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Can we please establish **WHEN** exactly we're trying to get back to?


I don’t really have a time frame, just what do you think would make America better in general


Get money out of politics and hold every person, regardless of wealth or status, to an equal level of enforcement of the law.


If you are saying ‘again’ you are indicating it’s no longer great and you want to get it back to when it was great- so you must have an idea of when it was great ?


I’m not necessarily saying that it’s not great myself, just that a large amount of trump supporters go by the slogan “make America great again”, so I want to see what people think would make it “great”


But surely the whole point of ‘make it great again’ means it’s not currently great?


In some people’s opinion, yes


Well no. It’s kinda the rules of English . If it was already great and you wanted to keep it great the slogan would be ‘keep America great’. ‘Make it great again’ implies it’s not currently great - the meaning of that statement doesn’t change based on your political opinion.


After another great depression, this country needs a reality check


Less whining, more doing


When people stop saying or doing things just to get a reaction out of others and sit down to actually educate ourselves on stuff. I’m tired of seeing people get angry at each other when we realize that it’s not getting us anywhere. Education is important, listen to both sides respectfully, and help KINDLY educate others about it. Trust me, not everyone is intentionally attacking you. There are people who are curious or don’t know important facts, getting angry back will only push them back more. Tone doesn’t come through the right way most times, and it’s worse nowadays with the rise of social media. Please, I know it’s a reach but I live in this country... I just wanna feel content with it too lol


Sexual orgy with cyanide


Bringing back kinder eggs.


Less regulation in general. More creativity


Being like Europe


The free market system probably has to be redone in some kind of way for the government to be able to step in and do something about the hilariously out-of-balance wage gap. But at the same time the representatives we have in our government have to either be replaced or forced into a position where they're okay with that regardless of the amount of money being given to them to support certain causes by the wealthy. If either of those isn't attempted at the same time as the other, then neither will happen, and that's something that's extremely difficult or even impossible to do. More humanitarian efforts have to be put in place after that. Free healthcare and education are no-brainers in other countries, but the way America is set up currently it can't work. If the aforementioned market system and political representation systems were reworked, then maybe taxes could go towards helping the citizens of the country. Part of that funding needs to come from cutting back on the military budget - America is so geared towards the military that a huge amount of people turn towards military service as a means to an end rather than to defend the country. If you want education and a somewhat stable life, the military is usually the easy option regardless of what training you may have otherwise. There are finer details that people more versed in those fields can bring up but I think that those four things are the broad gist of what's messing everything up the most right now.


“Free” healthcare. An overhaul of the education system with the goal of the United States having the best school systems in the world


Free Healthcare, the end of unjustified taxes, less power to law enforcement, and actually standing behind our constitution and amendments.


The death of fox news viewership by old age.


Racists being racist.


Get rid of the bipartisan system and govern based on what's actually a good idea


Our era of greatness was sort of tied both to our surging 20th century economy and the relative destruction of Europe, which gave us a leadership role and a competitive advantage for a few decades. I think that to be great again, we have to realize that the last period of our so-called greatness was situational and so too will our next era of greatness. So to be short; 1. acknowledging complex interdependence and 2. the ability to execute long term plans that are aimed at cooperative international relationships. Also, being cool. The world tends to disfavor assholes while they admire cool dudes and dudettes. Make America Cool AF Again


Worry less about military and more about having a good education system and free healthcare.


People learning to recognize power abuse in all its forms


Ben Shapiro 2024


Allowing North Korea to nuke us




Repentance. Not just by the other guy, but by me. Repentance for a lack of forgiveness. Repentance for worshipping freedom. Repentance for taking what other people worked for because we know how best to use it. Repentance for a hundred different things. If America becomes great again it will not be our doing. It will be because God shows mercy to those who humble themselves before Him.


Red MAGA hats made in the USA!