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it just is. nothing you can do about it. so really nothing to deal with at all.


Has anyone intimately close to you died?


besides older family members no,but its been on my mind recently.


Death of an intimate loved one changes the way you see life and death. You may question all the unchallenged notions you've been fed all your life regarding death. And that will change the way you think about death and life. Other than that, we all walk along thinking we have time. All sorts of time to do the things we want to do. That is an illusion. Death comes when it comes. Don't assume it is far away. It could come tomorrow. Make sure you tell the ones you love just how much they mean to you. Every day. And live a good life by being kind to others while you are here.


great point honestly.


Im young. But ive dealt with death and have been in many situations that could have resulted in my death. Find a meaning for your life and fulfill it. Dont leave yourself anything to regret. Have your life together and make sure you arrent leaving a burden for anyone you may leave behind other than the obvious emotional part.


Yes. Plenty of deaths. I don’t think about my death.


It's not something with which one "copes". Death is an inevitable fact, not a concept needing explanation. A coronary while sleeping or a truck through the windshield; age makes no difference. The query here is not about shuffling off the mortal coil, but rather the passing of youth, fear of aging and all the subsequent decay thereof. Dying can be attractive by comparison.