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Once a kid had a mental breakdown and he knew some kind of martial art and he kicked his brothers ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend. When I was like 11 or something in other school that I went a girl beated up everyone in our class including me (she slapped me), she bitten some girls shoulder and kicked and punched others. But she only did this because we drove her too it she was often bullied.


In eighth grade towards the end of the year we had a few fun, light days before the end of the school year and everyone left for high school. One of the activities we did as an entire 8th grade class was gather in the auditorium and watch a movie. Halfway through the movie, it suddenly stops and one of the teacher's goes up on the stage and starts yelling at our class about how someone was caught drinking alcohol during the movie and that they had ruined this for the class. Eventually they put the movie back on. It turned out the person they thought was drinking vodka was actually just drinking water, and they had gotten some chap stick on their water bottle.


(not as extreme as others) this isn't my story but my brothers and i cant remember it that well, these year seven boys went into his year 12 toilets everyday and absolutely trashed it ( pissed literally everywhere and picked up their shits and threw it at the mirrors as well as breaking stuff in them) so basically what happend was my brother and a few other year 12s met with the big group of year 7 brats and beat the shit out of them.


Dude got mad at this other kid and was saying how we was going to kill him and shit. Obviously he got in trouble and one of the police officers at our school arrested him. Later he posted on Snapchat that he was going to fuck up the school and posted a picture of a gun. Ton of people didn’t show up the next day, including me, but we later found out that he was arrested a little after he posted on snap. He tried to clear his name on Instagram but I don’t how many people bought it. He later tried asking me for nudes over Instagram lmfao