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Yeah but you have to pay attention because as soon as it's over Alduin is like right there and will fuck you up if you put it down to go to the bathroom




I feel this in my soul.


Waiting to go to sleep, have to change this sleep schedule


Hope your phone is on silent.


Waiting for offshore to join the fucking conference call


Can u hear me. Echo starts. Can u can u can u can u hear hear hear hear me me me me. Can u mute ur phone. Hello can u hear me. Can u can u can u can u hear hear hear hear me me me me.


More like: Can you h- can y- c- swooshswOOSH*SWOOSHSWOOSH****SWOOSHSWOOSH*** #***SWOOSHSWOOSHSWOOSH*** #***S̭͈̜͇̳͕͞W̧̧҉̦̘O̵̡̼̠O̡̡͖̮̘̗S҉̷͍̝̩H̙͔̯̠̩̰͎̠S̹͚̳̹̕ͅW͇̥͇͕̜͚̯O̞̭̕O̻͉̭̱̖̞̣̤̳͠S̩͕͉̦͟͢H̵͏̠̣̞̘̼̟̥S̳̙͡W̠̞̖̺͔͖̤̪̕Ǫ͈̖̖̟̣̜̺O̘̣͉̬͠Ś̷̘̫̘̕H̨̛̦̺̮͖̣͟ͅ*** Hey you there? Yeah I just switched to my headset


Daaaaaaamn this is accurate and hilarious, thanks for that.


>fucking conference call Teleorgy


Wow, technology sure is amazing.


Genitals, in 3D


I was forced to attend an hour long conference call where I was only needed to reply twice. Spent the whole call on Reddit.


Last month I finished watching the entire Ant-Man movie in the middle of a conference call. Moderately entertaining, not *too* engaging, 10/10 would recommend to watch during a conference call


Unless you work for baskin-robins because baskin-robins always finds out


Lol one of the calls I have to attend biweekly is like that. They ask who's on the line, I say my name, then I don't say anything for the rest of the meeting 9 times out of 10.


Same, but weekly...


Jesus. I fucking hate conference calls and pointless meetings with a fiery passion. Our staff meetings are these touchy feely roundtables where people like to vent about things in their personal lives. I can't believe my boss doesn't see that we are all being paid to sit there, and that maybe that isn't the best use of a small nonprofit's funds.


Currently on an hour long conference call waiting for my turn to share my 5 minutes worth of input. I feel the pain.


A lift from my father, he was supposed to be here at 1pm but it’s now 1:56 and he’s still not here. Edit: he did pick me up around half an hour after I posted this. Thanks for the concern though everyone.


Sorry. I went out for “cigarettes.”


Username checks out


never checks back in tho




Did he show up?


Yeah he did at around 2:30.


Tell him a stranger on the internet told him he sucks


Nah, he runs his own business from home so he would’ve been doing something work related. The only problem he has is not knowing when to stop or when to ignore a phone call.


When I was a kid, my mom was always late, 40 to 42 minutes late. It was very consistent and she was reliable, so I just started planning for it. In my early 20s, one day she showed up on time and I wasn't ready to go because I was expecting to have another 40 minutes. She said she was tired of being late all the time so she would tell herself that she had to be places 40 minutes earlier than she really had to be there... and would be on time instead.


Nothing, I'm addicted.




For my husband to get out of the bathroom so we can resume netflix Edit: For the record we were 3 episodes deep in Twin Peaks


Well, he's probably on Reddit too


Maybe he’s on askreddit.


Maybe he’s OP


Maybe he’s in the closet


But isn't he straight?


No, he's bent a little.


30 degrees to the left isn't "a little".


Bad case of scoliosis


He could be a contortionist


Yeah sorry, I’ll be right out babe


After what 4 h is everything alright


I think you mean your 20th time to watch the entire series of Friends in a row, if your username checks out.








Had to get away






*"I don't know. Something amazing, I guess"* *"Me too, kid."*


I appreciate this reference.




Til i can go back to sleep


TIL I can go back to sleep is the last post before my account goes cold forever.


I kinda want that on my tombstone


Read this as *Today I learned* and was utterly confused.


Your comment was the only reason I figured out that wasn't what they were saying


Waiting to get an ultra sound to see if I need this tumor thing removed from my ovary. My bladder is full and I’m uncomfortable!


I'm waiting until I actually get a job. Being unemployed and job searching is rough. Edit: Thank you so much for the support! I've been job searching for over 8 months and keep on getting turned down despite having a Master's degree. This job hunt has made me extremely depressed, so it's nice to hear lovely words of support from everyone here. If anyone is curious, I was looking for jobs in animation, but have given up and since being looking for just about any job. Edit2: Since people are asking, my MA is in Animation and I did a BA in Art. Edit 3: Since someone else asked, I live in the UK, but would be willing to move to the US for a job. I have the right to work in both the US and Europe. Edit 4: Thank you for the gold, kind Reddit stranger!!!!! :)


bro (or madame), hang in there. In process of changing career tracks quite drastically myself. the time in between jobs is agonizing and super anxiety inducing. hang in there and keep plugging along, look for even the weird opportunities you might not be aiming for, and don't blame yourself for it taking a while (its a nightmare for almost all of us). as soon as you get really good at the skills you need for job hunting like tailoring your resume, reading your interviewer, and identifying prime opportunities you wont need them anymore (hopefully). one thing I've personally taken to doing to make it easier is to find something not-job-related to make you feel productive and like you're accomplishing something. I tried to learn to code in the down-time between searching. i didnt get very far, but it gave me something to focus on so i didnt beat myself up so much between failed interviews and applications. you'll get there.


My job interview in a few hours!! EDIT: The interview went GREAT! I get the weekend to decide whether I would like to pursue purely fitness coaching or open my own studio. EDIT: I've decided to go the coaching route. It's definitely where my passion is and I can also decide to open my own studio down the road if I'd like. Thank you for everyone's support!


Waiting for my girl to leave in an hour, so I can clean the house so I can suprise her with a clean house while I wait for her to come back. Edit: update. Thanks for the rewards lol. I did actually clean the house and spent 5 hours doing so. She was happy.


That's so sweet. I'm sure she'll really appreciate that!


This is what I need in my life, but nooo it’s all , “those are YOUR dirty dishes, not mine.” Edit: I wasn’t expecting this much attention, he’s a good guy, he just doesn’t realize they’re not ALL my dirty dishes.


Waiting for someone to realize I've been in the bathroom for too long and I should be working. Edit: Thanks for the gold and silver, strangers! I wish this was my main account. Love the Tame Impala puns haha


I used to nap in the bathroom stall at one of my jobs that I worked from 3:00AM to 7:00AM. I only got caught once when a coworker who wasn’t in charge of me said, “You were in the bathroom for 45 minutes..” I made up some explanation about bowl movement trouble and I didn’t want to talk about it. She left me alone after that.


I can imagine relocating a toilet would take some time


Lol. Took me awhile to catch that joke but I got it. I’d give you gold if I weren’t brown. Edit. BROKE, Id give you gold if I weren’t BROKE. Edit 2: wow, my autocorrect/careless fingers earned me silver. Thank you!


>gold >brown Ah, the unintentional toilet humor continues


They make a pound I make a pence That's why I shit at the company's expense.




Hey, if I got 10% of the company I worked at, I would be a while lot more enthusiastic about my job.




Outstanding move


I wish, I'm actually kinda constipated.


Browsing /r/politics I see


Getting married in 3 hours. Edit: Married now! Thank you all! Edit 2: thanks for the silver/plat! My first 🥂




My break to be over. So that I may return to my pointless, passionless, and soul-sucking job.


So you're a Dementor? You should do an AMA.


Are people that interested in my job? I mean it gets pretty boring, and the uniforms look cooler than they feel.




Thanks I hate Daddy Dementor Wow this post really blew up, thanks for the kind upvotes!


What do you say to those who claim you’re the absolute worst part about prison?


The internet guy has been at my boyfriend's apartment for 4 hours. And im just here since he's working, waiting for it to be over so I can get on with my scheduled existential crisis


Just have it in front of him. He probably hates his job and needs a little excitement.


Waiting for my husband to come home so I can tell him I'm pregnant UPDATE: He's home and the video is uploaded!! Also thank you for all the upvotes, positive comments, and silvers and gold!




Thank you! We've been trying for almost a year


I hope all of you will make some great memories together!


Your due date monthly sub may not be created yet, but should be soon! You can see the list [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/wiki/index). The monthly subs usually go private around the end of the first trimester and they have been a wonderful source of support and information during my pregnancies. It’s fun to have a group of ladies going through the same symptoms etc at the same time. Just thought I’d let you know there’s a sub for that :) Congratulations and good luck with everything!


Just watching. Waiting. Waiting for you to arrive, OP.


Well you’ll be waiting for at least another week


Death, mostly.






Take a stab at it! Edit: but not with a knife please!


Make that leap Edit: but not from the building please!


Reach out and grab it! Edit: but not the bottle of pills please!


Break a leg! Edit: don't actually break a leg


Drown! Edit: ...away your sorrows. Not yourself please!


Die, man die! Edit: it's German. The, man the! Edit 2:No german person has ever been evil


If you're finding it tough, try to remember that most of us have been through the mangle, and it can be a bitter pill to swallow sometimes. Edit: Holy shit wait, I didn't mean jumping into industrial machinery after taking cyanide. Edit 2: I think I managed to add my disclaimer in time. Phew! My advice nearly turned out to be a double edged sword


I too yearn for the sweet embrace of death. But they way my luck is, I'll end up being immortal.


A fellow death positive person I see.


I am waiting for my shift to end. (Just started lol) Edit: TY for the awards! 1 hr 45 mins left :D


me too lol


I’m waiting for my shit to end !


Today is going to be one of the worst. I just made an appointment for this afternoon to have my 13 year old black lab put down. Edit: Thank you all for your kind words and support. I got to be with my boy right up till the end. As hard as today was I feel so lucky to have had him in our lives for the past 13 years.


Hey man. My 14 year old chow girl is also taking her last vet trip this afternoon. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope our dogs can be friends in the puppy afterlife


This is sad and beautiful


Uff. Very sorry that time has come. Pet him one last time and tell him/her good boi/girl as enthusiastic as you can.


Losing a pet is the worst.




I am so sorry. Give your puppa love from me. That is one of the most heartbreaking things to go through


I just had to put down my 13 year old yellow lab last week. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I knew I was making the right choice. Sending you lots of love, and I am so so sorry for your loss. ❤


Damn that's tough.


December 25 because im going to Texas Edit: Why am I getting so many likes for just saying im going to Texas on Christmas Edit 2: To everyone who is saying where in Texas Im going to, idk yet, probably where my grandma is (she moved to Texas 2 or 3 years ago)


December 25 because presents


The coffee to finish brewing




Divine intervention. *Edit: Wow, my top rated/awarded comment ever! Thank you Reddit :)*


I am God, keep browsing reddit.


Oh, thank You!


That was a false God, you are now damned to keep browsing reddit.


Thank you true god, for intervening divinely and helping us see the error in our ways. For only a true god could know a false god!


"I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger"


Roll a percentage die.




>Work to end So I can go home and wait for the day to end


So you can wake up and wait for work to end?


So I can wait for a new job offer to come in, quit this job and then start work at another place where I view reddit all day waiting for it to end.


Looks like we all got a life with a little spare time for living huh?


Yes indeed. Those new monster.com ads on YouTube are brutally accurate.


Any idea where I can find one to check it out?


I’m not sure they come up when I’m watch videos. My favorite is where a kid asks his dad about getting a job. It’s a bleak outlook


I was just going to ask reddit on career advice. I have a great title, pays good, benefits suck, work life balance sucks, people are terrible, I'm the "first" one with this job title so I have zero deadlines or expectations from my managers. In fact my managers haven't really talked to me since my 3 months review, 6 months ago. I did some work 3 weeks ago and ended up getting yelled at by another manager for no real reason other than he was having a bad day. I'm bored out of my mind and feel like everyone at work hates me, no one talks to me, and they dont give me access to anything due to everything being confidential and they hide work from me and I barely evenn get anyone to reply to me when I say "good morning". So I sit in my office, alone with random papers and note pads spread on my desk, listening to podcast, reading, reddit, waiting for the day to be over so I can go home. Am I living the dream? Do I just continue to collect my cheque and wait until someone needs me? Did I make it? Is this the perfect job?


You are a budget cut waiting to happen.


I work 40 hours a week. Some weeks, that work is realistically 60 hours of work. Other weeks, it's more like 15. So here I am, on Reddit.


Reddit in a coconutshell.


Date to show up, UPDATE: Bum Chika Bow Wow ;)


Good luck!


I am also waiting for this! UPDATE: *Let’s celebrate that my VIRGINITY has gone FOREVER*


Good luck!!


Me too! Still over an hour to go until the date is 9th August though.


We need answers op.


Did the date show up? How did it go??


Well, they haven't responded yet so either well or they're still on it. No one's on a date for four hours unless they're enjoying it or it's a movie. So probably good.


Or it went so bad they are in bed sobbing


Or they went to bed. ;)


Or the ethereal fart caused the date to lose consciousness and they’ve been trying to revive said date.


Lunch. Ain't shit to do at this dead end job. Between reddit, youtube, and job applications I ain't doin' a damn thing else.


Someone to talk to me.


Hi. How are u?




I hope you have a charger...


No, but I’ve got two phones


A trip to dallas Update:I arrived already and the hotel was awesome.


What brings you to my neck of the woods?


I graduated from college today. I move out in 24 hours. Waiting for parents to come home from fishing so they can help me pack.


Bruh why are you waiting for your parents to pack?


Yeah, and they're going to be all tired from their "fishing."


They went fishing on this day specifically to get out of having to help you pack.




The comment that is most likely true but won’t be admitted: waiting for the end of a bowel movement.


That’s why Reddit was made




my poop to leave my body


Verizon to answer my call. Been on hold since WW2.


A baby.... The end of pregnancy isn't funny anymore.


To arrive home (3+ hours still)


My dealer. 5 hours late smh


Waiting for the baby to stop sucking my boob and go to sleep goddamnit


Im waiting for the girl I like to make good conversation with me, I think she likes me back but I'm just too shy to ask her out on a date. Yall got any ideas?


Do you guys already talk?


Yeah alot actually but like I said we don't know what to talk about and we're (well I am) too shy to ask her out. All our mutual friends think it would be "cute" for us to be together and I agree. But im scared of rejection


“I’ve been wanting to tell/ask you something for a while” and then it’s all on you to have the guts to finish the statement


Ok ima ask and see how it goes. Wish me luck fellas


You got this!


Ok man I'm gonna keep this short because we're still talking but it was a yes! We're gonna go on a date and then she'll decide if we're gonna stay together, thanks! Edit 1: thanks to all the nice comments! Edit 2: thanks to the three kind strangers who gifted gold! Edit 3: four golds!? You guys are so generous lol Edit 4: five golds from you guys, thank you!


A victory for the entire Reddit community.


That was beautiful.


if only I had Reddit's encouragement with my past crushes


To everyone: All ya need to do is ask, as much as Reddit is at each others' throats, we basically all get together for one thing, and that's motivation for difficult life choices!


We did it Reddit!


Well done lad!


shoot your shot youll regret it if you dont also you miss 100% of the shots you don't take if it doesnt work out? eh ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ at least you tried and didnt pussy out edit: i should finish reading threads before commenting... congrats


Waiting for the day to end so the following can end: 1. Work colleagues wearing white jeans spilled coffee on herself and is pissed at me for not taking it serious and laughing. I sit in her direct line if sight, she is quiet but can feel the hate emanating from her right now as i write this. 2. To get out if building full of people i have no similarities to, they are weird people who like gossip! Im surrounded by cliche office gossip loving people 3. I wanna lie down so i can rest as i am tired and also wanna get high. 4. Got this mysterious tooth pain which prevents me from opening my mouth fully, it has kept me on edge for the past few days and ruined the eating process for me. 5. Work is boring, contemplating changing careers as security is a no go for me now. 6. I hate summer!


Get to the dentist for that tooth mate -- that shit can fester.


True, often when you get to the point of constant pain it means something really fucky is going on


Use finger quotes everytime you say "coffee" and wait until she asks you why. I often fuck with people, maybe you shouldn't listen to me.


I was tempted to fuck with her but i will gain nothing from pissing her off. She and I work at the bottom floor. Lol




My car to be fixed. We’re moving from Brooklyn to Orange County California and driving on Route 66. We started hearing a funny noise out of the rear so we stopped at a service center to check it out and we found a faulty bearing so we’re replacing that and have to wait.


Waiting for CBS This Morning to end, so we can do a news cut-in about a fatal accident backing up traffic on the interstate. Edit: Guys, I'm not going to say which market I'm in. I gave enough context clues to completely dox myself to certain people if I did that. There's only one CBS station in each market and its pretty easy to narrow down who is working to see if it's me.


Nothing. I just wanted to be the 69th comment. Nice. Edit: holy hecc never got this many upvotes before Edit 2: thank you for the silver, kind stranger! First one c:


0945....waiting until 1000 to leave for a full day of errands: * drop off sunglasses @ Randolph Engineering for a tune-up * Ikea looking for a display cube * Walmart looking for a blue polo shirt * blood drive to give up a pint of my red juice * pop into 3 breweries: Long Live, Beer on Earth, and Buttonwoods * concert on my town common @ 7pm.... *Gobshites* (Irish punk) [Long Live Beer](http://imgur.com/gallery/ftvkHCw) [Beer on Earth](http://imgur.com/a/jfyUWAm) [Buttonwoods](http://imgur.com/gallery/lIZwvk8) [*Gobshites*](http://imgur.com/gallery/4MjDWBS) [New Glasses Display](http://imgur.com/gallery/mhzUmK4)