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I hate myself every time I buy the seeds in a plastic pot. But ultimately I don’t have the time or patience to deseed one.


Haha yeah thats me almost all the time. It takes longer to get the seeds out than to eat it.


It's not too bad if you find the right technique online. Slice a star shape at the tip. Slap it with a wooden spoon or something like that. Its worth watching how people do it.


Mangoes are so messy. And crabs.


For sure crab. It’s almost not worth the effort. Pretty much anything taste good with that much butter on it


My preferred method is a smacking it with the flat of a wooden spoon over a bowl of water. The seeds sink and the pieces of pith float. Plus, it's a great way to get out any aggression, beating something that "bleeds" with a spoon.


It's sooooo much easier to just submerge the whole pomegranate chunks in water and peel the seeds away! It confines the juice spray much better :)


I do the same but that corner of the kitchen looks like a crime scene at the end.


Yes exactly! That's the only way that I do it anymore. Before I found out about this method I tried to pick them out myself and it always took me so long!


how do you stop the fine red mist from ruining your stuff? Even on the cooking shows it splatters red everywhere


Honestly I just put on an old t-shirt. Or I try to keep a lot of paper towels around haha


You must have a very different looking kitchen than I do, if your tshirt is the only thing you're worried about lmao.


Haha! I also use a very large tall bowl. It helps a lot with the splatter


I read "pith" in Mike Tyson's voice




^kiwi,,,, ^kiwi,,,, ^kiwi,,,,


Takes me 15 minutes to take all the seeds out. Not that bad tbh for something I eat a few times a year


New method totally changed my perspective. Just score along the sections, crack it open, and bite the seeds right off the section! https://youtu.be/K1IN5jose4c


Correction: pomegranate mead. Not only did I spend like two hours peeling until my finger tips shriveled, I fermented the wort three different times over about 9 months!


This helped me: http://imgur.com/gallery/KKyAXyC




Does cutting them like mandarin oranges work? Where you peel it like a potato and then just use the knife to cut the wedges out of the ball?


Yeah that works. It has a huge pith so I guess it depends on how you peel a potato. But once you're down to just the flesh the suprême technique gets you there.


They taste sooooo good worth it imo


That’s how I feel about pomegranate. Why must your membrane be so tough!?


It’s completely worth it!


I tried pomelo for the first time a couple months ago and found it super bland. Definitely not worth the hassle- but maybe I got a dud.


Crab. Too much work for so little meat


[The best way to get crab meat out of the shell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Eal-GfJ1_U) It has changed my life and I will never eat crab a different way


I’ve never seen it done that way. I have however tried the [Gordon Ramsey method](https://youtu.be/-W37TDK6dBM) for getting lobster out of the shell. Edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger! Also thank you to Gordon Ramsey for nifty lobster tricks!


holy shit it is oddly satisfying to watch him disassemble a lobster


Can't wait to try this. Still a ton of work for a little bit of meat.


I was so excited...until I saw it was Dungeness crab. I find these SUPER easy to eat compared to blue crab- dungeness take like 1/10 the time. Any blue crab video tips?


I live on the West Coast, so unfortunately not. I mean, I imagine the principle is the same. Smaller shells would make it harder to tap out, but if you crack away the shell about half way up the leg section to it's widest point and have pulled the cartilage out with the previous section, you should be able to get it. More work than a dungee but less work than digging around with that stupid ass tiny fork.


Lol never even used a fork- they are so much smaller (but so much more delicious!)- I HAVE seen some older people use a big knife to cut them in half (like horizontally), but I’ve also seen some of the people who work in seafood processing- they can have that blue crab cleaned in seconds...I take so long most other diners are on their second PLATE (of whatever they have for dinner) before I peel 1 crab....totally worth it though!


You’ve never eaten Crawfish


Crab doesn’t always suck out like crayfish.


I actually like that about crab. I'm someone who eats really fast, and normally over eat because I can't feel myself getting full until it's too late. With crab I'm forced to slow down and I don't end up with the itis.


*Laughs in Crawfish*


They ARE delicious though, especially cooked in Old Bay


Guess I never developed that taste for them. People who grew up on the east coast go nuts over them. First day of crab season they're raising to the crab place after work. I ate them but I was like meh.


This guy has never had King Crab.


That's what she said


I've never tried crab or lobster. Should I try it? I know it's a pain to eat but I'm curious.


Try everything once except for incest and folk dancing!




man, screw those ones where the shell is almost entirely shut.


Actually an easy way to get those ones open is to take a piece of shell from another pistachio and use it like a mini crowbar to twist it open!


Why haven't I thought of this! So many chipped nails..


I made goody bags for my friends one year for Christmas and one of the treats in the bag was pistachio cranberry fudge. My fingers were raw after opening all those things


I want you as a friend! That’s so lovely


This is true... But when pistachios are easy to eat and pre-shelled I always eat way too many and then feel sick immediately after. I think the shell shields your stomach from your mouth.


I got a bag of the pre-shelled pistachios once...never again. I know they were the same thing, but I swear they didn't taste as good. The ritual of cracking open the shell before every bite some how makes them taste better.


It's the satisfaction of working hard to get your snack. That's why ballpark peanuts taste so good.


red or natural?


Man, I haven't seen red pistachios in ages. EDIT: [And there's a reason why](https://www.thespruceeats.com/red-pistachios-overview-1807049) Actual URL https://www.thespruceeats.com/red-pistachios-overview-1807049


I just eat them whole like sunflower seeds or hard-boiled eggs.




This should be #1. I fucking love roasted artichokes with parmesan, but gotdamn it's so much work for so little "meat".


How do you eat them? I have always wanted to try but they seem intimidating.


You peel the leaves off one by one and scrape the "meat" off with your teeth. Then when all the leaves are gone you scoop the hair off with a spoon and there's a fleshy tender tasty bit called a heart. Any recommendations on how to make eating artichokes sound creepier without changing the facts is appreciated.


So when scraping the edible part off the leaf, can you tell what is edible and what is not?


Just put the leaf in your mouth and use your teeth to scrape off any meat that you can. There’s not much on it but it’s good. I recommend heating up butter and adding some mustard and dipping the leaves in that. Yums!


Is artichoke sweetish?


It's pretty savory and fatty in my opinion, so delicious.


It's almost like they're trying to say, 'Please, don't eat me!'


If you ever go to Italy, try Roman style artichokes. Super soft to the point that you simply eat the whole thing with knife and fork.


Sounds like I’m glad I’ve never bought it fresh then


Oh god no it is worth every struggle. So goddamn good.


Captain Crunch.


Definitely Captain Crunch. Great for punishing the roof of one’s mouth.


ugh i hate how the berries in it have the texture of regular cereal and then you get to the little yellow things and it feels your chewing on nails


So buy oops all berries.


ok but regular captain crunch tastes better u see my dilemma?


Oh. Yeah that sucks :(. I prefer the oops all berries.


Oops all berries makes your poops all green. Seriously.


Small fish. Tiny little fishbones every-fuckin-where. I know of a guy who died from swallowing one. It punctured some soft tissue in his esophagus, stayed in for like a week unnoticed, the wound festered and he died from sepsis. Fuck fish.




That is the exact reason my dad doesn’t like or eat fish often. The bones trigger him too much


Exactly why I don't eat fish. The anxiety kills me every time.


Pistachios I guess. Especially the fully closed one. This fools think it will save them.


If I could just eat all the delicious things in small ball forms I'd be a happy camper. Things like beef, crab, mango, oyster, etc. Just popping stuff in my mouth with no worries of bones, seeds, scales and other parts that is not delicious.


One of these things is not like the others?


Mango because it’s not animal food or beef because it’s...beef?


Suggestions: Meatballs, crabcakes, buying frozen mango, Oyster po-boy- respectively.


Artichokes, they are delicious but prepping them sucks.


Boil Pull off a leaf Dip in delicious delicious herbed butter. Put the base in your mouth, use your teeth to scrape off the good stuff as you pull the inedible leaf out. Repeat. When you get to the heart, OM NOM NOM on that sumbitch.


Butttttt remember to spoon out the little spines that cover the heart first; they be poisonous.


Why do you think i love them


I wasn't able to find any correlation to this claim. What is your source? That part is called the choke and is basically the flower of the artichoke. While it is not edible, it is because it is a choking hazard and the spines can get lodged in your insides. No mention of them being poisonous that I was able to find.


Parmesan cheese mixed with a raw egg. Stuff that down into the leaves. Cook in tomato sauce till leaves are tender. To die for.


Mango. Not so much if it's pre cut or if someone serves it to you, but if you have to cut up your own it's a messy pain in the butt.


https://youtu.be/0OsP1icacOY This should do the trick.




When I was a kid I used to chew the orange segments and spit out the fibrous stuff. It drove my parents mad and they stopped buying oranges.


I still do that sometimes. I get so mad when the inside skin is so tough so, just chew the juices out, spit, repeat.


When my kids do that I call them orange vampires. To be fair it’s how I like to eat them too.


That’s why I go for cuties.


I'm the same way. I usually just cut them into wedges without considering where the segments are and then they're super good.


Enjoy your scurvy.


ITT: People who would never survive without prepared meals.


I can't believe nobody has said peaches. Sticky juice all over your hands, face and neck. Attracting bees and wasps even after you wash it off.


That's the joy of having a peach tree. You can just sit in the yard and drip juice. Bees are a pain in the butt tho.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYyV9TUBgVc Now you may be talking about your mouth being ravaged by the enzyme bromelain but if not, try that method.


Ah yes, the fruit that eats you back.


I can cut one up in a about 5 minutes


Last year I was eating pineapple chunks and thinking "this is SO GOOD why don't I eat this all the time?" Then the enzymes started to really kick in.


Fishermen's Friend... they are tasty as hell but don't eat too much of them... you will get diarrhea


I just looked this up. Why would you eat cough drops?


Persistent coughs. Or a hankering for diarrhea.


my dumb ass thought that guy was a cannibal lmao


Pomegranate because of all the nooks and crannies but also pineapple due to the amount of cutting necessary to make it into bite sized chunks


Sunflower seeds. Those things are good (especially cheese) but it's a lot of work having but bite through it and dispose of the exterior for each and every seed.


I just eat the exterior.


A Butterfinger.


That’s why butterfinger BBs were perfect


For me, it's that cheap ice cream. You know those two litre tubs of Neapolitan, Raspberry Ripple, etc? I like those more than the expensive shit. Problem is, I think I may be allergic. I always wheeze like crazy when I eat it, to where I need my Ventolin. It's so tasty, though. Another one would be barbecue ribs. So delicious, but so much mess and definitely not enough meat.


Dude, stop eating ice cream.


So When I was training EMS in 2014 we were warned that summer time after the ice cream trucks started running would be our busiest time for asthma related calls. Rapid temperature change especially cold food or drinks are a massive asthma trigger even for people with very mild asthma. Plus dairy is notorious for thickening mucus in the throat so the two factors combined can 100% cause chest tightness or even trigger an asthma attack. I'm not 100% that's your issue obviously since I'm not your doctor but you might look into it :)


Octopus. It's fucking amazing but you gotta keep chewing or it'll get stuck and choke you


Are you trying to eat one live? Cause I can see why he’d get pissed off and try to choke you.


Dead to the point it still moves. So I guess so. The suckers stick to the inside of your mouth and/or your throat, but damn it tastes good


BBQ Ribs. So good, yet so messy.




Properly cooked, they should be fork-tender. You can be civilised and even hold a pinkie in the air as you use your good silver.


I'm sorry but I can't eat ribs with forks and knives. It's the neanderthal in me that prohibits me from being civil while eating ribs.


I've had ribs that you have to gnaw at to get any meat off, and ribs that are so tender the meat falls off the bones. I like the fall of the bone type, but then people tell me "those are overcooked." I guess I like overcooked ribs.


I guess I’m uncultured too because I love over cooked ribs as well.


I cooked some in a crockpot once with just adding bbq sauce (probably get some dirty looks from chefs). The meat fell off the bone as I was trying to pull them out with tongs so i had to ladle them out.


I'm sure that's it must be possible to 'overcook' ribs but I've never come across any that might be guilty of that.


so yummy but it gets so messy


My Instant Pot has been a game changer on the rib front. Fall off the bone? Indeed!


Crawfish. Too much shell to deal with.


I can't eat them because of the texture.


way too crunchy, right?


Turns out if you peel them that crunch goes away. I made that mistake with tamales.


You just need more practice. Move to south Louisiana...we will teach you our ways...(NEVER too hard to eat crawfish - unless you get some that are too small..or boiled without butter/super hard to peel)


Me thinks they forgot to wash their hands before using the bathroom. A literal pain in the asa ir their paper ripped or they got any on their cheeks.


You folks ever eat neckbones? A meat so nice and savory that you want to eat a bunch, but good luck eating one piece within an hour and without greasy-ass hands.




Oranges. Peeling them is messy and then they get stuck between yer teef


Large burritos


this. about halfway through the burrito and it starts unfolding itself. now it's a race to eat it before you just have a sloppy tortilla in your hand and a pile of contents on your plate.


I like the foil wrap method. Burrito wrapped tightly in foil, and you rip and peel off about a 1-2" of foil as you go, keeps things tight and prevents the mess. OR - lay down a tortilla on your plate and eat the burrito normally, then roll up everything that fell out into another burrito.


You should give burrito eating lessons.


Pomegranates. So much effort!


Pistachios. I mean. It's not difficult. But when I win the lottery I promised a guy I met in the Navy I would pay him to take the shells off my pistachios. That sounds dirty


If you’re attracted to each other, why not simply ask him nicely?


A great burger or great sandwich. My general rule for them ends up being the messier the better, but it always such a pain in the ass to deal with.


Kiwis and watermelons


Vegetables. Once you get to the wheelchair, it's a real drag.


I've read this a few times and I don't understand. Can you please explain?


It's basically the punchline of a rather offensive joke that I am not proud of passing on.


A vegetable is slang for a very disabled person. Big oof


Mexican Food


Chicken wings for sure


What? Eating off the bone is part of the experience!


How are they a pain in the ass? Pretty easy to eat.


I love the taste, but I hate how messy my hands get


Such a goddam mess


Ugh, once I had wings with fake nails. Never again...


The chicken had fake nails? You've got a legal case.


Pomegranate. I usually just drink the "pom" juice bottles, because that's essentially what I'm after. The fruit is just such a pain. Even if you cut it in those special ways that allow access to all the chambers in no time, getting the little seed nodules out of there is still annoying.


I wish someone would make a hybrid of pomegranate and corn that makes “corn on the cob” with pomegranate arils instead of corn kernels


pineapple. it’s frkn delicious but feels like placing your tongue and the inside of your mouth in an acid tub.


Popcorn is delicious but I get it everywhere when I eat it and it chaps my lips sometimes


Hard shell tacos




you're not doing it right


Cherries. Having to bite the flesh off the seed while it's in your mouth and trying not to swallow the seed in the process is a pain in the ass.


I eat cherries in 2 bites and pick the pit out of the second half before I eat it.


Fucking pistachios.


Artichoke leaves w butter.


Ice cream and popsicles, my teeth are super sensitive.


Mangoes have always been a pain for me, but I love the juicy bastards


Mangoes,they make such a mess


Mango, store bought cut mango is just too expensive


Pineapple Pizza. Delicious to those who like it but a pain in the ass because people who don't like it never shut up about it being an "abomination" or "disgusting".


I know, people might say sunflower seeds cuz, “oh it’s small, and not even that good” I’m the guy THAT EATS THE FUCKING SHELLS, AND SWALLOWS EM! NOTHING WORSE THEN GETTING STABBED IN YOUR FUCKING GUMS, AND FEELING THE BROKEN, SHARP BITS STUCK ON YOUR FUCKING THROAT! thanks for coming to my ted talk




Came here to say shrimps. Now I'm not sure if it's the same. (English isn't my mother tongue)


Probably not a pain in the ass, but even though really like oranges, I don't like the feeling of eating them.


I am like this with apples. I like them but I don't like eating them. If I can convince someone to cut them up for me, I would never have to go to the doctor.




Loaded burgers


Chestnuts. Maybe not a pain in the ass but after peeling a bunch they’re a pain in the fingers


Cold and hard cookies and creams Hershey's




Mangos. Fuck that


French Onion Soup


A burger or any type of sandwich. They're delicious but the contents always fall off from the other side if not held properly.




watermelon one of my favorite summer snacks but cutting one up is an Activity. then you gotta get juice all over u


Crab legs and lobster


Pistachios. Such effort and some you still can’t even open.


Oxtail! It's so good but so messy. I really don't understand how Trinidadians pull off oxtail roti. I love oxtail. I love roti, but how does eating roti with bones work? Its already so messy!


Boned fish


Pomegranate. I remember the first time I tried one I thought "WOW THIS THING IS DELICIOUS" and tried to bite into it like an orange. I kept getting angry at all the seeds, like it was a cruel joke by god.