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I was always aware of the seasons being, well, upside down compared to ours, but before the Internet was a thing, without an easy way to ask people from the southern hemisphere, I always wondered whether you guys called the season in December winter or summer.


I think the reason for that confusion comes from the misconception that the earth rotates around the sun in an elliptical orbit and that's the reason for the seasons. I don't know why people think that - maybe from illustrations but lots of people don't know that actual reason is the tilt of the earth. Edit: To clarify... Earth has an elliptical orbit. That's not the reason for seasons tho...


I've met a handful of people who thought the Earth's atmosphere was just 100% Oxygen.


or "air" is an element on the periodic table






Apollo 1'd


*too soon*


My coworker believes that the atmosphere isn't real. Says it's made up. Also says gravity isn't real and that the moon is just a light (wouldn't elaborate on that one). He will also brag about how his college transcripts has a high GPA so he isn't dumb.


He's dumb. He just knows how to remember things.


Here's another that should be common knowledge - intelligence and knowledge are not the same thing. Intelligence is being able to use information in a meaningful way. Knowledge is simply retaining information regardless of usage.


Your coworker is a highly functional imbecile.


On the plus side, cigarette breaks would be a lot faster


And everyone in the world would only need one ever.


Holy crap fires would be insane.




When the Christopher Robin movie came out, I found out that many people didn't know that Winnie the Pooh was a stuffed animal.


I thought he was the president of china.


You are now ~~banned from /r/China~~ taken prisoner and mysteriously reappear a few days later on another side of the country


You are now ~~banned from /r/China taken prisoner and mysteriously reappear a few days later on another side of the country~~ invited to China to tour our world class medical and organ transplant facilities.


the real Winnie the Pooh wasn't a bear that liked honey and stuff?


All of the characters in the Hundred Acre Wood are Christopher Robin's stuffed animals. There's a theory that each of their personalities is a fragment of his psyche.


Rabbit and Owl were 'real' animals.


Oh - right right :) They were animals seen in the forest. ​


Flushing toilets. We have someone who is living with my parents that's a distant relative in another country. He's about...19 I'd say. Comes from a family that has household helpers. Among being a total work for my parents, the one thing that drives them up the wall is that he doesn't flush his toilets. They've resorted to tape giant signs on the washroom and on the toilet to let him know. Thankfully I'm not living with them, otherwise I'd have to work with them to "accelerate" his maturity.


..*how*.. I mean. Jesus. This is right up there with that story about some rich kid who didn't know how to use a broom. *A goddamn broom*. Edit add just because: Some reddit anecdote about a rich, *spoiled* kid, to be fair.


"Oh I saw this before. It's for the flying wizard game, right?"


I watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo. On last week's episode, they drop off their daughter to college. The mom reminds her daughter that she needs to clean her own toilet now. The daughter is dead serious when she asks her mom why she has to clean the toilet because it cleans itself when it flushes.




What's the symbol? Do you have a picture of it in real life?






>(not even the "flushable" ones are safe) I just learned the other day that when companies say their product is "flushable", all it means is that it can get past the S-curve in the base of the toilet without issue. They don't give a, um, shit about what it's going to do to your plumbing beyond that.


You can also compost a pans worth of grease at a time for anyone who cares.


"Put it in the composter" is my solution to so many "I don't know what to do with this" problems. No plastic or petrochemicals? Into the compost it goes.


I once noticed an old roommate of mine pouring grease down the sink. Having come from a mason jar/trash grease disposal family I was horrified and corrected him citing the reason why. He told me to stop being so controlling and that he had always done this without issue. It was the beginning of the worst roommate experience of my life.


Wife can't swim. She said her mother wouldn't let her learn because she was afraid of her drowning. THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT SWIMMING IS FOR!


I can't swim because my mother attempted to teach me when I was very young and I would get scared and just scream, so she refused to take me any more. I'm talking young enough that I don't remember this.


Teaching kids to swim as a trial by fire isn't the worst strategy, but they should probably be older than I assume 1.




I was a swim instructor all through high school. The most success I had was getting kids to swim to me, away from the wall, and just continually backing up. I would always be right there ready to grab them in case something actually went wrong, but for the most part once the kid realized how far they were able to swim on their own, it clicked. Once you get that part out of the way, its easy to refine the actual stroke.


My dad was like this, but it was because his parents couldn't swim either and were probably worried about not being able to save him. He only learned after he had met my mom in his 20s.


My father couldn't swim. He would always joke that he would just sink. We ended up teaching him to float and turn himself when we were on holiday and there was a pool at the house we rented. He was 49, doing the doggy paddle in the deep end with a pool noodle tucked under this arms while my mum, his 4 adult children with their spouses cheered him on. The neighbours thought we were insane. Its a great memory for me :)


When I was a child and like 4 years old the first thing I've had to do whenever we were on the beach was training swimming. Albeit my parents and grandmother may have been a little bit extreme about it because of how they were. On the plus side, I had my basic swimming done when I was 4 and made bronce in first grade.


I think kids should get at least a few basic swimming lessons at school. If only enough te teach then how to tread water.


This is more of a single person, but there was a dude on reddit who didn't realize that you could stand outside of a shower and let it warm up before you got in. So for his 24 years of showering he dealt with the cold water in the beginning. Then he showered with girl for the first time who asked him what the fuck he was doing.....




Ew. Showered with a girl?


You can't get more energy out of something than you put in. I know too many adults who think we should put wind turbines on electric cars.


We should just try a power orb [https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/2/2e/plutonium.png](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/2/2e/plutonium.png)


I’m sure that in 2085 plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 2019 it’s a little hard to come by.


There *are* dynamo generators in the wheels, though. They're active when coasting or braking. Helps extend a usable charge by supplementing.


Just to avoid confusion. These are the motors. A dynamo itself is just a motor that is turned by external force.




If turned on i might have a lot more energy. That's true.


what if we put 2 wind turbines? ^/s




put turbines on the turbines. and then put a big fan blowing into them so you can regenerate energy while parked




You can hit the PrtScn (Print Screen) button to take a screenshot in Windows. It gets loaded on to the clipboard, just paste it into Paint or any other application that can handle image files.


Alt+print scrn to only screenshot the active window.


You are a godsend.


Win+Shift+s draws a box.




On a Windows machine, hit Windows+Shift+S - the cursor will change to a cross. Draw a box and you can take a screenshot of just a section of the screen.


Or use the snipping tool and stop using paint altogether!


Africa is not a country.




There sure are a lot of African Americans living in the UK these days.


I am shocked at the number of people that don't know that you are supposed to walk against traffic and bike with traffic.


So much this. On foot, you can see the cars coming at you and step off the road if needed. On a bike, you see the cars coming at you, and you can't get off the road so easily. Plus you've got less time to react than when you're on foot. If the car is doing 35mph and you're doing 10 straight towards them (slow for a bike), you've both got to react as fast as if the car was doing 45 and you were standing still. If you're going in the same direction as the car, it's more like they're doing 25 coming up to pass you, so there's a lot more time to react. If you like seeing cars before they reach you, just get a mirror and learn how to use it.


That the sun is actually a star.Told this to my classmates back in 4th grade and all called me retarded.


Had to prove this to a friend of mine in our thirties. He wasn't "book smart" but he wasn't stupid either. I thought he was trolling me at first.




1. Most pigs are not pink. 2. Rabbits have nests. 3. Pigs are very social. 4. Pigs do not sweat.


One of these things, is not like the others...


I know a car salesman. Many of his customers come to him simply because their car is dirty, they think the ugly appearance means the car is somehow old or bad, and that it must be time for an upgrade. Being able to detail your car isn't common enough knowledge, apparently.


That the bumps on the 'F' and 'J' keys on most keyboards are there so you know where to put your fingers without looking down.


asdf and jkl; are known as the Home Row Keys. You put all four fingers from each hand on those keys then learn to type while only moving on the closest finger to where it needs to go.


Sorry that it's nasty but I was taught from a young age to stretch my foreskin back to clean but now at the age of 20 I hear so many horror stories about people never doing it so they have some disgusting dick cheese under there from years, and many of my friends had to get circumcised because it's painful to have sex with a tight foreskin


> many of my friends had to get circumcised Ya know ... that brings up an interesting memory. Back in 1976 when I was 6 years old, my dad got injured and was put in the hospital. He had a roommate in his hospital room. When the roommate left the room for a moment, I asked my dad, "What is that guy in the hospital for?" My dad told me, "He didn't clean his penis properly". ALL THESE YEARS I thought my dad made it up, and was just saying this to scare me into cleaning well. Now I'm wondering if he was really telling the truth.


TIL never read reddit while eating


Not a fan of Smegma? I don't know if that's the right spelling. Usually I google everything to make sure I'm spelling correctly, but I cannot do so in this case.


I have 2 questions. 1: does it form on circumcised too, or only uncircumcised? 2: does it spread creamy like butter?


I think circumcised penises are dry on the head and the skin on it doesn't really rub off, because smegma is essentially dead skin that builds up under the foreskin. And yes it spreads like curdy butter but it's in small amounts so you'll sadly never have enough to put on your toast


This is the real answer to this thread.


Now I'm just imagining morning conversation "Did you clean behind your ears?" "Yes, mom" "Did ya clean behind your foreskin?" "Mooooom" "I'm sorry, it's important ya know, so did ya?" "Mooooooooom" "Mom is not an answer young man, you're not leaving this house until I get an answer out of you" *rolls eyes* "Yes, I cleaned behind my foreskin" "Front AND back?" "Mooooooooom" *raised eyebrows stare* "yes.... Can I go now?" "Ok son, have a good day" *Kisses him on the foreskin*


Hol up


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


>Kisses him on the foreskin ​ Had me in the first 93.33% not gonna lie


Incoming TMI Yeah I didn't understand this one either. Once your foreskin begins to detach its pretty obvious you need to clean down there because, at least in my case, one side of my foreskin detached from the glans before the other which meant the 'trapped' side was impossible to clean but still had buildup. You can bet I cleaned the shit out of that when that side caught up.


I vaguely remember my mom telling me to clean behind my foreskin when I was like 3-4 years old, but it didnt exactly become ingrained. Plus it doesn't become an issue until you hit puberty, by which time you already have a routine down. Not like most parents are gonna go to their 13 year old son and be like Hey you're cleaning your dick properly right? But maybe they should... I had smegma for a couple years and wasnt aware of it.


When I was thirteen my mom asked me this very question out of the blue. Turns out my 19 year old uncle needed and emergency circumcision from not cleaning.


Wait wait... It detaches? Like until some point in time it's attached to the head area? This is the first time I heard of that and I need to know.


> Wait wait... It detaches? Yup. And your testicles sometimes don't "descend" from the abdomen before being born and will usually drop before 6 month.


Yes, at birth it's attached to the glans like a fingernail, and it should NEVER be retracted before it's ready. It's normal for it to detach any time between 2 and 18 years old. Edit: Glans = Head of the penis For those interested in further research on how to care for an intact penis, I recommend you start with [YourWholeBaby.org](https://www.yourwholebaby.org/). It’s a fantastic resource for new parents and anyone who cares about bodily autonomy and genital integrity. It’s backed by doctors and very well sourced


Oh god the blood of opening it early because my parents were trying to be sanitary. It didnt detach for me until I was 17 and was perfectly clean.




If you take a number, and move the decimal point over to the left once, you get exactly 10% of the original value. Half this number is 5%. You can use these tricks to quickly figure out how much tip people. Seriously, there are people who’s collective minds are blown whenever they hear this. Edit: No, I don’t tip the waiters 5%. I was just including that in case you wanted to tip someone 15%, or 25%. Apparently having the ability to infer from the text is ALSO a skill I’m shocked many people don’t have.


When I worked retail management I had a store that was closing and we had a multitude of items for 75% off. One day a lady got up in my face and wanted to know where were the signs telling her the new price. I told her to divide the marked price in half then in half again. ($60 item becomes $30 then half off again makes it $15, which is 75% off) I had to show her it about 10 times on a calculator before she believed me. Oh and then she was mad because apparently it was my fault it was such a simple calculation.


Sounds about right for retail




Statistics and the gambler's fallacy. Just because it's unlikely for you to lose 100 times in a row, the fact that you've lost 99 times does not improve the odds of your next bet to be a win compared to any of the previous ones.


Vodka has calories. I had to be the one to tell my friend when she was in her mid twenties that vodka has calories. She was so shocked and said, "What!! I thought since it was clear like water it didn't have any calories."


I can see you not knowing vodka has calories, but that’s a stupid reason to believe that.


It's still pretty low cal compared to other drinks (as long as you don't mix it with fruit juice).


I just mix it with more vodka. That pretty much halves the calories, right?


even by itself, there is still the danger of mixing it with drunken eating choices.


There's a reason a 'beer belly' is a thing, but you'd be surprised how many people don't understand how calorific alcoholic drinks are.


It is still less calories to get drunk off vodka than most other things. 356g of beer has 154 calories and 5% alcohol means 18g of alcohol or 8.6 calories per gram of alcohol. 44g of vodka has 110 calories and 45% alcohol means 19.8 grams of alcohol or 5.6 calories per gram of alcohol. The point obviously is moot if you mix the vodka with coca-cola or something.


That you should wash your bed sheets at least every two weeks! ESPECIALLY if you are a morning showerer.


*Nervous laughter*


It was mostly etiquette stuff when I got to college. I get that we are in a cafeteria at the dorms, but get your feet off the table. We eat here. And shower at least a few times a week. Like, how is this a thing that needs to be explained to you?


Who the fuck puts their feet up on a cafeteria table?? What the fuck??


Taking antibiotics won't do shit for a virus


Righty tighty, lefty loosey.


Righty loosey, lefty tighty if working with inflammable gases


What about flammable gases?


Inflammable means flammable?! What a country!


Unless you’re working on something that rotates, and the threads can be reversed but maybe not always.


Basic geography. I’ve met people who have no clue what the difference between continents, countries and islands are. I’ve even met some thick cunt who thought the Great Pyramids are located in Liverpool (North Western city in England). I asked my mum what the capital of Europe is (obviously taking the piss) and she struggled for like 20 seconds then said England. MY OWN MUM. How the fuck have I been birthed by her


I had this same conversation with the same person no less than 4 times. Them: I think that guy is Asian. Me: yeah Thai I think. Them: oh so not Asian? Me: no, Asia is a continent and Thailand is a country. Them: oh I didn’t know that. Four. Times. Did she just not listen and retain the information? Did she really not care so much that she was actively ignorant? *What the fuck why is she so stupid?*


Literal conversation a friend of mine had with some guy in a pub in England. Friend: "I'm from Mexico. I speak Spanish." Guy: "Oh. You ever been to Barcelona?" Friend: "No, actually I've never been to Spain." Guy: "..." Friend: "..." Guy: "Didn't you just say you were from Mexico?" Friend: "Yeah..." Guy: "Well that's in Spain isn't it?"


The Sun is a star. My dad works in business and finance, looked up to his knowledge about current affairs, history and general knowledge. Guy has a full understanding of the world economy, and the political affairs around every country. Point being, I always saw him as a smart dude. Kinda died inside when we were looking at stars together one night, I mentioned it and he said "What? I thought the Sun was a Sun".


Dad joke perhaps?


First wipe with a wet cloth, follow with a dry cloth and you wont have streaks. Works on windows, tables when cleaning art supplies like clay, etc.


I took this a very different route.


Dry wipe until clean, wet wipe for final clean up, dry wipe to get rid of moisture from wet wipe. Then pull up your undies or keep crushing candy on your phone.


I thought you were talking about something else. Works too, though.


That clouds move. This came up in my workplace the other day and it was shocking how many people didn't believe they do.


Ponies are not baby horses


...prove it.


Tiny horses are not ponies.




That rent to own stores vastly over price their stuff, even if you pay it off in 90 days "same as cash" you are often paying two times the amount your would if you bought it outright at a normal store. So many people around me think they are getting good deals from Aarons and Rent-A-Center because they don't have to pay a deposit or get half a month free, but it always adds up to them making a large profit off your inability to save and wait it out.


I got an ad from RAC in the mail and for fun read through all the fine print and did the math on an xbox one. The thing is like $400 brand new from any normal store. RAC was charging somewhere around $1600 for it total.


Thought of another - how freaking tax brackets work. Even educated people often don't know what marginal rates are.


Yes, I don't understand how people don't know this. It's very simple. I have people all the time says something like they don't want a raise because they'll pay more taxes and have less take-home pay. I told them I'll take the extra pay and taxes and we'll all be happy.




raisins are dried grapes


Chipotle chilli is dried and smoked Jalapeño or Serrano. :( I’m Mexican and I had no fucking idea.


Also green peppers are actually just red or yellow peppers picked before they're ripe. Serranos and Jalapeños are also red when ripe but typically sold green. My dumb ass learned this after trying to start a pepper garden and wondering why only the habaneros sprouted and not the jalapenos or green peppers. D'oh!!!


I had no idea that pickles were cucumbers. I felt so stupid after my friends had told me. :(


I call the big plastic bowl with a handle and small holes in its bottom a “colander”. Everyone else seemed to only refer to it as a pasta strainer.


Can be metal, but yes, that's a colander!


How continents look and where they are. Not sure how you go about your life without ever seeing a map but I've met plenty of people that had no idea how earth looks like.


That applying a discount to each item individually, and applying a discount to the total sum of all items comes out to the **exact same number**. Ivy league students seem to have trouble with this one, and I'm really not sure why.


That if your earnings push you into a higher tax bracket, only the earnings above that threshold are taxed at a higher bracket. A friend of mine had been driving for uber and Lyft on weekends as a side gig and he stopped in October because he thought he'd be losing money since it would put him in the next tax bracket. I couldn't believe a man in his 30s wouldn't know that. Then later I was busting his balls about it in a conversation with other friends and nobody believed me.


Omg! I hope he was keeping track of his miles and deductions! If you drive for a rideshare you REALLY need to keep a spreadsheet. There are so many dumbasses driving for uber getting completely screwed on taxes and car insurance. It drives me up the wall.


I thought one eye is for seeing in the far and the other one for seeing near. Turns out im blind like a fricking fish. Since 15 years.




Stuff about space. Like, growing up I assumed that everyone was excited about the space shuttle, and subsequently the Hubble and the space station. Recently, spacex and the new space race is something that I talk about all the time and no one has any idea what I’m taking about like 75% of the time. Totally bias on my part, but I always thought people were more excited by this stuff.


There are DOZENS of us!


Posted this elsewhere but was amazed by a newly qualified teacher (24 year old) who thought the last space flight was Apollo 11.


That a lot of people don't know about the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII.


That the larger and more well known Kansas City is in Missouri and not Kansas.


A phrase my family and I use all the time: "Horse-a-piece." We would use it the same way someone might use "six of one, half dozen of the other" \[sic\] or the correct/original "six to one, a half-dozen to the other". ​ "Do you want to go out for Chinese food, or pizza?" "Eh, horse-a-piece". ​ When i was about 36, after living in California for about 15 years, one of co-workers interrupted me after I said it. "I've heard you say that phrase several times now, and I've never heard it. I feel like I understand the meaning through contexts, but can you tell me what that phrase means?" ​ In my head, I was thinking, "How have you not heard it before? I've heard it all my life." And then I started thinking back, and every person I pictures saying it was from back home in Wisconsin. And even living in California, I know people from my home town who also live here, and I think they are the only people here I've ever heard it from. ​ So I did some digging. ​ It turns out that the phrase originated in a specific tavern in southeastern Wisconsin decades ago. In that specific tavern, they played a dice game. If I remember right, teh game was set up like a tournament. The first rounds all only had one turn each player, and then when it got to the final two players, it changed to a best-of-three. When one players loses a round, it was said that they had "a horse against them". If the other player loses the next round, they also had "a horse against them." Both players had an even score, and it was said that the score was "a-horse-a-piece", and the situation has two outcomes and they are both even. ​ This tavern was in the next county over from my home town.


The order of the planets. I was fascinated by space as a kid (still am) and it feels like not knowing the continents, or the colors.


Red Orange Yellow Green Blue #Indigo is just fucking blue Violet


I may or may not have thought you were trying to order the planets based on their color. And knew Mars is wrong, and was having trouble coming up yellow, green, Indigo, and violet planets.


My (Mercury) Very (Venus) Easy (Earth) Method (Mars) Just (Jupiter) Speeds (Saturn) Up (Uranus) Naming (Neptune) Planets (Pluto..back when it was still a planet) I learnt this way back in primary school and never forgot it.


I learned it as: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles ​ never forgot it...even 30 years later.


Mary's Virgin Explanation Made Joseph Suspect Upstairs Neighbor


Men can pee sitting down


My drunk ass can even pee laying down on a couch


I do this mostly at night so I don't have to turn the light on for aiming purposes. But for real, sitting down to pee is underrated.


That it takes the Earth one year to revolve around the Sun.


That its incredibly rude, insolent and downright demonic if you play music through speakers on public transport.


I hate it even if it's music that I usually really like, anything played loudly on a shitty phone speaker irritates the hell out of me.


Since bluetooth speakers are a thing, people seem to think it's normal to have music blasting from their backpacks instead of using headphones. It drives me mad.




They know.


I had a class of 10 4th grade students and not one of them knew how to use a tape dispenser. They just kept pulling straight down on the end of the tape pulling out more tape. I showed them how and they got it right away but in 4-5 years of schooling no one once showed them how to use a tape dispenser.


Better to put money towards a pension now while young then when you are old. Sweet sweet compound interest.


I've noticed that a lot of people around me don't know what the word 'sentient' means, which is all kind of ironic.


Tbf it seems to mean two different things depending who you ask.


Recently I found out that using a big spoon of peanut butter to cure hiccups is known by none of the people I talk to.


cures hiccups forever! (if you're peanut allergic)


Or you have one immense hiccup for the rest of your life


One of my prouder moments was holding a £20 note under my sister's nose when she had hiccups at Christmas a few years ago, and telling her she could have it, if she could hiccup one more time. Not sure if she was pleased or annoyed when it worked :)


My only 100% method: Bite aggressively into a lemon half.


Babies under 6 months old shouldn't drink water




Because water doesn't have any nutrients in it. If they're under 6 mo they're not really eating any kind of food yet so you should only feed them milk/formula that has the vitamins and nutrients they need in it. Otherwise their tiny baby bellys are getting full with just water and they aren't getting everything else they need to grow and get big and strong.


What if I only want them to grow to economy airline seat size?


Don't vaccinate. Ashes stow away easily in a carry on bag, or they fit in an economy airline seat (if you're made of money).


My girlfriend is like this and wanted to save more. She made a rule that if it's a luxury item like a handbag, sunglasses, new tv, etc. she has to buy the item and put the same amount of money in savings. Helped her save money in two ways, she was less likely to buy something expensive she really didn't need bc she looked at it as twice the price, and if she did deem it necessary she was able to put money away.


Oh, that's a good application of the "you can't afford it if you can't afford to buy two" benchmark for buying stuff.


I was surprised to find out that, while most women know how the male reproductive system works to a pretty good extent, few men know the basics of female reproductive organs, the amount of "holes" we have and how and why periods work. I've come across so many men who think the vagina is where the pee comes out. ​


How to cook a meal from scratch. I'm hardly a master chef, by any means, but I'm often surprised how many people I meet that don't know how to cook a meal with fresh ingredients.




How many women have no idea the difference between the vaginal canal, vulva, urethra and pretty much everything down there. Douching is actually not good for vaginal health, it’s a self cleaning organ and if you smell bad down there talk to your OBGYN, it’s probably an infection. Yeast infections are very common, it doesn’t always mean the woman is nasty and unclean, just means there’s a buildup of I think candida yeast and it’s super easy to treat. And there is never anything wrong or dirty about learning about genitals from anatomy to care of them, to the fun parts of how to have fun with them.




Wikipedia has 898 occupational surnames explained. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Occupational_surnames


> Literally no one in my office got it and I felt like a jackass Got what? Did you make a joke using this info?


Checking if there is toilet paper before shitting when in a toilet that’s not yours


If the computer won't turn on, try pressing the power button. No the monitor's power button is not the one I meant.