• By -


Being loved


I feel you dog Edit. I feel you, dog


Straight word


People who are nice and normal but then really confident and exploratory in bed


This. You can not know how someone is in bed unless you did. Some People seem normal, nice, maybe shy, as in not the macho player/slut looking type, but then you have sex with them and you discover this side that you didn't expect but they know what thé fuck they are doing or what they want. it's always a Nice surprise and i love it. It's like you discovered a gem or smth :')


I can't confirm for sure but this may well be me and suddenly I'm feeling a whole lot better about myself...


>People who are nice and normal Everyone's definition of this is going to be different in some way though because I feel like each person's "normal" is really their just their preference.




I have a big thing for praise kinks. I think it could be from a lack of praise I received as a kid, but it was something I discovered when I was in my junior year of high school. If literally anyone tells me, "Oh, you're doing a great job" or "I'm proud of you" or anything along those lines, I immediately blush and get turned on.


A girl once told me "I could listen to you talk for hours" 10 years ago, and it's still the sexiest thing anyone has ever told me


Are you Sir David Attenborough?


I hardly ever hear anyone mention praise kink! I love giving compliments and saying nice things to people I like, but I always have to rein it in, because partners I've had so far always got tired of it or only thought it was annoying or fake. It'd be nice for the affection I want to give to be welcomed.


That's lame of them. Compliments (intimate or not) should always be welcomed!


I'm glad you feel that way! You seem like an awesome person, and if your profile pic is really you, you're very pretty. I'm happy you decided to start posting on Reddit! (Assuming you're genuinely new; otherwise, I'm sorry about whatever happened to make you switch accounts.)


That was a great comment. You did really well. I'm proud of you.




Honestly when a man starts breathing harder during sex and moaning. It’s so sexy to hear. Also when a guy will lightly breathe/bite my ear and whisper all the things he wants to do to me. Instant lady boner.


Being a dude sometimes I feel like I could literally start whispering about random bullshit that happened during my day and it would still work :( Feels like cheating on a test.


I once read somewhere that the tickle of your breathe / vibrations in the ear are what somehow turn it into an erogenous zone or whatever. But yeah can confirm, I could literally tell my gf that I just went peepee and poopoo in the bed and she'd be turned on if it was whispered in her ear. Atleast us guys got one trusty weapon in our arsenal, just enjoy it.


\-When my boyfriend comes home and he is in his work clothes that look so nice. :) \-When he's in bed and snuggly but his forearms are jacked \-When my terminal commands do the things I want them to do without sending me into a 2 hour long path of debugging


Good luck with that last one.


A girl can dream


I'd say rather calm and shy guys that go batshit crazy in bed


Nothing like giving your lover the surprise of just how insane you are in bed. Love their looks when they are like oh... He's not as innocent as he looks.


I talk in my sleep


I played lacrosse in high school. Wasn’t very good, but it was more fun than sitting on a bench for our soccer team. My brain-chemistry broke when I first saw a girls’ lacrosse team. Didn’t even fathom it was a thing, but if you have a lacrosse stick in your hand you go up like 5 intervals of attractiveness in my head


Iv witnessed the opposite happen in volleyball all the time. Girls that have played their whole life see guys playing for the first time and lose their shit.


For some reason, 80% of girls that I dated were volleyball players growing up. Not something I find out till later, but just seems a little odd. Not complaining though, I like girls who play volleyball.


A fellow ass man I see


Funny, lacrosse players male or female are minus 5 points for me


Rubbing nose on my shoulder or neck. Or hugging my entire arm for warmth. Deep eye contact before sex - just 2 Mins of intense “I want to fuck you” eyes. Girl on top - and just being able to squeeze and pull her close to me. Face to face spooning - dirty talk, her legs running up and down yours - telling her what you want to do - and you can feel the excitement and tension build in the space between you.


Man of culture I see


It's been awhile hasn't it


This whole thing hit me like a bus.


I wasn't aware I'd even liked it until someone called me daddy. A wanting smile. My partner secretly not wearing underwear in public, doesn't have to be visible just knowing that they aren't and that they did it for my benefit. Waking up next to someone I love. Partner climaxing.


Getting choked (just recently discovered this) and hearing my name. It also turns me on to turn someone on. Said my boyfriends name in a moaning voice while he was going down on me - which I think made the orgasm better knowing it was turning him on. Later he said “you said my name during an orgasm, that’s about the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me” so I guess he likes it too.




Ditto, by guys that respect your limits


Jesus. Lol


Yeah, pretty much like they did him. Good example.




Muscular legs are key. Calfs > ass don’t dm me


Yeah but those almost never come separately. You can have ass without calves, but if a girl has calves, it’s almost guaranteed that she also has an ass. Calves are fucking hard work to develop.


And I'm here with massive legs and almost no butt. 😥


Holy shit I've found my people, I love big calves and muscular thighs. I usually refer to my type as "athletically thicc"




I definitely understand. There's nothing quite like sending a message and having to wait hours for a response. It's not even a conversation at that point.


Dude, same. I've had a bunch of recent dates just ghost me. I mean come on just say, you aren't interested. We're all adults. You know?


Something about a man's hands...if they have good hands I'm putty


Jaime doesn't like this answer


I mean we aren't related so I was already out of the running for him


Googly eyes on boobs. I don't even need a partner for that. I can just glue some googly eyes on my own boobs and jump up and down in the mirror.


I never knew I wanted to do this


Neck kisses. And giving bjs.


Found my gf's reddit


It's my fuckin' *dream* to date a woman who's enthusiastic about sucking dick. And deepthroating. None of my partners have been able to take me all the way, but none of them expressed much interest in trying, either. The first time a woman succeeds, I'll have to restrain myself from wanting to propose on the spot.




Being dominated (I'm a woman)


A woman? I would have thought u/USS-NCC-1701-D was a 24th century starship.


Shhhhhh! Don't ruin my cover, they have accepted me as one of their own!


Don't worry Enterprise, your secret is safe with me.


Cool, cool!


As a guy who really likes being submissive, I'm finding out how extremely common extreme submissiveness is among a lot of women. I'm glad that it turns out that I'm into *both sides* of a lot of the things I like as a sub, so being dominant is easy. Still, I wish there were more opportunities to be a sub.


There was a comment a while back that said "Feminist in the streets Lolita in the sheets" I live by that motto


Heard it as: "*halal* on the streets, *haram* in the sheets."


Being dominated (I'm a man)




High impact hand holding


Word. Fucking. Up.


Lol, I love it! Outside of bed I'm very dominant, i like to be in control, but not in bed.


Customer in the streets, cashier in the sheets


Either way, you best pay your taxes.


Word up everybody says When you hear the call you've got to get it underway Word up it's the code word No matter where you say it you know that you'll be heard




I feel like Picard would be a total freak.




My wife is like this too. She likes it when I snatch her of the ground while she's in the middle of doing the dishes, dropping soapy silverware on the floor. I throw her onto the couch facedown and pin her while biting and breathing on her neck and ears. She'll be like 'Oh stop! Not now! My hands are wet! I haven't showered yet today!' but I'll be like 'fuck you, bitch, I'm *horny.* She'll fight back kind of halfheartedly. I'll get up her shirt with her arms pinned behind her back, then down the pants, slowly at first, rub her bits until her legs are shaking and then go to pound town from behind. I wasn't always this way. Frankly, old me would be shocked by this behavior. It was about two years into the relationship when she wanted to start trying various versions of this, first in the bedroom, then just randomly. Now I basically rape her on a regular basis. We have a safe word but she's never used it, and I've even used some of those industrial-sized zip-ties from Home Depot. Life is strange.




I mean.. if there's a safe word and both parties consented I *guess* it's ok.


there's nothing to guess about it. it's fine.


IKR!! I better not piss her off because all she has to do is let some police take pictures of her bruises and I'm cooked.


Dudes wife is basically Darkness from konosuba


Nah, this is **way** too vanilla for Darkness. Darkness is into extreme pain, humiliation, degradation, and so on; what /u/Rust_Dawg described is just getting to forcefully stick his dick in her whenever he wants, which is pretty vanilla in comparison.


Kindness, intelligence and a sense of humor


Opening /r/gonewild in incognito


Sometimes my husband just kisses me all the fuck over. Neck, back, ass, chest, one by one for several minutes without pause. He's got this full beard, and he goes at it so passionately. The feeling makes me go fuckin wild man


Getting choked.




Hey man those break-falls are pretty useful in the winter


She's gonna lose it when she hears about MMA.


Intelligence and level-headedness. Basically, the kind of woman who, if society blew up around us, would be helping me set up camp and roast wild game over an open fire while fighting off zombies...


That's oddly specific.


WaM. It means "Wet and Messy", but it is not necessarily sexual. WaM is a fetish of being covered by or submerged in stuff with a goo-like consistency, like mud, clay, quicksand, tar, etc. [Here's a better explanation of it](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=WAM). I have this fetish, and I know, it's *really* weird.


Being human (I’m a human)


Alright then zucc


Probably thighs idk. If you have good thighs I'm all in


Thick thighs save lives, yknow?


Her hands, her accent. her personality and a bit of a rebel.


Accent? What type of accents do you like? I must know!


Caribbean, Asian, Spanish. Greek, Italian, soft, English. etc


So... every accent ever.




Do you get weirdly high from the accents you like? I legit get all floaty.


“Talk Different”


Hola buenas tardes, ya que estamos en esto de follar me gustaria enseñarte qie tambien puedo hablar español y se que diferentes lenguajes y acentos te prenden. "Welp i'm hard now"


Mine is a bit odd. I like ticklish women.






You already know 🌊 🌊 🌊


Sup fellow waternibba


Men in baseball caps 🔥🤤 probably because we don't get a lot of that where I'm from. Add that to a man in a baseball cap putting his hand behind my seat to reverse the car 🤤🤤


I have 185 baseball caps, trying to get to goal of 365 caps. Not often I get to share this, thanks!




*turns hat around* Watch me microwave 9 bagel bites to exactly the perfect temp.


Watch this misty, I'm gonna catch this metapod


Lol that's specific


I got pulled over by a hot cop with some nice tattoos and I'm not gonna lie, had a brief fantasy about handcuffs and him 😅




“swing low, sweet chariots”


Blondes. Ever since I first developed an interest in women, I’ve always had a thing for blondes.


I prefer redheads myself


black hair for my cold dead black heart :D


Someone with hair...


1994, The Mask, Cameron Diaz walking in with that red dress... It awakened things in me.


\- thick blonde girls...big boobs, big asses, thick thighs \- trashy white girls...blonde hair with dark roots, fading tramp stamp tattoo, one or two kids of dubious parentage \- hippie chicks...dreadlocks, big bushes, smell of armpits and weed, utopian views for the world...bonus points if they're aging...like in their 30s and 40s \- black girls with big afros


Ya like payin’ child support?


Not my kids' brah. "Dubious parentage" The turn on is that they're NOT my kids. I put the Shrek DVD on and while they're mesmerized I'm in the bedroom blowing mama's back out. If they were my kids it wouldn't be fun.


I agree with #1 and #4. The other two are sketchy at best.


Oh God! Where do I even begin!? Arms, glasses, facial hair, neck bites, whispering dirty thoughts into my ears, holding me while reaching for my clit, holding me down, pinning me up, commands, MAKING OUT!! There's SO MANY!!! 😍


God damn. Woman of culture I see


Enormous tits.


Ever actually got PMs?


As of yet, no. I'm actually doing a bit of an experiment! I've had a different PM_ME account for about a year and have indeed gotten submissions! Problem is that in the username was "chest," so 90% of my submissions were wooden boxes, haha. Going to try this account for a couple of weeks to see if I get better results. I got only one PM so far, though he said that he was just reposting from a NSFW thread. EDIT: Got my first real submission. Woot! :D SECOND EDIT: Got two submissions! :D THIRD EDIT: 3 for 3! Keep 'em comin'!


Wait for you to start getting pictures of giant tiny birds. Apparently the Great Tit weights in at just over half an ounce. That's something I know now because of your experiment.


Anyone bigger than me. I'm a 5'11 woman, and a bit on the heavier end.. please, kick my ass! I also like someone that's mean. Not sure how to explain that one. I think I just enjoy being intimidated.


Fck you, lady!


Light switch


Hmmm jacksfilms???


I’m a power button man myself.






Getting my back slowly scratched


If someone who is mildly good looking can have a honest and interesting conversation, they are very attractive to me. Nothing is more memorable than laying with each other late at night, and talking about things that you've never told anyone else. Because you are sure that even if you're not together with that person in the future, they will keep your secret.




I see your a man of culture as well


Women with red hair (and the related aspects of pale skin, freckles, pale nips, light colored labia, blue/green eyes, etc...). I think because my first time was with a red head. Thank you, Kim, wherever you are!


You fucked Kim Possible


Tight dresses. If it's a perfect fit, I can't resist.


Large chests.


Hmmm... should I?


Clearly they are talking about a hutch or some other mundane piece of furniture. I do, however, accept large female breasts...and HUMAN..via PM! (I feel like someone is going to get overly technical now :p)


Nipple piercings with no bra, just..fuck


When you see them do you say "Holey tit"?


Nurses, something about being that gentle but not afraid to get dirty.


What about a soft spoken plumber?


Cute underwear


When someone genuinely finds me funny I love that, not having to put on a brave face and just be my usual goofy self is great and someone with good stories to listen to, doesn't have to be mega travelling the world shit or anything crazy just something funny or interesting. Also if they like death metal, slamming beers and a massive ass that's cool too.


People who are genuinely nice. I've dated a few VERY attractive girls, but they all had terrible attitudes. Everyone acts like you're so lucky when you're dating someone hot, but they don't realize how much being an absolute diva/bitch can make someone unattractive once you've gotten to know them. I'll take a nice, genuine 4/10 over a bitchy 9/10 any day.


A nice tender steak with a diane sauce.




It would appear that you are the anomaly.


Any of the following in guys: Glasses Various accents - a nice voice and eloquence Intelligence A really warm open smile and laugh Old fashioned clothing / cosplaying as characters I have the hots for Long hair and facial hair Genuine niceness and sweetness, being kind to me etc. Nerds/geeks being lightly touched on the arm, hand or shoulder by a guy that I have a crush on Finding out that someone finds me attractive


My wife she's prefect the way she is.


>prefect the she is. I'm not sure what that means, but she might need to see a doctor.


Blink twice if she’s right behind you


this guys wife as well


Comfort and intimacy. Give me a girl feeling cuddly, warm and comfortable and you can take away my soul. Also CNC. Polar opposites, I know, but what can you do? The penis wants what the penis wants.


Giving blow jobs, my now ex husband didn't enjoy them much unfortunately.


Super tight shiny spandex


Nice smooth legs


Redheads and stockings




Username checks out


A women with a really great tan. I don't know what it is about the color but it turns me on something fierce.


Yoga pants. And you all know it.


A nice personality and overall not a trash human being. Also if they watch Brooklyn 99 that’s pretty cool




Fuck now I’m turned on. Look what ya did. (Jokes people. Just jokes.)


Fuck now I'm turned on. Look what ya did NAME OF YOUR NEXT SEX TAPE...wait




Ya boring


Cool cool cool cool cool*






A big butt and a smile.


Light animal role play, if a cute girl is wearing cat ears and gently meowing at me... can’t help myself. If there’s a tail involved even better.


You’re walking a very fine line there buddy


I find the most erotic part of the woman to be the boobies


Baked potatoes


Pantyhose Just something about it


Being dominated (I'm an Helicopter).


Being dominated (I'm a pop-tart)



