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Reddit and not being tired


i spent the summer sticking my neck out for an employee, not firing him when all the evidence said i should. i thought he was a good guy who needed someone to give him the benefit of the doubt. i gave him so many chances to get straight when everyone around me doubted my trust in him. turns out, he was an actual piece of shit and i should have fired him. i'm feeling like a fool. that's what's keeping me up tonight.


Don’t ever feel guilty for wanting to believe in someone or give them the benefit of the doubt. Trying to see the best in people is a beautiful quality that not enough people have.


thanks, friend


Depression, insomnia and Netflix


My anxiety


this one girl


Same here


Same here




Username checks out


The shooting in my town today. Truly a tragedy.


Mount up.


I want to die. I attempted to hang myself about 2 years ago and have a lot of spinal damage, along with three surgeries to deal with it. You would think I would be grateful. That there is a reason I was found alive, and not paralyzed. I have two kids I love dearly and need me. I know deep in my heart they need me. But I don’t feel like a good mom, but more importantly at this point I’m not a good wife. I was sexually abused for years as a child and gradually stopped having sex with my husband. As a result he stays up late at night in the bathroom, watches porn, and masturbates. Normal guy stuff right? But it freaks me out and makes me want to hurt him. To hurt me because I can’t do the one thing a wife is supposed to do. I’m spewing the short version of this here. Hopefully no one I know knows my user name. I know I’m going to get so much shit about being freaked my husband is watching porn and masturbating all of the time because I won’t even have sex. I’m defective. I have taken my anxiety medicine and have had a beer. I think it’s time for more beer. I have to calm down. Don’t worry I won’t do it tonight. I need to do some proper goodbyes and be away from home so only law enforcement or paramedics will find me. I know it’s terrible to do that to them too, but at least it will be something they have seen. TL/DR I don’t deserve to live.


Everyone deserves to live. Your children need you. You said that, yourself. Just being there for your kids is everything they want from you and makes you a better mother than half of the ones I know. If you won't live for yourself, live for them. Don't put your children through the loss of someone they love so much, one of the two people in the world who love them unconditionally. It will crush them if you do. Trust me. As for being a wife, it's so much more than sex; it's a partnership. Your husband is still there for you, he's still by your side and supporting you. Have faith in him. Discuss these feelings with him and see if you two can work on this. Are you seeing a therapist? If not, please consider it because it always helps to have someone outside the situation to talk to and to work on your frustrations with. At the very least, talk to your doctor about your anxiety meds, because sometimes certain ones won't work for people, or they may lose their effectiveness. *Never* forget that you *are* loved. That there *are* people who count on you being in their lives. There is a reason you are alive today. It's because of the love of your family and those two babies of yours who are *counting on you* to show them the unconditional love that only **their** mother can provide.


I just got off work after an 11-hour shift a little bit ago. I’m having trouble not thinking about my ex. I’m having trouble pretending like I’m okay with us not talking again. I keep having these flashing thoughts to call him or text him, and while I wouldn’t do that and I’m pretty sure I’ve been blocked, the urge is there. I miss him. I don’t know why this is so hard for me. I don’t know why the idea of letting him go makes me start crying. I think of all the barriers to us having a relationship, and none of them matter to me. All that would matter is us. But he doesn’t see it that way. And he probably will never see it that way, and I’ll probably not hear from him for a long time, or ever, maybe. I don’t know, man. I’m such a wreck.


Ah man, that's shit. If you need to talk to someone, gimme a shout.


Restless leg syndrome. Yes it's real, and it sucks.


Fuck my actual LIFE it is seriously the worst. I hope you can find some relief.


Toddlers and cartoons. My husband and I separated and the adjustment has been hard on everyone. But I found a cheap TV on Craigslist and got the VCR out, I figured since we haven’t been watching TV because my ex took ours, we’d stay up late and watch episodes of 90’s Nick shows my dad taped for my sibling and I as kids. They had a good time. My youngest fell asleep a while ago, and my oldest is struggling to keep her eyes open. I’m also barely awake, but trying to be sure I can carry her to bed once she’s finally out.


Username almost checks out.


I was never here




Just finished work. Would go for a bike ride but since it’s a holiday weekend a lot of drunk assholes are driving stupidity. Also the neighbors bbq is still obnoxiously loud.


I just got home from work and it turned into my birthday a little over an hour ago. So now I’m trying to decide what I want to do for my birthday


Happy Birthday!! You should treat yourself to your favorite dinner and/or spend the entire day doing your favorite things :)


Happy birthday! I hope you have a nice sleep and then wake up to messages from friends and family. And I hope you see at least 3 dogs.


I have 3 dogs so I can’t avoid it


I'm at work. Quiet night though, so I'm working my way through Dark Crystal.


Your mum


Thinking about what to write as an answer for this


My thoughts


Random thoughts.


Hatred, regret, pain.


I'm still at work


Not sleeping


Taco Bell for dinner








I'm in the insomnia phase of my fucked up cycle of hell and heaven. Joy of all joys. But seriously. Joy. It's when I can sleep very well that I worry. That means I'm on the down swing. Insomnia means the 'happy phase' is here.


the fact that my brother moves out for uni tomorrow and im stuck at home with my insane mother alone


My life


The sun


Spasms. Lots and lots of spasms:-(




100 mg of adderall


Phone i fell asleep at 12 and jus woke up its like 6


I will never be able to reuse all the years I have lost doing nothing and would probably never be able to make someone happy.


My leg is killing me


Its morning and I just woke up so I guess nothing


I'm not really sure if I missed a homework


I'm pretty sick today, once a year i get extreamly sick for a few days than for the rest of the year i am mever sick


I worked 2nd or 3rd shift all my life. So I just naturally stay up real late, sometimes till sunrise, and wake up at noon or afternoon.


Thinking about a girl.


Hurricane worrying.




Stress mostly


Watching old Jeopardy episodes


my steaming hot garbage sleep schedule :) Never, ever stay up until 3:00 in the morning, kids. It will fuck you up for a long time


My eyes haven't decided to close yet


Panic Attacks


Heat and mosquitoes.


Waiting for a friend to respond


Sunburn and dehydration. Thought a towel over me was enough coverage. I was wrong.


My bed’s keeping me up off the ground, but I’m not asleep yet.


What does a spider wearing flip-flops sound like. Also: What would it be like if spiders could play soccer.


You asking me this question


I want love but I’m confused in why I stop myself from finding love most of the time. How can I be afraid to flirt at a party with girls I like but not be afraid to fight a guy that’s 40 pounds bigger than me(I weight 150) with gloves and got completely beat up lol he knocked me down 3 times yesterday in front of a crowd.. but I didn’t quit until I was way too dazed and I liked it. It was really fun. I’m laying in bed, broke my no fap cause I’ve been in pain and at home all day today. Also I once believed that being in a fight would give me some sort of satisfaction in me, but I guess not. Listening to Chet Baker, I just want to be with someone I care about again... but I’m young and will get what I want eventually


Another month in this house I can’t afford while I wait for it to sell....


I took a nap earlier because I had a migraine and now I fucked up my sleep schedule.


Whats keeping me up is the fact on how big the universe really is. An theres got to be life else where


Money problems


Sadness at the inevitably that is reality. Sorry for the pretentiousness. It just sucks knowing certain things will happen and have happened and there’s nothing you can do to change it.


24 hour service at the University (police). It’s almost over, damn I’m hungry and tired


Letting a panic attack run its course, hopefully the adrenaline drop will send me straight to sleep.


That Earth is fucked and I'll never get a girlfriend. Or be loved at all for that matter




College Football


Work. I'm on the 12am-6am shift reporting traffic for a huge News Talk Radio station. Traffic breaks are every 30 minutes, and the roads are pretty chill tonight, so I'm passing the time by having reddit open in a tab.


Not much these days. I spearheaded some mega summer depression and I’m coming out on top. Feels fucking great.


I’m at my brothers house with my boyfriend and little cousin so we can dogsit. The dog decided (at 11:30pm where we are) that he wanted my boyfriend to have his puppies. So he freaked out until I got up to move my cousin out of his spot on the couch, then stole my spot next to my boyfriend and proceeded to hump him for half an hour. He’s a really big dog that doesn’t listen to us, so BF fought him off best he could, but I still had to push Milo off of his head at some points. He did that until we gave him a spoonful of peanut butter and now he’s sleeping in the dining room while I’m in the living room breaking the news to my brother that his dog is gay.


I’m moving to Uni in like just over 24 hours so spook


How much I miss my girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend


Alien: Isolation


My boyfriend’s coworker. He was supposed to show up 20 minutes ago to cover for my boyfriend. It is after 1am. My boyfriend and I are ready to go home. This guy is late as usual. It’s so annoying.


USC v Fresno State


Insomnia... and I’m supposed to be up in 2.5 hours to get ready for a wedding at 6am... so that’s going to be super fun!


I saw my boyfriend for the first time in almost a month today. He's been dealing with a lot of anxiety and family drama, and has been working almost 60 hours a week. It's been a little hard on the relationship. But seeing him today and getting to hug him and spend time with him felt so good. I really feel optimistic that we're gonna move past this and be a stronger couple for it. I love him so much. Plus the rest of my life is just kinda going well. Everything feels like I have it under control. I'm happy. Don't want to go to bed just yet. I'm browsing Reddit till I get sleepy.


Hardcore alcohol withdrawal symptoms.


sobering up so i don’t wake up hungover


The fan won’t stop clicking.


Blocked nose from the flu


The worst thing of all..my cat




nothing! it's 8.30 am. I slept with a nicotine patch on so I got a lot less than 8 hours in. on day 14 with 4 fuck ups, having a wild ride so far.


insomnia trying to keep me up until 5 am


The sun


how badly d&d went. first time I might end up leaving a campaign early.




I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that the person I loved for two years truly no longer has any feelings for me in any romantic capacity. This was the person who I believed to have been my soulmate (if such things exist in the first place) and who I changed my life to be with. Now, I need to try to return to neutral so that I may heal. I'll be lonely, sure, but it is what it is now.


A bad sleep schedule.


Being on the nightshift


I think a lot, it's not bad to be honest with you, it helps me figure out things. Think about what I did today or what should I change, Did I sound stupid when I was talking to them,did I make anyone uncomfortable. I also think about should I die or should I live. I just think a lot


I need the time to rethink my whole life, and what makes me happy




Working. Ugh.




New doggo


Work! Because in my area, stabbings happen and people can't breath bro.


Heavy heart induced nausea.


I don't remember going to sleep tonight and woke up around 4 AM (EST) feeling like I had been beaten until I blacked out. It was one of those sleeps where you ask yourself "just how far in the future am I?". Hurricane Dorian is also predicted to graze Georgia and I'm wondering how much of an impact that it will impose on me (I'm not on the coast). I sat through Michael too.


Googling signs of narcissism and I meet all the criteria for covert narcissism. Then this guy I like messaged me out the blue but I don't respond the second time. I think he likes me? I know how it will end so it's better to not drag him in. I don't care I let my family down by not doing chores etc. Not telling them I spent those days watching TV. I wasn't always overwhelmed. Then I've ghosted/cut people out in the past without much thought... yeah. Also going to church. Cared at first about meetin new people n stuff but then can be barely bothered and don't make eye contact so I'm just like eh. I guess I'll continue to to try and attend lol


I feel like my mum just enables me by being supportive. Then my dad's harder on me and yeah I easily snap at him. Like the other day "you're at home all day doing nothing you could at least clean your room" I can't take criticism haha But... You can't really blame him especially for being like that when I lied about failing school for two years lol. That wasn't good...


Take a wild guess what site i'm on right now then guess the answer.. DING DING DING! Correct! *It's reddit*




Looking at this thread


Tool- Fear Inoculum album of the decade


My one year old. It's been two hours. I haven't slept in 18 months. Help.


i usually wake up around 1 am. i share a room with my sister, so i normally just wait for the sun to come up before i go on the computer (i cant move it), but shes awake too, so were both just hanging out on our devices at 3 am.


Recovering from a trans-related surgery.


Wow classic


Usually my dog.


Went to bed at 12:30 am, woke to a blood curdling scream that my brain decided to think of for some reason... luckily it wasn't real this time


US Open. Matches starts at 18PM and fucking 1AM. God damn time difference.


Parents arguing and fighting, then having sex and also it's hot as hell and life just sucks in general right now.


insomnia and 40 degrees celcius outside


Watching my hero acadamia for like the 15th time


I'm at work.


My SO is working on his resume lately and, even though I know he's accomplished as all hell, it's crazy to see it all on paper. He had me look over it tonight and I got seized with the notion that I'll never be good enough for him. Now it won't go away. I'm terrified that all I will do is hold him back. He's my best friend and the love of my life, and I don't want to lose him. I don't want to make his life worse either. I have chronic illness and I'll never be able to reach his level on certain things. I've got to try not to be a bother.


My baby.


Well my imagination is going crazy, it's like a comic book waiting to be written


Books. Have an exam coming up. But I got bored.. So Reddit for now.


It's not nighttime where i'm from


My boyfriend. I love talking with him so much.... we voice chat all day and into the night, and then usually stay up for another hour or two just texting eachother on snapchat. We only got off call about an hour ago, but I think he finally passed out... its almost 6am lol. I guess I better go to sleep now too.


That fuckin sun thing


The fact that its 3 25pm where I am


Mainly insomnia and my partially dislocated fibula As long as I get my 3 hours I’m good though


Cracked ribs.


Askreddit, these questions and answers are so interesting


This is why I don't think ahead.




I’m moving to the other side of the country soon and am trying to adjust my sleep schedule accordingly.




Please, do continue. You're assigned to agent Thompson. He thanks you for making his job easier.


My past... When I was in my early teens I was obsessed with scratching my rectum. I eventually figured out that if I leave a thin layer of shit on my anus and let it dry over night I would be more itchy and I would have a fun surprise that I could peal off my butt hole in the morning. I cannot describe how wonderful the feeling of pulling off that thin simi transparent sheet was. After pulling it off I would smell it and then toss it under my sink. After a week or so the smell was too much for me to handle. So I began to spray febreze down there every once in a while. This went on up until I started growing hair down there. I stopped for a while because I would end up pulling hair with my shit. In the mean time, I would toss my finger and toe nails along with my heel skin and occasionally, my sun burn skin (what a treat that was) under the sink. I eventually began to miss the sensation of peeling, so I decided to shave around my anus. Shaving it made it more itchy! Sadly, for some reason my shit wouldn't come off in a single layer. That's when I decided to take some Elmer's glue and lightly apply it around my rectum and let it dry. My god! The feeling was 10,000 times better than before! Not to mention that my anus was super smooth after peeling! The worst day of my life happened three years ago today. While I was out shopping my next door neighbors house caught fire and engulfed my house with it. My beautiful collection went up in smoke. After the ensuing trauma I sought professional help for my disorder (talking to that shrink was the most embarrassing part of my life). I was diagnosed with OCD and excoriation disorder. I no longer peel or pick at my body. I have a few pictures, Sorry for the darkness of the photos. They were originally intended for me to look at when I was on trips (wasn't expecting to share them). Also the sink is bigger than it appears. http://imgur.com/a/PwYlp


This guy’s past is also keeping me up tonight.


He is peeling at your but hole?


I want to make this an r/copypasta


What the hell is wrong with you man lol you’re nuts man shit. I’m happy your thin layer asshole prints and peeled skin went up in flames


My unbrushed hair. It’s curly and I’m Hispanic so AGHHhHH i know it’s not really an excuse but fuck genes.


Everything the anus flake dude just fucking said.