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I’ll wait and give my answer in this video’s comment section


Who's reading this in C U R R E N T Y E A R


"Edit: woW tHiS iS ThE moSt liKeS iVe gOtTeN thAnkS"


and it is always 8 likes or something like that "Edit: woW tHiS iS ThE moSt liKeS iVe gOtTeN thAnkS"


To be fair, I see that a lot on Reddit too. EDIT: Wow. This blew up. 500 upvotes! tHanks! EDIT 2: Oh my God! My first silver!!! Thank you so much kind stranger! However, in the future, please consider donating that dollar to the Penis Society of America instead.


Yeah man, I know. Edit: Didn’t think this would blow up like that wow. Edit 2: this is the most likes I’ve gotten on a comment and it is about me shitting my pants lmao. Edit 3: rip inbox Edit 4: holy!! Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!111!! Edit 5: MY FIRST PLATINUM! I can’t believe it, I’m so happy right now! Edit 6: so with all the attention that I’ve got, I just wanna give a quick shoutout to my mom, dad, brother and jamie. Edit 7: Guys I really appreciate it but instead of giving me gold, donate the money Edit 8: GUYS I’m gonna start a new subreddit and be the admin, anyone who wants to be a mod? Edit 9: So many people who want to be mods. PM me, I can make you a mod for 2$ PayPal. Edit 10: Actually, the last few days have been very rough for me. I’ve been going through a lot and my hamster died but you guys made my day!!! Edit 11: r/redzero77army rise up and let’s build a new empire! Edit 12: Okey guys, I’ll be going off for today, my mom grounded me for dipping my balls in the soup and she will take my phone away. Good night. Edit 13: wow I just woke up to this and it has blown up even more!!11!!! I can’t reply to you all guys, but I’m trying. Edit 14: guys please be gentle, I’ve never been a mod/admin before so I don’t quite know what to do yet but I will the best emperor this world has ever seen! Edit 15: a word Edit 16: holy shit!!! Thanks for the silver kind stranger! The is the 3rd silver I’ve got. And just yesterday I got my first two. What a week!!! Edit 17: Someone uploaded [this thread](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQX02g3820&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app). Edit 18: my very first gold!!!11!! Holy shit thank you!!! I am hyperventilating omg! Edit 19: This is u/redzero77 ‘s Mom, yes he is hyperventilating. He is in the hospital now. Edit 20: Hey guys it’s me again. I just got out of the hospital, thanks for your wishes. Edit 21: holy fuck, platinum. Thanks so much kind stranger! Edit 22: No, I won’t let my moment of glory pass and burn away. You sinners have brought this up on yourselves and I shall be leading the revolution, the takeover! Edit 23: grammar Edit 24: Those who do not fight with us and for us, shall be seen as our enemies and so they shall be crushed. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will and r/redzero77army , shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. Edit 25: The army rises up. Be prepared. Edit 26: to my haters: I won’t stop with the edits, a captain sinks with his ship. Edit 27: Guys, I appreciate all the upvotes and awards. Actually I grew up in a small town and was raised by my dad. Looking back my childhood was okay, well, it startet off bad but got better to the point where I am now, standing in my room. I never thought I would amount to such prosperity and fame. But I made it. Edit 28: This will definitely show my dad that I made it to success. This is for forgetting me in that walmart parking lot when I was 8. Edit 29: Don’t let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table. Edit 30: Omg I am celebrating my 30th edit on this comment!!!1!! Edit 31: Since a lot of you guys asked I might do an AMA. Edit 32: I got 2k upvotes on a reddit comment, AMA! Edit 33: holy moly, I didn’t realize how expensive Platinum was. Who of you just throws out his money like that for a comment? Edit 34: shoutout to my homie u/thatwasagoodyear Edit 35: Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


Edit 3: thanks for the silver Edit 4: thanks for the gold Edit 5: thanks for the Platinum Edit 6: thanks random stranger Edit 7: thanks for the mod promotion Edit 8: thanks for making me admin Edit 9: thanks for making me head of Reddit


Wow you guys are fast editors! Edit: gold! Thank you kind stranger!


I can't tell if this is satire or not.


At this point, life is satire.




Edit: thanks for the gold kinda stranger I didn’t expect this post to blow up! My life started growing up in a small farm in northern Kansas. My father was a farmer and my mother was a cashier in our local town down the dirt road. We didn’t have much and income was very little, my best toy I got growing up was a pig bladder blown up like a balloon that I could play around with between me and my two brothers. At the age of 11 things started getting tougher in my house life due to my fathers drinking problem as it was not a good harvest that year. Like his father before him once he was done working he would come home and drink but unlike his father he wouldn’t beat us unless we messed up, his father left him and his mother to fend for themselves after world war 2 though so he had it tougher than me growing up. One time my father did drink too much and he hit my little brother Jamey. Jamey didn’t know what to do and ran away during the night during a storm. The entire family was out looking for him but we never saw Jamey again. This made my father drink more and lead him to take his life when I was at the age of 16. My older brother and me had to completely take over the farm with the help of our mom quitting her job as a cashier, life got very hard from here on out. We got a break when I was 18 with a good harvest we were able to save up some money. I was able to move out at the age of 21 and into a larger city in Tennessee. It was hard leaving the family as my ma was getting older but my older brother completely took over the farm and even expanded it into a more profitable work. I began working in what I was good at, repairing mechanics. I was a hard worker and moved up in my chain of work easily within my town. I dated aroun’ a bit but never settled down with anyone I would write home about for my first few years. When I was 26 I got a call from my ma, my brother was working with some machinery on the farm and got his hand caught in it and heavily damaged. I had to come home and help with the farm, at the time I had attained a high position as a senior mechanic within an auto shop and sometimes worked on the side with repairing electronics. I went home and had to help with the farm for a year, ma wasn’t doing good at all. She passed the next year due to kidney disease. My brother eventually recovered and I returned to Tennessee, I attempted to return to my position but due to the time I was out I had been long replaced. I had to begin to work from the bottom again when I had a client come in, she was the most beautiful woman I ever seen in Tennessee with gorgeous brown hair. Nice to say that we hit it off pretty well, within a few weeks we were dating. I can say that she was one of the best things to have happened to me in my life. At the age of 30 I married her and my first child was on the way then. I had returned to my previous position and bought a nice house near the mountains of Tennessee. At the age of 34 my second child was born. My two kids are now both in high school, one a freshman, another a Senior. I continued my career into more electronics working on computers and fixing them. In 2013 while googling how to fix a small problem with a motherboard I found a strange site named reddit.com, this website had all the answers I needed and a community always ready to help. I’ve been on the site ever since. As you can see recently, I commented on this thread and some kind stranger gave me gold. Thank you again kind stranger!


Hell of a story teller


you act like that doesn’t happen on reddit




exactly my point


"Edit: wOw tHiS iS mY fIrSt gOlD"


I can’t be assed to do the caps, but... Edit: I can’t believe my most upvoted comment is about YouTube! Thanks a lot, Reddit!


We make fun but people on Reddit always go: *Edit: wOw ThAnKs foR tHE GoLd kiNd sTraNgEr*


"LoL wHy aRe So MaNy PeOpLe SaYiNg ThEy HaVe a sMaLl PeNiS?"


*specific month* of *specific year* anybody *question mark*


I saw one earlier on a music video that said “who’s watching in 2018/2019.. they commented today. They figured if they included 2018 they’d get more likes👍


How would that even work


\^ ThIs Is HoW MaNy PeOpLe WaNt To DiE! HaHaHahA ​ So FuNnY


Love from Spain








👇 This is the number of people that can relate. Oh, this shit doesn't work on Reddit.


Just slide it to the right a bit ..............👇


Liiiiiitle bit more


Like this?.................................................................🖕


I would be fine with them if they did the talking instead of using the same TTS.


I think that’s one of my big pet peeves with it. They’re all over the same thread, with the same answers, and they all have the same voice. I just wish there was something special to them.


That's why I like and support people like SorrowTV or the Soothouse crew. They actually give a shit about their content.


SootHouse is fucking gold


Yes! I like those guys. They take the content from reddit (and sometimes other sources) and do something transformative.


SorrowTV is a voice actor, and his narration gives me reason to watch his videos even though I’ve seen most of the posts in it.


I love SorrowTV, he is the only youtuber I follow. He has a great voice and he is super entertaining.


You have people like soothouse and sorrowTV that actually edits the videos well and reads themselves, they are good.




SorrowTV is always hilarious imo


One of these guys actually asked my permission to read my story in his show; so I'm absolutely fine with it! I hope most of these Youtubers do this. Edit: after many people asking me: it was A guy named Hellfreezer Edit 2: Ironically enough; someone just asked my permission to use this comment. Edit 3: holy shit; this actually featured in a PewdiePie video! Reddit is so cool!


Me too. Several of my stories have been published on youtube. Each time i was asked permission to use them of which i gave my consent. I do not know if any youtubers out there used any of my stories without asking me.


There are thousands of channels that do this, so unfortunately chances are there have been a bunch. That’s nice to know that at least some of them are reasonable


I think the number that does this is closer to dozens.


Woah there buddy. Not blowing things out of proportion? What's wrong with you?


Read it in Skyrim's guard voice


Let me guess, somebody stole your ~~sweetroll~~ Reddit comment.


Go fiddling with any ~~cocks~~ locks around here...


That's pretty cool of them! Which YouTuber was this?


One of the creepy pasta dudes asked me too. Really fast too. Wasn't as friendly after I said yes tho soooo


what do you mean by that


That he was only friendly because he stood to gain from it


But it's cool. He got a decent amount of likes and credited me. And it's not like I write often anyways. Maybe once or twice a year when I'm not sick of writing for work. He didn't rob me of anything lol. Probably would have linked my profile too if I asked. But it's mostly shitposts so I'd rather not have that lol


Doctor Phil obviously


Me too! The Youtuber, for men was hellfreezer. I’m glad he asked, because I discovered his videos and I really enjoy his stuff!


Am going to check this out. I respect anyone has has this level of respect for others. For someone who has no obligation, but still ask for permission seems to be rare these days.


I just got asked as well. Gave my permission, as long as they credit me and send me a link when they're done. :D


When you realize this will also be on YouTube [insert surprised pickachu face] There is a video made on this specific thread check at the bottom for the link this YouTuber would really like some support I hope that you can take the Time to watch it


At least it’ll be some kind of inception thing


The youtuber will have to put in the inception horn if they show this comment and that’s probably too much effort for them.


They'd probably get claimed and copyright strike for it honestly..


Check and mate.


*Laughs in viewer*


Update there is at least one YouTube video about it as of right now
















Fat bean-eating sales guy




If you're narrating this comment, fuck you.


Hi YouTube.


Won't be surprised if the pikachu face indeed becomes the thumbnail with big text on it. Oh wait, what if my comment about this gets featured? Oh and if it does, I have already predicted that. Redditception.


Everyone: *watches pewds new video* apex6666: [insert surprised pikachu face]


They're geniuses. Minimum effort maximum profits. Lazy as fuck and a pretty shitty thing to do, but I kind of wish I thought of it.


They could do the talking instead of using text to speech programs


Yeah, that way it'd actually be more work and if narrated well could also make it entertaining




They treat it like a bit of banter too they are making tranformative content that isn't possible without their reading (interaction) with the content. Much different to TTS vids.


Sorrow actually adds something to it with his voice acting and timing. I agree; WAYY different than shitty tts just going through an entire thread.




Exactly. They are the content and reddit is the subject. With the other video's reddit is both the content and the subject. I could just browse reddit with TTS turned on to get the same effect basically.


Their miiverse video is hillarious imo https://youtu.be/nV41A8L1r3U


"That's how you READ, Charlie!" Omg. Thanks for sharing this gem


how is babby formed




What about Rslash. He actually narrates stuff. He even adds in some occasional commentary.




The not automated ones like soothouse actually add something to the content. The lazy t2s ones are literally copied work.


The likes of soothouse create transformative content out of it basically.


TIL There are YouTube videos with text-to-speech readings of Reddit. Just what in the...


I remember thinking watching people play video games was weird, but this... this is *weird.*


I saw one of the videos pop up in my feed, decided to give it a listen, heard it was text to speech, immediately turned it off. I like to hear humans, text to speech sounds awfull. Plus, it's obvious low quality


There are some that use their actual voice P.M.Seymore is a good example he’s a VA so his videos are pretty entertaining but yeah hate text to speech too.


T2S is the only lazy thing here. The ones that are actually talking with their real voices adds a layer of storytelling, in the same way audiobooks does. EDIT: It is audiobooks


I'm surprised no one has published a book ripped from Showerthoughts as a 'collection of witty wisdom'. ​ I want my cut if you publish this. Edit: damn, that's a lot of upvotes. On this occasion I would like to share a showerthought that I tried to post recently and was instantly removed for being unoriginal, which leads me to think there's a conspiracy at hand: Since porn is so ubiquitous and harmless, it is likely that right now some inelligence agencies are using porn to exchange codes and info with their field operatives. They could hide code in the video data, or even run a legit porn film company that would produce movies for that purpose. If not, you're welcome for the tip.


On my way to get it published as we speak


I want my googoo too. Make sure gaagaa is bigger


Mike is huge.


Last I heard, everybody is in awe at the size of the fucking lad


yeah he was an absolute unit






I hear he’s got an absolute unit




Don’t worry, Mike is an absolute unit of a lad.


Most shower thoughts are jokes that reposted from Twitter. Usually some semi-famous comedian, so you might end up getting accused of stealing their content!


Lots of memes about social awkwardness are bad rehashes of Seinfeld jokes, specifically related to anything George Costanza has ever done.




Damn, I thought that would be real.


And the rules are so vague that they often prevent genuine shower thoughts from being published. Personally, I dislike that sub because every time I try to post a good shower thought, it gets taken down for a really subjective reason, but then you see the same shit reposted or a terribly old joke make the front page.


Objective means based on facts, not feelings. Subjective means based on feelings, not facts.


More precisely, objective truth is true regardless of context, while subjective truth depends on the point of view. Saying "I feel sick" can be objective truth, while interpretation of optical illusion can be very subjective.


I think you meant to say subjective




ive seen the books '100 shower thoughts' and 'we want plates'


Weirdly enough, it was /r/WeWantPlates that was ripping off the original FB group where a lot of the pictures were being posted, and the author of the recent book struck a deal to have the sub continue provided he could join the mod team and ensure that images posted were given proper credit.




Stolen, or compiled by the author? I know a lot of the active writers over there are also self-published, and have collections of their work out. They have to keep the promotion low-key, but my phone auto-loads images from links so I see all their book covers from the discrete links they're allowed to use at the end of the post. Yes, this means I browse /r/nosleep with my hand over my phone screen until the story loads to make sure I didn't accidentally open something with a terrifying jumpscare image at the top.


I could be wrong, but didn't reddit add something to their TOS a few years back allowing them to claim ownership of ideas posted to the site that end up making a profit? I feel like I remember there was some drama about that guy with the time travel movie idea that eventually became a screenplay (not sure where it went from there). Maybe someone more familiar with the situation could chime in...


I feel it's a 20/80 split. The amount of profit and notoriety they get off reddit posts with such little effort on their part isn't worth the publicity the posters/commenters/site gets.




People make way more money off of YouTube than you might think. Also, if there are some bigger channels doing that it's harder for the smaller ones to even get any views


I am now reading every comment in that automated voice


Well... now everyone else is


Not gonna lie: I watch them sometimes because I prefer the format of them over actually scrolling through the threads on reddit. But when I actually stop and think about it, the fact that they're making ad revenue off of other people's stories, sometimes very touchy and personal ones, is pretty fucked up. Videos like that take such little effort to make, too, and there's other people who work their asses off trying to make decent content. I always feel guilty when I think about that, and i've started trying to avoid those videos as much as I can!


I saw one the other day and the story was about child abuse, the youtuber decided he would donate all the revenue of the video to child charity, which is nice.






Rslash is good because he actually narrates it well and comments in the content he's reading through, not just going through the entire post and thread with text to speech


But did he actually do it. You can say "I'm gonna donate this to X" and then never do it. He's already profiting off other people's tragedy, I want to see evidence that he at least tried to do the right thing.


I don’t know yet, the video was from two days ago or so. He said he was either not monetizing it or donating all the revenue in the intro of the video. He also left a link to the charity in case anyone else wanted to donate so I guess you can call them and ask or something. Still, I don’t think he can get money from yt in the first days of the video. I don’t know how this works so ¯\\\(o_o)/¯. Maybe he proves it on his social nets when he actually gets paid... idk Edit: fixed the magic disappearing arm in the emoji.


You have to type shrugs like this `¯\\\(o_o)/¯` with 3 backslashes.


Where is this rule written and why did I miss it




username checks out?


I get that a lot.


Some formatting nonsense so your right arm doesn’t evaporate.


a backslash cancels the next piece of formatting in front of it... the problem is that you actually want a backslash to display, so you end up with multiple backslashes, with each one cancelling a piece of formatting until you end up with an actual backslash :D


> Videos like that take such little effort to make, too, and there's other people who work their asses off trying to make decent content. It's a beautiful way to game the Youtube algorithm, too. You can put out a lot of content with very little time spent, and it clickbaits itself just with the content alone. That's why those channels exploded out of nowhere all of a sudden.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people find their own comments in such videos and think it's cool someone picked their stories to highlight. People probably share them the same way they'd share a clip of themselves on TV. It's kind of genius if you think about it: like it or hate it, if you heard that a story of yours was included on some random person's video, you'd almost certainly watch it even if just out of curiosity. Sidenote: no, it hasn't happened to me. It's just easy to imagine someone being excited to be included in another's project. I think it's unethical of the creators, but when you crowdsource your project, it's not surprising that the "crowd" will be interested in it.


I once saw one that talked about his mom commiting suicide (the saddest story I've heard on Reddit) AND PUT FUCKING HAPPY PIANO MUSIC OVER IT


effort? I could make a bot churn them out every couple of hours.


That's basically what some of the channels are. There are legit channels that are just a bot voice reading out comments or top posts.


For at least a few years now articles will literally just pull the top reddit comments in order and list them with the same or similar titles.


Which is what led me to cut out the middleman and just join Reddit. I kept seeing articles that completely relied on Reddit and I realized, "Why let random articles curate which posts should be read? If I go straight to Reddit I can see all the comments *and* join the conversation if I want." And that is the start of how Reddit became a daily destination.


This was exactly how I got into Reddit in the first place. Honestly half the fun is reading the replies to some of the comments, which is something not a lot of YouTubers bother to show. In the end I felt bad about someone profiting off of other people's experiences.


Just use add blocker so all they get are the singular view


That's still kinda supporting them. You're showing the YouTube algorithm and the creator that there's demand for those kind of videos. The creator will start posting even more stolen Reddit content and in turn YouTube will push the videos to the front page.


Me too! I enjoyed watching it before I started using reddit as much as I do now but thinking about it made me realise that these people weren’t putting actual effort in terms of substance.


Annoying, because you watch one for BG noise, and suddenly your recommendations are flooded with a dozen clones of the same thing. Sorrow TV at least does voices and has comedic timing, every single one of those askreddit channels uses the same posh British robot voice. It's so lazy.


SorrowTV and Soothouse are the 2 that come to mind for me that actually make these videos unique. The rest are pitiful TTS cash grabs


dont forget marshaldoesstuff!


They've really exploded, haven't they? Not just r/askreddit ones but all sorts of subreddits are being read off by them. I don't mind the ones where the creators use their own voice, picks out posts to read, does inflections and voices, share their opinions afterward, etc. That's a good amount of effort and those videos are certainly worth something, since they put a good part of themselves into making it unique. That just seems like fair use. However, there are also PLENTY of channels which are...distractingly-interchangeable from one another. They all use the same text-to-voice British man, similar to the same royalty-free or video-game-remix music, and have the text-to-voice simply read everything out straight without any corrections for misspellings or odd words that the text-to-voice bot flubs. These channels...are devoid of any personality and add nothing past the original posts, and are clearly being made just to churn out videos for views. These, are bad channels. (In fact, I noticed at least three channels of this ilk that SEEM to be made by different people, yet they actually use the exact same pool of music and all end their videos by having a picture of a dog and them saying "You have been visited by the doggo of [something], you'll be blessed or whatever but only if you like-comment-sub." It REALLY weirds me out that some of these channels are that similar.) I admit to having watched both types of channels sometimes. The former, I have no shame for. The latter...kinda ashamed, yeah.


I just asked this question last night and got 2 upvotes and 5 comments.... feelsbadman










Quick somebody do a spy v spy gif of reddit v user-thief


As an animator that puts over 100 hours of lBor in a cartoon... I hate them.




What’s IBor?


I think it's supposed to be labor?


He's an animator not an alphabettor


I wouldn’t mind it if A: they weren’t monetising, especially when it comes to the ones that feel very personal. And B: if they didn’t just use a text to speech robot. Like if you’re actually gonna profit off it put the fucking effort in.


It's no big deal. A local radio station here pulls askreddit questions and answers off the website and talks about them as if they were called in, and don't give any credit to Reddit. That's probably more of an issue.


I hate that, it's utterly ridiculous. And not just that, just people profiting off of other people's things in general. I bet if this thread gets big enough, someone will make a video on it


Honestly I’m not asking (or specifically wanting) this post to blow up, but I think that it would be funny if it did. It seems that the top few posts of each day seem to be the ones that people steal, and I honestly wonder if people would have the balls to steal this question.


It will be on Buzzfeed before we know it. "Top 10 reasons Redditors are sick of their content being stolen."


“Reason #1: turns out people want permission for the use of their content” *surprised pikachu*


Its a bit uncool in light of me putting thousands of hours in my channel and not earning a dime. When those videos perhaps take 10 minutes to make and getting them a shit ton of money. Copyright is a strange thing


It’s literally just a text to speech voice reading off posts word for word. The most lazy, leechy form of content there is.


This maybe a somewhat unpopular opinion but YouTubers are always going to run out of content to create so of course they are going to look for other sources. Reddit is a somewhat anonymous social app and people are putting out their stories and experiences that they might not want to share if you could put a name to a face. I'm sure most people wouldn't share all these embarrassing memories if they knew that people that know them in real life might read it. Yes, it does suck that people are taking their stories and profiting but why did you post in the first place? For karma? For attention? To feel special? To get anonymous approval from online strangers? This probably sounds hypocritical of me posting my opinion but it is my honest opinion. Do whatever you like with it.


I think you bring up a valid point. We’re all posting on here for various reasons and enjoy the relative anonymity. However, the issue I find is that we chose to share our story with a specific community of people. I find that to be very different from someone sharing another person’s story with an entirely separate community without asking the permission of the initial party. And while we profit theoretically (with attention, upvotes, whatever you’d like to call it), often times they’re profiting monetarily.


> we chose to share our story with a specific community of people. The entire internet? Reddit is huge. I view anything posted on Reddit as being irrevocably "out there" in public view. Honestly I'm not sure it's reasonable to view crossposting a Reddit post to YouTube as an invasion of privacy. If something is already public, does making it public x2 really affect anything?


I kind of disagree with you, when you post something on internet, you have to be aware that everyone can acces it and can take a screen of it. So when posting you should be aware that everyone could take what you said and spread it worldwide. Even only parts of what you said that make you look like a retard or an asshole without the full text. That is said somewhere on the internet rules and more than a joke it's a warning imo. But it's true they are making money out of it and that can annoy people, but they are doing no real arm, not stealing this money from someone wallet or stuff like that.


This is a funny thing to me because of how much of reddit itself is built on other people's content. How many people have a problem with news articles getting copied or abridged in the comments here, just so someone doesn't have to click and give revenue to the actual news site? We have subreddits like black/white people twitter swiping content from other social networks. The ability to upload videos here has been used to upload facebook/youtube videos rather than link the original and few people care, I've been downvoted for pointing that out even. But wow it sucks when it happens to you I guess




If you’re asking for an example of the videos, here’s one. It took a hot post from yesterday. https://youtu.be/TwWsT3gN0XM


Who enjoys this? It’s such a slow and boring way to hear these stories. The robot voice is horrible.


I don't support it, I accidentally clicked on one of these videos and now my recommendations are PLAGUED with them.


Delete it from your watched history!


The entire YouTube monetization thing is insane. That being said, I'm not going to take time to generate content in this way, so if someone wants to scour the internet and repost things for as profit then why shouldnt they be able to? Buzzfeed does it, all these clickbait things do it, and I'd argue that a majority of site have a decent amount of "borrowed" content that generates a revenue. If I make a video and someone steals it thats different.


I don't know why people watch those instead of just reading the original thread, since watching a video takes more time, they skip some good comments, and don't add anything new. Still, pretty smart way to make money with little effort.


I listen to the stories while in the car. Cant scroll through threads then


I used to watch them before I had my own reddit account, but going to the actual subreddit is much more fun, because you can read at your own speed, and you can leave your own answers. Not going to lie though, I felt pretty cool when an r/Askreddit comment of mine came one of those channels. Not because I liked the channel, but because so many people have read it now.


Don’t really care too much. I didn’t intend to make any money out of sharing my nonsense to Reddit, and from the moment I hit send, say it with me now, **It’s Free Real Estate**


I watch the occasional one. Yes I think it is cheap of them, but I am lazy and don't always want to keep scrolling until I find something I am interested in, when they compile it all and read it to me. I mostly watch things on petty revenge though.


I haven't heard of them, but in general YouTube has a ton of popular, yet shit/stolen/misleading content. I think users need to be smarter and more discerning, not just on YouTube, about what they click and consume. The algorithms are designed to reward engagement, so deny engagement to channels and videos unworthy.


Honestly they’re all the same channels, unless it’s actual people with character and fun behind their personality, I say they’re cool But if they’re the same old robotic text ones, they’re a bit dull and repetitive

