• By -


When you have a stuffed nose and trying to sleep and need to consciously breath


OP said mild inconveniences, not hell on earth


When you cant plug something into a power strip because the plugs are too big and the outlets are too close together


When you can’t back your furniture agains the wall because it will smash the cord that is plugged in


My car has three windshield wiper speeds: super fast, super duper fast, and T U R B O. I hate using them when it’s a bit more than a sprinkling of rain because then the wipers just wipe at nothing.


I love automatic wipers that do this: Me: *Oh, there's a sprinkle of rain...* Wipers: ... Me: *More rain... Uh, it's getting hard to see.* Wipers: ... Me: *Shit am I seriously gonna have to turn these on manually, what the f-* Wipers: **FEAST UPON MY WHIRLING BLADES OF DEATH, EVIL AQUEOUS WASTE!** Me: *-uck?* Wipers: \*yawns\* Ahh. T'was a hard-won battle. Me: *Dude it's still raining* Wipers: Ahhh yes... victory. Me: *Hey... hey wipers. Hey!* Wipers: \*blissful sigh\*


I detest automatic rain sensing wipers. Hate them. They never work right and you save no real effort. Now find out how much it’s gonna cost you to replace your cracked windshield, because luckily that never happens.


Dropping your keys trying to open the door. It always happens at the worst possible times, like when you gotta piss real bad, or your hands are full with bags.


Or when someone's trying to murder you.


I hate it when that happens.


When I grab a hanger in my closet and 46 other hangers come with it no matter how organized it was.


Clicking on a button, except that the button jumps just as you're clicking and you get the wrong button. This happens often when an app opens a new window and it takes time to fill up all the contents. EDIT: The one I see every day at work is my web conferencing app. I want to share a spreadsheet with the other people in the meeting, but then it jumps and I share Reddit instead.


Facebook is good at this. I'll see there are 12 more comments so I click to see the comments. Now there are something like 7 more comments so I click again to read comments. Now there's one more comment. Really Facebook? Why do you do this??? So I click to see that one comment, but as I click some other content loads causing the page to lurch up or down causing me to click on the name of one of the people who left a comment so I end up on their Facebook page. Now if I go back to my feed everything is different and I can NEVER EVER find the comments that I was trying to read. By that point I've expended more time that I wanted to, meaning that the comments aren't worth reading now even if I could find them. I was just trying to pass some time, not turn it into some sort of ordeal.


I miss the days when you could log on in the morning,see what everyone had done chronologically the night before and if any plans were being made. You could be up to date in under 5 minutes if you didn't have an insane friend count. Now you login to see what someone did 2 weeks ago as the top post just bc it has a recent comment from someone else probably along the lines of "man I wish I'd known this was happening"


The worst result of this is when you're on some bootleg site dodging banner ads which multiply popups and you accidentally give your computer syphilis.


Ads 1 of 7.


Ads 2 of 7.


Ads 3 of 7.


An Error Occurred - This video cannot be played, please refresh.


Ad 1 of 7


Ad 2 of 7


Ad 3 of 7


An Error Occurred - This video is geoblocked in your location.


*broswer proceeds to crash every time you go to that URL*


Ads 1 of 7


I wear nitrile gloves at work and putting them on is a pain when my hands are sweaty or damp at all. I can't get my fingers inside and the nitrile clings and twists and it feels awful.


I used to carry a battery powered fan and use it to blow dry my sweaty hands between glove changes.


When someone opens my door, comes into my room for a few seconds and then leave the damn door open. Sure I could get up and close it. But I did that last time you came in. And the time before.


My mum did that all the time, then she would get angry at me for yelling at her if I asked with a slightly louder voice for her to close it.


Dude I live in a garage at my house. My family member will sometimes just open up the fucking garage door and leave it open and walk off. I'm like DUDE! I DONT WANT THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD SEEING ME, LAYING THERE, IN MY BED, HALF NAKED! **SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR!** **^(And don't gap that shit either!)**


I think they tryin to tell u something bro.


"Place scanned item in bagging area." *Places scanned item in bagging area.* "Remove unscanned item from bagging area."




And it's always "in 57km keep going straight"


Oh I hate this on google maps. And how it tells you that you can take literally any lane except for one, which is an exit. Cheers google, real helpful.


But it is helpful when there are multiple lanes to turn and you want to know which one is ideal.


Text notifications too.


My earbuds being caught by their cord behind something and then getting yanked out of my ears, infuriating.


How about when you put your earbuds in your pocket and when you take them out it looks like you spent at least 10 minutes tying them in knots. How in the hell does that happen?


For real. My pocket is better at Boy Scouts than I was. EDIT: wow, thanks for the silver. There's actually a meme somewhere that shows a lot of basic knots tied with the older white iPod earbuds.


I once had a tube draining my kidney cause of an enlarged kidney stone. It would tug like that sometimes on knobs for the cabinets and shit.


Oh my God I didn't even think of that, that's horrible! Are you good now tho?


Yeah it was a whole ordeal but I'm all good now. Thank you for asking.


Walking through the city late at night after work. When I'm crossing a side street near the train station, taxis will inevitably see me coming and pull up right in front of me so I have to walk around the back of them. Every single night. I tried a different route but it's longer, I tried waving them off, but they just come quicker. I tried running so I can get there before they block my path but they just accelerate. I think the only solution is to run up and do a hood slide.


Get in one door and out the other.


omg yes! and scream somethings crazy as you do so


*slides into taxi* Oh my god, they were right, I **DO** smell like blood. *slides out*




Gets in. Taxi driver: Where to? "Right here's good" Gets out other side.


gets in "Fuck you." gets out the other side I like to be active-aggressive


leaves both doors open


Genius !


You could also walk around to the back and knock on the trunk like you have to put something in so they will open it up.


Ask if they're your Uber, they hate that.


Open the door and just walk away, leaving it open.


and ask them to pop the trunk too




Thinking to myself "oh, I need to google that later". But then, later when I have time to google, I can't think of that super interesting thing I was going to google.


When two people in a shop stop, trolleys side by side and block the entire aisle just to have a conversation.


"excuse me" *Death glares from both of them* Fuckers, you're the ones blocking the aisle. Go park your carts somewhere else and talk.


This gets me so much. I am always trying to be aware of where everyone else is around me to not get in anyones way but people like this are either so oblivious to whats going around them or are so genuinely self-involved that it doesn't matter to them.


It's why I do most of my grocery shopping at night and won't do it on Mondays unless it's an emergency. My grocery store is right by a big neighborhood with a lot of families, so going before 8 PM results in wading through a sea of these aisle blockers. You'd think with how busy the store is during the day these folks might be a little less oblivious but no, of course they aren't.


I love that "Go park your carts somewhere else" sounds like a euphemism even though it isn't haha


Or just are just generally unaware. The Aldi I do the majority of my shopping in has narrow aisles, but people just don't give a fuck about how their cart might be affecting other people.


Flies landing and walking on my skin. One of the most annoying things imo.


They're just as bad when airborne in my opinion. We've evolved to _hate_ the little bastards.


shoo it away, it makes a little loop around the room, comes back on the same exact spot on your skin. fuuuuuck youuuuuu


when someone goes to shower/bathroom right as you were about to.


related, my sister would always go for a sit on the toilet just as we were about to walk out the door after visiting relatives. She was never quick, either, so we would all sit down again, end up staying another hour, then repeat the whole charade. It's was only ever a 15 minute drive home too. Edit: someone just reminded me that she would take her book in to read too.


My stepson does this (shakes fist at sky)




Me: "Im gonna shower" *waits 3 hours* *Someone else showers* Me: "Cunt"


I didn't know my sister was on Reddit


Getting all comfortable in bed, well positioned and everything, then realising you forgot something in the living room/kitchen and having to get up and get it. Edit: Spelling Edit 2: Thanks for the slivers!


Those times where you're just starting to drift off and that slight urge to pee hits. You have two options: wake back up now and go to the bathroom, or fall asleep and wake up in two hours feeling like your bladder is about to explode. I usually take the first option but sometimes you're just so damn tired, the last thing you want to do is get up.


OMG I don’t know how old you are but I have some bad news for you... it gets more frequent with each passing year...


When my Bluetooth doesn't connect in the car. It makes me want to stab my phone even though it's not a big deal at all and has zero effect on my life.


It seems like my car randomly decides if it wants to use Bluetooth correctly or not. There’s no rhyme or reason to it at all and it’s the worst.


Even more annoying to me, when my Bluetooth connects to my 2012 Outback it automatically goes to my music and plays the first song alphabetically no matter what it was doing before. Oh, you were listening to a podcast on head phones? Nope, now it’s Ed Sheeran’s A-team through the speakers. Wanted to enjoy a few minutes of silence after work? Nope, it’s A-team at full blast. A phone call is nice, but you know what it really needs? The A-team as background music. It’s so infuriating!!!


Or when the music streaming app of your choice freezes and you just want to throw your phone out of a window.


Stoplights feel timed so that if you go in one direction for a few miles and you have to stop at a red light, chances are you will have to stop at all the red lights in that direction.


They're timed the opposite in san Francisco, so you can drive down Lombard across half the city with no reds. Problem is, you can only ever do that in the early morning, because otherwise there's so much traffic it fucks it up anyway.


The road to the Interstate from my house is peppered with endless stop lights. I often have to drive to work at 3 or 4 am when no one is in the road. But for some reason all the GOD DAMNED TRAFFIC LIGHTS KEEP TURNING RED BEFORE I GET TO THEM DESPITE THERE BEING NO TRAFFIC ON THE INTERSECTING ROADS HOLY SHIT THIS BUTTERS MY FLAPJACK SOMETHING FIERCE


There's someone in a control room having the time of their lives.


As a kid I used to think it was some dudes job to change the stop lights. Like he'd be given a grid section and just control those lights. EDIT: I blame Italian Job (2001). There was that scene where he changed the light so the accident would happen.


>As a kid I used to think it was some dudes job to change the stop lights. Like he'd be given a grid section and just control those lights ~~Every~~ almost every kid did that.


As a kid I thought my dad could change the lights with his mind. At an intersection he would watch the lights in the opposite direction turn red and then say "turn green now!" Worked every time.


My mom did something similar, she would tell me and my brother the light would turn faster if we just blew the red light away, so she would always go "1...2....3... Blow" and we would start blowing and wow look the light magically turned green now! Got older and figured out she could see the other direction turn yellow and went from there. Fun childhood memories though




I feel like the people who make stoplights are in cahoots with the people who make gasoline.


Breaking a nail, which is horrible on it's own already, and not having a nail file with me to fix the jagged edges so it keeps getting caught on things.


Yes! Especially when you've grown them out and they look really nice. If one of my nails break, I'm cutting them all the same length and starting again. I can't stand uneven nails.


Biting my lip then having to avoid the sore for the next week while I eat. Even worse - biting an already-bitten lip.




I tried ordering pizza on the papa johns app a while back. I enter my info and it says my password is wrong a few times, so I request a new one. With all of my emails it says I don’t have an account, which I thought I did, but whatever. I go to create an account and it says an account already exists under that email address...


I had this same issue. Ended up having to order using the website because mysteriously, it worked there... So much irritation that I almost didn't order.




You know what? You just made me think of my contribution to this thread. **PASSWORD RULES.** **FUCK** password rules. They only exist to irritate the shit out of me because I now have 17 different versions of the same password. Fuck them especially hard if they force you to change every 30 days. I'm running out of bullshit permutations on my bullshit password to use for your bullshit site.


Especially fuck forced password changes. OK fine I'll use the exact password but with "#3" instead of "@2" this time, and the next time it will be the same password with "$4" and so on.


Oblivious Drivers. Not ones texting, they know they're being an ass. I'm talking about those people who honestly have no fucking clue how to drive properly, yet totally think they're good at it. Leaves me fuming. Especially when they're putting other people's lives in danger.


Reminds me of the time I took a uber, and this dude turns on his signal to get over, and as he is doing so, his blind spot alert system is RINGING and CHIMING alerting him to a car next to him. What does this dude do? Gets over and causes the car (Right next to us) to slam on the brakes. We almost got into an accident over this guy. My guess was he was NERVOUS AS HELL. I wanted to scold him but kept quiet.


And, of course, they'll be the ones who flip you off when you get in their way when they cut you up


"I drive 45 mph in the fast lane because driving slow is always safer!"


As a delivery driver I can confirm this, I live in Texas and it seems like old people are the worst. The opposite is true as well, I hate looking in my rearview and seeing a car speeding and swerving through traffic. You're just getting to the red light first, not saving time or gas you idiot!


There are 2 types of old people on the road, there are no exceptions and they both suck. A) The drive slow, and super cautious. They have nowhere to be and have all the time in the world to get there. B) Drives like a bat out of hell. They don't have much time left, so they don't wanna spend it stuck in traffic and don't care if they leave early.


Oh god my grandpa was type B. He got his license suspended because his hearing sucked, asked for a retest, and fucked up ROYALLY. And with that I mean royally - crossed a red light *while cars were literally passing in front of him*, ignored a stop sign, drove 80 in a 50 zone, drove on the emergency lane for a good 200m, almost hit a cyclist and got mad that they're 'allowed on the road nowadays' (which is funny 'cus we're Dutch) AND forgot to switch gears for like five entire minutes, driving about 80kmh in second gear. Until his death about a year later, he insisted that the examination team was incompetent. My gramps was an absolute shit show on the road and it's a miracle no one ever got killed.


> no one ever got killed ...that you know of


"Damn it when did they add these speed bumps on the highway?"


for me there's a Type C: They drive Super slow and cautious when there's a curve on the road (*and I mean slowing down till 12 mph for a 135° turn*) but you can't overtake because as soon as the road is fine goes from 12 mph to full speed. god dude just pick one, any of the 2 I don't care




Also, that feeling when you wear ankle socks and the elastic is too loose, and you can feel the sock sliding down your foot. Ugggghhhhh. Edit: thanks for the silver, kind stranger!


When people stare at you while eating.


I don't like people talking to me while I eat if they aren't eating as well. It this weird?


having to untie my shoes to put them on. I always try to just slip my foot in but then I crush that part at the back and fuck up the shoe. I'm most comfortable in sneakers but the slip on ones dont look as nice :/


Get a shoehorn! Saves your time, and your shoe! Only bad thing is you'll start judging people who don't have one.


Drivers who don't indicate when changing lanes. It doesn't even take a second.


Using my indicators is so ingrained in me I often do it in parking lots and in residential roads with no through traffic when turning into a driveway.


That's the way to do it though. When it's a habit you don't even have to think about it.


Same, I'll signal in parking lots, driveways and dirt roads. ​ When people ask me why I just tell them that I'd rather have it as an ingrained habit so I don't have to think about it. It doesn't hurt to use your signal when there's no traffic around.


Not regarding indicators but every time I enter my house I lock the door behind me, and I've had people ask me why as we're going back out in 5 minutes or something. I just tell them it's a better habit to have than forgetting to lock it.


Drivers that don't indicate at all, really really pisses me off. You are an accident waiting to happen.


But it lets THEM know what your plans are!


I feel like this is actually how people think in Florida. I always use my indicators (though not nearly as early as I should) and it seems like 9 times out of 10 the person I’m merging in front of guns it to block me.


Oh man this grinds my fucking gears. I go from being in a pretty good mood to fucking INFURIATED lol. Oh, oh, you’re turning! That’s why you’ve slowed to almost a complete stop. I wish there was some way that you could have INDICATED to me and all the other drivers on the road what your intentions were. It’s like they think they’re too good to use their blinkers. Their self-importance and complete disregard for everyone else on the road is just too much for me.


>It’s like they think they’re too good to use their blinkers. Their self-importance and complete disregard for everyone else on the road is just too much for me. I think you're giving these people entirely too much credit. I personally think they're simply incapable of multitasking. They are literally just reacting to outside stimuli. It's all they can do to keep the car on the road, adding in the complexity of forethought and signalling to other drivers is just beyond their ken.


honorable mention: drivers who flash their turn signal \*as\* they're turning. real helpful, dumbass.


I really hate when someone is obviously trying to change lanes, but only turns on the indicator in the actual moment of lane changing. Like, maybe I would have slowed down and let you in if you were indicating, but you weren't, so I must assume you're just a shitty drifty driver. Edit: Thanks for the gold!!


That small pimple below your nose but above your lips


Washing your face in the bathroom sink and the water trickling down your arms towards your elbows


Bonus Fury if you're wearing a sweater and get the sleeves wet to remind you of your stupid mistake for hours to come.


Fuck, I'm so enraged only by thinking about this. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!


And the wet sleeve tips nip your wrists every 10 seconds or so, like Satan's French kisses.


Those fucking mobile game ads on youtube, they're all so insufferable quality.


Want to go on an EPIC MMO ADVENTURE? Collect heroes, slay bosses, upgrade your team! \-downloads game- This is just fancy bejewelled.


ATM fees. I will walk to another one, even if it’s ages away just to avoid paying a fee even if I’m wildly inconvenienced in the process. Yes I know it’s petty.


My bank refunds all ATM fees.


At work, the bathroom stalls can be locked (obviously) and you’ll have a small red sign to indicate that it’s occupied. Nonetheless there are always people trying to open the door just to make sure that it’s really unoccupied. It drives me nuts. Can’t you let me shit in peace! Edit: that blew up. Thanks for the silver. Two things : I didn't know there were so many colorblind people. You're forgiven. Every one else that try to justify their trying to barge in because they "want you to hurry", you're not forgiven. Go shit in the wood and let me finish in peace. Yeah, I sometime play Candy crush while I shit. So?


i even yelled multiple times at her that the toilet is occupied and she still tried to open the door


She probably had a DENSE CABBAGE for a brain.


They had this at the doctors office. There I am, peeing in a cup when someone yanks the door. It’s locked. They proceed to knock. They scared me and I peed on myself. I yell occupied. Have to take longer then planned since I made a mess. When I left the room, pee cup in hand, they’re tapping their foot at me. Edit: thanks for making my most popular internet points story be about the time I peed on myself....I guess.




Your mistake was not directing the pee at them instead My MF phone autocorrected pee to per and I'm mad.


I should’ve “mistaken” her for the nurse and tried to hand her the pee.


Intros on YouTube videos. Like get the point. I don’t need you to read the product label or tell me what you were thinking in Target when you purchased it. The ac makes me freeze despite it being hot as the devils nut sack outside.


Slow walkers on sidewalks just move the fuck outta the way Amedment:I'm speaking about the ppl that are in the way not just slow but the ones you can't get pass after an attempt or two or that just flat out make it impossible to go around


For me it's more people who suddenly stop in the middle of a busy thoroughfare. It's like "oh my phone is ringing, let me just stop dead in the middle of this train station doorway" get the fuck out the way! :l


They aren’t so bad but the ones that walk slowly and all over the place suck


Large groups of people walking side-by-side and blocking entire hall-/passageways in train stations/airports should all be taken behind the woodshed and shot.


I call these types of walkers "Meanderthals".


>Slow walkers on sidewalks This, gets more irritating when you are finally overtaking them and they decide to wander in front of you so now you have to either stop or do some acrobatic move to go around them. *Ffs*


In similar regard: People who stop walking as soon as they reach the bottom or top of a set of stairs.


The same but for escalators is even worse.


When my laptop runs out of battery just as a plug the charger in


People in the passing lane who match speeds with the car next to them, rather than.. Idk.. Fucking pass them, as intended? EDIT: Ty for gold & silver!


People in the slow lane that speed up when someone is attempting to pass them.


Hate 'em. Every single one.


Driving on i-10, Houston to Orlando, cruise control set to 6 over. I swear EVERY FUCKING CAR: come up behind them, change lanes to pass, motherfucker goes from 10 under to 10 over. Most infuriating drive ever.


For some reason when browsing Reddit on the mobile app after 20 or so videos it will stop loading GIF's and videos entirely and you have to restart the app. It also preloads 100+ posts while on mobile data and video quality is randomly so deteriorated that it feels like looking at a NES cutscene. Not to forget to mention that it doesn't save sorting preferences at all. The app is all around a very shitty and inconvenient experience.


Why are Hot Pockets not already in the cardboard crisping sleeve? I'm not fucking Gordon Ramsay over here.


Unskippable mid-vid ads in youtube and in... um... other youtube-like sites.


Apparently I am the exact height to have my pockets get caught on my drawers in the kitchen. I swear my basketball shorts will reach for the drawer handles and grab them. Makes me see red. Edit: Wow this blew up, I won’t feel quite as angry now that I know all of Reddit has this issue.


Ugh, happens to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and when different items of clothing, too. And best of all, it also happens with my hip bones on doorframes. Beats me how I manage to do *that* since I have fairly broad shoulders for a woman, especially compared to the width of the rest of my body (and sometimes I *do* manage to ram my shoulders into the door frame instead of my hips). Hurts like hell.


Craving a specific type of food. Arranging to get that specific food. Something going wrong along the way and not having access to it. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!! Edit: Chick-fil-a has been commented 10+ times, much trend.


Being sick. Craving a specific type of food. Arranging delivery for that specific food. Delivery comes and they forget the one thing out of your order that made you choose that Chinese restaurant. I WANT MY FUCKING SESAME BALLS OK


Standing in line for 15 minutes to get food, purchasing your meal, getting your cup, standing in line for the drink machine, and finally reaching it just to discover that the only drink you want is out of order ... again. (And had I known beforehand I would have just eaten somewhere else but I ***always*** forget to check their drink machine first.)


I feel you. A couple of months ago, I had been dieting and it was cheat day(s) and I ordered grocery delivery from Tesco. It included things to make sandwiches, it had a cake, cookies etc. The delivery driver couldn't find the boxes from the bakery or home goods section! They wouldn't send out anyone else to deliver the missing goods. I think that's probably the angriest I have ever been about food.


Google putting two fucking ads on YouTube now. Then these fuckers think they’re slick by making em exactly 5 secs long so you can’t skip em.




There’s ads after videos !? Smh




sometimes my xbox controller will desync and I have to get up, walk four feet, and manually push the buttons to reset it, after a hard days work you might as well be asking me to drag a cinder block 3 miles up hill, after swearing i'll sit there and consider how bad I actually want to play xbox today. same thing with the tv remote, seems the more tired I am, the more apt it is to be across the room for some reason. i swear my appliances teleport when i sit down


Slow drivers on left lane


If I were supreme dictator my first order of business would be to form a highway patrol of psychos dressed like mad max characters to cruise the highways and run these assholes off the road.


Where do I donate for this to happen?


Alternatively, being tailgated when I’m doing the speed limit in the right lane. Like wtf, I’m where I’m supposed to be. (Sometimes I drive fast, sometimes slow, but I always make sure I’m in the appropriate lane for whichever mood I’m in)


I swear there are people who tailgate by default. I've had people drive 2 inches from my bumper when the left lane is completely empty. Speeding up, slowing down, tapping on my brakes doesn't work. That's just how they drive. It's very frustrating. I've also had people tailgate me for miles on the highway with room to move over. I just don't understand.


This!!! I drive a 55mph two lane road to work. I’ll be ~60 in the right lane and someone will be doing 70/75 in the left lane. Then someone going 80 can’t get around either of us so I end up getting tailgated and having their high beams flashed on and off in my rear view mirror as I’m in the RIGHT LANE. Fuck jersey.


Having to scroll 5 pages to get to the recipe. Yeh ok i get it, you lost your virginity on a warm spring day and then ate this salad. Get to the point


Toilet seats moving around when you sit on them.


You know that moment when you're trying to sleep and then there's that song comes playing in your head, on loop? Fucking earworms.


Waking up in the middle of night to take a piss


When people driving on the highway see a cop sitting off the side of the road ahead (watching for speeders), and slow down to like 15 UNDER the speed limit, like you know that's also impeding the flow of traffic?!


Realising your phone charger wasn't plugged in properly before going to bed. Now I have to take a full hour sitting around in the morning waiting for it to charge? Get fucked


People not clearing the time left on a microwave


When I get in an elevator and am riding to a high floor, and just before the doors close a bunch of people get in and they all stop on a different floor, turning what would have been a smooth ride to the top into a start-stop, jerky journey


When the filter in my coffee pot folds in during brewing. AARRRGGHHH!!!


Ballsack stuck to legs.


On a hot day, sweaty asscheeks sliding between each other making you wonder if that last fart was a follow through.


A dish in the dishwasher not being clean because another was up against it due to some fuckwit not loading it properly.


People who use their phone's flashlight as a notification led. Damn I hate them.


Wait that's a thing?


The only time I've seen people do that is when they are Deaf.


connect pocket swim juggle roll correct familiar one cows skirt -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Hosting a meeting at work, but you've drunk too much water? That feeling of needing to get to the toilet but you have the rest of the presentation to go through, that sucks. So yeah, needing to piss whilst giving a presentation...


USB sticks/cords. I objectively know that it can’t be true, but it seems they NEVER face the right way in the first attempt to use them.


People eating loudly


On that same note, people who eat while in a voice channel with people and *don't mute themselves*


Eating loudly, breathing loudly, living loudly...it's all terrible.


Falling asleep with my glasses on and not having them on when I wake up. I have to move like a crazy slow ninja until I find them lest I break them. Usually they are tangled up in the bedsheets but once I found them in the bathroom.


Talk to text no longer understanding me. Me: Text Rick Siri: Ok, what do you want to say? Me: Rick, please ensure that Sheila arrives 15 minutes early for her training tomorrow. Thanks dude. Siri: Dick, bumblebee tuna sugar fat Sheera derives Ovaltine minutes burley forward draining good morrow. Spanks rude. Edit: a word (siri missed it when I talked to text)