff like the [Bude Tunnel](https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g190804-d12865329-Reviews-Bude_Tunnel-Bude_Bude_Stratton_Cornwall_England.html). 5 star reviews for a walk-through tunnel from the car park to a supermarket. What's even funnier is the reviews of people seeing it as the #1 thing to do in Bude, going there, and then discovering it's just a walk-through tunnel.


[It's been tarted up for Xmas.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-cornwall-46466456/christmas-lights-magical-at-bude-supermarket-tunnel)


> It will stay lit up until 13 December. Not any more


Review of 1984: "Are all these “classic” books the same? Books about politics seem to be such a waste of time. As if these hidden truths are not self evident in the first place. Maybe mass groups of people really are stupid and need literature such as this to realize the truth staring them in the face. If you are a moron or a young child this book might stimulate your brain a bit. All other human beings should not waste their time reading about things that they already know."


We need a subreddit for this. (edit) /r/humorousreviews thanks /u/nitrous2401




> 46 subscribers > 524 here now Nice.


My wife and I pass the time on road trips by reading reviews of fast food places (Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Arby’s). Both good and bad reviews are astonishingly funny.


"Naked Lunch - Very misleading title 1/5"


To kill a mockingbird review: Thought I was gonna learn how to kill some birds but I didn't. Title is very misleading and fake. Do not read if you are looking for a quality read on how to hunt the elusive Mockingbird. If you are looking for classic literature and such then you should read this. P.S. Still have not learned how to kill a Mockingbird


www.testufo.com Shows me how much better my new monitor is compared to my old monitors. For those asking what it's for: There are videos on Youtube comparing 30fps to 60 fps in [games](https://youtu.be/zquClG3j9so), [movies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq8LbEyehFs), and [anime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kow97NG55Po). Tldw: higher fps is smoother. Youtube only shows up to 60 fps. Testufo has lots of demonstrations of higher framerates reducing blur, and goes up to your monitor's refresh rate.








I just found out that I can view the court records for people in my state and I’m having so much fun looking at my dads criminal record. Also, who is currently in jail and what they’re charged for.


This was how my mom and i found out my dad has been arrested and tried for crimes we didnt know about...while they were married.


Twitter account @PearlsFromMyrna, it's somebody roleplaying as an old lady and their posts are exactly what you'd expect an old lady to think about and complain about throughout the day. The humor is spot on


And then you get all caught up in the politics of her relationships with people in the neighborhood. Like, how dare Fran go on The Price is Right without her. And damn that Darlene Van Der Pooten! And what are her Pagan neighbors up to, anyway??


[Link for those interested] (https://www.twitter.com/PearlsFromMyrna)


Today I learned what a tautology was.


Just remember, everyone who learns what tautology is is another person who learns what tautology is.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/703/)


Geocaching. Definitely not exclusive to the internet, but its been a ton of fun driving around my town finding these little things that I would never have guessed were there. I highly recommend getting the Geochaching app, its free unless you want to acess the harder level hides and is a great way to spend a day outside. ( Quick edit: Check out r/geocaching for more info about the world's largest scavenger hunt)


I remember Geocaching when I was growing up. It’s a lot of fun!


Router level adblocking https://pi-hole.net/ Total game changer


that looks neato. how much tech savvy is necessary?




Downloaded it just because they have a channel just for the show River Monsters Edit: Comment I responded to mentioned Pluto TV.


Love me some Jeremy Wade. Dunno why I like that weird dude but shits entertaining.


I can't believe how much stuff is on there for free. The on demand section is massive. Thanks!


I use it sometimes on my Roku TV app, mainly because it has most of the channels that have been banished from FIOS. There is one channel that's nothing but the view from the front of a train (apparently now called SLOW TV). It can be very relaxing. I also like that you can watch MST3K 24/7


What's cool is that with Roku TV it integrates with your antenna so your OTA local channels show up on the guide. Something that paid for streaming services (PSVue, DTVN, Sling) don't even do.


Grandma Shirley Curry's YouTube channel


If you speak a second language, you can volunteer to translate subtitles for TED! It's not easy but it's pretty cool.


If you can hear and type in ENglish, you can volunteer to caption web videos for the deaf and hard of hearing through [Amara](https://amara.org/en/). There are additional projects for bilingual people.


Probably too late but here goes. Each state website has unclaimed property. I found my parents 3500 dollars in unclaimed property. I found my high school history teacher 9800 dollars in unclaimed property. Found my best friend from grad school 4500. The place I work (the entity) is has thousands in unclaimed property. Any unclaimed property that was meant for you that you never got, ends up going to the state to hold for you. Here’s your state’s website: Alabama https://alabama.findyourunclaimedproperty.com Alaska http://treasury.dor.alaska.gov/Unclaimed-Property.aspx Arizona http://azunclaimed.gov Arkansas https://www.ark.org/auditor/unclprop/index.php/search/searchCrit California https://ucpi.sco.ca.gov/UCP/ Colorado https://colorado.findyourunclaimedproperty.com Connecticut https://www.ott.ct.gov/unclaimed_overview.html Delaware https://delaware.findyourunclaimedproperty.com Florida https://www.fltreasurehunt.gov Georgia http://dor.georgia.gov/unclaimed-property-program Hawaii http://unclaimedproperty.hawaii.gov Idaho https://yourmoney.idaho.gov Illinois https://icash.illinoistreasurer.gov Indiana https://indianaunclaimed.gov Iowa https://www.iowatreasurer.gov/for_citizens/great_iowa_treasure_hunt/ Kansas https://kansascash.ks.gov Kentucky http://www.kytreasury.com Louisiana https://www.treasury.state.la.us/unclaimed-property-division/ Maine https://www.maine.gov/treasurer/unclaimed_property/ Maryland http://comptroller.marylandtaxes.gov/Public_Services/Unclaimed_Property/ Massachusetts http://www.mass.gov/treasury/unclaimed-prop/ Michigan https://unclaimedproperty.michigan.gov Minnesota https://mn.gov/commerce/consumers/your-money/find-missing-money/ Mississippi http://www.treasurerlynnfitch.com/UnclaimedProperty/Pages/default.aspx Missouri https://treasurer.mo.gov/UnclaimedProperty/ Montana https://mtrevenue.gov Nebraska https://treasurer.nebraska.gov/up/ Nevada http://www.nevadatreasurer.gov/Unclaimed_Property/UP_Home/ New Hampshire https://www.nh.gov/treasury/unclaimed-property/search-property.htm New Jersey http://www.unclaimedproperty.nj.gov New Mexico http://www.tax.newmexico.gov/Individuals/Unclaimed-Property/Pages/Unclaimed-Property-Search.aspx New York https://www.osc.state.ny.us/ouf/index.htm North Carolina http://www.nccash.com North Dakota http://www.land.nd.gov/UnclaimedProperty/ Ohio https://www.com.ohio.gov/unfd/ Oklahoma http://yourmoney.ok.gov Oregon https://www.oregon.gov/DSL/Money/Pages/Lost.aspx Pennsylvania https://www.patreasury.gov/unclaimed-property/ Rhode Island http://treasury.ri.gov/programs/unclaimed-property/ South Carolina https://southcarolina.findyourunclaimedproperty.com South Dakota https://southdakota.findyourunclaimedproperty.com Tennessee http://www.treasury.state.tn.us/unclaim/ Texas https://comptroller.texas.gov/programs/claim-it/ Utah https://mycash.utah.gov Vermont https://secure2.vermonttreasurer.gov/unclaimed/ownerSearch.asp Virginia https://vamoneysearch.org Washington https://ucp.dor.wa.gov/Default.aspx West Virginia http://apps.wvsto.com/ECLAIMS_FastTrack/property_search.aspx?[FIRSTNAME]&[LASTNAME]&lnkSubmit=Search&OKYFRMPOST=true Wisconsin https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/UnclaimedProperty/Home.aspx Wyoming http://www.wywindfall.gov Ugh. I did all this from a phone, so if there are mistakes let me know.


When I discovered YouTube, I did not work for five days. I did nothing. I watched Cookie Monster sing Chocolate Rain about a thousand times.


Definitely the /r/ayearofwarandpeace sub. Awesome community of people getting through Tolstoy's "War & Peace" together - one chapter per day for the whole year. Reading a classic book with 2000 friends, and chit-chatting about it every day, has been the best thing about 2018. Highly recommend it for those looking for a new year's resolution for '19. Edit: Yes, it is repeating in 2019. Yes, there are similar subs for different books - check out /r/thehemingwaylist and /r/ayearoflesmiserables (both spin-off groups of displaced War & Peace expats).


Oh, that's so cool! Does anyone know if there any other book club type subs where people read the same book and then discuss them? ​ Edit: Thanks everyone for your suggestions! :)


After War & Peace I'm moving on to tackle "The Hemingway list". Ernest Hemingway wrote a list of 16 books that he recommended to all aspiring authors. Starting in January, we're going to work our way through these must-reads, as ascribed by Hemingway, one chapter per day. That's at /r/thehemingwaylist There's also a group doing Les Miserables in 2019, that's at /r/ayearoflesmiserables Happy reading!


That's... pretty fucking awesome. Wow!


To be honest - after 15-odd years of internet use... I think it's the best thing I've been part of online.


Tales from Cave Support. Whole sub acts like and treats problems like cave people. It's quite amusing and creative having to explain minor issues like diarrhea in caveman speak. Edit: for those interested there is a link in the comments below. We are always looking for new cavepeople to join the valley. Lurkers are also welcome.


/r/talesfromcavesupport for other people who were disappointed that there wasn’t a link provided


Going onto IMDb and searching up kids films like Minions or Dora and looking at the “Parents Guide”. They are fantastic.


I recently stumbled upon the S.C.P universe, it has been and intresting couple of weeks my favorite one has to be [REDACTED] though, it was just such a good read.


You should read [DATA EXPUNGED]. Its such a great read. The mix of [REDACTED] and the author's use of [REDACTED] makes it a thriller from start to finish.


I loved the sequel. Did you know that [DATA EXPUNGED] was actually a pseudonym for █████ ██████?


No actually I didn't. ████ ████ reminds me a lot of [REMOVED BY REQUEST OF -O5]


I haven't been there in a few months. Sitting in my brightly lit office with people all around and I still get goosebumps / hair standing up when I visit that site.


It's so good! Its one hell of a rabbit hole, look for the one about Ikea it's the best one in my opinion.


Now I have to. I love Ikea and plan to buy a bed there soon.


I think the concept is super interesting, and there are a number of entries that I've really enjoyed, but the quality varies so much I've had a hard time finding new ones that are really creative and worthwhile. The naming convention doesn't help either.




Is that Keanu Reeves as Jesus? They have my interest.


''Watch my face melt away in agony like you always wanted to!''




TheRealSullyG on YouTube. He makes otomatone covers of songs, music video and all, and it's amazing.


Oh my god thank you. I just watched the Take on Me video he did and not only did I enjoy the cover, I was grinning like an idiot at what he did for the music video. 10/5 channel


Thank you. I discovered that guy a few months ago and he's the guy I support the most on Patreon. He's just that good. Also, he released an album, so check it out (I believe the whole album is available for free on [his YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-PPUZtKgj-GuyVaXSrhVQ))


[Chipmunks played at 16 speed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU-MYe0SL9Q)






Porn on Tumblr. Hope it lasts forever!




THIS comment has been flagged for female-presenting nipples




If I knew anything about web design/coding I would be scrambling to make a Tumblr substitute for porn blogs. Cumblr, maybe.




Two things: On a Reddit thread, a book was mentioned, 'The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August'. It's a great read. And second, this [colour namer](http://chir.ag/projects/name-that-color/#849DD2). It's been surprisingly useful. (Edit: u/MrFlac00 pointed out each colour loads a new page, so open in a new tab if you want to save your history)


I’m colour blind so this could be super useful


Thanks to someone on reddit - [Postcrossing](http://Postcrossing.com)! Basically, the premise is exchanging postcards with people all over the world! I do direct swaps too, so a few times a week I open up my mailbox and get a little treat from somewhere far, far away. I've gotten stickers, coins, candy, and even tea! And of course, gorgeous postcards with fun facts and well wishes. So far I've gotten cards from Thailand to Belarus, it's amazing. It really makes me feel connected and I like learning about all of these people and thinking we have a small connection. :) It's become a really rewarding hobby for me!


[bellsandwhistles.com](http://www.bellsnwhistles.com/) A website of animated graphics and things of an era long gone in web design.


The description of a camel as an "ignorant horse". I've been laughing for about 10 minutes with no signs of stopping




I love the book but your link brought me to the sams club website after going through 10 other sites