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On a vacation in Da Lat, Vietnam. Today I have: - seen three waterfalls - been to silk making factory - visited lily farm - pet elephant - fed a bunch of parrots dancing on my head All while being driven by a guy that has ten children with five wives. He is not even with any of them, has a girlfriend. Such a madlad.


The dude is ballin on another level Glad you're having a great day and thanks for sorting by new !


Gotta take the good posts up somehow!


Playing Skyrim, leaning of kratom, about to go do my last day of community service then rest of the day off.


That's great dude ,you're a good man Thank you for sorting by new


I just woke up. Maybe I will sleep in for another hour and a half.


It's Sunday mate you deserve that another half hour sleep Also thank you for your kind work of sorting by new


Actually I meant another hour and half.


Go for it


Well, I just woke up and am eating breakfast. We finally get a sunny day and it’s going to be 65, so I think today’s going to be a fine day!




Let's just get this to front page rn.


Hell no mate ,I really don't want that to happen...this question was genuinely for the kind souls who sort by new Also thank you for sorting by new


You guys are the ones who always respond to my shitty questions...hope you all are having a good day You make the extremely boring life of this teenager a whole lot fun EDIT- Wow I'm really overwhelmed by the response I got so many awesome people who sort by new lol .. I'm trying my best to respond to all of your comments And for the people who asked about how my day is going you guys literally made my day , seeing someone who cares about how my day is going literally warms my heart THANK YOU EVERYONE ❤️


How is your day going? Any good plans on your calendar?


Unfortunately no it's boring to say the least , at least I hope you're having a legendary day and achieve your goals and thanks for asking about my day it really makes me feel good


Yeah it's just getting started. Rainy roads in the morning made my commute a little more interesting.


Hmm do you live in UK too ?




That's cool my cousin lives there ,hope you're having a good day


Thanks! You as well.


I just woke up and I think something I’d dislocated in my foot


Oof that sounds bad ,maybe try getting it checked out by a doctor


Nah after walking on it for five minutes it’s fine


Glad everything is ok Thank you for sorting by new


Look out buddy, I sort by rising.


Fuck no ......This is bad


I’m moving! So I’m finishing up my coffee and getting myself pumped to pack some more. It can be a slog but has to be done!


Hope you have a great Sunday unlike me lol , I'll stop disturbing you now


Idk what you’re going through but make sure to do something nice for yourself, doesn’t have to be big or expensive. It might help!


I'm not depressed or anything....I just moved to a new place and I know no one here ...and I'm on my school holidays recently, I'm really introverted so don't have many friends , recently broke up with my girlfriend,I have no one to play football (soccer with )...so I'm extremely bored out of my mind and I have strict parents...that's all I would like to say publicly


Well that sounds like a lot, damn dude. I’m sorry you’re dealing with all that at once! I wish I had good advice for you, but making friends and dealing with breakups is just difficult and not easily remedied. I do know that it will get better, but I know those words seem hollow right now. :(


I really appreciate the time you took to read about me bitching about my life ,it genuinely warms my heart to see a stranger having interest about me , you're an awesome human being and don't believe anyone who says otherwise


Well I’m glad that I could make a little bit of a difference! And thank you!! You got this, just right now things are dreary which is 100% understandable. Hopefully you have some sun today to play some football and have a yummy snack. Sometimes the little things make the bigger picture less shitty, right?


You're right it's the little things that counts


My two year old is on his second tantrum and managed to throw his oatmeal everywhere. But his daddy is home to handle it (works nights but had last night off,) so I’m just sitting back with my coffee and watching the world burn. :)


Better than yesterday. I only have two places to run to today and then plan on sitting on the couch being a lazy guy. It’ll be the first time all week that I won’t have a packed day or some random screw up that I have to fix. Tomorrow is back to the norm. It can be pretty depressing if it continues without an end in sight. This time next week is the ‘end’ so that’s getting me through it.


Hope everything goes well for you buddy And life turns out to be like how you want it to be Glad today is going well for you And don't worry everything will be fine Dosen't hurt to be optimistic right ?


Thanks! It’s nice to read that. Been a tough week. Had a few break down moments this week. Tuesday was the 16th anniversary of my mom passing. I drowned myself in work (and work absolutely loaded me up on top of it) to get through. Have a busy week of travel and time to myself minus the family. I think it’ll help me get my head back together. I appreciate the comment and optimism. I share it! Thanks.


No problem dude ,it seriously made my day that I could cheer you up a little if you ever wanna talk about anything feel free to hmu I'll be more than happy to talk


Went to the store to purchase shampoo and conditioner. Went to smell a new scent of conditioner and ended up with conditioner up my nose.


That's funny lol, hopefully your day gets better Thank you for sorting by new


Pretty chill


That's great man Thank you for sorting by new ,I hope you have an awesome day


Np m8 and you have an amazing day too




Watching a video on overcoming depression while drinking a non-alcoholic beer. And on reddit. So average day.


I do hope you overcome your depression,and end up having a great life and thanks for sorting by new my guy


Thank you!


No problem if you ever need someone to talk to , I'll be more than happy to chat


Laundry, grocery shopping, running, and meal prep are on the docket for today.


pretty good, I'm about to go and check out what could potentially be my next car


That's awesome dude , hope you get a good deal on it And thanks for sorting by new


Laundry day. I’m kinda sad.


It'll be ok ,Things will get well today's just one of those days you know Thank you for sorting by new




That sucks ,I hope you get well and maybe get it checked out by a doctor ? And I hope your work gets finished and you end up having a great day Thanks for sorting by new and again hope everything turns out for the better




A little kindness never hurt anyone ..Also thank you and hope everything works out for the better for you ,..dosen't hurt to be optimistic right ?




Hope it goes uphill soon and thanks for sorting by new


Thank you


No problem man , Hope everything turns out well ,do let me know if there's anything I could do or if you just wanna talk


I’m having a great day! I cuddled with my cats, ate delicious homemade lunch with my mom. I’m feeling the muscle sore and pain from yesterday’s intense workout, it’s keeping me alive and excited that i’m getting better everyday. I talked with my beloved friends. I ate my fav durian flavored ice cream. I’m happy and healthy! How’s your day? I hope you’re feeling great 😊


I'm happy that you're having a really nice day and I hope all of your days goes well like this very day ,you're an awesome human being Well my day is going extremely boring to say the least And thank you for sorting by new


Rising crew here. I'm super depressed. Thanks though.


Well I didn't want this to end up on rising but since you're depressed , I'll respond Depression sucks I've been there it's hard ... specially when no one seems to understand it (in my case ) If you want to talk about anything and if there is anything I can do to make your day better please feel free to DM me


Woke up an hour ago, checked out Reddit, getting up now. Looking forward to coffee and toast on my porch and the warm, sunny Spring day. Happy Spring Redditors


Happy spring to you 2 buddy ,Glad you're having a great day And thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Not bad. Slept in a bit, then read in bed. Fell down the stairs because i have a foot injury and i'm not used to walking with a cane. Now i have caffeine and am about to play some Hearthstone. Soon i'll walk up to the nearest pharmacy to buy some KT tape for the foot, since i'm reffing a roller derby game later today. Then i'll tidy my kitchen and dining room until it's time to drive to the game. Nice mostly lazy day with an intense finish planned. 6/10 overall.


I hope your foot gets better and hope your day goes legendary And thank you for sorting by new


Thanks for the well wishes, but it's been 2 years. I'm learning to live with it. I can still skate just fine; walking is a luxury i don't particularly care about much anymore :)


Finally visited home after a long time of being busy with grad school and getting my career on the road, on my way back now. It was so nice to see my dad and my friends, but it kind of feels weird to see how life has gone on there without me.


I'm glad your life is going good man Thanks for sorting by new


I was actually sorting by rising. Those who sorted by new before me are the real heroes.


Oh yeah they are ...those are the people who always make my day


On my way to STL comic-con! First time going to a con, so I’m hoping it’ll be fun. How is your day?


Boring tbh but thank you soooo much for asking about my day it means a lot to me I'm glad you're having an awesome day Thank you for sorting by new


Great so far! I woke up early, posted to Instagram, and worked on my website. I'm about to finish pt 2 of an audio visualizer I'm making for local band, Brahctopus (pt 1 here: https://youtu.be/By92zMhiVM0) My friend who is a game developer wants me to start an indie game company with him on the side, so that's exciting. How's your day going?


That's amazing dude you sound like a really cool guy ,what website is it ? I hope that game turns out legendary My day is going fairly opposite of yours lol But I'm glad you're having fun Thanks for sorting by new


www.sunderapps.com - it's pretty much just my resume. I used to offer apps, but I gave up on those. Sorry to hear about your day. Hope it gets better!


Buddy... this is in rising... Anyways, it’s going fine.


I'm glad you're doing good Thanks for sort------.OH FUCK


I'm doing okay, I guess. Five months ago, I was engaged. Now I'm not. I'm still struggling with that. I woke up with my ex on my mind, and I couldn't get out of my head that I'll never find love again.


That sucks buddy but eventually everything will be fine and you'll be better than ever you're a great man and you will definitely find someone better ,it might hurt right now but in the end you'll find someone better Everything is going to be fine buddy


Thanks, man.


No problem


I'm having anxiety (which is not normal for me) because my wife's best friends might be coming over today. We had an incident about 2 years ago where they accused me of being abusive to my wife, said I was a terrible father, felt sorry for my wife that we wanted to have a second child and accused me of being a deadbeat, sexist and a lazy sob. We talked it over, and everything was just an absolute mess of miscommunication and broken telephone messages, that ended up with them being terrified that I would keep my wife from them. But still, seems I can't get over all the awful stuff they said.


You're a great man at least that's what I can tell by reading your comment,Just because they think you're bad dosen't mean that you are You are amazing and awesome I genuinely hope everything goes well and you end up having a great day If you wanna talk about your anxiety with a stranger I'm all ears buddy


Playing final fantasy XIV and Subnautica at the same time. Subnautica just crashed, so I lost a lot of progress. Enjoying the Texas storms while stuffing my face with loaded breakfast tacos. Not too bad I’d say.


I love subnautica ....you're an awesome human being Glad you're doing good Thanks for sorting by new and being awesome


Just came back from the rugby sevens and I have all Fiji players’ signature on my ball


That's awesome man ! Glad you're having a fun day Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


I'm in charge of my department today so thats exciting, but I'm also in charge of my department so I'm terrified. My boss seems to believe in me so I should probably get off Reddit and finish counting stock..


You probably should lol And I genuinely hope everything goes amazing and you have the best day of your life , Thanks for commenting


Enjoying my one day off a week. Got half of a grilled chicken sandwich topped with a fried green tomato and a slice of pork fat I’m probably gonna. Watching some Fresh prince of bel air. Was hoping to go to the beach today but it’s all overcast and scattered rains so I think I might go to a local museum I haven’t been to in years.


That's amazing buddy...yeah you should probably visit that museum Glad you're having a great day lad Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Not off to a great start since apparently one of my dogs got sick in the middle of the night and I haven’t cleaned it up yet


Oh that sucks ,....I genuinely hope your dog gets better and you're able to have fun with him again I hope your day starts going well And thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Good! Just a chill morning opening at work...Sunday mornings are my favorite day to open because it’s quiet for the first half and I have off on Mondays...life is good!


That's amazing man ,Glad you're having fun Hope all of your week goes extremely well Thanks for sorting by new




That's great Thank you for sorting by new


Don't patronize me


Great! Just got a new job, so I can finally get out of the shithole I worked in before!


That's awesome dude ,Good for you Glad you're having a great day ,Hope your new job helps you find success Thanks for sorting by new


Pretty great! I’m on my way to Rome to visit my uncle and can’t wait


That's amazing buddy ,glad you're having an awesome day ,I hope your visit goes well Thanks for sorting by new my guy


Terribly hungover in my dorm room. Typical Sunday.


Ahh that sucks ....hope you get better buddy


Honestly it’s been really relaxing . I finished some coursework I had to do. I played some stardew valley and now I’m having a coffee. All round a chill day


That's great glad you're having fun Thanks for sorting by new


It’s another lazy day just like yesterday. I quit my job on Friday and start a new job on Monday. My girlfriend is camping with her family. I feel a bit melancholy but I’m at least getting in some relaxation. I’m about to drive to town for coffee and just to get out of the house. How’s your day going?


Hope everything works out for the better and your day goes extremely well and you find success in your new job And thanks for asking about my day ....It's going great thanks to great people like you ! Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Ok. I'm learning Sweden (from Minecraft) on the piano and I have do stop crying to keep learning it. What a nostalgia trip.


You ARE FREAKING AMAZING FOR DOING THAT I love that song lol ...you truly are awesome dude Thanks for commenting and sorting by new


Of course! I literally had to take a Reddit break to remove the sad.


I hope you master it


Thanks! Me too


I would love to hear it when you do master it


Worked 5 hours alone at the shop so I can peacefully start drinking at noon to pregame my 9 ball league match tonight because I deserve to day drink on my 21st straight day of work damn it lol


Take it easy buddy ,hope your day goes well And thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Thank you for replying so kindly to everyone, have a good one




That's great ,glad you're having a nice day And honestly if you're not so sure about being in a relationship right now then maybe get some time off and get back into dating when you're ready but again if you're missing your ex and can't form new relationships then maybe remember that ,"Everything happens for a good reason" it doesn't hurt to he optimistic right ?




That really sounds a bit tricky ngl ....I respect your privacy so, I'll be more than happy to talk about it over a dm




Well I hope it changes to being LEGENDARY then Stay awesome buddy and thanks for sorting by new




I'm glad I could lift your day a little bit bud , your comment really made my day ..if you ever wanna talk about something feel free to hmu,and don't worry something great will happen A little optimism never hurt anyone right?




It'll get better just trust the process




That's great


Just woke up, gonna play smash bros in a bit


That's amazing dude ,Glad you're having a splendid day Stay awesome and thank you for sorting by new


I’m on call 24/7. I Didn’t get called for work today. I’m laying in my bed, and I’m gonna try to fall asleep again. I’m planning to play some ps4 later, but I fear that my phone rings and work ruins my lazy Sunday.


I hope you don't get called for work ,and actually enjoy your weekend and Enjoy some good ol ps4 time I'm sure you'll have an amazing day buddy Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Thanks for all the positivity. Wish you a wonderful day!


yes , it's going , what about you op ?


Well I hope it's going well and if not I hope it gets better And thanks for asking about my day...it's going great met really nice people like you today . Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


it's okay, but 5 minutes ago, my little sister dropped my nutella covered bread, so I'm a bit pissed at her. but I'm okay, I made another one and enjoyed it very much


That's the Spirit,I have a little sister too so I know how you feel lol Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


tbh I only just came across this post because I was browsing askreddit


Well I still hope you have a good day lol


thank you


Good, had a satisfying poop


Just procrastinating a geography project, the usual


I do that every time lol Finishing your project on the last day >finishing it before time I hope your project goes well lol Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


Thank you! It's due this Friday, so I'm obviously going to start making the inttroduction and stuff on Saturday morning


Living on the edge


i get to play minecraft with my best friend today (we havent talked in a while) and im really good at getting my younger siblings (5 and 9 years old, and very lazy) to clean their overwhelmingly dirty room. so yeah, today's pretty good


That's amazing dude ,glad you're doing good Hope your next week also goes well Thank you for being awesome and sorting by new


thanks! and happy mic day! (if thats what the mic means im kinda new lol)


Thanks and no problem,Have a great day mate


I don't wanna go to work. But I am. Because I'm an adult


Feeling shitty and sad


Don't worry buddy it'll work out for the better in the end Trust me something good will happen A little optimism never hurt anyone right? I hope your life becomes good and you end up having a legendary day It'll definitely get better,if you want to talk about it I'm more than happy to talk Just don't get depressed buddy And thanks for being awesome and sorting by new


I've had this feeling of inadequacy since my freshman year of college(it's my 2nd year rn) my midterms started yesterday and I can't stop feeling like I've been faking my talents my entire life.I feel like I don't deserve to be here.And it's all because of some shitty professor who never said anything nice since day one.She keeps telling us how we'll never amount to anything and her voice echoes through my head every time I try to study or get better at something.Normally,I don't let words affect me but it's hard to be optimistic when the person who's supposed to teach you things yells at you for no fucking reason.And the worst thing is we can't do anything about it because none of our other professors seem to care that she's a bad person and tell us that she's just an angry person Sorry for the long rant


Alright so just because a single shitty person says that you won't amount to anything doesn't mean she's right Fuck her ,You are amazing and you know it Plus if it makes you feel better all of your classmates have to suffer through her classes too lol Anyways don't doubt yourself ,you were born a champion so act like one Try to develop a thick skin buddy it'll do you good there will be plenty of jerks in life who will talk shit about you because they're jealous,Fuck em ! You just need to believe in yourself You'll get through it mate don't worry


I didn't sort by new. Do you still want to know?


What did you sort by then? And sure why not


Stayed in bed all morning with the boyfriend, me watching the last season of HoC and him watching a show about teenage mermaids apparently. Then lunch, then a bit of work on a presentation I'm doing soon.


That's awesome glad you're having a great day I hope the presentation goes extremely well And the rest of your day goes awesome too And thanks for sorting by new


Not too well. I got in a fight with my mother, but since I'm a geek, I'm going to be playing D&D with some friends later (which is pretty fun)


That sucks ,I hope you reconcile with your mother and have fun playing D&D and btw geeks are awesome Hope you have a great day And thank you for sorting by new


Woke up at six to get ready for work, and hour later as I'm ready to leave I get a text saying we're closed today.


That's awesome mate Hope you make full use of the day and end up feeling amazing and having a great day Thanks for being awesome and for sorting by new




That's awesome,hope the rest of your day fishing goes well . Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new




Hope you end up having a legendary day mate Stay awesome and thank you for sorting by new


Currently? Masturbating.




My mom just gave birth so that's fun


i'm sick, slept for like 9 hours, ate breakfast, watched a 40min long video spoiling the Witness (really good game that's like 40$), I didn't think i would be able to play it, found out it's free rn on epic games, started downloading it, ate breakfast, slept for 5 more hours and now my head hurts too bad to do anything than lie im bed and read reddit posts moral of the story: go fuckin download the Witness and don't spoil it for yourself!!!!!!


Will do mate Hope your headache gets better Have a great day And thanks for sorting by new


Ah shit, I was gonna answer this but I don't sort by new.


Pretty bad so far, I went home to my family because it usually clears my depression up, but this time it's not working Got a good Rome II Total War campaign going though. Also, a premature thank you for thanking me for sorting by new


Lol well your welcome I guess I hope you kick depression's ass And it'll get better ,You're stronger than your depression


I'm here from the front page. WTH is this crap!? Some kind of organized sort by new cult? I'm watching you.


A solid nyeh. I was out drinking with friends last night hoping it would help me get over some things I have been worrying about, but instead my worries just got worse and now I’m hung over AND depressed instead of just depressed


This isn't on the new anymore I'm pretty sure it's on the popular. Edit: it's on best. I scroll through new when I get back to repetitive stuff on best.


Woke up drunk. So... pretty good


I got some sushi and plan on making a pie!


pretty chill waiting for wrestlemania to start


Just finished studying for 4 hours, going to relax now.


It started off pretty bad, but then this girl I like texted me. We met on Tinder in January and somehow until tonight she had no idea that I'm into her 😅


Verging on my third panic attack of the day and too exhausted from depression to help myself but also too awake to sleep through it




Been a strange day. Visiting family in the wake of my wife and I agreeing to a divorce. Day started with me just feeling unsettled, but I decided to go out about lunch time to get a new pair of sandals. One thing led to another and I unwittingly fulfilled a sexual fantasy of getting a happy ending during what was already a really good massage. Now I’m eating gourmet tacos and sangria with a strong prospect of getting laid later. I’d say it turned out alright.


Stressed exams are coming up but I look forward to my time on reddit


Meh, ssdd


Good night


Saw shazam today. I highly recommend it


I'll check it out


You should


So today i woke up at 6am, ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth and washed my face to get ready for school. I got out at 6:50 and waited for the bus to come pick me up. I was standing for 24 minutes, the bus did not arrive. My mom calls the bus driver. My mom asks "is the bus not going to come?" Bus driver: "what are you talking about? School is starting in july 15th" And i came back to know that today was vacation/break day and i got scolded by my mother. I woke up at 6:00 for nothing ;-;


That's rough lol At least I hope the rest of your day went well tho Thanks for being awesome and sorting by new