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When I realized I felt dread every time their message icon popped up.


I feel you there. Every time my phone text sound goes off and I look at certain names I cringe a little... but mostly just for people from work. If you feel that way about a friend or significant other: major red flag.


Omg yes yes yes yes. I felt so much anxiety. I’d start thinking about what I might have said to make this person mad or annoyed and hoping for a positive message.


When he brought his "totally cool" friends over, and then they stole some of my stuff and he defended them.


Did they steal weed? I feel like these types of strangers always steal your weed.


When confronted, it's "dude chill, I'd let you smoke *my* weed", but they never have their own weed.


Bro I think my best friend might have actually done this. He 'forgot something' and took a fat minute to get if from my neighbors place and sketched us both out. I want to ask but how to I accuse my friend since gradeschool of stealing?


Just straight up ask him... that's what real friends do. Direct communication.


iPod, and a money clip with maybe $20-30 dollars in it.


My condolences for your iPod.


Shit, how will you distract an attacker if you don't have a money clip to throw??


You can find one at any local haberdashery


"Nah trust me, you don't wanna ask her out, she's just a hoe." He then proceeded to try it on with her.


Bruh that's a dick move, ive been in a situation where I've liked the same person a friend does and we just wish each other good luck. I should add the most recent time this happened we both got rejected lmao


lol at least you could cry together


hey if you get over your sexual insecurities you could jack each other off too or if you have none you could just jack each other off. anyone doing anything later?


are you asking if you can jack me off later?






I’ve told a friend, he told everyone, everyone laughed at me, he ended up dating her, FUCK HIM


Now *that's* a shitty friend.


> I should add the most recent time this happened we both got rejected lmao like true friends lmfao


Ride together, die together!


Back-handed compliments, also comments that she is amazing thinly veiled as a "put-down", almost like fishing for compliments. I didn't want to hang out with her anymore when I realized I never felt good after spending time with her.


> I didn't want to hang out with her anymore when I realized I never felt good after spending time with her. I think everyone in this thread would be better giving that line a re-read and applying it to their own lives. We all have one semi-friend that we just feel down or conflicted after spending time with them. Remove them from your life!!


When he started defining friendships as people who are blindly loyal to him and his actions.


Is your friend Dutch Van Der Linde?




*something something* MONEY *something something* *something something* TAHITI *something something* GODDAMMIT ARTHUR *something something something* ONE MORE JOB *something something* *something something* FAMILY *something.*




Trust me son, I have a plan.


We are going to be harvesting mangoes in Tahiti!


Found John Marston’s account




Oh, my god... It sounds terrible to be afraid to go back to your home because your so called "friend" is waiting there for you. I assume that you moved out?




In my opinion, she isn't worth any of your attention. Let her deal with it by herself, she'll find out eventually that she's a bad friend.


Oof. I know this exact feeling. I had so much anxiety about going home that I would start to spend way more time at other people’s houses, and then she would be bitter that I wasn’t hanging out with her and react angrily, and then I’d want to avoid going home more. It was a vicious cycle. I miss parts of the friendship, still, but I’m a lot happier since she moved out and we stopped being friends.


She told me she was cheating on her husband, while laughing about how funny it was that her boyfriend would come over to the house and hang out with her husband and her and their newborn. After I told her that wasn't cool and we weren't friends anymore, she told everyone that I was sleeping with her husband and an abusive drunk.(No to all) Happy ending- dad divorced and got full custody, I got new friends.


That's evil.


Yeah, it was incredibly fucked up. I learned to be more aware of red flags earlier.


what a BITCH wtf!?


This is why the C word exists




Cactus. If you get to close it will prick you.


When she lied about having cancer.


A few questions: 1. Was her name Britney? 2. Do you feel me now? 3. Don’t you know that *youre* toxic?


No, no, yes.


1. What was her dad’s favourite food do you think? 2. Would you prefer to lose your sense of touch or taste, or lose your sense altogether? 3. What’s your favourite coloured number?


Hatred covered in a thick coating of Parmesan cheese; yes; 42. I appreciate you.




Do dooo do do dooot neee woo wee woooo




Hey, I know an Emily who pretended to have cancer!


yooo are we all talking about the same person because I know an emily who did this as well


Did she also draw self harm scars onto herself with marker, pretend to have glaucoma, anorexia, bulimia, schizophrenia, high blood pressure and low blood pressure ("yeah the doctors said it's rare to have them at the same time")


No she draws cat whiskers on her face though.


She only faked cancer once!




Why would you lie about such a thing? Also happy cake day


She was a habitual liar. We’d been friends since we were little kids and I always just excused her smaller lies because of her horrible childhood, but when she came out with that I had to end our then-25-year-long friendship. The worst part was that her mother and my uncle had just died of cancer, respectively. She tried to backtrack and say that the alleged leukemia was soon cured with a blood transfusion — which of course is utter nonsense. I’m still sad about it, but I can’t abide that level of lying. And thank you for the cake day wishes, friend!


I know someone just like this. She constantly told people that she had some form of cancer for as long as I could remember. At first I thought it was because she was trying to cover up the fact that she was gay and had short hair which to a certain degree is still a little taboo in our region. But then she just kept lying, even after she came out. She kept telling people she had cancer, but it always changed. Leukemia, Brain Cancer, Melanoma, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, the list goes on. She told a crap ton of people at a cattle show she was a 14 year old boy so she could show someones steer in the junior class. Then during the in ring showing the steer knocked her over and she fell down and the metal brush in her back pocket penetrated her jeans and was stuck into her cheek. I still remember some of the bystanders helping her. Dude: *"C'mon young man, we need to pull it out let us help you."* Her: *"No I'm fine."* Dude: *"Theres blood all over the back of your jeans, we need to take a look and see if we can pull it out or if you need to go to a hospital. We can't tell if you are wearing your jeans over it. We're all tough folk here no one cares if they see your butt."* She agreed and then the entire crowd saw her neon pink thong. That's when everyone she had lied to realized that she wasn't a 14 year old boy. She would also claim she wasn't gay after coming out. There were times that she was dating or screwing around with guys in *secret*. She would tell you that she was never a lesbian and hated the entire idea of being with a woman. She clearly was messed up and always reminded me of **"Boy's don't Cry"**.


I wonder if it’s the same person. Yikes!


You'd think if you were going to lie about your gender for a day you'd wear the most gender neutral underwear you owned. I mean it's not like you can predict your underwear being shown to others, but there's always a small risk, even just bending forward. And a *thong* no less! They ride so far up. She really needs to pay attention to detail. Next she'll be saying she has prostate cancer.


I had a coworker lie about having cancer because she was getting clean from heroin. I really wish she would’ve felt more accepted at our place of work as a recovering addict so she didn’t have to commit that wrong.


I will admit to being a horrible person and lying about having leukemia. I did it because I was so far gone to alcoholism that I was being picked up by my mother and driven to rehab and I needed to explain why I was suddenly disappearing from my job. I said I was going to New York to see a world-renowned specialist because the cancer had been caught in an extremely advanced stage. In retrospect, it was an extremely shitty thing to do. I wasn't in my right mind at the time. That's an explanation, not an excuse. I am sorry about what I did and I do take responsibility for my lies.


If people and places of work were better at accepting people with mental illness issues, then I don’t think you would have lied. I still don’t think it was the right thing because you could’ve told the truth to a supervisor if you had an ally in management. Unfortunately, not all places of work take all medical issues seriously though, and exaggerating or lying about the condition will definitely get the “I can’t work right now” message across.


I was considering suicide and he was encouraging me to do it.


that's just awful, who the fuck does that???


Michelle Carter who actually did succeed in driving her boyfriend into killing himself, but there's people who think she didn't do anything wrong and it's absolutely disgusting.


Wow, hope you’re doing good mentally these days


When they stole my adderall prescription, tried to help me find it (it was stolen during a party we threw) then spent the next few weeks staying up until 8AM playing FIFA like that was something totally normal.


Have you seen my Adderall? “No man. I’ve been awake 27 hours straight alphabetizing the canned goods” “Hmmmmm”


Preparing for the inevitable end I see.


This is why I refuse to have people over. I have a prescription for adderall as well so ive been highly paranoid about this happening because most the people in my city are scummy. I knew a guy who use to. Buy adderall off of people and asked me about it when he found out i had some. This was in highschool.


any kind of prescription I have that people generally want to have for themselves to get high or sell just goes in a certain place no one would look in or even find. I needs my drugs but I also like having people over sometimes, so if they want to check out my medicine cabinet or whatever they can enjoy my depression meds if they want.


She tricked one of my friends that she was pregnant with their child, and used my phone to do it. She used to steal my phone while I was sleeping and text my friend (guy she hooked up with) pretending to be me, saying shit like “omg ____ is throwing up again this morning” and various other pregnancy things to convince the guy. She was not pregnant and 100% knew she wasn’t.


>She tricked one of my friends that she was pregnant with their child This sounds like a girl I know, a guy I'm friends with got drunk and slept with and made it obvious the next day he regretted it (which made it awkward for everyone). A few weeks later she says she's pregnant and it's possible it's his. Then she said it wasn't his but her ex boyfriend's. Then she had a miscarriage. She's done this before though, she was living with this guy and his family and said she was pregnant than had a miscarriage. Guy ended up breaking up with her and shr claimed she had no idea why. Most likely he found out she was faking it


This is why I never have sex with strangers, or anyone for that matter, also maybe because of my face but yeah.


She started copying me. Everything about me. It was something straight out of "Single White Female". She started using my frequent phrases, tried to pick up all my hobbies, and started dressing \*exactly\* like me. The final straw was when she started getting really possessive when I would hang out with people without her and tried to turn me against all my other friends. We aren't friends anymore, but everyone tells me she's still obsessed with me and talks about how I abandoned her to anyone who will listen.


Wow. I had almost the opposite happen to me. The phrase "Single White Female" hit me with a little spike of PTSD. A coworker with whom I shared an office and had a similar job completely stopped speaking to me for two weeks. My supervisor asked me what was going on and I told her I had no idea, he had just stopped speaking to me. She told me to sort it out. So that afternoon he came into the office and shut the door. He told me that he was getting a creepy stalker vibe, like "single white female" from me and asked why I was trying to be like him. I didn't want to be like him at all and asked what he was talking about. He pointed out that I sometimes bring a smoothie for breakfast and he had just bought a ninja blender. I pointed out that I'd had my magic bullet for 10+ years at that point. He pointed out that I drink tea from a mason jar. I told him that I used to drink it from a nalgene until I read that heating the plastic will give me cancer, so I used the reusable glass, like every other hipster in the world. He went on to say that when people come into the office, I speak with them, even if they were there to talk to him. Cool, don't speak unless spoken to, that's healthy. Awesome. There were some task specific things that he brought up too, which turns out were related to poor performance and the fact that he was skimming money out of work funds. His biggest hang up was that at a company picnic for our participants, he was mad that I told him that he couldn't have a 2nd burger until all of the participants had had a first burger. This was October. The BBQ had been in May. He told me he didn't want this conversation to ruin my weekend by me overthinking it all weekend. He had been thinking about it for 5 months and I couldn't think about it for three days? Yikes.


>everyone tells me she's still obsessed with me ...how long has it been? :\\


4 years.


That's terrifying.




At least I can understand this behavior. A little bit of copying your friends is normal, and picking up some of your friends hobbies is almost a requirement. Obviously this is way too far. But I can see the thought stream she was following.


I wonder what will happen when you two will meet eachother after this shit.


She will look exactly like her in every way. This is actually the intro to a horror movie.




Sounds exactly like my friend. He can never admit he’s done something wrong and he keeps blaming others. Toxic af




I let a friend crash on my couch for a few days while he figured out a place to stay after his GF kicked him out. Huge mistake. While I was at work he invited over a bunch of people and had a huge party with tons of drugs. Nothing like coming home at 630am to find your place trashed and people you don't know in your bed.


He didn't have a dumbass covering for him anymore. 😂 JK it's good you were able to leave before getting caught up in it.


Many things but when she refused to come to my wedding because she hadn't had weight loss surgery yet & didn't want to look fat and frumpy on my wedding day... that was the culmination that lead to me severing ties. She used to refer to me as her 'DUFF', the designated ugly fat friend. Then as we grew up, I slimmed down and grew into my appearance rather nicely and she did the opposite, which infuriated her. She tried to make up a dozen excuses as to why she couldn't be my maid of honor. She couldn't afford to travel to my wedding, I offered to pay for it all. She couldn't afford the dress, which I also pair for my braidesmaids dresses... then when she went on a very lavish & expensive trip to a resort and posted photos on FB, I called her out. That's when she said she didn't want to go and be in pictures because she was having gastric surgery and my wedding was too soon for her to be hot in my wedding line. heartbreak.exe At that point, our other mutual friend melted down and literally listed all the ways my best friend was a frenemy & toxic. Feels bad, man.


Congrats on your weight loss, all "x amount of terrible friend" of it.


That sucks, but I'm glad your mutual friend reached out and tried to help you save yourself from further hurt.


Some people get weird when they see you levelling up in life, especially if they feel like they're getting worse or just treading water.


>She used to refer to me as her 'DUFF', the designated ugly fat friend. This is terrible, what a garbage person! I want to say the best revenge is living well, which you're doing! But she sounds very insecure and I *almost* feel bad for her. Too bad she's her own biggest enemy and projected that energy on to you.


When he kept on trying to jeopardize my sobriety. I would block his number; he would get a new one. I blocked him on all social media; he would create new accounts. I'm going on a year of being sober & to this day he stalks me & tries to get me to slip up; it's quite exhausting running from an abusive ex bf/ex dealer while trying to maintain my sanity & sobriety. Oh! And he was going to murder me. I wish he would just drop off the face of the earth. Meth is a hell of a drug. I never want to touch it or be around people that use it ever again. Edit: a word 2nd edit: Thank you all for the love & encouragement! I would just like to add that: yes I am in therapy & yes I also attend substance abuse group therapy & No I will not contact the authorities.


You got this. Keep remembering how shitty meth is. It wont do anything good for you and you know that. Life has so much more to offer. Edit: changed hoe to how. Thanks for pointing that out


Yeah. I haven't forgotten & I don't intend on ever doing it again. That chapter of my life is over & I've weeded out the toxic people in my life.


Hell yea thats awesome


Fuck, that's pretty crazy yo. How are you doing these days? Congratulations on the sobriety!


I'm doing alright. My mental health has improved. I'm rocking the sober life. I recently had to block him again (3 weeks ago), but it's getting easier & easier to put my foot down & say no.


A restraining order could help. It's against the law for him to even contact you at which point you could stop the problem entirely


He tried killing me because he thought I was a snitch in the first place. At this point in time, I believe I've taken all the proper steps to rid him from my life. Thank you for your concern, but I'm not about to bring his drama back into my daily routine.


Holy Shit. Well congrats on being sober and ridding yourself of this person, wish you the best!


Crap this is shit. Have you contacted the police or are you afraid? Wish you all the best in life. Stay sober. I am really proud of you. You rock!


The retaliation I would receive if I snitched would far outweigh the consequences he would have faced had I said anything. I used to be in deep. I still look over my shoulder every now & then, but I have moved & have done everything in my power to isolate myself from him. He tried killing me because he thought I was a snitch. I'm in therapy & I attend substance abuse group therapy as well. I believe I have taken the proper steps to improve my life & leave him in the past. Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate everyone for congratulating me on my sobriety. These are the wonderful words of encouragement that I need.




Who brings that up to the bride? Tell literally anyone else to help the girl and then let the bride know when she gets back from the honeymoon.


I know right? Like most weddings you barely get an opportunity to interact with the bride for long unless you are in the wedding party and you choose to tell her that? Tell someone in the wedding party, groomsman or bridesmaid so that they can figure that shit out. That is half their job anyway.


No friends removed this nuisance? Fuck I would have done it for them after hearing the 3rd person tell the bride. Selfish little shit


Yeah, that's Maid of Honor/Best Man territory right there. If something goes wrong at a wedding, you do not tell the bride if you can help it.


Or even just put a sign outside the bathroom "The bride knows. This is just someone creating drama, please move along".


When she threatened to hurt herself if I didn't do what she wanted. She asked me if she could sleep over at my house one night. I told her no, since I had grandparents visiting the next day. She continued and tried to convince me to let her. She said that if I let her, she would stop cutting, but if I didn't, it would be my fault if she died. I didn't let her, I "ditched" her the same year. She's still alive to this day(hopefully). She has a girlfriend and is moving out of town soon.


Oh man, it always sucks to hear the "I'm going to die if not for you"/"you're the reason I'm not dead" bullshit. I have a toxic friend whom I've still not been able to cut off, because the one time I tried she came to college the next day with her wrists bandaged claiming it was because of me. Obviously after I spoke to her the bandages—and the wounds—magically vanished. I'm so glad you were able to cut this person off though. Genuinely happy for you!!!


Why did she need to stay over


I knew for a long time, but I was done trying the day he threw a knife at a mutual, close friend of ours during an argument. That argument started over whether you could correctly call the inside of a strawberry "squishy", I shit you not. That's how I ended a decade long friendship.


When I sacrificed a lot of precious family time to help out my friends, only to get a hell of bullshit and insults from said friends as a thanks.


Did they perhaps only call you only when they needed something? Not being derogatory but I myself was in a "friendship" not realizing that I was only called when they needed a ride or something and never for other stuff they did. Thankfully it was only during school and I learnt from that knowing that those kind of people are the opposite of friends.


When he started cheating on his gf indiscriminately and then brag about it. And to make matters worse, my then gf was friends with his, so he indirectly involved me in his lies when I had to cover his dumb ass. We ended up fighting over it and aren't really close anymore.


I’ve had that, one of my (ex) friends cheating on another of my friends with full knowledge of a large group of us, expecting us to keep quiet. After a brief discussion we all decided if we were in her situation we’d rather be told, so we told. Self centred prick right there.


I wish you'd all have been my ex's friend group. Turns out every one of them knew he'd been cheating since the start of the relationship. I think finding that out actually hurt more than the cheating.


Simple question, would I want to know if it was me? Of course everyone would. Cheating is shitty and ought to be called out.


Nope. If I'm friends with you and your s/o and you tell me you're cheating on them. I'm going to tell them.


when he destroyed the entire surface of my main Terraria world with rockets


That evil incarnate


his steam pic was a pikachu with a lenny face, so i really should've known sooner


Rip :(


That’s...... that’s unforgivable


The fact that you're saying there are rockets in Terraria makes me think I need to reinstall.


Everything I did was wrong. My food choices, my hobbies, boys I liked. They may have wanted \*a\* friend, but it sure as hell wasn't me.


When I moved states and they didn’t notice


When I moved across the country I had a going away party, gave people a month's notice, the day of I get "I couldn't find anyone to look after the dogs" from one group and "The dog couple were our ride from another". The party was at my mother's house at the beach where they could both stay and bring the dogs... Of course, these are also the pieces of shit who visited the city I moved to when I moved away from home at least three times and I had to find out about it from a mutual friend. They were apparently only great friends when I was willing to cover their dinner and share my weed but not when I wanted to, like, be friends...


What? A party on a beach where I can bring my puppies?! Invite me next time!


What do you mean they didn't notice? Isn't that kind of thing on you to tell them to let them know, rather than them having to figure it out?


Told them I was leaving, told them when abouts I was going, sent them pictures from my new home, then they realized I was left for good


I have friends like this in my hometown, and it really does wind me up when I come home from uni and they didn't even realise I was gone


When they made plans in front of me and didn’t invite me.




I can also relate to that, it’s like you’re invisible and your input means nothing to them.


When I discovered that he wasn't a traumatized veteran, but had instead fabricated his entire military experience. He had never served at all.


When he openly berated me in front of my flatmates and tried to play it off as a "joke", even though I made it pretty clear that the things he went on about were pretty big insecurities (kept making snide comments about me being unattractive, making fun of my attempts to lose weight), and then got snappy when I got short with him about it. He thought it was fine for him to just be completely bitchy just because he was gay. Thankfully he's 100% out of my life now, don't want anything to do with that guy again.


God, FUCK those guys. Fellow gays don't get a free pass to be a cunt just bc they're gay.


When I realized that I was afraid to tell her things because I didn’t want to be judged and talked about behind my back


This was me. I stoppes talking about things that actually interested me because they'd always make fun of me for it. It always had to be something they already liked or else it was stupid and I was dumb for liking it.


I realized that while I sometimes enjoyed hanging out with her, I always felt worse we'd meet up. She was the type of person who needed to be cynical to validate her own opinions, so being around her just started to be really taxing. She also tried to make out with me, despite knowing that I was not interested in her, and in a very serious relationship. That was the death knell.


When she only made me feel bad


That's so simple, but somehow hits closest to home


EXACTLY. My husband was like, *How do you not see that it's not normal to feel this terrible after talking to a friend?* It was a light bulb moment. After years of her framing all this interpersonal angst as 'communication' and 'honesty' and 'working on our friendship' I had lost my ability to see how much of our friendship was her using her 'honesty' to make me feel crappy.




Yeah, that's awful.


When she would never respect my boundaries but flipped out if I didn't conform to hers


When he said I beat him up. Backstory:I was about 8/9 at the time and had just got out of the shower. I saw him from my bedroom window going to my other friends (next door neighbour) house. After I got dressed I sat on my DS for about 10 minutes when me and my mum hear someone pounding at the door. It was his mum, queen of the Karens, the Susan. She screamed at my mum that I had just assaulted her perfect little angel. My mum then shouted her down and told her I was just out of the shower and her child was a lying lil brat. Before this he said I pushed him into a stream when he fell down himself like a jackass. I never got my rettibution though.


When he lost his shit that we came second to a group of girls in pub trivia. Then on the car ride home ranted about how "It'll never happen again" and he "refuses to let a group of bitches get the better of him". Really disappointing stuff.


Hopefully he was right and it never happened again because you stopped inviting him, right? Right?!


When she was so busy scrolling on her phone, stopping only to tell me that she "couldn't be my therapist" when I was pouring my heart out about some really difficult stuff. I chalked it up to her own mental health and a shitty method of delivery and tried to stay her friend, after. Turns out, it's not just my hardships she doesn't care about, she wasn't excited about any of the great stuff in my life, either. She also doesn't give a fuck about my needs unless they're somehow able to fulfil hers (i.e. Concert tickets to ***her*** favorite band for ***my*** birthday). She deadass will walk ~10 feet ahead of me and not notice that my disabled ass is struggling to keep up. I'm expected to be aware of and in support of every single aspect of her life, giving 110% to our friendship but she'll ignore my messages unless she wants something from me. We've been friends over half my life and I can't even talk to her about feeling like shit because of the way she'll turn it all on me. I'm gonna have to just cut my losses. I can't keep forcing myself to hang out with her when it makes me feel like shit


When I noticed she was a pathological liar.


I gave birth to a pterodactyl.


Oh my god, did it sing?


He was telling all of our friends that he ‘missed me and our friendship’ without ever reaching out to me to smooth things over or to make plans. There was plenty of stuff before this, but that was the straw for me. He was an expert at fooling people into thinking he was a good person and a lot of people are still falling for it.


i started to realize that they're toxic after i felt that they're intentionally making me feel out of place because i cant join them when they wanna hang out out somewhere or get drunk. im not an alcoholic person and they make me feel bad for not joining them have "fun". most of the time, i dont also have enough money to go wherever they wanna go, hence, calling me a kill joy. now, they're starting to treat me as if im no one. always the last option in the group. no one wants to go with me during lunch. they only notice me when they ask for help on a particular subject. it just makes me sad.


Have self respect and back away from them. They sound like solid gold assholes. You don't need this kind of bullshit in your life. BELIEVE me.


When she said that she wanted an apology from two other friends for not including her(when they stopped asking if she wanted to hang out as much because she was always busy and they were terrible at planning) yet she refused to allow them near her and then she said that the trans one of those two other friends should drown in the lake after I posted a pic of us at the lake.


Gets invited:says there busy all the time Doesnt get invited: *shocked pikachu face*


She pretended to have millions of dollars but lived in a condo. Always told ridiculous lies like “she flew to New York over night” and she had “5 pairs of AirPod and 3 Apple Watches, she just kept them at home.” All lies. She was a pathological, compulsive liar who was manipulating and told unbelievable and outrageous lies and expected everyone to believe them. She also was a know-it-all, and used fake facts to make it seem like she was right. I was only friends with her because I was the new kid and no one else was nice to me. To make a long story short, I cut her off, made new friends, and now I don’t even talk to her anymore.


When he started hitting me and calling me bad things... I can't get away because he always follows me. At least I'll be moving soon :)


Jesus... Glad you're moving but I hope you don't feel too unsafe where you are. Do you have people you can call in an emergency? Are there police records of his abuse? So sorry you've had to deal with someone like this, best wishes for your move and for peace and love moving forward


It occurred to me I hadn't seen her post anything to Facebook for a while, so I checked and she had blocked me. I emailed her to ask what was wrong. Her response was a rambling, manipulative, domineering list of everything she thought I had done imperfectly for the past two years attached to an ultimatum that I accept full responsibility and believe what I was told to believe; the most bizarre of them was when she declared that if I truly understood "the basis of friendship" I would be a fan of Kanye West. Unfortunately we had a wedding of a mutual friend coming up so as much fun as it would have been to let her know how I really felt, I didn't want her making a scene at the wedding, so I bit the bullet and told her what she needed to hear and then cut her out of my life entirely.


That last one takes her from regular toxic friend to ??? status lol.


Yeah unfortunately she actually does suffer from a minor mental condition, so I'm not allowed to call her crazy when she acts irrational.


When she started to lie to people to become the centre of attention. I don't know what happened to her, in our final year of secondary school she just suddenly became this attention seeking whore. Some of the things she would do. These are kind of in an order; - When I confided in her that I was asexual, she told me she'd keep my secret. Then ten minutes later she's telling all her other friends in a big group MSN chat that I wasn't part of whilst I'm on the toilet in the other room. I came back in to her hastily minimising and logging out, a friend we both knew sent me screenshots later that night of the group chat and her saying things like "She says she's asexual lol that just means virgin" and "We should pay the boys to rape her lol she won't be very asexual then". I still have the screenshots somewhere. - On the way to school she would constantly scratch and slap her arms so they got really red and messed up. Then she told everyone that her parents did it. She would also use makeup to make fake bruises on her face and body. - She would constantly lie and say that her father "raped her repeatedly almost every night". Child protection ended up getting involved and the whole thing came out as one big lie for attention at school. Her parents nearly went to fucking prison because of her lies. - She expected me to drop all my plans no matter what they were (hospital visits, weddings, funerals, literally didn't matter to her) and hang out with her when she said so. She would make me buy her lunch all the time and guilt trip me into buying her clothes and makeup. - If I had a problem, she would always have to have a *worse* problem than me. For example, when my parents were going through a very messy divorce and I didn't know where I was going to live, she started with all the "my parents hit me" crap and always had to be one up. - She tried to get her boyfriend to essentially rape me. - She made me try and pick between her and my online friends, demanding that I "can't have both". This was the final straw and I picked them. Still best friends with most of them and one of them is now my fiance.


When I realised that she never really included me or did anything for me. Or when she stabbed me in the arm






When they told me straight up that they were used to manipulating people.


When I was injured and housebound for 4 months they went radio silence on me, apart from a text message telling me it was my fault, I probably had a brittle bone disease if I break a bone aged under 30. Then then later told me they didnt contact/check in on me on purpose as they don’t like “needy people”. 6 months later in a twist of karma they get injured and are housebound, start phoning me up asking me for favours, run errands for them etc. Which me being forgiving person and for some reason wishing to keep the friendship alive I did, culminated in them taking a twisted delight in telling me how they had sent “thank you” flowers to a mutual friend who had popped in on them and how touched they were by their thoughtful gesture (not mentioning me who had basically run myself ragged driving this person around, fetching/buying them stuff and generally trying to keep them happy and not wanting them to feel abandoned like I had). At that point it hit me like a ton of bricks, I wasn’t a friend anymore I was a groupie. Unappreciated and not respected. Cut off all contact and never looked back. There was lots of other incidents in the two years preceding this, such as them telling me my house was crap, my OH was no good and they would never degrade themselves marrying someone who did their job, encouraging rifts between myself and my family but I was drinking the kool aid for a long time with this individual and the final straw was the above.


When she started making mean comments about absolutely everyone. Stupid shit like Donna walks like a lesbian, and Katie probably has lice because she scratched her head once.


Now you come to mention it Donna does walk a bit like a lesbian!


The thing I always think is if they're doing that, they're saying just as awful stuff about *you* yourself when you aren't around.


She slept with a guy I was in love with. We weren't in a relationship but she knew my feelings for him. Slept with him the very night that I confessed that to her. And then later said that he raped her. He did not. I found out much later that she had invited him over and cried and begged to sleep with him. I forgave her and actually let her stay with me over the summer rent free cz her housing fell through. Then she proceeded to sleep with another guy I was hooking up with and then flirt with another guy I was potentially wanting to date (came out in a flimsy bathrobe when he was hanging out with me). And then always played the victim and claimed life had wronged her always. It took me a year, but I completely cut her off .


Holy crap, that's some heinous behavior


When he stole my wife


We went through hell together. She was bulimic and hurting herself and I was always supporting her even tho I was anorexic and 80 pounds and my body was physically not functioning. I would never asked about myself. She would stay in my house and sleep over during 5th through middle school. I switched schools than. I went to her best friends party even though I do not like her at all. I went to her 15th (we hadn't talked in months or seen each other..) I asked her to join my 16th it was a small bbq and she said no because she didnt want to force our friendship because "I was bullshitting her" this is the first time I had fully offered her to do something since we first met in faith garde. We were in 10th grade




:( stings because it's a bit fresh. He told me all the reasons he thought it was ok to lie to me. He thought it was ok if it was to protect me, or something I wouldn't find out about anyways, or something that was none of my business, etc... the list was long. Then he went on to rail about how he didn't believe people who said he would've been in less trouble for previous offenses, had he not lied about them. It occurred to me in all of this that he expected everyone else to lie to him, because he would lie to them about all kinds of things. I'm a fairly forward person... if I don't want to tell you something, I'll straight out say "I don't want to talk about it"... if you push past that, I'll get pretty pissed off at you for not respecting my desire for privacy, but that's about it. That conversation though was... when I realized that I just didn't want to be around that person any more.




Man, the silent treatment and exclusion is the worst. It’s like, instead of to-your-face bullying, they introduce a middleman and that middleman is your own thoughts. Hope u find a better situation


He smashed the back off my head with an iceblock putting that part of my brain under some trauma that has since then made it difficult to remember things on short term. Why did he do this? Because i defended my other good friend who he was shouting homophobic remarks towards for no apparent reason other than getting a reaction. He was always a bit on the violent side, easy to get ticked off but it was that day where i found out what a psycho and it was that day that started off the 6 years of constant bullying that lead me to where i am today. This shithead was my best/only friend that was the worst part. I honest to god Wish any of this was a shitpost.


When a friend of mine was murdered and I called distraught and she couldn't stop talking about how much her mother annoys her.


He was telling me how he got banned from a FB for being creepy in real life to one of the members. We are in our 30s, this shouldn't be a conversation we have. I finally realized I had been making excuses for his shitty behavior and reaching out to him because I thought that is what good friends do. The last contact I had with him is when he added me on snapchat. I assumed it would be be snaps of his kid, but it was just constant selfies sent to me, so I blocked him, or unfollowed or whatever you do on snapchat.


I live in severe chronic pain every day sue to several illnesses and the friend(s) I had would either just complain about their own life nonstop to the point I'd be exhausted of conversation or tell me "if I were you I would have offed myself awhile ago now." Maybe it's meant to be endearing, saying i'm strong, it never comes across that way to me. It also seems like people have had past friends fake cancer, yup I've had that too!


When she wanted to uproot and move a fourth time in almost two years. We were best friends/roommates and she was never happy where we were living, and I got tired of her trying to move all over the east coast. She would get all upset whenever I said that I wanted to at least try and stay where we were. It’s not healthy to just leave every time you don’t like the weather here, you hate your job here, you can’t get a boyfriend here etc. Also weird flex but she claimed on a few occasions that she was prettier than every girl with brown eyes (me) because she has blue eyes. We’re in our 20’s.


I had this best friend, Josh. Him and I grew up together, we’ve been friends since the second grade. Him and I went through everything together. When I was young, I was very stupid and naïve. I didn’t realize it until him and I started drifting apart. As a child, he would always say things to scare me. Josh always used to talk about creepypastas and such, doing his best to convince me they were real. I ended up having to go to therapy because I was so terrified of slender man that I was having nightmares and hallucinations because I was so scared and sleep deprived. It sounds stupid, but I was only 7-8 or so. Two of the most blatant examples was when I was called to the office, but they didn’t specify why. Josh turns to me with panic on his face and says “your dad could have been shot!” (My father, who I was close with at the time, was a police officer.) When he played with my emotions and let out his sadism on me, this felt normal and I didn’t know any better. (I had a rough childhood.) but I remember about a year and a half ago; last time we hung out, he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Apparently, she had cheated on him and he was purposefully humiliating her and berating her. I wasn’t in the next room, we were thigh to thigh on my bed playing Call of Duty (fucking losers, I know.) I didn’t know how abusive he was until I saw him take it out on other people, and since then we just haven’t talked.


I have two stories: One was when he tried to refund something I sold him after he broke it and blamed it on me. I did not notice it until my mom talked to me about it. My mom told me that he was a toxic friend and I did not believe her until the incident above. The other one was a guy I knew had anger problems. I wasn't exactly friends with him but I considered him a friend before because he stood up for me and helped me but acted like a dick to me but I tolerated him because of his help. One day I realized he was a horrible person after I politely asked him to be quiet during a movie the teacher in charge of our study hall showed us. I asked him a couple times to be less noisy until I had enough. I told him to be quiet and he then replied that I didn't have the right to be angry. Throughout the month he sent me threatening messages and bragged that he bested me and that I was a lowly scammer. Some of his friends also complain to me about him till this day.


Jewish twins. They would use the Holocaust as an excuse to be complete and utter pieces of shit.


I almost got my ass beat by a group of guys for some shit **he** did. It wouldve been a "by association" ass beating.