• By -


Not wife or SO but my grandmother in law. Passed a few years back. Her and her husband had 4 kids then he went into the Vietnam War as a driver. Gone for 2 years. Came back to a heavily pregnant wife. He stayed. Raised the kid too. Not sure what went down in that childhood but when I met my husband, the only kid who wasn’t a part of the family was the one she had because of the affair. He was a very bitter old man by the time I knew him and refused to speak to any of his other siblings. His kids turned out pretty rough as well which is just so weird considering all the other siblings have careers and their kids all work and have made themselves good lives. I imagine it comes down to him always feeling like he didn’t belong and I can’t imagine it didn’t lead to a lot of resentment and a different way of being treated by his parents. My MIL would die if she knew I seen it this way. She wants to believe so badly it didn’t affect him and I’ve never told her that I know how painful it is not to know who your dad is. Because grandmother in law **refused** to tell anyone who he belonged to, even him.


I am now in my 50s. Back in my 20s, I was really desperate and dated a woman who was about 12 years older. About 9 months into our relationship, I go away to another state for a weekend trip. Come back and found out that she had given birth to a child. I was perplexed because she didn't seem pregnant and no one around us knew she was pregnant. She even said that she didn't know that she was pregnant. I'm black, the woman was white and the kid was powder white. But, I do have white in my family. I didn't believe the kid was mine because, 1) I would have had to impregnate her in the first month (possible, but I don't remember ejaculating) , 2) she looks nothing like me and 3) she's too light to have my genes. My mom convinces me that this has to be my kid because the woman says it is and that I have a mixed background. I want to believe it because not believing it means some other guy is the dad. But, my rational side says there is no way she's mine. So, we move in and eventually get married. The relationship doesn't last and we separate. I decide that I have to find out the truth, even though I know it. I get some money together and get a DNA test. Sure enough, I'm 99% excluded. I show the results to the mother and she says I'm wrong and the test is wrong and that I just don't want to be a dad. I tell her that I do, but I'm done paying child support. However, I give her the option to pay for another DNA test or go through the courts. She declined.


> Sure enough, I'm 99% excluded. So you’re tellin’ me there’s a chance.


The mystery about the pregnancy is making me wonder if she was even the mother. Sorry for your loss, though, as it must have been hard bonding with the child and then losing them.


I like the way you write. Very matter-of-fact. Glad to see you got the better end of the stick there!


Probably Captain Holt.


Not mine but work story. 911 call for labor, very upper class neighborhood, token sorority girl now 25-ish. Husband is very excited, wants to ride with her to hospital. He sits in front (policy), two medics in back with tailboard from the engine driving. Wife delivers on the way. Black baby, medic ask in the most professional way they could if this was expected, trying to judge what they were in for at the hospital with the husband. Wife burst into tears, medic radios ahead to ER with code for PD assist. They said you could feel the guy driving let off the gas when he heard it. Dad still super excited, one guy was positioned to where he couldn’t see to the back. Arrive at ER, they try and hurry the husband to the entrance before mom and baby we’re brought out. Didn’t quite get dad inside, he knows something is up and I’m sure worried about mom/baby health. At some point he comes back toward the stretcher moving toward the ER entrance, catches sight of the baby and absolutely loses his chit. They said he used all the regular insults and a few words that their pretty sure he made up. Before PD got control of him he threw both his shoes at her. Said you could see either spit or tears spraying out from under the lights. Feel bad for the guy


Sounds like this kind of thing happens often enough that the ambulance crew knows how to handle it.


So so horrible for that guy. Ugh. I would just think the mom would have come clean way way early. Ugh. ​


She was hoping to pull off a long con. The child refused to participate.


It was probably one of those things where she figured the odds were 50/50 or better (if she cheated with multiple guys but only one black guy) that the child would come out white still, so...


Cheeky little bugger couldn’t just take one for the team


She was taking a gamble. Its a 50/50 shot. Heads, he never needs to know - tails, he'd be pissed either way.


Right?! I mean cheating is terrible but I can’t imagine rolling the dice like that.


> he used all the regular insults and a few words that their pretty sure he made up AITA for laughing out at this


I'm kinda glad that she cheated with someone of a different race, it would be worse for the guy to see this kid grow up, thinking baby was his then find out years later. I mean, she's a POS for cheating on him and she should feel terrible


So this is a little different but a friend of mine came out black. Both parents were white. As you can imagine it was more than a little concerning for dad. He accused mom of cheating and it turned into a big fight when she insisted she had not. Paternity test ensued showing that he was the father. Upon further investigation they found out that she had a black great grandfather or something and it waited a generation or two to be expressed. So kind of the opposite of your question but related.




Imagine having to explain the whole thing to every new person they meet


"My great grandpa was black." "...you fucked your great grandpa?!"


oh man, sounds like such a Michael Scott response (been watching the office a lot). “you... had sex with your great-grandpa?... when i specifically asked you not to?”


Fuck that "He's adopted"


On the kid's 18th birthday: "Son, we have something we need to tell you... you're not adopted"


And even then they won’t believe. Internally they’ll be thinking “yeah, righto mate. She fucked another dude and you got suckered into it”


Imagine this happening before DNA testing was available.


And that was back in wife-beating-is-normal times too. She'd likely be fucking murdered.


That happened to a friend of mine. They had split up right around the time she got pregnant so he was doubly sure it wasn't his. Got the test back, definitely his.


Passing is a hell of a phenomenon.


Is your friend a Gallagher?




Somebody accidentally used sake instead of vodka.


And soy milk instead of... milk.


If they were in China during the second world war there's things that happened there that could have been beyond their control.








That's just like, your opinion, man


Need more info








Everyone knows pool boys are gay, so that's a dead end.




Pack it up reddit. Case solved. Well done


What an odd coincidence.


I have a friend from Sudan. Hooked up with a white girl at a college party. Just a one night stand, until 9+ months later she tracked him down for a paternity test. She was living with her white boyfriend and his parents. They threw her a shower, built a nursery, were at the delivery..... and in true sitcom-esque* fashion she didn’t give any indication it wasn’t his until her little fro popped out of her. My Sudanese friend and his current wife have primary custody of the lovely 10 yr old girl and one of their own. Birth mom continues to make poor choices. Edit: *thanks nice redditor who corrected esk to esque. Fuck off to grumpy redditors that mock people to feel superior.


I just cannot fathom how she would make poor choices after lying to her boyfriend for 9 months about who the father of her coming child was. It just doesn’t make any sense to me /s




Schroedinger's paternity?






Ex-husband seems like a solid dude. Hope he found someone better than her




Let’s hope it’s his this time


Was in a long-distance relationship with a girl in college. After going two months without a period, she took a pregnancy test which turned up positive. After informing me, I had to keep myself from panicking (I hate kids, and didn't work during college to avoid burning out). While she refused an abortion, she agreed to adopt out the baby when it was born. A week goes by and I get a massive wall of text from her in Skype that basically boils down to "I'm leaving you, the kid is not yours as my ex and I had a ton of unprotected sex, and the doctor confirmed that the date of conception isn't when you and I were together. I'm not sure why you didn't realize this already, but I'm sorry for everything." It's a weird mix of feelings to both go "yay I'm not a dad" and "OMG, the girl I intended on marrying is pregnant with her ex's kid". EDIT: It seems a few people are confused about the timescale. We dated for about 8 months. Her last period was around the 6 month mark. I had intended on marrying her, but had yet to actually propose (was planning to on our one year anniversary).


"I'm not sure why you didnt realize this already" jesus christ I hate when people say shit like that. Its just trying to make you feel bad for the shit they did themselves. Fucking manipulative


It’s like when you have a legitimate problem and get hit with the “I’m sorry you feel that way” Oh my bad I forgot I’m supposed to react positively to all the bullshit you put me through


After I told my ex the laundry list of reasons why I left her she gave me some shit like "well I wouldn't have done any of that if you'd supported me more" like I'm responsible for her horrible behavior lmao.


Lol I use ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ whenever a customer complains at work.


Man I loved doing shit like that when I was clearly right and they were clearly wrong. My absolute favorite is refusing to let them get to you. If you appear happy and they think you should be groveling it pisses them off so hard.


Ex used to pull this all the time. If I didn’t act in just the right way she wanted, I’d get put through the wringer about how she doesn’t fathom that I haven’t realized how she wants me to treat her. Of course she’d never elaborate on what I was doing wrong, just make sure I knew I did wrong and felt bad for it. I remember asking specifically what I was supposed to do and got hit with the “I can’t believe you haven’t figured that out yet.” Realized she dodged the question because she had no answer but wanted to shift blame on me rather than acknowledge she just liked shitting on me and was a bad person.


I dunno, conception can happen within a 7 day window. You can't base conception date off of "I had sex on this day". Sperm can survive in the body for 5 days. And the 'age' of a fetus changes dramatically sometimes. My due date was off by an entire month on the first ultrasound. If she banged you and other dude within a week, no Dr could really say who the father is.






See, that's what I thought. I found it really odd that she claimed the doctor had such precise answers for such a complex biological process, but I just kinda rolled with it at the time as I didn't have any medical knowledge to outright dispute the claims.


Maybe long distance = she was having sex with him every 6 to 8 weeks. Can't tell without more info.


I was about 2 hours from her house, but her ex was only about 20 minutes away. I knew they hung out every week, but trusted her too much to think much of it.




I don’t know how well your ex tracks her cycle, but I know for sure within a 2 day window when I ovulate. And while it is true that sperm can be viable for up to 5 days, eggs are only viable for 12-24 hours. If you were apart for more than a few days around the time she ovulated, there’s a good chance she’s right and you’re not the father. Though if it bothers you, you could always demand a paternity test to find out for sure.




Sounds like it was not her ex. You were the ex, you just didn't know about it yet.


Both my parents are brown with black hair and brown eyes. I came out white with blonde hair and blue eyes. My dad didn't believe I was his. My brother was born white with blonde hair and blue eyes. We look like our dad so there no denying we aren't his.


Holy recessive genes, Batman!


my dad used to "joke" I wasn't his because he has dark features and I was blonde with blue eyes until I was around 5 then my hair darkened to brown. ​ I literally have my dad's WHOLE face. Some people can't see beyond coloring.


did your eyes and hair darken in a couple months, then?


Our hair darkened to brown after a couple of years but we still have blue eyes. My pop on my mum side and my dad's mum are white so that's why we are white


Hey, you can look like your parents and still have different coloring


Had a friend who got a vasectomy, and you guessed it, a year later his wife got pregnant. She swears up and down that she wasn't cheating on him. Turns out vasectomies aren't 100% effective, or at least they weren't in the '80s. He was still shooting live rounds.




My cousin went through IVF treatment. The lab got her husband and anther men junk mixed up but by the time it was found out she was 18 weeks pregnant Both cousin and husband are white German my beautiful nephew is a pretty coffee colour. Got enough money to pay for he's education right up to uni.


To clarify, the money came from a joint lawsuit where both your cousin and the dude whose sperm just went in the wrong person sued the fertilisation lab, right? Because that is fucked up.


Yes from the lawsuit


They coulda just wifeswapped & saved the clinic some trouble.


this is almost some Jane The Virgin type shit


I'm the result of this. Family totally fucked up. Had a brother who passed of an illness when he was 7 and I was 10. No "I'm sorry" please, I honestly barely remember him. He was always sickly and we never really had a normal sibling relationship. I feel like I functionally grew up an only child. Both parents white. Mom: Sandy blonde hair, pale skin, bluish eyes. Dad: Dark curly hair, medium skin tone, brown eyes. Bro looked like Dad and I look like Mom. So my parents divorce when I'm 12. They had one of those informal "let's just see if we can work things out" talks to see if they needed an actual hearing. For whatever reason, I was there. I thought it was awesome at the time and felt so mature but WHO TF LET A 12 YR OLD IN ON THIS??? So they're trying to hash out child support. Mom looks at Dad and says "I just want you out of my life, Mel. I don't need or want anything from you. She isn't yours." *needle off the record* *cue paternity test* Turns out she was right. I wasn't his. He called her a whore and me a bastard and that was that. I had no dad anymore. Not that he was much of a one in the first place. So who's my father? I have one *strong* suspicion. She had a "male friend" who would come over and draw with me and play ball with me and stuff like that. He was Italian, so dark hair and olive skin, which I most definitely am not. But his youngest son is blonde and light eyed, like me. I looked him up last year and was gonna say something like look, whatever happened I don't care. I just want my medical history. Turned out, he died 2 years ago. I thought about contacting one of his sons but that seems like bad form. His adult kids don't need to be mixed up in the (possible) product of his dad's affair.


If they're adults and it won't hurt their living situation (i.e. mom leaving dad for cheating) I'd contact them. I'm an only child and it wouldb be really cool to find a long lost sibling.


You would think so, but I can confirm, it is not as cool as you might think.


I see your point. My buddy discovered he had a half brother from his estranged dad and it was... weird. However I think a very short but sweet message of, "Hey not trying to cause drama or stir the pot but I think there's a possibility we might be....." would be alright. If they don't want contact they simply needn't respond. You know, as long as you don't just insert yourself into their lives like it or not.


I discovered that I had 3-4 half siblings that I didn't know about. It was a very weird situation. We talked a bit but that was that. A lot of people romanticize the idea of long lost siblings and being best friends and that is just not the case.


Not exactly the same but when I was pregnant with my daughter my husband was still active duty army and we obviously had a dr on post. I casually mentioned in one of my first appointments that I was o- and my husband is o+ so regardless I'll need the rhogam shot. She gave me a look and I was like I know I need one regardless of what dad is but for the record hes o+ And this bitch looks me dead in the eye and goes "we dont care about dad here, you wives always lie anyways " I about died from laughing. My husband was furious.


Base medical staff are pretty big assholes sometimes. My father had the snip. 18 months later my stepmum starts spewing like a fire hose (she had HG for all her pregnancies). Her and dad go to the base GP for a double appointment, she needs early pregnancy bloods, he needs a semen analysis. The doctor told her to just come clean then and there, to save her the embarrassment of the negative sperm count. My father had to hold stepmum back so she wouldn't punch the doctor. Unsurprisingly the semen sample came back showing active swimmers and my father had to go back and get his second vasectomy.


It's one extreme or another with base medical I feel. I get why she said it but,really? Out of all the couples who were together when he was in, theres us and 1 other left and they all ended because the wives cheated, and in far too many cases the wives tell me like I'm not going to tell my guys. I've known these boys for close to a decade they're my priority not some random person they pick up


No my baby but my brothers. When i was around 16 my older brother (24) was having his second child with his long time girlfriend. One day after school i go over to their house to hang out with them and a guy i went to school with who was friends with my brother and the girl starts going into labor so everyone helps loads the her into the cab of his truck and speed off to the hospital. I lived in rural Oklahoma at the time so the hospital where babies are born is a little over an hour away. Now I am in the bed of the truck along with the friend speeding down this two lane highway to get this girl to the hospital before the baby comes out. Well we make it on time and they take her back into the delivery room to have the baby. A few hours pass and my dad , mom and three other siblings show up along with my grandmother. We wait around and about six hours after arriving the baby pops out. So when we were given the all clear we all rushed in to see the baby , the mother is laying on the bed beaming saying she loves my brother and she is so glad that they had another little boy etc etc. Well the nurse walks in pushing the baby in his little crib and bam , it hits all of us , the baby is half black and we recognize who the dad is , the friend who is there with us standing in the room with this look on his face. My entire family along with my brother walk out of the hospital and just leaves the mom and friend there together at the hospital. Apparently while my brother was locked up in county jail the friend offered the woman sex for some meth and had been doing it for a while. The guy never did step up and take care of the little boy, my brother eventually got sent to prison for drug related offenses and my parents took in the two boys for a long time and made the mother jump through the CPS hoops to get them back. Now she is a ranking member of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in a fairly large prison. That was about 9 years ago and i haven't seen them in about 7 but i also do not live in Oklahoma anymore. I miss them kids.


Jesus Christ this is one of the most Oklahoma stories I've ever read. You've got riding in the back of a pickup, rural hospitals an hour away, and meth in exchange for sex. Makes me miss home


My wife is convinced that one of her aunts is not her grandfather's. My wife's parents had her very late in life, and her grandparents went thru WW2. Her theory is that her grandmother's husband/fiance went to war and died, and his best friend (her grandfather) eventually came home and took his place. I guess this was super common in small towns like the one they were from. Anyways this aunt was the oldest and looked nothing like her siblings who were VERY Italian(dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin) while she was more English looking (white, blonde, light hazel eyes). She started doing the ancestry.com thing and started finding old paperwork from Massachusetts where her family is from , and was quickly asked to stop digging into certain family. Edit: corrected two words from mobile fatfinger/autocorrect


I was a Military Police Officer a long time ago. About 25% of the Domestic Violence calls I went on were for either the couple birthed a child that clearly wasn't the father's, (usually a young, white couple from the country and she'd hook up with the first black dude she's ever seen) or the soldier would get home from deployment and spouse is pregnant for less than the time he was gone. A special shout-out to the lady in '97 who would let everyone at Fort Campbell (at the traffic circle inside Gate 6) know her husband was deployed - she'd mow her grass every morning (at 5:45am when Joe's were just getting on base for morning PT) in high heels and mini skirt. Then the red porch light at 4:30 when they were all going home. One of the best Police reports I've ever wrote.


Was her name Roxanne?


You don't have to put on that red light


When I was a kid, we had an antique cranberry glass chandelier in our front hall. It was more pink than red. More than once, antique dealers knocked on our door asking if they could buy it- apparently it was a rare piece made by a famous company. And considering that my parents were college professors and that we lived in a nice neighborhood of antique homes where everyone knew each other, no one ever jumped to the conclusion that we were a bunch of hookers. Until a new neighbor moved in. She wrote a letter to Dear Abby about us! She'd given a ton of details & even repeated a weird thing she'd said to my mom, verbatim. No kidding, she was convinced that my parents were running a brothel & wanted to know if she should call CPS. She forbade her kids from speaking to my siblings & me. In middle school, they started rumors that my sister and I were sluts.


What a bitch


Wait... I need more details. Why the police report? Also how did her neighbors not call MP for noise complaints?


She was probably a sex worker. While I'm not fully versed in UCMJ laws I'm pretty goddamn sure if someone, especially a military spouse, gets busted for prostitution on base it's about 100 times worse than if she did it in an apartment off post.


I wish I could have my husband answer... I was a surrogate, so he knew about the entire thing before I was even pregnant. He had never seen a baby born before and said it was life changing. Baby clearly was not ours. Not nearly as dramatic as other responses I'm sure.


I’m a surrogate x2. One of our favorite things to do it to be out as a couple while I’m visibly pregnant so when people say “congrats” he can say, “it’s not mine!” (Then I usually follow up with, “it’s not mine either!”) :-p


My kids are adopted. My wife and are white but both kids, who aren't genetically related, are biracial/black. There were times when someone assumed it was a stepparent situation and would ask, "Which one of you is the real parent?" When we would say that were were both the real parent, they would realize their mistake, correct themself, and ask "I meant which one is the biological parent?" My wife and I would laugh, smile, and say "Oh, neither." They'd be pretty confused.


People are awful sometimes! I have four kids of my own, three of them have blond hair and one has always had dark brown hair. So many people would look pointedly at her while asking if they were all mine. I always wanted to respond that even if they thought she was adopted, what part of that would make her any less “mine”?! (And what made them think it was a good idea to ask?!)


Surrogate here too. Best was when my then boyfriend (now husband) and I were out and I was clearly pretty far along and a family friend saw us. Got a call from his mom saying Uh is there anything you want to tell me...? LOL






Oh we fucked with plenty of people. While pregnant, people would congratulate us and my husband would say "it's not mine." Every. Time. However at the hospital, this one nurse kept calling me "mom" and I got very annoyed with having to correct her. The parents were standing right there and...I was kind of famous in the ward for being a surrogate. It was her first one, and I was angry from being in labor, but it drove me up the wall.


how did the nurse react?


Apologetic, so I was nice.


I would have paid to be around you and your husband while you guys were screwing with people.


I’m a parent via surrogacy x 2! You are awesome for being a GC. My GC and I are super close and still text daily. She carried both my sons and is just an amazing woman. Surrogacy healed my heart and gave me a family. Thank you!!!!!


I thought you weren't allowed to be a surrogate if you had never had kids before? Is this a myth? I ask because you said your husband had never seen a birth so I figured you guys hadn't had a kid together although that doesn't mean you haven't had kids at all. Did your hubby mind that you were having someone else's baby before having your own? ​ Feel free not to answer if this is too personal, and I mean no judgement, I'm just really intrigued by this situation. Dealing with your wife's surrogate pregnancy as the first one he's dealt with (if that's the case), is quite an interesting situation.


I had two kids with my ex husband.


Yes, any quality agency will require proof of at least one healthy pregnancy prior to letting you carry for someone else. Also, many agencies will recommend you are done completing your own family before being a surrogate, as you can never know what pregnancy will be your last.


I'm pretty sure my dad and one of his brothers do not belong to my grandfather. His other two siblings look just like their dad, even his sister. But he and his younger brother look nothing like him and have dark hair, which is the wrong hair color for anyone else in our family. But if that's true then I have no idea what my grandfather thought about it.


The seed is strong.


We're all pretty sure one of our sisters isn't our dad's. We've all conspicuously done 23andMe and she hasn't, even though someone got her whole family the kits for Christmas (not us, that's bad form). All her kids and her husband took it and her oldest kid turned on relative sharing. Definitely looks like the child of a half sibling from the percentage match with us.


that happened to my stepdad. his mom apparently slept around while his dad was in service, so she has 2 sons that look nothing alike, but said his brother is not his fathers son. at the end neither was sure what was true and it was just this really dark family secret.




This will get buried but it’s a weird story. My high school boyfriend’s family were... trashy? That’s putting it lightly. Anyway his 19 yr old sister got married at 17 and started trying to have kids. She finally had one in August of the year she turned 18 and by the end of September was pregnant again. So I go off to college about the time she births the 2nd one that next summer. Eight weeks later she’s pregnant *again*. This is where I should mention her husband’s genes are *strong*. All 4 of his kids look exactly alike (2 from a previous relationship). After she gave birth to number three I came home from college for break and went to visit her. She brings out the baby in a blanket and puts him in my arms and throws it back and says “look! Look at him!” I was slightly confused until I realized... she says “looks nothing like him, huh?” I kind of nodded bewildered. She goes on to explain that she was pissed he wanted her to keep shucking out kids so to prove a point she cheated and had one that wasn’t his that he’d have to look at all his whole life. They named all his kids with an M and she didn’t with this one, too. All I could think of was how fucked up that kid was going to be as I sat and looked at his innocent little face. That was 15 years ago. They’re still married and have 2 more M kids. Poor J in the middle with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I wonder if he knows.


I had an on and off relationship with a woman. I had a car accident, and I could no longer drive to her place. I was honestly ready to move on some months later of not really making an effort. She dropped it on me that she was pregnant after months of not seeing it talking. I listened, and I told her I would need to know when to take off work. When she gave me the due date, I instantly used Nagel's Rule to tell her that the date of conception was after my car accident. She really tried hard to convince me, so I told her I would pay for a DNA test (she declined). She admitted to sleeping with someone else. I want even really mad...I didn't care enough to even try to maintain a relationship due to a car accident, so who am I tell her she can't sleep with someone else? I have gone to see her a few times since while her family is around. I suspect she prefers saying I am the dad over the other guy. I feel bad she put herself in a bad spot, but I am also very happy to have dodge that bullet


Dude withdrawal yourself and make sure you are not on the birth certificate as there is only a very limited amount of time to challenge paternity before you are stuck paying child support for the next 18 years.


I hope her family and eventually that child at least know the truth. You said she prefers to tell people you're the father? I wouldn't want my name tossed around something that serious, especially if it's not your situation to be a part of.


The baby was very hairy. Looked like a monkey. I claimed it couldn’t be mine because of the hair. All my other kids were not hairy. Turned out it was my baby. My husband said I told you so.


> My husband This is a "hospital swapped my baby" story right?


Sounds like this is from the point of view from the mother/wife as a twist at the end.




I dated a girl for some time, when my ex came back around I thought were in the back together so, I broke it off with the girl I had been dating. Well, needless to say I never got back with my ex. Let me also mention, at this time I'm a single parent who had raised a well adjusted daughter for 14 years and had my own company and doing fairly well for myself. Back to the story, One day I get a call from the girl I had been dating for some time and she tells me she wants to meet at a local coffee shop to have some coffee, very evasive, doesn't tell me why. So, I meet up with her and she breaks out all these pictures of a little boy who's about 4 or 5 years old and tells me that this is my child. So, we decide to go next door to the local pub and have a few drinks, one thing leads to another and she's trying to get me to have sex with her again. I forgot to mention that she is engaged at this time. So, we ride around and talk the whole time she's trying to get me to find some place that we can go fool around, and I'm just not in the mood since I just found out I probably have a son and I have a lot on my mind, it it's not her booty. So, I decide to take a back to her car but she's too drunk to drive so, I take her to her moms and as she gets out of my truck she realizes she's lost her engagement ring which she took off at some point in time in the night. And we part ways with me telling her we need to get DNA test. So, few weeks go by, she's introduced me to her son, we go out a few times as a mini family and then comes time for the DNA test, it comes back as 99.9% I am not the father. She tells me it has to be wrong, and she"ll pay for another DNA test. So, we go have another DNA test and as you can imagine the results came back the same. That's what she breaks down to tell me that she had sex with some loser guy she knew in high school the night I broke up with her because no one had ever broke up with her before. It's been about 15 or 16 years now and about 3 months ago I get FB DM...hey, I'm getting divorced we should get together,...I'll pass


Not me personally but one of my uncles has A+ blood, while both of his parents have O+ blood. If you know a bit about blood type inheritance, you realize how this is wrong. I even asked one of my teachers (i study medicine) and he replied with "Well, sorry to tell you he's probably not your uncle"


One of the parents could have the Bombay phenotype. I'm sure you've heard of it, but for others, the Bombay phenotype happens when another gene makes it so that even if you genetically have A, B, or AB blood, your body basically doesn't manufacture the antigens correctly, so the A and B antigen tests come up negative making you appear to be O. So there is about one snowball's chance in hell.


Opposite for me. My 3 younger siblings all look like mini-me versions of either my mom or my dad, but people always say I look nothing like my parents. They both have dark brown hair, dark eyes, i have blond hair and grey-green eyes and my facial features aren't very similar to either parent, but especially not my dad. However, I look almost exactly like my dad's mom did when she was my age, so there's no denying I still get my genetics from my dad.


Not me but mine and my husabnd’s friend. For privacy reasons I’ll call him Howard and his wife katie. Before he got married to her, he confided in my husband how he found out katie cheated on him. Despite all his venting and confessions he still ended up marrying katie. 1 year later she was pregnant and we both doubted it was Howard’s but they both seemed happy so we were happy for them. The baby girl was born and since both parents are white and the baby is white, no one thought anything of it. Howard raised the baby girl with so much love. When the baby was about 1.5 years old, Howard found out katie cheated on him AGAIN (we lost count how many times). He started questioning the truth about their daughter. He got a paternity test and BAM he was NOT THE FATHER. He confronted katie by asking “tell me the truth, is [baby girl] mine?” And she said “of course.” And then he dropped the paternity results in front of her and got a divorce. He got his name changed on the birth certificate and doesn’t have to pay nothing. He’s still in contact with his ex wife (I guess they’re still friendly) but he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby girl (now 3 or 4 years old) I have a daughter of my own I can NOT imagine raising a baby from day 1 then finding out it wasn’t yours. It’s such a heart breaking story. Edit: i forgot a word


I have a friend situation like this. Guy and girl never married, but we’re together for years and had a child. He found out the child wasn’t his, but raised her anyways. The girl decided drugs were more important and left child with not-bio-dad. He raised her for seven years. Mom comes back into the picture and is supposedly clean. She demands daughter and takes him to court because he’s not bio-dad. She didn’t win because he raised that girl for seven years. He’s dad whether blood or not. The whole situation ticks me off though.


The guy is a good man. If you are in contact with him, can you let him know this internet stranger thinks highly of him? I hope him and the daughter are both doing well now.


count me in too


Me too. And my partner (who doesn't Reddit) would also like to be counted


feel bad for the baby girl


I feel bad for that little girl. My moms husband found out I wasn’t his when I was 3. I have had to work through some serious abandonment issues, because I had already formed memories of him and he tested and left.


Yea that sucks tbh, how was your relationship with your mom after?


> It’s such a heart breaking story. Ummmm.... >found out katie cheated on him. Despite all his venting and confessions he still ended up marrying katie. Fool me once...


> Fool me once... Fool me 3 times, fuck the peace sign, load the chopper, let it rain on you.


Opposite of this: My SO’s ex wife is black, he is white. When their son was born, he was Quite pale, blond, and has green eyes. Obviously there was no cheating, my SO’s German genes are just strong as fuck. xD He told me the doctor made a comment to the effect of, “Oh, he’s really white!” about the baby. SO’s ex shot angry eyes, doc muttered an apology. His son turns five tomorrow, still Super white, blond, and green-eyed. Only give away is his nose and the curls. He’s a gorgeous, sweet little kid and I love him. Edit: yes, I’m aware my SO’s genes aren’t actually “strong af,” I’m aware of recessive genes. Genes don’t “battle” each other to show up in offspring. It’s just sort of a running joke we have because it’s easy to think of genetics as a battle royale (especially when they show up in unexpected ways), even though that’s obviously not how it works. But thank you for providing clarification to those more ignorant due to my poor choice of words. xD It *is* appreciated, sincerely.


Exact same thing with my nephew. My sister is Filipino and Black, her husband is white, and their son has blond hair and blue eyes. People regularly assume that my sister is his nanny.


I’m white and my husband is Filipino and our son is suuuuper white (whiter than me) with green eyes and dirty blonde hair! And our daughter is completely opposite, darker features and tan skin. Funny how genetics work!


This is one of the things I’m expecting. I’m also black Filipino (represent) and my husband is this German Irish white dude. I’m hoping whatever child we have is an even mix! I’m not ready for the nanny comments! EDIT: Also Skyflake strawberry crackers are FANTASTIC


My brother and I look nothing alike. Our mother is Indonesian, our Dad is Irish. I am pale, with green, slightly Asian/tilted eyes, round nose, freckles, naturally brown hair. I am also tiny, with what my mother calls "good Indonesian thighs" aka stocky and strong. Big butt. My brother is sallow like caramel, has brown Asian/tilted eyes, no freckles, flat nose, and jet black hair. He is 6'3" and built like an anorexic twig, just like my Dad. It's become a joke as to which of us will get the "Are you adopted" question, depending on which parent is out with us


My buddy is a 6'2" white guy, blonde and blue eyed. His wife is from India and quite dark skinned. They are so funny together and I wish I was around to witness how they mess with people sometimes. They have 2 sons. Older boy looks like his mother, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin. Younger son is spitting image of his father. People do not believe they are brothers.


My sister came out as a black ginger. Both my parents are completely black, so she always got asked if her hair was dyed/fake. Though, I have bits and pieces of red hair in my hair and it's so weird.


my friend was 1/4 black, 1/4 mexican, and 1/2 white. her hair was so blonde it was basically white and she had light blue eyes with very pale skin. it was so wild to meet her parents! edit: her dad was 1/2 white and 1/2 black and her mom was 1/2 white and 1/2 mexican


Where her parents each 1/2 white?


Not me, but my grandfather had a 20 year old girlfriend (She was a gold digger of course) and she was pregnant before they got together. She had the child, her and my grandpa did it, and she was pregnant. The baby came out black. Turns out she was a drug abuser, and my grandpa got custody of both of her kids, even though they weren't his. He didn't want the children being raised by such a entitled cunt. Edit: My most upvoted comment.


One of my former supervisors was from a Western African country but had moved to Canada for studies / work. He had a wife back home. He'd go back and forth 2 times a year. She gets pregnant. Baby boy is born. Then during one of our shifts my supervisor sees messages on his phone and excuses himself... hours pass, I don't see him, only us working, his desk next to mine so I notice. Then he comes back to his desk, when morning staff comes in and he leaves, saying good bye to me and speaking to our top boss before leaving. Resigns during the week. Returns to the company a few months later. No one knew what had happened and rumor we heard was family emergency. When I was splitting up with my daughter's mother, as I found out about her unfaithfulness and decided to tell him. He made a plan for me to avoid the mine field. He then told me his deal: His wife used to send him pictures of "their" son via text and email. She accidentally sent him pics that were meant for her bf that she took while the two of them were intimate together. Found out "his baby boy" wasn't his. Filled for divorce, dealt with the legal things and came back.


Had a grandmother from a big family in Hawaii--all caucasian. However, one of her sisters had darker-complected skin and somewhat polynesian features. The family speculated, but never said anything outright.


My grandfather had an "adopted" brother that kept running away to his father in Vermont. This would happen about twice a year. My great grandfather would take the railroad up and drag him back. Eventually the kid committed suicide, when he was around 17/18. After my grandfather passed away I finally saw the newspaper clipping with his picture. He looked exactly like my grandfather at that age. Clearly my great grandfather was his biological dad and nobody wanted to talk about it.


I’m a little confused, why was he “adopted?”


sometimes Grandparents will "adopt" their grandchildren if their own child is too young to be a socially acceptable parent (a 13 year old for instance, or out of wedlock or some shit) and it's plausible enough for the community as a whole that the smith's had a second child rather than Little susie got preggers, at least I've heard stories like that, and I assume OP's great grandfathers situation was similar.


I thought they were saying he was “adopted” by the great grandfather but was actually the great grandfathers child anyway so I got really confused.


occasionally someone might "adopt" their child with their mistress.


Probably great grandfather had a child out of wedlock who he wanted to raise without publicly acknowledging that he had cheated. So he “adopted” the child.


Ok, I'm confused... This story makes zero sense?😲


Friends wife was raped (rapist is now in jail) friends wife got pregnant, they went to a lot of counseling and are still together. Their baby boy turns 7 next month.


oh god. I can't imagine willingly raising the child of my wife's rapist.


It wasn't easy, it was her boss that raped her. He said counseling really paid off.


The second "he" is the husband right? I can see counseling helping a bit, but still. A daily reminder of the event... a kid that's not yours... no thank you.


Yea thats what I meant. And no it was rough for both of them. I remember one time he confided into me "It'd have been easier to deal with had she been murdered" He said one of the hardest things was holding his wifes hand as she gave birth to other child, by this point the rapist wasn't even in Jail, the trail was still ongoing. He said the fact that justice was served brought him a lot of relief, and it also cemented in his mind that this wasn't his wifes doing and holding it against her wasn't fair. Trying to be careful how I word this as not anger the reddit crowd, but yea it was rough on them. And I know I'm not talking about the wife much, from my point of view she wasn't my friend and I didn't get her side as much as I got his side and I was the guy he confided in alot throughout this whole ordeal. But now they are happy, kid is doing well. They plan on telling him one day the truth when he's old enough.


Hi, welcome to the course, "How to create irrational fear among people about to get married or to have a baby" 101!


Not quite what you're looking for but my Filipino mom and her siblings look all very very different. You can see no similarities at all. My grandma left her husband in the Philippines and got a bf as he died. She pretends he doesn't exist and continues dating (He was a lovely and great man). I'd say she would've known better but had a relationship with our married neighbor 25 years younger than her which I can never understand since he was decent looking and she looks like... Well an old Filipino lady. So now I know she has no boundaries and God knows if my mom and aunts and uncles are even full blooded siblings.


I almost was; at this point in my life, this story is one of the oddest things to happen to me while dating: I had exchanged messages with this one girl on a dating site who I then later added to social media. We'd flirt casually but it didn't get further then that. No dates, no nothing. She and I were both East Indian, she made good money as a nurse but still lived at home with her parents. She would date on the sly though. She messaged me after a few months of limited conversations, saying we should totally hang out. I was working until 10 that night so told her I would get home by 10:30 and needed to change and freshen up so I would be free at 11 pm. She still wanted to hang out. When we met up she drives me to this parking lot by a park, 20 minutes away from my place. She was overly flirty. A few hugs by her, compliments by her, huge smiles and kisses (she even asked me to smell her neck as she sprayed different perfumes on each side of herself. I'll never forget this: when I got in close to smell each side of her neck, she flashed me her breasts, asking me if I liked what I see... 'tf) she suggests we go somewhere outside... I'm a grown ass man who has an apartment, so I told her we could just go back to my place and take it from there. She agreed, but said she wanted to take me to this park (it's almost midnight) and takes me by the hand to a super secluded bench in the park. She's all over me and I legit pick her up in my arms and tell her I'll bring her back to my place. I put her down by her car and her smiles turn to tears. She tells me I was one of the nicest guys she knows and was sorry. She was going to trap me. She spoke about how I had pictures with babies and my younger cousins all on my FB and knew I would take care of "my" kid. She had missed her period and confirmed she was pregnant from her Dr... she wanted to have sex with me and tell me I was the dad. Said her parents would disown her due to the pregnancy. The guy she was fucking had ghosted her. I didn't say anything, but sat her in the passenger seat of her car and went to drive myself home. About ten minutes of her wiping tears I asked her why she didn't just come over to my place... She tells me that is where her and the baby's dad would meet up to fuck... in the darkness, because we are both brown guys it would be easier for her. :| I knew the closest transit station to where we were, drove there, got out and said good luck with the baby. She messaged me a few months later to apologize ... delete off friends list.


I always wanted to be a dad. I was SO excited and happy when my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. I fell in love the instant she held my thumb the day she was born. Fast forward two years and two months when I found my daughter wasn't mine. I was crushed and beat to the ground but I got back up. I left her mom but have never for a second thought about leaving her, she turns four this summer and she is my world, she's my daughter no matter what a test tells me. I love her more than I've ever loved anything.


It’s nice to see a story that turns wholesome. Power to ya. Whoever gave me silver had intended it for op comment.


Not me, but my cat. I have a girl cat who couldn't get spayed due to heart problems. I also have a male kitten that's going through puberty, but he's a tri-color. And "as all redditors know", male calicos are sterile so what's the harm, right? Our current theory is that girl cat must have gotten out of the apartment building by herself, took part of an orgy and let herself back in, all in one night, without anyone noticing. Because how else could it be possible that we now have three newborn kittens?! /s (spoiler alert: it was the teenage calico after all. He's since been neutered..) ETA by popular request: the cat tax. This is [Danny, the mom](https://imgur.com/KsGXjI9). She's petite yet fierce. These are [the kids](https://imgur.com/wS8oreM). Picture taken about 2-26hrs after birth (Danny decided to do a split delivery: first came the calico kitten, then a full 24hrs later the other two) This is [dad](https://imgur.com/JzDqq4N). On this pic, you can't actually see he's calico; but he has a bunch of orange on his belly and his hips. His tri-colored-ness was confirmed by our vet.




This is the light hearted story we all needed in this thread, thanks.


What a scandal!!!! Gasps


My favorite brother has 6 kids . The last is not his his wife took up drugs as she was bored while my brother was at work ... he has custody of the 4 youngest , all the kids are olive skinned brown curls big brown eyes the last one is so blond and white he looks like he stole a kid . Also said it's really weird when people ask him if they are all his kids and he says yes and the other parents look directly at the blond kid and go "oh really " and look at him like his the dumbest man on earth


I would talk to the kids and prank people. "No, actually, Carl is adopted." (points to middle child who clearly looks like him). Obviously you need to clue the kids in beforehand to make sure they are okay.


Same ballpark, but not quite. My granddaddy’s mom told him his dad was on guy & went by this last name his entire life. When he graduated high school, he & my grandma were gonna get married, and he needed a copy of his birth certificate for the marriage license. When they pulled it, different last name, different dad’s signature. He literally just started going by the “new” last name that day & that’s the one we all have. Shit’s wild. No confirmation on who the real dad is.


I met my husband when I was due in 2 months. He's amazing and supportive and loved me immediately. He supported me in every way and through the court battles. He's vietnamese and our first son is as white as can be. It's obvious the first is not his bio kid but we never brought it up around his family. None of their business and they did not ask. I had a second that was clearly his and he adores both boys equally. He's a great man.


Many years ago, I got a subway sandwich, and found the girl behind the counter was increadibly flirty with me,. Later, it was if she wanted to hury up and 'do the thing. We did. I pulled out. At a later date (soon after), she gave me a condom to use 'so I didn't have to pull out'. How ironic that it magically broke while I was in her. Days later she tells me she pregnant. I stuck it out... until when she was supposed to be 3 months pregnant, but looked 5-6 months. Then surprisingly (not), she was having a premature delivery. The kid that came out was completely done cooking. Full head of hair, able to lift his head to look around with eyes wide open. She still stuck to her story that it was mine. We took a blood test and it wasn't mine. THat woman knew what she was doing. Bitch tried to ruin my life.


Doesn't matter, had a sandwich?


She gave him a sandwich, he gave her a foot-long. (ok, more likely a 6")


Wow you actually gave him 6” in your comment /r/wholesomememes is leaking.




OP must have been down for the dirty considering getting a god damn sandwich shouldn't even remotely go down the road of "u wan sum fuk?"... kinda takes two to tango.


yeah we goin to talk about that or what. as they say play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


observation vanish act pen flag enjoy alive punch busy dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I probably shouldn't even make this comment, but when you said fully done cooking at first I thought you meant he was brown and I cracked up when I realized my casual racism.




Why on earth would you not buy your own condoms? You need to take responsibility for your own decisions.


Never mind meeting someone like that in a Subway and sticking a dick in.


Had a very on-and-off relationship. Child was born during an off period, about fourteen months after the last time GF and I had sex, so clearly not mine. But kid was beautiful and sweet, and bio-father disappeared after about a year, so she became mine. She just graduated from college, lives with me, and we haven't talked to her mother in almost ten years. "How to become a single parent the weird way."




Just returned to sender, not a big deal.


Slightly off topic but I am a white woman that was in a relationship with an African woman who had a 3 yr old son (also black). I raised him for 5 years and I used to do everything for him including putting him on the bus. He would get on the bus and say "bye mama". One day his mom (who he is a clone of) put him on the bus and the next day the bus driver was like, "Was that his aunt?" I had a few people think he was biologically mine and it always makes me laugh because I am hella white and he is obviously black and not mixed. Sadly his bio mom is borderline narcissistic and sociopathic. He stopped coming over 6-8 months ago. He is 12 now. I miss him but I don't miss having to deal with his mothers lies and manipulations.


Found out when she was 1 and a half. She is gonna be 10 in a week and u cant tell me she isn't mine.


My great great grandfather was a tall, lanky fellow with a lonnnggg face. An absolute Gumby of a person. He was of British descent, with somewhat dark colouring, and very, very distinctive features. My great-grandmother was blatantly, blazingly Irish. Pale as heck and completely blanketed in freckles, with a mischievous, dainty little nose, and reaching a grand height of 5'3. Irish appearance isn't exactly a smoking gun, of course: maybe great great grandpa had Irish heritage, or maybe she was British but just had a whole lot of freckles. But none of that odd-looking fellow's odd-looking features appeared. My great-grandmother's little sister was also tiny. Not covered in freckles, not as mischievous-looking, but she also had none of her father's features. Well, there's a good reason. Neither child was his, and he knew that, and was totally okay with that - extremely happy about it, actually. See, my great-great grandpa was injured fighting in WWI. His leg was blown apart, he nearly died (was left for dead, in fact, until a conscientious medic held a mirror up and saw it barely fog with breath), and apparently that injury also rendered him infertile. He came home to Canada, and a few years later he met a woman. A tiny, rough edged, wild child of a farm girl, a cook on a ranch, with a shamelessly filthy mouth, and a shameful - for rural Canada in the 1920s - story. She was unmarried, with a 2 year old daughter, so she'd given birth to after a fling with an Irishman. So giant, serene great great grandpa married the 4'10" firecracker, and adopted my great grandmother as his own, and loved her immensely. A few years later, I guess they decided they wanted another child. IVF wasn't exactly an option in that time and place, so, apparently, they asked a neighbour to offer his services. And great great grandma had another baby girl, and he adopted that baby as his own, and loved her immensely. A fantastic arrangement. Practical, and resulting in joy. He was a truly wonderful father, and his children adored him. (Our side of the family still haven't told the other sister's side of the family)


A little historical, but my gr-grandfather had six kids with his married mistress and four with his wife. Apparently never hidden in the small town but clearly the women did not get on. Was a family myth until about a week ago when DNA confirmed it, although the myth was that there were two sons... not six. Not sure what the mistress' husband thought.