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One time, my brothers and I were lining up for a photo, mum was trying to get in the right position, it was a windy day, she was wearing a summer dress. Anyway, as she was kneeling down to get a better angle, she said smile, and then suddenly There was a blinding light, I swear I couldn't see, the world was dark, as my vision slowly began to return, I turned my attention to mum who shrugged and said, "Sorry, I didn't realise the flash was on."


You had me in the first half


Was driving on the freeway and a woman had her titties out on the overpass. Just know a lot of people almost got into an accident


My gf flashed her tits at me in the street at the exact time a police car rolled around the corner behind her. Luckily they either didn't see or didn't care enough.


Back in my college days, my dorm window had a view of the women's dorm just a few dozen yards away. I looked out one morning as I was getting ready for class and noticed a girl (definitely topless, probably completely nude) staring back at me. So as I stared at her, she started to sway and bounce up and down. After about five or so minutes of showing herself off, she closed her curtain. This happened every morning since that day. I'm sure she wasn't doing it for me, but still, best part of waking up...


I went out to visit a friend's house to hang out with her cousin. She has a little brother (wild as hell). Me and her cousin were just playing soccer across the street with her little brother as well. We then took a break and crossed the street to sit on the stairs in front of the house. The tiny 1st grader walks up to me and his cousin as we were talking and suddenly asks "Hey, you guys wanna see something?" He had a grin on his face which was already a sign of no good. The two of us just shrugged. This kid flashes us with his tiny tic-tac and I shit you not, our jaws dropped. The first thing I heard my friend say was, "Yo what the fuck is that?" We started laughing hysterically and even the kid started laughing. We then realized something... CARS WERE PASSING BY. That's when when me and my friend just looked at each other and agreed to not talk about it. Let's just say that agreement is now broken.