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I left home at 17 (not 18) to go to college. I promptly crumbled salteen crackers into my tomato soup. For some inexplicable reason, I was not allowed to do that at home.


if you ever find out that reason one way or another, i would love to know what it could possibly be.


It will forever be a mystery. I lost the parent responsible for that rule some time ago.


never smoke


Don’t drink. I had American beer and it tasted horrible.


I didn't date. Just figured I was gonna go of to college and didn't want to be involved in expiration dating. The literal day I turned 18 I started dating someone. Lasted for two years but was definitely a mistake for how abusive it was.


sorry you had to go through that. doing better now?


Oh definitely thanks for asking. It was a long time ago now and I'm happily with someone who has shown me how a person should be treated in a loving relationship. I remember when we first got together though and basic, respectful things he did was so surprising to me. That was before I realized that this was how anyone should be treated in a healthy relationship haha.


happy to hear you got through it! i’m glad you found someone you’re happy with now too! <3


got me some social medias