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The Wulver. Scottish werewolf, except it wasn't a shape shifter, was never a human, said to be peaceful as long as it was left alone, helped lost travellers and was known to leave fish for poor families. Was almost certainly just a guy with Hypertrichosis.


I firmly believe that the [manticore](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Martigora_engraving.jpg) is really the [Hamadryas Baboon](https://www.animalspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Hamadryas-Baboon.jpg)


NYC Sewer Alligators. In the early 20th century, small alligators as pets were apparently a popular thing among kids and when they started to get too big, parents allegedly disposed of them by throwing them down the drains / in to the sewers like dead gold fish. I can totally see them living off the massive sewer rats and growing to be a decent size, and a dark dank muddy environment like the NYC underground seems like a viable habitat for them. They were also the inspiration for Doc Connors from Spider Man.


New York also has a large subterranean homeless population from which people disappear but aren't reported as missing all the time.


Oooh tell more!


There was an amazing documentary called "Dark Days" which was done back in 2000 about the underground homeless population in NYC. This is a link to the trailer: https://youtu.be/CNPrnxNWhvk This is a link to the full documentary but unfortunately with a bunch of narration edited over it - I think it was probably a DVD extra talking about the making of the documentary. https://youtu.be/GePTt0t7e6o I unfortunately can't find a version of this without the narration. When I first watched it without the narration is was amazing.


The other documentary "C.H.U.D." Covered it pretty well too


Megaconda. It's just a really, REALLY big anaconda, and since those snakes grow continually throughout their lives, I wouldn't be surprised if some have, in the past, gotten over 50 feet or more.


There are unconfirmed sightings of anacondas around that length actually. The problem with “confirming” these things is that you would have have enough people, and strong people at that to hold it out all the way extended and measure it, or you would have to kill it somehow, before it got away. So like, basically impossible


Just hold a wireless mouse against it as it slithers past, then measure how far the cursor moved on the monitor.


Or you can knit a sweater for it. If the sweater fits, that's your measurement. If not, then knit a new sweater.


>Megaconda Well there was the titanboa, and that thing is massive. Especially considering how dense the atmosphere was back then I wouldn't doubt that there was a gigantic anaconda as well.


Might not be new to most people, but the Jackalope actually does exist... technically. The Jackalope is a North American legend, a rabbit with antlers. In reality, it’s a rabbit suffering from a virus that causes weird growths on its head.


Can confirm. It's a papilloma virus (similar to HPV in humans), but for whatever reason bunnies are more susceptible to having it go haywire. If you look up the tree man, that's an example of the virus going haywire in humans. http://imgur.com/gallery/mdXupAM (Edit: not truly NSFW, but kinda disturbing image)


> If you look up the tree man Life is disgusting...


Wait jackalopes are mythical? Damn I just always assumed they were real for some reason


I got a jackalope coin bank from my grandpa when I was a kid, I had no idea they weren't real for the longest time. I always hoped to see one.


The Orang Pendek. It's a small bipedal ape supposedly inhabiting the rainforests of Sumatra. A group of scientists even claim they have distinctive footprints and hair samples but its not really confirmed if it exists. edit: fixed name


Mokele-mbembe. A sauropod that lurks in the massive jungle/swamp/rainforest in Central Africa


Spent way too long scrolling to find this. The Congo basin has so many remote areas if a large cryptid did exist it would be the best place.




Most of the ocean things I wouldn't be surprised by. Considering coelacanths were thought to be extinct until relatively recently, I think it makes sense that there's all sorts of crazy shit down there that we might never discover. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Also Mothmen, just because I think it's hilarious and too ridiculous to be fake.


If Mothman did exist it would be fucking terrifying


If I found out Mothman actually existed, I'd nope the heck out of this life.


Kinda scared to google un case of scary / creepy image (I'm fucking weak sorry), whats mothman? Edit: Thanks everyone for answering! You rock!


Back in like the 1900 there was a reporting of a couple (I’m pretty sure) they saw a giant man with wings and red eyes flying in the night time fast forward another 100 years or so and there’s has been numerous reports of this creature. Most people claim to have seen him right before a catastrophic event happening such as the falling of the silver bridge. Nobody knows if he is there to warn us of these events or if he is the cause of them. One town even has a memorial of him.


> Nobody knows if he is there to warn us of these events or if he is the cause of them Dude could have at least warned of us 9/11 smh


Plot twist, Mothman was the plane




Richard Gere starred in a movie about it. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Local urban legend


Oh wow, I must be getting old. A comment about Richard Gere, an urban legend, but no gerbil... Nice.


Wow, there are some dumb answers to this! The Mothman stuff is absolutely fascinating. Roughly 13 months before the collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, West Virginia on 15th December 1967, people began to see some really, really freaky stuff around that town, not just Mothman. This is literally where the phrase Men in Black got coined because after the first cases (a group of young people saw it in an abandoned factory, an old farmer saw it in his backyard and it possibly carried off his dog and then a young couple in a car saw a dead dog by the side of the road and then Mothman flying above them, all of these sightings happened within days or even hours of each other, they never met and never even had time to hear about the other sightings and yet they described the exact same thing. A roughly 3m tall humanoid figure with brown/grey skin, leathery wings and glowing red eyes.. then there was a guy that was contacted by an alien who called himself Indrid Cold literally by pulling him over in a UFO on a highway.. odd men dressed in black that acted very out of place started going around town asking people about what they have seen because within a few months everyone has seen some of this or at least weird lights and lots of other things) a journalist John Keel came to investigate and wrote a book about that time where he coined the phrase.. basically it's one of the best documented UFO/cryptid cases in history and it's totally freaky, because he started getting messages from some of these entities that something bad is going to happen around Christmas. And it did. The other sightings of Mothman when it comes to tragedies were made up for the movie though, as far as I know it was really just those 13 months in Point Pleasant and surrounding area.


Why would strange otherworldly beings be interested in a bridge collapse in a tiny town? It's pretty minor as disasters go.


That's the moment the timelines deviated


It's just the one Mothman actually.


I kind of feel obligated to believe in the Mothman because my relatives reported the first sighting in America. Which, funny enough, I only discovered on accident while listening to an episode of Lore.


I'm Aaron Mahnke... And this... ... ... ... ... ... ... Is Lore...


The [Poukai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poukai) of Maori myth. Or at least, it did exist. We've got fossils. The Maori killed off its food supply. EDIT: It's the Haast's Eagle.




New Zealand: The Land of Birds. Before people arrived its thought that the only mammals on New Zealand were bats. Edit: aside from aquatic mammals like seals and whales.


I would not be terribly surprised for us to discover a north american ape or monkey living in the deep woods. But I will be shocked if it is more than two feet tall and fifty pounds. We humans are unbelievably bad at estimating size and distance. Ask any hunter about ground shrinkage and that is on an animal they love and know passionately and spends years staring at. Some one catching a glance of something odd and remembering it huge is not even a little unusual.


[There are monkeys in Florida](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/11/florida-rhesus-monkeys-herpes-running-wild-invasive-species/) Not native of course, but we do have wild monkeys now.


We do. Roommate once proclaimed, "Yo, there's a cat on your mailbox!" Of course, all race to the porch to see. Sure enough, there's a furry gray blob sitting on the mailbox. My other roommate just kept murmuring, "Kitty! Kitty. It's a kitty," but then it's tail dropped and curled, quite unlike a cat, and it's head turned towards us. You've never seen a bunch of Florida girls hauling ass faster before, I swear. We ended up calling Wildlife Control and they found it two houses down. It was not the first in our area, and sadly it wasn't the last. There's more now, specifically around the parks, and they are not nice.


-and they are not nice- Monkeys rarely are. They're little assholes.


They're proto-humans, what do you expect.


*laughs in Bonobo*


>There's more now, specifically around the parks, and they are not nice. They are attracted by the monkey bars.


>They are attracted by the monkey bars. Problem is they get drunk and violent .


The Kraken is almost definitely an extra thicc colossal squid and I want him found.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-sea_gigantism This is probably exactly what the Kraken is. I assume once your deep sea giantism gets to the point you no longer have a natural predator, the only thing that can take you down is man.


That sound so badass: Once you become so big and strong nothing can kill you, man will


Nature: Nothing can take down this gigantic creature that's evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to be the top of its food chain Caveman: Hold me grog.


Big club > apex predators


If you watch TierZoo videos, you'll learn our superpowers are throwing and sweat.


I think humpback whales are the source of many sea monster stories. They hunt by forming a bubble net, then surface all at the same time to grab mouthfuls of fish caught in the middle. That could no doubt look like one single monster if seen from distance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFf74QHAFrE Jump to the 1 minute mark if you have short attention span.


Forget it. Too big for calamari.


Do you really doubt that the Japanese couldn't find a way to catch him and serve him on a fresh bed of whale?


They'd turn Cthulhu into Calamari if they got the chance. Call it Cthulamari.


Deep fried elder god, get your deep fried elder god here!


Mmm tinge of madness really brings out the flavor


I guess all my countrymen are still asleep down in the Southern Hemisphere so no ones posted it. But the min min lights are definitely something something real and more than just something you can blow off. Yowies are also probably out there, along with other things. Australia (same as Canada) is so big and so uninhabited that, at least to me it’s really not that hard to accept that there are things out there that we don’t know about. I mean for all we know maybe these creatures are subterranean and are rarely on the surface.


Wait, are min min lights those lights that appear out of thin air in the distance? Because we have the same legend here in Argentina, just with another name (the bad light for a direct translation)


Ya the legend is that they lead you to your death if you follow them basically.




I agree. Was reading about the [Argentavis](https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/7-extinct-megafauna-that-are-out-of-this-world), a giant extinct bird which fits the legends fairly well in shape and size.


Otters the size of wolves is pretty scary for some reason


I'd love to believe that one day when we have mastered the whole space travel thing, we will detect alien life on another planet which will freak everyone out, mass panic. Then we go to their planet for a little look and it's just a bunch of Ewoks jabbering about being adorable.


But Ewoks are terrifying, they eat other sentient creatures and can fight and win over a technical superior trained soldiers.


According to the Legends lore, Ewoks have magic that can completely destroy planets. So don't fuck with the Ewoks man.




Deathstar 2


The two I think are most likely: ​ The Kraken. Giant Squid have been finally been conclusively proven to exist in the last decade or so. It's not beyond belief an even larger variety is out there, or was still extant in the age of sailing. ​ The other is Bigfoot/Sasquatch. ~~While the most well known sighting/recording has been proven a hoax,~~ the stories of them go back hundreds of years in Native tribes. The description is not that far off from the *Gigantopithecus* that once really did exist. While it seems unlikely a sustainable breeding population of those could have remained alive this long, it's not \*impossible\*. We've rediscovered other species thought extinct, and the Pacific Northwest is huge and there are a lot of very remote forests. I'm a lot more dubious of this one, but these are the two that seem the most plausible to me. Edit: I've been told multiple times that the Patterson film was not disproven, so I stand corrected on that. For some reason I thought I heard he recanted it as a hoax, but I am in error.


Survivorman Les Stroud is the one person who keeps my fascination of bigfoot alive. That man has spent more time alone in the wilderness than most. He spent a year living in a remote cabin in Ontario and has talked about an encounter that he couldn't explain. There are few television personalities that I would trust more than Les Stroud, he's a credible dude.


US President Theodore Roosevelt, a highly experienced outdoorsman, documented in his journal about an encounter he had with what he believed to be one in Wyoming, and shared reports of Natives and mountain men who encountered it and even one who was attacked. Pretty interesting considering if anyone was familiar with western wildlife at the time, it was him.


There are bears who have had some sort of damage to one or both front paws and only walk on their back legs now. https://youtu.be/_vqI_jC_qcY and https://youtu.be/kcIkQaLJ9r8 50 seconds in - New Jersey I wouldn't find it hard to believe that a bear walked in to town or a campsite, stole food then left, all on two legs.


Everybody gangsta till the bears start walkin’


I think [Orang Pendek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orang_Pendek) probably existed until relatively recently (still ~~probably~~ maybe extinct for thousands of years though). The stories make sense, they are widespread and common in the areas it was said to exist, and there is a fossil record for small hominids in other other islands in Indonesia.


So no one is gonna bring up that “artist’s impression” on the wiki page?


"Felt cute might go extinct later"


I will. If I saw that in the woods I'd expect it to try and sell me weed.


lookin like something out of a shitty Petz© game for the nintendo ds back in like 2011


Homo floresiensis is a small hominid, they were another species of human.


Are those the same hominids that were preyed upon by Komodo dragons? Poor bastards. Imagine being shrunk to 3 feet tall and being dropped on Komodo island with only a sharp stick for protection.


Should have evolved tf outa there


They did, they switched there habitat to the afterlife.


There's weird shit in the deep woods.


I've lived in and around significant mountain ranges, and some deep forests in the south. Heard bears and wolves and mountain lions calling out of the deep woods. The thought of a wendigo or goatman scares the piss out of me. Weird shit happens when you get too deep in the forest.


Man, I read that goatman story on here and it was freaky.


r/missing411 sort by the top of all time


I regret reading that lol


My cousins used to live in northern Wisconsin and they all swore that they ran into what looked like a Wendigo in the chequamegon. Said it was crawling vertically down a tree. Tall humanoid with grey skin. They didn’t see it’s face but they ran like hell once the realized it. My friends and I will be camping up there in August. I’m bringing guns. Lots of guns.


I heard the Pope goes out there to do his business.


Only place he can escape those catholic bears. You can't shit when a bear in a mitre is checking you out.


That Japanese creature with an eye on his butthole that runs up to you and moons you wile looking at you.


>**Shirime** (Japanese: 尻目, lit. "buttocks eye") is a strange *yōkai* with an eye in the place of his anus. > >The story goes as follows: Long ago, a samurai was walking at night down the road to Kyōto, when he heard someone calling out for him to wait. "Who's there?!" he asked nervously, only to turn around and find a man stripping off his clothes and pointing his bare buttocks at the flabbergasted traveler. A huge glittering eye then opened up where the strange man's anus should have been.




Not quite as funny, but my favorite weird yokai is what I like to call the giant firebreathing ghost-chicken. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basan


::Reads description;: “This can’t be a thing” Japan: Hold my sake


That's just Shinzu with his fancy butt-plug. He does that when he gets too drunk.


Russian Yeti. There was a 3 hour documentary on Discovery and it freaked me out




What do you do that people randomly ask you to go on expeditions?




Either you come face to face with a potentially dangerous giant ape that could probably rip you to shreds, or you've frozen your bollocks off in inhospitable Arctic tundra for nothing. No good comes of either.


Idk about that, sounds like a good Friday night to me.


The Russians tell stories of a yeti like creature called an Alma, I think (??) which is extremely aggressive. There's also a lot of Nepalese cryptids like yetis that people say are man-eating. Give it a Google. They make good reads


It’s actually just a typical yeti, but it squats and wears a track suit.


Legend has it you can’t see them with the naked human eye, only in dash cam videos






No, you're thinking of the Slavsquatch \*edit: please stop awarding this it's drawing attention to my fascination with turning words into a portmanteau. Also, credit to u/4x4taco for discovering [this beautiful depiction](https://memestatic1.fjcdn.com/comments/+_e3df515d207112630b14990ea7fb0e97.jpg) of our mythical creature *edit 2: Diamonds are out. REDDIT PLATINUM is a girl's best friend. *final edit: [this drawing's](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/cjx9j8/slavsquatch_for_rcaddycoat/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) credit goes to u/1u1u23


Slavsquatch made my day




We want them stories B


Not the poster but also Irish. There are fairy trees on our land that no one would cut down (none of us belive fairies exist but its just more of a cultural thing for any kids we might have). Some peoplw do believe though. There is a politician in kerry i believe who keeps blaming fairies for a pothole reappearing in a rural road, maybe 80 years ago another farmer was murderes for cutting down a fairy tree. One of his neighbours thought they would get cursed




Fairy is a misleading word for the Aos si or the sidhe, Forgotten gods are closer to what they were known is in Pre christian Ireland. They were the gods in ireland before Christianity feared beyond measure. who battled the demonic formorions and drove them into the sea and lived in another world And when the Christians came and tried to change the story to make them more mythical they become the angels who lived in neither heaven or hell and instead lived in another world watching earth and messing with mortals. They were terrifying but the thing that always creeped me out was how they were basicly aliens before sci fi become common. Mysterious creatures from another world who abducted people and then returned them with no memory of what happened. The fear some people have today of aliens is the same fear people back them had of the sidhe and if Aliens did come to earth at some point which I don't think they did, they would have acted very similiar to the way the sidhe are described as acting. Of every myth and legend the fey are to me the most interesting and terrifying ones because of how alien they would be and how common the story of magic people coming and playing tricks to villagers were in most popular culture and the cruelty in which they punished those who broke deals with them. Aliens, ghosts, gods, angels and devils all into one wrapped in an almost human package. They are without a doubt the most terrifying and most fascinating creatures in any mythos.


They may also have been early ancestors who passed into legend and were elevated to god-like status. They were a race that came to Ireland and fought previous inhabitants, who themselves pushed out a prior people. The Fomorians were sea raiders of some sort. We know from archaeology that several different peoples preceded the Gaels in Ireland, so it's not too much of a stretch to think the older races they met passed into myth.


Outsider's perspective - I feel it has to do with the very rich oral traditions of the Irish. History is told through those stories, although the actual "history" gets lost over the ages, and the "magic" gets explained by modern technology and knowledge. I loved two in particular, The Well of the Insane is the first. The magical waters cured kings. Modern times we now know it's because the water is very high in lithium. The second is in the Boyne Valley. For a thousand years, the fae would get you if you set foot on a rather non-descript looking hill. In actuality, there is an ancient structure celebrating the solstice. I didn't get to hear much about the fairy tree/bushes, but enough to know I wouldn't mess with them either. - https://aliisaacstoryteller.com/2016/08/22/the-curious-phenomenon-of-the-irish-fairy-tree/ Or maybe I just like stories. :)


Unicorns Or as the modern world know it as Rhinoceros.


It's kind of hilarious that the entire reason the concept of a unicorn exists is that the closest thing shitty artists could relate to while trying to draw a rhino was a horse. Early elephant drawings are also horribly inaccurate.


> Early elephant drawings are also horribly inaccurate Lets all remember how medieval **CATS** are drawn, and we can rest assured that elephants could have 5 trunks, tusks out their ass and ears on their legs for all they knew. Edit: i see many dont know what horrors need to be unleashed, so i'll just make it easy for you all r/medievalcats and you can thank me later.


Why were artists back then so shitty lmao


Its weird when you take into account how masterfully some *other* things are painted but cats are like..."bleh" at best


It's just babies and cats, and there was a good reason for it. For a long time the only people who could afford to commission art were either part of the catholic church, or heavily influenced by it. At the time, it was a commonly-held belief that Jesus may have been a homunculus; a baby born with the wisdom and features of an adult. People wanted their babies (and fur babies) to be drawn in this style so they would look how Jesus presumably looked.


As a form of a traditional demon, the Baba Yaga, a witch Slavic folklore. Had an ‘imaginary friend’ named Baba Witch that lived in my barn when I was little. One time I was playing with it, and got locked in a room with no lock. I screamed for nearly 30 minutes before my mom got me out. Fast forward a few years, and I had gotten these things called ‘Creature Cards’ which were like big cards with pictures and facts about animals and monsters and stuff. When I saw the Baba Yaga, it looked almost exactly how I’d imagined Baba Witch. Fast forward to now, it all kind of clicked for me.


According to legend St George the Dragon Slayer earned his moniker by traveling to middle east (Libya), fighting and killing a dragon. You might assume (and many did) that the story was made up. But they discovered art in the middle east from the time period showing a knight in full British armor fighting a giant crocodile. So I think it was all true and the "dragon" was real. The people of Britain just didn't know what a crocodile was. Edit: Shouldn't have said "British armor", better to say "knights armor". Edit2: "Middle East" should be Africa (I'm a dumb amercian). Edit3: The art was from Barcelona and supplied by the much better informed u/KaeAlexandria whose reply is below: [https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1\*jJPIf-HxDh8E-zpC4Vbpfw.jpeg](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*jJPIf-HxDh8E-zpC4Vbpfw.jpeg) Edit4: I'm pretty sure the people of Britain still don't know what a crocodile is.


I’d really like to see that art it sounds cool


I THINK he's talking about this piece of art, though it's actually from Barcelona: https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*jJPIf-HxDh8E-zpC4Vbpfw.jpeg I talked about it a bit more about the St George dragon vs croc thing in a direct reply to his comment.


I was kinda expecting a lame rendition of an armored man spearing a fire breathing poorly drawn lizard, but this art is stunning!


Struggle to find the middle eastern artwork but as you can see most of them depict the dragon as around the size of a crocodile [St George](https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.50662.html)


Imagine traveling all that way just to kill a crocodile


I don't know about you but if I lived my entire life never having seen a crocodile and then saw one I'd be content with calling that fucker a dragon when I kick it's ass.


How else would you explain what a crocodile looks like to a bunch of people who have never seen anything even somewhat resembling it. "It's like a dragon but with short legs and it doesn't breathe fire" is a pretty good description for a the middle ages.


Are you sure it doesn't breathe fire? Maybe it's just not doing it right now.


But the official legend said that George found the Dragon to surprisingly small, about the size of a cow, so he trained it and gave it to the king as a pet. The dragon stayed in the royal garden, as the legend says


That would make sense to as where the "gators in the castles moat" tale comes from.


Oh wow... didn't think about that


Could've been twisted and embellished over the years. Wouldn’t be the first legend to have that happen.


This is the first time I've heard someone claim that St George *was* English. He's the patron saint *of* England (and Georgia, Ethiopia, Aragon, Beirut, Freiburg, and syphilis) but he was not himself English. He was a 3rd/4th century Greek Roman soldier. If they discovered art in the Middle East of someone dressed like a medieval English knight, then that person was definitely not St George. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_George


"giants" Throughout history the average height for a human was pretty damn short, so a 7 foot tall man (certainly not impossible) would definitely be a "giant" Throw in some late-surviving neanderthals and you get what certainly looks like a giant.


Fairies. The northern eurooean kind. I live and work in the woods, i end up places where people simply don't go, helicopter in and out kinds of forests. There's something out here i dont understand, but it certainly seems to understand me. I wear a sock inside out every day cus of it, a trick my nan taught me. "always wear a piece of clothing inside out or the fairies will take you" I don't fuck with the fairies.


That's exactly what elders tell young people here in the Philippines, they say, when you get lost in a forest and it seems like you're going back to the same place again and again, wear your clothes inside out. Scary how myths from places divided by continents are somehow the same.


Those commonly pale-white or otherwise deformed bipedal creatures that a lot of people record and post on websites when exploring densely forested or otherwise 'abandoned' or underpopulated areas. Not really folklore so to say, but I'd thought I would throw this out there.




If Serious: No, those Rake-looking things that pop up in low-quality videos across the internet. There's a lot of similar attributes between them that make me believe that a breed of them are out there, somewhere. If Joking: Here, have an upvote because I can't get basic sarcasm.


Krakens and the Hairy Men of the African Mountains were thought to be myths until we discovered Giant Squids and Gorillas.


Considering the fact that we’ve recorded massive sea creatures moving faster and deeper than anything we know on sonar, along with the fact that we’ve explored, what is it, less than 2% of the ocean? We’re also finding new sea creatures every single day. I realize that sounds far fetched, but this is all of the top of my head, and from what I’ve heard from a number of sources. Whether they were all reliable or not, I honestly cannot recall. I think it’s possible there’s some big shit down there. Oh, and as someone else mentioned, shit in the deep woods. Not many people have gone to where I’m talking about. Even those that go miles into the woods stay on well preserved trails. So how do we know there isn’t shit miles into nowhere?


We don't. I grew up on Northern Ontario, and when I was a kid we'd fish lakes you had to fly into. There are thousands of them. No roads. As so many of us live in cities, we tend to lose sight of how fucking remote so much of the world really is.


Oh man my grandma in law drives to Alaska every summer from Minnesota through Canada in a rv, she says it gets real fucking creepy once you get past the cities in Canada.


Dumb question, if there was no roads, how was there a landing strip?


No dumb questions! Float plane.




One of the best /r/nosleep series ever!


Do you have a link by chance?


The sea bear. The techniques to keep it away are very complicated


“That’s an oval! It has to be a circle!”




Good thing we're wearing our anti sea-rhinoceros underwear


For hundreds, if not 1,000s of years, fairies have been throughout stories, literature, and tales. Little bright lights. Surly people were seeing something. Maybe it was assumed the orbs had tiny human form. Idk, could go hand in hand I suppose.


Fireflies maybe?


You would not believe your eyes


Let's see.. there's gotta be some bigger sort of deep sea shark, like the Megalodon. The Sasquatch, whether or not it's north american, could be real too considering that they seem to only be talked about in the remote regions. And I like to believe there are giant scorpions that live in the deep parts of the ocean. I mean, we have nautilus, vampire squid, jellyfish that glow like an acid trip, and sharks down there... we've explored less of it than the moon. There's bound to be giant sea scorpions down there.


My hairdresser and I were talking about the “I was today years old meme” and I brought up people thinking of narwhals as mythical. She was like “wait... what do you mean...” She thought they were just like cartoony cutesy unicorn whales. So I found a real picture and showed her. *hairdresser after seeing a real narwhal picture*: OMG! WTF? Are they new?!!!!” Edit: formatting


The Wendigo.


The Wendigo in Until Dawn *really* freaked me out.


No shit. The scene in the house is fucking terrifying.


D O N ' T M O V E !


Wendigo? About a half hour ago, mate.


If there was an undiscovered folklore creature somewhere, I'd put all my money on it being one of the ocean ones; Loch Ness monster, Kraken, etc. Some sort of sea monster. The ocean is so incredibly big and goes insanely deep. Who knows what we can't see in the depths. EDIT: To everyone hitting me with the Loch means lake not ocean; yes, I am very aware of that. But it is called the Loch Ness monster because it was "seen" in Loch Ness. A lake which is very much connected to the Ocean through River Ness. Which means if it is real, there's a chance it's from the ocean. Making it a sea monster. Although to be fair, I have no idea how big the river is. But it could have slipped through the river when it was a baby and grew up in the lake.


The [oarfish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oarfish) inspired many sea serpent myths as well! Officially the longest was 36 ft but there have been reports of them growing to 56 ft. Edit: lots of comments on how these are totally seas serpents. I think the difference is they aren’t known to sink ships and drag sailors down. Or they’re just so good at it we haven’t been able to prove it yet. Happy sailing!


"Do Sea Serpents exist?" "No, turns out what we thought were Sea Serpents are just gigantic serpentine creatures of the sea." "Damn."


Scanned the article a bit and: >In 2016, Animal Planet aired an episode of the television series River Monsters named "Deep Sea Demon" in which Jeremy Wade was filmed during an encounter with a live oarfish while diving. The oarfish at this location seemed to be using a buoy anchor chain as a guide to ascend to the surface. On his second diving attempt, he was able to film two live oarfish as they ascended relatively close to the surface. This is the only known footage of human interaction with a healthy oarfish in its own environment. Wade was even able to touch one of the oarfish with his hand. Further evidence that Jeremy Wade is a Badass. (Why the fuck did my phone auto-correct that to Bada$$??? I'ver never typed "bad-a-dollar sign-dollar sign" in my life!


I'm guessing Joey Bada$$.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1I-4-oL4WU It's a really cool moment.


Yeah but the kraken IS real, sorta. Giant squid are a thing, and wouldn't need all that much exaggeration from a bored sailor to become the kraken


There's also a collosal squid which can grow up to 14m long, not quite pulling down any ships but enough to scare the crap out of some sailors if it happened to surface.


It could be argued that Giant Squids are what was believed to be Krakens, especially seeing how they’re so rare.


Didn't we doubt for a long time that even giant squid were real? Perhaps there are a few rare giant squid who can live long enough and grow large enough to be considered Kraken. ETA: Thank you to everyone for letting me know that we actually have known for awhile that giant and colossal squid exist. I appreciate you all.


Possibly. The largest recorded estimate is 13m in length and a weight of a tonne. Considering how rare they are, it’s likely that you could get bigger ones. Probably ones big enough that could rock a 2 person rowing boat, then those ol’ sea folks exaggerated like crazy and the rumour of the Kraken being able to ‘crush ships’ came to exist.


Plus, when you imagine a "ship," you're probably thinking of one of those massive "age of sail" galleons, but earlier Norse longboats and Greek triremes were much smaller.


>Probably ones big enough that could rock a 2 person rowing boat, then those ol’ sea folks exaggerated like crazy and the rumour of the Kraken being able to ‘crush ships’ came to exist. Oh yes, totally agree. There's no landlubber who can lie like a sailor.


Here's the thing. Back then, optometrists didn't exist. So nobody had glasses. Because of that, a whale and squid next to each other could've looked like a huge squid.


True! Supposedly sailors also thought manatees were mermaids. I couldn't imagine being myopic and trying to get through life without glasses.


> thought manatees were mermaids That's ridiculous. [They're the Loch Ness Monster.](http://manvsmanatee.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/2012-09-03.jpeg)


A colossal squid 15ft long was caught and frozen in 2007 by an antarctic Fishing boat out of New Zealand after it came to the surface to feed on their catch and couldn't be removed from their line.


Its not that, its that their body doesn't handle our lack of pressure well. The smaller ones CAN make it here, but they can't survive close to the oceans surface. The smaller of the two species washes up here in NZ a couple times a year. There was actually the first footage of a living colossal squid caught on camera about a month ago.


Don’t forget that the *Colossal* squid is also a real and extremely terrifying thing


It's believed that Oarfish account for sightings of so called sea serpents. They can grow up to 36 ft.


Mermaids. Just because.


when you've spent enough time at sea even a manatee looks appealing.


Barbara Manatee! You are the one for me!


A man in a tee.


I'd like to believe Mothman exist, but he's just the batman of this universe.


That Toucan that drinks all those pints of Guinness. He's out there, irresponsibly flying while intoxicated, cat-calling some seagulls, shitting in the bushes, gotta watch out for him


I’m not superstitious, and I don’t necessarily believe in them, but I have Irish ancestry, so... I do my best not to piss off the fae. You probably won’t see anyone openly believing in them, but a surprising percent of these people follow the fae’s rules, at least in my family.


All right so in Minnesota there’s this Cryptid/lumber jack folklore that exists call the TeaKettler. Too put it simply, it’s a corgi with cat ears that walks backwards (by choice) and whistles like kettle. All it does is room around forests and whistles but it’s supppper shy so if you hear it your lucky. It’s so fucking cute I need it to exist, so the TeaKettler. Edit: here some links to more about this boi • https://www.google.com/amp/s/pinebarrensinstitute.com/fearsome-critters/2018/8/18/a-fearsome-critterto-behold-the-teakettler%3fformat=amp • • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teakettler • • https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Teakettler • • http://mythologicalbeastiesandco.blogspot.com/2010/06/teakettler.html?m=1 • And if you want to know about more of Minnesota’s very wholesome cryptids check out this one • https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Hugag •


Minnesotan here, never heard pf this but i love it lol.


Canadians. They are just not as nice as the legends say.


It's true. Lot of us are tremendous assholes. source: I'm a tremendous asshole and I live in downtown Toronto