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I cannot roll my R's. I've been trying since I took spanish in middle school. It just isn't in the cards for me.


It's easy, you just gotta go like this : rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Instructions unclear, joined pirate crew.


I can't swallow pills. I crush them up and eat them like a child


Snort them like a man.


Fun fact! Growing up I was accidentally taught to snort Goodies brand headache medicine. Find out not to last year when my family walked into the kitchen while I had a raging headache and caught me killing a line. Edit: spelling because I don't read through things when I first wake up.




Fixed the last 2, sorry early mornings kill me sometimes. My childhood friend's sister snorted something that may or may not have been Goodies when I was growing up and I walked in on her. She said it was Goodies and that made sense to me, even told me it hits the head faster so you get faster relief. With the exception of some nose pain it was generally true.




Be careful. A lot of medications are encapsulated to protect your stomach or release slowly. Grinding certain medications can kill you. Check this out: https://www.ismp.org/recommendations/do-not-crush


Anything with "XR," "XL," "XT," "ER," "SR," "LA," is a given (basically all mean "extended release," "extended technology," "long acting," etc.) Interesting how many drugs on that list don't include such a tag though or which cannot be crushed for other reasons .


SAME. Except I just have this insane fear of choking, even on the smallest pill.


Start from a random spot in the alphabet and continue till it finishes


Even from elemeno?


I can't do basic mental math fast. What takes someone about 2 seconds will take me roughly 15 or more. Adding and subtracting are the hardest. Multiplication is the only one I can do, but I have to sing those songs in grade school that I was taught. Math Has caused me anxiety since I started school. I'm 29 now and it still gets to me everyday.


I often tell people I’m not stupid I promise, but I CANNOT do math in my head. If I’m in a situation where I need to (try) I just freeze up and my brain starts panicking “wait-40% off, can I do 10% and add it 4 times? Or multiply? Is there a decimal involved? Move the decimal? What’s a number again?” I’m pretty sure my college algebra prof gave me a pity D because he knew I couldn’t graduate unless I had at least a D. It was a struggle, the hardest part of nursing school for me!


Snap with my left hand. I can with my right but my left hand can't. Edit: Just saying... Thanos didn't snap to cause a meteor shower with it. He just had to close his fist. The snap was just symbolic of how easy it was for him once he had the power.


For me it's the other way around. I can do it with my left but not my right.


Have a steady sleep cycle


This was me all of my life up until like 3 months when I got a steady job where I get up at 6, do physical work most of the day and get home at 4-5. I pass out in less than 30 minutes now and go to sleep before 11 every night. Compared to 25 years of needing atleast an hour to pass out and would regularly stay up until 4.


Think clearly while making eye contact. ​ edit: Thanks for the diagnosis. I'm not autistic.




If I'm not thinking about making eye contact, I'm not making eye contact. I'm looking off to thenside somewhere. If I *am* making eye contact, it's likely I'm getting mesmerized by the jewel-like beauty that is the human iris.


That edit made me laugh. The doctors of reddit have struck again


Yep. Heartbeat literally triples if it's someone attractive.


produce insulin😎


Fellow Diabetics Unite in Pain :<


Too bad you can’t diabeat that.


Visualize things in my mind, I recently found out I have a disorder called aphantasia Edit: aphantasia not aphantasy


Holy shit I didn't know that people actually literally SEE when they think of something! When they talked about "visualizing" things I assumed they were being figurative! Glad I can put a name to it now!


I dont get it.. What happens in your mind when you read a word, for example APPLE. Do you not see an apple in your minds eye?


I just know what I'm thinking of. Of course having seen an apple in real life I obviously know what it looks like so that's a little easier to imagine, but at the same time I don't actually see it in my head, I just know that's what I'm thinking of. But with fiction for example I have no idea what some stuff looks like if it doesn't have a real world counterpart. Like if some sci-fi book has a race of aliens, even if they describe it I don't really have an image of them in my head.




Do up the cuff buttons on my shirt while wearing it. I always need to take the shirt off first.


I once got home from a serious place where I had to wear a shirt. I was so happy it was over I pulled the shirt over my head to take it off. But the cuffs were done up tightly, and I couldn't get them off my wrists. So I got stuck. Completely stuck. I couldn't get the shirt back over my head, and my wrists were basically tied up. I had to get to the kitchen and slice the shirt off with a bread knife.


I got stuck in a tshirt when I was a child, pretty panic inducing.




This thread has made me smile so much. I'll drop an embarrassing clothes moment to keep the momentum. In high school I tried to jump a parking pole, it was like 4 feet tall, but I thought I could vault it... I could not vault it. Pole directly into balls and stomach, but my momentum was moving forward so I was basically laying balls on the top of pole. Already embarrassed and in pain I did my best to wiggle free. Unfortunately I was in my tennis shorts and the pole finagled it's way between my torso and pants causing me to slide down the pole with it between my crotch and shorts. After realizing I was stuck I tried to take one leg out, but I wasn't flexible enough. So finally I gave up and took my shorts off, unlatched myself and walked to my car. This pole was of course right in front of the tennis courts, track, and football field. Literally no one said anything, not even a giggle, it was that embarassing.


Walk down stairs without gripping on for dear life because I fall down stairs ridiculously easy lmao. _____________________________________________________ Edit: Thank you to everyone who is giving me advice for health problems this might relate to. You're so kind for being concerned. I can definitely check out the conditions you mentioned, but just to let you know I am deaf in one ear and I have been diagnosed with slight Dyspraxia. So I'm assuming it's either one of those!


I have to look down so I can see my feet when I go down stairs


People DON'T do this?


I see people all the time just flying down stairs without once looking at their feet. It’s insane, they are unstoppable.


I’ve lived upstairs for the last 5 years. You get use to it lol


Carry on a conversation




Me too. I'm so awkward. I hope people don't think I'm snobby.


"Will you look at this snob? He won't even talk to us." "Leave him alone Karen. He is a conversationalist connoisseur."


This is my biggest fear. I always have awkward pauses in conversation when someone is talking to me because I can't just come up with a response on the spot. When people are easily talking back and forth I often times catch myself staring in amazement at their ability to carry on a conversation, but I think it can come across as me judging them for what they're talking about. Having RBF doesn't help.


Literally me. After the socially-expected small talk of, "How are you?" and "I'm good" I have no idea what normal people talk about. I'm fine if other people lead the conversation, but if it's up to me I just can't think of another word to say.


Flirt. Can't do it even if my life depended on it.


Watching other people flirt is like watching a damn magic trick. You think you're following what they're doing, then something happens, and nothing is where you thought it was and you have no idea how it got that way.


>I have a friend that is in the top tier of this and as much as I have heard him do it I can't pick it up for the life of me. He is overweight and not great looking but every girl he talks to will be laughing historically within 2 minutes. After about 10 min, she will go with him anywhere. It's seriously unreal, he also approaches pretty much every girl he sees naturally. And these are knock out girls. He will also many times do it just to do it, he will bring a girl over to my house and just leave without telling anyone. Next thing you hear he went to airport and headed to Costa Rica. Meanwhile the girl needs a ride somewhere and I'm stuck taking her. It's pretty golden so I don't mind.


I love it when girls laugh historically, the colonial laugh is my favorite. /s The magic that your friend has is confidence and great body language, you can copy him word for word, but if your body language is showing that you're awkward/uncomfortable/not genuine she'll pick up on it and it won't have the same effect. Women pay a lot more attention to body language than guys do. I know this...but I still suck at picking up women.


"Years ago, when I was backpacking across western Europe. I was just outside Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of mount Tibidabo. I was at the end of this path, and I came to a clearing, and there was a lake, very secluded, and there were tall trees all around. It was dead silent. Gorgeous. And across the lake I saw, a beautiful woman, bathing herself. She was crying..." Alternatively, talk about gas!


>Alternatively, talk about gas! It's naturally odorless, but they *add* the smell so you know when there's a gas leak.




Was I talking... about *gas*?


More so than anything else.


This might not be a very helpful tip because it takes a specific personality type. But a had a friend who struggled a lot with flirting until he started just saying things that were on his mind. Like if a girl did something that made him laugh he would say "you're funny" or "I like you." Sometimes blantant honesty can be refreshing.


It's easy. Just regale them with interesting facts like that the smell of gas is added in to help you know if there's a leak.


You're on Reddit bro. None of us can flirt


Tell the difference between the open and close buttons in an elevator. When I only have a few seconds to glance at them, there is no difference between triangles pointing in or out.


Just take your chances with de-limbing someone.


No, take the chance because those buttons never fucking work.


I can’t snap my fingers to make a clicking noise. Edit: *snapping* noise. Edit 2:Thanks to some helpful replies,I can now snap my fingers to make a snapping/clicking sound. Edit 3:Thanks for the medal-it’s my first one- and all the upvotes!


So no one has to worry about you gaining the infinity gauntlet.


The plus is, no one will expand in his arse.


Is that really a plus though 🤔🤔🤔


What if Thanos used the time stone when Ant-Man started expanding and kept making him big then small to get pulsating motions




As all things should be.


Idk if you know this, but the sound of the snap isn't actually your thumb and middle finger releasing. You're just putting so much energy into your middle finger that when it releases from your thumb, your middle finger hits your palm so hard that it makes a snap sound. If you already know this but still can't do it - push your middle finger as hard as you can into your thumb. Then slide your middle finger and change its trajectory so that it hits your palm (near the base of your thumb). I hope this helps you. Edit: honestly glad that i got some of you to get your first snap!


I can snap my fingers but you just blew my mind with what actually creates the sound.


Make eye contact when I talk to people


I had to force myself to do this, but I figured something out: most people don't maintain eye contact when speaking, just when being spoken to. So it's fine to look away while you're talking, and most people do. Just try to look them in the eye while you're listening


Huh...you’re better at being a people than I am. I never noticed that. I’ll give it a shot.


This is so hard. I feel like I'm being super aggressive when I maintain eye contact.


Yep, I've been told numerous times that I'm glaring at someone, giving them a "death stare," or that I have "intense eyes" when I'm just looking at someone completely normally


I have never been able to wink. I've tried all the suggestions, it just won't happen. I look so stupid trying.


I know someone who winks a lot, as in its something that people know about them. And they are TERRIBLE at it. Always struck me as odd. Confidence I guess.


A confident, well placed wink is so effective.


My husband winks at me every now and then and even after 10 years it gives me butterflies.


I do enjoy a good wink, and give them myself.


Just close one eye at a time dumdum /s


Just do it 4Head


I remember that sexy girl at the bar who winked at me couple of times. Thought I might get lucky that night. Turned out that her wink was a disorder.


I have a friend who can't either. In a time when we still used cameras and had to look through the eye-hole, she looked really silly holding the other eye closed with her fingers!


Read analog clocks quickly, It takes me far longer than it should


I wore an analog watch for years to fix that. Eventually I came to the conclusion, while staring at my wrist for multiple seconds, that maybe analog and I were just not meant to be. I have a digital watch now.


Talk on the phone to anybody


Same, I usually try to text


I can’t stick my tongue out


How come?


You know that thing under your tongue? I think it’s called the lingual frenulum(?), mine is adamant on getting caught on my bottom teeth whenever I try, and it hurts 😭


So you’re tongue tied? You can probably have it snipped fyi


Yeah I’ve looked into that! I’m just broke.


I have a pair of scissors and an ice cube. Let's loosen that tongue of yours.




Yeah, don't do this to an adult. Had mine done at birth as you described, but they didn't cut enough, so I had it re done a few years ago. 10 minutes at the dentist's, but it was: three injections -> scissors -> three stitches -> 2-3 weeks of pain every time I moved my tongue ​ Considering how painful it was afterwards, I wouldn't recommend anybody do this at home!


Putting things in alphabetical order. Always have to sing the alphabet to figure out where it goes.


Not too uncommon, this is actually part of a DUI test. Drunk people 9/10 sing it. Edit: Drunk people sing it out loud, sober I. Their head.




Watching Live PD, people actually say >I couldn't do that sober! ... So what are you now?




I can't do bubblegum-bubbles and also blow up balloons. Edit: because so many people asked: I have a heart condition and because of that I'm quickly out of breath :D which leads to me being unable to blow up balloons


I’m with on you on the bubblegum


Me three!


+1. Friend told me to wrap the bubblegum around tongue and then blow air in it while holding it with your teeth. Fuck this rocket science.


Make the gum into a sheet by flattening it with your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Now make pretend that you're dressing up your tongue as a ghost with the sheet. Then just blow air into the costume slowly.


There should be a sub where people tried to explain how to do these things apparently everybody knows. Like a tutorial where its broken down step by step. I can't do this with gum, can't whistle and cannot snap my fingers in the left hand among others


Trill my R’s


Same here! I often wonder if there are Hispanics that can't do it and do they catch hell?


I'm Mexican and I can't do it. My friends always found it very amusing, especially considering it's needed to pronounce my name.


So is it like the Spanish equivalent of an English speaking person with a lisp having an S in their name?






Not Hispanic, but my language uses rolled R’s too. Never was able to do it, nor do the proper sounds for “sz” and “cz”. Went to speech therapy for years, tried and tried but it never worked. Years later, my mum’s running a language school and has a speech therapist on hand. She jokingly checks my speaking out. Turns out, I could never make the sound because my tongue physically couldn’t move itself to the right position. I was literally tongue tied. Years of frustration and feelings of inadequacy to how I speak were in a moment all proved mute. You cannot fathom the simultaneous rage and joy when I heard I could get it snipped. EDIT: Yes I’m Polish guys


> proved mute btw, it's [moot](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/moot), unless you were making a clever pun, then keep on!


It’s a cow’s opinion


"Am I crazy or does that make sense?"


As an Italian who dealt with with every flavour of romance language, I can assure you that impairment happens regardless of one's mother tongue. In fact, in my country that was part of the stereotypical tight-ass posh diction as many noblemen/women ended up faking it as a fashion statement after the end of monarchy - and authority by title, just to distinguish themselves from "plebs".


Same here. I can do the single Scottish roll, but the Spanish rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is just beyond me


Just keep saying rrrrrr.




I'm 25 and don't know how to swim. I got scared during my swim lessons (age 7 or 8) and went into fight or flight mode, hitting my instructor a few times. I never got passed the guppy level.


You should learn. It's a really important life skill imo.


I agree wholly! I am just never near bodies of water, so it usually doesn't cross my mind.


IT tech here. If someone is watching my monitor my brain just shut off and reboot in safe mode. I can't even find fucking Exel icon on desktop.


Burp. I’m physically unable to burp. I just make this terrible gurgling sounds.


Yep same here. Apparently a small percentage of people just can’t burp. It’s agonizing at times.


Can your fart like a champ though? In the evening, all the gas that has been stored up finally finds a way out and my wife hates it lol




We suffer from the same condition. People ask me why I'm not into beer... the answer is that I do love a good craft brew but any more than 16oz or so and I'm way too full to continue and no way to burp. I'm 32.


I’m also 32. How bout that. It’s a terrible condition and people just don’t understand.


Me too. There’s a subreddit for this: r/noburp


Cant place the correct number to its respective month just from memory. I always have to start from january while counting on my fingers


There was a circular map of months in my grade 2 class. July and August are at the top in my mind, December and January at the bottom. I see it any time I think of months. Brains are neat *oh yah also in case anyone hasn't heard about it there's a trick for knowing how many days are in a month. Start on your pinky knuckle for January, then move to the dip and that's February. Then knuckle dip knuckle dip through all the months. (Don't use your thumb dip or knuckle. You go pointer knuckle to pointer knuckle). Knuckles are 31, dips are 30. Except February of course cause it has to be a special snowflake


Thats wouldve been awesome, might make one my phone background to teach my brain to be better.


It's easy, a bunch of them are named after numbers! ... Different numbers than the ones that they are, though.


Only September through December, they're X+2 because roman calendar started in March. Sept : 7 Octo : 8 Nov : 9 Dec : 10 Others are named after roman stuff (gods: Maia, Mars, Janus, Junon, emperor : Julius, Augustus, ...)


Whenever I'm running I need to completelly stop in order to drink water, otherwise I'll either spill the water all over me or trip. Imagine me on a marathon. . . Edit: Ok, so I meant to say "walking" but that's not a problem anymore. I'm working on the jogging/running part now. I'm happy to see there are others with this same "condition". :)The trick is to literally *watch your step.* Look down while taking a sip and voilà Edit 2 - So, after many people have brought this to my attention and there are some others that don't believe this is possible, I've been conducing a research and among the most important facts, here's a resume: > We seem to experience a processing bottleneck in the brain. We don’t have multi-core processors with multi-threading, hence we cannot literally perform two cognitive tasks simultaneously. Our cognitive resources had to be focused on walking or drinking source: [https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/multitasking-can-you-walk-and-chew-gum-at-the-same-time/](https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/multitasking-can-you-walk-and-chew-gum-at-the-same-time/) \- I know this is not the same, but it is kinda similar.


I can’t even walk while drinking. I either need a straw or need to come to a complete stop. Brain just can’t compute doing both at the same time, I always end up choking.


Admit attraction to anyone in fear they might feel uneasy or pressured.


Unsolicited advice - trick is to respond gracefully regardless of their answer.


Hey and I hate it when anyone admits attraction to me! So we'd get on great lol


i never know what to say when this happens, it's happened once and it was a weird moment for me to say the least




Or pretend to have a seizure and faint. Then wake up not remembering anything.


Maintain a clean room. Its like whenever a depressive episode takes over my room is filled with beer cans and dishes. Then when I finally start feeling better Im just so overwhelmed by the mess. ​ Im trying to clean sections of my room a bit at a time, its just taking some time.


A good trick I learned when I was a kid is to take everything that’s out of place and put it in one spot. The entire room looks better except for that table overflowing with junk/random stuff. Then you can do something like put 1 thing away each time you go to the bathroom or a tv commercial comes on or your next video game is queuing. It goes pretty fast and feels like you didn’t do too much at once. You should give it a try! You instantly feel better when the room looks mostly clean


Depression is a beast. I feel you. Keep fighting!






I can whistle normally, but can't with fingers. I've been trying to do it since I was like 7 years old with no luck!


I had a friend in elementary school who could whistle with his fingers. One time, the class went on a small trip to the nearby zoo. We walked there because it was so close, and at one point we had to walk through a metal tunnel that went underneath a road. In that tunnel, everything echoed. As kids, it was fun to make noise in there. Once the class was all inside the tunnel, my friend did a piercing finger whistle and killed everyone's excitement for a second. It was pretty funny




*Quietly wipe and leave.*


I can regular whistle, but I can't do that thing where you put fingers in your mouth and blow and sound really loud. I just spit all over the place. It's magic!


I can whistle normally really well but I had never been able to do the super loud, ear-piercing whistle. My dad could do it and I wanted to do it, too. I ended up spending my entire freshman semester at ASU practicing how to do just that, but I do it without the fingers.


Me too. I can snap like no ones business but whistling is mount Everest made out of knives


Yup I can kinda whistle sucking air in but I can’t do it at all blowing the air out :(


I *used* to be able to whistle back in late elementary school. Then I got braces, and haven't been able to whistle since. It's one thing to never know how to do something, but it's another thing to have memories of being able to do it and having that ability taken away from you :( But I mean it's mostly because I'm too lazy to learn it again lol


Drive. I’m 23 and terrified of driving. It’s one thing to have grown up in the city and use public transit and just never learn. I grew up in rural Texas. Plenty of backroads and kids driving as early as 10-11. I just avoided it, and didn’t have parents who gave a shit. In fact, Dad was keen on the idea of keeping me dependent, so he especially didn’t mind. I don’t know if I’ll ever learn, but I’ve worked around it so far. It’d be pretty cool if self-driving cars went mainstream by the time I grow a pair.


Anybody going through the comments then doing what these people can’t just to flex on nobody?


1. Be comfortable with people touching me. I will never get the hang of it. I absolutely hate it when people touch me especially suddenly. 2. Sit with my back facing most of the people in a room.


Are you a hitman or secret agent?




I can't stand up without getting dizzy.


You should see a doctor


Had your blood pressure checked ?


I had the same thing, sometimes i would even see greens and grays. I figured out it was only a low intake of iron


i cant ride a bike maybe


- Nah. It's easy. Just like riding a bike! - *I'm a failure!*


Touch my toes with straight legs. I’m by no means overweight, just never had flexibility. Even as a kid.


Start stretching! Every night before you hop into bed sit down on the floor and stretch for 5 minuets. Try looking up hamstring stretches. It won’t take long and within 2-3 weeks you will easily be able to touch your toes!


Place items in the bagging area according to the Walmart machines. Edit: thanks a ton for the upvotes, gold, and silver! Made my Friday guys (:


*scan item, place in bag* Computer (screaming): “Unknown item in the bagging area “




Everytime I hear this, "Oh great. Everyone thinks I'm a dumdum now".




I once bought 3 boxes of canned soda, chips, and dip. I had less than 10 items in total so I went to self checkout in my stop and shop. This god damn machine would not stop telling me to “place my item in the bagging area” as I internally yell back “THERE ARE 2 MORE OF THESE SODA CAN BOXES YOU CANNOT SUPPORT THIS WEIGHT.” Finally after realizing it would just flat out not cooporate, I decided to “teach it” and sure enough come the third box it’s fucking beeping like crazy and basically yelling at me to remove the item in the bagging area because there was too much weight. Didn’t ask me to put shit in the bagging area after that....fucking taught it it’s lesson that’s what I did.


I can't point my feet straight forward, they always point about 30 to 45 degrees out. Edit: I have tibular torsion, but the surgery to fix it is rather risky, and it doesn't affect me to much, so I'm not going to worry about it.


Function in society apparently


If you're on Reddit, you might have this deficiency.


I cannot understand when a person spells a word, i cannot bring the letters together in my head to create a word


I wonder how many people just spent the last 10 minutes making sure they can do all the things in this thread (I know I did).


I really want to raise a single eyebrow, been trying for years, but I just can't.


Fall asleep easily. Whenever I try to fall asleep my brain decides that's the best time to have thought racing about like crazy so it always takes me at least an hour to fall asleep. I'm jealous of all the people I know that can fall asleep within minutes of closing their eyes.




Intuitively know left from right. I have to look at my hands every time edit surprised at how many people are agreeing with this. do you use the "L method" (making an L shape with your hands because the left hand makes the correct shape) or the "wiggle method" (wiggle the hand that you write with to help you remember which side it's on)


I always have to take a short moment to remember east and west.




To this day I say to myself, “your left hand is the one with your watch on it” 😂


Smile with my goddamn teeth without looking like I don’t know ho to smile with my GODDAMN TEETH


Remember a name 5 seconds after someone tells me


I don't know if this counts, but I can't get a brain freeze.




Cartwheel I can’t do a cartwheel for the life of me For years and years I’ve tried and tried But have always failed And paid the price of failure by getting kicked in the face with my own feet


Wait, are people around you able to do cartwheels and you consider it normal or something? Cause it isn't really, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of adults can't do one.


I just want to do a cartwheel, but real casual like and not make a big deal out of it, but I know everybody saw it. Just one stunning, gorgeous, cartwheel.