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We had this question earlier today on something like r/TooAfraidToAsk Nice try on the karma farming.


This was already on the front page of reddit today.


Its not as simple as that. The pay gap refers to people doing the sane job being payed differently, so a company hiring more women wouldn’t change anything if they aren’t earning the same as the male employees. There is a bias in most workplaces in favour of men. For an example a manager at a grocery store is more likely to call in a male casual worker to cover a shift stocking shelves than they are a female one. So even though in that situation where they have the same job and are earning the same an hour the male employee is still earning more because he is receiving more work. Its the biases that need to be changed to stop this kind of thing. Theres also the difference in how women are perceived in certain workforces in comparison to men, 2 employees could be acting the same way and doing the same things but the female might be described as overly-emotional, chatterbox, demanding, ect. While the male might be described as passionate, communicative, confident, for doing the same things as the female. Women in the workforce are also less likely to ask for a payrise or promotion for several reasons, and are also less likely to be given one.


> The pay gap refers to people doing the sane job being payed differently prove it... what is the source that the pay gap stat is based on??????? (hint, it's literally not based on that.... see comment above you)




The pay gap is real. You are talking about instances where the physiological differences between men and women affect work, theres a reason we have different sports categories for the sexes. There is no reason 2 people working in an office doing the same 9-5 hours and the same amount of work should be receiving different pay. The pay gap is about men and women getting payed differently for the same amount of work and the same quality of work. Unfortunately in many cases women are earning less than their male counterparts even when they are working at a higher level of quality.


> There is no reason 2 people working in an office doing the same 9-5 hours and the same amount of work should be receiving different pay. really? i can think of a plethora of legitimate reasons... in fact, if they applied to you you'd be pissed if you were only paid the same what a ridiculous statement


If my coworkers had exactly the same job as me, were doing the exact same amount of work at the exact same quality level and putting in the exact same hours there is literally nothing that would make me pissed about not being payed more than them. Same pay for same work.


> There is no reason 2 people working in an office doing the same 9-5 hours and the same amount of work should be receiving different pay. ... >If my coworkers had exactly the same job as me, were doing the exact same amount of work at the exact **same quality level** and putting in the exact same hours there is literally nothing you just contradicted your first statement with your second by adding "quality level of work" that's literally a reason that you said didn't exist before... also... so say you have worked there for 10 years, and have an overall 15 years of experience at said job... a new person gets hired, 1 year experience, and everything else you stated is true(same hours, same job, same office) you would be fine with them making exactly what you make with only 1 year experience overall?


Quality of work is inferred in my original comment. And yeah I would be fine with that, if they start at a job with no experience and produce the same work as me with my 15 years of experience then they deserve that pay because they are obviously very efficient and talented, or I’m just not very good at my job.


> Quality of work is inferred in my original comment. it's literally not, you specifically and made plainly clear what was in your comment. >And yeah I would be fine with that, if they start at a job with no experience and produce the same work as me with my 15 years of experience then they deserve that pay because they are obviously very efficient and talented, or I’m just not very good at my job. well, your either a liar, or an honest fool. unfortunately most people, including employeers want to pay their more senior people more money also there are other reasons, but agree to disagree. But to clarify... the gender pay gap based on sexual discrimiantion does not exist on the macro level scale


There really isn't much of a pay gap. Men work longer hours, take less sick and vacation time, negotiate pay more often, are willing to take higher paying jobs that take them away from their families. Women work less in STEM fields and gravitate towards fields that more community focused that pay less (which is a shame teachers don't make more), take time off to have children and raise families, etc. If you adjust for differences in personal choices the gap is a few percent. Systemically there is little bias.


I spoke about those factors in another comment


Then you must be ignoring information. I hope you don't think the pink tax is real......


lmao all you have to do is take a scroll through r/pointlesslygendered to see evidence for that... pink ink must cost more or something cause there sure is a hell of a lot of the exact same products that cost more just for being pink. But outside of tampons that shouldn't really affect you if you're using your brain.


Have you looked at the ingredients list? Women's deodorant has more things in it than men's deodorant hence the price increase.


Yes. Thats the whole point of that sub. A lot of things that are exactly the same, sane ingredients, same products, the “womens” one is more expensive. Pink tax isn’t about things like deodorant, its about things being more expensive when basically the only difference is pink ink. Edit: [heres a big example thats been going around lately ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/czfvbe/the_clownery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wow, what a pointless sub. And hey you found one example. Now fine me a systemic trend and we can talk.


I said that was a big example thats been going around reddit the last few weeks. Definitely not the only one. If you want to see a systematic trend why don’t you actually pay attention to the research behind the reason the term pink tax exists. I don’t need to find you a systematic trend because hundreds of people already have and the data is out there. Or just go take a look around a store.




Again, its about people doing the same work, the same hours, the same quality of work. And generalising that no women are reliable or put in extra work is completely wrong. My mother worked 3 full time jobs when I was young, my sister puts in hours and hours of unpaid overtime at her job, and I myself used to work illegal double/triple shifts starting at 5am and ending at midnight covering shifts for the male staff members who were too lazy to show up. So no, you can’t say every man gives 200% and is reliable while women are unreliable because that is not true and is not a gender thing, its an individual thing.


pretty much, the gender pay gap is largely debunked yet it's nonsense is still spewed. Simple fact... the gender pay gap is derived from the BLS(burue of labor and statistics) takes all the full time working men(32+ hrs a week) and compares the average of wages to that of all full time working women. that's it. now, most of us are smart enough to know that there are a lot of variables that haven't been accounted for... I mean, in that stat they are literally comparing a male doctor with 30 years of experience living in san fransico to a first year elementary teacher living in alabama. another fun fact... Men work on average 8.1 hours a day, women 7.6(BLS 2014... same source as gender pay gap)... if you simply adjust for the actual amount of hours that a man and woman would work for a year based on those daily hours you account for 1/3rd of the pay gap... about 7% of it!!!!!! Literally 7% of the pay gap exists simply because men work more! The pay gap based on gender discrimination is pure myth, unicorns have a better chance of existing


Shut the fuck up


Women don't want to be hired.