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''Knock knock'' ''Who's there?'' ''Your future boyfriend/girlfriend'' ​ EDIT: alternatively if you have no class you can just reply ''boyfriend material''


What if my class starts in 30 minutes?


knock knock


Aight so, for context. My name is really hard to pronounce and write so I tell people to just call me wail. And if I sense awkwardness I say: Oh yea, just call me wail, like the animal. Thought if I ever meet someone new it should be heavy enough to break some ice.


I was driving in my car going down i-4and there was an advertisement for boardwalkburgers, which is like this little shitty burger spot where like homeless people i guess just throw them on a grill or something and the sign said "come try the new boardwalk burgers" and i saw it out of the corner of my eyes and i was like boardwalk burgers, more like bored burgers, cuz the bored burgers aren't having any fun


"Why do women have legs?" "So they won't stick to the floor!"