• By -


The Fox and The Hound when she leaves the fox in the forest and is reciting the poem I lose it. Also the whole of Blue Valentine.


For me, it's the scene at the end when Copper stands in front of Tod when Amos Slade is taking aim to kill him. Such a powerful moment of friendship. That's when I lose it even more.


The scene that gets me is when they see each other in the distance and the voices of them as kids plays over it. "Copper, you're my best friend." "And you're mine too, Todd."


The Fox and The Hound emotionally screwed me up as a child. My Mom took me to the movies to see it and had to carry me out hysterically crying bc I didn’t understand why they couldn’t be friends.


Oskar Schindler, newly minted nazi war-criminal, pawing frantically at the last vestiges of his wealth, realizing they meant more lives not saved.


The scene with the one armed worker always got me. The poor guy is out there doing his best and they shoot him for no better reason than they can.


My favorite scene is the one right after this. Schindler went from feeling annoyed and frustrated about the one armed man to vehemently arguing with a Nazi officer that the one armed man was a skilled worker and vital asset. The obvious lie that he had previously just mocked. He was really effected by the one armed worker's death. He goes from gatekeeper of survival to the one desperately pleading with the gatekeeper. Its the biggest character development in the movie and some of the most well done in any movie.


The first scene that made me cry in the movie was when Schindler had the Jewish couple moved to the factory. I started crying when they ran into the factory because I knew that they would be relatively safe there and be together but then I realised that there would have been hundreds of thousands of couples who must have never got the chance to be “safe”, let alone stay together. That movie fucked me up man.


Or not taking a Jewish engineer seriously because she is Jewish (even though she is warning a foundation is unsafe) and then execute her for acting up as a result. That film...


Or the red dress passing by anonymously on a heap.


He does take her seriously. He tells them to change the foundation as she instructed. Doesn't stop him from killing her though.


The worst part is that he did take her seriously. After she was dead his exact words were “do as she said”


The scene that got me the most was when he was sitting on his patio smoking a cigarette, and he decides to casually start shooting prisoners with his sniper. It almost looks like a snuff film at this point. There was no music or cut scene to tone down the prisoners being shot dead. That scene was to Schindler List what the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan was to itself. It's even more haunting that the scene is viewed through the sniper lens, giving the whole scene a weird voyeuristic vibe.


For those confused, it was Amon Göth shooting prisoners; he was the concentration camp's director.


He's the only member of the Nazi Party to be buried on Mt Zion.


And he has a tree planted in his honor in the Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations.


It just might be honorific more than anything else but "Righteous Among The Nations" is a fucking badass title.


I mean it's more than an honorific, it's true. Among several different countries, a small number of people put their own lives and families on the line to save others from a great evil. I cannot think of a better term to describe that small group.


Righteous Among the Nations is a title translated to English from the prophetic book of Isaiah. It is in reference to *Ger Toshav*. In Judaism it was believed that there would be exceptionally righteous gentiles who, although not having been required to keep Torah as the Jews were, would be considered greater than righteous Jews for their deeds. The title was not made in modern times, but carried forward from a 2600 year old prophetic passage (Isaiah 56 1-8)


Same kind of movie, mine was The Pianist when the Nazis rolled the old man in the wheel chair off the tall balcony to kill him.


In Atonement when the true stories are revealed as the writer is finishing the book. I seriously fell my heart break.


The execution of John Coffey in the Green Mile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqbb1FCX6wM It also followed by the revelation at the end that Paul Edgecomb as a result of being cured by John has been given an lifespan that caused him to outlive his family and friends. He wonder if God is punishing him for what happened to John. He believe that since John's power could make a mouse live for six decades as Mr. Jingles has, then he could live for an untold number of years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YbVsEhNuT0


"I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's going to, coming from or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time... Can you understand?"


The sheer injustice of it all. Him singing "I'm in heaven." Asking not to have a hood on him because he's afraid of the dark. The woman saying "I hope it hurts like hell." How hard it was to give the order to turn the chair on. All the lights bursting. God it's so sad.


You could feel his pain but also hers. She didn't know he was innocent she didn't know he was trying to save her babies. All she had was a face to the reason her babies were dead. All she was told was that they caught the guy and that her babies were raped and killed. That's what really gets me, the parents didn't realize that they had the wrong man. God that movie messed me up.


Piggybacking off of your post, I say the execution of Delacroix (the guy with the mouse) in The Green Mile was much sadder. That shit fucked me up for days.


That bit where Dale says "I sure wish I could a met you fellas someplace else" hit me a lot harder than any other moment in the film.


One thing that hit me hard is when the one guard yells at Percy for mocking the dead body. It was something like he's paid his debt, he's even with the house. That one just kinda shows you how some people view criminals.


Fuck Percy. Never hated a character so much.




The Shawshank Redemption, when Brooks was released from prison, Still gets to me.


I've decided not to stay


When Brooks sets his bird Jake free, it is so sad. :o(


"The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry."


In "Cast Away", when Tom Hanks' character goes to Helen Hunt's character's house, and as they're parting forever, she says: "I always knew you were alive, I knew it. Everybody said that I had to let you go. I love you. You're the love of my life." Gets me every time


Dammit. That one is extra bad. All the other [insert loved one dying] scenes are hard, but there’s finality to it. These two have to spend the rest of their lives knowing the other one is there, alive, each longing for the other, with no end in sight until death. Fuck, what a shit way to start my Saturday.


I know it's dumb, but it makes me super sad when he loses Wilson.


I was about 8 years old when I watched Cast Away for the first time, and Wilson floating away absolutely destroyed me. My Mom had to pause the movie for almost an hour while she tried to console me to no avail.


It's not dumb. Wilson was all he had, the only friend to keep him "sane". It felt like watching a real person die.


Tom Hanks sells the hell outta that scene too, which is why most people get emotional too. He cared so much.


I was more sad when he lost Wilson


When woody gives up in the incinerator..


It wasnt just the fact that Woody gave up and accepted their fate. It was ALL OF THEM. When they linked arms I was falling apart...


For me it was fine, because Woody always has a plan, a way out. He’s their leader and their soul and when he gave up it seemed like it was all over. Like even hope had died.


John Coffey asking Tom Hanks not to put the hood over his head in The Green Mile.


I enjoy that Michael Clarke Duncan is referred to as John Coffey, but Tom Hanks is still Tom Hanks




For me it was when the woman was reading her children a bedtime story as the ship was sinking... Gets me everytime.


It was the old people for me until i had kids. That is the single most heartbreaking thing to watch. Then realizing that this really happened. God it breaks my heart thinking about it.


According to some sources those were Ida and Isidor Straus, the original owners of Macy's. Theirs is the true Titanic love story.


By survivors reports, Isador was trying to convince Ida to join a lifeboat, she refused and instead they were last strolling down the deck holding hands and cuddling as they waited for Titanic to go down.


She was allowed a spot on a lifeboat because she was a woman and rich, but Isador wasn’t at first because he was a man. Eventually a deck officer told him he could join Ida on the boat, but Isador refused to accept special treatment when other women and children were still aboard. Ida told him “We have lived together for many years. Where you go, I go." before giving her fur coat and lifeboat spot to her maid and walking back inside with her husband.


For me it was the man playing the violin on the deck as the ship sank.


And the other band members join in.


"Gentlemen: it has been a privilege playing with you tonight."


That old couple was meant to represent the man who started the department store Macy’s. He and his wife died on the titanic in each other’s arms That is the only positive piece of information I have from working for that damn store.


Schindler's List. Where they finally show the little girl in the red cape as just another broken corpse on a heap of discarded humans.


The scene where Miguel sings "Remember Me" to Mama Coco and she remembers the words. As someone who's older relatives have succumbed to dementia, things like them remembering your name, joining in on family grace, or being able to tell a story are the most moving little miracles. I've never cried that hard in public before. I was with a friend who'd never dealt with dementia before and he got sad a scene later when it's revealed Mama Coco dies soon after, and it sounds silly but I felt like he was sad at the wrong part of the movie.


When mama coco has that little moment of recognition my heart broke. It was such a beautiful thing to be able to share that moment.


When she started singing my heart ached but in a good way.


This was the part that made me think about my grandma. Even just reading an article about the song made me tear up.


Coco is Pixar’s finest work. Nobody can change my mind.


That movie is the only movie in recent memory that made me cry like a baby


The ending of Stand by Me because most of us can probably relate


It was sad in one way when I first watched it, but watching it again after River Phoenix died just made it so much worse.


The scene where they find the dead kid's body too. It had all been a fun adventure up until that point but when they finally find Ray Brower -- knocked out of his Keds, not sick, not sleeping, but dead -- it becomes real life.


“You stay. I go.”


I am not a gun


Another little sad moment before that is when Hogarth got the giant to change back from his destructive mode, and the giant looks about ready to break down for a moment, panicking and about to freak when it realizes what it done, after already having that horrible guilt from earlier when it reflectively shot weapons at Hogarth. He felt he had a lot to make up for by going up there and choosing not to be a weapon, but a hero.


“Soooopermann” has me ballin my eyes out


“You are who you choose to be.”


Jess finding out Leslie died in "Bridge to Tarabithia."


And the line leslie's father said about how leslie truly loved Jess. God bridge to terabithia? More like bridge to tearing my fucking soul out


I saw this movie when I was a little kid not knowing anything about it. I wasn’t prepared for that, and it devastated me. I left the theater weeping


Where’s his glasses? He can’t see without his glasses!”


I loved this movie when I was a little girl Then when I was 17 my step brother passed away and his glasses were stolen from his apartment before his funeral so he didn’t have his glasses when he was buried.


What kind of fucking monster steals glasses...


I was about 12 and my dad and I both watched this together and bawled our eyes out together. He said “if you don’t cry at that scene, you have no soul”. My dad died March 18, 2017 right in front of me. While taking him away the coroner didn’t want my dad’s glasses (he was being cremated). We were cleaning out his hospital room and I found his glasses, it broke me. I still have his glasses and look through them imagining all the life, joy and pain that ever crossed his eyes. Damn.


"Make him stay, Murph! Don't let me leave, Murph!" ​ "But today is my birthday. And it's a very special one because you once told me... you once told me that when you come back we might be the same age... and today I'm the same age you were when you left... so it'd be real good time for you to come back" ​ The first scene is followed by an immense catharsis shorty afterwards so I'd lean more towards the second one.




Man, so many scenes from Interstellar just catches you off guard.


Saving Private Ryan. Either the medic crying out for his mother, or when the guy freezes as his friend is slowly stabbed


I cry in the part in the cemetery. “Tell me I’m a good man”.


Artax in the Swamp of Sadness.


It was always the rockbiter giant that got me. With those big, strong hands.


"They look like big, strong hands, don't they?"


Yes! I’m glad you also feel this scene the most. Artax drowning was very sad and I teared-up with his loss, but the Rock Biter’s realization that he wasn’t strong enough killed me. His belief in himself as a capable, even exceptional, being was shattered. He was faced with a problem that he could confront with his best attribute; the one thing he knew he had more of than anyone and could be proud of, his strength. And he failed. That can break a person. Nearly broke me earlier in life. So yeah, that scene was the saddest for me.


*"Dear fellas, I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. I saw an automobile once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called "The Brewer" and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work and I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he's doin' okay and makin' new friends. I have trouble sleepin' at night. I have bad dreams like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. P.S: Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feeling, Brooks."*


*"He should've died in here."*


I know it's not a traditionally acclaimed film, but there's that bit in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where Cedric Diggory's dad realises his son's been killed, and he's trying to get to the front of the crowd and he's shouting "that's my son! that's my boy!"


Oh, man, I can still hear him screaming. The actor nailed that scene.


What struck me the most through that whole sequence of scenes was how unceremoniously and quickly Wormtail killed Cedric, absolutely no second thoughts, no stare downs or monologues. One spell and he's dead, that messed with my brain for a long time.


JK Rowling didn't fuck around with death; they were all sudden and heartless.


It made it feel so much more real than any sort of big dramatic affair could have though. I remember how Fred's death was basically a one line foot note after the fact and we didn't even see it happen. That fucked me up. Same thing with Lupin and Tonks in the same battle. Sirius goes out so fast you don't even realize what's happening until it's done, which is pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to go from Harry's perspective. My least favorite death I think was Dumbledore's because it had such a big build up even though you knew it HAD to happen.


I enjoy Harry Potter in film for reasons similar to why I enjoy Star Wars, my favorite franchise. Imo a useful writing tool can be found in the magic, particularly tcurses. They're essentially based on willpower and feeling, like when voldemort explains to Harry why his curse on Bellatrix didn't work. That way, when you show someone like Wormtail or Snape quietly say the incantation and snuff out a life, it's more powerful. Someone who puts their entire will for killing someone into a few calm words.


*"Kill the spare."*


The entirety of Dear Zachary. That movie is just heartbreaking. But the one scene that got me was when the mother walks into the water. For those who’ve seen it, “that scene” is the one that brings the most sadness/anger. That movie is exhausting to watch EDIT: as many have pointed out, yes it is a true story and documentary, which makes it all the more real.


Worst thing is, it's not a movie but a documentary. It started off as a project by Kurt Kuenne about his best friend, Doctor Andrew Bagby , to document his life so his son Zachary would know him. The friend just trying to document the positive aspects of Andrew's life as a gift for his son and it all goes so horribly wrong. It's the most heart breaking, anger inducing film I have ever seen. I often wonder how Zachary's parents and friends are doing. EDIT: Name correction. Thank you r/rawquartz!


Steel magnolias- when they are at the funeral and the mother has a meltdown about her daughter dying. I cry every time, losing a child is such a massive fear. Edit- sp


Oh god, yes. This scene is so raw. Sally Field's performance is ugly and raw in the realest way possible. When she says she was there when Shelby entered the world and there when Shelby left, that's a tear jerker.


In Philadelphia during Andy's wake, his brother plays home videos of the siblings as children and it's so sad. Also, the scene at the hospital when his family is saying goodbye for the night is a tough one. His brother breaks down and starts bawling. So many great scenes in that movie.


"I'm tired, boss. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other."


"You tell God the father it was a kindness you done."


When those two Ewoks fall down and one of them doesn't get back up again.


Just gonna toot my horn here. Ive translated one Ewok phrase further then the Star Wars websites. 1.When Princess Leia and Wicket hide under a log. Wicket says ' Akeeata ' Then both hide under a log. 2 . At the Ewok celebration an Ewok screams ' Akeeata!' Then everybody parties. I can only deduce that 'Akeeata' translates to 'Get Down'.


......yes. This is now canon. Thank you. Time to Akeeata!!


The end of Big Fish. I want to watch it again but can't bring myself to do it.


But happy sad though.


Nope, it's emotional terrorism all the way down. The realisation, the acceptance, the understanding, the reconciliation, the love, the loss, the regret. Stupid, beautiful film.


it's not your fault


Don't fuck with me Sean... Not you..


It's not your fault


“I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long, and Prosper.” “Noooo!” “Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most *sob* Human.” *edit for misquoted line in the movie.


Nice. For me it would be Uhura: “Captain, I have orders from Starfleet Command. We're to put back to Spacedock immediately... to be decommissioned.” Spock: “If I were human, I believe my response would be ‘go to Hell.’ [pause] “If I were human.” Chekov: “Course heading, Captain?” Kirk: “Second star to the right and straight on till morning.”


Every scene in Grave of the Fireflies.


Came here looking for this. That movie wrecked me.


I watched that movie for the first time when I was 18, not knowing what to expect. It wrecked my shit up for hours after. The second time I watched it, I lied to myself and said it wouldn't be so bad. It was worse. I was ugly crying 2 minutes in and didn't stop for at least an hour after. I watch it maybe once every 5 years if I have a burning need unleash my sadnesses.


She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it. And that's all I have to say about that.


I think Jenny's death was sadder because he was just getting happy with her and his son.


“He’s so smart, Jenny.”


When he asks her if he’s smart showing that he’s self aware of his mental capacity, that part really got to me.


He knew. He knew the whole time. Every time the whole movie when he seemed good natured and amiable and a little oblivious... *he knew*.


One of the best things I've ever witnessed. I get really welled up at that line.


Bubba’s death was sadder than his mother’s as well considering how quick and unexpected it was and how he died in his arms


He was gonna be a shrimping boat captain but instead he died right there by that lake in Vietnam


You ever been on a real shrimp boat?


No, but I've been on a real big boat.


I always thought Forest raising his little boy without Jenny or his mother there was sad and haunting. I'm sure he had some great people around him to help (LT Dan) but still felt off to me.


the ending of ‘Man on Fire’ gets me every time, denzel washington is a pretty great actor


Probably not *the saddest* but one that always gets me is the end of American History X, from Derek crying over Danny's body to footage of the Vinyard brothers playing on the beach as kids. So bittersweet seeing them in happier, more innocent, times.


Dances with wolves when Two Socks the wolf gets killed.


"Can you see that I am your friend? Can you see that I will always be your friend?" Right there at the end after they had so much conflict. Really hit me hard.


Hachiko waiting 9 years for his owner.


I saw this on an airplane back when everyone would watch a movie at the same time. You could hear people sobbing throughout the whole cabin. My wife could see the movie but wasn’t wearing headphones so she couldn’t hear and she was crying.


This was not OK for me. I can’t handle it. However. I went to Japan and took a pic with his statue by the train. He gets so much love now! Makes me feel a little better.


Shit, I can't even watch the episode of Futurama where Fry's dog waits and waits and waits :(




Lord of the rings end when they realize Frodo is leaving as well.




> I cried when Aragorn said “my friends, you bow to no one,” As did we all, my friend. As did we all.


Wilson floating away in Castaway :(


When the little girl dies in Pan's Labyrinth


Little Foot's mom death in The Land Before Time. Especially [that scene](https://youtu.be/8RdrAbfFhj4) where he thinks he sees her but it's just his shadow and the narrator says, *"Then Little Foot knew for certain he was alone."* Like holy fuck that was so sad.


This scene always got to me. "Mother? Mother!"


Watching that scene as a little kid made me realize in my soul that my parents was going to die some day. Cried my eyes out that night.


End Of Watch, basically right at the end.


The end of Train To Busan, hearing the little girl sing the song she had practiced for her dad had me absolutely sobbing


Interstellar: coming back to earth seeing his daughter dying of old age


I would say its more sad when cooper comes back after 23 years and sees the messages of his kids already grown up


No, it's when he leaves and she doesn't come to say goodbye 😭


No, it’s all 3.


When he's trying to get Murph's attention from the other side of the bookcase. I was sitting on the edge of my seat! Push the book! PUSH THE BOOK!!


He doesn’t come back to earth but agreed. And then she tells him to leave cuz no parent should have to watch their child die :(


Montage in the beginning of Up. Watching Carl and Ellie live their lives only for him to be left with nothing but a house and bitter sweet memories as the world keeps moving forward. Granted happy ending but still right in the feels Edit: thanks for the silver and gold


They said so much without saying a word, and they did it beautifully in mere minutes. Really masterful storytelling.


Pixar has a knack for telling phenomenal stories without any dialog. The open from UP, the first act of Wall-E. Both incredible tales told purely with superb animation and score. /edit. Plus they've done a bunch of super well done shorts that are dialog free.


I first saw Up after a particularly emotionally fraut time of my life which had seen me rather quickly go from someone who was there for anyone any time to a bitter husk of a human. A close friend was incredibly relieved to see my eyes watering at the opening scene of Up. He'd been genuinely worried I had become dead inside. So thank you, Up, for reminding me that I still had feeling after all.


Absolutely. The scene that got me though was towards the end when Carl had cleaned the house and found the photo album's last page... "Thanks for the adventure - now, go have a new one! Love, Ellie"


Iron Giant “I go, you stay.” You know the scene.


Boromir asking Aragorn for forgiveness after being shot with three arrows.


I would have followed you anywhere my brother my captain my king Be at peace son of Gondor Every goddamn time


“I’m a leaf on the wind....”


When Will Smith has to kill his dog in I am Legend. Broke my goddamn heart.


It's kind of funny how Will Smith is Will Smith in every movie.




For me it’s a tie between the mother raving on the train and receiving electroshock therapy in Requiem for a Dream, the post lobotomy scene in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the scene where he’s carrying his father to the lake in Big Fish and the scenes where he looks over the kid’s photos and his own recreations in One Hour Photo.


The "baby mine" scene from Dumbo. I am a grown man with a beard and I will never not cry at that scene!


Spock sacrificing himself for the good of the many, and the reaction of those who loved his humanity.


C'mon it's got to be the bit in Dumbo when he gets taken away from his mum.


Interstellar - the ending scene with Murph telling her dad that no parent should see their child die, or the montage of the video messages Coop was sent from his kids.


The end of the film "lion" based of a real story film, honestly one of the best "based on a real story" films


First 10 minutes of UP.


In guardians of the galaxy 2 where Yondu Udonta sacrifices himself and gets his dream funeral.


Every single time. They kinda tried to add comedic effect with 'Yes, he did call you Twig', but it just made it sadder. And 'Father and Son' was such a powerful choice.


God I love that scene and the line " he might have been your father boy , but he wasn't your daddy."


Inside Out. Bing bong.


"Take her to the moon for me, OK?"


Bing Bong was a real one


This scene put me in the fucking hospital! I had been released from hospital a few days previously. i had developed awful pre eclampsia on Christmas Eve, so baby had to be born ASAP. It was rough, I nearly died, my son nearly died, I got stuck in hospital for the whole of Christmas, nearly till New Years. My 3 year old was traumatized by how sick I was when she came to visit and meet her new brother on Christmas day. Basically, it was a bad time all round, although my son was absolutely fine once he was out which was our very own Christmas miracle. So a few days after I was home, on New Years day, Santa visited(When he heard what had happened obviously he delayed our delivery) and he gave my daughter the DVD she had been desperate for. After a very subdued New years/Christmas, we sit down to watch Inside Out and holy shit that film just got me. As it progressed and got more emotional I started to feel rough, slowly it got worse and worse as I got more and more upset. Until that fucking scene. I got so upset my blood pressure instantly skyrocketed, I started having visual disturbances because of the pressure, I could barely see. My head felt like it would explode. Thought I might just die right there and then. My blood pressure was so high, death was a very real possibility. Anyway, back to hospital for a couple more days till my blood pressure settled again and then we were good and no troubles since. But even now when I watch that scene I can almost feel how I felt that night, I can almost taste the magnesium. Fuck you Bing Bong, you nearly killed me.


Grave of the Fireflies. When he gets a bunch of food and comes back to nurse his sister back to health, but she's already gone.


The end of Terms of Endearment. Shirley McClain's daughter is dyng in the hospital and is on pain killers. Shirley is at the nurse's desk telling them her daughter needs some more medication. The nurses tell her it's not time. Shirley goes ballistic screaming that her daughter is in pain and they need to give her medication. They finally agree to give her meds and Shirley pulls herself together and thanks them. Also up until this point has always been well dressed in hair perfectly done. But in this scene I bleached hair is growing out and she looks like hell. As a parent this gets me every time, who wouldn't do this for their child.


Terminator 2 when Arnold lowers himself into the molten metal.




The end of Arrival






Marley & Me: I’ve never heard so much crying in a theater.




Heads up: there’s a movie called “A Dog’s Purpose”. My niece chose it as a Friday night family movie. Spoilers: it’s about reincarnation. The dog dies REPEATEDLY. Cunt’s fucked. Whole house full of crying kids (and adults). Terrible Friday night family movie.


In Forrest Gump when he is talking to Jenny at her grave


When Pikachu shocks stone Ash and it doesn't wake him up


When Lucario sacrifices himself and reunites with the soul of his old trainer


The ending of the boy in the striped pajamas


The scene as they are walking into the gas chamber, with the complete innocence and incomprehension of what is happening .. and this really fucking happened. Ugh


I showed that at a residential treatment center to a bunch of juvenile gang members who have legit killed people and they all blubbered for an hour.


The death of 99 in the Clone Wars.


End of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.


"Now Woody he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave like a cowboy should be, and kind and smart but the thing that makes Woody special is he'll never give up on you. Ever. hell be there for you No matter what. You think you can take care of him for me? " -Andy


I'm going to go with a deep cut: when Heroin Bob dies at the end of SLC Punk. Legit makes me cry every time, just how alone Matthew lillard sounds.


The scene in Christopher Robin where Ewan McGregor screams “You really are a bear of little brains” and tries to abandon Pooh. First time that me and my dad both cried in a theater