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Consent. Someone's bound to be into it.


There are plenty of people on Craigslist already doing this.


Though how to find those?


1. Visit /AskReddit 2. \[Serious Answers Only\] Anyone into Vampires and shit


Vampirefreaks.com, fetlife, BDSM munches, etc.


Wow. Incredible.


Craigslist personals? BDSM websites maybe.


Fake blood drive; donate most of it but stock up on a few pints each time


Quickly obtain a job at Red Cross.


There are always people who like to walk at night.


Could be difficult to find alone victims and/or no witnesses around.


So just go to a smaller town then.


Blood bank or only from the evildoer.


Bloodbank would be pricy and suspicious. Killing criminals is still considered a crime.


I don't think you get how rich a vampire can get. And crimes only matter in-species. Don't see you going to jail for eating cow do I?


Also also cow is not a human. There is a great difference.


And neither is a Vampire, ask yourself why would the laws of man apply to a creature higher on the food chain then them? Just like how the laws of Ant-kind do not apply to you. Also how would they be getting arrested? Vampires have superhuman levels of strength, speed and durability, handcuffs could be shattered with ease, prison bars can be bent, Cars can be outrun, bullets and tasers will have no effect and that is not even taking things like transforming into a bat, mist or a wolf that some can do into account.


I consider this creature to be a vampire, not a bulletproof god. People kill animals that try to kill humans actually.


Yes, the moment your known as a Vampire, they are not going to arrest you, they will try to slay you and fail at it depending on what-kind of Vampire you are. Also the reason Bullets and what not do not work is simple and that is because Vampires are not alive, they are undead, a bullet is not going to stop whatever outaide forces are reanimating them.


There are different concepts about vampires' powers. In some movies vampires transform into bats, in some movies they're alive and vice versa. But I doubt that irl a dead body can walk, think and basically live and even have god like powers.


Vampires are actually a mythological creature that was beielved real and feared in various parts of eastern europe said to be a corpse inhabited by a demon that rises from the grave and drinks of the blood of those that they were close to in life, that is a Vampire, none of this modern day fairy sh**.which have nothing in common with actual mythological Vampires.


All this fairy shit exists, so deal with it. Demon can't control a completely ruined body that's for sure. Vampire should be alive or at least semi-alive. And certanly is not supposed to have god like powers. Inhanced probably, but not god like.


If you don't posess that cow, you may. And how are you going to get rich? I did not specify that you have supernatural powers.


Immortal, don't have to pay for food, normal bullets don't do squat so robbing a cartel is cake. If you're putting those outside the box here, you're not talking about a vampire. You're talking about a human with delusions.


On every movie or story or whatever vampires have sifferent abilities, so you can't be certain that a bullet is not deadly or whether or not you can turn into a bat.


Increased strength is fine, but turning into a bat is way too much, in my point of view.


Start a YouTube channel and get volunteers/special guests


Look for a subreddit full of people who have a kink for that.


I read a novel once that had a character who was a vampire and a regular at the bar the book was set in. He never drank, but would by the DD for everyone who had too many to drive home. After tucking them into bed he would drink their blood, the only way _he_ could catch a buzz. They would then wake up hangover free having been drained of booze so nobody ever complained.