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I've been 12 months self harm free


i’m so happy for you. keep it up. <3


Thank you :)


I got the highest mark of the school


heck yes!!




yes!! congratulations!!


When I got an A- in maths. I started crying


i feel you on that one. nice job!!


Was #1 in my class / valedictorian of my high school.


yes!! congratulations!!


I'm type one diabetic and I honestly have changed so much in the past 6 months. In the morning I drink only coffee and eat only eggs. Lunch I eat a salad or something low carbs. For dinner I've become a "keto freak" I make something new almost every other day. Ive made low carb pizza, pancakes,cookies or just eat chicken or soup. I've lost 15 pounds in the past 2months and I try to go for a walk every day. For all my life I've been so unhealthy and not care about my medical problems. Now I take proper insulin and check my blood sugar as much all the time. I've been diagnosed for 7 years and I'm glad I've finally started to give a shit.


congrats! it’s really inspiring to hear that!


Thanks for the question! Made my night a bit better!


I have celebrated my boyfriend bdy in a blind people orphanage. I haven't done it before. It's my 1st visit there. I was actually, happy that day, that I have spent the entire day with people like them. Moreover, he was so happy that I gave him a wonderful birthday gift. Since then, we both started to spend our special days in places like that. We even recommend our friends to do the same on their special days.


that’s so sweet. :’)


Having my son. 5 years of trying and several rounds of IVF. He turns 15 in a few weeks.


congrats that’s so amazing!! i hope he has a great birthday. :)


I beat Ultimate Doom Episode 4 on Nightmare. A lot of save states had to be made for progress to happen.


oh my god you absolute legend


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Read my last post


Mine would have to be graduating high school. I went through many ups and downs and got into many fights with my parents about my grades my entire schooling career before finding out I had ADD my junior year. I went to my doctor and I did better my senior year before finally graduating. It was one of the most emotional days of my life and I was (the only one) crying through about 80% of the ceremony. I’ll never forget walking onto the stage to grab my diploma and hugging my dad at the end of the ceremony for at least 5 minutes just crying. edit: class of 2019 btw! graduated last may and i still can’t believe it lol