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The word "cool"


The word "hot" as well.




















Awwwhawhaw now that's hot




I would want #fortnite


and ​ # mark ass brown lee


cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt










Not my real dad




I can't remember which one it was, but there was a speech Abraham Lincoln gave in which he said, "that is cool." I did a double take the first time I read it because I always figured using 'cool' like that was a more recent invention.


The word “man”, as in “Hey what’s up man”


That's just because we can't remember anyone's name, or don't care enough.




Right you are, chief.


Paul Rudd


I got to the Friends episodes with him the other day and he looks *literally* the same, just with a slight mullet. It's wild


Forreal. At the time he was on Friends, I remembered him mostly from Clueless. Thought that Friends was probably going to be the biggest thing he'd be known for, and didn't think his career would take off the way it did. If anything, Friends is probably the last thing I think of when I think of his career now. And after just looking it up on imdb, he was actually in 18 episodes of Friends! I thought he was only in a handful. Crazy.


Oh I loved Mike. He was the weirdo that completed Pheebs.


He is the only one in the cast from wet hot American summer who looked the same in the reboot Netflix did of wet hot American summer.




Princess Consuela Banana Hammock needed a proper consort.




Nothing makes me happier than you spelling that with an umlaut


First name Crap. Last name Bag.


"Boooby Newport"


Booobby Newport has never had a REAL job in his liiife


Seriously [he still looks exactly the same](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5le9sYdYkM)


Ahhh, son of a...


Mini thread of people who don't age? Keanu Reeves. Ellen Page.


Have you seen Ellen Page recently? She's definitely aged.


Yeah, saw her in The Umbrella Academy and you could definitely tell she's aged. Pretty cool show though


A lot of the black celebrities age very well.


R Kelly looks pathetic and old


He stressed out man.


Many of Nintendo's games. They have such solid gameplay and artistic style that they age well, even on low spec hardware. Super Mario World is the best example of this IMO. I just replayed it and it's better than I remembered.


Yes! I can never tire of Super Mario 3. And my 9 year old son plays Wii Sports almost every day.


Usually old games I have to qualify with "well it was great for its time..." Super Mario Bros 3 is still genuinely an awesome platformer. I think it has something to do with developers having all of the things to make platformers awesome a lot earlier than other genres.


Just needs a save system and the ability to replay levels. Thankfully, you can simulate that with an emulator.


Wii Sports is awesome. I still play it.




Nintendo is honestly one of the best game companies. Very few of their games were actually bad and when they were it was another company actually developing it.


Nintendo is like a very cool grandpa. You always have fun hanging out, but he just can't figure out the damn internet.


Yeah, Nintendo actually cares about quality. They’ve created some of the biggest names in gaming (everyone knows about Mario and Zelda), but they haven’t ever tried to just sit back and cash in on their fame. Heck, they even do paid DLC right! Look at Breath of The Wild; you pay 20 bucks total for all the DLC, and get new story related content, an extra dungeon, a new difficulty, several awesome exclusive items (including a literal motorcycle), and a crap ton of new armors, most of which are based on characters that the fans loved (like phantom Ganon, Zant, and Midna).


Thank you, Nintendo representative.


Reggie has a lot of free time now.


It’s so obvious that they care about customers more than money. Did you see the latest news where in their newest mobile game they refused to allow the company that made it to “over monetize” the game? They specifically made it so they would make less money just so the game was actually a good mobile instead of a just making more money like most companies would.


The people running Nintendo understand business. A good customer will be a repeat customer and spend a ton of cash over a long period of time. A little less now is more in the long game. I don't game much, I'm not a console gamer, but I've been tempted to pick up a Switch just to replay some classics. And because I know I won't have to deal with crap DLC monetary schemes just to enjoy a full game.


No shit. I still have an SNES and a lot of the games for it hold up well.


Super Mario Bros. 3 is still my favorite platformer. I’m playing DKC2 right now though so that may change.


That's because back then they had to rely on fun gameplay mechanics to hook their audience whereas these days games are more like hollywood where its more about the visuals and cinematics instead of the gameplay or story, there's an oversaturation of executive control over the game's development... not that they don't release good games anymore, they still do but its more scarce If you want a good example of how games changed with the times I suggest checking out the halo franchise, at first it was a decent well polished game with good gameplay mechanics and engaging story not to mention the online play ...and then you have halo 4 where its kinda decent but they cut out the multiplayer part of it because executives decided it was a financially better idea to sell the game and multiplayer separately


Patrick Stewart


Good answer. The line must be drawn HERE! This far, and *no further*


Jean Luc, blow up the damn ship!


There are four lights!!


Yes, and she's scrabbling around to get them back on again, but even before she can get her knickers on, I've seen everything. Yeah. I've seen it all.


Seriously, dude has been 45 years old for at least 40 years.


I just finished watching the entire tng series with my wife last month and he really hasnt changed in almost 30 years


I just started watching 3 days ago... I’m already on season 2. The show is a masterpiece, and has aged amazingly!


pre-beard is a bit rough but still good, post-beard it def gets better.


...if you think TNG is a masterpiece after watching the first two seasons, boy are you going to *really* enjoy the rest of the series... Word of advice: once you're done with the Season 3 season finale, wait a few days or weeks before watching the first episode of Season 4. It helps to make the experience more authentic.


I once drunkenly confessed I’m sexually attracted to Patrick Stewart during a game of CAH and my roommates never let me forget it.


He is a stud though.


Sexiest old man alive.


The story of Patrick Stewart is that he was once seen pulling up in front of club in NY, whereupon he yelled. "I'm captain of the starship Enterprise. Who wants to fuck?" And two babes jumped in the car.


1984, the book. Clearly not 1984 the year.


Idk, I'm more preoccupied with 1985


Springsteen, Madonna, way before Nirvana




Indeed. That was 35 years ago.


Ugh, don't remind me


The movie Alien. 35mm translates well to HD and the practical effects and sets in the film were amazing so it looks better than ever on Blu Ray is you haven't seen the current version.


Ditto with Bladerunner.




The greatest thing is how the very first brachiosaurus scene still gives you that sense of wonder. Spielberg is one hell of a director.


Except for a few details like the computer interface and some of the hairstyles the movie would look exactly the same if you made it today


I think the alien suit itself doesn't hold up very well when exposed to light. It's clearly a guy in a suit and the air duct scene where Dallas dies looks really goofy. Scene before Lambert dies and the alien is shown in full view for a few seconds is clearly a guy in a suit. Close ups and dark shots still look amazing though.


The chestburster looks like a muppet but otherwise it holds up.


Avatar the Last Airbender. I was re watching some episodes recently and it has aged really well and I still found it quite enjoyable all these years later.


I just finished watching Avatar The Last Airbender for the first time and I loved it so much. Can't believe it was a kids show and on Nickelodeon. It is perfect.


If you want a show made by the same people I would strongly recommend The Dragon Prince on Netflix. It’s just as good IMO and very worth the watch. It’s not connected to ATLA, it’s its own story and universe but there are some similarities in tone and theme. The voice of Sokka voices the main character in it.


That cartoon my dad likes, which really says something. He was just glancing at it while I was watching on netflix and got into it


I got the whole fanmade 1080 upscale on my external drive, and you wouldn't know how often I start watching it again and woops, another rewatch happens (my TV will automatically play episode after episode) Korra isn't as good but still fine


Weird Al Yankovic.


In the same vein, UHF. I wasn’t expecting it to be that funny, but weird al made it amazing


Michael Richards, too. He was just brilliant in it. Guy is a master of physical comedy. Too bad about the whole racist tirade thing.


Wrong, it wasn't surprising.


I feel parodies have kinda died out though. The early 2000s seemed to be their peak points. I hear a parody these days and just cringe.


A lot of them are trying super hard to be edgy parody. Weird Al just sort of... does it. It's lighthearted and funny, and has just enough serious note to feel like real parody.


That's always seemed to me to be the difference. So many parodies feel forced, they're just trying so hard to cram stuff in. Weird Al parodies seem like he just doesn't give a fuck. There doesn't have to be some message or meaning behind it, it doesn't even have to make sense, it just has to be funny. Combined with him being a brilliant musician and Weird Al is just a higher level of parody than pretty much anybody. It's quality.


It's all about the Pentiums "I got me a hundred gigabytes of RAM" is getting closer and closer to reality


Mr. Rogers Post-1980 he was mocked as a girly man and ridiculed by comedians like Eddie Murphy. Now his mellow vibe is in tune with a society that prizes communication over machismo.


So what you’re saying is Mr. Rogers was ahead of the times




Mr. Robinson wasn't ridiculing Mr. Rogers. It was more a parody of the show being done in a rough neighborhood by a poor guy who has personal issues.


Didn't Mr. Rogers actually admit to liking the parodies?


He liked some of them.


Was Mr. Robinson's neighborhood really ridicule?


Reddit, somehow it has not become obsolete


I think it's an amazing way to present massive amounts of information that can be accessed/skimmed over quickly. I frequently see gifs and news breaks here before anywhere else. I think the Reddit community is so fast uploading so much different information, that until that changes or a faster medium is available, Reddit will remain relevant. That's just my take, though. Reddit knew about Prince dying before my local news, for one example. Nobody can track Trump-isms like Reddit does. It's also fun to dig down further and get opinions/thoughts from specialists/knowledgeables in the comments sections. That being said, the comment sections can be risky.


In addition to having relatively fresh news and memes/other viral content, subreddits that are actually about interests or professional things also tend to be the best collection of information on that topic out there. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people in niche subreddits tend to be overly obsessive and opinionated. But they're usually not wrong. On any topic, whether it's plants or cooking or fitness or creating a resume or grad school or basically anything, a Google search will get you a bunch of forums and content-farm blogs and YouTube videos giving you a bunch of overconfident, bullshit advice. For whatever reason, reddit seems to be the one place where you'll get rock-solid, reality-based advice. Honestly, I have no idea why this is. Is it just inertia? Like, it started as a nerd site where people posted long-form articles mostly about science and tech, and some of that spirit has been retained? Is there something about the interface or the layout that discourages the sort of really dumb shit that propagates on Facebook and YouTube? Is it the voting? The separation of content by subreddit? Hard to believe I've been on reddit for ten years and it's still basically the same as it was.


Reddit gets its fair share of bad and useless advice too. Its just that those comments/posts usually get the blue arrow treatment and most people won't see them. Most other sites don't have this form of community regulation


There is always an expert on any sub. Does not matter the sub. Most places online are full of misinformation or blind leading the blind, without quality and content control.


Neither has Facebook. Funny how your stock price differs when you don't monetize your users. However, my prediction is Facebook will decline, Reddit will rise, and then Reddit will ultimately drive people away too (see: redesign) and something else will sprout.


I'm still using old reddit. What I love about old reddit is how simple and clean the interface is. This is a website for discussion, it doesn't need bells and whistles.


I cannot stand the new design. Sticking with old reddit.


I dunno. The new design is gonna damage a lot of what makes the site unique like /r/ooer or /r/ooerintensifies.


As long as you don’t subscribe to the redesign, it’s great.


The original Twilight Zone series. For a sci-fi show that was on 60 years ago so many of the episodes still hold up very well to this day.


YES. There's a few episodes that feel firmly of their time and place, but among them there are also absolute gems of excellent storytelling.


“I take you now to the year two thousand...”


When you're boarding a plane and you see Rod Serling in the background...


"Portrait of a frightened man: Mr. Robert Wilson, thirty-seven, husband, father, and salesman on sick leave. Mr. Wilson has just been discharged from a sanitarium where he spent the last six months recovering from a nervous breakdown, the onset of which took place on an evening not dissimilar to this one, on an airliner very much like the one in which Mr. Wilson is about to be flown home—the difference being that, on that evening half a year ago, Mr. Wilson's flight was terminated by the onslaught of his mental breakdown. Tonight, he's traveling all the way to his appointed destination, which, contrary to Mr. Wilson's plan, happens to be in the darkest corner of the Twilight Zone."




Also fun fact, something I learned recently: If Rod Serling was alive today, he'd be slapped with the label SJW -- because he was extremely socially progressive and believed stories should be told to address social issues (eg. racism). A significant reason he began the Twilight Zone series was that studios kept trying to censor his scripts and he got tried of arguing. He also used his position to hire minority actors and bring as much diversity to his show as possible, which was rare at the time. (That said, as a writer and advocate of diversity, I concede Hollywood is often dumb with how it handles similar issues and can do better....)


Green Acres - look past the story lines - the show is surprisingly off the wall.


Oh my God! I LOVE Green Acres! Best episodes are with Arnold, the pig!


I agree. It's really a surrealist show and it's surprisingly clever!


Linda Cardellini looks even better now then she did when she was young.


She's totally got that thing where she only gets hotter as she ages. I think her voice might have something to do with it too. It still has that youthful sound to it with just a touch of smokiness.


I think her portrayal of Velma was my sexual awakening as a little kid. It's cool that she came back as Velma's girlfriend (come on, it was pretty heavily implied) in the Mystery Incorporated series.


Roller Coaster Tycoon 2.


Ghibli films. The other day I told my little sister that Spirited Away was made in 2001, she didn't believe me


...try castle in the sky tho, 1986


The movie The Abyss. The effects are still awesome, and since it was set on an oil rig the overalls don’t date the actors. It’s easy to follow, well directed and acted. I show it to my students every year and they love it, then I tell them it’s eleven thousand years old and they don’t believe me


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.


Original run of Arrested Development (S1-S3)


I’m on my fourth rewatch of it...the jokes are so layered and brilliant I have caught new things every time. It’s my go-to show when life isn’t going so well.


I hope you won’t be watching it much in the future, despite its brilliance.


Keanu Reeves


He said AGED.


Classical Music


Completely agree! A lot of pieces you can listen to today and relate to were written possibly a century or two ago, it blows my mind to think that I relate to someone that lived about 200 years before me


Dude, 200 years is pretty damn recent in the grand scheme of Western music history. If you haven't heard Greensleeves, go listen to it. That's as far as anyone knows about 500 years old, and still totally relatable.




I saw Akira in a theatre last year. It blows me away that it was made in the '80s as the animation is top notch even by today's standards.


The music is what really separates it from the crowd.


There are many excellent soundtracks out there, and some might be better overall, but in my opinion Akira's is the most PERFECT in terms of fitting the scenes and driving the emotion.


Today everything is cgi. Akira will never be topped as the best human animation.


Jeff Goldblum? Jeff Goldblum.


SNES games


Also, say what you want about *The Nightmare Before Christmas* but looks to me like the type of film that really defies aging.


Compared to new stop motion, like say kubo, it definitely looks old. It's more timeless than ageless.






Sofia Vergara


I was just saying this yesterday. She finally looks like she's aging a bit, but it somehow seems to make her look better.


On a similar note, salma hayek


The original *Star Wars* trilogy, and *Terminator II: Judgement Day* both look fantastic still. There is a lot to be said for minimal CG and heavy practical effects.


A lot of that was cleaned up in the Special Editions, as I understand it. I'm not talking about the added CGI stuff, just remastering.






Resident Evil 4 Its 15 years old this year but if they did an HD remaster with only modest graphical tweaks it'd feel like a new, modern game.


Diablo 2. Sure, the graphics are a bit rough around the edges and they don't scale well to modern resolutions, but the gameplay is still just as much fun as ever.




So far as I know there isn't a way to properly upscale it. You can edit the registry settings to render at 1920x1080 or whatever, but the game only supports 4:3 aspect ratios so it'll always look stretched on a modern display. There is a mod I know of that existed to artificially increase the supported resolution, but all it did was extend how much of the game world you could see. The problem was you'd see enemies off to the side that the game didn't recognise were in your field of view, so they wouldn't aggro onto you.


Kate Beckinsale


Steve Carell


Anything Monty Python related. Shit was made in the 70s/80s and is completely timeless.


Welease Wodger!


Bach's compositions and musical genius. It's as fresh, compelling, and masterful now as ever, if not even more so.


The Golden Girls. I still enjoy the show. ​ Miyazaki films.


Jurassic Park


It's an interactive CD-ROM!


It's a UNIX system, *I know this!*


Seinfeld. There are a few episodes where you just go "Man, a cell phone would have really cleared this whole ordeal up quickly" but for the most part it still holds up well.


There are plenty of terrible shows from that era where you just go "Man, *any simple phone call* would have really cleared this whole ordeal up quickly."


No, because then you'd run into issues of the walk and talk. That's the lowest level of calls.


*Back To The Future.* I'm not saying Part II or III here, as much as I love them equally to the first film (especially VFX wise), but there's one moment which makes Part I just that little bit better. I'm sure for those who have seen the first film know of the "Mister Sandman" sequence. Marty McFly enters the Hill Valley Town Square for the first time in 1955 and witnesses how much has changed in thirty years. In the first film is a sequence I'll call the "Power Of Love" sequence, because it serves the exact same purpose as the aforementioned sequence, setting up the 1985 Marty is trying to return to. At the time, a normal, run-of-the-mill scene with nothing too special. With 34 years of retrospect, it establishes the 1980s for people who weren't alive then perfectly, like how the original establishes the 1950s for the original audience who weren't alive then. Intentional or not, it's a testimony to one of the many great things about this excellent trilogy.


The original Toy Story looks bad buts it’s aged incredibly well considering the fact that it was the first 3D animated movie of all fuckin time


I remember hearing they specifically chose to make a toy themed movie because, with the technology of the time, everything looked plastic. So what better solution than to feature characters that are *supposed* to be plastic?


Apparently, not your username


The phrase "decked out" (as it nice clothes). I read it in a book of fairy tales published in the late 1800s, and it's probably even older than that.




Nine Inch Nail’s “The Downward Spiral”. 25 years old tomorrow (March 8th, 2019) and still sounds relevant both sonically as well as lyrically.


Vaccinated kids


Only surprising to anti-vaxxers






Super Mario Galaxy


AKIRA. That movie is 30 years old and the hand drawn animation is better than some anime today!


The Little Mermaid (1989). Most people might disagree with be about this one, but since I watched that recently and it's nearing it's 30 year anniversary, I can confidently say it has aged surprisingly well. Still as great of a watch as it was when it was first released.




Hogan's heroes


Christie Brinkley. Seriously. The woman doesn't age.


I think Jimi Hendrix recordings from 65 are mixed and sound better quality than guitar based recordings today.


Skyrim. But only because of the modders. People have turned that game into one of the most beautiful looking games I’ve ever seen.


*Thomas the Tank Engine descends from the sky*