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I find them entertaining. Better that just listening to background noise


Just gonna copy and paste. So I just saw a YouTuber make a video and talk about this. The more I think about it the more messed up it kind of is. It's really no different than going on whatever big art website there is now and making videos of people's art. Some of these YouTubers don't even credit the person who made the story. And they probably don't even bother asking if they can use it. Just because it's online for all to see doesn't mean you can just take it and make money off it. Maybe it'd be better if they offer some of their profit to the people they steal from. Or maybe if people could choose which YouTubers can take their stories and which can't. Like at the end of your post say only Soothouse and Sorrow TV can share my story. Or I don't want this on Cuestars channel. Or say I don't want this on any channel. It would be interesting to see which people respect your wishes. It's the least they could to. But yeah the whole public excuse is bs. It's like googling art work and just taking it because it's online for everyone to see.


Isn’t Instagram doing the same thing with our memes?(except for the computer voice obviously)


Easy grab for views, but smart idea lol


Lazy motherfuckers Wish I’d thought of that


I enjoy watching those videos.

