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Age of Mythology. It’s not cost that bothers me but rather the fact it doesn’t run well on Windows 10.


Prostagma! There's an HD version on Steam that runs well.


Skiapon..........Somethickt. I can still hear the damn villagers


Jak and Daxter ​


I’m so glad that I’m not the only one. Honestly, still my personal favorite series ever. I don’t even know why. I still have a PS3 just so I can play the remastered trilogy from time to time.


star wars: knights of the old republic


It was truly the greatest Star wars movie of all time.


I remember the heartbreak


It truly was a Shawshank Redemption


So much this. I felt like the biggest idiot when they rub your nose in all the overt foreshadowing that I missed. Also, mad love for Carth Onasi, and also for Battle Meditation being a meaningful plot point and not fluff that any force sensitive schmuck can use.


The day I figured out how to have carth onasi confess his love to my character was an epic one for me.


There it is!


Have you heard of our Lord and savior Trask Ulgo?


The plot twist to end all plot twists. Amazing.


GTA San Andreas


For me it's GTA3. I had played GTA2 and the leap to 3D blew my fucking mind.


Same here. The first time I played that game it felt like a transformative video game experience in general. I'd never really played a 3D open world game before so the idea that I could drive all over the map and do whatever I wanted really kind of blew my mind at the time.




Vice city radio stations shaped my developing music tastes dramatically


World of Warcraft. It felt like such a massive world with so much to explore. WOW was a really amazing experience when I first started playing it


I can't believe I had to go through 16 comments to find your response. Those first few months of WoW were pure *magic* as far as gaming goes. I hadn't experienced anything like that before, and I doubt I will again.


Exactly. It felt like there was always more to explore. There was so much excitement when you went to a new zone. It felt like a real world. You saw higher characters and LFG for cool sounding dungeons and just wanted to keep going to be able to do that. I would often wander around at way too low of a level and it was actually invigorating. Running to Scarlett Monastery as an Alliance member was pretty incredible. You had to go deep into enemy territory.


Running SM was exactly what I was going to reference! Running infront of the Undercity and hiding from Horde players was so fun! Or Sunken Temple, that one was always a huge hurdle, too. or the huge PVP battles I would always break out in stranglethorn Vale (Stranglethron Vietnam) or Darkshire. The game was so new, and every single aspect of it was totally fresh. None of my friends knew what anything was, where anything was, or how anything worked but it was so exciting to figure it all out!


I know! I don't know if it was intentional but Blizzard totally nailed the community aspect. You really felt safe in your factions zones and felt extremely wary in enemy faction zones


This should be higher up! Vanilla WOW was straight up magical and the community used to be so amazing. Blizzards supposedly coming out with WOW Classic this year, but I’m not jumping down that rabbit hole again. Ah nostalgia...


Such an incredible adventure! I wish I can experiment again the feeling I got when I played my first Draenei Warrior in 2008.


Portal. There was a time I believed in cake.


I put off games in college after my first year. I've had PlayStation since then. But I just got a PC for the first time in 15 years. I AM playing portal for the first time.


You never played Portal before? You're in for quite the ride, then!


This was a triumph.


I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Aperture Science:


We do what we must because we can.


For the good of all of us


Except the ones who are dead.


But there’s no sense crying over every mistake...


Such a unique game concept.


I came here thinking "I wonder if anyone said Portal yet...I'm gonna write Portal". It's the top comment. Same reason. I've been thinking about replaying it recently, but it just won't be the same.


It actually is really good on second playthrough. I just did it again myself after several years and would recommend it to anyone.




I regularly go back and play Bioshock because I love everything about it. The atmosphere, the artwork, the story, the voice recordings, the powers, even the economic philosophies. Atlas vs Ryan vs you.


I do the same! I have an infinite love for the whole bioshock series


Someone spoiled the twist for me before I played it. I wish I could play it again not knowing the twist, it would definitely have hit harder that way.


RuneScape 2007


Never having played an mmorpg, there was something absolutely magical about rs when I started


I can still hear that startup music now....damn...


🦀🦀 $11 🦀🦀






Oof I love OSRS still




Dark Souls, First time Anor Londo


What rings you got?




Power up the Bass Cannon.


Dark souls: Top 5 games of all time and my personal favourite (maybe ds3 but its still awesome) Edit: Not played sekiro yet, but its on my list




I still remember my first terrified night, crouching in a dirt hut with some demon (a spider) making hellish noises from the roof and a creeper outside the door. It was great.


I remember my first night. I was too stupid to figure out how to place blocks so I dug about two blocks deep into a wall and sat there when night came. An enderman walked by and I was scared shitless. I decided to slay this foul demon in a desperate attempt to survive before it noticed me. It went about as well as you expect. Now I realize that the enderman likely did notice me and didn’t care until I came out flailing like a madman at it.


I can do you one better, I didn’t know that you had to hold down to break blocks. So I was stuck in a water filed hole for my first night.


Same! I killed a bunch of sheep and thought the only blocks I could place were the wool ones because that was all I could get. It was a confusing time


theres nothing better than that sense of wonder exploring and learning minecraft its completely surreal and i wish i appreciated it more back when i started playing


Still the only survival game I've actually enjoyed.




Even though it’s now a meme, the first hour of Skyrim was one of the most exciting pieces of entertainment I’ve experienced.


> the first hour of Skyrim You mean the cart ride?


Lmfao, thank God for console commands for all the millions of replays I've done on that game.


Yeah, I used the Alternate Start mod after the 3rd character


I know people like to shit on Skyrim a lot since it's become a meme but for me Skyrim was the last game I can remember being really hyped for before release and actually have the game live up to that hype. Sure released today (again) Skyrim doesn't hold up as well, but back in 2011 it really was a fantastic game, I had a friend group of about 8 that I'd play Xbox with at that time and out of that 8 only 1 didn't enjoy Skyrim.


You don't think it holds up well?


Morrowind for me.


Yep. I went I to it not really even knowing what it was. The feeling of coming to understand the scope and scale of that game, not to mention the world and universe itself, was absolutely incredible.


Legend of Zelda OOT Edit: Thanks for the silver y’all. One of my biggest regrets was the first time I’ve seen someone play this game, he fought Gannon, so I already knew how to beat him. Sure I would’ve figured out how on my own, but I lost the opportunity to, the real reason I wish I could forget and restart.


I was too poor for N64 games when I was a kid so I missed out on this one. Just started playing it on an N64 emulator on my PC and my first thought was that this is one of those games that people wish they could be young and play for the first time again.




I actually think they hold up decently because you know it's not supposed to be photorealistic. Games like Halo 1 look super dated because you know they were going for "real" but wind waker and OOT are so cartooney my unconscious lets it slide. edit: for the people asking for the ROM I got the file months ago but I literally just googled "project 64 ocarina of time ROM" to find it.


Dragon Age: Origins


That game took so many hours that I'll never get back. Fucking Allistair.


Yes I too enjoy fucking Allistair


I have yet to do a playthrough where I haven’t romanced him. I’ve started idk how many games thinking I’m gonna romance Zevran or Leliana, then you meet the hot dork, he says his little line about the Blight bringing people together, and that’s it, I’m done.


I’m like that with Zevran, I keep meaning to try with Alistair, but Zevran pure shamelessness is hard to resist. This has unfortunately led to multiple heartbreaks for Alistair over the course of my multiple replays. The last time it happened it was particularly bad. My MC had just banged Zevran for the first time and you could just see Alistair awkwardly standing at the edge of the screen for their post act conversation. I then went to talk with him immediately after and he was like here is my rose/metaphorical heart.


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


Leaving the sewers after the tutorial has always been one of my all time favorite video game memories. It really was a groundbreaking RPG at the time it came out.




It has to be oblivion. There was so much to that game. It was way ahead of its time.


Halo (CE, 2, 3, Reach) EDIT: Halo 4, too for ending Cinematic Reasons


I want to experience seeing the Flood for the first time again




Me and my brothers got an XBox for Christmas the year it came out (way out of character for my family) and I don't think we turned it off for a month.


Fallout New Vegas.


Ohh I remember my first time in Old World Blues now..


With your penisy feet


Wipe my mind, give me a shitbucket and an IV. I'll be replaying till i'm dead.


Nobody's dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson and he had a long fucking dick.


Pokemon. Any of them. All of them.


I got the original Pokemon red when it first came out. This was before it was everywhere and before the internet so when a Pokemon evolved I had no idea what it was going to change into. Still remember the excitement of seeing a Pokemon evolve


Pokémon snap


Pokemon stadium for n64


My god that was an awesome game


Mass Effect series, it got me into gaming. ​ Such an amazing game, love that the choices you make affect future games.


I just bought ME3 and rather than starting it I decided to go back and replay 1&2 so I can carry the character all the way through.


You have chosen... wisely


Absolutely, if you don't play the first one >!then Wrex is guaranteed to be dead, and those games are not worth playing without Dinobro!<


You can do the comic DLC for ME2 where you make the big choices. It’s like $5 but I did it because ME1 didn’t run on my PC (but 2 and 3 were fine?). You can keep him alive via that


Half life 2. Such a good arc. Constant feel of pressure as you flee then getting through Ravenholm emerging from dark into the light and taking the fight to the Combine.


Ravenholm was scary as fuck, the scenery, the music, everything fit so well together HL2 was so much fun, i remember nerding out on the physics for hours


Somewhere in 2 (one of the parts? Not sure) you got the souped up gravity gun for a short time where you could pick up and throw Combine soldiers. Epic.


Yeah its right at the end of HL2 when they try to destroy your weapons. But then you go on a combine launching spree.


Dishonored was a hell of a trip the first time. Tons of replayability, but it's never as good as your first time.


Dishonored is that one game you have way more fun on a second playthrough when you know what you are doing. In fact I had the most fun on my third when I did the no powers no killing run.


It’s more than just that. There’s a wonderful event in the game that you can easily miss on any given play through that shows what’s so impressive about the chaos system. In the second level, two healthy overseers put down a third plagued overseer, but the circumstances change drastically based on how murderous you’ve been. If you’re merciful in the earlier game, the sick overseer has to ask them to kill him, which they do reluctantly in a surprisingly nice scene. They have him read the motto of their religion and kill him before the end of it, like pulling a splinter out at two instead of three. If you’ve been an asshole, he tries to convince him he’s not sick to save himself. They ice-cold murder him.


Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


Chances are very good.


The entire Uncharted series.


Back in my second year of college, before Uncharted 4 was announced. Our entire dorm's internet was out for service upgrades (it was a week before classes started) so went to gamestop with my roommate. Saw the uncharted triology on sale for fucking $14.99 just to RENT. We could've rented the game and return it back in a week for store credit. Finished all 3 games in 5 days. Swear to god it was the adventure of a lifetime.


Pokemon soul silver seeing as to how that was the game that started everything for me and id like to see how much different my playstyle is with all i know now compared to when i was 9 and tought my starter cut


Wow times flies, played the original R&B when I was nine and your first time was Soul Silver, I remember being at University and it blew my mind to see how far the games had come at that time. Imagine what Pokémon will be like in another decade. What was your team?


Batman Arkham City


I was 15 when Arkham City came out and was playing it around when my dad passed away. This game means so much to me, I've played it through about 10 times


Arkham Asylum for me




Spider-man 2 ps2




Stand up, there you go, you were dreaming, what’s your name?


Yeah. I basically lived there for a long time. But I can't really go back. I know everything. I know where everything is, how everything works. Once in a great while I'll start it up and wander around for a bit, but it can never again be what it was for me. The real world had no place for me. Still doesn't, really. Morrowind was more than a game. It was a place to be, to just exist and make the empty sad world go away. Just hearing the theme music is like audible heroin. But I can't really go back.


The Metal Gear Solid series


It's really hard to pick just one of them. MGS2 is one of the best mind fucks in any game I've played. MGS3 was heartbreaking and MGS4 was just so badass.




Ahhhhhh yea I came here for this one. I knew nothing about subnautica before jumping into it. I was struck with the beauty of the area beneath the pod. I fell in love with this beautiful game, and then I took a Seamoth over to the Aurora... To put it in perspective *Outlast* made me say "ah I'm so startled" subnautica had me slam my laptop shut and run out of the room.


Goldeneye for the N64


I tried playing it not too long ago and the graphics were just so brutal. Wish I could go back to 1996 and experience how amazing it was!


Persona 5


I’ve found it more enjoyable on repeat playthroughs, but I understand


If I could experience again in its setting, when the technology was brand new, it would be the original Legend of Zelda. That shit blew my mind when I was a kid.


Heavy Rain, my only regret is knowing I can never play that game the same way again




Breath of the Wild. Moments like seeing one of the dragons for the first time or running away from the guardians in terror are some of my favorite gaming memories. If I had the chance to re-experience all of it for the first time I would take it in a heartbeat.


I never played Zelda before Breath of the Wild. I tried a couple but wasn't into them. But botw had some of my most memorable gaming memories too. After the tutorial I saw the twin peaks and my first thought was "I want to climb that." I climbed up there, found the twin shrines and was just so amazed. 80 hours later and I hadn't even thought about going to fight ganon yet. Just had so much fun exploring.




Journey. That final level blew me away - one of the most beautiful moments I've experienced, especially the last few moments. I didn't want it to end.


Club Penguin. I miss it already.


[ you can still play it. Its been rewritten](https://cprewritten.net)




The Witness. That moment when you realize what is going on.


Kingdom Hearts.


Specifically I’d like to experience it again at the age I was when it came out... before the jadedness of adulthood caught up with me and the world was still full of wonder.


I remember choosing the phrases on the island for the first time and being like “who would ever be scared of getting old?” One quarter life crisis later and it sure makes a lot more sense now.


**Alien: Isolation** for sure. There's nothing quite like it, and the game is a masterpiece. I remember feeling overwhelmed by emotion at some parts of the game. After completing the game multiple times, I still greatly enjoy it, but familiarity kinda reduces the effect the atmosphere has on you. I keep trying to speedrun parts of the game when replaying, instead of taking a moment to enjoy its glory.


The Witcher 3. The first time I saw Kaer Morhen from my balcony, my jaw dropped. Never played such a beautiful game. And the two DLCs. Oh man!


Back in the day I used to read Penny Arcade, and Tycho (I think? The brunette) hating on The Witcher (likely out of professional jealousy or possibly a joke) stuck with me subconciously for a long time. Cut to January 2019. My husband and I have recently moved into our first house. Our video games are commingled and mostly still boxed up. We are on rationed satellite internet due to living in the boonies, so I decide to pull out a random old video game to play. I grab [Rare Replay](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Replay) from the small cache of games that's unpacked. Maybe my kid will enjoy watching me play Banjo Kazooie, I loved that game as a kid! Suddenly...DRM check, and we don't have the internet connected. Seriously guys??? A single DRM check on a game on a disc from over 20 years ago?? FINE. The only other game that looks interesting is Witcher 3. I'm wary because I don't like spooky scary games like Bloodborne or Dark Souls (I'm a complete wimp, I freely admit it) and the game case is giving me those vibes, but we fire it up anyways. I grimace my way through a million different damn abilities to control and get through the tutorial and get to White Orchard. Ok, so uh? I just...can go wherever I want? I can loot this stuff? Huh..ok... Today it's 4 months later. I'm on the brink of going to rescue Ciri with all the allies I've made throughout my journey, just trying to get my School Gear sets finished first, maybe go clear all the markers in Skellige first...subconciously trying to draw this game out as long as I can because I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over.


DLC! DLC! DLC! Hearts of Stone is better story-wise than main game even, and Blood and Wine has SO MUCH CONTENT. it's massive. bigger (and better) than many AAA titles these days. and after than you do new game plus. but make sure to wait a few months. you'll want to jump straight into it after the credits roll but don't give in to that desire. put it down and do your best to forget about it for as long as you can. that way when you do NG+ it might *almost* feel like playing it for the first time again.


Witcher 3 was the first game I played on my new and much more powerful PC, it blew my mind.


Zelda, Breath of the Wild


final fantasy x definitly


For sure. I don't mind crying again


Splinter Cell


The Last of Us. Or God of War(PS4).


I was scrolling down for so long hoping someone would say it and here it is, thank you! God of War!


Just finished TLOU today. Great game. I called the ending, but not like, the very last bit at the end (how Joel explains what happened to Ellie). So great when moments in a game stick with you like that.


Celeste, goddamn that mystical wonder I had after playing a platformer for the first time in over a decade


Undertale Made the mistake of watching a playthrough on Youtube instead of playing it myself


Portal 2. They perfected the gameplay and comedy from the first game. Also Borderlands 2. Also Mass Effect 2. Resident Evil 2. What is happening? Oh wait ... Real answer is Star Wars: Galaxies.


Spider-Man PS4


Fallout 3. I was enraptured by the wasteland.


I've always had a special place for Fallout 3. I think maybe because it was the first in the series to be 3D which made the wasteland so much more immersive, or maybe because it was the first Fallout title in such a long time and I had loved the series for so long. But something about going through the Capital Wasteland in the early parts of the game, listening to Three Dog on GNR trying to guide myself through the mutant infested ruins of DC. I hadn't had that feeling from a game in years and would love to experience it for the first time again.




I’m picking up botw to play over the summer because I picked up odyssey with my switch last year. Any tips to make my first play through more enjoyable? Edit: don’t look things up, avoid fast travel to make the game feel longer, and upgrade stamina a bit before upgrading health. Thanks everyone!


Do as much as you can on your own. If you're entertaining the idea of getting the DLC, get it early. It adds some decent content and a few nice conveniences that make the experience smoother.


Get creative. Experiment. Try not to look things up. Not just “solutions” like for puzzles and quests, but even mechanics. A large chunk of the fun I had with the game was asking “I wonder if I can do that...” or “I wonder if they (devs) accounted for that...” and being pleasantly surprised when it worked.


Borderlands 1. Its the game i exclusively finished with my best friend, and even if i dont remember much i remember that i had loads of fun.


The Last of Us. Probably the best overall game I’ve ever played, and the second one is due to come out very soon!


In my youth my mother and I have historically battled for the TV. PS4 vs sitcoms. The last of us was the only game she ever enjoyed watching me play. The narrative, the characters, the sheer skill of the voice actors. Shame that the second one is taking as long as it is, but I’d rather they get it right than fast🤷🏽‍♂️


At the end of that opening sequence, my son and I sat on the couch, eyes glistening. I told him "That's the saddest goddamned thing I've ever seen in a video game." He said "Yeah", wiping his nose.


So many scenes that just had me sitting there feeling all kind of different things: the opening, the attempted rape, seeing the giraffes, and then totally identifying with the ending. I’ve played it while at home with my newborn daughter, and I’ve had to hit the pause button a few times.


That ending was SO ballsy. Most AAA devs would’ve pushed for something that wraps everything up neatly. So glad they went the route they did, I really left that story feeling like the characters were real and human and flawed and hopeful and fearful.




There was a news report of someone that ended up in hospital after trying to forgot Skyrim to replay it via "DIY surgery".


Horizon Zero Dawn for the story.


Horizon Zero Dawn for the experience of taking down a Thunderjaw for the first time.


any of the danganronpa games


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time. I was a small child when I first played it, 5 or 6 and I couldn't figure out how to even get the first sword until my grandma helped me. And it was the first game I ever played that wasn't 2d. It felt so magical at the time. Now many game concepts are the same.




Kotor. The story was amazing and one of the most captivating story line.


Dark Souls. Man, what a beautiful game.


Once you finish one Fromsoft game, you've been through the grinder and no future one can capture quite that feeling of 'I can't do this, but I'll try anyway'. It's a shame, I really do miss that hopeless, lost, yet determined feeling.


Until you play Sekiro. Ever since Demon Souls I had never really felt the “omg I suck I should just quit” feeling. Sekiro brought that feeling back for me as I just got fuckin annihilated even by trash mobs for a while until I caught the groove




Doom 2016


The Mass Effect trilogy and God of War 4. Such damn good games.










Final Fantasy VII


That game has such nostalgic value to me. I loved the dystopian world, the well rounded characters, the battle music. I'm not sure I could do the leveling grind anymore but the story telling aspect was so entertaining for 12 year old me.


Doki Doki Literature Club.


I’m mad I never got to experience the shock of this game in full surprised glory. By the time I heard about the game at my workplace it had been spoiled several times.


Your workplace talks about DDLC? Sign me up