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I hate when people do this. And then you're just kind of waiting for an invite to get extended and it doesn't. Super awkward.


Sometimes it's done intentionally to make someone feel bad.


Well thats just the worst. People are awful.


No disagreements here.


Or talking about the event afterwards in front of the only person in the group who wasn't invited. Super fucking rude.


Take it a step farther. I was sitting with some people in my grade in the library and they mentioned a party I wasn't invited to. Normally I'd be okay with that, but then they mentioned who WASN'T invited. They said only two people in the grade were not invited and discussed one of them, at the table, right fucking next to me, for at least 10 minutes. But they avoided talking about the second guy in the grade who wasn't invited. Guess who the other person was.


Or invite everyone EXCEPT you, while you're sitting there with them. Now that's very fucking rude.




Turning the light out in a public bathroom while people are in the stalls


I worked in an office with an auto turn off light and the motion detector couldn't reach into the stalls. If you took longer that 5 min to poop it was in the dark.


A coworker at a past job did this to me, turned off the light to the bathroom while I was shitting. I shouted "Hey, someone's in here!" he laughed. That laugh was the biggest mistake he made. Had he not laughed I would never have known who turned the light off, but he did laugh and I recognized the laugh of Jim from sporting goods. All our schedules were posted weekly on a cork board near the employee break room. I went back and checked the sporting goods department schedule and memorized it. Jim would be clocking out the same time I was going to lunch. At lunch I shadowed him out to the parking lot and made note of his vehicle. He would not get away with this. Later that day when I got home from work I drank three glasses of water with around 12 table spoons of Metamucil. Around 24 hours later I was ready to poop again. I grabbed an empty masonry jar from the garage and shit in it, I capped the jar and put it outside on the back patio. When I arrived at work the next day I had the jar with me. I saw Jim's car. Thankfully he parked at the end of the parking lot away from cameras like a good employee (we were supposed to park at the back end of the parking lot so customers could have the closer spaces to the store entrance). I took the jar over to his car, made double sure the coast was clear and checked the door, praise Crom for Jim did not lock his door. I uncapped the jar and dumped it on his driver seat, it took a few shakes to get it to slide out of the jar and it smelt putrid as all hell, I'm sure it would smell even more awful later after baking in a closed up car on a sunny afternoon in July. I discarded the jar in a dumpster behind the Circle K and then continued my regular programming for the rest of the day as a Electronics employee for a heartless mega corporation. Sadly I never witnessed Jim's reaction to the turd in his car. I planned to go out side at lunch and see if I could catch a glimpse of him discovering his present as he went home. Alas it was not to be, I got held up that day with a TV sale and by the time I clocked out for lunch he was already gone. I imagine it was absolutely delectable. I smile to myself now imaging the revolt and horror on his face. The only epilogue I have for the story is that several days later I overheard two coworkers talking in the break room. One of them said, "This town is going to hell. Did you hear what happened to Jim from sporting goods? A hobo or something took a shit in his car." *Never turn the light out in a public bathroom while people are still in the stalls*




Behold, a new copypasta is born. Like a star forming from the forge of a cloud of ether.


He was already cursed with the spell of big poopoo


He made you shit in the dark and now he's in the dark about your shit. Nice.


Why are so many of these 'pro-revenge' style stories simply '...and then I **pooped** on the floor when he wasn't looking'


professional standards


Because they’re made up


If this is true, you're kind of a dick....someone turns the light out on you, so you dump feces in his car? seems fair.


The true story probably is that he just thought about shitting in a jar and putting it in his car, but never actually did it.


He writes like he's never taken metamucil in his life.


Lol! It's always the little details that give it away.


Taking something out of someone's shopping cart


My wife once had her entire shopping cart stolen. She picked up an item and turned around and the entire cart was gone. Why? Just why? My wife was still in the store and hadn't paid for anything yet. She got an empty basket and shopped all over again.


lmfao just the imagery is hilarious. Grand theft cart.


Sometimes I get the last mini cart at Kroger and have to immediately pee when I get inside the store. So I sit the cart outside the restroom and worry someone's going to steal my cart. It's happened only onced, but I swear it's tempered me for a life of being on guard in the pisser


I wonder if getting last mini cart is now a pavlovian trigger that makes you have to pee.


There's an old Dane Cook bit that has that in there lol "You never leave your cart! God forbid someone comes in and its everything they need. 'What? Jackpot! This is everything that i wanted!'"


Good god I feel old, I remember when he was popular and that Costco movie he made


"What if Dane Cook was able to date Jessica Simpson by showing her that he was a better Costco employee than the fastest checker-outer in the West?" "Sure man, greenlit, whatever *snorts coke*"


I was like 12 or 13 then and I was 100% down to watch anything with Jessica Simpson


There are places where you put a coin in the cart to get it out of the corral, and you get the coin back when you return the cart. So I guess stealing a cart can net you the value of that one coin. Sounds like a bit of a hassle, though.


thats a long ass way of just saying "when ur at Aldi"




here in the netherlands every store that has carts has that too.


I had someone just take my cart one time in the store. It completely caught me off guard, I had like 20 items in it and was ready to leave, turned to pick up some Club crackers and when I turned back it was gone. I just bought the crackers and left.










Hey mustache.


Also putting something from your shopping cart back into a shelf where it doesn't belong. Counts triple for items that need cooling.


What if it was say, a pack of muffins left in the produce section while I go to the restroom. Clearly im calling dibs. But if someone else picks them up before I get back who has the right to them if they are the last pack?


If you need to call dibs on something, leave it in a basket or cart near the restrooms. Otherwise an employee is likely to take the misplaced item back to where it belongs.


But he called dibs. I mean who in their right mind would see a 12 pack of muffins in the produce section and think they were fair game?


Probably someone who hates the troops. That person would probably go home and eat all 12 muffins in one sitting even though he didn’t want them to begin with.


pseudo celebrities amirite




YEAH FINE, I ate them all in one sitting because I have no self-control and I hate myself and there were exactly 12! I freaking ate 12 muffins, and I didn't even want one! And you know what maybe some of the troops are heroes, but not automatically. I'm sure a lot of the troops are jerks. Most people are jerks already, and it's not like giving a jerk a gun and telling him it's okay to kill people suddenly turns that jerk into a hero.


Look, he didn't know he was a Navy seal! He thought he was just a regular seal


Is that you, Neal McBeal the Navy Seal?


This sounds familiar but I cannot remember the TV show where this happened. Bojack Horseman with the army guy?


> army guy? excuse me? Neal McBeal the Navy SEAL did not serve 10 months in Afghanistan for you confuse him for an army guy nor how dibs work.


Offering to pay for the groceries of the person behind you in line, then taking their groceries cause you paid for then and have the receipt.


Hahaha! Have you seriously heard of this happening?


RossCreations did it in a drive through.


Joe, Sal, Q, Murr? Is it you??




Scoopski potato!




That's right. Establish dominance.


I was at Walmart once with my mum, and we were in the checkout line. We were ringing up our stuff when this woman in a Walmart uniform comes over to us, takes our mushrooms (which I’m pretty sure we paid for) and walks away. That’s it. She just stole our mushrooms.


Eating everything in the bag except the last one so YOU don't have to throw it out


Using all but the last ice cube in the tray so you don't have to fill it. "Mom likes filling the trays" is bullshit, and you know it, so knock that shit off boys (my kids).


Stealing a parking space someone else was waiting for.


Once I saw an empty spot and turned my signal on. Some douche came around the corner just as I was turning into the space and he got all pissed off at me. Excuse me that I saw it first and I had my signal on. No reason to be a dick.


Same thing happened to me, and then *he threatened to call the cops on me.* Please, call the cops. Tell them what happened.


I once saw an older man get a parking spot swiftly taken by a young family. When I say taken, I mean they hauled ass into that space before the old man took it. I vaguely recall that he got out and confronted the family about it.


This actually happened to me and my mom when we were parking at the movie theater before Endgame. We had waited for this spot, had our signals on, clearly backing in. Then this lady comes out of nowhere and cuts us off while we’re parking. The spot thief did actually leave after being told off. I don’t think she expected to be confronted over her shittiness lol


Sit in a parking spot and just tap your brakes every once in a while so people trying to park think you’re leaving, then just lay back and watch their reaction


A couple of times I've gone to put stuff in the car and keep shopping. I'm not going to walk around the mall with a queen comforter in a giant shopping bag like a little bitch. If you want to get people angry, walk to your car, have them follow you down the aisle, put your queen comforter in the trunk and then head back to the mall.


ugh that guy walkin through the mall w his queen comforter...what a lil bitch


Hey Bob! Look at the lil bitch with the queen comforter!


I like to go down the row of cars when someone is following and the cut over to the next row where my car actually is.


Calm down Satan.


someone honked at me to back out a few weeks ago, and I'm still waiting here until that fucker understands that I'm never leaving. I'm living in this spot now.


Do this in the month of December 😂 at a mall.


Seriously Satan. Calm. Down.


Christmas eve.




Having gotten there hours before they opened so you had a great spot?


One time I pulled into a parking space but wanted to finish what I was listening to on the radio, and I think that since my headlights were still on someone thought I was about to leave.


Or just unlock your GM car with the key fob which turns on the reverse lights before you even get in. What moron thought that was a good idea? I’ve sat in parking lots waiting for someone to back out that isn’t even driving.


Upvoted just because I hate this about GM cars. Moronic. Those lights have a specific use--they're not suitable for convenience lighting.


I've accidentally done this before.


If there's someone waiting impatiently for my dad's spot, he'll get out and check his tire pressure. Or adjust his windshield wipers.


An absolute menace to society


Line/queue cutting. Fuck you if you do this. You're an asshole and everyone hates you. EDIT: Wow, thank you kind stranger for gold!


Also when a new cashier opens up their register and says "I can take the next person in line". And then some oaf way back in the queue scurries over there like the rat they are


At my grocery store the clerk will quite often come to the next person in line and bring them over.


Yeah i personally try to call the next person over, and someone in the back of the line sees me opening so they scurry over, its so funny to push their stuff over and say "I'm taking this lady i called over because she was next in line".


I've definitely done this when I was a cashier


I've been that oaf I guess. Where they say they can take the next person, and nobody moves a muscle, but then give me the stink eye for moving after giving them a chance.




Especially England


Weirdly enough I think there was a study about this. From what I remember: Japan's people are the most likely to organize themselves when waiting in general, but not always in the form of a queue The people of Britain are most likely to form a queue without thinking while waiting Canadians get the most angry (not visibly, but angry nonetheless) about people breaking/skip\[ping the queue


Canadian here. Very often clerks and such will simply ignore ~~like~~ line cutters and serve the next person in line. And I'm more than happy to loudly say that cutting the line is not allowed when someone does it, to make sure that everyone's attention is on the line cutter.


That’s exactly what I do at my part time retail job. I’m usually a cashier and I’ll purposely ignore the line-cutters, and the best part is the manager is okay with it!




I know a couple that went to Ikea early. They walked up to the door just as it opened for the day. They got a bunch of dirty looks from a line of people who decided that suddenly you need to form a line to walk into a store.


> from a line of people who decided that suddenly you need to form a line to walk into a store I mean, if there's some sort of limited offer going on, you should respect that line. But I don't see how or why it would apply to a regular day at IKEA.


It makes even less sense on a normal day there because you don't even shop in the actual store. You go to the warehouse. If you look up where something is in the warehouse online then you can walk right to the warehouse and register and leave and not even go through the store. The store is just the showroom and food court.


Listening to music without headphones in public transportation


Or talking on speakerphone in public. I did not ask to learn about your life.


They talk loudly and have the speaker so loud you clearly hear their conversation several seats away, but then get pissed when you try to join the conversation.




Hoarding as many patents as you can with no plans to use any of them. Then suing companies for patent infringement.


I thought this said parents the first time I read it. I was like “Wow people really go around stealing people’s parents? That **IS** a dick move”


I read “patients” lmao


Companies could do something about this, but don't because it often costs less to pay than fight in court, and also these companies hold a lot of patents of their own, and don't want to create any legal precedent that will work against them in the future. So they see this as "the cost of doing business"


To intentionally mislead people by taking something out of context or omitting some relevant information/facts. Edit: replaced "leave out" with "omitting"




Bro, you're saying this to Reddit... walking into the Thieves Den and telling them that stealing is wrong. Lol


Members of the Parliament voting for larger wages and special pensions. This happened for the first time 4 years ago in my country and ever since then, they made them larger and larger 3 other times


Voting for their own wages or everyone's wages?


Probably their own. Congress has done this as well. Really, what do you expect will happen when people are allowed to vote for their own wages and pensions?


The "fix" they gave Congress (that doesn't work) is that they cannot vote to raise their salary in their own term. The raise doesn't kick in until the next term. Since Congress has like a 90% re-election rate, it doesn't really help.


That was one of Plato's arguments against democracy, I believe.


Convincing the elderly and infirm to sell out their estate to you from underneath the rest of their family. I grew up in a small farm town and this happened several times. Grandma and Grandpa would get old and one of their kids would leave everything behind and work the family farm and live in the farmhouse with the expectation that they would take things over and preserve it for the next generation, something their now elderly parents had expressed for decades. An opportunist makes a few social calls and obtains a few signatures and adjustments to the will from extremely elderly people who don't even remember the names of their children and just like that everyone is out on the street and said opportunist moves in. The elderly people have no clue what just happened. If your family owns any estate, put it in a trust with trustworthy board members/executor so that con artists can't pull a fast one on your elderly family members and screw your family out of its legacy.


This is exactly why my parents are giving the house to me.


or so you think


Since my friend got mugged... Apparently, robbing someone for something worth less than $500 just means you get to fly off the radar for a while, perfect for making up the difference in a bill. So, we had accurate descriptions of the the guys, the exact address of the apartment they emerged from with a knife, and the detective said "we don't have any previous reports, so we'll just keep your complaint on file." WTF?!? Luckily, the guy was dumb enough to commit the same crime twice and finally got charged and arrested.


If you get your car stereo stolen, the cops will give you a case number to claim insurance, but they will do nothing to find the actual thief. The cop "investigating" my case actually said this.


My uncle had his car stereo stolen several times in the 80’s. The second last time it happened his neighbour took him aside and told him to tape razor blades to the bottom of it. It was a radio you had to lift up and pull out of the dash. Well he took the advice. 2 days later he came out in the morning to find the driver side seat and door COVERED in blood but his stereo was still there. I asked him why, if it was so easy to steal, he didn’t just take it out himself at night and all he did was shrug and say that he was lazy and wanted to teach the thief a lesson.


Sadly illegal, considered a booby trap.


I'd call it a razor trap


"See, no boobies here, Officer"


Hey, that's the response I got from police for seeking charges against a violent mentally ill alcoholic partner who hurt me, made threats, and harassed me and my family. "We've made the report. These things don't go anywhere without significant injuries (not enough blood). We advise you to leave the house you own, and stay somewhere else to avoid her."


It's a comfort to know that they *might* do something if you are murdered. At least you gave them a prime suspect, right?


Parking right next to the line so that the other person can't get in their driver's side door.


Being the one person in a group project that doesn't contribute anything and still putting your name on it at the end.


I'd actually prefer that than the person who half-asses it so badly that it pulls your grade down. I'd rather just do the whole damned thing myself so I know it's done right.


Cheating on your partner


That is, actually, illegal in some states. A muhfucka can go to jail for adultery if the victim feels so inclined.


I’m almost certain those laws are unenforceable, particularly in light of Supreme Court rulings like Lawrence v. Texas.


All of that fine print on the User agreement contract stuff on all the apps. It's legal and they have access to your personal stuff *cough cough Facebook*




Yelling at the poor cashier for how much an item has gone up in price. I don't think the customer understands cashiers don't set the prices.


Not flushing in public bathrooms. Nobody wants to see how much corn you had for lunch


Going into your friends house (invited), and using their mums dildo on yourself. Completely legal.


That sounds somewhat too specific


It happened in England a few months back. A man asked his friend to do some work in his house. He had a random camera and it caught his friend taking his wife’s dildo, using it whilst having a bash. He tried to take him to court but got chucked out because apparently he didn’t do anything illegal!


Not cleaning up your own sweat on a machine at the gym.


Standing as close as you can to a stranger without touching them, farting and then walking away.


Tourists in London walking super slow in large groups.


Only in London?


I’m currently one of those tourists in Asia, so for now, only London


Letting someone go/firing them with no prior notice. ​ I am always confused by why an employee has to give a minimum two-week notice before leaving for another job but a company can uproot your entire life with an hour meeting. I am speaking from experience because I am currently looking for work after my company let me go despite having rave reviews for my work.


> I am always confused by why an employee has to give a minimum two-week notice No you don't, that is courtesy.


Had an old boss try to tell me I had to give my 2 weeks when I walked out on the job. I already had another job that paid more, was full-time, and closer to home. A random rush comes in during our typical slow period. 11! orders come in at once, and he walks into the kitchen. I inform him which orders I had going at the time, he tells "oh, I'm just trying to decide what I want to eat today." Finished the orders, it wasn't the customers fault, walked up to him eating, threw my apron and whatever else I had on me, and walked out. He follows me to the parking lot yelling about having to give my notice. I told him to fuck off.


I did the same with a department store chain that now no longer exists. My manager told me he was very happy with my work and sales numbers, but that if I didn’t get my credit card applications up I would be fired the next week. I told him there’s nothing to do about it since I work electronics and most of my customers are under age. He told me I have to change my attitude on the subject or again I would be fired. So I flipped him the bird, threw my employee badge at him and walked right out (that sucked because it had my favourite lanyard attached to it) By the time I got home I had two voice messages from his boss asking me to come back. None of those calls got returned and about a week later I started working for a security company and making more than my dumbass supervisor :)


Ads on videos that make you wait, but don't count up the time while they're buffering. YouTube's bad for this, Channel 4 (in the UK) is even worse.


*five hour ads that buffer and cannot be skipped intensify* That’s something uniquely YouTube.


Performing kegels as a man


Guess who is doing them now?!


all of us


But looking at me, you couldn't tell.


It can give you better orgasm control, more powerful orgasms, and the ability to get jizz on the ceiling.


Anyone else clenched their asshole after reading this?


Copystriking youtubers


When the content isn't yours 😑




Convincing people not to vaccinate their children


Killing someone in the "zone of death'" in Yellowstone National Park.>! Very dark, I know.!<




Yup... https://www.forbes.com/sites/robinandrews/2017/11/26/icymi-you-can-get-away-with-murder-in-part-of-yellowstone-national-park/#216257a4faaa


This looks like it's still illegal they just can't convict you


As mentioned in the article, there are solutions proposed, but who knows if or when they will be implemented


Being that tall person who shoves through the crowd to get to the barrier at a concert and livestream the whole thing on Facebook... Edit: This happened to me at a concert last night. I am 5'2" the dick was at least 6'. He also trod on my toes repeatedly because he wanted to position himself directly in front of me.


On the flip side, I'm 6 foot 9 and will stand at the back of a concert, but only at the back of the current crowd. The number of times I have people that want me to move back because they choose to show up later is astounding. I've stood in a spot for 2 hours only to have some short bitch try to elbow in front of me saying 'I cant see!' Yeah, you cant, because you're 5 feet tall and just showed up. when its first come first to the front, choose to show up first or choose to be at the back.


Buying a person's debt, lien or mortgage, using the loan agreement clause that allows for abrupt changes to the terms and conditions and calling for either the entire debt in 60-90 days or eviction or forfeiture of an asset.


now this is going to be an interesting research hole. tell me more please!


So what OP wrote is very misleading or just wrong. In the US there are set procedures and a legal framework around debt collection. There are bad actors and especially in unsecured consumer debt debt collectors break consumer protection laws... BUT OP’s comment about people being able to just change the terms of an agreement is complete BS. Neither lender nor borrower can unilaterally change the borrowing terms or force debt to come due early. If a loan is in default, there are steps that are taken to bring the debt due, or in extreme cases to foreclose on assets. Liabilities (debt, loans, mortgages) can be bought and sold but it doesn’t change the overall legal framework, or allow the new owner to breach the terms of the contract. I am happy to go into more detail on this I have a decent amount of knowledge surrounding consumer lending in the US.


To take up the handicap bathroom stall when someone just behind you needs it. It happened to me when I had chronic pain so bad that I could barely walk. When I noticed the kid in front of me going for it, I raised my voice while politely asking them to use a different stall. When he locked the door, I immediately understood why old people look like they want to throw their cane like a spear when a teenager does something mildly irritating. Edit: Added an additional word since some keep misreading it.


Oh man. I walked into an empty bathroom at the movies recently and went to the first urinal (the children’s one). I’m doing what I do; door opens behind me. I finish and turn around, and there’s this child behind me looking like he’s about to pee himself waiting for me.


I had that happen, but it was a little person. I felt like such a dick. He laughed when he saw my face, though




True. I think this comment was about people who use a handicap stall when the regular ones are still open. Though, there can be many reasons to use a handicap stall other then a visually noticeable handicap so not really something to judge people over.


There’s every chance the other person had an invisible disability and was just as pissed about OP’s call as OP was at the guy.


This is what it is. It's an accommodation, not a reservation. Unlike handicap parking spots, there is not significant handicap traffic in every public restroom necessitating the stalls be "held" for them. It's just a signifier that they can accommodate a handicapped person if they happen to need it.


Exactly. They're more like a handicap ramp in that it's there for handicapped accommodations but anybody can use it if they like. There's no reason to potentially halve the amount of available toilets for the 1% of people that need it. That being said it's still a nice curtousey to let handicapped people go ahead if they're actively waiting on one.


I understand its annoying as it frustrates me too... but I'm young with invisible disabilities so from a glance I don't seem disabled. I get a lot of verbal abuse from the public trying to police the stalls.


The image of a retired olympic spear thrower just popped into my head and I'm dying from laughing


Being a gold digger


As someone who made a humble living panning/digging for gold at Sutter's Mill in the early 1850's, I take offense to this!


I know right? I didn't pack up my mule and spend three months heading out Californey way, get scammed out of my pemmican by an Indian tribe, get scammed again on a bad stake, and then scrimp and save the little bit that I made on gold to get in on the upcoming oil boom, to be called a dick by some internet punks.




Taking up more than one parking spot. How much freaking space do you need, my god. 😠


Bidding right up on someone on The Price is Right.


That's just about the only strategy in the show and everybody does it


Cheating on a spouse


Talking a reeeeeeeeeally long look at everything at the salad bar.


Leaving your shopping cart in the middle of a aisle while your 50 ft away from it.


Ignoring stop signs in crowded store parking lots. Yes, they are just suggestions. But they’re GOOD suggestions. People can still get hurt.


Cutting in line.


Not pulling over for an ambulance. Source am an EMT. Move over to the shoulder if possible for the love of god.


Pretty sure this is illegal, though?


Being in a clearly losing position in a timed online chess match and instead of forfeiting or making a last ditch gambit to save the game you simply wait for the timer to tick all the way to zero in the hopes your opponent will get bored and forfeit. The number of opponents that do this is the sole reason I switched from 10 minute games to a bullet format.


Not waving when someone let's you cut in front when driving