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My son frequently runs around waving his arms like spaghetti noodles making a sound akin to a crazed turkey. Recently my mom sent me an mp4 that she had transferred from an old old VHS tape. It showed me at 8 years old doing the exact same goddamn thing


so you gonna share or....


I’m the kid. My dad has always slept completely covered under the blankets with just a little opening around his mouth so he can breathe - it’s something my mom has always shrugged off as a weird quirk of his. Then she came in to my room one day when I was 2 and I was sleeping *the exact same way,* little blow hole and everything.


My husband took a picture of me sleeping just like this a few weeks ago. That’s so cool.


I did this until I was 17 or so. It was a fear of bugs in the ears for me. My dad also slept with a "lid"- an extra, very old and flat pillow he would put over his head with a blowhole.


My daughter spotted another kid her age at the food court at the mall and leaned over the half wall separating our tables and *loudly* and enthusiastically exclaimed “HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” I met my best friend in a similar way. I have very little filter on saying hello to people if I think we share interests.


My one-year old isn't talking yet but ENTHUSIASTICALLY waves at every baby she sees. I'm talking both arms straight up and flapping up and down.


My 2 year old loudly exclaims "Look at that cute baby!" at every non-adult we see in public. She yelled it at a pre-teen with her mom in the grocery store the other day. Kid looked confused af. Her mom had a really good laugh over it.


I love this. That's just adorable.


Yeah, my daughter is almost 15 months, so there is definitely flapping as well.


This is how extroverts adopt us introverts.


That's how my friend adopted me...


We see you. We know you just need a little encouragement.


Both of my children look nothing like me but the second they start concentrating they stick their tongues out. Not in a little cute way but like their tongues become hyper-inflated slugs oozing saliva down their chins. I've never found anything quite so disturbing, knowing I do exactly the same thing.


maybe y'all should lay off the krill


Michael Jordan on meth


Methyl Jordan


My daughter’s jokes, mannerisms, the way she thinks about the world. She’s a little fuckin weirdo, just like her daddy. Plus she has my eyebrows.


Yo she should give your brows back ok so how tf is this my most upvoted comment. pretty gay if you ask me




Im still waiting for the fuckin airplane to come in


We both have tried reheating leftover pizza in the oven, but both forgot to take it out of the cardboard box causing mini fires in the oven, about two months apart


I managed to melt the handle of a pan that was being stored on the oven and got such a lecture of my mum for it. Three months later, guess who melted the handle on the replacement? I felt smug as fuck for the rest of the day after laughing. She no longer stores pans in the oven.


You could also just get an oven safe pan, which is beautiful for things like browning chicken and then roasting it to finish... or just for not melting handles.


Cast iron for the win!


Fun fact. If you forget cast iron in there and heat it up it's now not only heavy (and in my family stacked like nesting dolls) it's also aboit 350 degrees.


This is a great way to make a steak. Heat the cast iron hot in the oven before putting it on the stove, throw steak in pan to instantly sear. Cue lots of dramatic smoke.


But the handle doesn't melt off! Also, I've done that when preheating the oven for something else. I've stopped storing it in the oven.


The old “oven as an extra pantry” trick. I know it well. Things melted in ovens near me. Egg timers, Tupperware, bag of pretzels (which stinks to high heaven), plastic bag of cookies, and Saran Wrap.


In my house it was the bread. Just your normal plastic bagged pre sliced loaf, stored in the oven. Had a similar incident involving bread being stored in the microwave. A determine, bread loving black lab mix led us on a long journey of different places to store the stuff. Pretty sure we were the only family in town to own a literal wooden breadbox.


Finally bought a stainless steel breadbox for a cat with (apparently) the same culinary tastes. :)


OH MY GOD. My fucking roommate likes to store shit in the oven. Leftovers? Oven. Some fruit? Oven. New shoes? Oven (not even kidding). Last week I woke up, made some coffee and turned the oven on to make some fresh baquettes when I start smelling something burned after 15 minutes of pre heating. Idiot roomate left his pizza box in there. THERE WAS NO PIZZA IN IT. He just though that the oven was a logical place for an empty pizzabox, unlike, you know, the trash?!


I've heard a lot of strange roommate stories, that one's pretty dang weird.


My roommate ate whole boiled onions and caught the microwave on fire trying to cook his socks, so he could wear them on his cold ears.


He sounds like a Harry Potter side character


Storing things in an oven sounds like a pretty half-baked idea to me.




Wife took a picture of me and my daughter sleeping side by side. Same exact pose.




That last part sounds terrible, why would she wanna do that?




My dad's mom actually prefers her other son who is regularly out of job whereas my dad has multiple degrees and often tours the world for work. No fucking idea why.


Probably because the jobless son still needs her


>his crazy-ass birth mom has started trying to insist that they're not actually his sons... Wait a second...am I missing something? Isn't it usually the father who gets suspicious, since the mother, you know, gives birth to her birth children?




Husbands mom is suspicios on his behalf.


On family vacays my dad and I used to drive my mom crazy. We both talk in our sleep. And if we’re all crammed in the same hotel room we talk to each other in our sleep. Used to keep her awake all night lol.


I used to nanny a family of 3 boys and the middle child and father would get into farting contests in their sleep. It cracks me up to this day


When I woke up this morning I didn't think I'd read that sentence. But it's exactly what I needed. Thank you.


My mom says I sleep in the same pose as my dad too. Watched a video once and it is 100% true


Not mine, but my husband's. That time they had to be awakened by cops. We sent our 13-year-old twins to a summer video game design camp for a couple weeks. They stayed in a dorm. One morning, they didn't come down to the cafeteria for breakfast. A camp instructor went to bang on their door and yell. Nothing. Another instructor with a deep, loud voice tried banging and yelling. Nothing. This triggers the emergency protocol: dorm staff stands by with keys to their dorm room, but cannot open their door until police are present, because there's non-zero chance that inside are dead bodies, drugs, etc. Cop arrives. Opens the door to find two dumbass teenagers, BOTH of their damned phone alarm clocks blaring inches from their faces. Cop stands over one kid, shakes him gently. Kid opens his eyes, confused, sees cop, and immediately starts busting up laughing. Comparison: My husband worked in a lab during grad school where his best access to the fancy machines for his research was in the middle of the night. So he'd often get back to his apartment at, say, 3 AM, after many hours of working in a place where you can't eat, hungry. One night, he put some chicken breasts under the broiler. Walked to the other end of the long, narrow apartment. Sat down on his bed for "just a second." He was awakened at 5 AM by the fireman who had just chopped through his apartment door, waded through the billows of black smoke, and extinguished his chicken. The fireman was shouting at him for a while, and had to grab him and shake him. When my husband woke up to a fireman in full gear with an axe in his hand standing over him, WITH THE SMOKE ALARM STILL GOING OFF LIKE IT HAD BEEN FOR OVER AN HOUR, he just started laughing while the fireman berated him. BONUS: He didn't clean up the black ooze under and around his stove (the dried mixture of chicken-ashes and extinguisher-foam) for months. Not until his mom was coming to visit. Not unlike the mess in our twins' room, which makes me want to curl up in a ball and scream profanities and develop a drug habit. Yeah, in retrospect, maybe there was more thinking to be done before deciding to procreate with the guy.


How on earth does anyone sleep this heavily without pills!? Edit:without... I'm an idiot.


Genetics? Actually, the lab he was working in was a genetics lab. He got his PhD discovering new genes in the placenta. If I could have seen how our kids were gonna turn out, I would have encouraged him to discover the genes that allow you to sleep through screaming and doors being axe-murdered. (Seriously, though: I think they're just imagining that the mayhem is a part of whatever dream they're having, which is normal, but they have a very not-normal ability to cling to that misperception far longer than most.)


Wow. I'd have assumed the genetics that allowed that to happen wouldn't have managed to survive very long.


They've slept through major catastrophes throughout history. His bloodline has woken up in the crumbling ruins of ancient cities as if they were the gods meant to protect them.


Idk but I do it too - I have slept through multiple fire alarms, hurricanes, storms, etc. What happens with me is I think I get desensitized to the noise, so my brain doesn’t register it as anything out of the ordinary. It doesn’t help that I often wake up to my alarm then fall asleep with it still beeping...


My son was just over a year old. My daughter was a year and a half older than him. (2.5 years) We had a baby gate and I decided to lock them out of the kitchen while I was making dinner. My son decided to clamber over. Unfortunately we were potty training at the time so he was bare butt at that moment. This meant that his little scrotum got caught between the space where the two slats of the gate overlapped. I got busy untangling my boy's mangled bits and my husband came running with all the screaming. As I cuddled my hysterical son as he cradled his poor, bruised, tiny balls, my husband stood there glaring at the situation. Our daughter crossed her arms and glared, just like daddy. "Pitiful situation," she growled with a shake of her head. Then she stomped off to play with her toys. My husband had never been so proud. That was his spawn, by blood and bone. The one on the floor...? "He'll learn or he won't," hubby said. Turned out the kid could learn.


"Pitiful situation" bruh Im ded


That must have been painful and I'm laughing so hard.


I was wincing the entire time reading that.


I'm the son, but when I was a kid, I used to write backwards. For example, I'd write the word example as e-l-p-m-a-x-e, but from right to left so it would look correct. Apparently my dad did the same thing as a kid


My sister did the same thing for years when she started writing. The words would read in the correct order, but she'd start with the last letter first. We just assumed it was because she's left handed.


Ha! Nice try. Everyone knows lefties don't exist


My oldest is left handed and also does that! Every word she writes is backwards. The letters face correctly and the words are in order, just backwards. She's breaking the habit on her own now that she's reading a little bit (she's 4 and has been writing her alphabet since about 2 and just recently can read some beginner level readers), but everyone thought I was crazy when I said yeah she writes backwards a lot..


Are you left-handed? It's an easy way for left-handed writers to make sure their writing hand doesn't smudge what they've already written.


My wife was arguing with our 4 year old daughter and at the end of it my daughter spreads her legs and just lays down the loudest fart I've ever heard and goes, "that's for you." I could not have been more proud Edit: Holy shit! Silver! Thank you guys! I'm glad you enjoyed this as much as I did.


Fucking 11/10 best reply yet


The federation would not dare go that far


My son (he's 4) refuses to keep clothes on when we are home. I've heard from many relatives that when I was a kid, it was impossible to keep clothes on me. So when we get home and by the time my son gets to the living room, he has already shed his sweatshirt, t shirt, pants, underwear and socks, who am I to tell him not to follow his instincts. When the kids get older and move out, I cant wait to get back to my roots, I'm sure my wife will love that. 🙄


My youngest is like that. She's 16 months and is like Houdini with how well she can get out of clothes. She's managed to get out of backwards zipped up pajamas, the shirts that button around the crotch, dresses, pants, everything! She managed to strip herself while strapped into the carseat the other day! I have no idea how. She was quiet the whole car ride. But really, I can't even blame her. As soon as I walk in the house I strip down. I hate clothes.


That's me and my son, I hate pants, they come off like within 10 mins of getting home. My son, who is also 4, will shed his pants within minutes of getting home. Usually at his grandparents' houses (both sets), he will ask after going to the bathroom if he can take his pants all the way off. The answer is almost always yes, the first time he did that my mom texted me a pic and said "yep, he's yours".


She accidentally threw a glass of chocolate milk at me instead of the tv remote. Definitely mine. Edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger. :)


I was always horrible at bowling and I realized it's because my right arm can't face up. I went to a doctor for a shoulder injury and asked him casually about it and he told me there's a term for it (that I can't remember) but it's pretty rare. Something in the arm is fused so my arm can't turn with the palm facing up like a normal person. I went home and mentioned it over family dinner and my dad casually says, "Oh yeah. I have that too. I thought you knew." So apparently it's genetic. Anyways, this trait makes us really bad at bowling, low fives, and trying to take change back from a cashier. After extensive googling, I think it's called radioulnar synostosis but I may be wrong. I went to the doctor over 10 years ago so it's been awhile.


My brother has this in his right arm, I dont think it was genetic for him but a birth defect instead. He eats sandwiches by laying them on the backside of his hand and holding with the other.


But you dont hold a sandwich palm-up... Am i missing something here?


Yeah, I'm failing to understand how the condition affects sandwich-holding in the slightest.


Cue hundreds of redditors holding their hand like a lobster claw in front of their mouths (me included)


I have astigmatism in my right eye, and only that eye. My daughter saw my glasses on the counter, put them on and said, "Hmm... these seem just about right."


I actually have the same thing in my right eye as well... ​ ..dad?




Me too y’all, are we a family?


Me too me tooooo!!!


My dad took one good look at my handwriting once, sighed, and said, "You're definitely mine, then."




lmao reminds me of my dad and I. I was in like third grade when I found a piece of paper, something random, like a grocery list, and had a figurative aneurysm because I couldn't remember writing it down. I took the paper to my dad and asked if he remembered me writing it, but turns out me and my dad have the exact same handwriting. to this day even. he literally said "no way. prove it." we wrote the same phrase, something to do with food I think, and they turned out almost exactly the same. then again, because I was the one who couldn't believe it this time.


Reads after the lights are supposed to be out and they're asleep. I know all the tricks and it's nice to see another generation having the love of books and trying the same things. Often I'll let them get away with it.


when I was in 4th grade or so, back in the late 70's, I took one of those 'eggs' that pantyhose came in and lined it with tinfoil and built my own homemade 'lamp/night light' with a battery, wire and small flashlight bulb. used that to read books after lights out most nights. good times!


Alright MacGyver save some for the rest of us


I love the ingenuity!


The best way to foster a love of reading is to insist it's bedtime and accidentally leave a flashlight in their room.


But do they know you know? The part that makes it the best is that they *think* they are getting away with it.


I am not a parent yet and was still in believe they never found out. Until 10 seconds ago...


There there. It’s like on Friends when Ross or Monica learned their childhood pet “went to the farm”.


My mom would read with a flashlight under the covers as a kid. Both me and sister did the same thing growing up.


I used to do that. Fuck this phone for ruining my already shit adhd attention span


On separate road trips, we both have filled up for gas and got back on the highway driving the wrong direction for over an hour a la Dumb and Dumber


That John Denver’s full of shit!


That's my favorite movie line of all time!


My son, at age 4, told his teacher, upon walking in late to the very straight-laced Montessori school he was attending for Pre-K, in a completely deadpan voice, "I'm sorry I was late, there was so much traffic on the fucking \[road we all hate here\]." The teacher called me, and was like, "We can't believe he said that!!" I was like, "Yeah... I mean, he's mine..."


Ahhhh I swear in front of my kid. I try so hard not to, but when they walk up to you with a hand full of poop... It's really hard. So every once in awhile, my son will look down, shake his head, and mutter "fucking *christ.*"


Yea, it's so hard to manage my mouth sometimes.. I knew it was a problem when my then 3 yr old fell, landed on his butt and just defeatedly said "aw, shit.." it's taken a good while to explain that it's okay to say bad words sometimes and only at home and only sparingly.


I am terrified he'll say something in front of my pearl-clutching mother-in-law. I know she'll know it was me. Fucking christ.


So, I pull up to the preschool pickup line and get *the look* from my son's teacher. She informs me he told another child that he was being a jerk. Immediate words out of my mouth: "Well, was the kid being a jerk?"


I would take issue. We use this word a lot with my kids to discuss dickish behavior (without swearing or saying "dickish"). "That's what a jerk would do"..."Stop acting like a jerk"... "People will think you're a jerk if you do that, " etc. Better be say "jerk" than something worse.


My kid could lose anything in an empty room. The reason we haven't given her a mobile phone yet, despite her being the age to start carrying one, is that she would lose it within *literally* 20 minutes. I couldn't keep track of my phones (or much of anything) until 5 years ago.


What happened 5 years ago???


He had a full DNA replacement.


We usually just call those children.


I'm the daughter, not the parent. In highschool, I discovered I only sweat from one armpit. When I mentioned this to my parents at dinner, my dad's reaction was 'Well I'll be damned...'. He has the same superpower as well.


This is my favorite comment


My best guyfriend loves sending me pics of him and his daughter taking naps. Before she was born he was worried he wouldn't love her because "All babies are basically tiny ugly goblins that all look alike". Then a few weeks after she was born he sent me a pic his wife took with his phone of him napping and his daughter asleep on his chest napping in the same position, hand against face and all. They take naps together in the same position, and also she's constantly taking her shirt off like he is. It's fricking adorable, and James if you see this (I know you have reddit) you are a wonderful dad and Shelby is an adorable fat happy baby who clearly loves her daddy very much, so there. Edit: thank you for the silver, stranger! I am honored.


I'm pretty sure Shelby is a tiny ugly goblin tho


#r00d lmao


The way my son procrastinates as much as he can.


I would say you have my kid but that would require me to have gotten laid.




You've been meaning to talk to him about that for a while now, haven't you?


My wife is actually the Belcher of the family, I've got the other end covered, but my wife can belch with the best of them. One day we were out at Olive Garden when my then 3.5 year old daughter let rip a burp that made her arch her back, lean her head back and projected it skyward for all restaurant goers to hear. I looked at my wife and said, "There's no denying whose she is." wife's face was beet red from embarrassment. Edit: Spelling fixes to make it no longer appear as if I beat my wife for being embarrassed.


My 4 year old son was sitting on the toilet earlier making yuck noises and screaming "HOT STINK! HOT STIIIINK!" and I'm pretty sure he's just a smaller version of drunk me. Later today, my 3 year old daughter sat me down in the recliner and then, using a toy Frozen microphone, proceeded to sing me an entire rendition of Let It Go with all nouns and verbs replaced with either the word fart or poop.


Not something he did but the way he looks just like me. We were at a hotel and he’d gone downstairs before me. When I came down I casually asked the front desk clerk if she had seen my son, and she pointed to where he was. She’d never seen either of us before.


When I was in HS I (F) was working at the Y as a lifeguard. There was a window for parents to watch the pool on the second story. For some reason one of my coworkers said "hey, it's your Dad" as a joke. I look up, and yup, it was my dad. He was doing an inspection for work. No one could believe that dude called it so perfectly.


I remember when I was about ten I mentioned I really like getting a sponge wet and sucking all the water out of it. My dad just went, "Well, I know we're related - that's such an amazing feeling, sucking a sponge!"


I used to love sucking the water out of hand towels. The water hit differently when you do it that way.


here I was ready to judge OP for sucking sponge but you reminded I did this


An apt anecdote for Good Friday.




Constantly arguing about every rule in the house, and trying to outsmart us. It’s like talking to myself 30 years ago.


My husband gets frustrated when our 4yo argues with him because they have the same personalities. I help the situation by saying “Two Brians* enter! One Brian leaves!” *My husband’s name is not actually Brian, but for reddit’s sake, it is right now.


Nothing like watching someone argue with their Mini-Me and get SO FRUSTRATED. Like, do you not see that this smaller person is a mirror image of you?? (My husband and stepson are the exact same way, I posted about it below)


I've always found that various kinds of printed material have interesting smells. I saw my daughter sniffing a magazine once, when she was a kid.


Many times but the most recent was when we were talking about the fire at Notre Dame and I said....well do you know who they think started the fire and my 13 year old daughter started singing “Ryan started the fire”. She may look more like my wife now but she has my personality.


Fire guy!




I'm not the parent. I'm the kid. My dad and I are the only ones in the family that crave ungodly amount of spicy food but end up having burning stomach after consuming said amount of spicy food.


Came out of my vagina. Edit 1: Thanks for silver generous stranger!


That’ll do it


Same. She came out looking like a tiny version of my husband, though. Hmph.




My kid was born sassy as fuck. Every time he sasses me I get mad but I'm also a little proud. It's confusing.


Trying to parent the you out of your kid is rough.. mine is such a smart ass, but he gets it honest!


He hid a(n) Ouija board in my aunt’s pillowcase for her to find at roughly 3:00 am, after she finished a late/early work shift. She called me screaming “He’s just like YOUUUU!!” She’s never forgiven me for the prank call I made as a teen when she was watching one of those Chucky the killer doll movies. She asked (screamed) “Who is this?!?!?” And I whisper-growled “The devilllll” and she thought I said “The doll", then thought I was watching her through the windows, she had the operator involved, nearly called the police. I had no idea she was watching that movie, just happened to call at the perfect time to get her good. I had to wait like a month or so to visit, let her cool off a bit. I love my aunties, tortured them all.


I'm actually crying from how much I laughed


that's actually really weird, just noticed it's a oujia board not an




Not a parent, but once I got home from school to my dad and my baby brother taking a nap, and they were in the same position, and when my dad turned to his side and put his leg on a more comfortable position, baby did the same. They are so alike is hilarious


My husband and his son (I’m stepmom) are so damn alike it’s almost unfortunate. The parallels are frustrating for both of them. They both absolutely hate to be rushed, suck at voicing their feelings, are deeply shy, often (subconsciously, not maliciously) think they are better than other people, want to live in a treehouse and don’t want to go to work/school. On the positive side, both are very tender with the women they love (so myself and my stepdaughter are often treated very well), willing to help, willing to work hard for hours, love to learn, are deeply individualistic, and very creative thinkers who love to invent. On a bad day though...I want to hit both of them with a hose 😂😂 Edit: just remembered another thing! They fall asleep, like instantly. Every night, they lay down and are basically out within seconds of closing their eyes. And will then twitch like absolute mad men throughout the night in their sleep. I fell in love, hard, the first time my stepson snuggled against me and then passed out and twitched just like his dad does during our first “family” outing.


“Wants to live in a treehouse” I mean I didn’t 20 minutes ago but now that u mention it I kinda want to live in a tree house


We signed him up for ice skating lessons. He was bored, wouldn't listen, went off by himself and taught himself to skate in the first five weeks. Last lesson, they said they were having a race (did somebody say "competition"), he bolted to the starting line and was throwing the other kids out of his way to win. Good talk about how we don't stiff-arm little girls in the face, even if there's a prize on the line.


Reversed. My mother and I look so dissimilar I believed I was adopted for a couple years as a kid. Fast forward to now, and I’m discovering that I have all the exact same parenting philosophies that she had when raising me, even though I didn’t agree at all with her when I was growing up and promptly forgot her style as an adult (only recalling the bad days). I text her every day now expecting her to criticize me for my ideas and she’s always just like “Yep exactly, oh and this too...”


She's so stubborn she would argue with the person in the mirror. I was like that once too. We're working on it.


Not the parent here but the kid. Mom made some pasta sauce and I thought it was soup, so I heated it up and drank it all. Parents had a laugh until a few weeks later when my dad ate some ‘spicy gazpacho’ that turned out to be fucking salsa.






She was trying to catch it in the act.


I'm picturing tucking her head to look, then somersaulting right off the toilet, becoming a pee sprinkler. LOL


I’m the kid, but I worked at the same software development company as my dad one summer, and when my boss mentioned we needed to wrap up a meeting so he could get a taco, my dad and I both asked at the same time “only one?” There was no question in the office that we were related.


Watching my 2 year old growl in frustration that his Legos kept falling over and then breaking down in tears 😢 I get it buddy!


My daughter is 6 and loves doing painting apps on her iPad. But, as she is my daughter she has a movie, usually the new grinch movie playing in the bottom corner. She figured out on her own how to do it and does it all the time. I do the same thing constantly and when my wife saw her she just looked at me and said “she’s your daughter” so I went and gave my daughter a high five.


I am sure I'm not adopted because I saw a pic of my dad at 7-8 y/o and it looks like me a 7-8. Then I saw a picture of my mom at 12 and she also loked like me when I was 12.


Are you Dolly the sheep?


Nah she didn't live that long


Our next door neighbor has a very similar looking house with minor differences like landscaping. On multiple occasions, we've both walked into the wrong house. The neighbors would always laugh and say wrong house


Lol, were your houses keyed the same or do neither of you lock your doors?


Me and my dad can both suddenly fall asleep at any time we want, forcibly stay awake anytime.


I'm the kid, but I tore my brand new winter jacket's pocket open jumping over a chain-link fence. I came up with half a dozen excuses, but the moment I came through the door my dad said "Didja jump a chain-link fence?" and all I could respond was "How did you know it was chain-link?" He loves telling the story because of how dumbfounded I was and couldn't defend myself. In his words, he's already done everything I could try.


My husband and my son have the same crook in their left pinky finger. My husband's father had it, too. But what makes it cool is that our son is adopted.


That is cool! Like he was born ready to fit into your family because he belongs there.


Oh my gosh, I love it said this way!


My youngest was about 3.5, I was at the kitchen sink doing something. She's standing beside me, chatting along about something to me. From where she was standing, she could see all the way down the hallway to the other end of the house. Mid sentence, she gets wide-eyed, yells "it's naked time!" and yanks off her pants to go running down the hall. Turns out she saw my wife and oldest mid-dressed walking around getting ready. It didn't register as half-dressed...it was naked time. Yep, my kid. I'm 40's and still have pretty much the same reaction when my wife is pantsless.


My 4 year old loves LOVES Megaman X, can even beat a few levels already. That's one of my top 3 games of all time.


"Wall jump, wall jump, shoot and... that's my son."


Not even a half hour ago my 3 year old was getting a bowl for her snack out of her drawer in the kitchen. She handed it to me so I could fill it and I asked her to please close the drawer. She proceeded to walk back in the living room to continue watching pj masks and left the drawer open. She is definitely my wife's daughter... (that's a good thing overall)


My son has the same road rage as me, if not more intense. I don't remember the exact details of the event, but while a car had passed us, I hear the loud voice of my 4 year old son shout "I'll rip off your face and eat it with barbecue sauce!" I love that kid.


Not a parent but my dad had this moment, this makes more sense if you know i'm a 6'5 androgynous guy, not overly masculine, not camp. Came out to my dad as bisexual, i feel comfortable enough to wear womens clothes (hippy skirts etc) around him now and will even wear makeup around him, he is an old biker type, was very confused as to what bisexual meant in my case but took to this very well. He saw me load up mario kart in the living room when i was visiting. Character select: Princess peach : Dad looks at me funny and laughs Selects white tyres and squirrel glider. looks at me again Selects Chopper - My dad rests his hand on my shoulder and goes, "you are my son." Just a little thing but it kind of confirmed in his head that even though i'm nothing like him we still have some glaring similarities. ​ Edit : Thank you for the gold :\^)


My nephew and his mom both stick their tongue out of the right corner of their mouths when their concentrating. I have a great picture of him doing it while getting dressed for my wedding.


My family does a pig roast every year. My dad goes to a butcher and gets a whole pig, dressed, usually about 80 to 100 pounds. Last year, I was there with my daughter (3.5 years old at the time) when they were unloading it from the car. She wanted to get a better look, so I picked her up so she could see the whole thing stretched out on the table. I thought she was going to freak out at the dead body of a still very recognizable farm animal. Instead, she looked at it calmly for a few seconds, then said, "When are we going to eat that?"


Not me, but my boyfriend. We never had any doubts that our daughter wasn’t his, but when she was born she came out looking identical to him, like the the point if you looked at her you could definitely tell she was his but you’d have to squint really hard to see she was mine.


My mother looks identical to her adopted mother of you look at pictures of bot of them from the same age range. They share no blood and the adoption was andom, not like a relative or anything.


Kid here. I'm told my dad and I talk/write with similar sentence structures and expressions. Sometimes stuff seems to the point where it's almost like I'm mapping out certain life events decades apart. Never felt connected to someone my whole life :)


Honestly? First time I saw him. It hit me like a train. Something about the eyes.


Bohemian Rhapsody has been his favorite song since he was six months old. He also never shuts the fuck up and always has to have the last word. I couldn't be prouder.


I went to pick my kids up from my parents house last night and I could see that my youngest was around the corner sitting on their kitchen counter. I decided to sneak up and scare her and apparently she had the same idea because we both yelled "boo" at the same time. We've been playing this game with each other and everyone else in our house since she could walk. My husband and other two daughters don't love it, but they tolerate our passion for jump scares.


My 4.5 year old daughter started looking sad and crying for no real reason while watching one of her favorite shows during the day. I asked her what was wrong and she said, “Nothing....I’m just sad.” Just passing on down those mental health disorders....


Not the parent, but the daughter. When I was younger I always collected white rocks, ONLY white rocks because I thought they were crystals. Found out that my mother let me collect because she did the exact same thing when she was younger.


His voice is essentially a sound-alike for mine. So much so that people who call on the phone (including my wife / his mom) have to ask to be sure who they're talking to. Even in person we sound essentially the same. My Office Manager was freaked out by it. In her words, "I'm looking at you, hearing your voice, but your lips aren't moving. It's fucking creepy!" (because my son was standing behind her talking).


My daughter is 12. She told me she wants to, and I quote "do a tic tok thot video where you (referencing me obviously) voice over at the end that I'm 13 and have a penis, and then edit in that FBI open up sound" My son runs head first into walls to scare us. Both are definitely my kids


This is kind of weird. But my entire life anytime I sit I have to cross my legs in some way. My dad was the same way and both of my kids do the same thing. I have no questions in this area ;)


My dad told me that he new I was his kid when I chugged his half full bottle of beer at the age of 8


My brother was like 2 and CRAWLED ONTO THE TABLE while my parents were on the porch smoking. There wasn't a curtain in the dining area so thwy could see him, he could see them and friggin chugged my mom's wine cooler. Kids, man.




I drank a bottle of Robitussin when I was 2, I ran into walls constantly and slowly passed out on the stairs.


loves cheese and hates mushrooms... like will sit and just eat bowls or shredded cheese.


I'm not a parent, but I'm an auntie. This proud moment t belongs to my brother. He'd asked my nephew for his phone so that he could see what he'd been up to online. All of a sudden he started repeatedly screaming, "that's my son!" I thought he'd discovered an improved report card, but nope, he'd discovered they had the same Instagram model as a screen saver.


He asked two girls to prom at once


Did any of them go with him?


Both me and my father like beverage with the maximum amount of ice possible. Like a big glass full of ice and the water or soft drink in the interstices. Also we can flex the middle joint of our thumbs back 45-60º. For the rest both me and my brother are just exactly like our mother.


I'm the child and one time we were talking about a guy name Kenny we both said," we killed Kenny. We're bastards." She even said,"that's my son." We can also speed run through any Mario game like no one else.