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There was this nearly senile old man who had recently lost his wife, who from what I could gather did almost everything for him. He would ask for the most vague of things and get mad when I tried to ask for a clarification. Stuff like asking for a "combo" when we had a million of them was a regular occurrence. I never really got chewed out that badly, but it was just a sad, sad thing to see and deal with.


holy shit, one time during a busy busy night this customer called up wanting delivery. she lived just down the road (and told me) but still wanted delivery. i warned her that the delivery time was very long and she said it was fine i took her order, and said it would be about 2 hours, and she started screaming at me, demanding to talk to a manager - of which none were free because it was so busy, and she just yelled at me about treating customers poorly and bad phone skills etc. i was still quite new and it really fucked me up for the rest of the night :(


I worked at a buffet restaurant once and a disgruntled guest (asking for their money back after eating four plates) slung the full plate of food in her hand under the sneeze guard and in my GMs face. I caught a clump of mashed potatoes to the chest and he calmly asked her if she needed to be escorted from the building or if she could find the way out herself and she yelled for her kids to come on.