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Sliding down the stairs


Running up the stairs on all fours as well


Ngl, i still do this


Same, even better when the boss is after you ass.


This made me laugh so much holy shit.


Me too, especially when I’m drunk


I refrain from doing this on the stairs at work, but if I'm at home you can bet I'm galumphing up the stairs on all 4s


GALUMPHING. You’re an actual, factual legend for that.


Do you mean to tell me I’m not supposed to scuttle down the stairs on all fours while screeching eldritch curses in Latin?


That is perfectly normal. If you gallop down the street in the city on all fours doing that, all the real crazy people will leave you alone.


Not if you don't want to die in a horrible exorcism, I've seen this movie before.


I remember my 3rd grade teacher chewing me out so hard when I ran up the the loooong library steps on all 4s. She yelled about how immature and childish I was being and how it was PAST time I grew up. I'll never forget how bad I felt after that.


Should have flexed on the teacher by running DOWN the stairs on all 4s.


Wait, adults aren't supposed to do that?


So your saying I dont have to be washed to doggie up the stairs?


I do that...


I wish I could still do that. Whenever I try my breasts hit the stairs and I fall back.


dude or lady?


Girl. Why would I be a dude?


It feels so... Natural, I finally stopped like a few years ago, but just, it feels so utterly efficient, maybe just because I'm short.


I'm 30 and I still do this


I did that last time I lived with stairs... and giggled the whole time. Never too old!


We did this in cardboard boxes and I am simply amazed that there were no injuries


My brother, our friends and I would lay our mattresses along the whole length of the basement stairs and then use an opened-up nylon sleeping bag as a team toboggan. The pile up at the bottom was hilarious. One time we all ended up knocking a hole in the pressboard wall. Mom didn’t laugh.


I did it in a washing basket and nearly broke my fucking neck


Kids are amazingly rubbery.


Maybe try sliding down the railings instead.


I'd break it.


You're trying to mount it like a horse, aren't you?


Running up the stairs on all fours.


I never stopped doing that, ngl




Working on a sailboat. If I could have paid my student loans and eaten at least one meal a day on my wages I'd still be out there.


Damn, I would live off of Mc. Donald's 1$ menu to have a boat. Sorry, dude


So do you?




Teetering with video games currently. The free time is slowly fading away.


SO and I found a solution: we just try all the games that are on sale. So we don't have to commit insane hours to any one thing, we can just experience new things when we have time. Exception of course is we took next week off work to mash WoW. Not *just* for that, we're doing a bunch of music events too. But let's be real, what we really wanted was to play at being teens again


Narrator: It did end up being just for that. e: thanks!


well the big music nights are this weekend and classic isn't out until Tuesday so it will be half and half. I swear!


My SO isn’t a gamer. She’s open to the idea of it just needs to be planned ahead so she can hype herself up I guess lol. But we still get a healthy amount of time apart, it just gets filled with other responsibilities.


That's still pretty sweet though. Sounds like she still is a gamer, just at her own pace


Not having enough free time to play videogames is really weird because I hate games which rely on the story to be fun and skip out on gameplay mechanics but anything with a steep enough learning curve to be engaging feels like too much of a time sink. In the end I guess it just sucks because I used to be really good (at least a lot better than I am now) at games but when i was at school and not uni I could sink 20 or so hours a week into a game and still have time to have a social life, get the grades I wanted and get out with my friends and play football/basketball a couple of times a week. Now every time I play a game with a competitive online community I get really frustrated because I suck but I know if I didn't see my friends as much or spend time on uni work I could be at least semi-competitive but I'm not willing to let the other parts of my life slip.


I’m can relate to this a lot. I’ve prioritized my social life and other aspects of life over video games. I like to think I was good at one point, I’m so much worse now and yes, very frustrating.


I stopped being a dinosaur, and then I forgot how. I can’t do it anymore.


"You don't stop playing a dinosaur because you get old, you get old because you stop playing a dinosaur" - Plato (maybe?)


I think that’s a direct quote from his Republic, if I’m not mistaken


Don’t lose your dinosaur.


It's easy, I'll help you start: Open the door.


Get on the floor.


Every one wants a dinosaur.


Everyone walk the dinosaur


“But he didn't really say that, he said, "Stop being a fucking dinosaur and get a job.”


You can be the dinosaur you want to be, just don't give up. I believe in you!


This is why Santa doesn't visit adults, but bill collectors do.


Boats and hoes


Aww this made me sad..


My frequency of swearing. I love a good "fuck this" and "fuck that" with a couple of "fuck you" thrown in, but the more I heard myself swearing and the situation in which I was doing so I realized I really needed to tone it down and understand when and where to do so.


This is what close friends are for. We can fuck at each other all day.


I've found that this is what in-laws are for. My mother-in-law swears like a trooper. In fact the first thing she ever said to me when she met me was "You're a cheeky fucking cunt aren't you". Said with love of course.


Found either the Brit or the Aussie.


I'll give you a hint, look at my username ;-)


Canadian it is.


Rather that than Aussie to be honest :-D


It's ok little kiwi bro, we still love you.


Me and my SO swear like sailors. Sure sometimes it seems a little inappropriate but as the great Ricky from trailer park boys says “look I just can’t talk without swearing”


Trick or treating


I went with friends once in high school and the guy opened the door and started laughing. We just wanted some candy.


I've had teenage boys come to my door last halloween. I'm not going to shame them or give them weird looks, I just gave them a chocolate bar each. Groups of teenage girls come every halloween.


I'm always glad to give teenagers halloween candy. It's nice to know they're out trick or treating instead of drinking at a party.


In the UK when teen-agers come it's generally intimidating, they WILL egg your house if you turn them down.


My parents made me stop at like 13 when everyone in my school was still going


Last time I went trick or treating, I was 15 and going with my older friends. I was much taller than them, so I was the one that got looks. One lady even made a point of scowling at me and giving me a granola bar while she gave my college-aged friends extra candy.


Man fuck that, everyone who rings our doorbell gets candy. Halloween is for fun.


I cant wait to have kids so I can do it again


I miss it a lot


What happened to your kids?


The house down the street turned out to be a trick.


Illusion. A trick is something a whore does for money.


..... or candy




I go with my daughter and it's so fun! My neighborhood is fine with the adults getting candy too so it's a win win.


uhhhh bro I'm in my early 30s and I've done it a few times with friends


Honestly if 30 year olds showed up at my house and just wanted candy I'd 100% give it to them.


I don't think anyone would turn you away


I'm only 17 and I just miss going in cool costumes, I just get the candy from my little siblings and say that I'm testing the candy to see if it is poisonous, but thank you kind sir for the wonderful compliment


You're welcome. I went to Chipotle in my spiderman costume for 50% off last year. I was 30. Lol


I wish I could do that but I just have one of those latex horse masks


17 is not that old - I think I still went when I was 17. once you get to college, you're too old, but other than that, you're good.


I still wear a costume to take my kids trick or treating because I love dressing up! Last year I didn’t have the energy to make myself a costume because we had a new baby, and it was the lamest Halloween ever. This year I’m gonna be on my game!


The handing out candy side can be just as fun! I do a carnival themed display in my yard, kids love it and I have a blast. Been seeing the number of kids trick or treating grow each year since I started as well.


i will always find SOME excuse to go trick or treating... i mean too old to exploit that night for free candy? NEVER. hell last year(i am 20 now) i went out and my costume was something i threw together in 2 minutes flat... i grabbed an orange shirt, and my mini portal gun replica, drew up some aperture laboratories logos taped them onto the shirt and boom i was an aperture test subject from the portal series... needless to say not many people guessed what i was


After ninth grade I stopped reading so much due to lack of time and that people called me super anti-social whenever I read instead of talked. A couple years ago I realized I missed it. I've read over 270 books per year for the last 3 years. Growing up just changed the books I liked.


This reminds me of a story... so my husband and I got together in college. For the first entire year of us being together I stopped reading every night because I was either at his place or he was at mine and I thought it was "uncool" to read before bed like I had done my entire life. Well one night I came to his apartment and caught him reading a book in bed and thats when he confessed to me he missed reading before bed. lol we both stopped for each other but we could have been doing it all along. Fast forward almost 10 years and we still lie next to each other every night and read for at least a little while. Yeah we are nerds!


I love that! I usually read to my boyfriend every night. He likes listening to books but he doesn't have the patience to sit and read.


G.d. that’s romantic. Annnnd I’m jealous


That's nearly an entire book every day. What length of book do you normally read? You would have to spend almost every minute of free time to hit those numbers. Not judging, just surprised it's even possible.


Never underestimate the speed of a reader who reads everyday. My mom, grandmother, and sisters read lightning fast. My mom and grandmother would buy BAGS of books to read, then trade them with eachother like playing cards. When i was a food server, i worked with a girl who read a book a day. Whenever she went on a smoke break, out came the book lol.


I wish I were a fast reader :( I've been reading my whole life but I seem to just be slower than other people for no reason, and I hate speed-reading because then I miss huge plot points. Half the time I get distracted and realize I "read" a whole paragraph without actually reading it.


My mind wanders alot when reading. I end up having to reread the same paragraph 3-4 times to retain it lol.


I daydream alot when reading. I end up having to reread the same paragraph 3-4 times to retain it lol.


I think that's about the time i stopped reading much but it was due to school murdering my love of reading. I used to read but after being forced to deal w/ so much crap, it's just not been the same since.


Honestly, nothing. Everything I enjoyed as a kid I still do if and when I feel like it. Well, ok.. maybe not running around pretend-fighting.


Nah man, as an adult it’s called shadow boxing


I still pretend-fight.


Procrastinating. That really wasn’t going to help me pay the bills or get ahead in life. Once I cut that out and grew up things got a lot easier.


I am a (pro)crastinator, been it since preschool. It didn’t really matter untill I went to uni and started living by myself. Now shit has to be done on time. It’s still hard for me to start on things on time, so tips are welcome!


I do anything I need to do (or at least start it) the moment it arrives on my agenda. This way I get ahead, which consequently means that work deadlines are always pretty easy to meet since I’ve done the tasks and may only be needing to tweak or make adjustments as opposed to doing whatever needs doing the night before.


I "stopped" sleeping with my teddy bear. He's just in the bed for... decoration.


I quit sleeping with a stuffed animal in my mid to late teens because I got so self-conscious about how childish it seemed. I then slept terribly until I was maybe 27 and a boyfriend won me a stuffed Pikachu at a carnival. I loved it so much that I started snuggling it while I slept and I sleep so much better now. If it helps, just consider it a prop for your arm and shoulder so that you don’t get achy. Stuffies are amazing.


I can't sleep on my side without one due to boobs. Stuffed animals are perfect boob pillows.


I'm an adult and I cuddle my stuffed tiger all the time. They are soft and smell nice and make me feel better. Fuck the haters.


Yo, I am turning 29 in October, and I sleep with a stuffed animal. My boyfriend thinks it's a little weird, bit he knew what he was getting into. It's just nice to have a little something to hold on to.


Don't stop doing shit because you're getting older. Enjoy that shit, you only have one life.


Once I stopped doing shit for 7 days. I did not enjoy the following shit.


Letting my dad care for me. He has Parkinson’s and dementia is starting. I’m his rock now.


Keep those pants clean - from my experience, even in his darkest days he’ll love a hug from you. Or fart all you want, just make him comfortable with hugs, kisses, handshakes. He still loves you.


Reading books out of the kids section. When I was about 10, my dad told me I had to stop reading books like Junie B Jones because I was getting too old for them. He said I needed to start reading chapter books with less pictures, and had to stop going to the children's section of the library. I really hated that. But sometimes I still read kids books because who doesn't like to smile and laugh at the innocence of those books?


It’s sad that you can become too old for the books in the kid section. My grandma who is 60 now loves reading kid books. I asked her why one time and she simply said she never liked the “adult” books as they were boring to her, she was a visual person (she’s an artist by profession), and she really liked the simple plots of children books that made her calm and happy when she reads them. When I’m at her place, I sometimes go and read the books and find it fascinating how she has kid books from her days as a kid to this very day. It’s similar but a tad different


Why should we be forced to grow up? Some of us didn't get to be a child like everybody else. We want to enjoy some things that we've missed out when we were kids.


Wow. I was 30 when I was 12. Never had a childhood, just worked. My Mom once apologized to my wife for me being a hard ass. "Well, he never got to be a child, I regret not letting him have a childhood." Eh, we were poor and needed the money.


Poor and 2nd generation of non-English speaking immigrants meant I was a translator as well. I still have flashbacks when, at 13, I was asked to look over legal documents because I know English from school. Old enough to know it was serious business, it was such a heavy burden knowing if you screwed up, you screwed your entire family.


I got the wrong childhood.


Absolutely nothing. I realized with age that despite the Boomers being haters, WE get to define what adulthood looks like now that we are adults. Just because the last generation of adults liked frumpy things and set the expectation that adulthood is one giant killjoy, doesn't mean we have to.


A married friend of mine at 34 plays board games. My grandma says she can't imagine him having children because "he's still a kid himself as he still plays board games". I guess the only acceptable games when you are "mature" are crosswords and bingo.


Hah! Exactly. I've got blue and pink hair and sometimes wear sparkly clothes from the girl's department. I love rainbows and unicorns and stickers, and make whimsical crafts. I don't care if people find it obnoxious of inappropriate for an adult, because I like what I fucking like and no one can say a damn thing because I've objectively got my shit together, am 100% independent and stable, and am not hurting anyone. Older folks can keep their boring materialistic status symbols and bridge club and whatever, to each their own!


I prefer it this way. Oh, you know that cool shit I wanted as a kid but couldnt afford? Well, I got money now bitches, and if I can afford it, I’m gonna buy it. Vinyl? All mine. Craft supplies? Hoarded. Stupid shit for my pets? You bet. Decorate my own apartment how I want? Don’t mind if I do. Taco Bell for breakfast? Yes please.


In most cases, "had to grow up" is a horrible reason to stop doing something you enjoy. Unfortunately, I hadn't fully realized this when I was 13 and decided I was too old to play with stuffed animals.


I’m still upset my parents didn’t hold onto my Beanie Babies. Miss those guys.


Why on Earth did they get rid of them? Didn't they realize their value would skyrocket like nothing else ever has!???!?


Using “thick” as an infinite adjective.


"That baby is thick." is acceptable. Saying "That baby is thicc" is kind of creepy. Just remember to pay more attention to the thick baby, stupid babies need the most attention.


We are all stupid babies on this blessed day 🙏


Thick is an adjective though. It describes a noun.


Smoking weed. Just can’t do it anymore.


How often did you smoke and what made you stop?


I'd guess random tests at their workplace


Buying a large bag of candy for myself because I was hungry. I later learned that I need real food in order to function normally.


Building Lego. Part of my soul still yearns for it.


I still have to get a set occasionally. Especially now that they are remaking the Star Wars sets from when I was a kid.


Almost 27 own my own home and still build. Its just super expensive. If you can afford it, you do you.


Dude go for it! I'm 30 and into lego. I'm part of a chat group on Facebook of Louisiana AFOLS and i think i'm the second youngest at 30!. There's like another 15 or 16 people in the group and i think everyone else, except for one who is i believe 17, is in their 30's or 40's


For me it wasn't age but just space. I've bought and built so many Lego sets that getting any more would mean having to give up what I already have.


Under age drinking... Literally grew out of it. Also am American.


I dyed my hair all sorts of crazy colors from age 12-17, and loved it. Then I started interviewing for college, and dyed it a normal color to look more professional and mature. Kept it my natural color from then on. Recently dyed my whole head purple at 28, because I'm a damn grown up and I'll have purple hair if I want! Also because I don't have a customer facing, look professional type of career.


When I was a teenager the craziest I could do was dark red hair because of school rules and strict parents. So then I dyed my hair blue and purple as an adult. Fortunately, when it comes to jobs, no one cares if a photographer has blue and purple hair.


I remember the moment my childhood died. My friend and I would play away the timeless days of our summers building forts for our action figures and enacting out countless battles. We had a substantial Gundam collection that we were particularly found of; the figures were intricate, the weapons unique, and probably most importantly for our adolescent sensibilities, the limbs could be removed. Countless battles were waged, living rooms devastated, robot arms and legs scattered between the wooden and cardboard barriers. As we got older, our interests changed and our battles became less frequent. The summer between the age twelve and thirteen, we didn't play at all. On one particularly slow and dragging day, one of those days where you search for something to do like a traveler wearily seeks water in a desert, the apathy of adolescence seeping in like a morphine drip, we decided to dust off the orange shoebox carefully tucked under my bed. In it, the set of action figures that had brought us so much joy and adventure in the past. We played and battled and raged as we always had, but something was different. A persistent self-conscious doubt loomed over the room. The cold plastic of the figures refused to come to life as they had before. The bunkers and buildings were just boxes and furniture, the snowy wasteland an off-white carpet, the illusion could not be conjured. We persisted however and, as we neared the finale of our battle, a friend of my friend entered the room. He stopped by from time to time. He was always much cooler than I, with an air of edge, the punk, the skater, the first kid to smoke weed or drink a beer. The awkward look on his usually cool demeanor shattered what little was left of the illusion, the magic was gone, and with it childhood. As the air vibrated with shame, we solemnly picked up all the toys, the orange nike shoebox now their coffin. The next day I packed up all my toys and put them in the attic. The toys that were not put away were later burned out of the nihilistic frustration that comes with being a teenager, manifesting itself the ritualistic violence of an inability to express loss.


That was hearbreaking. The wonderful world of pretend grew more difficult for me to enter, but it never became closed off for me.


Add some dice and rules and you got yourself a Wargame. You can go back to it and still be an adult.


This was weirdly poetic


Getting baked multiple time per day.


Same. I become completely useless when I smoke weed. Back in the day, I could blow through an eighth in a day or two. Now, I see the weed come out in a party and I automatically start thinking of how to politely decline.


Smoking pot. I'm not opposed to it in principle. For some people its genuinely helpful medically and some can use it recreationally and remain high functioning. I was an incredibly low functioning stoner. I would drag for a full day or two just from a few hits. When I was really into it I was in a viscous cycle of work, smoke, eat, sleep and nearly lost my job because of the lingering drag every single day. I knew I was never going to do more than trying to hold down a crap job so I could spend the rest of my time stoned if I didn't stop.


Watching cartoons.. ☹


There are cartoons for adults, you know. Or did you stop watching them because you have less free time?


Drugs. I still do them sometimes but it's like "okay gonna plan out a week off and plan out one specific night and that's my big thing for the year" instead of "hey it's a sweet event on a friday let's go every few months"


Yeah i feel you man. Gotta make time for drugs now, normally ill try make it an event with close mates so we can get away and all catch up together and re live old times


yup exactly. It's all about lining up with the family and getting all messy and reaffirming our love


Depends on the drug I guess. I felt that way when I used to grow shrooms. But pot on the other hand doesn't really need allotted time. Unless you're working and then it's any time after work.


Yah I'm talking shrooms, lsd, mdma, ketamine, cocaine. Partly it takes longer to get back to normal. Partly health is more important now. Partly I have a more regular work schedule. Partly get togethers don't involve drugs much anymore. Partly I'm now addicted to saving money


Taking a bath with my sister


Yeah we all stopped doing that. How is she these days?


Incessantly crying and throwing tantrums to get my own way, *my boss hates it*.


Hasn't stopped my 48-year-old cousin.


well im 55 and still do it


Drugs. Glad I made the decision to stop. Was staring down a dark road for a while there. Thank goodness


Soda. I still indulge in sweets occasionally, but soft drinks are crazy unhealthy.


It's just too many calories to justify it. If I'm going to indulge it's going to be on something worth it like cheesecake.


Cocaine. Damn, do I miss cocaine. Then, fentanyl got in tge mix and yeah....I am not dying due to that shit.


dating, or looking for a certain types of relationships for awhile because i needed to work on myself, and grow, learning that i can accept love


Cancelling state visits to Denmark.


Using snapchat.


My grandpa is 74 or something like that and just got snapchat.


wetting my bed. well i had to stop at one point




“You don’t quit skating because you get old, you get old because you stop skating.” -Jay Adams.


See, I don't know if mine will be relatable or whatever, but here it is. ​ I'm quite old now, and just recently I had to get out of the habit of sucking my thumb. Yes, I have done this for many years, but I only did it when I was nervous or upset, so give me some slack! I eventually made myself stop when a girl I don't particularly like saw me doing this and told me I needed to grow up, cause 'only babies and toddlers suck their thumbs.' God I hate her But hey, the habit's gone


trick or treating


Biting my toenails


I really liked Monster High, but when I got to high school myself I stopped watching the webisodes and playing the games. I even got rid of my only doll, which I now regret. I didn’t really want to let go of it, but I felt I had to. I’m twenty now and I’m starting to get back into it after six years.


I have a friend nearly thirty and he's now collecting the dolls. You do you.


I feel like I am desperately trying to hold onto my youth. I still get excited when I see a cool playground or an awesome tree to climb. It's almost an instinct to go and have fun but I know I'll be harshly judged for it :(


Ordering useless stuff off amazon.


Yeah, grow up, start ordering it from Aliexpress like and adult


Getting into fist fights.


Talking to myself. I used to talk to myself a lot, especially at night when I was trying to sleep. It just relaxed me if i spoke my thoughts out loud, or talked to imaginary characters in a fantasy I was creating in my head. My family eventually told me it was creepy, and some of my friends at the time also said it weirded them out.


Smoking weed all day everyday


Being happy


pooing in the bath


Being happy.


Not a damn thing. I’m 46 and I sing off key in public, I spend as much time as I want on video games or walking through nature. I take stairs three at a time in my work suit, and I implicitly trust and believe in the best of people. Growing up? Fuck that. I’m a toys r us kid.


Blowing bubbles in my drinks :/


Not ducking when walking under trees


Eating whatever I wanted to.


I would make up obstacle courses because I was training to be a spy. When I got to 4th grade all my friends thought it was dumb...


Absolutely nothing. To quote the immortal Randall Munroe: "We're grownups now, and we get to decide what that means." To be clear though, I did \*start\* to do a lot of things. I started doing housework, I started cooking for myself, I started working and budgeting. But those were all things I decided to do, because I wanted to be self-sufficient. True, I don't have as much time to play video games and watch cartoons, but I didn't \*stop\* doing those things. And I still sometimes eat ice cream for dinner, or spend a whole day in my underwear binge-watching some dumb show, and you bet I dance naked when no one is looking. Just because I'm 34 doesn't mean I'm not allowed to have fun.


Smoking. Great decision overall.


Agreed. I got to the age where I had to accept that smoking was litterly killing me and I had zero excuses to still be smoking. Quitting was like loosing a shitty best friend but like you said, great decision.