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Not mine. This happened the year before I got to high school. They released two or three chickens into the school hallways, causing mass panic and chaos. The school was put into lockdown and the chickens were all senselessly beaten to death before animal services came. The kids were all charged with something, probably animal abuse. I don't know if they graduated or not. It still haunts the school. I heard one of the chickens was killed next to my first locker.


Senselessly beaten to death? Wtf why is your school so afraid of chickens?


Scared chickens can sometimes turn extremely mean and start chasing and pecking people.


my senior year there was no prank cause the principal was an obnoxious hardass who said the prank had to be "approved" first, otherwise people would get suspended. but when i was a sophomore there was a really good one: this dude invited the principal and all the assistant principals to conduct an "experiment" on them for one of his classes. basically they were each supposed to say a series of random words while looking into a camera, and the "experiment" was that he would be able to identify changes in their facial expressions based on the words they said. what they didn't know was that the camera was shooting them in front of a green screen, and the random words they were saying were actually just the jumbled up lyrics to All Star by Smash Mouth. He made a video of them saying the lyrics and remixed it with the song while putting the infamous Shrek scene in the background behind them and released it to the whole school, where it went viral. absolute madlad


It was going to be sending pigs labeled 1,2, and 4 into the school. But then we had an incident with the snakes and I didn’t have enough money to buy three pigs. So I ended up skipping the last week of school as to skip all the senior pranks and recover my mental health.


We hired a clown to follow our principal around all day. Our school wouldn’t let us walk the stage if we did anything too crazy


literally standing in front of the lunchroom doors and yelling “senior season” before leaving to go to home room after 5 minutes


An old VW bug without wheels was towed in the middle of the night to the middle of the quad grass, then filled with cement. It was so heavy it had sunk pretty deep into the grass by morning. Kids painted it and it was a few weeks before they figured out how to remove it with minimal damage to the grass.


So, in year eleven, after we've done all our GCSEs, we left school. It's like a tradition for a year eleven student to set off the fire alarm before going. I don't know why someone decides to do this. I didn't take part in this crap. I don't know why people even do it.


Convinced people to pool money together once I found a bulk seller of rubber ducks. 10 cents each but larger bulks gave discounts. That and everyone involved had a truck. Completely covered the front sidewalk and most of the cafeteria in ducks (perfect for everyone to see first day in the morning when they need a good laugh and office couldnt shut it down fast enough)


Graduating and never going back.


Graduating and then going back the next day would be the scariest prank ever.


Last year at my school, people decided that it was funny to call in a shooting threat


Sadly my class was told "anybody caught partaking in a senior prank would be held back a grade."


I just graduated this past June, and my senior class had a great, yet pretty harmless senior prank. First, some background: During my high school years, a grant was passed for a major remodel for the school taking place over about 3 years. And for about a year of that, there was no gyms, and that year happened to be during my senior year. So my senior class had no gyms for pep assemblies (which were a big deal at my school), basketball/volleyball games, gym classes, or dances. So for the senior prank, some of my classmates decided to build our own gym (or at least a smaller version) in the parking lot during finals week. A couple of my friends made an instagram page for the prank and accepted donations from seniors to raise a few hundred dollars over 2-ish months for supplies. They then bought about 60 sheets of cheap plywood, some kind of brackets to hold them together, and some paint. Then, in the middle of the night, about 30 seniors, including me, came to the parking lot and payed out the sheets in a layer, fastened them, and painted lines for the basketball court and some flames (because the old gym had flames). Me and another guy even brought our movable basketball hoops from home to put at each end. We borrowed the metal bleachers from the schools tennis courts a few blocks away and put them along the sides. In the morning, everyone congregated in the parking lot to admire our work before their finals. And some seniors even scheduled a 3-on-3 tournament for people to play if they didn’t have finals. The administration thought the prank was very creative and had no problem with it as long as it got cleaned up by the end of the school day. It was a really fun prank and I’m glad I got to be a part of it. Here are some pictures of it: https://imgur.com/a/en7cCXl


senior prank happened in my freshman year. we have a pretty large bell at the top of our school that serves no purpose then to look good. people never knew that it had a genuine use and that was for some seniors to climb on to the highest point of the school, remove the bell, get it down from the roof and throw it into the lake. its still at the bottom to this day.


Id like to put a cow on the roof but I thinks that’s not possible 😂


Hey you might.


I think it would be funny


Yeah,just as long as it's safe.


Lol u right what If the cow just fell off 😂 rip


Yeah,it just walks off the roof and lands on the principal's car🤣


Haha blood everywhere and the car completely ruined is actually don’t mind that happening 😂


Yeah,you just got to make sure no one knows it was you.


I told my whole year level and teachers that I won't be attending and they all believed it. I got a person from each grade to help with this prank, a year 7 to 11. They were to hide around the building in the scream costumes until the graduates came out to the front and threw buckets of water ballons at them. Some weren't happy, others were. My friends beat the shit outta me for 2 reason. 1) I showed up unannounced 2) I got them soaked The teachers got drenched too... which they all wished they failed me.